/* * Created on 12-Jan-2005 * Created by Paul Gardner * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Aelitis, All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * AELITIS, SAS au capital de 46,603.30 euros * 8 Allee Lenotre, La Grille Royale, 78600 Le Mesnil le Roi, France. * */ package com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.control.impl; import java.io.DataInputStream; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import org.minicastle.crypto.CipherParameters; import org.minicastle.crypto.engines.RC4Engine; import org.minicastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.*; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.*; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.control.*; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.control.DHTControlActivity.ActivityNode; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.db.DHTDB; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.db.DHTDBFactory; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.db.DHTDBLookupResult; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.db.DHTDBValue; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.impl.DHTLog; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.netcoords.DHTNetworkPosition; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.netcoords.DHTNetworkPositionManager; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.router.DHTRouter; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.router.DHTRouterAdapter; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.router.DHTRouterContact; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.router.DHTRouterFactory; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.transport.*; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.dht.transport.udp.DHTTransportUDP; /** * @author parg * */ public class DHTControlImpl implements DHTControl, DHTTransportRequestHandler { private static final boolean DISABLE_REPLICATE_ON_JOIN = true; public static int EXTERNAL_LOOKUP_CONCURRENCY = 16; private static final int EXTERNAL_PUT_CONCURRENCY = 8; private static final int EXTERNAL_SLEEPING_PUT_CONCURRENCY = 4; private static final int RANDOM_QUERY_PERIOD = 5*60*1000; private static final int INTEGRATION_TIME_MAX = 15*1000; private DHTControlAdapter adapter; private DHTTransport transport; private DHTTransportContact local_contact; private DHTRouter router; private DHTDB database; private DHTControlStatsImpl stats; private DHTLogger logger; private int node_id_byte_count; private int search_concurrency; private int lookup_concurrency; private int cache_at_closest_n; private int K; private int B; private int max_rep_per_node; private long router_start_time; private int router_count; private ThreadPool internal_lookup_pool; private ThreadPool external_lookup_pool; private ThreadPool internal_put_pool; private ThreadPool external_put_pool; private Map imported_state = new HashMap(); private volatile boolean seeded; private long last_lookup; private ListenerManager listeners = ListenerManager.createAsyncManager( "DHTControl:listenDispatcher", new ListenerManagerDispatcher() { public void dispatch( Object _listener, int type, Object value ) { DHTControlListener target = (DHTControlListener)_listener; target.activityChanged((DHTControlActivity)value, type ); } }); private List activities = new ArrayList(); private AEMonitor activity_mon = new AEMonitor( "DHTControl:activities" ); protected AEMonitor estimate_mon = new AEMonitor( "DHTControl:estimate" ); private long last_dht_estimate_time; private long local_dht_estimate; private long combined_dht_estimate; private int combined_dht_estimate_mag; private static final int LOCAL_ESTIMATE_HISTORY = 32; private Map local_estimate_values = new LinkedHashMap(LOCAL_ESTIMATE_HISTORY,0.75f,true) { protected boolean removeEldestEntry( Map.Entry eldest) { return( size() > LOCAL_ESTIMATE_HISTORY ); } }; private static final int REMOTE_ESTIMATE_HISTORY = 128; private List remote_estimate_values = new LinkedList(); protected AEMonitor spoof_mon = new AEMonitor( "DHTControl:spoof" ); private Cipher spoof_cipher; private SecretKey spoof_key; private static final int SPOOF_GEN_HISTORY_SIZE = 256; private Map<InetAddress,Integer> spoof_gen_history = new LinkedHashMap<InetAddress,Integer>(SPOOF_GEN_HISTORY_SIZE,0.75f,true) { protected boolean removeEldestEntry( Map.Entry<InetAddress,Integer> eldest) { return( size() > SPOOF_GEN_HISTORY_SIZE ); } }; private byte[] sid_faraway; private long sid_faraway_calc_time; private long last_node_add_check; private byte[] node_add_check_uninteresting_limit; private long rbs_time; private byte[] rbs_id = {}; private boolean sleeping; private boolean suspended; public DHTControlImpl( DHTControlAdapter _adapter, DHTTransport _transport, int _K, int _B, int _max_rep_per_node, int _search_concurrency, int _lookup_concurrency, int _original_republish_interval, int _cache_republish_interval, int _cache_at_closest_n, DHTLogger _logger ) { adapter = _adapter; transport = _transport; logger = _logger; K = _K; B = _B; max_rep_per_node = _max_rep_per_node; search_concurrency = _search_concurrency; lookup_concurrency = _lookup_concurrency; cache_at_closest_n = _cache_at_closest_n; // set this so we don't do initial calculation until reasonably populated last_dht_estimate_time = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); database = DHTDBFactory.create( adapter.getStorageAdapter(), _original_republish_interval, _cache_republish_interval, transport.getProtocolVersion(), logger ); internal_lookup_pool = new ThreadPool("DHTControl:internallookups", lookup_concurrency ); internal_put_pool = new ThreadPool("DHTControl:internalputs", lookup_concurrency ); // external pools queue when full ( as opposed to blocking ) external_lookup_pool = new ThreadPool("DHTControl:externallookups", EXTERNAL_LOOKUP_CONCURRENCY, true ); external_put_pool = new ThreadPool("DHTControl:puts", EXTERNAL_PUT_CONCURRENCY, true ); createRouter( transport.getLocalContact()); node_id_byte_count = router.getID().length; stats = new DHTControlStatsImpl( this ); // don't bother computing anti-spoof stuff if we don't support value storage if ( transport.supportsStorage()){ try{ spoof_cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DESede/ECB/PKCS5Padding"); KeyGenerator keyGen = KeyGenerator.getInstance("DESede"); spoof_key = keyGen.generateKey(); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); logger.log( e ); } } transport.setRequestHandler( this ); transport.addListener( new DHTTransportListener() { public void localContactChanged( DHTTransportContact new_local_contact ) { logger.log( "Transport ID changed, recreating router" ); List old_contacts = router.findBestContacts( 0 ); byte[] old_router_id = router.getID(); createRouter( new_local_contact ); // sort for closeness to new router id Set sorted_contacts = new sortedTransportContactSet( router.getID(), true ).getSet(); for (int i=0;i<old_contacts.size();i++){ DHTRouterContact contact = (DHTRouterContact)old_contacts.get(i); if ( !Arrays.equals( old_router_id, contact.getID())){ if ( contact.isAlive()){ DHTTransportContact t_contact = ((DHTControlContactImpl)contact.getAttachment()).getTransportContact(); sorted_contacts.add( t_contact ); } } } // fill up with non-alive ones to lower limit in case this is a start-of-day // router change and we only have imported contacts in limbo state for (int i=0;sorted_contacts.size() < 32 && i<old_contacts.size();i++){ DHTRouterContact contact = (DHTRouterContact)old_contacts.get(i); if ( !Arrays.equals( old_router_id, contact.getID())){ if ( !contact.isAlive()){ DHTTransportContact t_contact = ((DHTControlContactImpl)contact.getAttachment()).getTransportContact(); sorted_contacts.add( t_contact ); } } } Iterator it = sorted_contacts.iterator(); int added = 0; // don't add them all otherwise we can skew the smallest-subtree. better // to seed with some close ones and then let the normal seeding process // populate it correctly while( it.hasNext() && added < 128 ){ DHTTransportContact contact = (DHTTransportContact)it.next(); router.contactAlive( contact.getID(), new DHTControlContactImpl( contact )); added++; } seed( false ); } public void resetNetworkPositions() { List<DHTRouterContact> contacts = router.getAllContacts(); for (int i=0;i<contacts.size();i++){ DHTRouterContact rc = contacts.get(i); if ( !router.isID( rc.getID())){ ((DHTControlContactImpl)rc.getAttachment()).getTransportContact().createNetworkPositions( false ); } } } public void currentAddress( String address ) { } public void reachabilityChanged( boolean reacheable ) { } }); } protected void createRouter( DHTTransportContact _local_contact) { router_start_time = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); router_count++; local_contact = _local_contact; if ( router != null ){ router.destroy(); } router = DHTRouterFactory.create( K, B, max_rep_per_node, local_contact.getID(), new DHTControlContactImpl( local_contact ), logger); router.setSleeping( sleeping ); if ( suspended ){ router.setSuspended( true ); } router.setAdapter( new DHTRouterAdapter() { public void requestPing( DHTRouterContact contact ) { DHTControlImpl.this.requestPing( contact ); } public void requestLookup( byte[] id, String description ) { lookup( internal_lookup_pool, false, id, description, (byte)0, false, 0, search_concurrency, 1, router.getK(), // (parg - removed this) decrease search accuracy for refreshes new lookupResultHandler(new DHTOperationAdapter()) { public void diversify( DHTTransportContact cause, byte diversification_type ) { } public void closest( List res ) { } }); } public void requestAdd( DHTRouterContact contact ) { nodeAddedToRouter( contact ); } }); database.setControl( this ); } public long getRouterUptime() { long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); if ( now < router_start_time ){ router_start_time = now; } return( now - router_start_time ); } public int getRouterCount() { return( router_count ); } public void setSleeping( boolean asleep ) { if ( asleep != sleeping ){ logger.log( "Sleep mode changed to " + asleep ); } sleeping = asleep; DHTRouter current_router = router; if ( current_router != null ){ current_router.setSleeping( asleep ); } transport.setGenericFlag( DHTTransport.GF_DHT_SLEEPING, asleep ); if ( asleep ){ external_put_pool.setMaxThreads( EXTERNAL_SLEEPING_PUT_CONCURRENCY ); }else{ external_put_pool.setMaxThreads( EXTERNAL_PUT_CONCURRENCY ); } database.setSleeping( asleep ); } public void setSuspended( boolean susp ) { suspended = susp; if ( susp ){ transport.setSuspended( true ); DHTRouter current_router = router; if ( current_router != null ){ current_router.setSuspended( true ); } database.setSuspended( true ); }else{ database.setSuspended( false ); DHTRouter current_router = router; if ( current_router != null ){ current_router.setSuspended( false ); } transport.setSuspended( false ); } } public DHTControlStats getStats() { return( stats ); } public DHTTransport getTransport() { return( transport ); } public DHTRouter getRouter() { return( router ); } public DHTDB getDataBase() { return( database ); } public void contactImported( DHTTransportContact contact, boolean is_bootstrap ) { router.contactKnown( contact.getID(), new DHTControlContactImpl(contact), is_bootstrap ); } public void contactRemoved( DHTTransportContact contact ) { // obviously we don't want to remove ourselves if ( !router.isID( contact.getID())){ router.contactDead( contact.getID(), true ); } } public void exportState( DataOutputStream daos, int max ) throws IOException { /* * We need to be a bit smart about exporting state to deal with the situation where a * DHT is started (with good import state) and then stopped before the goodness of the * state can be re-established. So we remember what we imported and take account of this * on a re-export */ // get all the contacts List contacts = router.findBestContacts( 0 ); // give priority to any that were alive before and are alive now List to_save = new ArrayList(); List reserves = new ArrayList(); //System.out.println( "Exporting" ); for (int i=0;i<contacts.size();i++){ DHTRouterContact contact = (DHTRouterContact)contacts.get(i); Object[] imported = (Object[])imported_state.get( new