package net.i2p.router.update; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import net.i2p.I2PAppContext; import; import; import static*; import net.i2p.crypto.SU3File; import net.i2p.crypto.TrustedUpdate; import; import net.i2p.router.Router; import net.i2p.router.RouterContext; import net.i2p.router.RouterVersion; import; import net.i2p.router.web.ConfigServiceHandler; import net.i2p.router.web.ConfigUpdateHandler; import net.i2p.router.web.Messages; import net.i2p.router.web.NewsHelper; import net.i2p.router.web.PluginStarter; import net.i2p.update.*; import static net.i2p.update.UpdateType.*; import static net.i2p.update.UpdateMethod.*; import net.i2p.util.ConcurrentHashSet; import net.i2p.util.FileUtil; import net.i2p.util.Log; import net.i2p.util.SimpleTimer; import net.i2p.util.SystemVersion; import net.i2p.util.VersionComparator; /** * The central resource coordinating updates. * This must be registered with the context. * * The UpdateManager starts and stops all updates, * prevents multiple updates as appropriate, * and controls notification to the user. * * Version notes: For news and unsigned updates, use * Long.toString(modtime). * * @since 0.9.4 */ public class ConsoleUpdateManager implements UpdateManager, RouterApp { private final RouterContext _context; private final Log _log; private final Collection<RegisteredUpdater> _registeredUpdaters; private final Collection<RegisteredChecker> _registeredCheckers; /** active checking tasks */ private final Collection<UpdateTask> _activeCheckers; /** active updating tasks, pointing to the next ones to try */ private final Map<UpdateTask, List<RegisteredUpdater>> _downloaders; /** as reported by checkers */ private final ConcurrentHashMap<UpdateItem, VersionAvailable> _available; /** downloaded but NOT installed */ private final Map<UpdateItem, Version> _downloaded; /** downloaded AND installed */ private final Map<UpdateItem, Version> _installed; private final boolean _allowTorrent; private static final DecimalFormat _pct = new DecimalFormat("0.0%"); private final ClientAppManager _cmgr; private volatile ClientAppState _state = UNINITIALIZED; private volatile String _status; private static final long DEFAULT_MAX_TIME = 3*60*60*1000L; private static final long DEFAULT_CHECK_TIME = 60*1000; private static final long STATUS_CLEAN_TIME = 20*60*1000; private static final long TASK_CLEANER_TIME = 15*60*1000; private static final String PROP_UNSIGNED_AVAILABLE = "router.updateUnsignedAvailable"; private static final String PROP_DEV_SU3_AVAILABLE = "router.updateDevSU3Available"; /** * @param args ignored */ public ConsoleUpdateManager(RouterContext ctx, ClientAppManager listener, String[] args) { _context = ctx; _cmgr = listener; _log = ctx.logManager().getLog(ConsoleUpdateManager.class); _registeredUpdaters = new ConcurrentHashSet<RegisteredUpdater>(); _registeredCheckers = new ConcurrentHashSet<RegisteredChecker>(); _activeCheckers = new ConcurrentHashSet<UpdateTask>(); _downloaders = new ConcurrentHashMap<UpdateTask, List<RegisteredUpdater>>(); _available = new ConcurrentHashMap<UpdateItem, VersionAvailable>(); _downloaded = new ConcurrentHashMap<UpdateItem, Version>(); _installed = new ConcurrentHashMap<UpdateItem, Version>(); _status = ""; // DEBUG slow start for snark updates // For 0.9.4 update, only for dev builds // For 0.9.5 update, only for dev builds and 1% more // For 0.9.6 update, only for dev builds and 3% more // For 0.9.8 update, only for dev builds and 30% more // For 0.9.10 update, only for dev builds and 60% more // Remove this for 100% //_allowTorrent = RouterVersion.BUILD != 0 || _context.random().nextInt(100) < 60; // Finally, for 0.9.12, 18 months later... _allowTorrent = true; _state = INITIALIZED; } /** * @return null if not found */ public static ConsoleUpdateManager getInstance() { ClientAppManager cmgr = I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext().clientAppManager(); if (cmgr == null) return null; return (ConsoleUpdateManager) cmgr.getRegisteredApp(APP_NAME); } /////// ClientApp methods /** * UpdateManager interface */ public void start() { startup(); } /** * ClientApp interface * @since 0.9.12 */ public synchronized void startup() { changeState(STARTING); notifyInstalled(NEWS, "", Long.toString(NewsHelper.lastUpdated(_context))); notifyInstalled(ROUTER_SIGNED, "", RouterVersion.VERSION); notifyInstalled(ROUTER_SIGNED_SU3, "", RouterVersion.VERSION); notifyInstalled(ROUTER_DEV_SU3, "", RouterVersion.FULL_VERSION); String blist = _context.getProperty(NewsFetcher.PROP_BLOCKLIST_TIME); if (blist != null) notifyInstalled(BLOCKLIST, "", blist); // hack to init from the current news file... do this before we register Updaters // This will not kick off any Updaters as none are yet registered (new NewsFetcher(_context, this, Collections.<URI> emptyList())).checkForUpdates(); for (String plugin : PluginStarter.getPlugins()) { Properties props = PluginStarter.pluginProperties(_context, plugin); String ver = props.getProperty("version"); if (ver != null) notifyInstalled(PLUGIN, plugin, ver); } DummyHandler dh = new DummyHandler(_context, this); register((Checker)dh, TYPE_DUMMY, METHOD_DUMMY, 0); register((Updater)dh, TYPE_DUMMY, METHOD_DUMMY, 0); VersionAvailable dummyVA = new VersionAvailable("", "", METHOD_DUMMY, Collections.<URI> emptyList()); _available.put(new UpdateItem(TYPE_DUMMY, ""), dummyVA); // register news before router, so we don't fire off an update // right at instantiation if the news is already indicating a new version Checker c = new NewsHandler(_context, this); register(c, NEWS, HTTP, 0); register(c, NEWS_SU3, HTTP, 0); register(c, ROUTER_SIGNED, HTTP, 0); // news is an update checker for the router Updater u = new UpdateHandler(_context, this); register(u, ROUTER_SIGNED, HTTP, 0); if (ConfigUpdateHandler.USE_SU3_UPDATE) { register(c, ROUTER_SIGNED_SU3, HTTP, 0); register(u, ROUTER_SIGNED_SU3, HTTP, 0); // todo //register(c, ROUTER_SIGNED_SU3, HTTPS_CLEARNET, 0); //register(u, ROUTER_SIGNED_SU3, HTTPS_CLEARNET, -10); //register(c, ROUTER_SIGNED_SU3, HTTP_CLEARNET, 0); //register(u, ROUTER_SIGNED_SU3, HTTP_CLEARNET, -20); } // TODO see NewsFetcher //register(u, ROUTER_SIGNED, HTTPS_CLEARNET, -5); //register(u, ROUTER_SIGNED, HTTP_CLEARNET, -10); UnsignedUpdateHandler uuh = new