package net.i2p.util; /* * free (adj.): unencumbered; not under the control of others * Written by jrandom in 2003 and released into the public domain * with no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. * It probably won't make your computer catch on fire, or eat * your children, but it might. Use at your own risk. * */ import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import net.i2p.I2PAppContext; import; /** * Manages the logging system, loading (and reloading) the configuration file, * coordinating the log limits, and storing the set of log records pending. * This also fires off a LogWriter thread that pulls pending records off and * writes them where appropriate. * */ public class LogManager implements Flushable { public final static String CONFIG_LOCATION_PROP = "loggerConfigLocation"; public final static String FILENAME_OVERRIDE_PROP = "loggerFilenameOverride"; public final static String CONFIG_LOCATION_DEFAULT = "logger.config"; /** * These define the characters in the format line of the config file */ public static final char DATE = 'd', CLASS = 'c', THREAD = 't', PRIORITY = 'p', MESSAGE = 'm'; public final static String PROP_FORMAT = "logger.format"; public final static String PROP_DATEFORMAT = "logger.dateFormat"; public final static String PROP_FILENAME = "logger.logFileName"; public final static String PROP_FILESIZE = "logger.logFileSize"; public final static String PROP_ROTATIONLIMIT = "logger.logRotationLimit"; public final static String PROP_DISPLAYONSCREEN = "logger.displayOnScreen"; public final static String PROP_CONSOLEBUFFERSIZE = "logger.consoleBufferSize"; public final static String PROP_DISPLAYONSCREENLEVEL = "logger.minimumOnScreenLevel"; public final static String PROP_DEFAULTLEVEL = "logger.defaultLevel"; /** @since 0.9.2 */ private static final String PROP_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE = "logger.logBufferSize"; /** @since 0.9.2 */ private static final String PROP_DROP = "logger.dropOnOverflow"; /** @since 0.9.3 */ private static final String PROP_DUP = "logger.dropDuplicates"; /** @since 0.9.18 */ private static final String PROP_FLUSH = "logger.flushInterval"; public final static String PROP_RECORD_PREFIX = "logger.record."; public final static String DEFAULT_FORMAT = DATE + " " + PRIORITY + " [" + THREAD + "] " + CLASS + ": " + MESSAGE; //public final static String DEFAULT_DATEFORMAT = "HH:mm:ss.SSS"; /** blank means default short date and medium time for the locale - see DateFormat */ public final static String DEFAULT_DATEFORMAT = ""; public final static String DEFAULT_FILENAME = "logs/log-@.txt"; public final static String DEFAULT_FILESIZE = "10m"; public final static boolean DEFAULT_DISPLAYONSCREEN = true; public final static int DEFAULT_CONSOLEBUFFERSIZE = 20; public final static String DEFAULT_ROTATIONLIMIT = "2"; public final static String DEFAULT_DEFAULTLEVEL = Log.STR_ERROR; public final static String DEFAULT_ONSCREENLEVEL = Log.STR_CRIT; private final I2PAppContext _context; private final Log _log; /** when was the config file last read (or -1 if never) */ private long _configLastRead; /** the config file */ private File _locationFile; /** max to LogRecords to buffer in memory before we start blocking */ private static final int MAX_BUFFER = 1024; /** Ordered list of LogRecord elements that have not been written out yet */ private final LinkedBlockingQueue<LogRecord> _records; /** List of explicit overrides of log levels (LogLimit objects) */ private final Set<LogLimit> _limits; /** String (scope) or Log.LogScope to Log object */ private final ConcurrentHashMap<Object, Log> _logs; /** who clears and writes our records */ private LogWriter _writer; /** * default log level for logs that aren't explicitly controlled * through a LogLimit in _limits */ private int _defaultLimit; /** Log record format string */ private char[] _format; /** Date format instance */ private SimpleDateFormat _dateFormat; /** Date format string (for the SimpleDateFormat instance) */ private String _dateFormatPattern; /** log filename pattern */ private String _baseLogfilename; /** max # bytes in the logfile before rotation */ private int _fileSize; /** max # rotated logs */ private int _rotationLimit; /** minimum log level to be displayed on stdout */ private int _onScreenLimit; /** whether or not we even want to display anything on stdout */ private boolean _displayOnScreen; /** how many records we want to buffer in the "recent logs" list */ private int _consoleBufferSize = DEFAULT_CONSOLEBUFFERSIZE; /** the actual "recent logs" list */ private final LogConsoleBuffer _consoleBuffer; private int _logBufferSize = MAX_BUFFER; private boolean _dropOnOverflow; private boolean _dropDuplicates; private final AtomicLong _droppedRecords = new AtomicLong(); // in seconds private int _flushInterval = (int) (LogWriter.FLUSH_INTERVAL / 1000); private boolean _alreadyNoticedMissingConfig; public LogManager(I2PAppContext context) { _displayOnScreen = true; _alreadyNoticedMissingConfig = false; _limits = new ConcurrentHashSet<LogLimit>(); _logs = new ConcurrentHashMap<Object, Log>(128); _defaultLimit = Log.ERROR; _context = context; _log = getLog(LogManager.class); String location = context.getProperty(CONFIG_LOCATION_PROP, CONFIG_LOCATION_DEFAULT); setConfig(location); _records = new LinkedBlockingQueue<LogRecord>(_logBufferSize); _consoleBuffer = new LogConsoleBuffer(_consoleBufferSize); // If we aren't in the router context, delay creating the LogWriter until required, // so it doesn't create a log directory and log files unless there is output. // In the router context, we have to rotate to a new log file at startup or the logs.jsp // page will display the old log. if (context.isRouterContext()) startLogWriter(); try { Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new ShutdownHook()); } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { // shutdown in progress, fsck it } //System.out.println("Created logManager " + this + " with context: " + context); } /** @since 0.8.2 */ private synchronized void startLogWriter() { // yeah, this doesn't always work, _writer should be volatile if (_writer != null) return; if (SystemVersion.isAndroid()) { try { Class<? extends LogWriter> clazz = Class.forName( "net.i2p.util.AndroidLogWriter" ).asSubclass(LogWriter.class); Constructor<? extends LogWriter> ctor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(LogManager.class); _writer = ctor.newInstance(this); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { } catch (InstantiationException e) { } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { } } // Default writer if (_writer == null) _writer = new FileLogWriter(this); _writer.setFlushInterval(_flushInterval * 1000); // if you enable logging in I2PThread again, you MUST change this back to Thread Thread t = new I2PThread(_writer, "LogWriter"); t.setDaemon(true); t.start(); } public Log getLog(Class<?> cls) { return getLog(cls, null); } public Log getLog(String name) { return getLog(null, name); } public Log getLog(Class<?> cls, String name) { String scope = Log.getScope(name, cls); boolean isNew = false; Log rv = _logs.get(scope); if (rv == null) { rv = new Log(this, cls, name); Log old = _logs.putIfAbsent(scope, rv); isNew = old == null; if (!isNew) rv = old; } if (isNew) updateLimit(rv); return rv; } /** now used by ConfigLogingHelper */ public List<Log> getLogs() { return new ArrayList<Log>(_logs.values()); } /** * If the log already exists, its priority is set here but cannot * be changed later, as it becomes an "orphan" not tracked by the manager. */ void addLog(Log log) { Log old = _logs.putIfAbsent(log.getScope(), log); updateLimit(log); if (old != null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Duplicate log for " + log.getName()); } } public LogConsoleBuffer getBuffer() { return _consoleBuffer; } /** @deprecated unused */ @Deprecated public void setDisplayOnScreen(boolean yes) { _displayOnScreen = yes; } public boolean displayOnScreen() { return _displayOnScreen; } public int getDisplayOnScreenLevel() { return _onScreenLimit; } /** @deprecated unused */ @Deprecated public void setDisplayOnScreenLevel(int level) { _onScreenLimit = level; } public int getConsoleBufferSize() { return _consoleBufferSize; } /** @deprecated unused */ @Deprecated public void setConsoleBufferSize(int numRecords) { _consoleBufferSize = numRecords; } public void setConfig(String filename) { _locationFile = new File(filename); if (!_locationFile.isAbsolute()) _locationFile = new File(_context.getConfigDir(), filename); loadConfig(); } /** * File may not exist or have old logs in it if not opened yet * @return non-null */ public String currentFile() { if (_writer == null) return ("No log file created yet"); return _writer.currentFile(); } /** * Used by Log to add records to the queue. * This is generally nonblocking and unsyncrhonized but may block when under * massive logging load as a way of throttling logging threads. */ void addRecord(LogRecord record) { if ((!