package net.i2p.router; /* * free (adj.): unencumbered; not under the control of others * Written by jrandom in 2003 and released into the public domain * with no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. * It probably won't make your computer catch on fire, or eat * your children, but it might. Use at your own risk. * */ import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import; import net.i2p.router.message.HandleGarlicMessageJob; import net.i2p.router.networkdb.kademlia.HandleFloodfillDatabaseLookupMessageJob; import net.i2p.router.RouterClock; import net.i2p.util.Clock; import net.i2p.util.I2PThread; import net.i2p.util.Log; import net.i2p.util.SystemVersion; /** * Manage the pending jobs according to whatever algorithm is appropriate, giving * preference to earlier scheduled jobs. * * For use by the router only. Not to be used by applications or plugins. */ public class JobQueue { private final Log _log; private final RouterContext _context; /** Integer (runnerId) to JobQueueRunner for created runners */ private final Map<Integer, JobQueueRunner> _queueRunners; /** a counter to identify a job runner */ private final static AtomicInteger _runnerId = new AtomicInteger(0); /** list of jobs that are ready to run ASAP */ private final BlockingQueue<Job> _readyJobs; /** SortedSet of jobs that are scheduled for running in the future, earliest first */ private final Set<Job> _timedJobs; /** job name to JobStat for that job */ private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, JobStats> _jobStats; private final QueuePumper _pumper; /** will we allow the # job runners to grow beyond 1? */ private volatile boolean _allowParallelOperation; /** have we been killed or are we alive? */ private volatile boolean _alive; private final Object _jobLock; private volatile long _nextPumperRun; /** how many when we go parallel */ private static final int RUNNERS; static { long maxMemory = SystemVersion.getMaxMemory(); if (maxMemory < 64*1024*1024) RUNNERS = 3; else if (maxMemory < 256*1024*1024) RUNNERS = 4; else RUNNERS = 5; } /** default max # job queue runners operating */ private final static int DEFAULT_MAX_RUNNERS = 1; /** router.config parameter to override the max runners */ private final static String PROP_MAX_RUNNERS = "router.maxJobRunners"; /** how frequently should we check and update the max runners */ private final static long MAX_LIMIT_UPDATE_DELAY = 60*1000; /** if a job is this lagged, spit out a warning, but keep going */ private long _lagWarning = DEFAULT_LAG_WARNING; private final static long DEFAULT_LAG_WARNING = 5*1000; /** @deprecated unimplemented */ @Deprecated private final static String PROP_LAG_WARNING = "router.jobLagWarning"; /** if a job is this lagged, the router is hosed, so spit out a warning (dont shut it down) */ private long _lagFatal = DEFAULT_LAG_FATAL; private final static long DEFAULT_LAG_FATAL = 30*1000; /** @deprecated unimplemented */ @Deprecated private final static String PROP_LAG_FATAL = "router.jobLagFatal"; /** if a job takes this long to run, spit out a warning, but keep going */ private long _runWarning = DEFAULT_RUN_WARNING; private final static long DEFAULT_RUN_WARNING = 5*1000; /** @deprecated unimplemented */ @Deprecated private final static String PROP_RUN_WARNING = "router.jobRunWarning"; /** if a job takes this long to run, the router is hosed, so spit out a warning (dont shut it down) */ private long _runFatal = DEFAULT_RUN_FATAL; private final static long DEFAULT_RUN_FATAL = 30*1000; /** @deprecated unimplemented */ @Deprecated private final static String PROP_RUN_FATAL = "router.jobRunFatal"; /** don't enforce fatal limits until the router has been up for this long */ private long _warmupTime = DEFAULT_WARMUP_TIME; private final static long DEFAULT_WARMUP_TIME = 10*60*1000; /** @deprecated unimplemented */ @Deprecated private final static String PROP_WARMUP_TIME = "router.jobWarmupTime"; /** max ready and waiting jobs before we start dropping 