package net.i2p.router.web; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import net.i2p.router.networkdb.reseed.Reseeder; /** * @since 0.8.3 */ public class ConfigReseedHandler extends FormHandler { private final Map<String, String> changes = new HashMap<String, String>(); private final List<String> removes = new ArrayList<String>(); @Override protected void processForm() { if (_action.equals(_t("Save changes and reseed now"))) { saveChanges(); if (!_context.netDb().reseedChecker().requestReseed()) { addFormError(_t("Reseeding is already in progress")); } else { // skip the nonce checking in ReseedHandler addFormNotice(_t("Starting reseed process")); } } else if (_action.equals(_t("Reseed from URL"))) { String val = getJettyString("url"); if (val != null) val = val.trim(); if (val == null || val.length() == 0) { addFormError(_t("You must enter a URL")); return; } URI url; try { url = new URI(val); } catch (URISyntaxException mue) { addFormError(_t("Bad URL {0}", val)); return; } try { if (!_context.netDb().reseedChecker().requestReseed(url)) { addFormError(_t("Reseeding is already in progress")); } else { // wait a while for completion but not forever for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} if (!_context.netDb().reseedChecker().inProgress()) break; } String status = _context.netDb().reseedChecker().getStatus(); String error = _context.netDb().reseedChecker().getError(); if (error.length() > 0) { addFormErrorNoEscape(error); } else if (status.length() > 0) { addFormNoticeNoEscape(status); } else if (_context.netDb().reseedChecker().inProgress()) { addFormNotice(_t("Reseed in progress, check summary bar for status")); } else { addFormNotice(_t("Reseed complete, check summary bar for status")); } } } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { addFormError(_t("Bad URL {0}", val) + " - " + iae.getMessage()); } } else if (_action.equals(_t("Reseed from file"))) { InputStream in = _requestWrapper.getInputStream("file"); try { // non-null but zero bytes if no file entered, don't know why if (in == null || in.available() <= 0) { addFormError(_t("You must enter a file")); return; } int count = _context.netDb().reseedChecker().requestReseed(in); if (count <= 0) { addFormError(_t("Reseed from file failed")); } else { addFormNotice(ngettext("Reseed successful, loaded {0} router info from file", "Reseed successful, loaded {0} router infos from file", count)); } } catch (IOException ioe) { addFormError(_t("Reseed from file failed") + " - " + ioe); } finally { // it's really a ByteArrayInputStream but we'll play along... if (in != null) try { in.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {} } } else if (_action.equals(_t("Save changes"))) { saveChanges(); } else if (_action.equals(_t("Reset URL list"))) { resetUrlList(); } //addFormError(_t("Unsupported") + ' ' + _action + '.'); } private void resetUrlList() { if (_context.router().saveConfig(Reseeder.PROP_RESEED_URL, null)) addFormNotice(_t("URL list reset successfully")); else addFormError(_t("Error saving the configuration (applied but not saved) - please see the error logs")); } /** @since 0.8.9 */ private void saveString(String config, String param) { String val = getJettyString(param); if (val != null && val.length() > 0) changes.put(config, val); else removes.add(config); } /** @since 0.8.9 */ private void saveBoolean(String config, String param) { boolean val = getJettyString(param) != null; changes.put(config, Boolean.toString(val)); } private void saveChanges() { saveString(Reseeder.PROP_PROXY_PORT, "port"); saveString(Reseeder.PROP_PROXY_HOST, "host"); saveString(Reseeder.PROP_PROXY_USERNAME, "username"); saveString(Reseeder.PROP_PROXY_PASSWORD, "password"); saveBoolean(Reseeder.PROP_PROXY_AUTH_ENABLE, "auth"); saveString(Reseeder.PROP_SPROXY_PORT, "sport"); saveString(Reseeder.PROP_SPROXY_HOST, "shost"); saveString(Reseeder.PROP_SPROXY_USERNAME, "susername"); saveString(Reseeder.PROP_SPROXY_PASSWORD, "spassword"); saveBoolean(Reseeder.PROP_SPROXY_AUTH_ENABLE, "sauth"); String url = getJettyString("reseedURL"); if (url != null) { url = url.trim().replace("\r\n", ",").replace("\n", ","); if (url.length() <= 0) { addFormNotice("Restoring default URLs"); removes.add(Reseeder.PROP_RESEED_URL); } else { changes.put(Reseeder.PROP_RESEED_URL, url); } } String mode = getJettyString("mode"); boolean req = "1".equals(mode); boolean disabled = "2".equals(mode); changes.put(Reseeder.PROP_SSL_REQUIRED, Boolean.toString(req)); changes.put(Reseeder.PROP_SSL_DISABLE, Boolean.toString(disabled)); saveBoolean(Reseeder.PROP_PROXY_ENABLE, "enable"); saveBoolean(Reseeder.PROP_SPROXY_ENABLE, "senable"); if (_context.router().saveConfig(changes, removes)) addFormNotice(_t("Configuration saved successfully.")); else addFormError(_t("Error saving the configuration (applied but not saved) - please see the error logs")); } /** translate (ngettext) @since 0.9.19 */ public String ngettext(String s, String p, int n) { return Messages.getString(n, s, p, _context); } }