_context.isRouterContext()) && _writer == null) startLogWriter(); boolean success = _records.offer(record); if (!success) { if (_dropOnOverflow) { // TODO use the counter in a periodic drop msg _droppedRecords.incrementAndGet(); return; } // the writer waits 10 seconds *or* until we tell them to wake up // before rereading the config and writing out any log messages synchronized (_writer) { _writer.notifyAll(); } // block as a way of slowing down out-of-control loggers (a little) try { _records.put(record); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} } else if (_flushInterval <= 0) { synchronized (_writer) { _writer.notifyAll(); } } } /** * Called periodically by the log writer's thread * Do not log here, deadlock of LogWriter */ void rereadConfig() { // perhaps check modification time //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("Rereading configuration file"); loadConfig(); } /** * @since 0.9.3 */ boolean shouldDropDuplicates() { return _dropDuplicates; } /** * Do not log here, deadlock of LogWriter via rereadConfig(). */ private void loadConfig() { File cfgFile = _locationFile; if (!cfgFile.exists()) { if (!_alreadyNoticedMissingConfig) { //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) // _log.warn("Log file " + _locationFile.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist"); _alreadyNoticedMissingConfig = true; } parseConfig(new Properties()); updateLimits(); return; } _alreadyNoticedMissingConfig = false; if ((_configLastRead > 0) && (_configLastRead >= cfgFile.lastModified())) { //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) //"Short circuiting config read (last read: " // + (_context.clock().now() - _configLastRead) + "ms ago, config file modified " // + (_context.clock().now() - cfgFile.lastModified()) + "ms ago"); return; } Properties p = new Properties(); try { DataHelper.loadProps(p, cfgFile); _configLastRead = _context.clock().now(); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println("Error loading logger config from " + cfgFile.getAbsolutePath()); } parseConfig(p); updateLimits(); } /** * Do not log here, deadlock of LogWriter via rereadConfig(). */ private void parseConfig(Properties config) { String fmt = config.getProperty(PROP_FORMAT, DEFAULT_FORMAT); _format = fmt.toCharArray(); String df = config.getProperty(PROP_DATEFORMAT, DEFAULT_DATEFORMAT); setDateFormat(df); String disp = config.getProperty(PROP_DISPLAYONSCREEN); if (disp == null) _displayOnScreen = DEFAULT_DISPLAYONSCREEN; else { if ("TRUE".equals(disp.toUpperCase(Locale.US).trim())) _displayOnScreen = true; else if ("YES".equals(disp.toUpperCase(Locale.US).trim())) _displayOnScreen = true; else _displayOnScreen = false; } // prior to 0.9.5, override prop trumped config file // as of 0.9.5, override prop trumps config file only if config file is set to default, // so it may be set in the UI. String filename = config.getProperty(PROP_FILENAME, DEFAULT_FILENAME); String filenameOverride = _context.getProperty(FILENAME_OVERRIDE_PROP); if (filenameOverride != null && filename.equals(DEFAULT_FILENAME)) setBaseLogfilename(filenameOverride); else setBaseLogfilename(filename); _fileSize = getFileSize(config.getProperty(PROP_FILESIZE, DEFAULT_FILESIZE)); _rotationLimit = -1; try { _rotationLimit = Integer.parseInt(config.getProperty(PROP_ROTATIONLIMIT, DEFAULT_ROTATIONLIMIT)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { System.err.println("Invalid rotation limit"); nfe.printStackTrace(); } _defaultLimit = Log.getLevel(config.getProperty(PROP_DEFAULTLEVEL, DEFAULT_DEFAULTLEVEL)); _onScreenLimit = Log.getLevel(config.getProperty(PROP_DISPLAYONSCREENLEVEL, DEFAULT_ONSCREENLEVEL)); try { String str = config.getProperty(PROP_CONSOLEBUFFERSIZE); if (str != null) _consoleBufferSize = Integer.parseInt(str); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} try { String str = config.getProperty(PROP_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE); if (str != null) _logBufferSize = Integer.parseInt(str); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} try { String str = config.getProperty(PROP_FLUSH); if (str != null) { _flushInterval = Integer.parseInt(str); synchronized(this) { if (_writer != null) _writer.setFlushInterval(_flushInterval * 1000); } } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} _dropOnOverflow = Boolean.parseBoolean(config.getProperty(PROP_DROP)); String str = config.getProperty(PROP_DUP); _dropDuplicates = str == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(str); //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("Log set to use the base log file as " + _baseLogfilename); parseLimits(config); } /** * Do not log here, deadlock of LogWriter via rereadConfig(). */ private void parseLimits(Properties config) { parseLimits(config, PROP_RECORD_PREFIX); } /** * Do not log here, deadlock of LogWriter via rereadConfig(). */ private void parseLimits(Properties config, String recordPrefix) { _limits.clear(); if (config != null) { for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> e : config.entrySet()) { String key = (String) e.getKey(); // if we're filtering the records (e.g. logger.record.