'em */ private int _maxWaitingJobs = DEFAULT_MAX_WAITING_JOBS; private final static int DEFAULT_MAX_WAITING_JOBS = 25; private final static long MIN_LAG_TO_DROP = 500; /** @deprecated unimplemented */ @Deprecated private final static String PROP_MAX_WAITING_JOBS = "router.maxWaitingJobs"; /** * queue runners wait on this whenever they're not doing anything, and * this gets notified *once* whenever there are ready jobs */ private final Object _runnerLock = new Object(); /** * Does not start the pumper. Caller MUST call startup. */ public JobQueue(RouterContext context) { _context = context; _log = context.logManager().getLog(JobQueue.class); _context.statManager().createRateStat("jobQueue.readyJobs", "How many ready and waiting jobs there are?", "JobQueue", new long[] { 60*1000l, 60*60*1000l, 24*60*60*1000l }); _context.statManager().createRateStat("jobQueue.droppedJobs", "How many jobs do we drop due to insane overload?", "JobQueue", new long[] { 60*1000l, 60*60*1000l, 24*60*60*1000l }); _context.statManager().createRateStat("jobQueue.queuedJobs", "How many scheduled jobs are there?", "JobQueue", new long[] { 60*1000l, 60*60*1000l, 24*60*60*1000l }); // following are for JobQueueRunner _context.statManager().createRateStat("jobQueue.jobRun", "How long jobs take", "JobQueue", new long[] { 60*60*1000l, 24*60*60*1000l }); _context.statManager().createRateStat("jobQueue.jobRunSlow", "How long jobs that take over a second take", "JobQueue", new long[] { 60*60*1000l, 24*60*60*1000l }); _context.statManager().createRequiredRateStat("jobQueue.jobLag", "Job run delay (ms)", "JobQueue", new long[] { 60*1000l, 60*60*1000l, 24*60*60*1000l }); _context.statManager().createRateStat("jobQueue.jobWait", "How long does a job sit on the job queue?", "JobQueue", new long[] { 60*60*1000l, 24*60*60*1000l }); //_context.statManager().createRateStat("jobQueue.jobRunnerInactive", "How long are runners inactive?", "JobQueue", new long[] { 60*1000l, 60*60*1000l, 24*60*60*1000l }); _readyJobs = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Job>(); _timedJobs = new TreeSet<Job>(new JobComparator()); _jobLock = new Object(); _queueRunners = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer,JobQueueRunner>(RUNNERS); _jobStats = new ConcurrentHashMap<String,JobStats>(); _pumper = new QueuePumper(); } /** * Enqueue the specified job * */ public void addJob(Job job) { if (job == null || !_alive) return; // This does nothing //if (job instanceof JobImpl) // ((JobImpl)job).addedToQueue(); long numReady; boolean alreadyExists = false; boolean dropped = false; // getNext() is now outside the jobLock, is that ok? long now = _context.clock().now(); long start = job.getTiming().getStartAfter(); if (start > now + 3*24*60*60*1000L) { // catch bugs, Job.requeue() argument is a delay not a time if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Scheduling job far in the future: " + (new Date(start)) + ' ' + job); } synchronized (_jobLock) { if (_readyJobs.contains(job)) alreadyExists = true; numReady = _readyJobs.size(); if (!alreadyExists) { //if (_timedJobs.contains(job)) // alreadyExists = true; // Always remove and re-add, since it needs to be // re-sorted in the TreeSet. boolean removed = _timedJobs.remove(job); if (removed && _log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Rescheduling job: " + job); } if ((!alreadyExists) && shouldDrop(job, numReady)) { job.dropped(); dropped = true; } else { if (!alreadyExists) { if (start <= now) { // don't skew us - its 'start after' its been queued, or later job.getTiming().setStartAfter(now); if (job instanceof JobImpl) ((JobImpl)job).madeReady(); _readyJobs.offer(job); } else { _timedJobs.add(job); // only notify for _timedJobs, as _readyJobs does not use that lock // only notify if sooner, to reduce contention if (start < _nextPumperRun) _jobLock.notifyAll(); } } } } _context.statManager().addRateData("jobQueue.readyJobs", numReady); _context.statManager().addRateData("jobQueue.queuedJobs", _timedJobs.size()); if (dropped) { _context.statManager().addRateData("jobQueue.droppedJobs", 1); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Dropping job due to overload! # ready jobs: " + numReady + ": job = " + job); String key = job.getName(); JobStats stats = _jobStats.get(key); if (stats == null) { stats = new JobStats(key); JobStats old = _jobStats.putIfAbsent(key, stats); if (old != null) stats = old; } stats.jobDropped(); } } public void removeJob(Job job) { synchronized (_jobLock) { _readyJobs.remove(job); _timedJobs.remove(job); } } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if a given job is waiting or running; * <code>false</code> if the job is finished or doesn't exist in the queue. * * @deprecated unused */ @Deprecated public boolean isJobActive(Job job) { synchronized (_jobLock) { if (_readyJobs.contains(job) || _timedJobs.contains(job)) return true; } for (JobQueueRunner runner: _queueRunners.values()) if (runner.getCurrentJob() == job) return true; return false; } /** * @deprecated contention - see JobTiming.setStartAfter() comments */ @Deprecated public void timingUpdated() { synchronized (_jobLock) { _jobLock.notifyAll(); } } public int getReadyCount() { return _readyJobs.size(); } public long getMaxLag() { // first job is the one that has been waiting the longest Job j = _readyJobs.peek(); if (j == null) return 0; JobTiming jt = j.getTiming(); // PoisonJob timing is null, prevent NPE at shutdown if (jt == null) return 0; long startAfter = jt.getStartAfter(); return _context.clock().now() - startAfter; } /** * are we so overloaded that we should drop the given job? * This is driven both by the numReady and waiting jobs, the type of job * in question, and what the router's router.maxWaitingJobs config parameter * is set to. * */ private boolean shouldDrop(Job job, long numReady) { if (_maxWaitingJobs <= 0) return false; // dont ever drop jobs if (!_allowParallelOperation) return false; // dont drop during startup [duh] if (numReady > _maxWaitingJobs) { Class<? extends Job> cls = job.getClass(); // lets not try to drop too many tunnel messages... //if (cls == HandleTunnelMessageJob.class) // return true; // we don't really *need* to answer DB lookup messages // This is pretty lame, there's actually a ton of different jobs we // could drop, but is it worth making a list? // // Garlic added in 0.9.19, floodfills were getting overloaded // with encrypted lookups // // Obviously we can only drop one-shot jobs, not those that requeue // if (cls == HandleFloodfillDatabaseLookupMessageJob.class || cls == HandleGarlicMessageJob.class) { // this tail drops based on the lag at the tail, which // makes no sense... //JobTiming jt = job.getTiming(); //if (jt != null) { // long lag = _context.clock().now() - jt.getStartAfter(); // if (lag >= MIN_LAG_TO_DROP) // return true; //} // this tail drops based on the lag at the head if (getMaxLag() >= MIN_LAG_TO_DROP) return true; } } return false; } public void allowParallelOperation() { _allowParallelOperation = true; runQueue(_context.getProperty(PROP_MAX_RUNNERS, RUNNERS)); } /** * Start the pumper. * @since 0.9.19 */ public void startup() { _alive = true; I2PThread pumperThread = new I2PThread(_pumper, "Job Queue Pumper", true); pumperThread.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY + 1); pumperThread.start(); } /** @deprecated do you really want to do this? */ @Deprecated public void restart() { synchronized (_jobLock) { _timedJobs.clear(); _readyJobs.clear(); _jobLock.notifyAll(); } } void shutdown() { _alive = false; synchronized (_jobLock) { _timedJobs.clear(); _readyJobs.clear(); _jobLock.notifyAll(); } // The JobQueueRunners are NOT daemons, // so they must be stopped. Job poison = new PoisonJob(); for (JobQueueRunner runner : _queueRunners.values()) { runner.stopRunning(); _readyJobs.offer(poison); // TODO interrupt thread for each runner } _queueRunners.clear(); _jobStats.clear(); _runnerId.set(0); /******** if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(1024); buf.append("current jobs: \n"); for (Iterator iter = _queueRunners.