package net.i2p.router.tunnel.pool; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import; import; import; import net.i2p.router.RouterContext; import net.i2p.router.TunnelInfo; import net.i2p.router.TunnelPoolSettings; import net.i2p.router.tunnel.HopConfig; import net.i2p.router.tunnel.TunnelCreatorConfig; import net.i2p.stat.Rate; import net.i2p.stat.RateAverages; import net.i2p.stat.RateStat; import net.i2p.util.Log; /** * A group of tunnels for the router or a particular client, in a single direction. * Public only for TunnelRenderer in router console. */ public class TunnelPool { private final List<PooledTunnelCreatorConfig> _inProgress = new ArrayList<PooledTunnelCreatorConfig>(); protected final RouterContext _context; protected final Log _log; private TunnelPoolSettings _settings; private final List<TunnelInfo> _tunnels; private final TunnelPeerSelector _peerSelector; private final TunnelPoolManager _manager; protected volatile boolean _alive; private long _lifetimeProcessed; private TunnelInfo _lastSelected; private long _lastSelectionPeriod; private final int _expireSkew; private long _started; private long _lastRateUpdate; private long _lastLifetimeProcessed; private final String _rateName; private static final int TUNNEL_LIFETIME = 10*60*1000; /** if less than one success in this many, reduce quantity (exploratory only) */ private static final int BUILD_TRIES_QUANTITY_OVERRIDE = 12; /** if less than one success in this many, reduce length (exploratory only) */ private static final int BUILD_TRIES_LENGTH_OVERRIDE_1 = 10; private static final int BUILD_TRIES_LENGTH_OVERRIDE_2 = 18; private static final long STARTUP_TIME = 30*60*1000; TunnelPool(RouterContext ctx, TunnelPoolManager mgr, TunnelPoolSettings settings, TunnelPeerSelector sel) { _context = ctx; _log = ctx.logManager().getLog(TunnelPool.class); _manager = mgr; _settings = settings; _tunnels = new ArrayList<TunnelInfo>(settings.getTotalQuantity()); _peerSelector = sel; _expireSkew = _context.random().nextInt(90*1000); _started = System.currentTimeMillis(); _lastRateUpdate = _started; _rateName = "tunnel.Bps." + (_settings.isExploratory() ? "exploratory" : _settings.getDestinationNickname()) + (_settings.isInbound() ? ".in" : ".out"); refreshSettings(); ctx.statManager().createRateStat("tunnel.matchLease", "How often does our OBEP match their IBGW?", "Tunnels", new long[] {60*60*1000}); } /** * Warning, this may be called more than once * (without an intervening shutdown()) if the * tunnel is stopped and then restarted by the client manager with the same * Destination (i.e. for servers or clients w/ persistent key, * or restarting close-on-idle clients) */ synchronized void startup() { synchronized (_inProgress) { _inProgress.clear(); } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) + ": Startup() called, was already alive? " + _alive, new Exception()); _alive = true; _started = System.currentTimeMillis(); _lastRateUpdate = _started; _lastLifetimeProcessed = 0; _manager.getExecutor().repoll(); if (_settings.isInbound() && !_settings.isExploratory()) { // we just reconnected and didn't require any new tunnel builders. // however, we /do/ want a leaseSet, so build one LeaseSet ls = null; synchronized (_tunnels) { ls = locked_buildNewLeaseSet(); } if (ls != null) _context.clientManager().requestLeaseSet(_settings.getDestination(), ls); } _context.statManager().createRateStat(_rateName, "Tunnel Bandwidth (Bytes/sec)", "Tunnels", new long[] { 5*60*1000l }); } synchronized void shutdown() { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn(toString() + ": Shutdown called"); _alive = false; _lastSelectionPeriod = 0; _lastSelected = null; _context.statManager().removeRateStat(_rateName); synchronized (_inProgress) { _inProgress.clear(); } } private void refreshSettings() { if (!_settings.isExploratory()) return; // don't override client specified settings Properties props = new Properties(); props.putAll(_context.router().getConfigMap()); if (_settings.isInbound()) _settings.readFromProperties(TunnelPoolSettings.PREFIX_INBOUND_EXPLORATORY, props); else _settings.readFromProperties(TunnelPoolSettings.PREFIX_OUTBOUND_EXPLORATORY, props); } /** * when selecting tunnels, stick with the same one for a brief * period to allow batching if we can. */ private long curPeriod() { long period = _context.clock().now(); long ms = period % 1000; if (ms > 500) period = period - ms + 500; else period = period - ms; return period; } private long getLifetime() { return System.currentTimeMillis() - _started; } /** * Pull a random tunnel out of the pool. If there are none