HashWrapper( contact.getID())); if ( imported != null ){ if ( contact.isAlive()){ // definitely want to keep this one to_save.add( contact ); }else if ( !contact.isFailing()){ // dunno if its still good or not, however its got to be better than any // new ones that we didn't import who aren't known to be alive reserves.add( contact ); } } } //System.out.println( " initial to_save = " + to_save.size() + ", reserves = " + reserves.size()); // now pull out any live ones for (int i=0;i<contacts.size();i++){ DHTRouterContact contact = (DHTRouterContact)contacts.get(i); if ( contact.isAlive() && !to_save.contains( contact )){ to_save.add( contact ); } } //System.out.println( " after adding live ones = " + to_save.size()); // now add any reserve ones for (int i=0;i<reserves.size();i++){ DHTRouterContact contact = (DHTRouterContact)reserves.get(i); if ( !to_save.contains( contact )){ to_save.add( contact ); } } //System.out.println( " after adding reserves = " + to_save.size()); // now add in the rest! for (int i=0;i<contacts.size();i++){ DHTRouterContact contact = (DHTRouterContact)contacts.get(i); if (!to_save.contains( contact )){ to_save.add( contact ); } } // and finally remove the invalid ones Iterator it = to_save.iterator(); while( it.hasNext()){ DHTRouterContact contact = (DHTRouterContact)it.next(); DHTTransportContact t_contact = ((DHTControlContactImpl)contact.getAttachment()).getTransportContact(); if ( !t_contact.isValid()){ it.remove(); } } //System.out.println( " finally = " + to_save.size()); int num_to_write = Math.min( max, to_save.size()); daos.writeInt( num_to_write ); for (int i=0;i<num_to_write;i++){ DHTRouterContact contact = (DHTRouterContact)to_save.get(i); //System.out.println( "export:" + contact.getString()); daos.writeLong( contact.getTimeAlive()); DHTTransportContact t_contact = ((DHTControlContactImpl)contact.getAttachment()).getTransportContact(); try{ t_contact.exportContact( daos ); }catch( DHTTransportException e ){ // shouldn't fail as for a contact to make it to the router // it should be valid... Debug.printStackTrace( e ); throw( new IOException( e.getMessage())); } } daos.flush(); } public void importState( DataInputStream dais ) throws IOException { int num = dais.readInt(); for (int i=0;i<num;i++){ try{ long time_alive = dais.readLong(); DHTTransportContact contact = transport.importContact( dais, false ); imported_state.put( new HashWrapper( contact.getID()), new Object[]{ new Long( time_alive ), contact }); }catch( DHTTransportException e ){ Debug.printStackTrace( e ); } } } public void seed( final boolean full_wait ) { final AESemaphore sem = new AESemaphore( "DHTControl:seed" ); lookup( internal_lookup_pool, false, router.getID(), "Seeding DHT", (byte)0, false, 0, search_concurrency*4, 1, router.getK(), new lookupResultHandler(new DHTOperationAdapter()) { public void diversify( DHTTransportContact cause, byte diversification_type ) { } public void closest( List res ) { if ( !full_wait ){ sem.release(); } seeded = true; try{ router.seed(); }finally{ if ( full_wait ){ sem.release(); } } } }); // we always wait at least a minimum amount of time before returning long start = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); sem.reserve( INTEGRATION_TIME_MAX ); long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); if ( now < start ){ start = now; } long remaining = INTEGRATION_TIME_MAX - ( now - start ); if ( remaining > 500 && !full_wait ){ logger.log( "Initial integration completed, waiting " + remaining + " ms for second phase to start" ); try{ Thread.sleep( remaining ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out(e); } } } public boolean isSeeded() { return( seeded ); } protected void poke() { long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); if ( now < last_lookup || now - last_lookup > RANDOM_QUERY_PERIOD ){ last_lookup = now; // we don't want this to be blocking as it'll stuff the stats external_lookup_pool.run( new DhtTask(external_lookup_pool) { private byte[] target = {}; public void runSupport() { target = router.refreshRandom(); } protected void cancel() { } public byte[] getTarget() { return( target ); } @Override public DHTControlActivity.ActivityState getCurrentState() { return( null ); } public String getDescription() { return( "Random Query" ); } }); } } public void put( byte[] _unencoded_key, String _description, byte[] _value, byte _flags, byte _life_hours, byte _replication_control, boolean _high_priority, DHTOperationListener _listener ) { // public entry point for explicit publishes if ( _value.length == 0 ){ // zero length denotes value removal throw( new RuntimeException( "zero length values not supported")); } byte[] encoded_key = encodeKey( _unencoded_key ); if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( "put for " + DHTLog.getString( encoded_key )); } DHTDBValue value = database.store( new HashWrapper( encoded_key ), _value, _flags, _life_hours, _replication_control ); put( external_put_pool, _high_priority, encoded_key, _description, value, _flags, 0, true, new HashSet(), 1, _listener instanceof DHTOperationListenerDemuxer? (DHTOperationListenerDemuxer)_listener: new DHTOperationListenerDemuxer(_listener)); } public void putEncodedKey( byte[] encoded_key, String description, DHTTransportValue value, long timeout, boolean original_mappings ) { put( internal_put_pool, false, encoded_key, description, value, (byte)0, timeout, original_mappings, new HashSet(), 1, new DHTOperationListenerDemuxer( new DHTOperationAdapter())); } protected void put( ThreadPool thread_pool, boolean high_priority, byte[] initial_encoded_key, String description, DHTTransportValue value, byte flags, long timeout, boolean original_mappings, Set things_written, int put_level, DHTOperationListenerDemuxer listener ) { put( thread_pool, high_priority, initial_encoded_key, description, new DHTTransportValue[]{ value }, flags, timeout, original_mappings, things_written, put_level, listener ); } protected void put( final ThreadPool thread_pool, final boolean high_priority, final byte[] initial_encoded_key, final String description, final DHTTransportValue[] values, final byte flags, final long timeout, final boolean original_mappings, final Set things_written, final int put_level, final DHTOperationListenerDemuxer listener ) { // get the initial starting point for the put - may have previously been diversified byte[][] encoded_keys = adapter.diversify( description, null, true, true, initial_encoded_key, DHT.DT_NONE, original_mappings, getMaxDivDepth()); if ( encoded_keys.length == 0 ){ // over-diversified listener.diversified( "Over-diversification of [" + description + "]" ); listener.complete( false ); return; } // may be > 1 if diversification is replicating (for load balancing) for (int i=0;i<encoded_keys.length;i++){ final byte[] encoded_key = encoded_keys[i]; HashWrapper hw = new HashWrapper( encoded_key ); synchronized( things_written ){ if ( things_written.contains( hw )){ // System.out.println( "put: skipping key as already written" ); continue; } things_written.add( hw ); } final String this_description = Arrays.equals( encoded_key, initial_encoded_key )? description: ("Diversification of [" + description + "]" ); lookup( thread_pool, high_priority, encoded_key, this_description, flags, false, timeout, search_concurrency, 1, router.getK(), new lookupResultHandler(listener) { public void diversify( DHTTransportContact cause, byte diversification_type ) { Debug.out( "Shouldn't get a diversify on a lookup-node" ); } public void closest( List _closest ) { put( thread_pool, high_priority, new byte[][]{ encoded_key }, "Store of [" + this_description + "]", new DHTTransportValue[][]{ values }, flags, _closest, timeout, listener, true, things_written, put_level, false ); } }); } } public void putDirectEncodedKeys( byte[][] encoded_keys, String description, DHTTransportValue[][] value_sets, List contacts ) { // we don't consider diversification for direct puts (these are for republishing // of cached mappings and we maintain these as normal - its up to the original // publisher to diversify as required) put( internal_put_pool, false, encoded_keys, description, value_sets, (byte)0, contacts, 0, new DHTOperationListenerDemuxer( new DHTOperationAdapter()), false, new HashSet(), 1, false ); } public void putDirectEncodedKeys( byte[][] encoded_keys, String description, DHTTransportValue[][] value_sets, DHTTransportContact contact, DHTOperationListener listener ) { // we don't consider diversification for direct puts (these are for republishing // of cached mappings and we maintain these as normal - its up to the original // publisher to diversify as required) List<DHTTransportContact> contacts = new ArrayList<DHTTransportContact>(1); contacts.add( contact ); put( internal_put_pool, false, encoded_keys, description, value_sets, (byte)0, contacts, 0, new DHTOperationListenerDemuxer( listener ), false, new HashSet(), 1, false ); } public byte[] getObfuscatedKey( byte[] plain_key ) { int length = plain_key.length; byte[] obs_key = new byte[ length ]; System.arraycopy( plain_key, 0, obs_key, 0, 5 ); // ensure plain key and obfuscated one differ at subsequent bytes to prevent potential // clashes with code that uses 'n' byte prefix (e.g. DB survey code) for (int i=6;i<length;i++){ if ( plain_key[i] == 0 ){ obs_key[i] = 1; } } // finally copy over last two bytes for code that uses challenge-response on this // (survey code) obs_key[length-2] = plain_key[length-2]; obs_key[length-1] = plain_key[length-1]; return( obs_key ); } protected byte[] getObfuscatedValue( byte[] plain_key ) { RC4Engine engine = new RC4Engine(); CipherParameters params = new KeyParameter( new SHA1Simple().calculateHash( plain_key )); engine.init( true, params ); byte[] temp = new byte[1024]; engine.processBytes( temp, 0, 1024, temp, 0 ); final byte[] obs_value = new byte[ plain_key.length ]; engine.processBytes( plain_key, 0, plain_key.length, obs_value, 0 ); return( obs_value ); } protected DHTTransportValue getObfuscatedValue( final DHTTransportValue basis, byte[] plain_key ) { final byte[] obs_value = getObfuscatedValue( plain_key ); return( new DHTTransportValue() { public boolean isLocal() { return( basis.isLocal()); } public long getCreationTime() { return( basis.getCreationTime()); } public byte[] getValue() { return( obs_value ); } public int getVersion() { return( basis.getVersion()); } public DHTTransportContact getOriginator() { return( basis.getOriginator()); } public int getFlags() { return( basis.getFlags()); } public int getLifeTimeHours() { return( basis.getLifeTimeHours()); } public byte getReplicationControl() { return( basis.getReplicationControl()); } public byte getReplicationFactor() { return( basis.getReplicationFactor()); } public byte getReplicationFrequencyHours() { return( basis.getReplicationFrequencyHours()); } public String getString() { return( "obs: " + basis.getString()); } }); } protected void put( final ThreadPool thread_pool, final boolean high_priority, byte[][] initial_encoded_keys, final String description, final DHTTransportValue[][] initial_value_sets, final byte flags, final List contacts, final long timeout, final DHTOperationListenerDemuxer listener, final boolean consider_diversification, final Set things_written, final int put_level, final boolean immediate ) { int max_depth = getMaxDivDepth(); if ( put_level > max_depth ){ Debug.out( "Put level exceeded, terminating diversification (level=" + put_level + ",max=" + max_depth + ")" ); listener.incrementCompletes(); listener.complete( false ); return; } boolean[] ok = new boolean[initial_encoded_keys.length]; int failed = 0; for (int i=0;i<initial_encoded_keys.length;i++){ if ( ! (ok[i] = !database.isKeyBlocked( initial_encoded_keys[i]))){ failed++; } } // if all failed then nothing to do if ( failed == ok.length ){ listener.incrementCompletes(); listener.complete( false ); return; } final byte[][] encoded_keys = failed==0?initial_encoded_keys:new byte[ok.length-failed][]; final DHTTransportValue[][] value_sets = failed==0?initial_value_sets:new DHTTransportValue[ok.length-failed][]; if ( failed > 0 ){ int pos = 0; for (int i=0;i<ok.length;i++){ if ( ok[i] ){ encoded_keys[ pos ] = initial_encoded_keys[i]; value_sets[ pos ] = initial_value_sets[i]; pos++; } } } final byte[][] obs_keys; final DHTTransportValue[][] obs_vals; if ( ( flags & DHT.FLAG_OBFUSCATE_LOOKUP ) != 0 ){ if ( encoded_keys.length != 1 ){ Debug.out( "inconsistent - expected one key" ); } if ( value_sets[0].length != 1 ){ Debug.out( "inconsistent - expected one value" ); } obs_keys = new byte[1][]; obs_vals = new DHTTransportValue[1][1]; obs_keys[0] = getObfuscatedKey( encoded_keys[0] ); obs_vals[0][0] = getObfuscatedValue( value_sets[0][0], encoded_keys[0] ); }else{ obs_keys = null; obs_vals = null; } // only diversify on one hit as we're storing at closest 'n' so we only need to // do it once for each key final boolean[] diversified = new boolean[encoded_keys.length]; int skipped = 0; for (int i=0;i<contacts.size();i++){ final DHTTransportContact contact = (DHTTransportContact)contacts.get(i); if ( router.isID( contact.getID())){ // don't send to ourselves! skipped++; }else{ boolean skip_this = false; synchronized( things_written ){ if ( things_written.contains( contact )){ // if we've come back to an already hit contact due to a diversification loop // then ignore it // Debug.out( "Put: contact encountered for a second time, ignoring" ); skipped++; skip_this = true; }else{ things_written.add( contact ); } } if ( !skip_this ){ try{ for (int j=0;j<value_sets.length;j++){ for (int k=0;k<value_sets[j].length;k++){ listener.wrote( contact, value_sets[j][k] ); } } // each store is going to report its complete event listener.incrementCompletes(); contact.sendStore( new DHTTransportReplyHandlerAdapter() { public void storeReply( DHTTransportContact _contact, byte[] _diversifications ) { boolean complete_is_async = false; try{ if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( "Store OK " + DHTLog.getString( _contact )); } router.contactAlive( _contact.getID(), new DHTControlContactImpl(_contact)); // can be null for old protocol versions boolean div_done = false; if ( consider_diversification && _diversifications != null ){ for (int j=0;j<_diversifications.length;j++){ if ( _diversifications[j] != DHT.DT_NONE && !diversified[j] ){ div_done = true; diversified[j] = true; byte[][] diversified_keys = adapter.diversify( description, _contact, true, false, encoded_keys[j], _diversifications[j], false, getMaxDivDepth()); logDiversification( _contact, encoded_keys, diversified_keys ); for (int k=0;k<diversified_keys.length;k++){ put( thread_pool, high_priority, diversified_keys[k], "Diversification of [" + description + "]", value_sets[j], flags, timeout, false, things_written, put_level + 1, listener ); } } } } if ( !div_done ){ if ( obs_keys != null ){ contact.sendStore( new DHTTransportReplyHandlerAdapter() { public void storeReply( DHTTransportContact _contact, byte[] _diversifications ) { if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( "Obs store OK " + DHTLog.getString( _contact )); } listener.complete( false ); } public void failed( DHTTransportContact _contact, Throwable _error ) { if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( "Obs store failed " + DHTLog.getString( _contact ) + " -> failed: " + _error.getMessage()); } listener.complete( true ); } }, obs_keys, obs_vals, immediate ); complete_is_async = true; } } }finally{ if ( !complete_is_async ){ listener.complete( false ); } } } public void failed( DHTTransportContact _contact, Throwable _error ) { try{ if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( "Store failed " + DHTLog.getString( _contact ) + " -> failed: " + _error.getMessage()); } router.contactDead( _contact.getID(), false ); }finally{ listener.complete( true ); } } public void keyBlockRequest( DHTTransportContact contact, byte[] request, byte[] key_signature ) { DHTStorageBlock key_block = database.keyBlockRequest( null, request, key_signature ); if ( key_block != null ){ // remove this key for any subsequent publishes. Quickest hack // is to change it into a random key value - this will be rejected // by the recipient as not being close enough anyway for (int i=0;i<encoded_keys.length;i++){ if ( Arrays.equals( encoded_keys[i], key_block.getKey())){ byte[] dummy = new byte[encoded_keys[i].length]; RandomUtils.nextBytes( dummy ); encoded_keys[i] = dummy; } } } } }, encoded_keys, value_sets, immediate ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } } } if ( skipped == contacts.size()){ listener.incrementCompletes(); listener.complete( false ); } } protected int getMaxDivDepth() { if ( combined_dht_estimate == 0 ){ getEstimatedDHTSize(); } int max = Math.max( 2, combined_dht_estimate_mag ); // System.out.println( "net:" + transport.getNetwork() + " - max_div_depth=" + max ); return( max ); } protected void logDiversification( final DHTTransportContact contact, final byte[][] keys, final byte[][] div ) { /* System.out.println( "Div check starts for " + contact.getString()); String keys_str = ""; for (int i=0;i<keys.length;i++){ keys_str += (i==0?"":",") + ByteFormatter.encodeString( keys[i] ); } String div_str = ""; for (int i=0;i<div.length;i++){ div_str += (i==0?"":",") + ByteFormatter.encodeString( div[i] ); } System.out.println( " " + keys_str + " -> " + div_str ); new AEThread2( "sdsd", true ) { public void run() { DHTTransportFullStats stats = contact.getStats(); System.out.println( contact.getString() + "-> " +(stats==null?"<null>":stats.getString())); } }.start(); */ } public DHTTransportValue getLocalValue( byte[] unencoded_key ) { final byte[] encoded_key = encodeKey( unencoded_key ); if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( "getLocalValue for " + DHTLog.getString( encoded_key )); } DHTDBValue res = database.get( new HashWrapper( encoded_key )); if ( res == null ){ return( null ); } return( res ); } public void get( byte[] unencoded_key, String description, byte flags, int max_values, long timeout, boolean exhaustive, boolean high_priority, final DHTOperationListener get_listener ) { final byte[] encoded_key = encodeKey( unencoded_key ); if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( "get for " + DHTLog.getString( encoded_key )); } final DhtTaskSet[] task_set = { null }; DHTOperationListenerDemuxer demuxer = new DHTOperationListenerDemuxer( new DHTOperationListener() { public void searching( DHTTransportContact contact, int level, int active_searches ) { get_listener.searching(contact, level, active_searches); } public boolean diversified( String desc ) { return( get_listener.diversified(desc)); } public void found( DHTTransportContact contact, boolean is_closest ) { get_listener.found(contact,is_closest); } public void read( DHTTransportContact contact, DHTTransportValue value ) { get_listener.read(contact, value); } public void wrote( DHTTransportContact contact, DHTTransportValue value ) { get_listener.wrote(contact, value); } public void complete( boolean timeout ) { get_listener.complete(timeout); if ( task_set[0] != null ){ task_set[0].cancel(); } } }); task_set[0] = getSupport( encoded_key, description, flags, max_values, timeout, exhaustive, high_priority, demuxer ); } public boolean isDiversified( byte[] unencoded_key ) { final byte[] encoded_key = encodeKey( unencoded_key ); return( adapter.isDiversified( encoded_key )); } public boolean lookup( byte[] unencoded_key, String description, long timeout, final DHTOperationListener lookup_listener ) { return( lookupEncoded( encodeKey( unencoded_key ), description, timeout, false, lookup_listener )); } public boolean lookupEncoded( byte[] encoded_key, String description, long timeout, boolean high_priority, final DHTOperationListener lookup_listener ) { if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( "lookup for " + DHTLog.getString( encoded_key )); } final AESemaphore sem = new AESemaphore( "DHTControl:lookup" ); final boolean[] diversified = { false }; DHTOperationListener delegate = new DHTOperationListener() { public void searching( DHTTransportContact contact, int level, int active_searches ) { lookup_listener.searching( contact, level, active_searches ); } public void found( DHTTransportContact contact, boolean is_closest ) { } public boolean diversified( String desc ) { return( lookup_listener.diversified( desc )); } public void read( DHTTransportContact contact, DHTTransportValue value ) { } public void wrote( DHTTransportContact contact, DHTTransportValue value ) { } public void complete( boolean timeout ) { lookup_listener.complete( timeout ); sem.release(); } }; lookup( external_lookup_pool, high_priority, encoded_key, description, (byte)0, false, timeout, search_concurrency, 1, router.getK(), new lookupResultHandler( delegate ) { public void diversify( DHTTransportContact cause, byte diversification_type ) { diversified( "Diversification of [lookup]" ); diversified[0] = true; } public void closest( List closest ) { for (int i=0;i<closest.size();i++){ lookup_listener.found((DHTTransportContact)closest.get(i),true); } } }); sem.reserve(); return( diversified[0] ); } protected DhtTaskSet getSupport( final byte[] initial_encoded_key, final String description, final byte flags, final int max_values, final long timeout, final boolean exhaustive, final boolean high_priority, final DHTOperationListenerDemuxer get_listener ) { final DhtTaskSet result = new DhtTaskSet(); // get the initial starting point for the get - may have previously been diversified byte[][] encoded_keys = adapter.diversify( description, null, false, true, initial_encoded_key, DHT.DT_NONE, exhaustive, getMaxDivDepth()); if ( encoded_keys.length == 0 ){ // over-diversified get_listener.diversified( "Over-diversification of [" + description + "]" ); get_listener.complete( false ); return( result ); } for (int i=0;i<encoded_keys.length;i++){ final boolean[] diversified = { false }; final byte[] encoded_key = encoded_keys[i]; boolean div = !Arrays.equals( encoded_key, initial_encoded_key ); final String this_description = div?("Diversification of [" + description + "]" ):description; if ( div ){ if ( !get_listener.diversified( this_description )){ continue; } } boolean is_stats_query = (flags & DHT.FLAG_STATS ) != 0; result.add( lookup( external_lookup_pool, high_priority, encoded_key, this_description, flags, true, timeout, is_stats_query?search_concurrency*2:search_concurrency, max_values, router.getK(), new lookupResultHandler( get_listener ) { private List found_values = new ArrayList(); public void diversify( DHTTransportContact cause, byte diversification_type ) { boolean ok_to_div = diversified( "Diversification of [" + this_description + "]" ); // we only want to follow one diversification if ( ok_to_div && !diversified[0]){ diversified[0] = true; int rem = max_values==0?0:( max_values - found_values.size()); if ( max_values == 0 || rem > 0 ){ byte[][] diversified_keys = adapter.diversify( description, cause, false, false, encoded_key, diversification_type, exhaustive, getMaxDivDepth()); if ( diversified_keys.length > 0 ){ // should return a max of 1 (0 if diversification refused) // however, could change one day to search > 1 for (int j=0;j<diversified_keys.length;j++){ if ( !result.isCancelled()){ result.add( getSupport( diversified_keys[j], "Diversification of [" + this_description + "]", flags, rem, timeout, exhaustive, high_priority, get_listener )); } } } } } } public void read( DHTTransportContact contact, DHTTransportValue value ) { found_values.add( value ); super.read( contact, value ); } public void closest( List closest ) { /* we don't use teh cache-at-closest kad feature if ( found_values.size() > 0 ){ DHTTransportValue[] values = new DHTTransportValue[found_values.size()]; found_values.toArray( values ); // cache the values at the 'n' closest seen locations for (int k=0;k<Math.min(cache_at_closest_n,closest.size());k++){ DHTTransportContact contact = (DHTTransportContact)(DHTTransportContact)closest.get(k); for (int j=0;j<values.length;j++){ wrote( contact, values[j] ); } contact.sendStore( new DHTTransportReplyHandlerAdapter() { public void storeReply( DHTTransportContact _contact, byte[] _diversifications ) { // don't consider diversification for cache stores as we're not that // bothered DHTLog.log( "Cache store OK " + DHTLog.getString( _contact )); router.contactAlive( _contact.getID(), new DHTControlContactImpl(_contact)); } public