package net.i2p.client.streaming.impl; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import net.i2p.I2PAppContext; import net.i2p.client.I2PSession; import; import; import; import; import net.i2p.util.Log; import net.i2p.util.SimpleTimer2; /** * This is the class used for outbound packets. * * coordinate local attributes about a packet - send time, ack time, number of * retries, etc. */ class PacketLocal extends Packet implements MessageOutputStream.WriteStatus { private final I2PAppContext _context; private final Log _log; private final Connection _connection; private final Destination _to; private SessionKey _keyUsed; private final long _createdOn; private final AtomicInteger _numSends = new AtomicInteger(); private volatile long _lastSend; private long _acceptedOn; /** LOCKING: this */ private long _ackOn; private long _cancelledOn; private final AtomicInteger _nackCount = new AtomicInteger(); private volatile boolean _retransmitted; private volatile SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent _resendEvent; /** not bound to a connection */ public PacketLocal(I2PAppContext ctx, Destination to, I2PSession session) { super(session); _context = ctx; _createdOn = ctx.clock().now(); _log = ctx.logManager().getLog(PacketLocal.class); _to = to; _connection = null; _lastSend = -1; _cancelledOn = -1; } /** bound to a connection */ public PacketLocal(I2PAppContext ctx, Destination to, Connection con) { super(con.getSession()); _context = ctx; _createdOn = ctx.clock().now(); _log = ctx.logManager().getLog(PacketLocal.class); _to = to; _connection = con; _lastSend = -1; _cancelledOn = -1; } public Destination getTo() { return _to; } /** * @deprecated should always return null */ @Deprecated public SessionKey getKeyUsed() { return _keyUsed; } /** * @deprecated I2PSession throws out the tags */ @Deprecated public void setKeyUsed(SessionKey key) { if (key != null) _log.error("Who is sending tags thru the streaming lib?"); _keyUsed = key; } /** * @deprecated should always return null or an empty set */ @Deprecated public Set<SessionTag> getTagsSent() { return Collections.emptySet(); } /** * @deprecated I2PSession throws out the tags */ @Deprecated public void setTagsSent(Set<SessionTag> tags) { if (tags != null && !tags.isEmpty()) _log.error("Who is sending tags thru the streaming lib? " + tags.size()); /**** if ( (_tagsSent != null) && (!_tagsSent.isEmpty()) && (!tags.isEmpty()) ) { //int old = _tagsSent.size(); //_tagsSent.addAll(tags); if (!_tagsSent.equals(tags)) System.out.println("ERROR: dup tags: old=" + _tagsSent.size() + " new=" + tags.size() + " packet: " + toString()); } else { _tagsSent = tags; } ****/ } public boolean shouldSign() { return isFlagSet(FLAG_SIGNATURE_INCLUDED | FLAG_SYNCHRONIZE | FLAG_CLOSE | FLAG_ECHO); } public long getCreatedOn() { return _createdOn; } public long getLifetime() { return _context.clock().now() - _createdOn; } public void incrementSends() { _numSends.incrementAndGet(); _lastSend = _context.clock().now(); } private void cancelResend() { SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent ev = _resendEvent; if (ev != null) ev.cancel(); } public void ackReceived() { final long now = _context.clock().now(); synchronized (this) { if (_ackOn <= 0) _ackOn = now; releasePayload(); notifyAll(); } cancelResend(); } public void cancelled() { synchronized (this) { _cancelledOn = _context.clock().now(); releasePayload(); notifyAll(); } cancelResend(); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Cancelled! " + toString(), new Exception("cancelled")); } public SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent getResendEvent() { return _resendEvent; } /** how long after packet creation was it acked? * @return how long after packet creation the packet was ACKed in ms */ public synchronized int getAckTime() { if (_ackOn <= 0) return -1; else return (int)(_ackOn - _createdOn); } public int getNumSends() { return _numSends.get(); } public long getLastSend() { return _lastSend; } /** @return null if not bound */ public Connection getConnection() { return _connection; } /** * Will force a fast restransmit on the 3rd call (FAST_RETRANSMIT_THRESHOLD) * but only if it's the lowest unacked (see Connection.ResendPacketEvent) */ public void incrementNACKs() { final int cnt = _nackCount.incrementAndGet(); SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent evt = _resendEvent; if (cnt >= Connection.FAST_RETRANSMIT_THRESHOLD && evt != null && (!