package net.i2p.client.streaming; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Properties; import net.i2p.I2PAppContext; import net.i2p.I2PException; import net.i2p.client.I2PSession; import net.i2p.client.I2PSessionException; import; import; import; import; import net.i2p.util.EepGet; import net.i2p.util.SocketTimeout; /** * Fetch a URL using a socket from the supplied I2PSocketManager. * Hostname must resolve to an i2p destination - no routing to an outproxy. * Does not support response gzip decompression (unlike I2PTunnelHTTPProxy) (yet), * but of course there is still gzip at the I2CP layer. * * This is designed for Java apps such as bittorrent clients that wish to * do HTTP fetches and use other protocols on a single set of tunnels. * This may provide anonymity benefits over using the shared clients HTTP proxy, * preventing inadvertent outproxy usage, reduce resource usage by eliminating * a second set of tunnels, and eliminate the requirement to * to separately configure the proxy host and port. * * For additional documentation see the superclass. * * Supports http://example.i2p/blah * Supports http://B32KEY.b32.i2p/blah * Supports http://i2p/B64KEY/blah for compatibility with the eepproxy * Supports http://B64KEY/blah for compatibility with the eepproxy * Warning - does not support /eepproxy/blah, address helpers, http://B64KEY.i2p/blah, * or other odd things that may be found in the HTTP proxy. * * @author zzz */ public class I2PSocketEepGet extends EepGet { private final I2PSocketManager _socketManager; /** this replaces _proxy in the superclass. Sadly, I2PSocket does not extend Socket. */ private I2PSocket _socket; /** from ConnectionOptions */ private static final String PROP_CONNECT_DELAY = "i2p.streaming.connectDelay"; private static final String CONNECT_DELAY = "500"; public I2PSocketEepGet(I2PAppContext ctx, I2PSocketManager mgr, int numRetries, String outputFile, String url) { this(ctx, mgr, numRetries, -1, -1, outputFile, null, url); } public I2PSocketEepGet(I2PAppContext ctx, I2PSocketManager mgr, int numRetries, long minSize, long maxSize, String outputFile, OutputStream outputStream, String url) { // we're using this constructor: // public EepGet(I2PAppContext ctx, boolean shouldProxy, String proxyHost, int proxyPort, int numRetries, long minSize, long maxSize, String outputFile, OutputStream outputStream, String url, boolean allowCaching, String etag, String postData) { super(ctx, false, null, -1, numRetries, minSize, maxSize, outputFile, outputStream, url, true, null, null); _socketManager = mgr; } /** * We have to override this to close _socket, since we can't use _proxy in super as the I2PSocket. */ @Override public boolean fetch(long fetchHeaderTimeout, long totalTimeout, long inactivityTimeout) { boolean rv = super.fetch(fetchHeaderTimeout, totalTimeout, inactivityTimeout); if (_socket != null) { try { _socket.close(); _socket = null; } catch (IOException ioe) {} } return rv; } /** * Overridden to disable inline gunzipping * @since 0.8.10 */ @Override protected void readHeaders() throws IOException { try { super.readHeaders(); } finally { _isGzippedResponse = false; } } /** * Look up the address, get a socket from the I2PSocketManager supplied in the constructor, * and send the request. * * @param timeout ignored */ @Override protected void sendRequest(SocketTimeout timeout) throws IOException { if (_outputStream == null) { File outFile = new File(_outputFile); if (outFile.exists()) _alreadyTransferred = outFile.length(); } if (_proxyIn != null) try { _proxyIn.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {} if (_proxyOut != null) try { _proxyOut.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {} if (_socket != null) try { _socket.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {} try { URI url = new URI(_actualURL); if ("http".equals(url.getScheme())) { String host = url.getHost(); if (host == null) throw new MalformedURLException("no hostname: " + _actualURL); int port = url.getPort(); if (port <= 0 || port > 65535) port = 80; // HTTP Proxy compatibility http://i2p/B64KEY/blah // Rewrite the url to strip out the /i2p/, // as the naming service accepts B64KEY (but not B64KEY.i2p atm) if ("i2p".equals(host)) { String file = url.getRawPath(); try { int slash = 1 + file.substring(1).indexOf('/'); host = file.substring(1, slash); _actualURL = "http://" + host + file.substring(slash); String query = url.getRawQuery(); if (query != null) _actualURL = _actualURL + '?' + query; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe) { throw new MalformedURLException("Bad /i2p/ format: " + _actualURL); } } // Use existing I2PSession for lookups. // This is much more efficient than using the naming service Destination dest; I2PSession sess = _socketManager.getSession(); if (sess != null && !sess.isClosed()) { try { if (host.length() == 60 && host.endsWith(".b32.i2p")) { byte[] b = Base32.decode(host.substring(0, 52)); if (b != null) { Hash h = Hash.create(b); dest = sess.lookupDest(h, 20*1000); } else { dest = null; } } else { dest = sess.lookupDest(host, 20*1000); } } catch (I2PSessionException ise) { dest = null; } } else { dest = _context.namingService().lookup(host); } if (dest == null) throw new UnknownHostException("Unknown or non-i2p host: " + host); // Set the timeouts, using the other existing options in the socket manager // This currently duplicates what SocketTimeout is doing in EepGet, // but when that's ripped out of EepGet to use setsotimeout, we'll need this. Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty(I2PSocketOptions.PROP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, "" + CONNECT_TIMEOUT); props.setProperty(I2PSocketOptions.PROP_READ_TIMEOUT, "" + INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT); // This is important - even if the underlying socket doesn't have a connect delay, // we want to set it for this connection, so the request headers will go out // in the SYN packet, saving one RTT. props.setProperty(PROP_CONNECT_DELAY, CONNECT_DELAY); I2PSocketOptions opts = _socketManager.buildOptions(props); opts.setPort(port); _socket = _socketManager.connect(dest, opts); } else { throw new MalformedURLException("Unsupported protocol: " + _actualURL); } } catch (URISyntaxException use) { IOException ioe = new MalformedURLException("Bad URL"); ioe.initCause(use); throw ioe; } catch (I2PException ie) { throw new IOException("I2P error", ie); } _proxyIn = _socket.getInputStream(); _proxyOut = _socket.getOutputStream(); // SocketTimeout doesn't take an I2PSocket, but no matter, because we // always close our socket in fetch() above. //timeout.setSocket(_socket); String req = getRequest(); _proxyOut.write(DataHelper.getUTF8(req)); _proxyOut.flush(); } /** * Guess we have to override this since * super doesn't strip the http://host from the GET line * which hoses some servers (opentracker) * HTTP proxy was kind enough to do this for us */ @Override protected String getRequest() throws IOException { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(2048); URI url; try { url = new URI(_actualURL); } catch (URISyntaxException use) { IOException ioe = new MalformedURLException("Bad URL"); ioe.initCause(use); throw ioe; } //String host = url.getHost(); String path = url.getRawPath(); String query = url.getRawQuery(); if (query != null) path = path + '?' + query; if (!path.startsWith("/")) path = '/' + path; buf.append("GET ").append(path).append(" HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "Host: ").append(url.getHost()).append("\r\n"); if (_alreadyTransferred > 0) { buf.append("Range: bytes="); buf.append(_alreadyTransferred); buf.append("-\r\n"); } buf.append("Accept-Encoding: \r\n" + "Cache-control: no-cache\r\n" + "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" + "Connection: close\r\n"); boolean uaOverridden = false; if (_extraHeaders != null) { for (String hdr : _extraHeaders) { if (hdr.toLowerCase(Locale.US).startsWith("user-agent: ")) uaOverridden = true; buf.append(hdr).append("\r\n"); } } if(!uaOverridden) buf.append("User-Agent: " + USER_AGENT + "\r\n"); buf.append("\r\n"); if (_log.shouldDebug()) _log.debug("Request: [" + buf.toString() + "]"); return buf.toString(); } /** * I2PSocketEepGet [-n #retries] [-t timeout] url * Uses I2CP at localhost:7654 with a single 1-hop tunnel each direction. * Tunnel build time not included in the timeout. * * This is just for testing, it will be commented out someday. * Real command line apps should use EepGet.main(), * which has more options, and you don't have to wait for tunnels to be built. */ /**** public static void main(String args[]) { int numRetries = 0; long inactivityTimeout = INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT; String url = null; try { for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].equals("-n")) { numRetries = Integer.parseInt(args[i+1]); i++; } else if (args[i].equals("-t")) { inactivityTimeout = 1000 * Integer.parseInt(args[i+1]); i++; } else if (args[i].startsWith("-")) { usage(); return; } else { url = args[i]; } } } catch (RuntimeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); usage(); return; } if (url == null) { usage(); return; } Properties opts = new Properties(); opts.setProperty("i2cp.dontPublishLeaseSet", "true"); opts.setProperty("inbound.quantity", "1"); opts.setProperty("outbound.quantity", "1"); opts.setProperty("inbound.length", "1"); opts.setProperty("outbound.length", "1"); opts.setProperty("inbound.nickname", "I2PSocketEepGet"); I2PSocketManager mgr = I2PSocketManagerFactory.createManager(opts); if (mgr == null) { System.err.println("Error creating the socket manager"); return; } I2PSocketEepGet get = new I2PSocketEepGet(I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext(), mgr, numRetries, suggestName(url), url); get.addStatusListener( CLIStatusListener(1024, 40)); get.fetch(inactivityTimeout, -1, inactivityTimeout); mgr.destroySocketManager(); } private static void usage() { System.err.println("I2PSocketEepGet [-n #retries] [-t timeout] url"); } ****/ }