available but * the pool is configured to allow 0hop tunnels, this builds a fake one * and returns it. * * @return null on failure, but it should always build and return a fallback */ TunnelInfo selectTunnel() { return selectTunnel(true); } private TunnelInfo selectTunnel(boolean allowRecurseOnFail) { boolean avoidZeroHop = getSettings().getLength() > 0 && getSettings().getLength() + getSettings().getLengthVariance() > 0; long period = curPeriod(); synchronized (_tunnels) { if (_lastSelectionPeriod == period) { if ( (_lastSelected != null) && (_lastSelected.getExpiration() > period) && (_tunnels.contains(_lastSelected)) ) return _lastSelected; } _lastSelectionPeriod = period; _lastSelected = null; if (_tunnels.isEmpty()) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn(toString() + ": No tunnels to select from"); } else { Collections.shuffle(_tunnels, _context.random()); // if there are nonzero hop tunnels and the zero hop tunnels are fallbacks, // avoid the zero hop tunnels TunnelInfo backloggedTunnel = null; if (avoidZeroHop) { for (int i = 0; i < _tunnels.size(); i++) { TunnelInfo info = _tunnels.get(i); if ( (info.getLength() > 1) && (info.getExpiration() > _context.clock().now()) ) { // avoid outbound tunnels where the 1st hop is backlogged if (_settings.isInbound() || !_context.commSystem().isBacklogged(info.getPeer(1))) { _lastSelected = info; return info; } else { backloggedTunnel = info; } } } // return a random backlogged tunnel if (backloggedTunnel != null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn(toString() + ": All tunnels are backlogged"); return backloggedTunnel; } } // ok, either we are ok using zero hop tunnels, or only fallback tunnels remain. pick 'em // randomly for (int i = 0; i < _tunnels.size(); i++) { TunnelInfo info = _tunnels.get(i); if (info.getExpiration() > _context.clock().now()) { // avoid outbound tunnels where the 1st hop is backlogged if (_settings.isInbound() || info.getLength() <= 1 || !_context.commSystem().isBacklogged(info.getPeer(1))) { //_log.debug("Selecting tunnel: " + info + " - " + _tunnels); _lastSelected = info; return info; } else { backloggedTunnel = info; } } } // return a random backlogged tunnel if (backloggedTunnel != null) return backloggedTunnel; if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn(toString() + ": after " + _tunnels.size() + " tries, no unexpired ones were found: " + _tunnels); } } if (_alive && _settings.getAllowZeroHop()) buildFallback(); if (allowRecurseOnFail) return selectTunnel(false); else return null; } /** * Return the tunnel from the pool that is XOR-closet to the target. * By using this instead of the random selectTunnel(), * we force some locality in OBEP-IBGW connections to minimize * those connections network-wide. * * Does not check for backlogged next peer. * Does not return an expired tunnel. * * @return null on failure * @since 0.8.10 */ TunnelInfo selectTunnel(Hash closestTo) { boolean avoidZeroHop = getSettings().getLength() > 0 && getSettings().getLength() + getSettings().getLengthVariance() > 0; TunnelInfo rv = null; synchronized (_tunnels) { if (!_tunnels.isEmpty()) { if (_tunnels.size() > 1) Collections.sort(_tunnels, new TunnelInfoComparator(closestTo, avoidZeroHop)); for (TunnelInfo info : _tunnels) { if (info.getExpiration() > _context.clock().now()) { rv = info; break; } } } } if (rv != null) { _context.statManager().addRateData("tunnel.matchLease", closestTo.equals(rv.getFarEnd()) ? 1 : 0); } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn(toString() + ": No tunnels to select from"); } return rv; } public TunnelInfo getTunnel(TunnelId gatewayId) { synchronized (_tunnels) { for (int i = 0; i < _tunnels.size(); i++) { TunnelInfo info = _tunnels.get(i); if (_settings.isInbound()) { if (info.getReceiveTunnelId(0).equals(gatewayId)) return info; } else { if (info.getSendTunnelId(0).equals(gatewayId)) return info; } } } return null; } /** * Return a list of tunnels in the pool * * @return list of TunnelInfo objects */ public List<TunnelInfo> listTunnels() { synchronized (_tunnels) { return new ArrayList<TunnelInfo>(_tunnels); } } /** * Do we really need more fallbacks? * Used to prevent a zillion of them */ boolean needFallback() { int needed = getAdjustedTotalQuantity(); int fallbacks = 0; synchronized (_tunnels) { for (int i = 0; i < _tunnels.size(); i++) { TunnelInfo info = _tunnels.get(i); if (info.getLength() <= 1 && ++fallbacks >= needed) return false; } } return true; } /** * Return settings.getTotalQuantity, unless this is an exploratory tunnel * AND exploratory build success rate is less than 1/10, AND