/* * Created on 3 Oct 2006 * Created by Paul Gardner * Copyright (C) 2006 Aelitis, All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * AELITIS, SAS au capital de 63.529,40 euros * 8 Allee Lenotre, La Grille Royale, 78600 Le Mesnil le Roi, France. * */ package com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.impl.http; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.ParameterListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.disk.DiskManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.LogEvent; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.LogIDs; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.Logger; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.peer.impl.PEPeerControl; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.peer.impl.PEPeerTransport; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.peer.util.PeerUtils; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Constants; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Debug; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.DirectByteBuffer; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.SimpleTimer; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.SystemTime; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.TimeFormatter; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.TimerEvent; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.TimerEventPerformer; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.NetworkConnection; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.OutgoingMessageQueue; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.RawMessage; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.impl.RawMessageImpl; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.messaging.Message; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.messaging.bittorrent.BTBitfield; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.messaging.bittorrent.BTHandshake; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.messaging.bittorrent.BTHave; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.messaging.bittorrent.BTInterested; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.messaging.bittorrent.BTPiece; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.messaging.bittorrent.BTRequest; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.CopyOnWriteList; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.HTTPUtils; public abstract class HTTPNetworkConnection { protected static final LogIDs LOGID = LogIDs.NWMAN; private static final int MAX_OUTSTANDING_BT_REQUESTS = 16; protected static final String NL = "\r\n"; private static final String HDR_SERVER = "Server: " + Constants.AZUREUS_NAME + " " + Constants.AZUREUS_VERSION + NL; private static final String HDR_KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT = "Keep-Alive: timeout=30" + NL; private static final String HDR_CACHE_CONTROL = "Cache-Control: public, max-age=86400" + NL; private static final String DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE = HTTPUtils.guessContentTypeFromFileType(null); private static int max_read_block_size; static{ ParameterListener param_listener = new ParameterListener() { public void parameterChanged( String str ) { max_read_block_size = COConfigurationManager.getIntParameter( "BT Request Max Block Size" ); } }; COConfigurationManager.addAndFireParameterListener( "BT Request Max Block Size", param_listener); } private static final int TIMEOUT_CHECK_PERIOD = 15*1000; private static final int DEAD_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_PERIOD = 30*1000; private static final int MAX_CON_PER_ENDPOINT = 5*1000; private static Map<networkConnectionKey,List<HTTPNetworkConnection>> http_connection_map = new HashMap<networkConnectionKey,List<HTTPNetworkConnection>>(); static{ SimpleTimer.addPeriodicEvent( "HTTPNetworkConnection:timer", TIMEOUT_CHECK_PERIOD, new TimerEventPerformer() { public void perform( TimerEvent event ) { synchronized( http_connection_map ){ boolean check = true; while( check ){ check = false; Iterator<Map.Entry<networkConnectionKey,List<HTTPNetworkConnection>>> it = http_connection_map.entrySet().iterator(); while( it.hasNext()){ Map.Entry<networkConnectionKey,List<HTTPNetworkConnection>> entry = it.next(); networkConnectionKey key = (networkConnectionKey)entry.getKey(); List<HTTPNetworkConnection> connections = entry.getValue(); /* String times = ""; for (int i=0;i<connections.size();i++){ HTTPNetworkConnection connection = (HTTPNetworkConnection)connections.get(i); times += (i==0?"":",") + connection.getTimeSinceLastActivity(); } System.out.println( "HTTPNC: " + key.getName() + " -> " + connections.size() + " - " + times ); */ if ( checkConnections( connections )){ // might have a concurrent mod to the