package net.i2p.router.transport.crypto; /* * free (adj.): unencumbered; not under the control of others * Written by jrandom in 2003 and released into the public domain * with no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. * It probably won't make your computer catch on fire, or eat * your children, but it might. Use at your own risk. * */ //import; //import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import net.i2p.I2PAppContext; import net.i2p.I2PException; import net.i2p.crypto.CryptoConstants; import net.i2p.crypto.SHA256Generator; import net.i2p.crypto.SigUtil; import; //import; import; import net.i2p.util.I2PThread; import net.i2p.util.Log; import net.i2p.util.NativeBigInteger; import net.i2p.util.RandomSource; import net.i2p.util.SystemVersion; /** * Generate a new session key through a diffie hellman exchange. This uses the * constants defined in CryptoConstants, which causes the exchange to create a * 256 bit session key. * * This class precalcs a set of values on its own thread. * Whenever the pool has * less than the minimum, it fills it up again to the max. There is a delay after * each precalculation so that the CPU isn't hosed during startup. * These three parameters are controlled by java environmental variables and * can be adjusted via: * -Dcrypto.dh.precalc.min=40 -Dcrypto.dh.precalc.max=100 -Dcrypto.dh.precalc.delay=60000 * * (delay is milliseconds) * * To disable precalculation, set min to 0 * * @since 0.9 moved from net.i2p.crypto * * @author jrandom */ public class DHSessionKeyBuilder { // the data of importance private final BigInteger _myPrivateValue; private final BigInteger _myPublicValue; private BigInteger _peerValue; private SessionKey _sessionKey; private final ByteArray _extraExchangedBytes; // bytes after the session key from the DH exchange private final static String PROP_DH_PRECALC_MIN = "crypto.dh.precalc.min"; private final static String PROP_DH_PRECALC_MAX = "crypto.dh.precalc.max"; private final static String PROP_DH_PRECALC_DELAY = "crypto.dh.precalc.delay"; private final static int DEFAULT_DH_PRECALC_MIN = 20; private final static int DEFAULT_DH_PRECALC_MAX = 60; private final static int DEFAULT_DH_PRECALC_DELAY = 25; /** * Create a new public/private value pair for the DH exchange. * Only for internal use and unit tests. * Others should get instances from PrecalcRunner.getBuilder() */ DHSessionKeyBuilder() { this(I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext()); } /** * Create a new public/private value pair for the DH exchange. * Only for internal use and unit tests. * Others should get instances from PrecalcRunner.getBuilder() */ DHSessionKeyBuilder(I2PAppContext ctx) { _myPrivateValue = new NativeBigInteger(ctx.keyGenerator().getElGamalExponentSize(), ctx.random()); _myPublicValue = CryptoConstants.elgg.modPow(_myPrivateValue, CryptoConstants.elgp); _extraExchangedBytes = new ByteArray(); } /** * Conduct a DH exchange over the streams, returning the resulting data. * * unused * @return exchanged data * @throws IOException if there is an error (but does not close the streams */ /**** public static DHSessionKeyBuilder exchangeKeys(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException { DHSessionKeyBuilder builder = new DHSessionKeyBuilder(); // send: X writeBigI(out, builder.getMyPublicValue()); // read: Y BigInteger Y = readBigI(in); if (Y == null) return null; try { builder.setPeerPublicValue(Y); return builder; } catch (InvalidPublicParameterException ippe) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR)) _log.error("Key exchange failed (hostile peer?)", ippe); return null; } } ****/ /** * unused */ /**** private static BigInteger readBigI(InputStream in) throws IOException { byte Y[] = new byte[256]; int read =, Y); if (read != 256) { return null; } return new NativeBigInteger(1, Y); } ****/ /** * Write out the integer as a 256 byte value. This left pads with 0s so * to keep in 2s complement, and if it is already 257 bytes (due to * the sign bit) ignore that first byte. * * unused */ /**** private static void writeBigI(OutputStream out, BigInteger val) throws IOException { byte x[] = val.toByteArray(); for (int i = x.length; i < 256; i++) out.write(0); if (x.length == 257) out.write(x, 1, 256); else if (x.length == 256) out.write(x); else if (x.length > 257) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value is too large! length="+x.length); out.flush(); } ****/ /** * Retrieve the private value used by the local participant in the DH exchange * unused */ /* public BigInteger getMyPrivateValue() { return _myPrivateValue; } */ /** * Retrieve the public value used by the local participant in the DH exchange, */ public BigInteger getMyPublicValue() { return _myPublicValue; } /** * Return a 256 byte representation of our public key, with leading 0s * if necessary. * */ public byte[] getMyPublicValueBytes() { return toByteArray(getMyPublicValue()); } /** * @return exactly 256 bytes * @throws IllegalArgumentException if requires more than 256 bytes */ private static final byte[] toByteArray(BigInteger bi) { try { return SigUtil.rectify(bi, 256); } catch (InvalidKeyException ike) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(ike); } } /** * Specify the value given by the peer for use in the session key negotiation * @throws IllegalStateException if already set */ public synchronized void setPeerPublicValue(BigInteger peerVal) throws InvalidPublicParameterException { if (_peerValue != null) { if (!