total settings * is greater than 1. Otherwise subtract 1 to help prevent congestion collapse, * and prevent really unintegrated routers from working too hard. * We only do this for exploratory as different clients could have different * length settings. Although I guess inbound and outbound exploratory * could be different too, and inbound is harder... * * As of 0.9.19, add more if exploratory and floodfill, as floodfills * generate a lot of exploratory traffic. * TODO high-bandwidth non-floodfills do also... * * @since 0.8.11 */ private int getAdjustedTotalQuantity() { int rv = _settings.getTotalQuantity(); // TODO high-bw non-ff also if (_settings.isExploratory() && _context.netDb().floodfillEnabled() && _context.router().getUptime() > 5*60*1000) { rv += 2; } if (_settings.isExploratory() && rv > 1) { RateStat e = _context.statManager().getRate("tunnel.buildExploratoryExpire"); RateStat r = _context.statManager().getRate("tunnel.buildExploratoryReject"); RateStat s = _context.statManager().getRate("tunnel.buildExploratorySuccess"); if (e != null && r != null && s != null) { Rate er = e.getRate(10*60*1000); Rate rr = r.getRate(10*60*1000); Rate sr = s.getRate(10*60*1000); if (er != null && rr != null && sr != null) { RateAverages ra = RateAverages.getTemp(); long ec = er.computeAverages(ra, false).getTotalEventCount(); long rc = rr.computeAverages(ra, false).getTotalEventCount(); long sc = sr.computeAverages(ra, false).getTotalEventCount(); long tot = ec + rc + sc; if (tot >= BUILD_TRIES_QUANTITY_OVERRIDE) { if (1000 * sc / tot <= 1000 / BUILD_TRIES_QUANTITY_OVERRIDE) rv--; } } } } if (_settings.isExploratory() && _context.router().getUptime() < STARTUP_TIME) { // more exploratory during startup, when we are refreshing the netdb RIs rv++; } return rv; } /** * Shorten the length when under extreme stress, else clear the override. * We only do this for exploratory tunnels, since we have to build a fallback * if we run out. It's much better to have a shorter tunnel than a fallback. * * @since 0.8.11 */ private void setLengthOverride() { if (!_settings.isExploratory()) return; int len = _settings.getLength(); if (len > 1) { RateStat e = _context.statManager().getRate("tunnel.buildExploratoryExpire"); RateStat r = _context.statManager().getRate("tunnel.buildExploratoryReject"); RateStat s = _context.statManager().getRate("tunnel.buildExploratorySuccess"); if (e != null && r != null && s != null) { Rate er = e.getRate(10*60*1000); Rate rr = r.getRate(10*60*1000); Rate sr = s.getRate(10*60*1000); if (er != null && rr != null && sr != null) { RateAverages ra = RateAverages.getTemp(); long ec = er.computeAverages(ra, false).getTotalEventCount(); long rc = rr.computeAverages(ra, false).getTotalEventCount(); long sc = sr.computeAverages(ra, false).getTotalEventCount(); long tot = ec + rc + sc; if (tot >= BUILD_TRIES_LENGTH_OVERRIDE_1) { long succ = 1000 * sc / tot; if (succ <= 1000 / BUILD_TRIES_LENGTH_OVERRIDE_1) { if (len > 2 && succ <= 1000 / BUILD_TRIES_LENGTH_OVERRIDE_2) _settings.setLengthOverride(len - 2); else _settings.setLengthOverride(len - 1); return; } } } } } // disable _settings.setLengthOverride(-1); } /** list of tunnelInfo instances of tunnels currently being built */ public List<PooledTunnelCreatorConfig> listPending() { synchronized (_inProgress) { return new ArrayList<PooledTunnelCreatorConfig>(_inProgress); } } /** duplicate of size(), let's pick one */ int getTunnelCount() { return size(); } public TunnelPoolSettings getSettings() { return _settings; } void setSettings(TunnelPoolSettings settings) { if (settings != null && _settings != null) { if (!(settings.isExploratory() || _settings.isExploratory())) { settings.getAliases().addAll(_settings.getAliases()); settings.setAliasOf(_settings.getAliasOf()); } } _settings = settings; if (_settings != null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) + ": Settings updated on the pool: " + settings); _manager.getExecutor().repoll(); // in case we need more } } /** * Is this pool running AND either exploratory, or tracked by the client manager? * A pool will be alive but not tracked after the client manager removes it * but before all the tunnels have expired. */ public boolean isAlive() { return _alive && (_settings.isExploratory() || _context.clientManager().isLocal(_settings.getDestination())); } /** duplicate of getTunnelCount(), let's pick one */ public int size() { synchronized (_tunnels) { return _tunnels.size(); } } /** * Add to the pool. */ void addTunnel(TunnelInfo info) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug(toString() + ": Adding tunnel " + info /* , new Exception("Creator") */ ); LeaseSet ls = null; synchronized (_tunnels) { _tunnels.add(info); if (_settings.isInbound() && !