UnsignedUpdateHandler(_context, this); register((Checker)uuh, ROUTER_UNSIGNED, HTTP, 0); register((Updater)uuh, ROUTER_UNSIGNED, HTTP, 0); String newVersion = _context.getProperty(PROP_UNSIGNED_AVAILABLE); if (newVersion != null) { List<URI> updateSources = uuh.getUpdateSources(); if (updateSources != null) { VersionAvailable newVA; if (SystemVersion.isJava7()) newVA = new VersionAvailable(newVersion, "", HTTP, updateSources); else newVA = new VersionAvailable(newVersion, "Requires Java 7"); _available.put(new UpdateItem(ROUTER_UNSIGNED, ""), newVA); } } DevSU3UpdateHandler dsuh = new DevSU3UpdateHandler(_context, this); register((Checker)dsuh, ROUTER_DEV_SU3, HTTP, 0); register((Updater)dsuh, ROUTER_DEV_SU3, HTTP, 0); newVersion = _context.getProperty(PROP_DEV_SU3_AVAILABLE); if (newVersion != null) { if (VersionComparator.comp(newVersion, RouterVersion.FULL_VERSION) > 0) { List<URI> updateSources = dsuh.getUpdateSources(); if (updateSources != null) { VersionAvailable newVA; if (SystemVersion.isJava7()) newVA = new VersionAvailable(newVersion, "", HTTP, updateSources); else newVA = new VersionAvailable(newVersion, "Requires Java 7"); _available.put(new UpdateItem(ROUTER_DEV_SU3, ""), newVA); } } else { _context.router().saveConfig(PROP_DEV_SU3_AVAILABLE, null); } } PluginUpdateHandler puh = new PluginUpdateHandler(_context, this); register((Checker)puh, PLUGIN, HTTP, 0); register((Updater)puh, PLUGIN, HTTP, 0); register((Updater)puh, PLUGIN, FILE, 0); // Don't do this until we can prevent it from retrying the same thing again... // handled inside P.U.H. for now //register((Updater)puh, PLUGIN, FILE, 0); new NewsTimerTask(_context, this); _context.simpleTimer2().addPeriodicEvent(new TaskCleaner(), TASK_CLEANER_TIME); changeState(RUNNING); if (_cmgr != null) _cmgr.register(this); } /** * UpdateManager interface */ public void shutdown() { shutdown(null); } /** * ClientApp interface * @param args ignored * @since 0.9.12 */ public synchronized void shutdown(String[] args) { if (_state == STOPPED) return; changeState(STOPPING); stopChecks(); stopUpdates(); _registeredUpdaters.clear(); _registeredCheckers.clear(); _available.clear(); _downloaded.clear(); _installed.clear(); changeState(STOPPED); } /** @since 0.9.12 */ public ClientAppState getState() { return _state; } /** @since 0.9.12 */ public String getName() { return APP_NAME; } /** @since 0.9.12 */ public String getDisplayName() { return "Console Update Manager"; } /////// end ClientApp methods private synchronized void changeState(ClientAppState state) { _state = state; if (_cmgr != null) _cmgr.notify(this, state, null, null); } /** * The status on any update current or last finished. * @return status or "" */ public String getStatus() { return _status; } /** * Is an update available? * Blocking. * An available update may still have a constraint or lack sources. * @param type the UpdateType of this request * @return new version or null if nothing newer is available * @since 0.9.21 */ public String checkAvailable(UpdateType type) { return checkAvailable(type, "", DEFAULT_CHECK_TIME); } /** * Is an update available? * Blocking. * An available update may still have a constraint or lack sources. * @param type the UpdateType of this request * @param maxWait max time to block * @return new version or null if nothing newer is available */ public String checkAvailable(UpdateType type, long maxWait) { return checkAvailable(type, "", maxWait); } /** * Is an update available? * Blocking. * An available update may still have a constraint or lack sources. * @param type the UpdateType of this request * @param id id of this request * @param maxWait max time to block * @return new version or null if nothing newer is available */ public String checkAvailable(UpdateType type, String id, long maxWait) { if (isCheckInProgress(type, id) || isUpdateInProgress(type, id)) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Check or update already in progress for: " + type + ' ' + id); return null; } for (RegisteredChecker r : _registeredCheckers) { if (r.type == type) { String current = getDownloadedOrInstalledVersion(type, id); UpdateTask t; synchronized(_activeCheckers) { t = r.checker.check(type, r.method, id, current, maxWait); if (t != null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Starting " + r, new Exception()); _activeCheckers.add(t); t.start(); } } if (t != null) { synchronized(t) { try { t.wait(maxWait); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} } return getUpdateAvailable(type, id); } } } return null; } /** * Fire off a checker task * Non-blocking. */ public void check(UpdateType type) { check(type, ""); } /** * Fire off a checker task * Non-blocking. */ public void check(UpdateType type, String id) { if (isCheckInProgress(type, id)) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Check already in progress for: " + type + ' ' + id); return; } for (RegisteredChecker r : _registeredCheckers) { if (r.type == type) { String current = getDownloadedOrInstalledVersion(type, id); synchronized(_activeCheckers) { UpdateTask t = r.checker.check(type, r.method, id, current, DEFAULT_CHECK_TIME); if (t != null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Starting " + r, new Exception()); _activeCheckers.add(t); t.start(); break; } } } } } /** * Is an update available? * Non-blocking, returns result of last check or notification from an Updater. * An available update may still have a constraint or lack sources. * @return new version or null if nothing newer is available */ public String getUpdateAvailable(UpdateType type) { return getUpdateAvailable(type, ""); } /** * Is an update available? * Non-blocking, returns result of last check or notification from an Updater. * An available update may still have a constraint or lack sources. * @return new version or null if nothing newer is available */ public String getUpdateAvailable(UpdateType type, String id) { Version v = _available.get(new UpdateItem(type, id)); if (v == null) return null; return v.version; } /** * Is an update downloaded? * Non-blocking, returns result of last download * @return new version or null if nothing was downloaded */ public String getUpdateDownloaded(UpdateType type) { return getUpdateDownloaded(type, ""); } /** * Is an update downloaded? * Non-blocking, returns result of last download * @return new version or null if nothing was downloaded */ public String getUpdateDownloaded(UpdateType type, String id) { Version v = _downloaded.get(new UpdateItem(type, id)); if (v == null) return null; return v.version; } /** * The highest of the installed or downloaded version. * @return new version or null if nothing was downloaded or installed */ private String getDownloadedOrInstalledVersion(UpdateType type, String id) { UpdateItem ui = new UpdateItem(type, id); Version vi = _installed.get(ui); Version vd = _downloaded.get(ui); if (vi != null) { if (vd != null) return (vi.compareTo(vd) > 0) ? vi.version : vd.version; return vi.version; } return vd != null ? vd.version : null; } /** * Is any download in progress? * Does not include checks. */ public boolean isUpdateInProgress() { return !