package net.i2p.router.tunnel.pool; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import net.i2p.I2PAppContext; import net.i2p.crypto.SHA256Generator; import net.i2p.crypto.SigType; import; import; import; import net.i2p.router.Router; import net.i2p.router.RouterContext; import net.i2p.router.TunnelPoolSettings; import net.i2p.router.networkdb.kademlia.FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade; import net.i2p.router.util.HashDistance; import net.i2p.util.Log; import net.i2p.util.VersionComparator; /** * Coordinate the selection of peers to go into a tunnel for one particular * pool. * * Todo: there's nothing non-static in here */ public abstract class TunnelPeerSelector { protected final RouterContext ctx; protected TunnelPeerSelector(RouterContext context) { ctx = context; } /** * Which peers should go into the next tunnel for the given settings? * * @return ordered list of Hash objects (one per peer) specifying what order * they should appear in a tunnel (ENDPOINT FIRST). This includes * the local router in the list. If there are no tunnels or peers * to build through, and the settings reject 0 hop tunnels, this will * return null. */ public abstract List<Hash> selectPeers(TunnelPoolSettings settings); /** * @return randomized number of hops 0-7, not including ourselves */ protected int getLength(TunnelPoolSettings settings) { int length = settings.getLength(); int override = settings.getLengthOverride(); if (override >= 0) { length = override; } else if (settings.getLengthVariance() != 0) { int skew = settings.getLengthVariance(); if (skew > 0) length += ctx.random().nextInt(skew+1); else { skew = 1 - skew; int off = ctx.random().nextInt(skew); if (ctx.random().nextBoolean()) length += off; else length -= off; } } if (length < 0) length = 0; else if (length > 7) // as documented in tunnel.html length = 7; /* if ( (ctx.tunnelManager().getOutboundTunnelCount() <= 0) || (ctx.tunnelManager().getFreeTunnelCount() <= 0) ) { Log log = ctx.logManager().getLog(TunnelPeerSelector.class); // no tunnels to build tunnels with if (settings.getAllowZeroHop()) { if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"no outbound tunnels or free inbound tunnels, but we do allow zeroHop: " + settings); return 0; } else { if (log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) log.warn("no outbound tunnels or free inbound tunnels, and we dont allow zeroHop: " + settings); return -1; } } */ return length; } /** * For debugging, also possibly for restricted routes? * Needs analysis and testing * @return should always be false */ protected boolean shouldSelectExplicit(TunnelPoolSettings settings) { if (settings.isExploratory()) return false; Properties opts = settings.getUnknownOptions(); if (opts != null) { String peers = opts.getProperty("explicitPeers"); if (peers == null) peers = I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext().getProperty("explicitPeers"); if (peers != null) return true; } return false; } /** * For debugging, also possibly for restricted routes? * Needs analysis and testing * @return should always be false */ protected List<Hash> selectExplicit(TunnelPoolSettings settings, int length) { String peers = null; Properties opts = settings.getUnknownOptions(); if (opts != null) peers = opts.getProperty("explicitPeers"); if (peers == null) peers = I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext().getProperty("explicitPeers"); Log log = ctx.logManager().getLog(ClientPeerSelector.class); List<Hash> rv = new ArrayList<Hash>(); StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(peers, ","); while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { String peerStr = tok.nextToken(); Hash peer = new Hash(); try { peer.fromBase64(peerStr); if (ctx.profileOrganizer().isSelectable(peer)) { rv.add(peer); } else { if (log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) log.debug("Explicit peer is not selectable: " + peerStr); } } catch (DataFormatException dfe) { if (log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR)) log.error("Explicit peer is improperly formatted (" + peerStr + ")", dfe); } } int sz = rv.size(); Collections.shuffle(rv, ctx.random()); while (rv.size() > length) rv.remove(0); if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); if (settings.getDestinationNickname() != null) buf.append("peers for ").append(settings.getDestinationNickname()); else if (settings.getDestination() != null) buf.append("peers for ").append(settings.getDestination().toBase64()); else buf.append("peers for exploratory "); if (settings.isInbound()) buf.append(" inbound"); else buf.append(" outbound"); buf.append(" peers: ").append(rv); buf.append(", out of ").append(sz).append(" (not including self)");; } if (settings.isInbound()) rv.add(0, ctx.routerHash()); else rv.add(ctx.routerHash()); return rv; } /** * Pick peers that we want to avoid */ public Set<Hash> getExclude(boolean isInbound, boolean isExploratory) { // we may want to update this to skip 'hidden' or 'unreachable' peers, but that // isn't safe, since they may publish one set of routerInfo to us and another to // other peers. the defaults for filterUnreachable has always been to return false, // but might as well make it explicit with a "false &&" // // Unreachable peers at the inbound gateway is a major cause of problems. // Due to a bug in SSU peer testing in and earlier, peers don't know // if they are unreachable, so the netdb indication won't help much. // As of we should have lots of unreachables, so enable this for now. // Also (and more effectively) exclude peers we detect are unreachable, // this should be much more effective, especially on a router that has been // up a few hours. // // We could just try and exclude them as the inbound gateway but that's harder // (and even worse for anonymity?). // // Defaults changed to true for inbound only in filterUnreachable below. Set<Hash> peers = new HashSet<Hash>(1); peers.addAll(ctx.profileOrganizer().selectPeersRecentlyRejecting()); peers.addAll(ctx.tunnelManager().selectPeersInTooManyTunnels()); // if (false && filterUnreachable(ctx, isInbound, isExploratory)) { if (filterUnreachable(isInbound, isExploratory)) { // NOTE: filterUnreachable returns true for inbound, false for outbound // This is the only use for getPeersByCapability? And the whole set of datastructures in PeerManager? Collection<Hash> caps = ctx.peerManager().getPeersByCapability(Router.CAPABILITY_UNREACHABLE); if (caps != null) peers.addAll(caps); caps = ctx.profileOrganizer().selectPeersLocallyUnreachable(); if (caps != null) peers.addAll(caps); } if (filterSlow(isInbound, isExploratory)) { // NOTE: filterSlow always returns true Log log = ctx.logManager().getLog(TunnelPeerSelector.class); char excl[] = getExcludeCaps(ctx); if (excl != null) { FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade fac = (FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade)ctx.netDb(); List<RouterInfo> known = fac.getKnownRouterData(); if (known != null) { for (int i = 0; i < known.size(); i++) { RouterInfo peer = known.get(i); boolean shouldExclude = shouldExclude(ctx, log, peer, excl); if (shouldExclude) { peers.add(peer.getIdentity().calculateHash()); continue; } /* String cap = peer.getCapabilities(); if (cap == null) { peers.add(peer.getIdentity().calculateHash()); continue; } for (int j = 0; j < excl.length; j++) { if (cap.indexOf(excl[j]) >= 0) { peers.add(peer.getIdentity().calculateHash()); continue; } } int maxLen = 0; if (cap.indexOf(FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade.CAPACITY_FLOODFILL) >= 