_settings.isExploratory()) ls = locked_buildNewLeaseSet(); } if (ls != null) _context.clientManager().requestLeaseSet(_settings.getDestination(), ls); } /** * Remove from the pool. */ void removeTunnel(TunnelInfo info) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug(toString() + ": Removing tunnel " + info); int remaining = 0; LeaseSet ls = null; synchronized (_tunnels) { boolean removed = _tunnels.remove(info); if (!removed) return; if (_settings.isInbound() && !_settings.isExploratory()) ls = locked_buildNewLeaseSet(); remaining = _tunnels.size(); if (_lastSelected == info) { _lastSelected = null; _lastSelectionPeriod = 0; } } _manager.getExecutor().repoll(); _lifetimeProcessed += info.getProcessedMessagesCount(); updateRate(); long lifetimeConfirmed = info.getVerifiedBytesTransferred(); long lifetime = 10*60*1000; for (int i = 0; i < info.getLength(); i++) _context.profileManager().tunnelLifetimePushed(info.getPeer(i), lifetime, lifetimeConfirmed); if (_alive && _settings.isInbound() && !_settings.isExploratory()) { if (ls != null) { _context.clientManager().requestLeaseSet(_settings.getDestination(), ls); } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn(toString() + ": unable to build a new leaseSet on removal (" + remaining + " remaining), request a new tunnel"); if (_settings.getAllowZeroHop()) buildFallback(); } } if (getTunnelCount() <= 0 && !isAlive()) { // this calls both our shutdown() and the other one (inbound/outbound) // This is racy - see TunnelPoolManager _manager.removeTunnels(_settings.getDestination()); } } /** * Remove the tunnel and blame all the peers (not necessarily equally). * This may be called multiple times from TestJob. */ void tunnelFailed(TunnelInfo cfg) { fail(cfg); tellProfileFailed(cfg); } /** * Remove the tunnel and blame only one peer. * This may be called multiple times. * * @since 0.8.13 */ void tunnelFailed(TunnelInfo cfg, Hash blamePeer) { fail(cfg); _context.profileManager().tunnelFailed(blamePeer, 100); } /** * Remove the tunnel. */ private void fail(TunnelInfo cfg) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn(toString() + ": Tunnel failed: " + cfg); LeaseSet ls = null; synchronized (_tunnels) { boolean removed = _tunnels.remove(cfg); if (!removed) return; if (_settings.isInbound() && !_settings.isExploratory()) ls = locked_buildNewLeaseSet(); if (_lastSelected == cfg) { _lastSelected = null; _lastSelectionPeriod = 0; } } _manager.tunnelFailed(); _lifetimeProcessed += cfg.getProcessedMessagesCount(); updateRate(); if (_settings.isInbound() && !_settings.isExploratory()) { if (ls != null) { _context.clientManager().requestLeaseSet(_settings.getDestination(), ls); } } } /** * Blame all the other peers in the tunnel, with a probability * inversely related to the tunnel length */ private void tellProfileFailed(TunnelInfo cfg) { int len = cfg.getLength(); if (len < 2) return; int start = 0; int end = len; if (cfg.isInbound()) end--; else start++; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { int pct = 100/(len-1); // if inbound, it's probably the gateway's fault if (cfg.isInbound() && len > 2) { if (i == start) pct *= 2; else pct /= 2; } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn(toString() + ": Blaming " + cfg.getPeer(i) + ' ' + pct + '%'); _context.profileManager().tunnelFailed(cfg.getPeer(i), pct); } } private void updateRate() { long now = _context.clock().now(); long et = now - _lastRateUpdate; if (et > 2*60*1000) { long bw = 1024 * (_lifetimeProcessed - _lastLifetimeProcessed) * 1000 / et; // Bps _context.statManager().addRateData(_rateName, bw, 0); _lastRateUpdate = now; _lastLifetimeProcessed = _lifetimeProcessed; } } /** noop for outbound and exploratory */ void refreshLeaseSet() { if (_settings.isInbound() && !_settings.isExploratory()) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug(toString() + ": refreshing leaseSet on tunnel expiration (but prior to grace timeout)"); LeaseSet ls; synchronized (_tunnels) { ls = locked_buildNewLeaseSet(); } if (ls != null) { _context.clientManager().requestLeaseSet(_settings.getDestination(), ls); Set<Hash> aliases = _settings.getAliases(); if (aliases != null && !aliases.isEmpty()) { for (Hash h : aliases) { _context.clientManager().requestLeaseSet(h, ls); } } } } } /** * @return true if a fallback tunnel is built * */ boolean buildFallback() { int quantity = getAdjustedTotalQuantity(); int usable = 0; synchronized (_tunnels) { usable = _tunnels.size(); } if (usable > 0) return false; if (_settings.getAllowZeroHop()) { if ( (_settings.getLength() + _settings.getLengthVariance() > 0) && (!