package net.i2p.util; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import net.i2p.I2PAppContext; /** * Simple event scheduler - toss an event on the queue and it gets fired at the * appropriate time. The method that is fired however should NOT block (otherwise * they b0rk the timer). * * This rewrites the old SimpleTimer to use the java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor. * SimpleTimer has problems with lock contention; * this should work a lot better. * * This supports cancelling and arbitrary rescheduling. * If you don't need that, use SimpleScheduler instead. * * SimpleTimer is deprecated, use this or SimpleScheduler. * * @author zzz */ public class SimpleTimer2 { /** * If you have a context, use context.simpleTimer2() instead */ public static SimpleTimer2 getInstance() { return I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext().simpleTimer2(); } private static final int MIN_THREADS = 2; private static final int MAX_THREADS = 4; private final ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor _executor; private final String _name; private final AtomicInteger _count = new AtomicInteger(); private final int _threads; /** * To be instantiated by the context. * Others should use context.simpleTimer2() instead */ public SimpleTimer2(I2PAppContext context) { this(context, "SimpleTimer2"); } /** * To be instantiated by the context. * Others should use context.simpleTimer2() instead */ protected SimpleTimer2(I2PAppContext context, String name) { this(context, name, true); } /** * To be instantiated by the context. * Others should use context.simpleTimer2() instead * @since 0.9 */ protected SimpleTimer2(I2PAppContext context, String name, boolean prestartAllThreads) { _name = name; long maxMemory = SystemVersion.getMaxMemory(); _threads = (int) Math.max(MIN_THREADS, Math.min(MAX_THREADS, 1 + (maxMemory / (32*1024*1024)))); _executor = new CustomScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(_threads, new CustomThreadFactory()); if (prestartAllThreads) _executor.prestartAllCoreThreads(); // don't bother saving ref to remove hook if somebody else calls stop context.addShutdownTask(new Shutdown()); } /** * @since 0.8.8 */ private class Shutdown implements Runnable { public void run() { stop(); } } /** * Stops the SimpleTimer. * Subsequent executions should not throw a RejectedExecutionException. * Cannot be restarted. */ public void stop() { _executor.setRejectedExecutionHandler(new ThreadPoolExecutor.DiscardPolicy()); _executor.shutdownNow(); } private static class CustomScheduledThreadPoolExecutor extends ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor { public CustomScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(int threads, ThreadFactory factory) { super(threads, factory); } @Override protected void afterExecute(Runnable r, Throwable t) { super.afterExecute(r, t); if (t != null) { // shoudn't happen, caught in Log log = I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext().logManager().getLog(SimpleTimer2.class); log.log(Log.CRIT, "event borked: " + r, t); } } } private class CustomThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory { public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { Thread rv = Executors.defaultThreadFactory().newThread(r); rv.setName(_name + ' ' + _count.incrementAndGet() + '/' + _threads); // Uncomment this to test threadgrouping, but we should be all safe now that the constructor preallocates! // String name = rv.getThreadGroup().getName(); // if(!name.equals("main")) { // (new Exception("OWCH! DAMN! Wrong ThreadGroup `" + name +"', `" + rv.getName() + "'")).printStackTrace(); // } rv.setDaemon(true); rv.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY + 1); return rv; } } private ScheduledFuture<?