_downloaders.isEmpty(); } /** * Is a download in progress? */ public boolean isUpdateInProgress(UpdateType type) { return isUpdateInProgress(type, ""); } /** * Is a download in progress? */ public boolean isUpdateInProgress(UpdateType type, String id) { for (UpdateTask t : _downloaders.keySet()) { if (t.getType() == type && id.equals(t.getID())) return true; } return false; } /** * Stop all downloads in progress */ public void stopUpdates() { for (UpdateTask t : _downloaders.keySet()) { t.shutdown(); } _downloaders.clear(); } /** * Stop this download */ public void stopUpdate(UpdateType type) { stopUpdate(type, ""); } /** * Stop this download */ public void stopUpdate(UpdateType type, String id) { for (Iterator<UpdateTask> iter = _downloaders.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { UpdateTask t =; if (t.getType() == type && id.equals(t.getID())) { iter.remove(); t.shutdown(); } } } /** * Is any check in progress? * Does not include updates. */ public boolean isCheckInProgress() { return !_activeCheckers.isEmpty(); } /** * Is a check in progress? */ public boolean isCheckInProgress(UpdateType type) { return isCheckInProgress(type, ""); } /** * Is a check in progress? */ public boolean isCheckInProgress(UpdateType type, String id) { for (UpdateTask t : _activeCheckers) { if (t.getType() == type && id.equals(t.getID())) return true; } return false; } /** * Stop all checks in progress */ public void stopChecks() { synchronized(_activeCheckers) { for (UpdateTask t : _activeCheckers) { t.shutdown(); } _activeCheckers.clear(); } } /** * Stop this check */ public void stopCheck(UpdateType type) { stopCheck(type, ""); } /** * Stop this check */ public void stopCheck(UpdateType type, String id) { for (Iterator<UpdateTask> iter = _activeCheckers.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { UpdateTask t =; if (t.getType() == type && id.equals(t.getID())) { iter.remove(); t.shutdown(); } } } /** * Install a plugin. Non-blocking. * If returns true, then call isUpdateInProgress() in a loop * @param name if null, a new install * @return true if task started */ public boolean installPlugin(String name, URI uri) { // We must have a name and install it in _available or else // update_fromCheck() will fail. // It's not removed from _available on success, as we lose the name. if (name == null) name = Long.toString(_context.random().nextLong()); List<URI> uris = Collections.singletonList(uri); UpdateItem item = new UpdateItem(PLUGIN, name); VersionAvailable va = _available.get(item); if (va == null) { UpdateMethod method = "file".equals(uri.getScheme()) ? FILE : HTTP; va = new VersionAvailable("", "", method, uris); _available.putIfAbsent(item, va); } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Install plugin: " + name + ' ' + va); return update(PLUGIN, name); } /** * Non-blocking. Does not check. * If returns true, then call isUpdateInProgress() in a loop * Max time 3 hours by default but not honored by all Updaters * @return true if task started */ public boolean update(UpdateType type) { return update(type, "", DEFAULT_MAX_TIME); } /** * Non-blocking. Does not check. * Max time 3 hours by default but not honored by all Updaters * If returns true, then call isUpdateInProgress() in a loop * @return true if task started */ public boolean update(UpdateType type, String id) { return update(type, id, DEFAULT_MAX_TIME); } /** * Non-blocking. Does not check. * If returns true, then call isUpdateInProgress() in a loop * @param maxTime not honored by all Updaters * @return true if task started */ public boolean update(UpdateType type, long maxTime) { return update(type, "", maxTime); } /** * Non-blocking. Does not check. * Fails if check or update already in progress. * If returns true, then call isUpdateInProgress() in a loop * @param maxTime not honored by all Updaters * @return true if task started */ public boolean update(UpdateType type, String id, long maxTime) { if (isCheckInProgress(type, id)) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Check already in progress for: " + type + ' ' + id); return false; } return update_fromCheck(type, id, maxTime); } /** * Non-blocking. Does not check. * Fails update already in progress. Use this to call from within a checker task. * If returns true, then call isUpdateInProgress() in a loop * @param maxTime not honored by all Updaters * @return true if task started */ private boolean update_fromCheck(UpdateType type, String id, long maxTime) { if (isUpdateInProgress(type, id)) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Update already in progress for: " + type + ' ' + id); return false; } UpdateItem ui = new UpdateItem(type, id); VersionAvailable va = _available.get(ui); if (va == null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("No version available for: " + type + ' ' + id); return false; } List<RegisteredUpdater> sorted = new ArrayList<RegisteredUpdater>(4); for (RegisteredUpdater ru : _registeredUpdaters) { if (ru.type == type) sorted.add(ru); } Collections.sort(sorted); return retry(ui, va.sourceMap, sorted, maxTime) != null; } private UpdateTask retry(UpdateItem ui, Map<UpdateMethod, List<URI>> sourceMap, List<RegisteredUpdater> toTry, long maxTime) { for (Iterator<RegisteredUpdater> iter = toTry.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { RegisteredUpdater r =; iter.remove(); // check in case unregistered later if (!