iterator if ( !http_connection_map.containsKey( key )){ check = true; break; } } } } } } }); } protected static boolean checkConnections( List<HTTPNetworkConnection> connections ) { boolean some_closed = false; HTTPNetworkConnection oldest = null; long oldest_time = -1; Iterator<HTTPNetworkConnection> it = connections.iterator(); List<HTTPNetworkConnection> timed_out = new ArrayList<HTTPNetworkConnection>(); while( it.hasNext()){ HTTPNetworkConnection connection = (HTTPNetworkConnection)it.next(); long time = connection.getTimeSinceLastActivity(); if ( time > DEAD_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_PERIOD ){ if ( connection.getRequestCount() == 0 ){ timed_out.add( connection ); continue; } } if ( time > oldest_time && !connection.isClosing()){ oldest_time = time; oldest = connection; } } for (int i=0;i<timed_out.size();i++){ ((HTTPNetworkConnection)timed_out.get(i)).close( "Timeout" ); some_closed = true; } if ( connections.size() - timed_out.size() > MAX_CON_PER_ENDPOINT ){ oldest.close( "Too many connections from initiator"); some_closed = true; } return( some_closed ); } private HTTPNetworkManager manager; private NetworkConnection connection; private PEPeerTransport peer; private HTTPMessageDecoder decoder; private HTTPMessageEncoder encoder; private boolean sent_handshake = false; private byte[] peer_id = PeerUtils.createWebSeedPeerID(); private boolean choked = true; private List<httpRequest> http_requests = new ArrayList<httpRequest>(); private List<BTRequest> choked_requests = new ArrayList<BTRequest>(); private List<pendingRequest> outstanding_requests = new ArrayList<pendingRequest>(); private BitSet piece_map = new BitSet(); private long last_http_activity_time; private networkConnectionKey network_connection_key; private boolean closing; private boolean destroyed; private String last_modified_date; private String content_type = DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE; private CopyOnWriteList<requestListener> request_listeners = null; protected HTTPNetworkConnection( HTTPNetworkManager _manager, NetworkConnection _connection, PEPeerTransport _peer ) { manager = _manager; connection = _connection; peer = _peer; DiskManager dm = peer.getManager().getDiskManager(); long last_modified = 0; try{ last_modified = dm.getFiles()[0].getFile(true).lastModified(); }catch( Throwable e ){ } last_modified_date = TimeFormatter.getHTTPDate( last_modified ); network_connection_key = new networkConnectionKey(); last_http_activity_time = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); decoder = (HTTPMessageDecoder)connection.getIncomingMessageQueue().getDecoder(); encoder = (HTTPMessageEncoder)connection.getOutgoingMessageQueue().getEncoder(); synchronized( http_connection_map ){ List<HTTPNetworkConnection> connections = http_connection_map.get( network_connection_key ); if ( connections == null ){ connections = new ArrayList<HTTPNetworkConnection>(); http_connection_map.put( network_connection_key, connections ); } connections.add( this ); if ( connections.size() > MAX_CON_PER_ENDPOINT ){ checkConnections( connections ); } } // note that the decoder can synchronously call-back if is preloaded with a header // here... encoder.setConnection( this ); decoder.setConnection( this ); } protected boolean isSeed() { if ( ( !peer.getControl().isSeeding()) || peer.getControl().getHiddenBytes() > 0 ){ if (Logger.isEnabled()){ Logger.log(new LogEvent(peer,LOGID, "Download is not seeding" )); } sendAndClose( manager.getNotFound()); return( false ); } return( true ); } protected void setContentType( String ct ) { content_type = ct; } protected HTTPNetworkManager getManager() { return( manager ); } protected NetworkConnection getConnection() { return( connection ); } protected PEPeerTransport getPeer() { return( peer ); } protected PEPeerControl getPeerControl() { return( peer.getControl()); } protected RawMessage encodeChoke() { synchronized( outstanding_requests ){ choked = true; } return( null ); } protected RawMessage encodeUnchoke() { synchronized( outstanding_requests ){ choked = false; for (int i=0;i<choked_requests.size();i++){ decoder.addMessage((BTRequest)choked_requests.get(i)); } choked_requests.clear(); } return( null ); } protected RawMessage encodeBitField() { decoder.addMessage( new BTInterested((byte)1)); return( null ); } protected void readWakeup() { connection.getTransport().setReadyForRead(); } protected RawMessage encodeHandShake( Message message ) { return( null ); } protected abstract void decodeHeader( HTTPMessageDecoder decoder, String header ) throws IOException; protected String encodeHeader( httpRequest request ) { String current_date = TimeFormatter.getHTTPDate( SystemTime.getCurrentTime()); StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer(256); boolean