_settings.isExploratory()) && (_context.profileOrganizer().countActivePeers() > 0) ) { // if it is a client tunnel pool and our variance doesn't allow 0 hop, prefer failure to // 0 hop operation (unless our router is offline) return false; } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) + ": building a fallback tunnel (usable: " + usable + " needed: " + quantity + ")"); // runs inline, since its 0hop _manager.getExecutor().buildTunnel(this, configureNewTunnel(true)); return true; } return false; } /** * Always build a LeaseSet with Leases in sorted order, * so that LeaseSet.equals() and lease-by-lease equals() always work. * The sort method is arbitrary, as far as the equals() tests are concerned, * but we use latest expiration first, since we need to sort them by that anyway. * */ private static class LeaseComparator implements Comparator<Lease>, Serializable { public int compare(Lease l, Lease r) { return r.getEndDate().compareTo(l.getEndDate()); } } /** * Find the tunnel with the far-end that is XOR-closest to a given hash * * @since 0.8.10 */ private static class TunnelInfoComparator implements Comparator<TunnelInfo>, Serializable { private final byte[] _base; private final boolean _avoidZero; /** * @param target key to compare distances with * @param avoidZeroHop if true, zero-hop tunnels will be put last */ public TunnelInfoComparator(Hash target, boolean avoidZeroHop) { _base = target.getData(); _avoidZero = avoidZeroHop; } public int compare(TunnelInfo lhs, TunnelInfo rhs) { if (_avoidZero) { // put the zero-hops last int llen = lhs.getLength(); int rlen = rhs.getLength(); if (llen > 1 && rlen <= 1) return -1; if (rlen > 1 && llen <= 1) return 1; } // TODO don't prefer exact match for security? byte lhsb[] = lhs.getFarEnd().getData(); byte rhsb[] = rhs.getFarEnd().getData(); for (int i = 0; i < _base.length; i++) { int ld = (lhsb[i] ^ _base[i]) & 0xff; int rd = (rhsb[i] ^ _base[i]) & 0xff; if (ld < rd) return -1; if (ld > rd) return 1; } // latest-expiring first as a tie-breaker return (int) (rhs.getExpiration() - lhs.getExpiration()); } } /** * Build a leaseSet with the required tunnels that aren't about to expire. * Caller must synchronize on _tunnels. * * @return null on failure */ protected LeaseSet locked_buildNewLeaseSet() { if (!_alive) return null; int wanted = Math.min(_settings.getQuantity(), LeaseSet.MAX_LEASES); if (_tunnels.size() < wanted) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn(toString() + ": Not enough tunnels (" + _tunnels.size() + ", wanted " + wanted + ")"); // see comment below if (_tunnels.isEmpty()) return null; } long expireAfter = _context.clock().now(); // + _settings.getRebuildPeriod(); TunnelInfo zeroHopTunnel = null; Lease zeroHopLease = null; TreeSet<Lease> leases = new TreeSet<Lease>(new LeaseComparator()); for (int i = 0; i < _tunnels.size(); i++) { TunnelInfo tunnel = _tunnels.get(i); if (tunnel.getExpiration() <= expireAfter) continue; // expires too soon, skip it if (tunnel.getLength() <= 1) { // More than one zero-hop tunnel in a lease is pointless // and increases the leaseset size needlessly. // Keep only the one that expires the latest. if (zeroHopTunnel != null) { if (zeroHopTunnel.getExpiration() > tunnel.getExpiration()) continue; if (zeroHopLease != null) leases.remove(zeroHopLease); } zeroHopTunnel = tunnel; } TunnelId inId = tunnel.getReceiveTunnelId(0); Hash gw = tunnel.getPeer(0); if ( (inId == null) || (gw == null) ) { _log.error(toString() + ": broken? tunnel has no inbound gateway/tunnelId? " + tunnel); continue; } Lease lease = new Lease(); // bugfix // ExpireJob reduces the expiration, which causes a 2nd leaseset with the same lease // to have an earlier expiration, so it isn't stored. // Get the "real" expiration from the gateway hop config, // HopConfig expirations are the same as the "real" expiration and don't change // see configureNewTunnel() lease.setEndDate(new Date(((TunnelCreatorConfig)tunnel).getConfig(0).getExpiration())); lease.setTunnelId(inId); lease.setGateway(gw); leases.add(lease); // remember in case we want to remove it for a later-expiring zero-hopper if (tunnel.getLength() <= 1) zeroHopLease = lease; } // Go ahead and use less leases for now, hopefully a new tunnel will be built soon // and we will get called again to generate a full leaseset. // For clients with high tunnel count or length, // this will make startup considerably faster, and reduce loss of leaseset // when one tunnel is lost, thus making us