package net.i2p.router.web; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import net.i2p.crypto.SigType; import; import net.i2p.router.RouterContext; import; import; import net.i2p.util.PortMapper; import net.i2p.util.SystemVersion; /** * Refactored from summarynoframe.jsp to save ~100KB * */ class SummaryBarRenderer { static final String ALL_SECTIONS[] = {"HelpAndFAQ", "I2PServices", "I2PInternals", "General", "ShortGeneral", "NetworkReachability", "UpdateStatus", "RestartStatus", "Peers", "FirewallAndReseedStatus", "Bandwidth", "Tunnels", "Congestion", "TunnelStatus", "Destinations", "NewsHeadings" }; static final Map<String, String> SECTION_NAMES; static { Map<String, String> aMap = new HashMap<String, String>();; aMap.put("HelpAndFAQ", "Help & FAQ"); aMap.put("I2PServices", "I2P Services"); aMap.put("I2PInternals", "I2P Internals"); aMap.put("General", "General"); aMap.put("ShortGeneral", "Short General"); aMap.put("NetworkReachability", "Network Reachability"); aMap.put("UpdateStatus", "Update Status"); aMap.put("RestartStatus", "Restart Status"); aMap.put("Peers", "Peers"); aMap.put("FirewallAndReseedStatus", "Firewall & Reseed Status"); aMap.put("Bandwidth", "Bandwidth"); aMap.put("Tunnels", "Tunnels"); aMap.put("Congestion", "Congestion"); aMap.put("TunnelStatus", "Tunnel Status"); aMap.put("Destinations", "Local Tunnels"); aMap.put("NewsHeadings", "News & Updates"); SECTION_NAMES = Collections.unmodifiableMap(aMap); } private final RouterContext _context; private final SummaryHelper _helper; public SummaryBarRenderer(RouterContext context, SummaryHelper helper) { _context = context; _helper = helper; } /** * Note - ensure all links in here are absolute, as the summary bar may be displayed * on lower-level directory errors. */ public void renderSummaryHTML(Writer out) throws IOException { String requestURI = _helper.getRequestURI(); String page = requestURI.replace("/", "").replace(".jsp", ""); List<String> sections = _helper.getSummaryBarSections(page); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(8*1024); for (String section : sections) { // Commented out because broken. Replaced by if-elseif blob below. /*try { String section = (String)ALL_SECTIONS.get(sections[i]).invoke(this); if (section != null && section != "") { out.write("<hr>" + i + "<hr>\n" + section); } } catch (Exception e) { out.write("<hr>" +i + " - Exception<hr>\n" + e); }*/ buf.setLength(0); buf.append("<hr>\n"); if ("HelpAndFAQ".equals(section)) buf.append(renderHelpAndFAQHTML()); else if ("I2PServices".equals(section)) buf.append(renderI2PServicesHTML()); else if ("I2PInternals".equals(section)) buf.append(renderI2PInternalsHTML()); else if ("General".equals(section)) buf.append(renderGeneralHTML()); else if ("ShortGeneral".equals(section)) buf.append(renderShortGeneralHTML()); else if ("NetworkReachability".equals(section)) buf.append(renderNetworkReachabilityHTML()); else if ("UpdateStatus".equals(section)) buf.append(renderUpdateStatusHTML()); else if ("RestartStatus".equals(section)) buf.append(renderRestartStatusHTML()); else if ("Peers".equals(section)) buf.append(renderPeersHTML()); else if ("FirewallAndReseedStatus".equals(section)) buf.append(renderFirewallAndReseedStatusHTML()); else if ("Bandwidth".equals(section)) buf.append(renderBandwidthHTML()); else if ("Tunnels".equals(section)) buf.append(renderTunnelsHTML()); else if ("Congestion".equals(section)) buf.append(renderCongestionHTML()); else if ("TunnelStatus".equals(section)) buf.append(renderTunnelStatusHTML()); else if ("Destinations".equals(section)) buf.append(renderDestinationsHTML()); else if ("NewsHeadings".equals(section)) buf.append(renderNewsHeadingsHTML()); // Only output section if there's more than the <hr> to print if (buf.length() > 5) out.write(buf.toString()); } } public String renderHelpAndFAQHTML() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512); buf.append("<h3><a href=\"/help\" target=\"_top\" title=\"") .append(_t("I2P Router Help & FAQ")) .append("\">") .append(_t("Help & FAQ")) .append("</a></h3>"); return buf.toString(); } public String renderI2PServicesHTML() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512); buf.append("<h3><a href=\"/configclients\" target=\"_top\" title=\"") .append(_t("Configure