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { JobQueueRunner runner =; Job j = runner.getCurrentJob(); buf.append("Runner ").append(runner.getRunnerId()).append(": "); if (j == null) { buf.append("no current job "); } else { buf.append(j.toString()); buf.append(" started ").append(_context.clock().now() - j.getTiming().getActualStart()); buf.append("ms ago"); } j = runner.getLastJob(); if (j == null) { buf.append("no last job"); } else { buf.append(j.toString()); buf.append(" started ").append(_context.clock().now() - j.getTiming().getActualStart()); buf.append("ms ago and finished "); buf.append(_context.clock().now() - j.getTiming().getActualEnd()); buf.append("ms ago"); } } buf.append("\nready jobs: ").append(_readyJobs.size()).append("\n\t"); for (int i = 0; i < _readyJobs.size(); i++) buf.append(_readyJobs.get(i).toString()).append("\n\t"); buf.append("\n\ntimed jobs: ").append(_timedJobs.size()).append("\n\t"); for (int i = 0; i < _timedJobs.size(); i++) buf.append(_timedJobs.get(i).toString()).append("\n\t"); _log.log(Log.WARN, buf.toString()); } ********/ } boolean isAlive() { return _alive; } /** * When did the most recently begin job start? */ public long getLastJobBegin() { long when = -1; for (JobQueueRunner runner : _queueRunners.values()) { long cur = runner.getLastBegin(); if (cur > when) cur = when; } return when; } /** * When did the most recently begin job start? */ public long getLastJobEnd() { long when = -1; for (JobQueueRunner runner : _queueRunners.values()) { long cur = runner.getLastEnd(); if (cur > when) cur = when; } return when; } /** * retrieve the most recently begin and still currently active job, or null if * no jobs are running */ public Job getLastJob() { Job j = null; long when = -1; for (JobQueueRunner cur : _queueRunners.values()) { if (cur.getLastBegin() > when) { j = cur.getCurrentJob(); when = cur.getLastBegin(); } } return j; } /** * Blocking call to retrieve the next ready job * */ Job getNext() { while (_alive) { try { Job j = _readyJobs.take(); if (j.getJobId() == POISON_ID) break; return j; } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("No longer alive, returning null"); return null; } /** * Start up the queue with the specified number of concurrent processors. * If this method has already been called, it will adjust the number of * runners to meet the new number. This does not kill jobs running on * excess threads, it merely instructs the threads to die after finishing * the current job. * */ public synchronized void runQueue(int numThreads) { // we're still starting up [serially] and we've got at least one runner, // so dont do anything if ( (!_queueRunners.isEmpty()) && (!_allowParallelOperation) ) return; // we've already enabled parallel operation, so grow to however many are // specified if (_queueRunners.size() < numThreads) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Increasing the number of queue runners from " + _queueRunners.size() + " to " + numThreads); for (int i = _queueRunners.size(); i < numThreads; i++) { JobQueueRunner runner = new JobQueueRunner(_context, i); _queueRunners.put(Integer.valueOf(i), runner); runner.setName("JobQueue " + _runnerId.incrementAndGet() + '/' + numThreads); runner.start(); } } else if (_queueRunners.size() == numThreads) { for (JobQueueRunner runner : _queueRunners.values()) { runner.startRunning(); } } else { // numThreads < # runners, so shrink //for (int i = _queueRunners.size(); i > numThreads; i++) { // QueueRunner runner = (QueueRunner)_queueRunners.get(new Integer(i)); // runner.stopRunning(); //} } } void removeRunner(int id) { _queueRunners.remove(Integer.valueOf(id)); } /** * Responsible for moving jobs from the timed queue to the ready queue, * adjusting the number of queue runners, as well as periodically updating the * max number of runners. * */ private final class QueuePumper implements Runnable, Clock.ClockUpdateListener, RouterClock.ClockShiftListener { public QueuePumper() { _context.clock().addUpdateListener(this); ((RouterClock) _context.clock()).addShiftListener(this); } public void run() { try { while (_alive) { long now = _context.clock().now(); long timeToWait = -1; try { synchronized (_jobLock) { Job lastJob = null; long lastTime = Long.MIN_VALUE; for (Iterator<Job> iter = _timedJobs.