partial = request.isPartialContent(); res.append( "HTTP/1.1 " ); res.append( partial?"206 Partial Content":"200 OK" ); res.append( NL ); res.append( "Content-Type: " ); res.append( content_type ); res.append( NL ); res.append( "Date: " ); res.append( current_date ); res.append( NL ); res.append( "Last-Modified: " ); res.append( last_modified_date ); res.append( NL ); res.append( HDR_CACHE_CONTROL ); // not sure about ETag. I was going to use the torrent hash but I don't understand the link // between URL, range requests and ETags. Do we need to generate different ETags for each // webseed piece request URL or can we use the torrent hash and rely on the fact that the // URL changes? Are range-requests irrelevant as far as ETags go - I'd like to think so... res.append( HDR_SERVER ); if ( partial ){ long[] offsets = request.getOriginalOffsets(); long[] lengths = request.getOriginalLengths(); long content_length = request.getContentLength(); if ( offsets.length == 1 && content_length > 0 ){ res.append( "Content-Range: bytes " + offsets[0] + "-" + (offsets[0]+lengths[0]-1) + "/" + content_length ); res.append( NL ); } } res.append( "Connection: " ); res.append( request.keepAlive()?"Keep-Alive":"Close" ); res.append( NL ); if ( request.keepAlive()){ res.append( HDR_KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT ); } res.append( "Content-Length: " ); res.append( request.getTotalLength()); res.append( NL ); res.append( NL ); return( res.toString()); } protected void addRequest( httpRequest request ) throws IOException { last_http_activity_time = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); PEPeerControl control = getPeerControl(); if ( !sent_handshake ){ sent_handshake = true; decoder.addMessage( new BTHandshake( control.getHash(), peer_id, false, (byte)1 )); byte[] bits = new byte[(control.getPieces().length +7) /8]; DirectByteBuffer buffer = new DirectByteBuffer( ByteBuffer.wrap( bits )); decoder.addMessage( new BTBitfield( buffer, (byte)1 )); } synchronized( outstanding_requests ){ http_requests.add( request ); } submitBTRequests(); } protected void submitBTRequests() throws IOException { PEPeerControl control = getPeerControl(); long piece_size = control.getPieceLength(0); synchronized( outstanding_requests ){ while( outstanding_requests.size() < MAX_OUTSTANDING_BT_REQUESTS && http_requests.size() > 0 ){ httpRequest http_request = (httpRequest)http_requests.get(0); long[] offsets = http_request.getModifiableOffsets(); long[] lengths = http_request.getModifiableLengths(); int index = http_request.getIndex(); long offset = offsets[index]; long length = lengths[index]; int this_piece_number = (int)(offset / piece_size); int this_piece_size = control.getPieceLength( this_piece_number ); int offset_in_piece = (int)( offset - ( this_piece_number * piece_size )); int space_this_piece = this_piece_size - offset_in_piece; int request_size = (int)Math.min( length, space_this_piece ); request_size = Math.min( request_size, max_read_block_size ); addBTRequest( new BTRequest( this_piece_number, offset_in_piece, request_size, (byte)1), http_request ); if ( request_size == length ){ if ( index == offsets.length - 1 ){ http_requests.remove(0); }else{ http_request.setIndex( index+1 ); } }else{ offsets[index] += request_size; lengths[index] -= request_size; } } } } protected void addBTRequest( BTRequest request, httpRequest http_request ) throws IOException { synchronized( outstanding_requests ){ if ( destroyed ){ throw( new IOException( "HTTP connection destroyed" )); } outstanding_requests.add( new pendingRequest( request, http_request )); if ( choked ){ if ( choked_requests.size() > 1024 ){ Debug.out( "pending request limit exceeded" ); }else{ choked_requests.add( request ); } }else{ decoder.addMessage( request ); } } } protected RawMessage[] encodePiece( Message message ) { last_http_activity_time = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); BTPiece piece = (BTPiece)message; List<pendingRequest> ready_requests = new ArrayList<pendingRequest>(); boolean found = false; synchronized( outstanding_requests ){ if ( destroyed ){ return( new RawMessage[]{ getEmptyRawMessage( message )}); } for (int i=0;i<outstanding_requests.size();i++){ pendingRequest req = outstanding_requests.get(i); if ( req.getPieceNumber() == piece.getPieceNumber() && req.getStart() == piece.getPieceOffset() && req.getLength() == piece.getPieceData().remaining( DirectByteBuffer.SS_NET )){ if ( req.getBTPiece() == null ){ req.setBTPiece( piece ); found = true; if ( i == 0 ){ Iterator<pendingRequest> it = outstanding_requests.iterator(); while( it.hasNext()){ pendingRequest r = it.next(); BTPiece btp = r.getBTPiece(); if ( btp == null ){ break; } it.remove(); ready_requests.add( r ); } } break; } } } } if ( !found ){ Debug.out( "request not matched" ); return( new RawMessage[]{ getEmptyRawMessage( message )}); } if ( ready_requests.size() == 0 ){ return( new RawMessage[]{ getEmptyRawMessage( message )}); } try{ submitBTRequests(); }catch( IOException e ){ } pendingRequest req = (pendingRequest)ready_requests.get(0); DirectByteBuffer[] buffers; httpRequest http_request = req.getHTTPRequest(); RawMessage[] raw_messages = new RawMessage[ ready_requests.size()]; for (int i=0;i<raw_messages.length;i++){ buffers = new DirectByteBuffer[ 2 ]; if ( !http_request.hasSentFirstReply()){ http_request.setSentFirstReply(); String header = encodeHeader( http_request ); buffers[0] = new DirectByteBuffer( ByteBuffer.wrap( header.getBytes())); }else{ // we have to do this as core code assumes buffer entry 0 is protocol buffers[0] = new DirectByteBuffer( ByteBuffer.allocate(0)); } req = (pendingRequest)ready_requests.get(i); BTPiece this_piece = req.getBTPiece(); int piece_number = this_piece.getPieceNumber(); if ( !piece_map.get( piece_number )){ // kinda crappy as it triggers on first block of piece, however better // than nothing piece_map.set( piece_number ); decoder.addMessage( new BTHave( piece_number, (byte)1 )); } buffers[1] = this_piece.getPieceData(); req.logQueued(); if ( request_listeners != null ){ Iterator<requestListener> it = request_listeners.iterator(); while( it.hasNext()){ ((requestListener)it.next()).requestComplete( req ); } } raw_messages[i] = new RawMessageImpl( this_piece, buffers, RawMessage.PRIORITY_HIGH, true, new Message[0] ); } return( raw_messages ); } protected int getRequestCount() { synchronized( outstanding_requests ){ return( http_requests.size()); } } protected boolean isClosing() { return( closing ); } protected void close( String reason ) { closing = true; peer.getControl().removePeer( peer ); } protected void destroy() { synchronized( http_connection_map ){ List<HTTPNetworkConnection> connections = http_connection_map.get( network_connection_key ); if ( connections != null ){ connections.remove( this ); if ( connections.size() == 0 ){ http_connection_map.remove( network_connection_key ); } } } synchronized( outstanding_requests ){ destroyed = true; for (int i=0;i<outstanding_requests.size();i++){ pendingRequest req = (pendingRequest)outstanding_requests.get(i); BTPiece piece = req.getBTPiece(); if ( piece != null ){ piece.destroy(); } } outstanding_requests.clear(); for (int i=0;i<choked_requests.size();i++){ BTRequest req = ( BTRequest)choked_requests.get(i); req.destroy(); } choked_requests.clear(); } } protected long getTimeSinceLastActivity() { long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); if ( now < last_http_activity_time ){ last_http_activity_time = now; } return( now - last_http_activity_time ); } protected void log( String str ) { if (Logger.isEnabled()){ Logger.log(new LogEvent( getPeer(),LOGID, str)); } } protected RawMessage getEmptyRawMessage( Message message ) { return( new RawMessageImpl( message, new DirectByteBuffer[]{ new DirectByteBuffer( ByteBuffer.allocate(0))}, RawMessage.PRIORITY_HIGH, true, new Message[0] )); } protected void sendAndClose( String data ) { final Message http_message = new HTTPMessage( data ); getConnection().getOutgoingMessageQueue().registerQueueListener( new OutgoingMessageQueue.MessageQueueListener() { public boolean messageAdded( Message message ) { return( true ); } public void messageQueued( Message message ) { } public void messageRemoved( Message message ) { } public void messageSent( Message message ) { if ( message == http_message ){ close( "Close after message send complete" ); } } public void protocolBytesSent( int byte_count ) { } public void dataBytesSent( int byte_count ) { } public void flush(){} }); getConnection().getOutgoingMessageQueue().addMessage( http_message, false ); } protected void flushRequests( final flushListener l ) { boolean sync_fire = false; synchronized( outstanding_requests ){ final int request_count = outstanding_requests.size(); if ( request_count == 0 ){ sync_fire = true; }else{ if ( request_listeners == null ){ request_listeners = new CopyOnWriteList<requestListener>(); } request_listeners.add( new requestListener() { int num_to_go = request_count; public void requestComplete( pendingRequest r ) { num_to_go--; if ( num_to_go == 0 ){ request_listeners.remove( this ); flushRequestsSupport( l ); } } }); } } if ( sync_fire ){ flushRequestsSupport( l ); } } protected void flushRequestsSupport( final flushListener l ) { OutgoingMessageQueue omq = getConnection().getOutgoingMessageQueue(); final Message http_message = new HTTPMessage( new byte[0] ); omq.registerQueueListener( new OutgoingMessageQueue.MessageQueueListener() { public boolean messageAdded( Message message ) { return( true ); } public void messageQueued( Message message ) { } public void messageRemoved( Message message ) { } public void messageSent( Message message ) { if ( message == http_message ){ l.flushed(); } } public void protocolBytesSent( int byte_count ) { } public void dataBytesSent( int byte_count ) { } public void flush(){} }); omq.addMessage( http_message, false ); // if after adding the message there's no bytes on the queue then we need to trigger an // immediate flushed event as the queue won't get processed (0 bytes on it...) if ( omq.getTotalSize() == 0 ){ l.flushed(); } } protected static class httpRequest { private final long[] orig_offsets; private final long[] orig_lengths; private final long content_length; private final boolean partial_content; private final boolean keep_alive; private final long[] mod_offsets; private final long[] mod_lengths; private int index; private long total_length; private boolean sent_first_reply; protected httpRequest( long[] _offsets, long[] _lengths, long _content_length, boolean _partial_content, boolean _keep_alive ) { orig_offsets = _offsets; orig_lengths = _lengths; content_length = _content_length; partial_content = _partial_content; keep_alive = _keep_alive; /* String str =""; for (int i=0;i<lengths.length;i++){ str += (i==0?"":",") +"[" + offsets[i] + "/" + lengths[i] + "]"; } System.out.println( network_connection_key.getName() + ": requested " + str + ",part=" + partial_content +",ka=" + keep_alive ); */ mod_offsets = orig_offsets.clone(); mod_lengths = orig_lengths.clone(); for (int i=0;i<orig_lengths.length;i++){ total_length += orig_lengths[i]; } } protected boolean isPartialContent() { return( partial_content ); } protected long getContentLength() { return( content_length ); } protected boolean hasSentFirstReply() { return( sent_first_reply ); } protected void setSentFirstReply() { sent_first_reply = true; } protected long[] getOriginalOffsets() { return( orig_offsets ); } protected long[] getOriginalLengths() { return( orig_lengths ); } protected long[] getModifiableOffsets() { return( mod_offsets ); } protected long[] getModifiableLengths() { return( mod_lengths ); } protected int getIndex() { return( index ); } protected void setIndex( int _index ) { index = _index; } protected long getTotalLength() { return( total_length ); } protected boolean keepAlive() { return( keep_alive ); } } protected interface flushListener { public void flushed(); } protected interface requestListener { public void requestComplete( pendingRequest request ); } private static class pendingRequest { private int piece; private int start; private int length; private httpRequest http_request; private BTPiece bt_piece; protected pendingRequest( BTRequest _request, httpRequest _http_request ) { piece = _request.getPieceNumber(); start = _request.getPieceOffset(); length = _request.getLength(); http_request = _http_request; /* if ( peer.getIp().equals( "")){ TimeFormatter.milliTrace( "http_req_create: " + piece + "/" + start + " [hr=" + http_requests.size() + ",cr=" + choked_requests.size() + ",or=" + outstanding_requests.size() + ",d=" + decoder.getQueueSize() + "]" ); } */ } protected int getPieceNumber() { return( piece ); } protected int getStart() { return( start ); } protected int getLength() { return( length ); } protected httpRequest getHTTPRequest() { return( http_request ); } protected BTPiece getBTPiece() { return( bt_piece ); } protected void setBTPiece( BTPiece _bt_piece ) { bt_piece = _bt_piece; /* if ( peer.getIp().equals( "")){ TimeFormatter.milliTrace( "http_req_data: " + piece + "/" + start + " [hr=" + http_requests.size() + ",cr=" + choked_requests.size() + ",or=" + outstanding_requests.size() + ",d=" + decoder.getQueueSize() + "]" ); } */ } protected void logQueued() { /* if ( peer.getIp().equals( "")){ TimeFormatter.milliTrace( "http_req_out: " + piece + "/" + start + " [hr=" + http_requests.size() + ",cr=" + choked_requests.size() + ",or=" + outstanding_requests.size() + ",d=" + decoder.getQueueSize() + "]" ); } */ } } protected class networkConnectionKey { public boolean equals(Object obj) { if ( obj instanceof networkConnectionKey ){ networkConnectionKey other = (networkConnectionKey)obj; return( Arrays.equals( getAddress(), other.getAddress()) && Arrays.equals(getHash(),other.getHash())); }else{ return( false ); } } protected String getName() { return( peer.getControl().getDisplayName() + ": " + connection.getEndpoint().getNotionalAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress()); } protected byte[] getAddress() { return( connection.getEndpoint().getNotionalAddress().getAddress().getAddress()); } protected byte[] getHash() { return( peer.getControl().getHash()); } public int hashCode() { return( peer.getControl().hashCode()); } } }