0) maxLen++; if (cap.indexOf(Router.CAPABILITY_REACHABLE) >= 0) maxLen++; if (cap.indexOf(Router.CAPABILITY_UNREACHABLE) >= 0) maxLen++; if (cap.length() <= maxLen) peers.add(peer.getIdentity().calculateHash()); // otherwise, it contains flags we aren't trying to focus on, // so don't exclude it based on published capacity if (filterUptime(ctx, isInbound, isExploratory)) { Properties opts = peer.getOptions(); if (opts != null) { String val = opts.getProperty("stat_uptime"); long uptimeMs = 0; if (val != null) { long factor = 1; if (val.endsWith("ms")) { factor = 1; val = val.substring(0, val.length()-2); } else if (val.endsWith("s")) { factor = 1000l; val = val.substring(0, val.length()-1); } else if (val.endsWith("m")) { factor = 60*1000l; val = val.substring(0, val.length()-1); } else if (val.endsWith("h")) { factor = 60*60*1000l; val = val.substring(0, val.length()-1); } else if (val.endsWith("d")) { factor = 24*60*60*1000l; val = val.substring(0, val.length()-1); } try { uptimeMs = Long.parseLong(val); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} uptimeMs *= factor; } else { // not publishing an uptime, so exclude it peers.add(peer.getIdentity().calculateHash()); continue; } long infoAge = ctx.clock().now() - peer.getPublished(); if (infoAge < 0) { infoAge = 0; } else if (infoAge > 24*60*60*1000) { // Only exclude long-unseen peers if we haven't just started up long DONT_EXCLUDE_PERIOD = 15*60*1000; if (ctx.router().getUptime() < DONT_EXCLUDE_PERIOD) { if (log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) log.debug("Not excluding a long-unseen peer, since we just started up."); } else { if (log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) log.debug("Excluding a long-unseen peer."); peers.add(peer.getIdentity().calculateHash()); } //peers.add(peer.getIdentity().calculateHash()); continue; } else { if (infoAge + uptimeMs < 2*60*60*1000) { // up for less than 2 hours, so exclude it peers.add(peer.getIdentity().calculateHash()); } } } else { // not publishing stats, so exclude it peers.add(peer.getIdentity().calculateHash()); continue; } } */ } } /* for (int i = 0; i < excludeCaps.length(); i++) { List matches = ctx.peerManager().getPeersByCapability(excludeCaps.charAt(i)); if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Filtering out " + matches.size() + " peers with capability " + excludeCaps.charAt(i)); peers.addAll(matches); } */ } } return peers; } /** * Pick peers that we want to avoid for the first OB hop or last IB hop. * This is only filled in if our router sig type is not DSA. * * @param isInbound unused * @return null if none * @since 0.9.17 */ protected Set<Hash> getClosestHopExclude(boolean isInbound) { RouterInfo ri = ctx.router().getRouterInfo(); if (ri == null) return null; SigType type = ri.getIdentity().getSigType(); if (type == SigType.DSA_SHA1) return null; Set<Hash> rv = new HashSet<Hash>(1024); FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade fac = (FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade)ctx.netDb(); List<RouterInfo> known = fac.getKnownRouterData(); if (known != null) { for (int i = 0; i < known.size(); i++) { RouterInfo peer = known.get(i); String v = peer.getVersion(); // RI sigtypes added in 0.9.16 // SSU inbound connection bug fixed in 0.9.17, but it won't bid, so NTCP only, // no need to check if (VersionComparator.comp(v, "0.9.16") < 0) rv.add(peer.getIdentity().calculateHash()); } } return rv; } /** warning, this is also called by ProfileOrganizer.isSelectable() */ public static boolean shouldExclude(RouterContext ctx, RouterInfo peer) { Log log = ctx.logManager().getLog(TunnelPeerSelector.class); return shouldExclude(ctx, log, peer, getExcludeCaps(ctx)); } private static char[] getExcludeCaps(RouterContext ctx) { String