much more robust. // This also helps when returning to full lease count after reduce-on-idle // or close-on-idle. // So we will generate a succession of leases at startup. That's OK. // Do we want a config option for this, or are there times when we shouldn't do this? if (leases.size() < wanted) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn(toString() + ": Not enough leases (" + leases.size() + ", wanted " + wanted + ")"); if (leases.isEmpty()) return null; } LeaseSet ls = new LeaseSet(); Iterator<Lease> iter = leases.iterator(); int count = Math.min(leases.size(), wanted); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) ls.addLease(; if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) + ": built new leaseSet: " + ls); return ls; } public long getLifetimeProcessed() { return _lifetimeProcessed; } /** * Keep a separate stat for each type, direction, and length of tunnel. */ private final String buildRateName() { if (_settings.isExploratory()) return "tunnel.buildRatio.exploratory." + (_settings.isInbound() ? "in" : "out"); else return "tunnel.buildRatio.l" + _settings.getLength() + "v" + _settings.getLengthVariance() + (_settings.isInbound() ? ".in" : ".out"); } /** * Gather the data to see how many tunnels to build, and then actually compute that value (delegated to * the countHowManyToBuild function below) * */ int countHowManyToBuild() { if (!isAlive()) { return 0; } int wanted = getAdjustedTotalQuantity(); boolean allowZeroHop = ((getSettings().getLength() + getSettings().getLengthVariance()) <= 0); /** * This algorithm builds based on the previous average length of time it takes * to build a tunnel. This average is kept in the _buildRateName stat. * It is a separate stat for each type of pool, since in and out building use different methods, * as do exploratory and client pools, * and each pool can have separate length and length variance settings. * We add one minute to the stat for safety (two for exploratory tunnels). * * We linearly increase the number of builds per expiring tunnel from * 1 to PANIC_FACTOR as the time-to-expire gets shorter. * * The stat will be 0 for first 10m of uptime so we will use the older, conservative algorithm * below instead. This algorithm will take about 30m of uptime to settle down. * Or, if we are building more than 33% of the time something is seriously wrong, * we also use the conservative algorithm instead * **/ final String rateName = buildRateName(); // Compute the average time it takes us to build a single tunnel of this type. int avg = 0; RateStat rs = _context.statManager().getRate(rateName); if (rs == null) { // Create the RateStat here rather than at the top because // the user could change the length settings while running _context.statManager().createRequiredRateStat(rateName, "Tunnel Build Frequency", "Tunnels", new long[] { TUNNEL_LIFETIME }); rs = _context.statManager().getRate(rateName); } if (rs != null) { Rate r = rs.getRate(TUNNEL_LIFETIME); if (r != null) avg = (int) ( TUNNEL_LIFETIME * r.getAverageValue() / wanted); } if (avg > 0 && avg < TUNNEL_LIFETIME / 3) { // if we're taking less than 200s per tunnel to build final int PANIC_FACTOR = 4; // how many builds to kick off when time gets short avg += 60*1000; // one minute safety factor if (_settings.isExploratory()) avg += 60*1000; // two minute safety factor long now = _context.clock().now(); int expireSoon = 0; int expireLater = 0; int expireTime[]; int fallback = 0; synchronized (_tunnels) { expireTime = new int[_tunnels.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < _tunnels.size(); i++) { TunnelInfo info = _tunnels.get(i); if (allowZeroHop || (info.getLength() > 1)) { int timeToExpire = (int) (info.getExpiration() - now); if (timeToExpire > 0 && timeToExpire < avg) { expireTime[expireSoon++] = timeToExpire; } else { expireLater++; } } else if (info.getExpiration() - now > avg) { fallback++; } } } int inProgress; synchronized (_inProgress) { inProgress = _inProgress.size(); } int remainingWanted = (wanted - expireLater) - inProgress; if (allowZeroHop) remainingWanted -= fallback; int rv = 0; int latesttime = 0; if (remainingWanted > 0) { if (remainingWanted > expireSoon) { rv = PANIC_FACTOR * (remainingWanted - expireSoon); // for tunnels completely missing remainingWanted = expireSoon; } // add from 1 to PANIC_FACTOR builds, depending on how late it is // only use the expire times of the latest-expiring tunnels, // the other ones are extras for (int i = 0; i < remainingWanted; i++) { int latestidx = 0; // given the small size of the array this is efficient enough for (int j = 0; j < expireSoon; j++) { if (expireTime[j] > latesttime) { latesttime = expireTime[j]; latestidx = j; } } expireTime[latestidx] = 0; if (latesttime > avg / 2) rv += 1; else rv += 2 + ((PANIC_FACTOR - 2) * (((avg / 2) - latesttime) / (avg / 2))); } } if (rv > 0 && _log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("New Count: rv: " + rv + " allow? " + allowZeroHop + " avg " + avg + " latesttime " + latesttime + " soon " + expireSoon + " later " + expireLater + " std " + wanted + " inProgress " + inProgress + " fallback " + fallback + " for " + toString()); _context.statManager().addRateData(rateName, rv + inProgress, 0); return rv; } // fixed, conservative algorithm - starts building 3 1/2 - 6m before expiration // (210 or 270s) + (0..90s random) long expireAfter = _context.clock().now() + _expireSkew; // + _settings.getRebuildPeriod() + _expireSkew; int expire30s = 0; int expire90s = 0; int expire150s = 0; int expire210s = 0; int expire270s = 0; int expireLater = 0; int fallback = 0; synchronized (_tunnels) { for (int i = 0; i < _tunnels.size(); i++) { TunnelInfo info = _tunnels.get(i); if (allowZeroHop || (info.getLength() > 1)) { long timeToExpire = info.getExpiration() - expireAfter; if (timeToExpire <= 0) { // consider it unusable } else if (timeToExpire <= 30*1000) { expire30s++; } else if (timeToExpire <= 90*1000) { expire90s++; } else if (timeToExpire <= 150*1000) { expire150s++; } else if (timeToExpire <= 210*1000) { expire210s++; } else if (timeToExpire <= 270*1000) { expire270s++; } else { expireLater++; } } else if (info.getExpiration() > expireAfter) { fallback++; } } } int inProgress = 0; synchronized (_inProgress) { inProgress = _inProgress.size(); for (int i = 0; i < inProgress; i++) { PooledTunnelCreatorConfig cfg = _inProgress.get(i); if (cfg.getLength() <= 1) fallback++; } } int rv = countHowManyToBuild(allowZeroHop, expire30s, expire90s, expire150s, expire210s, expire270s, expireLater, wanted, inProgress, fallback); _context.statManager().addRateData(rateName, (rv > 0 || inProgress > 0) ? 1 : 0, 0); return rv; } /** * Helper function for the old conservative algorithm. * This is the big scary function determining how many new tunnels we want to try to build at this * point in time, as used by the BuildExecutor * * @param allowZeroHop do we normally allow zero hop tunnels? If true, treat fallback tunnels like normal ones * @param earliestExpire how soon do some of our usable tunnels expire, or, if we are missing tunnels, -1 * @param usable how many tunnels will be around for a while (may include fallback tunnels) * @param wantToReplace how many tunnels are still usable, but approaching unusability * @param standardAmount how many tunnels we want to have, in general * @param inProgress how many tunnels are being built for this pool right now (may include fallback tunnels) * @param fallback how many zero hop tunnels do we have, or are being built */ private int countHowManyToBuild(boolean allowZeroHop, int expire30s, int expire90s, int expire150s, int expire210s, int expire270s, int expireLater, int standardAmount, int inProgress, int fallback) { int rv = 0; int remainingWanted = standardAmount - expireLater; if (allowZeroHop) remainingWanted -= fallback; for (int i = 0; i < expire270s && remainingWanted > 0; i++) remainingWanted--; if (remainingWanted > 0) { // 1x the tunnels expiring between 3.5 and 2.5 minutes from now for (int i = 0; i < expire210s && remainingWanted > 0; i++) { remainingWanted--; } if (remainingWanted > 0) { // 2x the tunnels expiring between 2.5 and 1.5 minutes from now for (int i = 0; i < expire150s && remainingWanted > 0; i++) { remainingWanted--; } if (remainingWanted > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < expire90s && remainingWanted > 0; i++) { remainingWanted--; } if (remainingWanted > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < expire30s && remainingWanted > 0; i++) { remainingWanted--; } if (remainingWanted > 0) { rv = (((expire270s > 0) && _context.random().nextBoolean()) ? 1 : 0); rv += expire210s; rv += 2*expire150s; rv += 4*expire90s; rv += 6*expire30s; rv += 6*remainingWanted; rv -= inProgress; rv -= expireLater; } else { rv = (((expire270s > 0) && _context.random().nextBoolean()) ? 1 : 0); rv += expire210s; rv += 2*expire150s; rv += 4*expire90s; rv += 6*expire30s; rv -= inProgress; rv -= expireLater; } } else { rv = (((expire270s > 0) && _context.random().nextBoolean()) ? 1 : 0); rv += expire210s; rv += 2*expire150s; rv += 4*expire90s; rv -= inProgress; rv -= expireLater; } } else { rv = (((expire270s > 0) && _context.random().nextBoolean()) ? 