void failed( DHTTransportContact _contact, Throwable _error ) { DHTLog.log( "Cache store failed " + DHTLog.getString( _contact ) + " -> failed: " + _error.getMessage()); router.contactDead( _contact.getID(), false ); } }, new byte[][]{ encoded_key }, new DHTTransportValue[][]{ values }); } } */ } })); } return( result ); } public byte[] remove( byte[] unencoded_key, String description, DHTOperationListener listener ) { final byte[] encoded_key = encodeKey( unencoded_key ); if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( "remove for " + DHTLog.getString( encoded_key )); } DHTDBValue res = database.remove( local_contact, new HashWrapper( encoded_key )); if ( res == null ){ // not found locally, nothing to do return( null ); }else{ // we remove a key by pushing it back out again with zero length value put( external_put_pool, false, encoded_key, description, res, (byte)res.getFlags(), 0, true, new HashSet(), 1, new DHTOperationListenerDemuxer( listener )); return( res.getValue()); } } public byte[] remove( DHTTransportContact[] contacts, byte[] unencoded_key, String description, DHTOperationListener listener ) { final byte[] encoded_key = encodeKey( unencoded_key ); if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( "remove for " + DHTLog.getString( encoded_key )); } DHTDBValue res = database.remove( local_contact, new HashWrapper( encoded_key )); if ( res == null ){ // not found locally, nothing to do return( null ); }else{ List contacts_l = new ArrayList( contacts.length ); for (int i=0;i<contacts.length;i++ ){ contacts_l.add( contacts[i] ); } put( external_put_pool, true, new byte[][]{ encoded_key }, "Store of [" + description + "]", new DHTTransportValue[][]{{ res }}, (byte)res.getFlags(), contacts_l, 0, new DHTOperationListenerDemuxer( listener ), true, new HashSet(), 1, true ); return( res.getValue()); } } /** * The lookup method returns up to K closest nodes to the target * @param lookup_id * @return */ protected DhtTask lookup( final ThreadPool thread_pool, boolean high_priority, final byte[] _lookup_id, final String description, final byte flags, final boolean value_search, final long timeout, final int concurrency, final int max_values, final int search_accuracy, final lookupResultHandler handler ) { final byte[] lookup_id; final byte[] obs_value; if (( flags & DHT.FLAG_OBFUSCATE_LOOKUP ) != 0 ){ lookup_id = getObfuscatedKey( _lookup_id ); obs_value = getObfuscatedValue( _lookup_id ); }else{ lookup_id = _lookup_id; obs_value = null; } DhtTask task = new DhtTask(thread_pool) { boolean timeout_occurred = false; // keep querying successively closer nodes until we have got responses from the K // closest nodes that we've seen. We might get a bunch of closer nodes that then // fail to respond, which means we have reconsider further away nodes // we keep a list of nodes that we have queried to avoid re-querying them // we keep a list of nodes discovered that we have yet to query // we have a parallel search limit of A. For each A we effectively loop grabbing // the currently closest unqueried node, querying it and adding the results to the // yet-to-query-set (unless already queried) // we terminate when we have received responses from the K closest nodes we know // about (excluding failed ones) // Note that we never widen the root of our search beyond the initial K closest // that we know about - this could be relaxed // contacts remaining to query // closest at front Set contacts_to_query; AEMonitor contacts_to_query_mon; Map<DHTTransportContact,Object[]> level_map; // record the set of contacts we've queried to avoid re-queries ByteArrayHashMap<DHTTransportContact> contacts_queried; // record the set of contacts that we've had a reply from // furthest away at front Set ok_contacts; // this handles the search concurrency int idle_searches; int active_searches; int values_found; int value_replies; Set values_found_set; boolean key_blocked; long start; TimerEvent timeoutEvent; private int runningState = 1; // -1 terminated, 0 waiting, 1 running private int freeTasksCount = concurrency; private boolean cancelled; // start the lookup public void runSupport() { startLookup(); } private void startLookup() { contacts_to_query_mon = new AEMonitor("DHTControl:ctq"); contacts_to_query = getClosestContactsSet(lookup_id, K, false); level_map = new LightHashMap<DHTTransportContact,Object[]>(); // record the set of contacts we've queried to avoid re-queries contacts_queried = new ByteArrayHashMap<DHTTransportContact>(); // record the set of contacts that we've had a reply from // furthest away at front ok_contacts = new sortedTransportContactSet(lookup_id, false).getSet(); // this handles the search concurrency values_found_set = new HashSet(); start = SystemTime.getMonotonousTime(); last_lookup = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); handler.incrementCompletes(); Iterator it = contacts_to_query.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { DHTTransportContact contact = (DHTTransportContact) it.next(); handler.found(contact,false); level_map.put(contact, new Object[]{ new Integer(0), null }); } if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log("lookup for " + DHTLog.getString(lookup_id)); } if (value_search && database.isKeyBlocked(lookup_id)){ DHTLog.log("lookup: terminates - key blocked"); // bail out and pretend everything worked with zero results terminateLookup(false); return; } if (timeout > 0) { timeoutEvent = SimpleTimer.addEvent("DHT lookup timeout", SystemTime.getCurrentTime()+timeout, new TimerEventPerformer() { public void perform(TimerEvent event) { if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log("lookup: terminates - timeout"); } //System.out.println("timeout"); timeout_occurred = true; terminateLookup(false); } }); } lookupSteps(); } private void terminateLookup(boolean error) { if(timeoutEvent != null) timeoutEvent.cancel(); synchronized (this) { if(runningState == -1) return; runningState = -1; } if(!error) { // maybe unterminated searches still going on so protect ourselves // against concurrent modification of result set List closest_res = null; try { contacts_to_query_mon.enter(); if (DHTLog.isOn()) { DHTLog.log("lookup complete for " + DHTLog.getString(lookup_id)); DHTLog.log(" queried = " + DHTLog.getString(contacts_queried)); DHTLog.log(" to query = " + DHTLog.getString(contacts_to_query)); DHTLog.log(" ok = " + DHTLog.getString(ok_contacts)); } closest_res = new ArrayList(ok_contacts); // we need to reverse the list as currently closest is at the end Collections.reverse(closest_res); if (timeout <= 0 && !value_search) // we can use the results of this to estimate the DHT size estimateDHTSize(lookup_id, contacts_queried.values(), search_accuracy); } finally { contacts_to_query_mon.exit(); } handler.closest(closest_res); } handler.complete(timeout_occurred); releaseToPool(); } private synchronized boolean reserve() { if(freeTasksCount <= 0 || runningState == -1) { //System.out.println("reserve-exit"); if(runningState == 1) runningState = 0; return false; } freeTasksCount--; return true; } private synchronized void release() { freeTasksCount++; if(runningState == 0) { //System.out.println("release-start"); runningState = 1; new AEThread2("DHT lookup runner",true) { public void run() { thread_pool.registerThreadAsChild(worker); lookupSteps(); thread_pool.deregisterThreadAsChild(worker); } }.start(); } } protected synchronized void cancel() { if ( runningState != -1 ){ // System.out.println( "Task cancelled" ); } cancelled = true; } // individual lookup steps private void lookupSteps() { try { boolean terminate = false; while ( !cancelled ) { if (timeout > 0) { long now = SystemTime.getMonotonousTime(); long remaining = timeout - (now - start); if (remaining <= 0) { if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log("lookup: terminates - timeout"); } timeout_occurred = true; terminate = true; break; } if(!reserve()) break; // temporary stop, will be revived by release() or until a timeout occurs } else if(!reserve()) break; // temporary stop, will be revived by release()*/ try { contacts_to_query_mon.enter(); // for stats queries the values returned are unique to target so don't assume 2 replies sufficient if (values_found >= max_values || (( flags & DHT.FLAG_STATS ) == 0 && value_replies >= 2 )) { // all hits should have the same values anyway... terminate = true; break; } // if we've received a key block then easiest way to terminate the query is to // dump any outstanding targets if (key_blocked) contacts_to_query.clear(); // if nothing pending then we need to wait for the results of a previous // search to arrive. Of course, if there are no searches active then // we've run out of things to do if (contacts_to_query.size() == 0) { if (active_searches == 0) { if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log("lookup: terminates - no contacts left to query"); } terminate = true; break; } idle_searches++; continue; } // select the next contact to search DHTTransportContact closest = (DHTTransportContact) contacts_to_query.iterator().next(); // if the next closest is further away than the furthest successful hit so // far and we have K hits, we're done if (ok_contacts.size() == search_accuracy) { DHTTransportContact furthest_ok = (DHTTransportContact) ok_contacts.iterator().next(); int distance = computeAndCompareDistances(furthest_ok.getID(), closest.getID(), lookup_id); if (distance <= 0) { if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log("lookup: terminates - we've searched the closest " + search_accuracy + " contacts"); } terminate = true; break; } } // we optimise the first few entries based on their Vivaldi distance. Only a few // however as we don't want to start too far away from the target. if (contacts_queried.size() < concurrency) { DHTNetworkPosition[] loc_nps = local_contact.getNetworkPositions(); DHTTransportContact vp_closest = null; Iterator vp_it = contacts_to_query.iterator(); int vp_count_limit = (concurrency * 2) - contacts_queried.size(); int vp_count = 0; float best_dist = Float.MAX_VALUE; while (vp_it.hasNext() && vp_count < vp_count_limit) { vp_count++; DHTTransportContact entry = (DHTTransportContact) vp_it.next(); DHTNetworkPosition[] rem_nps = entry.getNetworkPositions(); float dist = DHTNetworkPositionManager.estimateRTT(loc_nps, rem_nps); if ((!Float.isNaN(dist)) && dist < best_dist) { best_dist = dist; vp_closest = entry; // System.out.println( start + ": lookup for " + DHTLog.getString2( lookup_id ) + ": vp override (dist = " + dist + ")"); } if (vp_closest != null) // override ID closest with VP closes closest = vp_closest; } } final DHTTransportContact f_closest = closest; contacts_to_query.remove(closest); contacts_queried.put( closest.getID(), closest); // never search ourselves! if (router.isID(closest.getID())) { release(); continue; } final int search_level = ((Integer) level_map.get(closest)[0]).intValue(); active_searches++; handler.searching(closest, search_level, active_searches); DHTTransportReplyHandlerAdapter replyHandler = new DHTTransportReplyHandlerAdapter() { private boolean value_reply_received = false; public void findNodeReply(DHTTransportContact target_contact, DHTTransportContact[] reply_contacts) { try { if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log("findNodeReply: " + DHTLog.getString(reply_contacts)); } router.contactAlive(target_contact.getID(), new DHTControlContactImpl(target_contact)); for (int i = 0; i < reply_contacts.length; i++) { DHTTransportContact contact = reply_contacts[i]; // ignore responses that are ourselves if (compareDistances(router.getID(), contact.getID()) == 0) continue; // dunno if its alive or not, however record its existance router.contactKnown(contact.getID(), new DHTControlContactImpl(contact), false ); } try { contacts_to_query_mon.enter(); ok_contacts.add(target_contact); if (ok_contacts.size() > search_accuracy) { // delete the furthest away Iterator ok_it = ok_contacts.iterator(); ok_it.next(); ok_it.remove(); } for (int i = 0; i < reply_contacts.length; i++) { DHTTransportContact contact = reply_contacts[i]; // ignore responses that are ourselves if (compareDistances(router.getID(), contact.getID()) == 0) continue; if (contacts_queried.get( contact.getID()) == null && (!contacts_to_query.contains(contact))) { if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log(" new contact for query: " + DHTLog.getString(contact)); } contacts_to_query.add(contact); handler.found(contact,false); level_map.put(contact, new Object[]{ new Integer(search_level + 1), target_contact }); if (idle_searches > 0) { idle_searches--; release(); } } else { // DHTLog.log( " already queried: " + DHTLog.getString( contact )); } } } finally { contacts_to_query_mon.exit(); } } finally { try { contacts_to_query_mon.enter(); active_searches--; } finally { contacts_to_query_mon.exit(); } release(); } } public void findValueReply( DHTTransportContact contact, DHTTransportValue[] values, byte diversification_type, // hack - this is set to 99 when recursing here during obsfuscated lookup boolean more_to_come ) { if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log("findValueReply: " + DHTLog.getString(values) + ",mtc=" + more_to_come + ", dt=" + diversification_type); } boolean obs_recurse = false; if ( diversification_type == 99 ){ obs_recurse = true; diversification_type = DHT.DT_NONE; } try { if (!key_blocked && diversification_type != DHT.DT_NONE){ // diversification instruction if (( flags & DHT.FLAG_STATS ) == 0 ){ // ignore for stats queries as we're after the // target key's stats, not the diversification // thereof handler.diversify(contact, diversification_type); } } value_reply_received = true; router.contactAlive(contact.getID(), new DHTControlContactImpl(contact)); int new_values = 0; if (!key_blocked) { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { DHTTransportValue value = values[i]; DHTTransportContact originator = value.getOriginator(); // can't just use originator id as this value can be DOSed (see DB code) byte[] originator_id = originator.getID(); byte[] value_bytes = value.getValue(); byte[] value_id = new byte[originator_id.length + value_bytes.length]; System.arraycopy(originator_id, 0, value_id, 0, originator_id.length); System.arraycopy(value_bytes, 0, value_id, originator_id.length, value_bytes.length); HashWrapper x = new HashWrapper(value_id); if ( !values_found_set.contains(x)){ if ( obs_value != null && ! obs_recurse ){ // we have read the marker value, now issue a direct read with the // real key if ( Arrays.equals( obs_value, value_bytes )){ more_to_come = true; final DHTTransportReplyHandlerAdapter f_outer = this; f_closest.sendFindValue( new DHTTransportReplyHandlerAdapter() { public void findValueReply( DHTTransportContact contact, DHTTransportValue[] values, byte diversification_type, boolean more_to_come ) { if ( diversification_type == DHT.DT_NONE ){ f_outer.findValueReply( contact, values, (byte)99, false ); } } public void failed( DHTTransportContact contact, Throwable error ) { f_outer.failed( contact, error ); } }, _lookup_id, 1, flags ); break; } }else{ new_values++; values_found_set.add(x); handler.read(contact, values[i]); } } } } try { contacts_to_query_mon.enter(); if (!more_to_come) value_replies++; values_found += new_values; } finally { contacts_to_query_mon.exit(); } } finally { if (!more_to_come) { try { contacts_to_query_mon.enter(); active_searches--; } finally { contacts_to_query_mon.exit(); } release(); } } } public void findValueReply(DHTTransportContact contact, DHTTransportContact[] contacts) { findNodeReply(contact, contacts); } public void failed(DHTTransportContact target_contact, Throwable error) { try { // if at least one reply has been received then we // don't treat subsequent failure as indication of // a contact failure (just packet loss) if (!value_reply_received) { if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log("findNode/findValue " + DHTLog.getString(target_contact) + " -> failed: " + error.getMessage()); } router.contactDead(target_contact.getID(), false); } } finally { try { contacts_to_query_mon.enter(); active_searches--; } finally { contacts_to_query_mon.exit(); } release(); } } public void keyBlockRequest(DHTTransportContact contact, byte[] request, byte[] key_signature) { // we don't want to kill the contact due to this so indicate that // it is ok by setting the flag if (database.keyBlockRequest(null, request, key_signature) != null) key_blocked = true; } }; router.recordLookup(lookup_id); if (value_search) { int rem = max_values - values_found; if (rem <= 0) { Debug.out("eh?"); rem = 1; } closest.sendFindValue(replyHandler, lookup_id, rem, flags); } else { closest.sendFindNode(replyHandler, lookup_id); } } finally { contacts_to_query_mon.exit(); } } if(terminate){ terminateLookup(false); }else if ( cancelled ){ terminateLookup( true ); } } catch (Throwable e) { Debug.printStackTrace(e); terminateLookup(true); } } public byte[] getTarget() { return (lookup_id); } public String getDescription() { return (description); } public DHTControlActivity.ActivityState getCurrentState() { DHTTransportContact local = local_contact; ANImpl root_node = new ANImpl( local ); String result_str; if ( timeout_occurred ){ result_str = "Timeout"; }else{ long elapsed = SystemTime.getMonotonousTime() - start; String elapsed_str = elapsed<1000?(elapsed+"ms"):((elapsed/1000)+"s"); if ( value_search ){ result_str = values_found + " hits, time=" + elapsed_str; }else{ result_str = "time=" + elapsed_str; } } ASImpl result = new ASImpl( root_node, result_str ); // can be null if 'added' listener callback runs before class init complete... if ( contacts_to_query_mon != null ){ contacts_to_query_mon.enter(); try{ if ( contacts_queried != null && level_map != null ){ List<Map.Entry<DHTTransportContact, Object[]>> lm_entries = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<DHTTransportContact,Object[]>>( level_map.entrySet()); Collections.sort( lm_entries, new Comparator<Map.Entry<DHTTransportContact, Object[]>>() { public int compare( Entry<DHTTransportContact, Object[]> o1, Entry<DHTTransportContact, Object[]> o2) { int l1 = (Integer)o1.getValue()[0]; int l2 = (Integer)o2.getValue()[0]; return( l1 - l2 ); } }); Set<DHTTransportContact> qd = new HashSet<DHTTransportContact>( contacts_queried.values()); Map<DHTTransportContact,ANImpl> node_map = new HashMap<DHTTransportContact, ANImpl>(); node_map.put( local, root_node ); for ( Map.Entry<DHTTransportContact, Object[]> lme: lm_entries ){ DHTTransportContact contact = lme.getKey(); if ( !qd.contains( contact )){ continue; } Object[] entry = lme.getValue(); DHTTransportContact parent = (DHTTransportContact)entry[1]; if ( parent == null ){ parent = local; } ANImpl p_node = node_map.get( parent ); if ( p_node == null ){ Debug.out( "eh" ); }else{ ANImpl new_node = new ANImpl( contact ); node_map.put( contact, new_node ); p_node.add( new_node ); } } } }finally{ contacts_to_query_mon.exit(); } } return( result ); } }; thread_pool.run( task, high_priority, true); return( task ); } private static class ASImpl implements DHTControlActivity.ActivityState { private final ANImpl root; private int depth = -1; private String result; private ASImpl( ANImpl _root, String _result ) { root = _root; result = _result; } public ActivityNode getRootNode() { return( root ); } public String getResult() { return( result ); } public int getDepth() { if ( depth == -1 ){ depth = root.getMaxDepth() - 1; if ( depth == 0 ){ depth = 1; } } return( depth ); } public String getString() { return( root.getString()); } } private static class ANImpl implements DHTControlActivity.ActivityNode { private final DHTTransportContact contact; private final List<ActivityNode> kids = new ArrayList<ActivityNode>(); private ANImpl( DHTTransportContact _contact ) { contact = _contact; } public DHTTransportContact getContact() { return( contact ); } public List<ActivityNode> getChildren() { return( kids ); } private int getMaxDepth() { int max = 0; for ( ActivityNode n: kids ){ max = Math.max( max, ((ANImpl)n).getMaxDepth()); } return( max + 1 ); } private void add( ActivityNode n ) { kids.add( n ); } private String getString() { String str = ""; if ( kids.size() > 0 ){ for ( ActivityNode k: kids ){ ANImpl a = (ANImpl)k; str += (str.length()==0?"":",") + a.getString(); } str = "[" + str + "]"; } return( contact.getAddress().getAddress() + " - " + str ); } } // Request methods public void pingRequest( DHTTransportContact originating_contact ) { if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( "pingRequest from " + DHTLog.getString( originating_contact.getID())); } router.contactAlive( originating_contact.getID(), new DHTControlContactImpl(originating_contact)); } public void keyBlockRequest( DHTTransportContact originating_contact, byte[] request, byte[] sig ) { if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( "keyBlockRequest from " + DHTLog.getString( originating_contact.getID())); } router.contactAlive( originating_contact.getID(), new DHTControlContactImpl(originating_contact)); database.keyBlockRequest( originating_contact, request, sig ); } public DHTTransportStoreReply storeRequest( DHTTransportContact originating_contact, byte[][] keys, DHTTransportValue[][] value_sets ) { byte[] originator_id = originating_contact.getID(); router.contactAlive( originator_id, new DHTControlContactImpl(originating_contact)); if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( "storeRequest from " + DHTLog.getString( originating_contact )+ ", keys = " + keys.length ); } byte[] diverse_res = new byte[ keys.length]; Arrays.fill( diverse_res, DHT.DT_NONE ); if ( keys.length != value_sets.length ){ Debug.out( "DHTControl:storeRequest - invalid request received from " + originating_contact.getString() + ", keys and values length mismatch"); return( new DHTTransportStoreReplyImpl( diverse_res )); } DHTStorageBlock blocked_details = null; // System.out.println( "storeRequest: received " + originating_contact.getRandomID() + " from " + originating_contact.getAddress()); //System.out.println( "store request: keys=" + keys.length ); if ( keys.length > 0 ){ boolean cache_forward = false; for ( DHTTransportValue[] values: value_sets ){ for ( DHTTransportValue value: values ){ if ( !Arrays.equals( originator_id, value.getOriginator().getID())){ cache_forward = true; break; } } if ( cache_forward ){ break; } } // don't start accepting cache forwards until we have a good idea of our // acceptable key space if ( cache_forward && !isSeeded()){ //System.out.println( "not seeded" ); if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( "Not storing keys as not yet seeded" ); } }else if ( !verifyContact( originating_contact, !cache_forward )){ //System.out.println( "verification fail" ); logger.log( "Verification of contact '" + originating_contact.getName() + "' failed for store operation" ); }else{ // get the closest contacts to me byte[] my_id = local_contact.getID(); int c_factor = router.getK(); DHTStorageAdapter sad = adapter.getStorageAdapter(); if ( sad != null && sad.getNetwork() != DHT.NW_CVS ){ c_factor += ( c_factor/2 ); } boolean store_it = true; if ( cache_forward ){ long now = SystemTime.getMonotonousTime(); if ( now - rbs_time < 10*1000 && Arrays.equals( originator_id, rbs_id )){ // System.out.println( "contact too far away - repeat" ); store_it = false; }else{ // make sure the originator is in our group List<DHTTransportContact>closest_contacts = getClosestContactsList( my_id, c_factor, true ); DHTTransportContact furthest = closest_contacts.get( closest_contacts.size()-1); if ( computeAndCompareDistances( furthest.getID(), originator_id, my_id ) < 0 ){ rbs_id = originator_id; rbs_time = now; // System.out.println( "contact too far away" ); if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( "Not storing keys as cache forward and sender too far away" ); } store_it = false; } } } if ( store_it ){ for (int i=0;i<keys.length;i++){ byte[] key = keys[i]; HashWrapper hw_key = new HashWrapper( key ); DHTTransportValue[] values = value_sets[i]; if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( " key=" + DHTLog.getString(key) + ", value=" + DHTLog.getString(values)); } // make sure the key isn't too far away from us if ( !