_peerValue.equals(peerVal)) throw new IllegalStateException(); return; } validatePublic(peerVal); _peerValue = peerVal; } /** * @param val 256 bytes */ public void setPeerPublicValue(byte val[]) throws InvalidPublicParameterException { if (val.length != 256) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Peer public value must be exactly 256 bytes"); setPeerPublicValue(new NativeBigInteger(1, val)); } public synchronized BigInteger getPeerPublicValue() { return _peerValue; } /** * Return a 256 byte representation of his public key, with leading 0s * if necessary. * */ public byte[] getPeerPublicValueBytes() { return toByteArray(getPeerPublicValue()); } /** * Retrieve the session key, calculating it if necessary (and if possible). * * @return session key exchanged, or null if the exchange is not complete */ public synchronized SessionKey getSessionKey() { if (_sessionKey != null) return _sessionKey; if (_peerValue != null) { _sessionKey = calculateSessionKey(_myPrivateValue, _peerValue); } else { //System.err.println("Not ready yet.. privateValue and peerValue must be set (" // + (_myPrivateValue != null ? "set" : "null") + "," // + (_peerValue != null ? "set" : "null") + ")"); } return _sessionKey; } /** * Retrieve the extra bytes beyond the session key resulting from the DH exchange. * If there aren't enough bytes (with all of them being consumed by the 32 byte key), * the SHA256 of the key itself is used - but that won't ever happen. * * Used only by UDP. getData() will be non-null and have at least 32 bytes after call to getSessionKey() * * @return non-null (but rv.getData() may be null) */ public ByteArray getExtraBytes() { return _extraExchangedBytes; } /** * Calculate a session key based on the private value and the public peer value. * * This is the first 32 bytes of the exchanged key (nominally 256 bytes), * EXCEPT that the first byte will be zero if the most significant bit was a 1 * (Java BigInteger.toByteArray() format) * * Side effect - sets extraExchangedBytes to the next 32 bytes. */ private final SessionKey calculateSessionKey(BigInteger myPrivateValue, BigInteger publicPeerValue) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); SessionKey key = new SessionKey(); BigInteger exchangedKey = publicPeerValue.modPow(myPrivateValue, CryptoConstants.elgp); // surprise! leading zero byte half the time! // probably was a mistake, too late now... byte buf[] = exchangedKey.toByteArray(); byte val[] = new byte[SessionKey.KEYSIZE_BYTES]; if (buf.length < 2 * SessionKey.KEYSIZE_BYTES) { // UDP requires at least 32 bytes in _extraExchangedBytes for the mac key // Won't ever happen, typ buf is 256 or 257 bytes System.arraycopy(buf, 0, val, 0, Math.min(buf.length, SessionKey.KEYSIZE_BYTES)); byte remaining[] = new byte[SessionKey.KEYSIZE_BYTES]; // == Hash.HASH_LENGTH // non-caching version SHA256Generator.getInstance().calculateHash(buf, 0, buf.length, remaining, 0); _extraExchangedBytes.setData(remaining); //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("Storing " + remaining.length + " bytes from the DH exchange by SHA256 the session key"); } else { // Will always be here, typ buf is 256 or 257 bytes System.arraycopy(buf, 0, val, 0, SessionKey.KEYSIZE_BYTES); // feed the extra bytes into the PRNG RandomSource.getInstance().harvester().feedEntropy("DH", buf, val.length, buf.length-val.length); byte remaining[] = new byte[buf.length - val.length]; System.arraycopy(buf, val.length, remaining, 0, remaining.length); _extraExchangedBytes.setData(remaining); //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("Storing " + remaining.length + " bytes from the end of the DH exchange"); } key.setData(val); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); long diff = end - start; I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext().statManager().addRateData("crypto.dhCalculateSessionTime", diff); //if (diff > 1000) { // if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Generating session key took too long (" + diff + " ms"); //} else { // if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Generating session key " + diff + " ms"); //} return key; } /** * rfc2631: * The following algorithm MAY be used to validate a received public key y. * * 1. Verify that y lies within the interval [2,p-1]. If it does not, * the key is invalid. * 2. Compute y^q mod p. If