_registeredUpdaters.contains(r)) continue; VersionAvailable va = _available.get(ui); String newVer = va != null ? va.version : ""; for (Map.Entry<UpdateMethod, List<URI>> e : sourceMap.entrySet()) { UpdateMethod meth = e.getKey(); if (r.type == ui.type && r.method == meth) { UpdateTask t = r.updater.update(ui.type, meth, e.getValue(),, newVer, maxTime); if (t != null) { // race window here // store the remaining ones for retrying if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Starting " + r, new Exception()); _downloaders.put(t, toTry); t.start(); return t; } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Updater refused: " + r + " for " + meth + ' ' + e.getValue()); } } } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Nothing left to try for: " + r); } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Nothing left to try for: " + ui); return null; } /////////// start UpdateManager interface /** * Call once for each type/method pair. */ public void register(Updater updater, UpdateType type, UpdateMethod method, int priority) { if ((type == ROUTER_SIGNED || type == ROUTER_UNSIGNED || type == ROUTER_SIGNED_SU3 || type == ROUTER_DEV_SU3) && NewsHelper.dontInstall(_context)) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Ignoring registration for " + type + ", router updates disabled"); return; } if (type == ROUTER_SIGNED_SU3 && !ConfigUpdateHandler.USE_SU3_UPDATE) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Ignoring registration for " + type + ", SU3 updates disabled"); return; } if (method == TORRENT && !_allowTorrent) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Ignoring torrent registration"); return; } RegisteredUpdater ru = new RegisteredUpdater(updater, type, method, priority); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Registering " + ru); if (!_registeredUpdaters.add(ru)) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Duplicate registration " + ru); } } public void unregister(Updater updater, UpdateType type, UpdateMethod method) { RegisteredUpdater ru = new RegisteredUpdater(updater, type, method, 0); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Unregistering " + ru); _registeredUpdaters.remove(ru); } public void register(Checker updater, UpdateType type, UpdateMethod method, int priority) { RegisteredChecker rc = new RegisteredChecker(updater, type, method, priority); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Registering " + rc); if (!_registeredCheckers.add(rc)) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Duplicate registration " + rc); } } public void unregister(Checker updater, UpdateType type, UpdateMethod method) { RegisteredChecker rc = new RegisteredChecker(updater, type, method, 0); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Unregistering " + rc); _registeredCheckers.remove(rc); } /** * Called by the Updater, either after check() was called, or it found out on its own. * Use this if there is only one UpdateMethod; otherwise use the Map method below. * * @param newsSource who told us * @param id plugin name for plugins, ignored otherwise * @param updateSources Where to get the new version * @param newVersion The new version available * @param minVersion The minimum installed version to be able to update to newVersion * @return true if it's newer */ public boolean notifyVersionAvailable(UpdateTask task, URI newsSource, UpdateType type, String id, UpdateMethod method, List<URI> updateSources, String newVersion, String minVersion) { return notifyVersionAvailable(task, newsSource, type, id, Collections.singletonMap(method, updateSources), newVersion, minVersion); } /** * Called by the Checker, either after check() was called, or it found out on its own. * Checkers must use this method if there are multiple UpdateMethods discoverd simultaneously. * * @param newsSource who told us * @param id plugin name for plugins, ignored otherwise * @param sourceMap Mapping of methods to sources * @param newVersion The new version available * @param minVersion The minimum installed version to be able to update to newVersion * @return true if we didn't know already * @since 0.9.6 */ public boolean notifyVersionAvailable(UpdateTask task, URI newsSource, UpdateType type, String id, Map<UpdateMethod, List<URI>> sourceMap, String newVersion, String minVersion) { if (type == NEWS || type == NEWS_SU3 || type == BLOCKLIST) { // shortcut notifyInstalled(type, "", newVersion); return true; } UpdateItem ui = new UpdateItem(type, id); boolean shouldUpdate = false; for (Map.Entry<UpdateMethod, List<URI>> e : sourceMap.entrySet()) { UpdateMethod method = e.getKey(); List<URI> updateSources = e.getValue(); VersionAvailable newVA = new VersionAvailable(newVersion, minVersion, method, updateSources); Version old = _installed.get(ui); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"notifyVersionAvailable " + ui + ' ' + newVA + " old: " + old); if (old != null && old.compareTo(newVA) >= 0) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn(ui.toString() + ' ' + old + " already installed"); // don't bother updating sources return false; } old = _downloaded.get(ui); if (old != null && old.compareTo(newVA) >= 0) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn(ui.toString() + ' ' + old + " already downloaded"); // don't bother updating sources return false; } VersionAvailable oldVA = _available.get(ui); if (oldVA != null) { int comp = oldVA.compareTo(newVA); if (comp > 0) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn(ui.toString() + ' ' + oldVA + " already available"); continue; } else if (comp == 0) { List<URI> oldSources = oldVA.sourceMap.putIfAbsent(method, updateSources); if (oldSources == null) { // merge with existing VersionAvailable // new method if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn(ui.toString() + ' ' + oldVA + " updated with new source method"); } else if (!oldSources.containsAll(updateSources)) { // merge with existing VersionAvailable // new sources to existing method for (URI uri : updateSources) { if (!oldSources.contains(uri)) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn(ui.toString() + ' ' + oldVA + " adding " + uri + " to method " + method); oldSources.add(uri); } } } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn(ui.toString() + ' ' + oldVA + " already available"); } continue; } // else new version is newer } // Use the new VersionAvailable if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) + ' ' + newVA + " now available"); _available.put(ui, newVA); shouldUpdate = true; } // save across restarts if (type == ROUTER_UNSIGNED) { _context.router().saveConfig(PROP_UNSIGNED_AVAILABLE, newVersion); } else if (type == ROUTER_DEV_SU3) { _context.router().saveConfig(PROP_DEV_SU3_AVAILABLE, newVersion); } if (!shouldUpdate) return false; String msg = null; switch (type) { case NEWS: case NEWS_SU3: break; case ROUTER_UNSIGNED: case ROUTER_DEV_SU3: case ROUTER_SIGNED: case ROUTER_SIGNED_SU3: if (shouldInstall() && !