excludeCaps = ctx.getProperty("router.excludePeerCaps", String.valueOf(Router.CAPABILITY_BW12)); if (excludeCaps != null) { char excl[] = excludeCaps.toCharArray(); return excl; } else { return null; } } /** 0.7.8 and earlier had major message corruption bugs */ private static final String MIN_VERSION = "0.7.9"; private static boolean shouldExclude(RouterContext ctx, Log log, RouterInfo peer, char excl[]) { String cap = peer.getCapabilities(); for (int j = 0; j < excl.length; j++) { if (cap.indexOf(excl[j]) >= 0) { return true; } } int maxLen = 0; if (cap.indexOf(FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade.CAPABILITY_FLOODFILL) >= 0) maxLen++; if (cap.indexOf(Router.CAPABILITY_REACHABLE) >= 0) maxLen++; if (cap.indexOf(Router.CAPABILITY_UNREACHABLE) >= 0) maxLen++; if (cap.length() <= maxLen) return true; // otherwise, it contains flags we aren't trying to focus on, // so don't exclude it based on published capacity // minimum version check String v = peer.getVersion(); if (VersionComparator.comp(v, MIN_VERSION) < 0) return true; // uptime is always spoofed to 90m, so just remove all this /****** String val = peer.getOption("stat_uptime"); if (val != null) { long uptimeMs = 0; long factor = 1; if (val.endsWith("ms")) { factor = 1; val = val.substring(0, val.length()-2); } else if (val.endsWith("s")) { factor = 1000l; val = val.substring(0, val.length()-1); } else if (val.endsWith("m")) { factor = 60*1000l; val = val.substring(0, val.length()-1); } else if (val.endsWith("h")) { factor = 60*60*1000l; val = val.substring(0, val.length()-1); } else if (val.endsWith("d")) { factor = 24*60*60*1000l; val = val.substring(0, val.length()-1); } try { uptimeMs = Long.parseLong(val); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} uptimeMs *= factor; long infoAge = ctx.clock().now() - peer.getPublished(); if (infoAge < 0) { return false; } else if (infoAge > 5*24*60*60*1000) { // Only exclude long-unseen peers if we haven't just started up if (ctx.router().getUptime() < DONT_EXCLUDE_PERIOD) { if (log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) log.debug("Not excluding a long-unseen peer, since we just started up."); return false; } else { if (log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) log.debug("Excluding a long-unseen peer."); return true; } } else { if ( (infoAge + uptimeMs < 90*60*1000) && (ctx.router().getUptime() > DONT_EXCLUDE_PERIOD) ) { // up for less than 90 min (which is really 1h since an uptime of 1h-2h is published as 90m), // so exclude it return true; } else { return false; } } } else { // not publishing an uptime, so exclude it return true; } ******/ return false; } private static final String PROP_OUTBOUND_EXPLORATORY_EXCLUDE_UNREACHABLE = "router.outboundExploratoryExcludeUnreachable"; private static final String PROP_OUTBOUND_CLIENT_EXCLUDE_UNREACHABLE = "router.outboundClientExcludeUnreachable"; private static final String PROP_INBOUND_EXPLORATORY_EXCLUDE_UNREACHABLE = "router.inboundExploratoryExcludeUnreachable"; private static final String PROP_INBOUND_CLIENT_EXCLUDE_UNREACHABLE = "router.inboundClientExcludeUnreachable"; private static final boolean DEFAULT_OUTBOUND_EXPLORATORY_EXCLUDE_UNREACHABLE = false; private static final boolean DEFAULT_OUTBOUND_CLIENT_EXCLUDE_UNREACHABLE = false; // see comments at getExclude() above private static final boolean DEFAULT_INBOUND_EXPLORATORY_EXCLUDE_UNREACHABLE = true; private static final boolean DEFAULT_INBOUND_CLIENT_EXCLUDE_UNREACHABLE = true; /** * do we want to skip peers who haven't been up for long? * @return true for inbound, false for outbound, unless configured otherwise */ protected boolean filterUnreachable(boolean isInbound, boolean isExploratory) { if (isExploratory) { if (isInbound) return