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Job j =; // find jobs due to start before now long timeLeft = j.getTiming().getStartAfter() - now; if (lastJob != null && lastTime > j.getTiming().getStartAfter()) { _log.error("Job " + lastJob + " out of order with job " + j + " difference of " + DataHelper.formatDuration(lastTime - j.getTiming().getStartAfter())); } lastJob = j; lastTime = lastJob.getTiming().getStartAfter(); if (timeLeft <= 0) { if (j instanceof JobImpl) ((JobImpl)j).madeReady(); _readyJobs.offer(j); iter.remove(); } else { //if ( (timeToWait <= 0) || (timeLeft < timeToWait) ) // _timedJobs is now a TreeSet, so once we hit one that is // not ready yet, we can break // NOTE: By not going through the whole thing, a single job changing // setStartAfter() to some far-away time, without // calling addJob(), could clog the whole queue forever. // Hopefully nobody does that, and as a backup, we hope // that the TreeSet will eventually resort it from other addJob() calls. timeToWait = timeLeft; // failsafe - remove and re-add, peek at the next job, // break and go around again if (timeToWait > 10*1000 && iter.hasNext()) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Failsafe re-sort job " + j + " with delay " + DataHelper.formatDuration(timeToWait)); iter.remove(); Job nextJob =; _timedJobs.add(j); long nextTimeLeft = nextJob.getTiming().getStartAfter() - now; if (timeToWait > nextTimeLeft) { _log.error("Job " + j + " out of order with job " + nextJob + " difference of " + DataHelper.formatDuration(timeToWait - nextTimeLeft)); timeToWait = Math.max(10, nextTimeLeft); } } break; } } if (timeToWait < 0) timeToWait = 1000; else if (timeToWait < 10) timeToWait = 10; else if (timeToWait > 10*1000) timeToWait = 10*1000; //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("Waiting " + timeToWait + " before rechecking the timed queue"); _nextPumperRun = _context.clock().now() + timeToWait; _jobLock.wait(timeToWait); } // synchronize (_jobLock) } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} } // while (_alive) } catch (Throwable t) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR)) _log.error("pumper killed?!", t); } finally { _context.clock().removeUpdateListener(this); ((RouterClock) _context.clock()).removeShiftListener(this); } } public void offsetChanged(long delta) { updateJobTimings(delta); synchronized (_jobLock) { _jobLock.notifyAll(); } } /** * Clock shift listener. * Only adjust timings for negative shifts. * For positive shifts, just wake up the pumper. * @since 0.9.23 */ public void clockShift(long delta) { if (delta < 0) { offsetChanged(delta); } else { synchronized (_jobLock) { _jobLock.notifyAll(); } } } } /** * Update the clock data for all jobs in process or scheduled for * completion. */ private void updateJobTimings(long delta) { synchronized (_jobLock) { for (Job j : _timedJobs) { j.getTiming().offsetChanged(delta); } for (Job j : _readyJobs) { j.getTiming().offsetChanged(delta); } } synchronized (_runnerLock) { for (JobQueueRunner runner : _queueRunners.values()) { Job job = runner.getCurrentJob(); if (job != null) job.getTiming().offsetChanged(delta); } } } /** * calculate and update the job timings * if it was lagged too much or took too long to run, spit out * a warning (and if its really excessive, kill the router) */ void updateStats(Job job, long doStart, long origStartAfter, long duration) { if (_context.router() == null) return; String key = job.getName(); long lag = doStart - origStartAfter; // how long were we ready and