(isUpdateInProgress(ROUTER_SIGNED) || isUpdateInProgress(ROUTER_SIGNED_SU3) || isUpdateInProgress(ROUTER_DEV_SU3) || isUpdateInProgress(ROUTER_UNSIGNED))) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Updating " + ui + " after notify"); update_fromCheck(type, id, DEFAULT_MAX_TIME); } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Not updating " + ui + ", update disabled or in progress"); } // ConfigUpdateHandler, SummaryHelper, SummaryBarRenderer handle status display break; case PLUGIN: msg = "<b>" + _t("New plugin version {0} is available", newVersion) + "</b>"; break; default: break; } if (msg != null) finishStatus(msg); return true; } /** * A new version is available but cannot be downloaded or installed due to some constraint. * The manager should notify the user. * Called by the Checker, either after check() was called, or it found out on its own. * * @param newsSource who told us * @param id plugin name for plugins, ignored otherwise * @param newVersion The new version available * @param message A translated message to be displayed to the user, non-null * @since 0.9.9 */ public void notifyVersionConstraint(UpdateTask task, URI newsSource, UpdateType type, String id, String newVersion, String message) { UpdateItem ui = new UpdateItem(type, id); Version old = _installed.get(ui); VersionAvailable newVA = new VersionAvailable(newVersion, message); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"notifyVersionConstraint " + ui + ' ' + newVA + " old: " + old); if (old != null && old.compareTo(newVA) >= 0) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn(ui.toString() + ' ' + old + " already installed"); return; } old = _downloaded.get(ui); if (old != null && old.compareTo(newVA) >= 0) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn(ui.toString() + ' ' + old + " already downloaded"); return; } VersionAvailable oldVA = _available.get(ui); if (oldVA != null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn(ui.toString() + ' ' + oldVA + " already available"); if (oldVA.compareTo(newVA) >= 0) return; // don't replace an unconstrained version with a constrained one if (oldVA.constraint == null) return; // replace constrained one } // Use the new VersionAvailable if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) + ' ' + newVA + " now available"); _available.put(ui, newVA); } /** * Called by the Updater after check() was called and all notifyVersionAvailable() callbacks are finished */ public void notifyCheckComplete(UpdateTask task, boolean newer, boolean success) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Checker " + task + " for " + task.getType() + " complete"); synchronized(_activeCheckers) { _activeCheckers.remove(task); } String msg = null; switch (task.getType()) { case NEWS: case NEWS_SU3: case ROUTER_SIGNED: case ROUTER_SIGNED_SU3: case ROUTER_UNSIGNED: case ROUTER_DEV_SU3: // ConfigUpdateHandler, SummaryHelper, SummaryBarRenderer handle status display break; case PLUGIN: if (!success) { msg = _t("Update check failed for plugin {0}", task.getID()); _log.logAlways(Log.WARN, msg); msg = "<b>" + msg + "</b>"; } else if (!newer) { msg = "<b>" + _t("No new version is available for plugin {0}", task.getID()) + "</b>"; } /// else success.... message for that? break; default: break; } if (msg != null) finishStatus(msg); synchronized(task) { task.notifyAll(); } } public void notifyProgress(UpdateTask task, String status, long downloaded, long totalSize) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(64); buf.append(status).append(' '); double pct = ((double)downloaded) / ((double)totalSize); synchronized (_pct) { buf.append(_pct.format(pct)); } buf.append("<br>\n"); buf.append(_t("{0}B transferred", DataHelper.formatSize2(downloaded))); updateStatus(buf.toString()); } /** * @param task may be null */ public void notifyProgress(UpdateTask task, String status) { updateStatus(status); } /** * An expiring status * @param task may be null */ public void notifyComplete(UpdateTask task, String status) { finishStatus(status); } /** * Not necessarily the end if there are more URIs to try. * @param task checker or updater * @param t may be null */ public void notifyAttemptFailed(UpdateTask task, String reason, Throwable t) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Attempt failed " + task + " for " + task.getType() + ": " + reason, t); } /** * The task has finished and failed. * @param task checker or updater * @param t may be null */ public void notifyTaskFailed(UpdateTask task, String reason, Throwable t) { int level = task.getType() == TYPE_DUMMY ? Log.WARN : Log.ERROR; if (_log.shouldLog(level)) _log.log(level, "Failed " + task + " for " + task.getType() + ": " + reason, t); List<RegisteredUpdater> toTry = _downloaders.get(task); if (toTry != null) { UpdateItem ui = new UpdateItem(task.getType(), task.getID()); VersionAvailable va = _available.get(ui); if (va != null) { UpdateTask next = retry(ui, va.sourceMap, toTry, DEFAULT_MAX_TIME); // fixme old maxtime lost if (next != null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Retrying with " + next); } } } _downloaders.remove(task); _activeCheckers.remove(task); // any other types that shouldn't display? if (task.getURI() != null && task.getType() != TYPE_DUMMY) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(256); buf.append("<b>"); String uri = task.getURI().toString(); if (uri.startsWith("file:") || task.getMethod() == FILE) { uri = DataHelper.stripHTML(task.getURI().getPath()); buf.append(_t("Install failed from {0}", uri)); } else { buf.append(_t("Transfer failed from {0}", uri)); } if (reason != null && reason.length() > 0) { buf.append("<br>"); buf.append(reason); } if (t != null && t.getMessage() != null && t.getMessage().length() > 