1 : 0); rv += expire210s; rv += 2*expire150s; rv -= inProgress; rv -= expireLater; } } else { rv = (((expire270s > 0) && _context.random().nextBoolean()) ? 1 : 0); rv += expire210s; rv -= inProgress; rv -= expireLater; } } else { rv = (((expire270s > 0) && _context.random().nextBoolean()) ? 1 : 0); rv -= inProgress; rv -= expireLater; } // yes, the above numbers and periods are completely arbitrary. suggestions welcome if (allowZeroHop && (rv > standardAmount)) rv = standardAmount; if (rv + inProgress + expireLater + fallback > 4*standardAmount) rv = 4*standardAmount - inProgress - expireLater - fallback; long lifetime = getLifetime(); if ( (lifetime < 60*1000) && (rv + inProgress + fallback >= standardAmount) ) rv = standardAmount - inProgress - fallback; if (rv > 0 && _log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Count: rv: " + rv + " allow? " + allowZeroHop + " 30s " + expire30s + " 90s " + expire90s + " 150s " + expire150s + " 210s " + expire210s + " 270s " + expire270s + " later " + expireLater + " std " + standardAmount + " inProgress " + inProgress + " fallback " + fallback + " for " + toString() + " up for " + lifetime); if (rv < 0) return 0; return rv; } /** * @return null on failure */ PooledTunnelCreatorConfig configureNewTunnel() { return configureNewTunnel(false); } /** * @return null on failure */ private PooledTunnelCreatorConfig configureNewTunnel(boolean forceZeroHop) { TunnelPoolSettings settings = getSettings(); // peers for new tunnel, including us, ENDPOINT FIRST List<Hash> peers = null; long now = _context.clock().now(); long expiration = now + TunnelPoolSettings.DEFAULT_DURATION; if (!forceZeroHop) { int len = settings.getLengthOverride(); if (len < 0) len = settings.getLength(); if (len > 0 && (!settings.isExploratory()) && _context.random().nextBoolean()) { // look for a tunnel to reuse, if the right length and expiring soon // ignore variance for now. len++; // us synchronized (_tunnels) { for (TunnelInfo ti : _tunnels) { if (ti.getLength() >= len && ti.getExpiration() < now + 3*60*1000 && !ti.wasReused()) { ti.setReused(); len = ti.getLength(); peers = new ArrayList<Hash>(len); // peers list is ordered endpoint first, but cfg.getPeer() is ordered gateway first for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { peers.add(ti.getPeer(i)); } break; } } } } if (peers == null) { setLengthOverride(); peers = _peerSelector.selectPeers(settings); } if ( (peers == null) || (peers.isEmpty()) ) { // no peers to build the tunnel with, and // the pool is refusing 0 hop tunnels if (peers == null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("No peers to put in the new tunnel! selectPeers returned null! boo, hiss!"); } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("No peers to put in the new tunnel! selectPeers returned an empty list?!"); } return null; } } else { peers = Collections.singletonList(_context.routerHash()); } PooledTunnelCreatorConfig cfg = new PooledTunnelCreatorConfig(_context, peers.size(), settings.isInbound(), settings.getDestination()); cfg.setTunnelPool(this); // peers list is ordered endpoint first, but cfg.getPeer() is ordered gateway first for (int i = 0; i < peers.size(); i++) { int j = peers.size() - 1 - i; cfg.setPeer(j, peers.get(i)); HopConfig hop = cfg.getConfig(j); hop.setCreation(now); hop.setExpiration(expiration); hop.setIVKey(_context.keyGenerator().generateSessionKey()); hop.setLayerKey(_context.keyGenerator().generateSessionKey()); // tunnelIds will be updated during building, and as the creator, we // don't need to worry about prev/next hop } // note that this will be adjusted by expire job cfg.setExpiration(expiration); if (!settings.isInbound()) cfg.setPriority(settings.getPriority()); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Config contains " + peers + ": " + cfg); synchronized (_inProgress) { _inProgress.add(cfg); } return cfg; } /** * Remove from the _inprogress list */ void buildComplete(PooledTunnelCreatorConfig cfg) { synchronized (_inProgress) { _inProgress.remove(cfg); } cfg.setTunnelPool(this); //_manager.buildComplete(cfg); } @Override public String toString() { if (_settings.isExploratory()) { if (_settings.isInbound()) return "Inbound exploratory pool"; else return "Outbound exploratory pool"; } else { StringBuilder rv = new StringBuilder(32); if (_settings.isInbound()) rv.append("Inbound client pool for "); else rv.append("Outbound client pool for "); if (_settings.getDestinationNickname() != null) rv.append(_settings.getDestinationNickname()); else rv.append(_settings.getDestination().toBase64().substring(0,4)); return rv.toString(); } } }