the result == 1, the key is valid. * Otherwise the key is invalid. */ private static final void validatePublic(BigInteger publicValue) throws InvalidPublicParameterException { int cmp = publicValue.compareTo(NativeBigInteger.ONE); if (cmp <= 0) throw new InvalidPublicParameterException("Public value is below two: " + publicValue.toString()); cmp = publicValue.compareTo(CryptoConstants.elgp); if (cmp >= 0) throw new InvalidPublicParameterException("Public value is above p-1: " + publicValue.toString()); // todo: // whatever validation needs to be done to mirror the rfc's part 2 (we don't have a q, so can't do // if (NativeBigInteger.ONE.compareTo(publicValue.modPow(q, CryptoConstants.elgp)) != 0) // throw new InvalidPublicParameterException("Invalid public value with y^q mod p != 1"); // } /* private static void testValidation() { NativeBigInteger bi = new NativeBigInteger("-3416069082912684797963255430346582466254460710249795973742848334283491150671563023437888953432878859472362439146158925287289114133666004165938814597775594104058593692562989626922979416277152479694258099203456493995467386903611666213773085025718340335205240293383622352894862685806192183268523899615405287022135356656720938278415659792084974076416864813957028335830794117802560169423133816961503981757298122040391506600117301607823659479051969827845787626261515313227076880722069706394405554113103165334903531980102626092646197079218895216346725765704256096661045699444128316078549709132753443706200863682650825635513"); try { validatePublic(bi); System.err.println("valid?!"); } catch (InvalidPublicParameterException ippe) { System.err.println("Ok, invalid. cool"); } byte val[] = bi.toByteArray(); System.out.println("Len: " + val.length + " first is ok? " + ( (val[0] & 0x80) == 1) + "\n" + DataHelper.toString(val, 64)); NativeBigInteger bi2 = new NativeBigInteger(1, val); try { validatePublic(bi2); System.out.println("valid"); } catch (InvalidPublicParameterException ippe) { System.out.println("invalid"); } } */ /****** public static void main(String args[]) { //if (true) { testValidation(); return; } RandomSource.getInstance().nextBoolean(); // warm it up try { Thread.sleep(20 * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { // nop } I2PAppContext ctx = new I2PAppContext(); _log.debug("\n\n\n\nBegin test\n"); long negTime = 0; try { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { long startNeg = System.currentTimeMillis(); DHSessionKeyBuilder builder1 = new DHSessionKeyBuilder(); DHSessionKeyBuilder builder2 = new DHSessionKeyBuilder(); BigInteger pub1 = builder1.getMyPublicValue(); builder2.setPeerPublicValue(pub1); BigInteger pub2 = builder2.getMyPublicValue(); builder1.setPeerPublicValue(pub2); SessionKey key1 = builder1.getSessionKey(); SessionKey key2 = builder2.getSessionKey(); long endNeg = System.currentTimeMillis(); negTime += endNeg - startNeg; if (!key1.equals(key2)) _log.error("**ERROR: Keys do not match"); else _log.debug("**Success: Keys match"); byte iv[] = new byte[16]; RandomSource.getInstance().nextBytes(iv); String origVal = "1234567890123456"; // 16 bytes max using AESEngine byte enc[] = new byte[16]; byte dec[] = new byte[16]; ctx.aes().encrypt(origVal.getBytes(), 0, enc, 0, key1, iv, 16); ctx.aes().decrypt(enc, 0, dec, 0, key2, iv, 16); String tranVal = new String(dec); if (origVal.equals(tranVal)) _log.debug("**Success: D(E(val)) == val"); else _log.error("**ERROR: D(E(val)) != val [val=(" + tranVal + "), origVal=(" + origVal + ")"); } } catch (InvalidPublicParameterException ippe) { _log.error("Invalid dh", ippe); } _log.debug("Negotiation time for 5 runs: " + negTime + " @ " + negTime / 5l + "ms each"); try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { // nop } } ******/ /** * @since 0.9 */ public interface Factory { /** * Construct a new DH key builder * or pulls a prebuilt one from the queue. */ public DHSessionKeyBuilder getBuilder(); /** * Return an unused DH key builder * to be put back onto the queue for reuse. * * @param builder must not have a peerPublicValue set * @since 0.9.16 */ public void returnUnused(DHSessionKeyBuilder builder); } /** * Try to keep DH pairs at the ready. * It's important to do this in a separate thread, because if we run out, * the pairs are generated in the NTCP Pumper thread, * and it can fall behind. */ public static class PrecalcRunner extends I2PThread implements Factory { private final I2PAppContext _context; private final Log _log; private final int _minSize; private final int _maxSize; private final int _calcDelay; private final LinkedBlockingQueue<DHSessionKeyBuilder> _builders; private volatile boolean _isRunning; /** check periodically whether we have less than the minimum */ private long _checkDelay = 10 * 1000; public PrecalcRunner(I2PAppContext ctx) { super("DH Precalc"); _context = ctx; _log = ctx.logManager().getLog(DHSessionKeyBuilder.class); ctx.statManager().createRateStat("crypto.dhGeneratePublicTime", "How