startup of clients and webapps (services); manually start dormant services")) .append("\">") .append(_t("I2P Services")) .append("</a></h3>\n" + "<hr class=\"b\"><table><tr><td>" + "<a href=\"/susimail/susimail\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"") .append(_t("Anonymous webmail client")) .append("\">") .append(nbsp(_t("Email"))) .append("</a>\n" + "<a href=\"/i2psnark/\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"") .append(_t("Built-in anonymous BitTorrent Client")) .append("\">") .append(nbsp(_t("Torrents"))) .append("</a>\n" + "<a href=\"http://") .append(_context.portMapper().getHost(PortMapper.SVC_EEPSITE, "")) .append(':') .append(_context.portMapper().getPort(PortMapper.SVC_EEPSITE, 7658)) .append("/\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"") .append(_t("Local web server")) .append("\">") .append(nbsp(_t("Website"))) .append("</a>\n") .append(NavHelper.getClientAppLinks(_context)) .append("</td></tr></table>\n"); return buf.toString(); } public String renderI2PInternalsHTML() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512); buf.append("<h3><a href=\"/config\" target=\"_top\" title=\"") .append(_t("Configure I2P Router")) .append("\">") .append(_t("I2P Internals")) .append("</a></h3><hr class=\"b\">\n" + "<table><tr><td>\n" + "<a href=\"/tunnels\" target=\"_top\" title=\"") .append(_t("View existing tunnels and tunnel build status")) .append("\">") .append(nbsp(_t("Tunnels"))) .append("</a>\n" + "<a href=\"/peers\" target=\"_top\" title=\"") .append(_t("Show all current peer connections")) .append("\">") .append(nbsp(_t("Peers"))) .append("</a>\n" + "<a href=\"/profiles\" target=\"_top\" title=\"") .append(_t("Show recent peer performance profiles")) .append("\">") .append(nbsp(_t("Profiles"))) .append("</a>\n" + "<a href=\"/netdb\" target=\"_top\" title=\"") .append(_t("Show list of all known I2P routers")) .append("\">") .append(nbsp(_t("NetDB"))) .append("</a>\n" + "<a href=\"/logs\" target=\"_top\" title=\"") .append(_t("Health Report")) .append("\">") .append(nbsp(_t("Logs"))) .append("</a>\n"); // "<a href=\"/jobs.jsp\" target=\"_top\" title=\"") // .append(_t("Show the router's workload, and how it's performing")) // .append("\">") // .append(_t("Jobs")) // .append("</a>\n" + if (!StatSummarizer.isDisabled()) { buf.append("<a href=\"/graphs\" target=\"_top\" title=\"") .append(_t("Graph router performance")) .append("\">") .append(nbsp(_t("Graphs"))) .append("</a>\n"); } buf.append("<a href=\"/stats\" target=\"_top\" title=\"") .append(_t("Textual router performance statistics")) .append("\">") .append(nbsp(_t("Stats"))) .append("</a>\n" + "<a href=\"/dns\" target=\"_top\" title=\"") .append(_t("Manage your I2P hosts file here (I2P domain name resolution)")) .append("\">") .append(nbsp(_t("Addressbook"))) .append("</a>\n" + "<a href=\"/i2ptunnelmgr\" target=\"_top\" title=\"") .append(_t("Local Tunnels")) .append("\">") .append(nbsp(_t("Hidden Services Manager"))) .append("</a>\n"); if (_context.getBooleanProperty(HelperBase.PROP_ADVANCED)) buf.append("<a href=\"/debug\">Debug</a>\n"); File javadoc = new File(_context.getBaseDir(), "docs/javadoc/index.html"); if (javadoc.exists()) buf.append("<a href=\"/javadoc/index.html\" target=\"_blank\">Javadoc</a>\n"); buf.append("</td></tr></table>\n"); return buf.toString(); } public String renderGeneralHTML() { if (_helper == null) return ""; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512); buf.append("<h3><a href=\"/help\" target=\"_top\" title=\"") .append(_t("I2P Router Help")) .append("\">") .append(_t("General")) .append("</a></h3><hr class=\"b\">\n" + "<table><tr>" + "<td align=\"left\"><b title=\"") .append(_t("Your Local Identity is your unique I2P router identity, similar to an ip address but tailored to I2P. ")) .append(_t("Never disclose this to anyone, as it can reveal your real world ip.")) .append("\">") .append(_t("Local Identity")) .append(":</b></td>" + "<td align=\"right\">" + "<a title=\"") .append(_t("Your unique I2P router identity is")) .append(' ') .append(_helper.getIdent()) .append(", ") .append(_t("never reveal it to anyone")) .append("\" href=\"/netdb?r=.