package net.i2p.router.web; import java.text.Collator; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import; import; import net.i2p.router.client.ClientManagerFacadeImpl; import net.i2p.router.startup.ClientAppConfig; import net.i2p.router.startup.LoadClientAppsJob; import net.i2p.util.Addresses; public class ConfigClientsHelper extends HelperBase { private String _edit; /** from ClientListenerRunner */ public static final String BIND_ALL_INTERFACES = "i2cp.tcp.bindAllInterfaces"; /** from ClientManager */ public static final String PROP_DISABLE_EXTERNAL = "i2cp.disableInterface"; public static final String PROP_ENABLE_SSL = "i2cp.SSL"; /** from ClientMessageEventListener */ public static final String PROP_AUTH = "i2cp.auth"; public static final String PROP_ENABLE_CLIENT_CHANGE = "routerconsole.enableClientChange"; public static final String PROP_ENABLE_PLUGIN_INSTALL = "routerconsole.enablePluginInstall"; public ConfigClientsHelper() {} /** @since */ public boolean isClientChangeEnabled() { return _context.getBooleanProperty(PROP_ENABLE_CLIENT_CHANGE) || isAdvanced(); } /** @since */ public boolean isPluginInstallEnabled() { return PluginStarter.pluginsEnabled(_context) && (_context.getBooleanPropertyDefaultTrue(PROP_ENABLE_PLUGIN_INSTALL) || isAdvanced()); } /** @since 0.9.15 */ public boolean isPluginUpdateEnabled() { return !PluginStarter.getPlugins().isEmpty(); } /** @since 0.8.3 */ public String getPort() { return _context.getProperty(ClientManagerFacadeImpl.PROP_CLIENT_PORT, Integer.toString(ClientManagerFacadeImpl.DEFAULT_PORT)); } /** @since 0.8.3 */ public String i2cpModeChecked(int mode) { boolean disabled = _context.getBooleanProperty(PROP_DISABLE_EXTERNAL); boolean ssl = _context.getBooleanProperty(PROP_ENABLE_SSL); if ((mode == 0 && disabled) || (mode == 1 && (!disabled) && (!ssl)) || (mode == 2 && (!disabled) && ssl)) return CHECKED; return ""; } /** @since 0.8.3 */ public String getAuth() { boolean enabled = _context.getBooleanProperty(PROP_AUTH); if (enabled) return CHECKED; return ""; } /** @since 0.8.3 */ public String[] intfcAddresses() { ArrayList<String> al = new ArrayList<String>(Addresses.getAllAddresses()); return al.toArray(new String[al.size()]); } /** @since 0.8.3 */ public boolean isIFSelected(String addr) { boolean bindAll = _context.getBooleanProperty(BIND_ALL_INTERFACES); if (bindAll && addr.equals("") || addr.equals("::")) return true; String host = _context.getProperty(ClientManagerFacadeImpl.PROP_CLIENT_HOST, ClientManagerFacadeImpl.DEFAULT_HOST); return (host.equals(addr)); } public void setEdit(String edit) { if (edit == null) return; String xStart = _t("Edit"); if (edit.startsWith(xStart + "<span class=hide> ") && edit.endsWith("</span>")) { // IE sucks _edit = edit.substring(xStart.length() + 18, edit.length() - 7); } else if (edit.startsWith("Edit ")) { _edit = edit.substring(5); } else if (edit.startsWith(xStart + ' ')) { _edit = edit.substring(xStart.length() + 1); } else if ((_t("Add Client")).equals(edit)) { _edit = "new"; } } /** clients */ public String getForm1() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(1024); buf.append("<table>\n" + "<tr><th align=\"right\">").append(_t("Client")).append("</th><th>") .append(_t("Run at Startup?")).append("</th><th>") .append(_t("Control")).append("</th><th align=\"left\">") .append(_t("Class and arguments")).append("</th></tr>\n"); boolean allowEdit = isClientChangeEnabled(); List<ClientAppConfig> clients = ClientAppConfig.getClientApps(_context); List<CAC> cacs = new ArrayList<CAC>(clients.size()); for (int cur = 0; cur < clients.size(); cur++) { ClientAppConfig ca = clients.get(cur); String xname = ca.clientName; if (xname.length() > 0) xname = _t(xname); cacs.add(new CAC(cur, ca, xname)); } Collections.sort(cacs, new CACComparator()); for (CAC cac : cacs) { ClientAppConfig ca = cac.config; int cur = cac.index; boolean isConsole = ca.className.equals("net.i2p.router.web.RouterConsoleRunner"); boolean showStart; boolean showStop; if (isConsole) { showStart = false; showStop = false; } else { ClientApp clientApp = _context.routerAppManager().getClientApp(ca.className, LoadClientAppsJob.parseArgs(ca.args)); showStart = clientApp == null; showStop = clientApp != null && clientApp.getState() == ClientAppState.RUNNING; } renderForm(buf, ""+cur, ca.clientName, // urlify, enabled false, !ca.disabled, // read only, preventDisable // dangerous, but allow editing the