0) { buf.append("<br>"); buf.append(DataHelper.stripHTML(t.getMessage())); } buf.append("</b>"); finishStatus(buf.toString()); } } /** * An update has been downloaded but not verified. * The manager will verify it. * Caller should delete the file upon return, unless it will share it with others, * e.g. on a torrent. * If the return value is false, caller must call notifyTaskFailed() or notifyComplete() * again. * * @param task must be an Updater, not a Checker * @param actualVersion may be higher (or lower?) than the version requested * @param file a valid format for the task's UpdateType, or null if it did the installation itself * @return true if valid, false if corrupt */ public boolean notifyComplete(UpdateTask task, String actualVersion, File file) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Updater " + task + " for " + task.getType() + " complete"); boolean rv = false; switch (task.getType()) { case TYPE_DUMMY: case NEWS: case NEWS_SU3: rv = true; break; case ROUTER_SIGNED: rv = handleSudFile(task.getURI(), actualVersion, file); if (rv) notifyDownloaded(task.getType(), task.getID(), actualVersion); break; case ROUTER_SIGNED_SU3: rv = handleSu3File(task.getURI(), actualVersion, file); if (rv) notifyDownloaded(task.getType(), task.getID(), actualVersion); break; case ROUTER_UNSIGNED: rv = handleUnsignedFile(task.getURI(), actualVersion, file); if (rv) { _context.router().saveConfig(PROP_UNSIGNED_AVAILABLE, null); notifyDownloaded(task.getType(), task.getID(), actualVersion); } break; case ROUTER_DEV_SU3: rv = handleSu3File(task.getURI(), actualVersion, file); if (rv) { _context.router().saveConfig(PROP_DEV_SU3_AVAILABLE, null); notifyDownloaded(task.getType(), task.getID(), actualVersion); } break; case PLUGIN: // file handled in PluginUpdateRunner default: // assume Updater installed it rv = true; notifyInstalled(task.getType(), task.getID(), actualVersion); break; } if (rv) _downloaders.remove(task); return rv; } ///////// End UpdateManager interface /** * Adds to installed, removes from downloaded and available * @param version null to remove from installed */ private void notifyInstalled(UpdateType type, String id, String version) { UpdateItem ui = new UpdateItem(type, id); if (version == null) { _installed.remove(ui); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) + " removed"); return; } Version ver = new Version(version); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) + " " + ver + " installed"); _installed.put(ui, ver); Version old = _downloaded.get(ui); if (old != null && old.compareTo(ver) <= 0) _downloaded.remove(ui); old = _available.get(ui); if (old != null && old.compareTo(ver) <= 0) _available.remove(ui); } /** * Adds to downloaded, removes from available */ private void notifyDownloaded(UpdateType type, String id, String version) { UpdateItem ui = new UpdateItem(type, id); Version ver = new Version(version); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) + " " + ver + " downloaded"); _downloaded.put(ui, ver); // one trumps the other if (type == ROUTER_SIGNED) { _downloaded.remove(new UpdateItem(ROUTER_UNSIGNED, "")); _downloaded.remove(new UpdateItem(ROUTER_SIGNED_SU3, "")); _downloaded.remove(new UpdateItem(ROUTER_DEV_SU3, "")); // remove available from other type UpdateItem altui = new UpdateItem(ROUTER_SIGNED_SU3, id); Version old = _available.get(altui); if (old != null && old.compareTo(ver) <= 0) _available.remove(altui); // ... and declare the alt downloaded as well _downloaded.put(altui, ver); } else if (type == ROUTER_SIGNED_SU3) { _downloaded.remove(new UpdateItem(ROUTER_SIGNED, "")); _downloaded.remove(new UpdateItem(ROUTER_UNSIGNED, "")); _downloaded.remove(new UpdateItem(ROUTER_DEV_SU3, "")); // remove available from other type UpdateItem altui = new UpdateItem(ROUTER_SIGNED, id); Version old = _available.get(altui); if (old != null && old.compareTo(ver) <= 0) _available.remove(altui); // ... and declare the alt downloaded as well _downloaded.put(altui, ver); } else if (type == ROUTER_UNSIGNED) { _downloaded.remove(new UpdateItem(ROUTER_SIGNED, "")); _downloaded.remove(new UpdateItem(ROUTER_SIGNED_SU3, "")); _downloaded.remove(new UpdateItem(ROUTER_DEV_SU3, "")); } else if (type == ROUTER_DEV_SU3) { _downloaded.remove(new UpdateItem(ROUTER_SIGNED, "")); _downloaded.remove(new UpdateItem(ROUTER_SIGNED_SU3, "")); _downloaded.remove(new UpdateItem(ROUTER_UNSIGNED, "")); } Version old = _available.get(ui); if (old != null && old.compareTo(ver) <= 0) _available.remove(ui); } /** from NewsFetcher */ boolean shouldInstall() { String policy = _context.getProperty(ConfigUpdateHandler.PROP_UPDATE_POLICY); if ("notify".equals(policy) || NewsHelper.dontInstall(_context)) return false; ////////////////// File zip = new File(_context.getRouterDir(), Router.UPDATE_FILE); return !zip.exists(); } /** * Where to find various resources * @return non-null may be empty */ public List<URI> getUpdateURLs(UpdateType type, String id, UpdateMethod method) { VersionAvailable va = _available.get(new UpdateItem(type, id)); if (va != null) { List<URI> rv = va.sourceMap.get(method); if (rv != null) return rv; } switch (type) { case NEWS: case NEWS_SU3: // handled in NewsHandler break; case ROUTER_SIGNED: { // avoid dup variables in next case String URLs = _context.getProperty(ConfigUpdateHandler.PROP_UPDATE_URL, ConfigUpdateHandler.DEFAULT_UPDATE_URL); StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(URLs, " ,\r\n"); List<URI> rv = new ArrayList<URI>(); while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { try { rv.add(new URI(tok.nextToken().trim())); } catch (URISyntaxException use) {} } Collections.shuffle(rv, _context.random()); return rv; } case ROUTER_SIGNED_SU3: { String URLs = ConfigUpdateHandler.SU3_UPDATE_URLS; StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(URLs, " ,\r\n"); List<URI> rv = new ArrayList<URI>(); while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { try { rv.add(new URI(tok.nextToken().trim())); } catch (URISyntaxException use) {} } Collections.shuffle(rv, _context.random()); return rv; } case ROUTER_UNSIGNED: String url = _context.getProperty(ConfigUpdateHandler.PROP_ZIP_URL); if (url != null) { try { return Collections.singletonList(new URI(url)); } catch (URISyntaxException use) {} } break; case ROUTER_DEV_SU3: String url3 = _context.getProperty(ConfigUpdateHandler.PROP_DEV_SU3_URL); if (url3 != null) { try { return Collections.singletonList(new URI(url3)); } catch (URISyntaxException use) {} } break; case PLUGIN: Properties props = PluginStarter.pluginProperties(_context, id); String xpi2pURL = props.getProperty("updateURL"); if (xpi2pURL != null) { try { return Collections.singletonList(new URI(xpi2pURL)); } catch (URISyntaxException use) {} } break; default: break; } return Collections.emptyList(); } /** * Is there a reason we can't download the update? * @return translated contraint or null * @since 0.9.9 */ public String getUpdateConstraint(UpdateType type, String id) { VersionAvailable va = _available.get(new UpdateItem(type, id)); if (va != null) return va.constraint; return null; } /** * * @return success */ private boolean handleSudFile(URI uri, String actualVersion, File f) { return handleRouterFile(uri, actualVersion, f, false); } /** * @return success * @since 0.9.9 */ private boolean handleSu3File(URI uri, String actualVersion, File f) { return handleRouterFile(uri, actualVersion, f, true); } /** * Process sud, su2, or su3 * @return success * @since 0.9.9 */ private boolean handleRouterFile(URI uri, String actualVersion, File f, boolean isSU3) { String url = uri.toString(); updateStatus("<b>" + _t("Update downloaded") + "</b>"); File to = new File(_context.getRouterDir(), Router.UPDATE_FILE); String err; // Process the file if (isSU3) { SU3File up = new SU3File(_context, f); File temp = new File(_context.getTempDir(), "su3out-" + _context.random().nextLong() + ".zip"); try { if (up.verifyAndMigrate(temp)) { String ver = up.getVersionString(); int type = up.getContentType(); if (ver == null || VersionComparator.comp(RouterVersion.VERSION, ver) >= 0) err = "Old version " + ver; else if (type != SU3File.CONTENT_ROUTER) err = "Bad su3 content type " + type; else if (!FileUtil.copy(temp, to, true, false)) err = "Failed copy to " + to; else err = null; // success } else { err = "Signature failed, signer " + DataHelper.stripHTML(up.getSignerString()) + ' ' + up.getSigType(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { _log.error("SU3 extract error", ioe); err = DataHelper.stripHTML(ioe.toString()); } finally { temp.delete(); } } else { TrustedUpdate up = new TrustedUpdate(_context); err = up.migrateVerified(RouterVersion.VERSION, f, to); } // caller must delete.. could be an active torrent //f.delete(); if (err == null) { String policy = _context.getProperty(ConfigUpdateHandler.PROP_UPDATE_POLICY); // So unsigned update handler doesn't overwrite unless newer. long modtime = _context.clock().now(); _context.router().saveConfig(NewsHelper.PROP_LAST_UPDATE_TIME, Long.toString(modtime)); if ("install".equals(policy)) { _log.log(Log.CRIT, "Update was downloaded and verified, restarting to install it"); updateStatus("<b>" + _t("Update verified") + "</b><br>" + _t("Restarting")); restart(); } else { _log.logAlways(Log.WARN, "Update was downloaded and verified, will be installed at next restart"); // SummaryHelper will display restart info separately updateStatus(""); } } else { _log.log(Log.CRIT, err + " from " + url); updateStatus("<b>" + err + ' ' + _t("from {0}", linkify(url)) + " </b>"); } return err == null; } /** * @param Long.toString(timestamp) * @return success */ private boolean handleUnsignedFile(URI uri, String lastmod, File updFile) { if (FileUtil.verifyZip(updFile)) { updateStatus("<b>" + _t("Update downloaded") + "</b>"); } else { updFile.delete(); String url = uri.toString(); updateStatus("<b>" + _t("Unsigned update file from {0} is corrupt", url) + "</b>"); _log.log(Log.CRIT, "Corrupt zip file from " + url); return false; } File to = new File(_context.getRouterDir(), Router.UPDATE_FILE); boolean copied = FileUtil.copy(updFile, to, true, false); if (copied) { updFile.delete(); String policy = _context.getProperty(ConfigUpdateHandler.PROP_UPDATE_POLICY); long modtime = 0; if (lastmod != null) { try { modtime = Long.parseLong(lastmod); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} } if (modtime <= 0) modtime = _context.clock().now(); _context.router().saveConfig(NewsHelper.PROP_LAST_UPDATE_TIME, Long.toString(modtime)); if ("install".equals(policy)) { _log.log(Log.CRIT, "Update was downloaded, restarting to install it"); updateStatus("<b>" + _t("Update downloaded") + "</b><br>" + _t("Restarting")); restart(); } else { _log.logAlways(Log.WARN, "Update was downloaded, will be installed at next restart"); // SummaryHelper will display restart info separately updateStatus(""); } } else { _log.log(Log.CRIT, "Failed copy to " + to); updateStatus("<b>" + _t("Failed copy to {0}", to.getAbsolutePath()) + "</b>"); } return copied; } /** * @return success */ private boolean handlePluginFile(URI uri, String actualVersion, File sudFile) { //////////////// handled elsewhere? return false; } private void restart() { if (_context.hasWrapper()) ConfigServiceHandler.registerWrapperNotifier(_context, Router.EXIT_GRACEFUL_RESTART, false); _context.router().shutdownGracefully(Router.EXIT_GRACEFUL_RESTART); } static String linkify(String url) { String durl = url; if (durl.startsWith("http://")) durl = durl.substring(7); else if (durl.startsWith("https://")) durl = durl.substring(8); if (durl.length() > 28) durl = durl.substring(0, 25) + "…"; return "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + url + "\"/>" + durl + "</a>"; } /** translate a string */ public String _t(String s) { return Messages.getString(s, _context); } /** * translate a string with a parameter */ public String _t(String s, Object o) { return Messages.getString(s, o, _context); } /** * translate a string with parameters * @since 0.9.9 */ public String _t(String s, Object o, Object o2) { return Messages.getString(s, o, o2, _context); } private void updateStatus(String s) { _status = s; } private void finishStatus(String msg) { updateStatus(msg); _context.simpleTimer2().addEvent(new StatusCleaner(msg), STATUS_CLEAN_TIME); } private class StatusCleaner implements SimpleTimer.TimedEvent { private final String _msg; public StatusCleaner(String msg) { _msg = msg; } public void timeReached() { if (_msg.equals(getStatus())) updateStatus(""); } } /** * Failsafe */ private class TaskCleaner implements SimpleTimer.TimedEvent { public void timeReached() { if (!