_retransmitted) && (_numSends.get() == 1 || _lastSend < _context.clock().now() - 4*1000)) { // Don't fast retx if we recently resent it _retransmitted = true; evt.reschedule(0); // the predicate used to be '+', changing to '-' --zab if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) { final String log = String.format("%s nacks and retransmits. Criteria: nacks=%d, retransmitted=%b,"+ " numSends=%d, lastSend=%d, now=%d", toString(), cnt, _retransmitted, _numSends.get(), _lastSend, _context.clock().now()); _log.debug(log); } } else if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) { final String log = String.format("%s nack but no retransmit. Criteria: nacks=%d, retransmitted=%b,"+ " numSends=%d, lastSend=%d, now=%d", toString(), cnt, _retransmitted, _numSends.get(), _lastSend, _context.clock().now()); _log.debug(log); } } public int getNACKs() { return _nackCount.get(); } public void setResendPacketEvent(SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent evt) { _resendEvent = evt; } /** * Sign and write the packet to the buffer (starting at the offset) and return * the number of bytes written. * * @param buffer data to be written * @param offset starting point in the buffer * @return Count of bytes written * @throws IllegalStateException if there is data missing or otherwise b0rked * @since 0.9.20 moved from Packet */ public int writeSignedPacket(byte buffer[], int offset) throws IllegalStateException { setFlag(FLAG_SIGNATURE_INCLUDED); SigningPrivateKey key = _session.getPrivateKey(); int size = writePacket(buffer, offset, key.getType().getSigLen()); _optionSignature = _context.dsa().sign(buffer, offset, size, key); if (_optionSignature == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Signature failed"); //if (false) { // Log l = ctx.logManager().getLog(Packet.class); // l.error("Signing: " + toString()); // l.error(Base64.encode(buffer, 0, size)); // l.error("Signature: " + Base64.encode(_optionSignature.getData())); //} // jump into the signed data and inject the signature where we // previously placed a bunch of zeroes int signatureOffset = offset //+ 4 // sendStreamId //+ 4 // receiveStreamId //+ 4 // sequenceNum //+ 4 // ackThrough //+ 1 // resendDelay //+ 2 // flags //+ 2 // optionSize + 21 + (_nacks != null ? 4*_nacks.length + 1 : 1) + (isFlagSet(FLAG_DELAY_REQUESTED) ? 2 : 0) + (isFlagSet(FLAG_FROM_INCLUDED) ? _optionFrom.size() : 0) + (isFlagSet(FLAG_MAX_PACKET_SIZE_INCLUDED) ? 2 : 0); System.arraycopy(_optionSignature.getData(), 0, buffer, signatureOffset, _optionSignature.length()); return size; } @Override public StringBuilder formatAsString() { StringBuilder buf = super.formatAsString(); //if ( (_tagsSent != null) && (!_tagsSent.isEmpty()) ) // buf.append(" with tags"); final int nackCount = _nackCount.get(); if (nackCount > 0) buf.append(" nacked ").append(nackCount).append(" times"); synchronized(this) { if (_ackOn > 0) buf.append(" ack after ").append(getAckTime()); } int numSends = _numSends.get(); if (numSends > 1) buf.append(" sent ").append(numSends).append(" times"); if (isFlagSet(FLAG_SYNCHRONIZE | FLAG_CLOSE | FLAG_RESET)) { Connection con = _connection; if (con != null) { buf.append(" from "); Destination local = _session.getMyDestination(); if (local != null) buf.append(local.calculateHash().toBase64().substring(0,4)); else buf.append("unknown"); buf.append(" to "); Destination remote = con.getRemotePeer(); if (remote != null) buf.append(remote.calculateHash().toBase64().substring(0,4)); else buf.append("unknown"); } } return buf; } ////// begin WriteStatus methods /** * Blocks until outbound window is not full. See Connection.packetSendChoke(). * @param maxWaitMs MessageOutputStream is the only caller, generally with -1 */ public void waitForAccept(int maxWaitMs) throws IOException, InterruptedException { long before = _context.clock().now(); boolean accepted = false; try { // throws IOE or IE accepted = _connection.packetSendChoke(maxWaitMs); } finally { if (accepted) { _acceptedOn = _context.clock().now(); } else { _acceptedOn = -1; releasePayload(); } if ( (_acceptedOn - before > 1000) && (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) ) { int queued = _connection.getUnackedPacketsSent(); int window = _connection.getOptions().getWindowSize(); int afterQueued = _connection.getUnackedPacketsSent(); _log.debug("Took " + (_acceptedOn - before) + "ms to get " + (accepted ? "accepted" : "rejected") + (_cancelledOn > 0 ? " and CANCELLED" : "") + ", queued behind " + queued +" with a window size of " + window + ", finally accepted with " + afterQueued + " queued: " + toString()); } } } /** block until the packet is acked from the far end */ public void waitForCompletion(int maxWaitMs) throws IOException, InterruptedException { long expiration = _context.clock().now()+maxWaitMs; try { while (true) { long timeRemaining = expiration - _context.clock().now(); if ( (timeRemaining <= 0) && (maxWaitMs > 0) ) break; synchronized (this) { if (_ackOn > 0) break; if (!_connection.getIsConnected()) throw new IOException("disconnected"); if (_cancelledOn > 0) throw new IOException("cancelled"); if (timeRemaining > 60*1000) timeRemaining = 60*1000; else if (timeRemaining <= 0) timeRemaining = 10*1000; wait(timeRemaining); } } } finally { if (!writeSuccessful()) releasePayload(); } } public synchronized boolean writeAccepted() { return _acceptedOn > 0 && _cancelledOn <= 0; } public synchronized boolean writeFailed() { return _cancelledOn > 0; } public synchronized boolean writeSuccessful() { return _ackOn > 0 && _cancelledOn <= 0; } ////// end WriteStatus methods /** Generate a pcap/tcpdump-compatible format, * so we can use standard debugging tools. */ public void logTCPDump() { try { I2PSocketManagerFull.pcapWriter.write(this); } catch (IOException ioe) { _log.warn("pcap write ioe: " + ioe); } } }