console args too //"webConsole".equals(ca.clientName) || "Web console".equals(ca.clientName), false, RouterConsoleRunner.class.getName().equals(ca.className), // description DataHelper.escapeHTML(ca.className + ((ca.args != null) ? " " + ca.args : "")), // edit allowEdit && (""+cur).equals(_edit), // show edit button, show update button // Don't allow edit if it's running, or else we would lose the "handle" to the ClientApp to stop it. allowEdit && !showStop, false, // show stop button showStop, // show delete button, show start button allowEdit && !isConsole, showStart); } if (allowEdit && "new".equals(_edit)) renderForm(buf, "" + clients.size(), "", false, false, false, false, "", true, false, false, false, false, false); buf.append("</table>\n"); return buf.toString(); } /** @since 0.9.20 */ private static class CAC { public final int index; public final ClientAppConfig config; public final String xname; public CAC(int idx, ClientAppConfig cfg, String xn) { index = idx; config = cfg; xname = xn; } } /** @since 0.9.20 */ private class CACComparator implements Comparator<CAC> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final Collator coll; public CACComparator() { super(); coll = Collator.getInstance(new Locale(Messages.getLanguage(_context))); } public int compare(CAC l, CAC r) { return, r.xname); } } /** webapps */ public String getForm2() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(1024); buf.append("<table>\n" + "<tr><th align=\"right\">").append(_t("WebApp")).append("</th><th>") .append(_t("Run at Startup?")).append("</th><th>") .append(_t("Control")).append("</th><th align=\"left\">") .append(_t("Description")).append("</th></tr>\n"); Properties props = RouterConsoleRunner.webAppProperties(_context); Set<String> keys = new TreeSet<String>(props.stringPropertyNames()); for (String name : keys) { if (name.startsWith(RouterConsoleRunner.PREFIX) && name.endsWith(RouterConsoleRunner.ENABLED)) { String app = name.substring(RouterConsoleRunner.PREFIX.length(), name.lastIndexOf(RouterConsoleRunner.ENABLED)); String val = props.getProperty(name); boolean isRunning = WebAppStarter.isWebAppRunning(app); renderForm(buf, app, app, !"addressbook".equals(app), "true".equals(val), RouterConsoleRunner.ROUTERCONSOLE.equals(app), RouterConsoleRunner.ROUTERCONSOLE.equals(app), DataHelper.escapeHTML(app + ".war"), false, false, false, isRunning, false, !isRunning); } } buf.append("</table>\n"); return buf.toString(); } public boolean showPlugins() { return PluginStarter.pluginsEnabled(_context); } /** plugins */ public String getForm3() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(1024); buf.append("<table>\n" + "<tr><th align=\"right\">").append(_t("Plugin")).append("</th><th>") .append(_t("Run at Startup?")).append("</th><th>") .append(_t("Control")).append("</th><th align=\"left\">") .append(_t("Description")).append("</th></tr>\n"); Properties props = PluginStarter.pluginProperties(); Set<String> keys = new TreeSet<String>(props.stringPropertyNames()); for (String name : keys) { if (name.startsWith(PluginStarter.PREFIX) && name.endsWith(PluginStarter.ENABLED)) { String app = name.substring(PluginStarter.PREFIX.length(), name.lastIndexOf(PluginStarter.ENABLED)); String val = props.getProperty(name); if (val.equals(PluginStarter.DELETED)) continue; Properties appProps = PluginStarter.pluginProperties(_context, app); if (appProps.isEmpty()) continue; StringBuilder desc = new StringBuilder(256); desc.append("<table border=\"0\">") .append("<tr><td><b>").append(_t("Version")).append("</b></td><td>").append(stripHTML(appProps, "version")) .append("<tr><td><b>") .append(_t("Signed by")).append("</b></td><td>"); String s = stripHTML(appProps, "signer"); if (s != null) { if (s.indexOf('@') > 0) desc.append("<a href=\"mailto:").append(s).append("\">").append(s).append("</a>"); else desc.append(s); } s = stripHTML(appProps, "date"); if (s != null) { long ms = 0; try { ms = Long.parseLong(s); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} if (ms > 0) { String date = (new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm")).format(new Date(ms)); desc.append("<tr><td><b>") .append(_t("Date")).append("</b></td><td>").append(date); } } s = stripHTML(appProps, "author"); if (s != null) { desc.append("<tr><td><b>") .append(_t("Author")).append("</b></td><td>"); if (s.indexOf('@') > 0) desc.append("<a href=\"mailto:").append(s).append("\">").append(s).append("</a>"); else