( database.hasKey( hw_key ) || isIDInClosestContacts( my_id, key, c_factor, true ))){ // System.out.println( "key too far away" ); if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( "Not storing keys as cache forward and sender too far away" ); } }else{ diverse_res[i] = database.store( originating_contact, hw_key, values ); if ( blocked_details == null ){ blocked_details = database.getKeyBlockDetails( key ); } } } } } } // fortunately we can get away with this as diversifications are only taken note of by initial, single value stores // and not by the multi-value cache forwards... if ( blocked_details == null ){ return( new DHTTransportStoreReplyImpl( diverse_res )); }else{ return( new DHTTransportStoreReplyImpl( blocked_details.getRequest(), blocked_details.getCertificate())); } } public DHTTransportQueryStoreReply queryStoreRequest( DHTTransportContact originating_contact, int header_len, List<Object[]> keys ) { router.contactAlive( originating_contact.getID(), new DHTControlContactImpl(originating_contact)); if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( "queryStoreRequest from " + DHTLog.getString( originating_contact )+ ", header_len=" + header_len + ", keys=" + keys.size()); } int rand = generateSpoofID( originating_contact ); originating_contact.setRandomID( rand ); return( database.queryStore( originating_contact, header_len, keys )); } public DHTTransportContact[] findNodeRequest( DHTTransportContact originating_contact, byte[] id ) { return( findNodeRequest( originating_contact, id, false )); } private DHTTransportContact[] findNodeRequest( DHTTransportContact originating_contact, byte[] id, boolean already_logged ) { if ( !already_logged && DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( "findNodeRequest from " + DHTLog.getString( originating_contact.getID())); } router.contactAlive( originating_contact.getID(), new DHTControlContactImpl(originating_contact)); List l; if ( id.length == router.getID().length ){ l = getClosestKContactsList( id, true ); // parg: switched to live-only to reduce client lookup steps 2013/02/06 }else{ // this helps both protect against idiot queries and also saved bytes when we use findNode // to just get a random ID prior to cache-forwards l = new ArrayList(); } final DHTTransportContact[] res = new DHTTransportContact[l.size()]; l.toArray( res ); int rand = generateSpoofID( originating_contact ); originating_contact.setRandomID( rand ); return( res ); } public DHTTransportFindValueReply findValueRequest( DHTTransportContact originating_contact, byte[] key, int max_values, byte flags ) { if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( "findValueRequest from " + DHTLog.getString( originating_contact.getID())); } DHTDBLookupResult result = database.get( originating_contact, new HashWrapper( key ), max_values, flags, true ); if ( result != null ){ router.contactAlive( originating_contact.getID(), new DHTControlContactImpl(originating_contact)); DHTStorageBlock block_details = database.getKeyBlockDetails( key ); if ( block_details == null ){ return( new DHTTransportFindValueReplyImpl( result.getDiversificationType(), result.getValues())); }else{ return( new DHTTransportFindValueReplyImpl( block_details.getRequest(), block_details.getCertificate())); } }else{ return( new DHTTransportFindValueReplyImpl( findNodeRequest( originating_contact, key, true ))); } } public DHTTransportFullStats statsRequest( DHTTransportContact contact ) { return( stats ); } protected void requestPing( DHTRouterContact contact ) { ((DHTControlContactImpl)contact.getAttachment()).getTransportContact().sendPing( new DHTTransportReplyHandlerAdapter() { public void pingReply( DHTTransportContact _contact ) { if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( "ping OK " + DHTLog.getString( _contact )); } router.contactAlive( _contact.getID(), new DHTControlContactImpl(_contact)); } public void failed( DHTTransportContact _contact, Throwable _error ) { if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( "ping " + DHTLog.getString( _contact ) + " -> failed: " + _error.getMessage()); } router.contactDead( _contact.getID(), false ); } }); } protected void nodeAddedToRouter( DHTRouterContact new_contact ) { if ( DISABLE_REPLICATE_ON_JOIN ){ if ( !new_contact.hasBeenAlive()){ requestPing( new_contact ); } return; } // ignore ourselves if ( router.isID( new_contact.getID())){ return; } // when a new node is added we must check to see if we need to transfer // any of our values to it. Map keys_to_store = new HashMap(); DHTStorageBlock[] direct_key_blocks = database.getDirectKeyBlocks(); if ( database.isEmpty() && direct_key_blocks.length == 0 ){ // nothing to do, ping it if it isn't known to be alive if ( !new_contact.hasBeenAlive()){ requestPing( new_contact ); } return; } // see if we're one of the K closest to the new node // optimise to avoid calculating for things obviously too far away boolean perform_closeness_check = true; byte[] router_id = router.getID(); byte[] contact_id = new_contact.getID(); byte[] distance = computeDistance( router_id, contact_id ); long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); byte[] nacul = node_add_check_uninteresting_limit; // time limit to pick up router changes caused by contacts being deleted if ( now - last_node_add_check < 30*1000 && nacul != null ){ int res = compareDistances( nacul, distance ); /* System.out.println( "r=" + ByteFormatter.encodeString( router_id ) + ",c=" + ByteFormatter.encodeString( contact_id ) + ",d=" + ByteFormatter.encodeString( distance ) + ",l=" + ByteFormatter.encodeString( nacul ) + ",r=" + res ); */ if ( res < 0 ){ perform_closeness_check = false; } }else{ last_node_add_check = now; node_add_check_uninteresting_limit = nacul = null; } boolean close = false; if ( perform_closeness_check ){ List closest_contacts = getClosestKContactsList( new_contact.getID(), false ); for (int i=0;i<closest_contacts.size();i++){ if ( router.isID(((DHTTransportContact)closest_contacts.get(i)).getID())){ close = true; break; } } if ( !close ){ if ( nacul == null ){ node_add_check_uninteresting_limit = distance; }else{ if ( compareDistances( nacul, distance ) > 0 ){ node_add_check_uninteresting_limit = distance; } } } } if ( !close ){ if ( !new_contact.hasBeenAlive()){ requestPing( new_contact ); } return; } // System.out.println( "Node added to router: id=" + ByteFormatter.encodeString( contact_id )); // ok, we're close enough to worry about transferring values Iterator it = database.getKeys(); while( it.hasNext()){ HashWrapper key = (HashWrapper)it.next(); byte[] encoded_key = key.getHash(); if ( database.isKeyBlocked( encoded_key )){ continue; } DHTDBLookupResult result = database.get( null, key, 0, (byte)0, false ); if ( result == null ){ // deleted in the meantime continue; } // even if a result has been diversified we continue to maintain the base value set // until the original publisher picks up the diversification (next publish period) and // publishes to the correct place DHTDBValue[] values = result.getValues(); if ( values.length == 0 ){ continue; } // we don't consider any cached further away than the initial location, for transfer // however, we *do* include ones we originate as, if we're the closest, we have to // take responsibility for xfer (as others won't) List sorted_contacts = getClosestKContactsList( encoded_key, false ); // if we're closest to the key, or the new node is closest and // we're second closest, then we take responsibility for storing // the value boolean store_it = false; if ( sorted_contacts.size() > 0 ){ DHTTransportContact first = (DHTTransportContact)sorted_contacts.get(0); if ( router.isID( first.getID())){ store_it = true; }else if ( Arrays.equals( first.getID(), new_contact.getID()) && sorted_contacts.size() > 1 ){ store_it = router.isID(((DHTTransportContact)sorted_contacts.get(1)).getID()); } } if ( store_it ){ List values_to_store = new ArrayList(values.length); for (int i=0;i<values.length;i++){ values_to_store.add( values[i] ); } keys_to_store.put( key, values_to_store ); } } final DHTTransportContact t_contact = ((DHTControlContactImpl)new_contact.getAttachment()).getTransportContact(); final boolean[] anti_spoof_done = { false }; if ( keys_to_store.size() > 0 ){ it = keys_to_store.entrySet().iterator(); final byte[][] keys = new byte[keys_to_store.size()][]; final DHTTransportValue[][] value_sets = new DHTTransportValue[keys.length][]; int index = 0; while( it.hasNext()){ Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)it.next(); HashWrapper key = (HashWrapper)entry.getKey(); List values = (List)entry.getValue(); keys[index] = key.getHash(); value_sets[index] = new DHTTransportValue[values.size()]; for (int i=0;i<values.size();i++){ value_sets[index][i] = ((DHTDBValue)values.get(i)).getValueForRelay( local_contact ); } index++; } // move to anti-spoof for cache forwards. we gotta do a findNode to update the // contact's latest random id t_contact.sendFindNode( new DHTTransportReplyHandlerAdapter() { public void findNodeReply( DHTTransportContact contact, DHTTransportContact[] contacts ) { // System.out.println( "nodeAdded: pre-store findNode OK" ); anti_spoof_done[0] = true; t_contact.sendStore( new DHTTransportReplyHandlerAdapter() { public void storeReply( DHTTransportContact _contact, byte[] _diversifications ) { // System.out.println( "nodeAdded: store OK" ); // don't consider diversifications for node additions as they're not interested // in getting values from us, they need to get them from nodes 'near' to the // diversification targets or the originator if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( "add store ok" ); } router.contactAlive( _contact.getID(), new DHTControlContactImpl(_contact)); } public void failed( DHTTransportContact _contact, Throwable _error ) { // System.out.println( "nodeAdded: store Failed" ); if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( "add store failed " + DHTLog.getString( _contact ) + " -> failed: " + _error.getMessage()); } router.contactDead( _contact.getID(), false); } public void keyBlockRequest( DHTTransportContact contact, byte[] request, byte[] signature ) { database.keyBlockRequest( null, request, signature ); } }, keys, value_sets, false ); } public void failed( DHTTransportContact _contact, Throwable _error ) { // System.out.println( "nodeAdded: pre-store findNode Failed" ); if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( "pre-store findNode failed " + DHTLog.getString( _contact ) + " -> failed: " + _error.getMessage()); } router.contactDead( _contact.getID(), false); } }, t_contact.getProtocolVersion() >= DHTTransportUDP.PROTOCOL_VERSION_ANTI_SPOOF2?new byte[0]:new byte[20] ); }else{ if ( !new_contact.hasBeenAlive()){ requestPing( new_contact ); } } // finally transfer any key-blocks if ( t_contact.getProtocolVersion() >= DHTTransportUDP.PROTOCOL_VERSION_BLOCK_KEYS ){ for (int i=0;i<direct_key_blocks.length;i++){ final DHTStorageBlock key_block = direct_key_blocks[i]; List contacts = getClosestKContactsList( key_block.getKey(), false ); boolean forward_it = false; // ensure that the key is close enough to us for (int j=0;j<contacts.size();j++){ final DHTTransportContact contact = (DHTTransportContact)contacts.get(j); if ( router.isID( contact.getID())){ forward_it = true; break; } } if ( !forward_it || key_block.hasBeenSentTo( t_contact )){ continue; } final Runnable task = new Runnable() { public void run() { t_contact.sendKeyBlock( new DHTTransportReplyHandlerAdapter() { public void keyBlockReply( DHTTransportContact _contact ) { if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( "key block forward ok " + DHTLog.getString( _contact )); } key_block.sentTo( _contact ); } public void failed( DHTTransportContact _contact, Throwable _error ) { if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( "key block forward failed " + DHTLog.getString( _contact ) + " -> failed: " + _error.getMessage()); } } }, key_block.getRequest(), key_block.getCertificate()); } }; if ( anti_spoof_done[0] ){ task.run(); }else{ t_contact.sendFindNode( new DHTTransportReplyHandlerAdapter() { public void findNodeReply( DHTTransportContact contact, DHTTransportContact[] contacts ) { task.run(); } public void failed( DHTTransportContact _contact, Throwable _error ) { // System.out.println( "nodeAdded: pre-store findNode Failed" ); if ( DHTLog.isOn()){ DHTLog.log( "pre-kb findNode failed " + DHTLog.getString( _contact ) + " -> failed: " + _error.getMessage()); } router.contactDead( _contact.getID(), false); } }, t_contact.getProtocolVersion() >= DHTTransportUDP.PROTOCOL_VERSION_ANTI_SPOOF2?new byte[0]:new byte[20] ); } } } } protected Set<DHTTransportContact> getClosestContactsSet( byte[] id, int num_to_return, boolean live_only ) { List<DHTRouterContact> l = router.findClosestContacts( id, num_to_return, live_only ); Set<DHTTransportContact> sorted_set = new sortedTransportContactSet( id, true ).getSet(); // profilers says l.size() is taking CPU (!) so put it into a variable // this is safe since the list returned is created for us only long size = l.size(); for (int i=0;i<size;i++){ sorted_set.add(((DHTControlContactImpl)((DHTRouterContact)l.get(i)).getAttachment()).getTransportContact()); } return( sorted_set ); } public List<DHTTransportContact> getClosestKContactsList( byte[] id, boolean live_only ) { return( getClosestContactsList( id, K, live_only )); } public List<DHTTransportContact> getClosestContactsList( byte[] id, int num_to_return, boolean live_only ) { Set<DHTTransportContact> sorted_set = getClosestContactsSet( id, num_to_return, live_only ); List<DHTTransportContact> res = new ArrayList<DHTTransportContact>(num_to_return); Iterator<DHTTransportContact> it = sorted_set.iterator(); while( it.hasNext() && res.size() < num_to_return ){ res.add( it.next()); } return( res ); } protected boolean isIDInClosestContacts( byte[] test_id, byte[] target_id, int num_to_consider, boolean live_only ) { List<DHTRouterContact> l = router.findClosestContacts( target_id, num_to_consider, live_only ); boolean found = false; int num_closer = 0; for ( DHTRouterContact c: l ){ byte[] c_id = c.getID(); if ( Arrays.equals( test_id, c_id )){ found = true; }else{ if ( computeAndCompareDistances( c_id, test_id, target_id ) < 0 ){ num_closer++; } } } return( found && num_closer < num_to_consider ); } protected byte[] encodeKey( byte[] key ) { byte[] temp = new SHA1Simple().calculateHash( key ); byte[] result = new byte[node_id_byte_count]; System.arraycopy( temp, 0, result, 0, node_id_byte_count ); return( result ); } public int computeAndCompareDistances( byte[] t1, byte[] t2, byte[] pivot ) { return( computeAndCompareDistances2( t1, t2, pivot )); } protected static int computeAndCompareDistances2( byte[] t1, byte[] t2, byte[] pivot ) { for (int i=0;i<t1.length;i++){ byte d1 = (byte)( t1[i] ^ pivot[i] ); byte d2 = (byte)( t2[i] ^ pivot[i] ); int diff = (d1&0xff) - (d2&0xff); if ( diff != 0 ){ return( diff ); } } return( 0 ); } public byte[] computeDistance( byte[] n1, byte[] n2 ) { return( computeDistance2( n1, n2 )); } protected static byte[] computeDistance2( byte[] n1, byte[] n2 ) { byte[] res = new byte[n1.length]; for (int i=0;i<res.length;i++){ res[i] = (byte)( n1[i] ^ n2[i] ); } return( res ); } /** * -ve -> n1 < n2 * @param n1 * @param n2 * @return */ public int compareDistances( byte[] n1, byte[] n2 ) { return( compareDistances2( n1,n2 )); } protected static int compareDistances2( byte[] n1, byte[] n2 ) { for (int i=0;i<n1.length;i++){ int diff = (n1[i]&0xff) - (n2[i]&0xff); if ( diff != 0 ){ return( diff ); } } return( 0 ); } public void addListener( DHTControlListener l ) { try{ activity_mon.enter(); listeners.addListener( l ); for (int i=0;i<activities.size();i++){ listeners.dispatch( DHTControlListener.CT_ADDED, activities.get(i)); } }finally{ activity_mon.exit(); } } public void removeListener( DHTControlListener l ) { listeners.removeListener( l ); } public DHTControlActivity[] getActivities() { List res; try{ activity_mon.enter(); res = new ArrayList( activities ); }finally{ activity_mon.exit(); } DHTControlActivity[] x = new DHTControlActivity[res.size()]; res.toArray( x ); return( x ); } public void setTransportEstimatedDHTSize( int size ) { if ( size > 0 ){ try{ estimate_mon.enter(); remote_estimate_values.add( new Integer( size )); if ( remote_estimate_values.size() > REMOTE_ESTIMATE_HISTORY ){ remote_estimate_values.remove(0); } }finally{ estimate_mon.exit(); } } // System.out.println( "estimated dht size: " + size ); } public int getTransportEstimatedDHTSize() { return((int)local_dht_estimate ); } public int getEstimatedDHTSize() { // public method, trigger actual computation periodically long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); long diff = now - last_dht_estimate_time; if ( diff < 0 || diff > 60*1000 ){ estimateDHTSize( router.getID(), null, router.getK()); } // with recent changes we pretty much have a router that only contains routeable contacts // therefore the apparent size of the DHT is less than real and we need to adjust by the // routeable percentage to get an accurate figure int percent = transport.getStats().getRouteablePercentage(); // current assumption is that around 50% are firewalled, so if less (at least during migration) assume unusable if ( percent < 25 ){ return((int)combined_dht_estimate ); } double mult = 100.0 / percent; return((int)( mult * combined_dht_estimate )); } protected void estimateDHTSize( byte[] id, List<DHTTransportContact> contacts, int contacts_to_use ) { // if called with contacts then this is in internal estimation based on lookup values long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); long diff = now - last_dht_estimate_time; // 5 second limiter here if ( diff < 0 || diff > 5*1000 ){ try{ estimate_mon.enter(); last_dht_estimate_time = now; List l; if ( contacts == null ){ l = getClosestKContactsList( id, false ); }else{ Set sorted_set = new sortedTransportContactSet( id, true ).getSet(); sorted_set.addAll( contacts ); l = new ArrayList( sorted_set ); if ( l.size() > 0 ){ // algorithm works relative to a starting point in the ID space so we grab // the first here rather than using the initial lookup target id = ((DHTTransportContact)l.get(0)).getID(); } /* String str = ""; for (int i=0;i<l.size();i++){ str += (i==0?"":",") + DHTLog.getString2( ((DHTTransportContact)l.get(i)).getID()); } System.out.println( "trace: " + str ); */ } // can't estimate with less than 2 if ( l.size() > 2 ){ /* <Gudy> if you call N0 yourself, N1 the nearest peer, N2 the 2nd nearest peer ... Np the pth nearest peer that you know (for example, N1 .. N20) <Gudy> and if you call D1 the Kad distance between you and N1, D2 between you and N2 ... <Gudy> then you have to compute : <Gudy> Dc = sum(i * Di) / sum( i * i) <Gudy> and then : <Gudy> NbPeers = 2^160 / Dc */ BigInteger sum1 = new BigInteger("0"); BigInteger sum2 = new BigInteger("0"); // first entry should be us for (int i=1;i<Math.min( l.size(), contacts_to_use );i++){ DHTTransportContact node = (DHTTransportContact)l.get(i); byte[] dist = computeDistance( id, node.getID()); BigInteger b_dist = IDToBigInteger( dist ); BigInteger b_i = new BigInteger(""+i); sum1 = sum1.add( b_i.multiply(b_dist)); sum2 = sum2.add( b_i.multiply( b_i )); } byte[] max = new byte[id.length+1]; max[0] = 0x01; long this_estimate; if ( sum1.compareTo( new BigInteger("0")) == 0 ){ this_estimate = 0; }else{ this_estimate = IDToBigInteger(max).multiply( sum2 ).divide( sum1 ).longValue(); } // there's always us!!!! if ( this_estimate < 1 ){ this_estimate = 1; } local_estimate_values.put( new HashWrapper( id ), new Long( this_estimate )); long new_estimate = 0; Iterator it = local_estimate_values.values().iterator(); String sizes = ""; while( it.hasNext()){ long estimate = ((Long)it.next()).longValue(); sizes += (sizes.length()==0?"":",") + estimate; new_estimate += estimate; } local_dht_estimate = new_estimate/local_estimate_values.size(); // System.out.println( "getEstimatedDHTSize: " + sizes + "->" + dht_estimate + " (id=" + DHTLog.getString2(id) + ",cont=" + (contacts==null?"null":(""+contacts.size())) + ",use=" + contacts_to_use ); } List rems = new ArrayList(new TreeSet( remote_estimate_values )); // ignore largest and smallest few values long rem_average = local_dht_estimate; int rem_vals = 1; for (int i=3;i<rems.size()-3;i++){ rem_average += ((Integer)rems.get(i)).intValue(); rem_vals++; } combined_dht_estimate = rem_average / rem_vals; long test_val = 10; int test_mag = 1; while( test_val < combined_dht_estimate ){ test_val *= 10; test_mag++; } combined_dht_estimate_mag = test_mag+1; // System.out.println( "estimateDHTSize: loc =" + local_dht_estimate + ", comb = " + combined_dht_estimate + " [" + remote_estimate_values.size() + "]"); }finally{ estimate_mon.exit(); } } } protected BigInteger IDToBigInteger( byte[] data ) { StringBuilder str_key = new StringBuilder( data.length*2 ); for (int i=0;i<data.length;i++){ String hex = Integer.toHexString( data[i]&0xff ); if ( hex.length() < 2 ){ str_key.append( "0" ); } str_key.append( hex ); } BigInteger res = new BigInteger( str_key.toString(), 16 ); return( res ); } protected int generateSpoofID( DHTTransportContact contact ) { if ( spoof_cipher == null ){ return( 0 ); } if ( transport.getNetwork() != DHT.NW_CVS ){ long now = SystemTime.getMonotonousTime(); byte[] originator_id = contact.getID(); byte[] my_id = local_contact.getID(); if ( sid_faraway == null || now - sid_faraway_calc_time > 1*60*1000 ){ int c_factor = router.getK() * 2; List<DHTTransportContact> closest_contacts = getClosestContactsList( my_id, c_factor, true ); if ( closest_contacts.size() >= c_factor ){ sid_faraway = closest_contacts.get( closest_contacts.size()-1).getID(); sid_faraway_calc_time = now; } } if ( sid_faraway != null ){ int res = computeAndCompareDistances( sid_faraway, originator_id, my_id ); //System.out.println( "cac: " + DHTLog.getString2( sid_faraway ) + ", " + DHTLog.getString2( originator_id ) + ", " + DHTLog.getString2( my_id ) + " -> " + res ); if ( res < 0 ){ return( 0 ); } } } InetAddress iad = contact.getAddress().getAddress(); try{ spoof_mon.enter(); // during cache forwarding we get a lot of consecutive requests from the // same contact so we can save CPU by caching the latest result and optimising for this Integer existing = spoof_gen_history.get( iad ); if ( existing != null ){ //System.out.println( "anti-spoof: cached " + existing + " for " + contact.getAddress() + " - total=" + spoof_gen_history.size()); return( existing ); } spoof_cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, spoof_key ); byte[] address = iad.getAddress(); byte[] data_out = spoof_cipher.doFinal( address ); int res = (data_out[0]<<24)&0xff000000 | (data_out[1] << 16)&0x00ff0000 | (data_out[2] << 8)&0x0000ff00 | data_out[3]&0x000000ff; //System.out.println( "anti-spoof: generating " + res + " for " + contact.getAddress() + " - total=" + spoof_gen_history.size()); spoof_gen_history.put( iad, res ); return( res ); }catch( Throwable e ){ logger.log(e); }finally{ spoof_mon.exit(); } return( 0 ); } public boolean verifyContact( DHTTransportContact c, boolean direct ) { boolean ok = c.getRandomID() == generateSpoofID( c ); if ( DHTLog.CONTACT_VERIFY_TRACE ){ System.out.println( " net " + transport.getNetwork() +"," + (direct?"direct":"indirect") + " verify for " + c.getName() + " -> " + ok + ", version = " + c.getProtocolVersion()); } return( ok ); } public List getContacts() { List contacts = router.getAllContacts(); List res = new ArrayList( contacts.size()); for (int i=0;i<contacts.size();i++){ DHTRouterContact rc = (DHTRouterContact)contacts.get(i); res.add( rc.getAttachment()); } return( res ); } public void pingAll() { List contacts = router.getAllContacts(); final AESemaphore sem = new AESemaphore( "pingAll", 32 ); final int[] results = {0,0}; for (int i=0;i<contacts.size();i++){ sem.reserve(); DHTRouterContact rc = (DHTRouterContact)contacts.get(i); ((DHTControlContactImpl)rc.getAttachment()).getTransportContact().sendPing( new DHTTransportReplyHandlerAdapter() { public void pingReply( DHTTransportContact _contact ) { results[0]++; print(); sem.release(); } public void failed( DHTTransportContact _contact, Throwable _error ) { results[1]++; print(); sem.release(); } protected void print() { System.out.println( "ok=" + results[0] + ",bad=" + results[1] ); } }); } } public void print( boolean full ) { DHTNetworkPosition[] nps = transport.getLocalContact().getNetworkPositions(); String np_str = ""; for (int j=0;j<nps.length;j++){ np_str += (j==0?"":",") + nps[j]; } logger.log( "DHT Details: external IP = " + transport.getLocalContact().getAddress() + ", network = " + transport.getNetwork() + ", protocol = V" + transport.getProtocolVersion() + ", nps = " + np_str ); router.print(); database.print( full ); /* List c = getContacts(); for (int i=0;i<c.size();i++){ DHTControlContact cc = (DHTControlContact)c.get(i); System.out.println( " " + cc.getTransportContact().getVivaldiPosition()); } */ } protected static class sortedTransportContactSet { private TreeSet<DHTTransportContact> tree_set; private byte[] pivot; private boolean ascending; protected sortedTransportContactSet( byte[] _pivot, boolean _ascending ) { pivot = _pivot; ascending = _ascending; tree_set = new TreeSet<DHTTransportContact>( new Comparator<DHTTransportContact>() { public int compare( DHTTransportContact t1, DHTTransportContact t2 ) { // this comparator ensures that the closest to the key // is first in the iterator traversal int distance = computeAndCompareDistances2( t1.getID(), t2.getID(), pivot ); if ( ascending ){ return( distance ); }else{ return( -distance ); } } }); } public Set<DHTTransportContact> getSet() { return( tree_set ); } } protected static class DHTOperationListenerDemuxer implements DHTOperationListener { private AEMonitor this_mon = new AEMonitor( "DHTOperationListenerDemuxer" ); private DHTOperationListener delegate; private boolean complete_fired; private boolean complete_included_ok; private int complete_count = 0; protected DHTOperationListenerDemuxer( DHTOperationListener _delegate ) { delegate = _delegate; if ( delegate == null ){ Debug.out( "invalid: null delegate" ); } } public void incrementCompletes() { try{ this_mon.enter(); complete_count++; }finally{ this_mon.exit(); } } public void searching( DHTTransportContact contact, int level, int active_searches ) { delegate.searching( contact, level, active_searches ); } public boolean diversified( String desc ) { return( delegate.diversified( desc )); } public void found( DHTTransportContact contact, boolean is_closest ) { delegate.found( contact, is_closest ); } public void read( DHTTransportContact contact, DHTTransportValue value ) { delegate.read( contact, value ); } public void wrote( DHTTransportContact contact, DHTTransportValue value ) { delegate.wrote( contact, value ); } public void complete( boolean timeout ) { boolean fire = false; try{ this_mon.enter(); if ( !timeout ){ complete_included_ok = true; } complete_count--; if (complete_count <= 0 && !complete_fired ){ complete_fired = true; fire = true; } }finally{ this_mon.exit(); } if ( fire ){ delegate.complete( !complete_included_ok ); } } } abstract static class lookupResultHandler extends DHTOperationListenerDemuxer { protected lookupResultHandler( DHTOperationListener delegate ) { super( delegate ); } public abstract void closest( List res ); public abstract void diversify( DHTTransportContact cause, byte diversification_type ); } protected static class DHTTransportFindValueReplyImpl implements DHTTransportFindValueReply { private byte dt = DHT.DT_NONE; private DHTTransportValue[] values; private DHTTransportContact[] contacts; private byte[] blocked_key; private byte[] blocked_sig; protected DHTTransportFindValueReplyImpl( byte _dt, DHTTransportValue[] _values ) { dt = _dt; values = _values; boolean copied = false; for (int i=0;i<values.length;i++){ DHTTransportValue value = values[i]; if ( ( value.getFlags() & DHT.FLAG_ANON ) != 0 ){ if ( !copied ){ values = new DHTTransportValue[ _values.length ]; System.arraycopy( _values, 0, values, 0, values.length ); copied = true; } values[i] = new anonValue( value ); } } } protected DHTTransportFindValueReplyImpl( DHTTransportContact[] _contacts ) { contacts = _contacts; } protected DHTTransportFindValueReplyImpl( byte[] _blocked_key, byte[] _blocked_sig ) { blocked_key = _blocked_key; blocked_sig = _blocked_sig; } public byte getDiversificationType() { return( dt ); } public boolean hit() { return( values != null ); } public boolean blocked() { return( blocked_key != null ); } public DHTTransportValue[] getValues() { return( values ); } public DHTTransportContact[] getContacts() { return( contacts ); } public byte[] getBlockedKey() { return( blocked_key ); } public byte[] getBlockedSignature() { return( blocked_sig ); } } protected static class anonValue implements DHTTransportValue { private DHTTransportValue delegate; protected anonValue( DHTTransportValue v ) { delegate = v; } public boolean isLocal() { return( delegate.isLocal()); } public long getCreationTime() { return( delegate.getCreationTime()); } public byte[] getValue() { return( delegate.getValue()); } public int getVersion() { return( delegate.getVersion()); } public DHTTransportContact getOriginator() { return( new anonContact( delegate.getOriginator())); } public int getFlags() { return( delegate.getFlags()); } public int getLifeTimeHours() { return( delegate.getLifeTimeHours()); } public byte getReplicationControl() { return( delegate.getReplicationControl()); } public byte getReplicationFactor() { return( delegate.getReplicationFactor()); } public byte getReplicationFrequencyHours() { return( delegate.getReplicationFrequencyHours()); } public String getString() { return( delegate.getString()); } } protected static class anonContact implements DHTTransportContact { private static InetSocketAddress anon_address; static{ try{ anon_address = new InetSocketAddress( InetAddress.getByName( "" ), 0); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } private DHTTransportContact delegate; protected anonContact( DHTTransportContact c ) { delegate = c; } public int getMaxFailForLiveCount() { return( delegate.getMaxFailForLiveCount()); } public int getMaxFailForUnknownCount() { return( delegate.getMaxFailForUnknownCount()); } public int getInstanceID() { return( delegate.getInstanceID()); } public byte[] getID() { Debug.out( "hmm" ); return( delegate.getID()); } public byte getProtocolVersion() { return( delegate.getProtocolVersion()); } public long getClockSkew() { return( delegate.getClockSkew()); } public void setRandomID( int id ) { delegate.setRandomID( id ); } public int getRandomID() { return( delegate.getRandomID()); } public String getName() { return( delegate.getName()); } public InetSocketAddress getAddress() { return( anon_address ); } public InetSocketAddress getTransportAddress() { return( getAddress()); } public InetSocketAddress getExternalAddress() { return( getAddress()); } public boolean isAlive( long timeout ) { return( delegate.isAlive( timeout )); } public void isAlive( DHTTransportReplyHandler handler, long timeout ) { delegate.isAlive( handler, timeout ); } public boolean isValid() { return( delegate.isValid()); } public boolean isSleeping() { return( delegate.isSleeping()); } public void sendPing( DHTTransportReplyHandler handler ) { delegate.sendPing(handler); } public void sendImmediatePing( DHTTransportReplyHandler handler, long timeout ) { delegate.sendImmediatePing(handler, timeout); } public void sendStats( DHTTransportReplyHandler handler ) { delegate.sendStats(handler); } public void sendStore( DHTTransportReplyHandler handler, byte[][] keys, DHTTransportValue[][] value_sets, boolean immediate ) { delegate.sendStore(handler, keys, value_sets, immediate); } public void sendQueryStore( DHTTransportReplyHandler handler, int header_length, List<Object[]> key_details ) { delegate.sendQueryStore( handler, header_length, key_details ); } public void sendFindNode( DHTTransportReplyHandler handler, byte[] id ) { delegate.sendFindNode(handler, id); } public void sendFindValue( DHTTransportReplyHandler handler, byte[] key, int max_values, byte flags ) { delegate.sendFindValue(handler, key, max_values, flags); } public void sendKeyBlock( DHTTransportReplyHandler handler, byte[] key_block_request, byte[] key_block_signature ) { delegate.sendKeyBlock(handler, key_block_request, key_block_signature); } public DHTTransportFullStats getStats() { return( delegate.getStats()); } public void exportContact( DataOutputStream os ) throws IOException, DHTTransportException { delegate.exportContact( os ); } public void remove() { delegate.remove(); } public void createNetworkPositions( boolean is_local) { delegate.createNetworkPositions(is_local); } public DHTNetworkPosition[] getNetworkPositions() { return( delegate.getNetworkPositions()); } public DHTNetworkPosition getNetworkPosition( byte position_type ) { return( delegate.getNetworkPosition( position_type )); } public DHTTransport getTransport() { return( delegate.getTransport()); } public String getString() { return( delegate.getString()); } } protected static class DHTTransportStoreReplyImpl implements DHTTransportStoreReply { private byte[] divs; private byte[] block_request; private byte[] block_sig; protected DHTTransportStoreReplyImpl( byte[] _divs ) { divs = _divs; } protected DHTTransportStoreReplyImpl( byte[] _bk, byte[] _bs ) { block_request = _bk; block_sig = _bs; } public byte[] getDiversificationTypes() { return( divs ); } public boolean blocked() { return( block_request != null ); } public byte[] getBlockRequest() { return( block_request ); } public byte[] getBlockSignature() { return( block_sig ); } } protected abstract class DhtTask extends ThreadPoolTask { private controlActivity activity; protected DhtTask( ThreadPool thread_pool ) { activity = new controlActivity( thread_pool, this ); try{ activity_mon.enter(); activities.add( activity ); listeners.dispatch( DHTControlListener.CT_ADDED, activity ); // System.out.println( "activity added:" + activities.size()); }finally{ activity_mon.exit(); } } public void taskStarted() { listeners.dispatch( DHTControlListener.CT_CHANGED, activity ); //System.out.println( "activity changed:" + activities.size()); } public void taskCompleted() { try{ activity_mon.enter(); activities.remove( activity ); listeners.dispatch( DHTControlListener.CT_REMOVED, activity ); // System.out.println( "activity removed:" + activities.size()); }finally{ activity_mon.exit(); } } public void interruptTask() { } protected abstract void cancel(); public abstract byte[] getTarget(); public abstract String getDescription(); public abstract DHTControlActivity.ActivityState getCurrentState(); } protected static class DhtTaskSet { private boolean cancelled; private Object things; private void add( DhtTask task ) { synchronized( this ){ if ( cancelled ){ task.cancel(); return; } addToThings( task ); } } private void add( DhtTaskSet task_set ) { synchronized( this ){ if ( cancelled ){ task_set.cancel(); return; } addToThings( task_set ); } } private void addToThings( Object obj ) { if ( things == null ){ things = obj; }else{ if ( things instanceof List ){ ((List)things).add( obj ); }else{ List l = new ArrayList(2); l.add( things ); l.add( obj ); things = l; } } } private void cancel() { Object to_cancel; synchronized( this ){ if ( cancelled ){ return; } cancelled = true; to_cancel = things; things = null; } if ( to_cancel != null ){ if ( to_cancel instanceof DhtTask ){ ((DhtTask)to_cancel).cancel(); }else if ( to_cancel instanceof DhtTaskSet ){ ((DhtTaskSet)to_cancel).cancel(); }else{ List l = (List)to_cancel; for (int i=0;i<l.size();i++){ Object o = l.get(i); if ( o instanceof DhtTask ){ ((DhtTask)o).cancel(); }else{ ((DhtTaskSet)o).cancel(); } } } } } private boolean isCancelled() { synchronized( this ){ return( cancelled); } } } protected class controlActivity implements DHTControlActivity { protected ThreadPool tp; protected DhtTask task; protected int type; protected controlActivity( ThreadPool _tp, DhtTask _task ) { tp = _tp; task = _task; if ( _tp == internal_lookup_pool ){ type = DHTControlActivity.AT_INTERNAL_GET; }else if ( _tp == external_lookup_pool ){ type = DHTControlActivity.AT_EXTERNAL_GET; }else if ( _tp == internal_put_pool ){ type = DHTControlActivity.AT_INTERNAL_PUT; }else{ type = DHTControlActivity.AT_EXTERNAL_PUT; } } public byte[] getTarget() { return( task.getTarget()); } public String getDescription() { return( task.getDescription()); } public int getType() { return( type ); } public boolean isQueued() { return( tp.isQueued( task )); } public ActivityState getCurrentState() { return( task.getCurrentState()); } public String getString() { return( type + ":" + DHTLog.getString( getTarget()) + "/" + getDescription() + ", q = " + isQueued()); } } }