waiting? MessageHistory hist = _context.messageHistory(); long uptime = _context.router().getUptime(); if (lag < 0) lag = 0; if (duration < 0) duration = 0; JobStats stats = _jobStats.get(key); if (stats == null) { stats = new JobStats(key); JobStats old = _jobStats.putIfAbsent(key, stats); if (old != null) stats = old; } stats.jobRan(duration, lag); String dieMsg = null; if (lag > _lagWarning) { dieMsg = "Lag too long for job " + job.getName() + " [" + lag + "ms and a run time of " + duration + "ms]"; } else if (duration > _runWarning) { dieMsg = "Job run too long for job " + job.getName() + " [" + lag + "ms lag and run time of " + duration + "ms]"; } if (dieMsg != null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn(dieMsg); if (hist != null) hist.messageProcessingError(-1, JobQueue.class.getName(), dieMsg); } if ( (lag > _lagFatal) && (uptime > _warmupTime) ) { // this is fscking bad - the network at this size shouldn't have this much real contention // so we're going to DIE DIE DIE if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.log(Log.WARN, "The router is either incredibly overloaded or (more likely) there's an error.", new Exception("ttttooooo mmmuuuccccchhhh llllaaagggg")); //try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} //Router.getInstance().shutdown(); return; } if ( (uptime > _warmupTime) && (duration > _runFatal) ) { // slow CPUs can get hosed with ElGamal, but 10s is too much. if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.log(Log.WARN, "The router is incredibly overloaded - either you have a 386, or (more likely) there's an error. ", new Exception("ttttooooo sssllloooowww")); //try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} //Router.getInstance().shutdown(); return; } } /** job ID counter changed from int to long so it won't wrap negative */ private static final int POISON_ID = -99999; private static class PoisonJob implements Job { public String getName() { return null; } public long getJobId() { return POISON_ID; } public JobTiming getTiming() { return null; } public void runJob() {} public Exception getAddedBy() { return null; } public void dropped() {} } /** * Comparator for the _timedJobs TreeSet. * Ensure different jobs with the same timing are different so they aren't removed. * @since 0.8.9 */ private static class JobComparator implements Comparator<Job>, Serializable { public int compare(Job l, Job r) { // equals first, Jobs generally don't override so this should be fast // And this MUST be first so we can remove a job even if its timing has changed. if (l.equals(r)) return 0; // This is for _timedJobs, which always have a JobTiming. // PoisonJob only goes in _readyJobs. long ld = l.getTiming().getStartAfter() - r.getTiming().getStartAfter(); if (ld < 0) return -1; if (ld > 0) return 1; ld = l.getJobId() - r.getJobId(); if (ld < 0) return -1; if (ld > 0) return 1; return l.hashCode() - r.hashCode(); } } /** * Dump the current state. * For the router console jobs status page. * * @param readyJobs out parameter * @param timedJobs out parameter * @param activeJobs out parameter * @param justFinishedJobs out parameter * @return number of job runners * @since 0.8.9 */ public int getJobs(Collection<Job> readyJobs, Collection<Job> timedJobs, Collection<Job> activeJobs, Collection<Job> justFinishedJobs) { for (JobQueueRunner runner :_queueRunners.values()) { Job job = runner.getCurrentJob(); if (job != null) { activeJobs.add(job); } else { job = runner.getLastJob(); if (job != null) justFinishedJobs.add(job); } } synchronized (_jobLock) { readyJobs.addAll(_readyJobs); timedJobs.addAll(_timedJobs); } return _queueRunners.size(); } /** * Current job stats. * For the router console jobs status page. * * @since 0.8.9 */ public Collection<JobStats> getJobStats() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(_jobStats.values()); } /** @deprecated moved to router console */ @Deprecated public void renderStatusHTML(Writer out) throws IOException { } }