package net.i2p.crypto; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import; import; import net.i2p.util.NativeBigInteger; /** * Used by KeyGenerator.getSigningPublicKey() * * Modified from * * Apparently public domain. * Supported P-192 only. * Added curve parameters to support all curves. * * @since 0.9.16 */ final class ECUtil { private static final BigInteger TWO = new BigInteger("2"); private static final BigInteger THREE = new BigInteger("3"); public static ECPoint scalarMult(ECPoint p, BigInteger kin, EllipticCurve curve) { ECPoint r = ECPoint.POINT_INFINITY; BigInteger prime = ((ECFieldFp) curve.getField()).getP(); BigInteger k = kin.mod(prime); int length = k.bitLength(); byte[] binarray = new byte[length]; for (int i = 0; i <= length-1; i++) { binarray[i] = k.mod(TWO).byteValue(); k = k.divide(TWO); } for (int i = length-1; i >= 0; i--) { // i should start at length-1 not -2 because the MSB of binarry may not be 1 r = doublePoint(r, curve); if (binarray[i] == 1) r = addPoint(r, p, curve); } return r; } private static ECPoint addPoint(ECPoint r, ECPoint s, EllipticCurve curve) { if (r.equals(s)) return doublePoint(r, curve); else if (r.equals(ECPoint.POINT_INFINITY)) return s; else if (s.equals(ECPoint.POINT_INFINITY)) return r; BigInteger prime = ((ECFieldFp) curve.getField()).getP(); // use NBI modInverse(); BigInteger tmp = r.getAffineX().subtract(s.getAffineX()); tmp = new NativeBigInteger(tmp); BigInteger slope = (r.getAffineY().subtract(s.getAffineY())).multiply(tmp.modInverse(prime)).mod(prime); slope = new NativeBigInteger(slope); BigInteger xOut = (slope.modPow(TWO, prime).subtract(r.getAffineX())).subtract(s.getAffineX()).mod(prime); BigInteger yOut = s.getAffineY().negate().mod(prime); yOut = yOut.add(slope.multiply(s.getAffineX().subtract(xOut))).mod(prime); ECPoint out = new ECPoint(xOut, yOut); return out; } private static ECPoint doublePoint(ECPoint r, EllipticCurve curve) { if (r.equals(ECPoint.POINT_INFINITY)) return r; BigInteger slope = (r.getAffineX().pow(2)).multiply(THREE); slope = slope.add(curve.getA()); BigInteger prime = ((ECFieldFp) curve.getField()).getP(); // use NBI modInverse(); BigInteger tmp = r.getAffineY().multiply(TWO); tmp = new NativeBigInteger(tmp); slope = slope.multiply(tmp.modInverse(prime)); BigInteger xOut = slope.pow(2).subtract(r.getAffineX().multiply(TWO)).mod(prime); BigInteger yOut = (r.getAffineY().negate()).add(slope.multiply(r.getAffineX().subtract(xOut))).mod(prime); ECPoint out = new ECPoint(xOut, yOut); return out; } /** * P-192 test only. * See KeyGenerator.main() for a test of all supported curves. */ /**** public static void main(String[] args) { EllipticCurve P192 = ECConstants.P192_SPEC.getCurve(); BigInteger xs = new BigInteger("d458e7d127ae671b0c330266d246769353a012073e97acf8", 16); BigInteger ys = new BigInteger("325930500d851f336bddc050cf7fb11b5673a1645086df3b", 16); BigInteger xt = new BigInteger("f22c4395213e9ebe67ddecdd87fdbd01be16fb059b9753a4", 16); BigInteger yt = new BigInteger("264424096af2b3597796db48f8dfb41fa9cecc97691a9c79", 16); ECPoint S = new ECPoint(xs,ys); ECPoint T = new ECPoint(xt,yt); // Verifying addition ECPoint Rst = addPoint(S, T, P192); BigInteger xst = new BigInteger("48e1e4096b9b8e5ca9d0f1f077b8abf58e843894de4d0290", 16); // Specified value of x of point R for addition in NIST Routine example System.out.println("x-coordinate of point Rst is : " + Rst.getAffineX()); System.out.println("y-coordinate of point Rst is : " + Rst.getAffineY()); if (Rst.getAffineX().equals(xst)) System.out.println("Adding is correct"); else System.out.println("Adding FAIL"); //Verifying Doubling BigInteger xr = new BigInteger("30c5bc6b8c7da25354b373dc14dd8a0eba42d25a3f6e6962", 16); // Specified value of x of point R for doubling in NIST Routine example BigInteger yr = new BigInteger("0dde14bc4249a721c407aedbf011e2ddbbcb2968c9d889cf", 16); ECPoint R2s = new ECPoint(xr, yr); // Specified value of y of point R for doubling in NIST Routine example System.out.println("x-coordinate of point R2s is : " + R2s.getAffineX()); System.out.println("y-coordinate of point R2s is : " + R2s.getAffineY()); System.out.println("x-coordinate of calculated point is : " + doublePoint(S, P192).getAffineX()); System.out.println("y-coordinate of calculated point is : " + doublePoint(S, P192).getAffineY()); if (R2s.getAffineX().equals(doublePoint(S, P192).getAffineX()) && R2s.getAffineY().equals(doublePoint(S, P192).getAffineY())) System.out.println("Doubling is correct"); else System.out.println("Doubling FAIL"); xr = new BigInteger("1faee4205a4f669d2d0a8f25e3bcec9a62a6952965bf6d31", 16); // Specified value of x of point R for scalar Multiplication in NIST Routine example yr = new BigInteger("5ff2cdfa508a2581892367087c696f179e7a4d7e8260fb06", 16); // Specified value of y of point R for scalar Multiplication in NIST Routine example ECPoint Rds = new ECPoint(xr, yr); BigInteger d = new BigInteger("a78a236d60baec0c5dd41b33a542463a8255391af64c74ee", 16); ECPoint Rs = scalarMult(S, d, P192); System.out.println("x-coordinate of point Rds is : " + Rds.getAffineX()); System.out.println("y-coordinate of point Rds is : " + Rds.getAffineY()); System.out.println("x-coordinate of calculated point is : " + Rs.getAffineX()); System.out.println("y-coordinate of calculated point is : " + Rs.getAffineY()); if (Rds.getAffineX().equals(Rs.getAffineX()) && Rds.getAffineY().equals(Rs.getAffineY())) System.out.println("Scalar Multiplication is correct"); else System.out.println("Scalar Multiplication FAIL"); } ****/ }