> schedule(TimedEvent t, long timeoutMs) { return _executor.schedule(t, timeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } /** * Queue up the given event to be fired no sooner than timeoutMs from now. * * For transition from SimpleScheduler. Uncancellable. * New code should use SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent. * * @param event to be run once * @param timeoutMs run after this delay * @since 0.9.20 */ public void addEvent(final SimpleTimer.TimedEvent event, final long timeoutMs) { if (event == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("addEvent null"); new TimedEvent(this, timeoutMs) { @Override public void timeReached() { event.timeReached(); } @Override public String toString() { return event.toString(); } }; } /** * Schedule periodic event * * The TimedEvent must not do its own rescheduling. * As all Exceptions are caught in run(), these will not prevent * subsequent executions (unlike SimpleTimer, where the TimedEvent does * its own rescheduling). * * For transition from SimpleScheduler. Uncancellable. * New code should use SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent. * * @since 0.9.20 * @param timeoutMs run subsequent iterations of this event every timeoutMs ms, 5000 minimum * @throws IllegalArgumentException if timeoutMs less than 5000 */ public void addPeriodicEvent(final SimpleTimer.TimedEvent event, final long timeoutMs) { addPeriodicEvent(event, timeoutMs, timeoutMs); } /** * Schedule periodic event * * The TimedEvent must not do its own rescheduling. * As all Exceptions are caught in run(), these will not prevent * subsequent executions (unlike SimpleTimer, where the TimedEvent does * its own rescheduling). * * For transition from SimpleScheduler. Uncancellable. * New code should use SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent. * * @since 0.9.20 * @param delay run the first iteration of this event after delay ms * @param timeoutMs run subsequent iterations of this event every timeoutMs ms, 5000 minimum * @throws IllegalArgumentException if timeoutMs less than 5000 */ public void addPeriodicEvent(final SimpleTimer.TimedEvent event, final long delay, final long timeoutMs) { new PeriodicTimedEvent(this, delay, timeoutMs) { @Override public void timeReached() { event.timeReached(); } @Override public String toString() { return event.toString(); } }; } /** * state of a given TimedEvent * * valid transitions: * {IDLE,CANCELLED,RUNNING} -> SCHEDULED [ -> SCHEDULED ]* -> RUNNING -> {IDLE,CANCELLED,SCHEDULED} * {IDLE,CANCELLED,RUNNING} -> SCHEDULED [ -> SCHEDULED ]* -> CANCELLED * * anything else is invalid. */ private enum TimedEventState { IDLE, SCHEDULED, RUNNING, CANCELLED }; /** * Similar to SimpleTimer.TimedEvent but users must extend instead of implement, * and all schedule and cancel methods are through this class rather than SimpleTimer2. * * To convert over, change implements SimpleTimer.TimedEvent to extends SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent, * and be sure to call super(SimpleTimer2.getInstance(), timeoutMs) in the constructor * (or super(SimpleTimer2.getInstance()); .... schedule(timeoutMs); if there is other stuff * in your constructor) * * Other porting: * SimpleTimer.getInstance().addEvent(new foo(), timeout) => new foo(SimpleTimer2.getInstance(), timeout) * SimpleTimer.getInstance().addEvent(this, timeout) => schedule(timeout) * SimpleTimer.getInstance().addEvent(foo, timeout) => foo.reschedule(timeout) * SimpleTimer.getInstance().removeEvent(foo) => foo.cancel() * * There's no global locking, but for scheduling, we synchronize on this * to reduce the chance of duplicates on the queue. * * schedule(ms) can get create duplicates * reschedule(ms) and reschedule(ms, true) can lose the timer * reschedule(ms, false) and forceReschedule(ms) are relatively safe from either * */ public static abstract class TimedEvent implements Runnable { private final Log _log; private final SimpleTimer2 _pool; private int _fuzz; protected static final int DEFAULT_FUZZ = 3; private ScheduledFuture<?> _future; // _executor.remove() doesn't work so we have to use this // ... and I expect cancelling this way is more efficient /** state of the current event. All access should be under lock. */ protected TimedEventState _state; /** absolute time this event should run next time. LOCKING: this */ private long _nextRun; /** whether this was scheduled during RUNNING state. LOCKING: this */ private boolean _rescheduleAfterRun; /** whether this was cancelled during RUNNING state. LOCKING: this */ private boolean _cancelAfterRun; /** must call schedule() later */ public TimedEvent(SimpleTimer2 pool) { _pool = pool; _fuzz = DEFAULT_FUZZ; _log = I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext().logManager().getLog(SimpleTimer2.class); _state = TimedEventState.IDLE; } /** automatically schedules, don't use this one if you