ctx.getProperty(PROP_INBOUND_EXPLORATORY_EXCLUDE_UNREACHABLE, DEFAULT_INBOUND_EXPLORATORY_EXCLUDE_UNREACHABLE); else return ctx.getProperty(PROP_OUTBOUND_EXPLORATORY_EXCLUDE_UNREACHABLE, DEFAULT_OUTBOUND_EXPLORATORY_EXCLUDE_UNREACHABLE); } else { if (isInbound) return ctx.getProperty(PROP_INBOUND_CLIENT_EXCLUDE_UNREACHABLE, DEFAULT_INBOUND_CLIENT_EXCLUDE_UNREACHABLE); else return ctx.getProperty(PROP_OUTBOUND_CLIENT_EXCLUDE_UNREACHABLE, DEFAULT_OUTBOUND_CLIENT_EXCLUDE_UNREACHABLE); } } private static final String PROP_OUTBOUND_EXPLORATORY_EXCLUDE_SLOW = "router.outboundExploratoryExcludeSlow"; private static final String PROP_OUTBOUND_CLIENT_EXCLUDE_SLOW = "router.outboundClientExcludeSlow"; private static final String PROP_INBOUND_EXPLORATORY_EXCLUDE_SLOW = "router.inboundExploratoryExcludeSlow"; private static final String PROP_INBOUND_CLIENT_EXCLUDE_SLOW = "router.inboundClientExcludeSlow"; /** * do we want to skip peers that are slow? * @return true unless configured otherwise */ protected boolean filterSlow(boolean isInbound, boolean isExploratory) { if (isExploratory) { if (isInbound) return ctx.getProperty(PROP_INBOUND_EXPLORATORY_EXCLUDE_SLOW, true); else return ctx.getProperty(PROP_OUTBOUND_EXPLORATORY_EXCLUDE_SLOW, true); } else { if (isInbound) return ctx.getProperty(PROP_INBOUND_CLIENT_EXCLUDE_SLOW, true); else return ctx.getProperty(PROP_OUTBOUND_CLIENT_EXCLUDE_SLOW, true); } } /**** private static final String PROP_OUTBOUND_EXPLORATORY_EXCLUDE_UPTIME = "router.outboundExploratoryExcludeUptime"; private static final String PROP_OUTBOUND_CLIENT_EXCLUDE_UPTIME = "router.outboundClientExcludeUptime"; private static final String PROP_INBOUND_EXPLORATORY_EXCLUDE_UPTIME = "router.inboundExploratoryExcludeUptime"; private static final String PROP_INBOUND_CLIENT_EXCLUDE_UPTIME = "router.inboundClientExcludeUptime"; ****/ /** * do we want to skip peers who haven't been up for long? * @return true unless configured otherwise */ /**** protected boolean filterUptime(boolean isInbound, boolean isExploratory) { if (isExploratory) { if (isInbound) return ctx.getProperty(PROP_INBOUND_EXPLORATORY_EXCLUDE_UPTIME, true); else return ctx.getProperty(PROP_OUTBOUND_EXPLORATORY_EXCLUDE_UPTIME, true); } else { if (isInbound) return ctx.getProperty(PROP_INBOUND_CLIENT_EXCLUDE_UPTIME, true); else return ctx.getProperty(PROP_OUTBOUND_CLIENT_EXCLUDE_UPTIME, true); } } ****/ /** see HashComparator */ protected void orderPeers(List<Hash> rv, Hash hash) { if (rv.size() > 1) Collections.sort(rv, new HashComparator(hash)); } /** * Implement a deterministic comparison that cannot be predicted by * others. A naive implementation (using the distance from a random key) * allows an attacker who runs two routers with hashes far apart * to maximize his chances of those two routers being at opposite * ends of a tunnel. * * Previous: * d(l, h) - d(r, h) * * Now: * d((H(l+h), h) - d(H(r+h), h) */ private static class HashComparator implements Comparator<Hash>, Serializable { private final Hash _hash, tmp; private final byte[] data; /** not thread safe */ private HashComparator(Hash h) { _hash = h; tmp = new Hash(new byte[Hash.HASH_LENGTH]); data = new byte[2*Hash.HASH_LENGTH]; System.arraycopy(_hash.getData(), 0, data, Hash.HASH_LENGTH, Hash.HASH_LENGTH); } public int compare(Hash l, Hash r) { System.arraycopy(l.getData(), 0, data, 0, Hash.HASH_LENGTH); byte[] tb = tmp.getData(); // don't use caching version of calculateHash() SHA256Generator.getInstance().calculateHash(data, 0, 2*Hash.HASH_LENGTH, tb, 0); BigInteger ll = HashDistance.getDistance(_hash, tmp); System.arraycopy(r.getData(), 0, data, 0, Hash.HASH_LENGTH); SHA256Generator.getInstance().calculateHash(data, 0, 2*Hash.HASH_LENGTH, tb, 0); BigInteger rr = HashDistance.getDistance(_hash, tmp); return ll.compareTo(rr); } } }