\" target=\"_top\">") .append(_t("show")) .append("</a></td></tr>\n" + "</table><table>" + // fix for some rows with a big left side and some with a big right side "<tr title=\"") .append(_t("The version of the I2P software we are running")) .append("\">" + "<td align=\"left\"><b>") .append(_t("Version")) .append(":</b></td>" + "<td align=\"right\">") .append(_helper.getVersion()) .append("</td></tr>\n" + "</table><table>" + // fix for some rows with a big left side and some with a big right side "<tr title=\"") .append(_t("How long we've been running for this session")) .append("\">" + "<td align=\"left\"><b>") .append(_t("Uptime")) .append(":</b></td>" + "<td align=\"right\">") .append(_helper.getUptime()) .append("</td></tr></table>\n"); return buf.toString(); } public String renderShortGeneralHTML() { if (_helper == null) return ""; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512); buf.append("<table>" + "<tr title=\"") .append(_t("The version of the I2P software we are running")) .append("\">" + "<td align=\"left\"><b>") .append(_t("Version")) .append(":</b></td>" + "<td align=\"right\">") .append(_helper.getVersion()) .append("</td></tr>\n" + "<tr title=\"") .append(_t("How long we've been running for this session")) .append("\">" + "<td align=\"left\"><b>") .append(_t("Uptime")) .append(":</b></td>" + "<td align=\"right\">") .append(_helper.getUptime()) .append("</td></tr></table>\n"); return buf.toString(); } public String renderNetworkReachabilityHTML() { if (_helper == null) return ""; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512); buf.append("<h4><a href=\"/confignet#help\" target=\"_top\" title=\"") .append(_t("Help with configuring your firewall and router for optimal I2P performance")) .append("\">") .append(_t("Network")) .append(": ") .append(_helper.getReachability()) .append("</a></h4>\n"); if (!SigType.ECDSA_SHA256_P256.isAvailable()) { buf.append("<hr>\n<h4><a href=\"http://trac.i2p2.i2p/wiki/Crypto/ECDSA"); if ("ru".equals(Messages.getLanguage(_context))) buf.append("-ru"); buf.append("\" target=\"_top\" title=\"") .append(_t("See more information on the wiki")) .append("\">") .append(_t("Warning: ECDSA is not available. Update your Java or OS")) .append("</a></h4>\n"); } if (!SystemVersion.isJava7()) { buf.append("<hr><h4>") .append(_t("Warning: Java version {0} is no longer supported by I2P.", System.getProperty("java.version"))) .append(' ') .append(_t("Update Java to version {0} or higher to receive I2P updates.", "7")) .append("</h4>\n"); } return buf.toString(); } public String renderUpdateStatusHTML() { if (_helper == null) return ""; String updateStatus = _helper.getUpdateStatus(); if ("".equals(updateStatus)) return ""; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512); buf.append("<h3><a href=\"/configupdate\" target=\"_top\" title=\"") .append(_t("Configure I2P Updates")) .append("\">") .append(_t("I2P Update")) .append("</a></h3><hr class=\"b\">\n"); buf.append(updateStatus); return buf.toString(); } public String renderRestartStatusHTML() { if (_helper == null) return ""; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512); buf.append(_helper.getRestartStatus()); return buf.toString(); } public String renderPeersHTML() { if (_helper == null) return ""; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512); buf.append("<h3><a href=\"/peers\" target=\"_top\" title=\"") .append(_t("Show all current peer connections")) .append("\">") .append(_t("Peers")) .append("</a></h3><hr class=\"b\">\n" + "<table>\n" + "<tr title=\"") .append(_t("Peers we've been talking to in the last few minutes/last hour")) .append("\">" + "<td align=\"left\"><b>") .append(_t("Active")) .append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">"); int active = _helper.getActivePeers(); buf.append(active) .append(SummaryHelper.THINSP) .append(Math.max(active, _helper.getActiveProfiles())) .append("</td></tr>\n" + "<tr title=\"") .append(_t("The number of peers available for building client tunnels")) .append("\">" + "<td align=\"left\"><b>") .append(_t("Fast")) .append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">") .append(_helper.getFastPeers()) .append("</td></tr>\n" + "<tr title=\"") .append(_t("The number of peers available for building exploratory