have other things to do first */ public TimedEvent(SimpleTimer2 pool, long timeoutMs) { this(pool); schedule(timeoutMs); } /** * Don't bother rescheduling if +/- this many ms or less. * Use this to reduce timer queue and object churn for a sloppy timer like * an inactivity timer. * Default 3 ms. */ public synchronized void setFuzz(int fuzz) { _fuzz = fuzz; } /** * Slightly more efficient than reschedule(). * Does nothing if already scheduled. */ public synchronized void schedule(long timeoutMs) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Scheduling: " + this + " timeout = " + timeoutMs + " state: " + _state); if (timeoutMs <= 0) { // streaming timers do call with timeoutMs == 0 if (timeoutMs < 0 && _log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Sched. timeout < 0: " + this + " timeout = " + timeoutMs + " state: " + _state); timeoutMs = 1; // otherwise we may execute before _future is updated, which is fine // except it triggers 'early execution' warning logging } // always set absolute time of execution _nextRun = timeoutMs + System.currentTimeMillis(); _cancelAfterRun = false; switch(_state) { case RUNNING: _rescheduleAfterRun = true; // signal that we need rescheduling. break; case IDLE: // fall through case CANCELLED: _future = _pool.schedule(this, timeoutMs); _state = TimedEventState.SCHEDULED; break; case SCHEDULED: // nothing } } /** * Use the earliest of the new time and the old time * May be called from within timeReached(), but schedule() is * better there. * * @param timeoutMs */ public void reschedule(long timeoutMs) { reschedule(timeoutMs, true); } /** * May be called from within timeReached(), but schedule() is * better there. * * @param timeoutMs * @param useEarliestTime if its already scheduled, use the earlier of the * two timeouts, else use the later */ public synchronized void reschedule(long timeoutMs, boolean useEarliestTime) { if (timeoutMs <= 0) { if (timeoutMs < 0 && _log.shouldInfo())"Resched. timeout < 0: " + this + " timeout = " + timeoutMs + " state: " + _state); timeoutMs = 1; } final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long oldTimeout; boolean scheduled = _state == TimedEventState.SCHEDULED; if (scheduled) oldTimeout = _nextRun - now; else oldTimeout = timeoutMs; // don't bother rescheduling if within _fuzz ms if ((oldTimeout - _fuzz > timeoutMs && useEarliestTime) || (oldTimeout + _fuzz < timeoutMs && !useEarliestTime)|| (!scheduled)) { if (scheduled && oldTimeout <= 5) { // don't reschedule to avoid race if (_log.shouldWarn()) _log.warn("not rescheduling to " + timeoutMs + ", about to execute " + this + " in " + oldTimeout); return; } if (scheduled && (now + timeoutMs) < _nextRun) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Re-scheduling: " + this + " timeout = " + timeoutMs + " old timeout was " + oldTimeout + " state: " + _state); cancel(); } schedule(timeoutMs); } } /** * Always use the new time - ignores fuzz * @param timeoutMs */ public synchronized void forceReschedule(long timeoutMs) { // don't cancel while running! if (_state == TimedEventState.SCHEDULED) cancel(); schedule(timeoutMs); } /** @return true if cancelled */ public synchronized boolean cancel() { // always clear _rescheduleAfterRun = false; switch(_state) { case CANCELLED: // fall through case IDLE: break; // my preference is to throw IllegalState here, but let it be. case RUNNING: _cancelAfterRun = true; return true; case SCHEDULED: // There's probably a race here, where it's cancelled after it's running // The result (if rescheduled) is a dup on the queue, see tickets 1694, 1705 // Mitigated by close-to-execution check in reschedule() boolean cancelled = _future.cancel(true); if (cancelled) _state = TimedEventState.CANCELLED; else _log.error("could not cancel " + this + " to run in " + (_nextRun - System.currentTimeMillis()), new Exception()); return cancelled; } return false; } public void run() { try { run2(); } catch (RuntimeException re) { _log.error("timer error", re); throw re; } } private void run2() { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Running: " + this); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); long delay = 0; synchronized(this) { if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { if (_log.shouldWarn()) _log.warn("I was interrupted in run, state "+_state+" event "+this); return; } if (_rescheduleAfterRun) throw new IllegalStateException(this + " rescheduleAfterRun cannot be true here"); switch(_state) { case CANCELLED: if (_log.shouldInfo())"Not actually running: CANCELLED " + this); return; // goodbye case IDLE: // fall through case RUNNING: throw new IllegalStateException(this + " not possible to be in " + _state); case SCHEDULED: // proceed, will switch to IDLE to reschedule } // if I was rescheduled by the user, re-submit myself to the executor. long difference = _nextRun - before; // careful with long uptimes if (difference > _fuzz) { // proceed, switch to IDLE to reschedule _state = TimedEventState.IDLE; if (_log.shouldInfo())"Early execution, Rescheduling for " + difference + " later: " + this); schedule(difference); return; } // else proceed to run _state = TimedEventState.RUNNING; } // cancel()-ing after this point only works if the event supports it explicitly // none of these _future checks should be necessary anymore if (_future != null) delay = _future.getDelay(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); else if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn(_pool + " no _future " + this); // This can be an incorrect warning especially after a schedule(0) if (_log.shouldWarn()) { if (delay > 100) _log.warn(_pool + " early execution " + delay + ": " + this); else if (delay < -1000) _log.warn(" late execution " + (0 - delay) + ": " + this + _pool.debug()); } try { timeReached(); } catch (Throwable t) { _log.log(Log.CRIT, _pool + ": Timed task " + this + " exited unexpectedly, please report", t); } finally { // must be in finally synchronized(this) { switch(_state) { case SCHEDULED: // fall through case IDLE: throw new IllegalStateException(this + " can't be " + _state); case CANCELLED: break; // nothing case RUNNING: if (_cancelAfterRun) { _cancelAfterRun = false; _state = TimedEventState.CANCELLED; } else { _state = TimedEventState.IDLE; // do we need to reschedule? if (_rescheduleAfterRun) { _rescheduleAfterRun = false; if (_log.shouldInfo())"Reschedule after run: " + this); schedule(_nextRun - System.currentTimeMillis()); } } } } } long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - before; if (time > 500 && _log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn(_pool + " event execution took " + time + ": " + this); else if (_log.shouldDebug()) _log.debug("Execution finished in " + time + ": " + this); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) { // this call is slow - iterates through a HashMap - // would be better to have a local AtomicLong if we care long completed = _pool.getCompletedTaskCount(); if (completed % 250 == 0); } } /** * Simple interface for events to be queued up and notified on expiration * the time requested has been reached (this call should NOT block, * otherwise the whole SimpleTimer gets backed up) * */ public abstract void timeReached(); } @Override public String toString() { return _name; } /** warning - slow */ private long getCompletedTaskCount() { return _executor.getCompletedTaskCount(); } /** warning - slow */ private String debug() { _executor.purge(); // Remove cancelled tasks from the queue so we get a good queue size stat return " Pool: " + _name + " Active: " + _executor.getActiveCount() + '/' + _executor.getPoolSize() + " Completed: " + _executor.getCompletedTaskCount() + " Queued: " + _executor.getQueue().size(); } /** * For transition from SimpleScheduler. * @since 0.9.20 */ private static abstract class PeriodicTimedEvent extends TimedEvent { private final long _timeoutMs; /** * Schedule periodic event * * @param delay run the first iteration of this event after delay ms * @param timeoutMs run subsequent iterations of this event every timeoutMs ms, 5000 minimum * @throws IllegalArgumentException if timeoutMs less than 5000 */ public PeriodicTimedEvent(SimpleTimer2 pool, long delay, long timeoutMs) { super(pool, delay); if (timeoutMs < 5000) throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout minimum 5000"); _timeoutMs = timeoutMs; } @Override public void run() {; synchronized(this) { // Task may have rescheduled itself without actually running. // If we schedule again, it will be stuck in a scheduling loop. // This happens after a backwards clock shift. if (_state == TimedEventState.IDLE) schedule(_timeoutMs); } } } }