package p2pp; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import p2pp.FileDownloadProgressListener.LogReader; import p2pp.FileDownloadProgressListener.Piece; public class TestResults { public static final String sep = System.getProperty("file.separator"); public static final String[] basslogs = { "bass-1292856914847.log", "bass-1292857922747.log", "bass-1292858887523.log", "bass-1292859514709.log", "bass-1292860087822.log" }; public static final String[] livebtlogs = { "livebt-1292862410626.log", "livebt-1292863194483.log", "livebt-1292864360704.log", "livebt-1292866671642.log", "livebt-1292943720358.log" }; public static final String[] vodbtlogs = { "VoDBT-1292860869597.log", "VoDBT-1292950997104.log", "VoDBT-1292955765270.log", "VoDBT-1292953625268.log", "VoDBT-1292954735565.log" }; // Piece size in bytes. public static final int pieceLength = 262144; // Bitrate used in the tests (bits per second). public static final int bitrate = 1911000; public static final double pieceRate = bitrate / 8.0 / pieceLength / 1000; // The time unit to be used in plots (NOTE: logs are i milliseconds). public static final String timeUnit = "seconds"; // Number of sessions (dirs per client in testlogs) public static final int sessions = 5; // Location of gnuplot. If gnuplot is set in environment variables // then only 'gnuplot' is necessary. public static final String gnuplot = "C:\\Users\\mirza\\Downloads\\gnuplot\\binary\\gnuplot.exe"; public static void main(String... args) throws IOException { //plotClientSessions("basstest", "bass-comp", completeFactory(), gnuplot); //plotClientSessions("basstest", "bass-play", playbackFactory( // bitrate / 8.0 / pieceLength / 1000), gnuplot); plotClient(basslogs, "testlogs" + sep + "basstest", "bass-arrival", gnuplot); //plotClientSessions("vodbttest", "vodbt-comp", completeFactory(), gnuplot); //plotClientSessions("vodbttest", "vodbt-play", playbackFactory(pieceRate), gnuplot); //plotClient(vodbtlogs, "testlogs" + sep + "vodbttest", "vodbt-arrival", gnuplot); //double bass = webseedPercentage(basslogs, "testlogs" + sep + "basstest"); //double vodbt = webseedPercentage(vodbtlogs, "testlogs" + sep + "vodbttest"); //System.out.println(bass + ", " + vodbt); //plotClientSessions("livebttest", "livebt-comp", completeFactory(), gnuplot); //plotClientSessions("livebttest", "livebt-play", playbackFactory(pieceRate), gnuplot); //plotClient(livebtlogs, "testlogs" + sep + "livebttest", "livebt-arriaval", gnuplot); System.out.println("Finished"); } public static double webseedPercentage(String[] files, String rootName) throws IOException { double result = 0; for(int i = 1; i < files.length; i++) { String filename = rootName + i + sep + files[i - 1]; WebSeedAnalyzer anal = new WebSeedAnalyzer(filename); result += anal.analyze(); } return result / files.length; } // rootName on the form testlogs/basstest public static void plotClient(String[] files, String rootName, String desc, String gnuplot) throws IOException { Plotter plotter = new Plotter(desc, "Time", "Piece arrival"); for(int i = 1; i < files.length; i++) { LogReader reader = new LogReader(rootName + i + sep + files[i - 1]); List<Piece> pieces =; for(Piece p : pieces) { plotter.put(p.getRequests().get(0).getReceived() / 1000, p.getId()); } } plotter.setAxisLabels("Time (" + timeUnit + ")", "Piece ID"); //plotter.setTitle("Pieces Received"); plotter.setLegendPlacing("right", "bottom"); plotter.line(bitrate / 8.0 / pieceLength, 0, "Playback"); plotter.setYMin(0); plotter.doFitWithLine(); plotter.createPlot("points"); plotter.runGnuplot(gnuplot); } public static void plotClientSessions(String rootName, String desc, AnalyzerFactory<Integer> fac, String gnuplot) throws IOException { String[] titles = {"Session", "Average", "Comp 1", "Comp 2", "Comp 3"}; Plotter plotter = new Plotter(desc, titles); double sum = 0; int count = 0; // Order: i(int) avg(int) session(List<Integer>) for(int i = 1; i <= sessions; i++) { SessionAnalyzer session = new SessionAnalyzer(fac, "testlogs" + sep + rootName + i); SessionAverageAnalyzer avg = new SessionAverageAnalyzer(session); List<Integer> results = session.analyze(); for(int j : results) sum += j; count += results.size(); results.add(0, avg.analyze()); List<Integer> seconds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for(int milli : results) seconds.add(milli / 1000); results = seconds; results.add(0, i); plotter.put(results); } plotter.setAxisLabels("Sessions", "Time (" + timeUnit + ")"); //plotter.setTitle("Completion"); plotter.set("xtics", "1"); plotter.setXRange(0, sessions + 1); plotter.horizontalLine(sum / count / 1000, "Overall average"); plotter.setLegendPlacing("left", "top"); plotter.createPlot("points"); plotter.runGnuplot(gnuplot); } // bitrate in pieces pr. milliseconds (time is logged in milliseconds in // the .log files). public static AnalyzerFactory<Integer> playbackFactory(final double bitrate) { return new AnalyzerFactory<Integer>() { @Override public Analyzer<Integer> getAnalyzer(String filename) { try { return new PlaybackAnalyzer(filename, bitrate); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }; } public static AnalyzerFactory<Integer> completeFactory() { return new AnalyzerFactory<Integer>() { @Override public Analyzer<Integer> getAnalyzer(String filename) { try { return new CompleteAnalyzer(filename); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }; } public static AnalyzerFactory<Double> webseedFactory() { return new AnalyzerFactory<Double>() { @Override public Analyzer<Double> getAnalyzer(String filename) { try { return new WebSeedAnalyzer(filename); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }; } }