*) then // filter accordingly (stripping off that prefix for matches) if (recordPrefix != null) { if (key.startsWith(recordPrefix)) { key = key.substring(recordPrefix.length()); } else { continue; } } String val = (String) e.getValue(); LogLimit lim = new LogLimit(key, Log.getLevel(val)); //_log.debug("Limit found for " + name + " as " + val); if (!_limits.contains(lim)) _limits.add(lim); } } updateLimits(); } /** * Update the existing limit overrides * * @param limits mapping of prefix to log level string (not the log #) */ public void setLimits(Properties limits) { parseLimits(limits, null); } /** * Update the date format * Do not log here, deadlock of LogWriter via rereadConfig(). * * @param format null or empty string means use default format for the locale * (with a SHORT date and a MEDIUM time - see DateFormat) * @return true if the format was updated, false if it was invalid */ public boolean setDateFormat(String format) { if (format == null) format = ""; if (format.equals(_dateFormatPattern) && _dateFormat != null) return true; try { SimpleDateFormat fmt = (SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.MEDIUM); if (!format.equals("")) fmt.applyPattern(format); // the router sets the JVM time zone to UTC but saves the original here so we can get it fmt.setTimeZone(SystemVersion.getSystemTimeZone(_context)); _dateFormatPattern = format; _dateFormat = fmt; return true; } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { //getLog(LogManager.class).error("Date format is invalid [" + format + "]", iae); return false; } } /** * Update the log file size limit */ public void setFileSize(int numBytes) { if (numBytes > 0) _fileSize = numBytes; } public String getDefaultLimit() { return Log.toLevelString(_defaultLimit); } public void setDefaultLimit(String lim) { _defaultLimit = Log.getLevel(lim); updateLimits(); } /** * Return a mapping of the explicit overrides - path prefix to (text * formatted) limit. * */ public Properties getLimits() { Properties rv = new Properties(); for (LogLimit lim : _limits) { rv.setProperty(lim.getRootName(), Log.toLevelString(lim.getLimit())); } return rv; } /** * Determine how many bytes are in the given formatted string (5m, 60g, 100k, etc) * Size may be k, m, or g; a trailing b is ignored. Upper-case is allowed. * Spaces between the number and letter is are allowed. * The number may be in floating point. * 4096 min, 2 GB max (returns int) */ public static int getFileSize(String size) { try { String v = size.trim().toUpperCase(Locale.US); if (v.length() < 2) return -1; if (v.endsWith("B")) v = v.substring(0, v.length() - 1); char mod = v.charAt(v.length() - 1); if (!Character.isDigit(mod)) v = v.substring(0, v.length() - 1); // output to form was in current locale, so have to parse it back that way double val = (new DecimalFormat()).parse(v.trim()).doubleValue(); switch (mod) { case 'K': val *= 1024; break; case 'M': val *= 1024 * 1024; break; case 'G': val *= 1024 * 1024 * 1024; break; default: // blah, noop break; } if (val < 4096 || val > Integer.MAX_VALUE) return -1; return (int) val; } catch (Throwable t) { System.err.println("Error parsing config for filesize: [" + size + "]"); return -1; } } /** * Do not log here, deadlock of LogWriter via rereadConfig(). */ private void updateLimits() { for (Log log : _logs.values()) { updateLimit(log); } } /** * Do not log here, deadlock of LogWriter via rereadConfig(). */ private void updateLimit(Log log) { List<LogLimit> limits = getLimits(log); LogLimit max = null; if (limits != null) { for (LogLimit cur : limits) { if (max == null) max = cur; else { if (cur.getRootName().length() > max.getRootName().length()) { max = cur; } } } } if (max != null) { log.setMinimumPriority(max.getLimit()); } else { //if (_log != null) // _log.debug("The log for " + log.getClass() + " has no matching limits"); log.setMinimumPriority(_defaultLimit); } } /** * Do