_activeCheckers.isEmpty()) { synchronized(_activeCheckers) { for (Iterator<UpdateTask> iter = _activeCheckers.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { UpdateTask t =; if (!t.isRunning()) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Failsafe remove checker " + t); iter.remove(); } } } } if (!_downloaders.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator<UpdateTask> iter = _downloaders.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { UpdateTask t =; if (!t.isRunning()) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Failsafe remove downloader " + t); iter.remove(); } } } } } /** * Equals on updater, type and method only */ private static class RegisteredUpdater implements Comparable<RegisteredUpdater> { public final Updater updater; public final UpdateType type; public final UpdateMethod method; public final int priority; public RegisteredUpdater(Updater u, UpdateType t, UpdateMethod m, int priority) { updater = u; type = t; method = m; this.priority = priority; } /** reverse, highest priority first, ensure different ones are different */ public int compareTo(RegisteredUpdater r) { int p = r.priority - priority; if (p != 0) return p; return hashCode() - r.hashCode(); } @Override public int hashCode() { return updater.hashCode() ^ type.hashCode() ^ method.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof RegisteredUpdater)) return false; RegisteredUpdater r = (RegisteredUpdater) o; return type == r.type && method == r.method && updater.equals(r.updater); } @Override public String toString() { return "RegisteredUpdater " + updater.getClass().getName() + " for " + type + ' ' + method + " @pri " + priority; } } /** * Equals on checker, type and method only */ private static class RegisteredChecker implements Comparable<RegisteredChecker> { public final Checker checker; public final UpdateType type; public final UpdateMethod method; public final int priority; public RegisteredChecker(Checker u, UpdateType t, UpdateMethod m, int priority) { checker = u; type = t; method = m; this.priority = priority; } /** reverse, highest priority first, ensure different ones are different */ public int compareTo(RegisteredChecker r) { int p = r.priority - priority; if (p != 0) return p; return hashCode() - r.hashCode(); } @Override public int hashCode() { return checker.hashCode() ^ type.hashCode() ^ method.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof RegisteredChecker)) return false; RegisteredChecker r = (RegisteredChecker) o; return type == r.type && method == r.method && checker.equals(r.checker); } @Override public String toString() { return "RegisteredChecker " + checker.getClass().getName() + " for " + type + ' ' + method + " @pri " + priority; } } /** * Equals on type and ID only */ private static class UpdateItem { public final UpdateType type; public final String id; public UpdateItem(UpdateType t, String id) { type = t; = id; } @Override public int hashCode() { return type.hashCode() ^ id.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof UpdateItem)) return false; UpdateItem r = (UpdateItem) o; return type == r.type && id.equals(; } @Override public String toString() { if ("".equals(id)) return "UpdateItem " + type; return "UpdateItem " + type + ' ' + id; } } private static class Version implements Comparable<Version> { public final String version; public Version(String version) { this.version = version; } public int compareTo(Version r) { return VersionComparator.comp(version, r.version); } @Override public int hashCode() { return version.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return (o instanceof Version) && version.equals(((Version)o).version); } @Override public String toString() { return "Version " + version; } } private static class VersionAvailable extends Version { public final String minVersion; public final ConcurrentHashMap<UpdateMethod, List<URI>> sourceMap; public volatile String constraint; /** * Puts the method and sources in the map. The map may be added to later. */ public VersionAvailable(String version, String min, UpdateMethod method, List<URI> updateSources) { super(version); minVersion = min; sourceMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<UpdateMethod, List<URI>>(4); sourceMap.put(method, updateSources); } /** * Available but can't be downloaded due to constraint. * */ public VersionAvailable(String version, String constraint) { super(version); minVersion = ""; sourceMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<UpdateMethod, List<URI>>(4); this.constraint = constraint; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return super.equals(o) && (o instanceof VersionAvailable); } @Override public int hashCode() { // findbugs return super.hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { return "VersionAvailable \"" + version + "\" " + sourceMap + (constraint != null ? (" \"" + constraint + '"') : ""); } } /** debug */ public void renderStatusHTML(Writer out) throws IOException { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(1024); buf.append("<h2>Update Manager</h2>"); buf.append("<h3>Installed</h3>"); toString(buf, _installed); buf.append("<h3>Available</h3>"); toString(buf, _available); buf.append("<h3>Downloaded</h3>"); toString(buf, _downloaded); buf.append("<h3>Registered Checkers</h3>"); toString(buf, _registeredCheckers); buf.append("<h3>Registered Updaters</h3>"); toString(buf, _registeredUpdaters); buf.append("<h3>Active Checkers</h3>"); toString(buf, _activeCheckers); buf.append("<h3>Active Updaters</h3>"); toString(buf, _downloaders); out.write(buf.toString()); } /** debug */ private static void toString(StringBuilder buf, Collection<?> col) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(col.size()); for (Object o : col) { list.add(o.toString()); } Collections.sort(list); for (String e : list) { buf.append("[").append(e).append("]<br>"); } } /** debug */ private static void toString(StringBuilder buf, Map<?, ?> map) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(map.size()); for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : map.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey().toString(); String val = entry.getValue().toString(); list.add("[" + key + "] = [" + val + "]<br>"); } Collections.sort(list); for (String e : list) { buf.append(e); } } }