long it takes to create x and X", "Encryption", new long[] { 60*60*1000 }); ctx.statManager().createRateStat("crypto.dhCalculateSessionTime", "How long it takes to create the session key", "Encryption", new long[] { 60*60*1000 }); ctx.statManager().createRateStat("crypto.DHUsed", "Need a DH from the queue", "Encryption", new long[] { 60*60*1000 }); ctx.statManager().createRateStat("crypto.DHReused", "Unused DH requeued", "Encryption", new long[] { 60*60*1000 }); ctx.statManager().createRateStat("crypto.DHEmpty", "DH queue empty", "Encryption", new long[] { 60*60*1000 }); // add to the defaults for every 128MB of RAM, up to 512MB long maxMemory = SystemVersion.getMaxMemory(); int factor = (int) Math.max(1l, Math.min(4l, 1 + (maxMemory / (128*1024*1024l)))); int defaultMin = DEFAULT_DH_PRECALC_MIN * factor; int defaultMax = DEFAULT_DH_PRECALC_MAX * factor; _minSize = ctx.getProperty(PROP_DH_PRECALC_MIN, defaultMin); _maxSize = ctx.getProperty(PROP_DH_PRECALC_MAX, defaultMax); _calcDelay = ctx.getProperty(PROP_DH_PRECALC_DELAY, DEFAULT_DH_PRECALC_DELAY); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("DH Precalc (minimum: " + _minSize + " max: " + _maxSize + ", delay: " + _calcDelay + ")"); _builders = new LinkedBlockingQueue<DHSessionKeyBuilder>(_maxSize); if (!SystemVersion.isWindows()) setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 1); } /** * Note that this stops the singleton precalc thread. * You don't want to do this if there are multiple routers in the JVM. * Fix this if you care. See Router.shutdown(). * @since 0.8.8 */ public void shutdown() { _isRunning = false; this.interrupt(); _builders.clear(); } public void run() { _isRunning = true; while (_isRunning) { //long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); int startSize = getSize(); // Adjust delay if (startSize <= (_minSize * 2 / 3) && _checkDelay > 1000) _checkDelay -= 1000; else if (startSize > (_minSize * 3 / 2) && _checkDelay < 60*1000) _checkDelay += 1000; if (startSize < _minSize) { // fill all the way up, do the check here so we don't // throw away one when full in addValues() while (getSize() < _maxSize && _isRunning) { long curStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (!addBuilder(precalc())) break; long curCalc = System.currentTimeMillis() - curStart; // for some relief... if (!interrupted()) { try { Thread.sleep(Math.min(200, Math.max(10, _calcDelay + (curCalc * 3)))); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} } } } //long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); //int numCalc = curSize - startSize; //if (numCalc > 0) { // if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("Precalced " + numCalc + " to " + curSize + " in " // + (end - start - CALC_DELAY * numCalc) + "ms (not counting " // + (CALC_DELAY * numCalc) + "ms relief). now sleeping"); //} if (!_isRunning) break; try { Thread.sleep(_checkDelay); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { // nop } } } /** * Construct a new DH key builder * or pulls a prebuilt one from the queue. * * @since 0.9 moved from DHSKB */ public DHSessionKeyBuilder getBuilder() { _context.statManager().addRateData("crypto.DHUsed", 1); DHSessionKeyBuilder builder = _builders.poll(); if (builder == null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"No more builders, creating one now"); _context.statManager().addRateData("crypto.DHEmpty", 1); builder = precalc(); // stop sleeping, wake up, make some more this.interrupt(); } return builder; } private DHSessionKeyBuilder precalc() { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); DHSessionKeyBuilder builder = new DHSessionKeyBuilder(_context); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); long diff = end - start; _context.statManager().addRateData("crypto.dhGeneratePublicTime", diff); if (diff > 1000) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Took more than a second (" + diff + "ms) to generate local DH value"); } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Took " + diff + "ms to generate local DH value"); } return builder; } /** * Return an unused DH key builder * to be put back onto the queue for reuse. * * @param builder must not have a peerPublicValue set * @since 0.9.16 */ public void returnUnused(DHSessionKeyBuilder builder) { if (builder.getPeerPublicValue() != null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("builder returned used"); return; } _context.statManager().addRateData("crypto.DHReused", 1); _builders.offer(builder); } /** @return true if successful, false if full */ private final boolean addBuilder(DHSessionKeyBuilder builder) { return _builders.offer(builder); } private final int getSize() { return _builders.size(); } } public static class InvalidPublicParameterException extends I2PException { public InvalidPublicParameterException() { super(); } public InvalidPublicParameterException(String msg) { super(msg); } } }