not log here, deadlock of LogWriter via rereadConfig(). * @return null if no matches */ private List<LogLimit> getLimits(Log log) { ArrayList<LogLimit> limits = null; // new ArrayList(4); for (LogLimit limit : _limits) { if (limit.matches(log)) { if (limits == null) limits = new ArrayList<LogLimit>(4); limits.add(limit); } } return limits; } /// /// would be friend methods for LogWriter... /// public String getBaseLogfilename() { return _baseLogfilename; } public void setBaseLogfilename(String filenamePattern) { // '#' is a comment character in loadProps/storeProps _baseLogfilename = filenamePattern.replace('#', '@'); } public int getFileSize() { return _fileSize; } public int getRotationLimit() { return _rotationLimit; } /** @return success */ public boolean saveConfig() { Properties props = createConfig(); try { DataHelper.storeProps(props, _locationFile); return true; } catch (IOException ioe) { getLog(LogManager.class).error("Error saving the config", ioe); return false; } } private Properties createConfig() { Properties rv = new OrderedProperties(); rv.setProperty(PROP_FORMAT, new String(_format)); rv.setProperty(PROP_DATEFORMAT, _dateFormatPattern); rv.setProperty(PROP_DISPLAYONSCREEN, Boolean.toString(_displayOnScreen)); rv.setProperty(PROP_DROP, Boolean.toString(_dropOnOverflow)); rv.setProperty(PROP_DUP, Boolean.toString(_dropDuplicates)); rv.setProperty(PROP_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE, Integer.toString(_logBufferSize)); // prior to 0.9.5, override prop trumped config file // as of 0.9.5, override prop trumps config file only if config file is set to default, // so it may be set in the UI. rv.setProperty(PROP_FILENAME, _baseLogfilename); if (_fileSize >= 1024*1024) rv.setProperty(PROP_FILESIZE, (_fileSize / (1024*1024)) + "m"); else if (_fileSize >= 1024) rv.setProperty(PROP_FILESIZE, (_fileSize / (1024))+ "k"); else if (_fileSize > 0) rv.setProperty(PROP_FILESIZE, Integer.toString(_fileSize)); // if <= 0, dont specify rv.setProperty(PROP_ROTATIONLIMIT, Integer.toString(_rotationLimit)); rv.setProperty(PROP_DEFAULTLEVEL, Log.toLevelString(_defaultLimit)); rv.setProperty(PROP_DISPLAYONSCREENLEVEL, Log.toLevelString(_onScreenLimit)); rv.setProperty(PROP_CONSOLEBUFFERSIZE, Integer.toString(_consoleBufferSize)); rv.setProperty(PROP_FLUSH, Integer.toString(_flushInterval)); for (LogLimit lim : _limits) { rv.setProperty(PROP_RECORD_PREFIX + lim.getRootName(), Log.toLevelString(lim.getLimit())); } return rv; } /** * Zero-copy. * For the LogWriter * @since 0.8.2 */ Queue<LogRecord> getQueue() { return _records; } public char[] getFormat() { return _format; } public void setFormat(char fmt[]) { _format = fmt; } public SimpleDateFormat getDateFormat() { return _dateFormat; } public String getDateFormatPattern() { return _dateFormatPattern; } /***** public static void main(String args[]) { I2PAppContext ctx = new I2PAppContext(); Log l1 = ctx.logManager().getLog("test.1"); Log l2 = ctx.logManager().getLog("test.2"); Log l21 = ctx.logManager().getLog("test.2.1"); Log l = ctx.logManager().getLog("test"); l.debug("this should fail");"this should pass"); l1.warn("this should pass");"this should fail"); l2.error("this should fail"); l21.debug("this should pass"); l1.error("test exception", new Exception("test")); l1.error("test exception", new Exception("test")); try { Thread.sleep(2 * 1000); } catch (Throwable t) { // nop } System.exit(0); } *****/ /** * Flush any pending records to disk. * Blocking up to 250 ms. * @since 0.9.3 */ public void flush() { if (_writer != null) { int i = 50; while ((!_records.isEmpty()) && i-- > 0) { synchronized (_writer) { _writer.notifyAll(); } try { Thread.sleep(5); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} } } } public void shutdown() { if (_writer != null) { //_log.log(Log.WARN, "Shutting down logger"); // try to prevent out-of-order logging at shutdown flush(); // this could generate out-of-order messages _writer.flushRecords(false); _writer.stopWriting(); synchronized (_writer) { _writer.notifyAll(); } } _records.clear(); _limits.clear(); _logs.clear(); _consoleBuffer.clear(); } private static final AtomicInteger __id = new AtomicInteger(); private class ShutdownHook extends I2PAppThread { private final int _id; public ShutdownHook() { _id = __id.incrementAndGet(); } @Override public void run() { setName("Log " + _id + " shutdown "); shutdown(); } } /** * Convenience method for LogRecordFormatter * @since 0.7.14 */ I2PAppContext getContext() { return _context; } }