tunnels")) .append("\">" + "<td align=\"left\"><b>") .append(_t("High capacity")) .append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">") .append(_helper.getHighCapacityPeers()) .append("</td></tr>\n" + "<tr title=\"") .append(_t("The number of peers available for network database inquiries")) .append("\">" + "<td align=\"left\"><b>") .append(_t("Integrated")) .append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">") .append(_helper.getWellIntegratedPeers()) .append("</td></tr>\n" + "<tr title=\"") .append(_t("The total number of peers in our network database")) .append("\">" + "<td align=\"left\"><b>") .append(_t("Known")) .append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">") .append(_helper.getAllPeers()) .append("</td></tr>\n" + "</table>\n"); return buf.toString(); } public String renderFirewallAndReseedStatusHTML() { if (_helper == null) return ""; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512); buf.append(_helper.getFirewallAndReseedStatus()); return buf.toString(); } public String renderBandwidthHTML() { if (_helper == null) return ""; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512); buf.append("<h3><a href=\"/config\" title=\"") .append(_t("Configure router bandwidth allocation")) .append("\" target=\"_top\">") .append(_t("Bandwidth in/out")) .append("</a></h3><hr class=\"b\">" + "<table>\n" + "<tr><td align=\"left\"><b>") .append(DataHelper.formatDuration2(3 * 1000)) // lie and say 3 sec since 1 sec would appear as 1000 ms .append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">") .append(_helper.getSecondKBps()) .append("Bps</td></tr>\n"); if (_context.router().getUptime() > 6*60*1000) { buf.append("<tr><td align=\"left\"><b>") .append(DataHelper.formatDuration2(5 * 60 * 1000)) // 5 min .append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">") .append(_helper.getFiveMinuteKBps()) .append("Bps</td></tr>\n"); } if (_context.router().getUptime() > 2*60*1000) { buf.append("<tr><td align=\"left\"><b>") .append(_t("Total")) .append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">") .append(_helper.getLifetimeKBps()) .append("Bps</td></tr>\n"); } buf.append("<tr><td align=\"left\"><b>") .append(_t("Used")) .append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">") .append(_helper.getInboundTransferred()) .append(SummaryHelper.THINSP) .append(_helper.getOutboundTransferred()) .append("</td></tr>\n" + "</table>\n"); return buf.toString(); } public String renderTunnelsHTML() { if (_helper == null) return ""; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512); buf.append("<h3><a href=\"/tunnels\" target=\"_top\" title=\"") .append(_t("View existing tunnels and tunnel build status")) .append("\">") .append(_t("Tunnels")) .append("</a></h3><hr class=\"b\">" + "<table>\n" + "<tr title=\"") .append(_t("Used for building and testing tunnels, and communicating with floodfill peers")) .append("\">" + "<td align=\"left\"><b>") .append(_t("Exploratory")) .append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">") .append(_helper.getInboundTunnels() + _helper.getOutboundTunnels()) .append("</td></tr>\n" + "<tr title=\"") .append(_t("Tunnels we are using to provide or access services on the network")) .append("\">" + "<td align=\"left\"><b>") .append(_t("Client")) .append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">") .append(_helper.getInboundClientTunnels() + _helper.getOutboundClientTunnels()) .append("</td></tr>\n" + "<tr title=\"") .append(_t("Tunnels we are participating in, directly contributing bandwidth to the network")) .append("\">" + "<td align=\"left\"><b>") .append(_t("Participating")) .append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">") .append(_helper.getParticipatingTunnels()) .append("</td></tr>\n" + "<tr title=\"") .append(_t("The ratio of tunnel hops we provide to tunnel hops we use - a value greater than 1.00 indicates a positive contribution to the network")) .append("\">" + "<td align=\"left\"><b>") .append(_t("Share ratio")) .append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">") .append(_helper.getShareRatio()) .append("</td></tr>\n" + "</table>\n"); return buf.toString(); } public String renderCongestionHTML() { if (_helper == null) return ""; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512); buf.append("<h3><a href=\"/jobs\" target=\"_top\" title=\"") .append(_t("What's in the router's job queue?")) .append("\">") .append(_t("Congestion")) .append("</a></h3><hr class=\"b\">" + "<table>\n" + "<tr title=\"") .append(_t("Indicates router performance")) .append("\">" + "<td align=\"left\"><b>") .append(_t("Job lag")) .append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">") .append(_helper.getJobLag()) .append("</td></tr>\n" + "<tr title=\"") .append(_t("Indicates how quickly outbound messages to other I2P routers are sent")) .append("\">" + "<td align=\"left\"><b>") .append(_t("Message delay")) .append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">") .append(_helper.getMessageDelay()) .append("</td></tr>\n"); if (!_context.getBooleanPropertyDefaultTrue("router.disableTunnelTesting")) { buf.append("<tr title=\"") .append(_t("Round trip time for a tunnel test")) .append("\">" + "<td align=\"left\"><b>") .append(_t("Tunnel lag")) .append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">") .append(_helper.getTunnelLag()) .append("</td></tr>\n"); } buf.append("<tr title=\"") .append(_t("Queued requests from other routers to participate in tunnels")) .append("\">" + "<td align=\"left\"><b>") .append(_t("Backlog")) .append(":</b></td><td align=\"right\">") .append(_helper.getInboundBacklog()) .append("</td></tr>\n" + "</table>\n"); return buf.toString(); } public String renderTunnelStatusHTML() { if (_helper == null) return ""; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(50); buf.append("<h4>") .append(_t(_helper.getTunnelStatus())) .append("</h4>\n"); return buf.toString(); } public String renderDestinationsHTML() { if (_helper == null) return ""; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512); buf.append(_helper.getDestinations()); return buf.toString(); } /** @since 0.9.1 */ public String renderNewsHeadingsHTML() { if (_helper == null) return ""; NewsHelper newshelper = _helper.getNewsHelper(); if (newshelper == null || newshelper.shouldShowNews()) return ""; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512); String consoleNonce = CSSHelper.getNonce(); if (consoleNonce != null) { // Set up title and pre-headings stuff. //buf.append("<h3><a href=\"/configupdate\">") buf.append("<h3><a href=\"/news\">") .append(_t("News & Updates")) .append("</a></h3><hr class=\"b\"><div class=\"newsheadings\">\n"); // Get news content. List<NewsEntry> entries = Collections.emptyList(); ClientAppManager cmgr = _context.clientAppManager(); if (cmgr != null) { NewsManager nmgr = (NewsManager) cmgr.getRegisteredApp(NewsManager.APP_NAME); if (nmgr != null) entries = nmgr.getEntries(); } if (!entries.isEmpty()) { buf.append("<ul>\n"); DateFormat fmt = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT); // the router sets the JVM time zone to UTC but saves the original here so we can get it fmt.setTimeZone(SystemVersion.getSystemTimeZone(_context)); int i = 0; // show a min of 1, max of 3, none older than 60 days over min final int min = 1; final int max = 3; for (NewsEntry entry : entries) { if (i >= min && entry.updated > 0 && entry.updated < _context.clock().now() - 60*24*60*60*1000L) break; buf.append("<li><a href=\"/?news=1&consoleNonce=") .append(consoleNonce) .append("\">"); if (entry.updated > 0) { Date date = new Date(entry.updated); buf.append(fmt.format(date)) .append(": "); } buf.append(entry.title) .append("</a></li>\n"); if (++i >= max) break; } buf.append("</ul>\n"); //buf.append("<a href=\"/news\">") // .append(_t("Show all news")) // .append("</a>\n"); } else { buf.append("<center><i>") .append(_t("none")) .append("</i></center>"); } // Add post-headings stuff. buf.append("</div>\n"); } return buf.toString(); } /** translate a string */ private String _t(String s) { return Messages.getString(s, _context); } /** @since 0.9.23 */ private String _t(String s, Object o) { return Messages.getString(s, o, _context); } /** * Where the translation is to two words or more, * prevent splitting across lines * * @since 0.9.18 */ private static String nbsp(String s) { // if it's too long, this makes it worse if (s.length() <= 30) return s.replace(" ", " "); else return s; } }