desc.append(s); } s = stripHTML(appProps, "description_" + Messages.getLanguage(_context)); if (s == null) s = stripHTML(appProps, "description"); if (s != null) { desc.append("<tr><td><b>") .append(_t("Description")).append("</b></td><td>").append(s); } s = stripHTML(appProps, "license"); if (s != null) { desc.append("<tr><td><b>") .append(_t("License")).append("</b></td><td>").append(s); } s = stripHTML(appProps, "websiteURL"); if (s != null) { desc.append("<tr><td>") .append("<a href=\"").append(s).append("\">").append(_t("Website")).append("</a><td> "); } String updateURL = stripHTML(appProps, "updateURL.su3"); if (updateURL == null) updateURL = stripHTML(appProps, "updateURL"); if (updateURL != null) { desc.append("<tr><td>") .append("<a href=\"").append(updateURL).append("\">").append(_t("Update link")).append("</a><td> "); } desc.append("</table>"); boolean isRunning = PluginStarter.isPluginRunning(app, _context); boolean enableStop = isRunning && !Boolean.parseBoolean(appProps.getProperty("disableStop")); boolean enableStart = !isRunning; renderForm(buf, app, app, false, "true".equals(val), false, false, desc.toString(), false, false, updateURL != null, enableStop, true, enableStart); } } buf.append("</table>\n"); return buf.toString(); } /** * Misnamed, renders a single line in a table for a single client/webapp/plugin. * * @param name will be escaped here * @param ro trumps edit and showEditButton * @param escapedDesc description, must be HTML escaped, except for plugins */ private void renderForm(StringBuilder buf, String index, String name, boolean urlify, boolean enabled, boolean ro, boolean preventDisable, String escapedDesc, boolean edit, boolean showEditButton, boolean showUpdateButton, boolean showStopButton, boolean showDeleteButton, boolean showStartButton) { String escapedName = DataHelper.escapeHTML(name); buf.append("<tr><td class=\"mediumtags\" align=\"right\" width=\"25%\">"); if (urlify && enabled) { String link = "/"; if (! RouterConsoleRunner.ROUTERCONSOLE.equals(name)) link += escapedName + "/"; buf.append("<a href=\"").append(link).append("\">").append(_t(escapedName)).append("</a>"); } else if (edit && !ro) { buf.append("<input type=\"text\" name=\"nofilter_name").append(index).append("\" value=\""); if (name.length() > 0) buf.append(_t(escapedName)); buf.append("\" >"); } else { if (name.length() > 0) buf.append(_t(escapedName)); } buf.append("</td><td align=\"center\" width=\"10%\"><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"optbox\" name=\"").append(index).append(".enabled\""); if (enabled) { buf.append(CHECKED); if (ro || preventDisable) buf.append("disabled=\"disabled\" "); } buf.append("></td><td align=\"center\" width=\"15%\">"); // The icons were way too much, so there's an X in each button class, // remove if you wnat to put them back if (showStartButton && (!ro) && !edit) { buf.append("<button type=\"submit\" class=\"Xaccept\" name=\"action\" value=\"Start ").append(index).append("\" >") .append(_t("Start")).append("<span class=hide> ").append(index).append("</span></button>"); } if (showStopButton && (!edit)) buf.append("<button type=\"submit\" class=\"Xstop\" name=\"action\" value=\"Stop ").append(index).append("\" >") .append(_t("Stop")).append("<span class=hide> ").append(index).append("</span></button>"); if (isClientChangeEnabled() && showEditButton && (!edit) && !ro) buf.append("<button type=\"submit\" class=\"Xadd\" name=\"edit\" value=\"Edit ").append(index).append("\" >") .append(_t("Edit")).append("<span class=hide> ").append(index).append("</span></button>"); if (showUpdateButton && (!edit) && !ro) { buf.append("<button type=\"submit\" class=\"Xcheck\" name=\"action\" value=\"Check ").append(index).append("\" >") .append(_t("Check for updates")).append("<span class=hide> ").append(index).append("</span></button>"); buf.append("<button type=\"submit\" class=\"Xdownload\" name=\"action\" value=\"Update ").append(index).append("\" >") .append(_t("Update")).append("<span class=hide> ").append(index).append("</span></button>"); } if (showDeleteButton && (!edit) && !ro) { buf.append("<button type=\"submit\" class=\"Xdelete\" name=\"action\" value=\"Delete ").append(index) .append("\" onclick=\"if (!confirm('") .append(_t("Are you sure you want to delete {0}?", _t(escapedName))) .append("')) { return false; }\">") .append(_t("Delete")).append("<span class=hide> ").append(index).append("</span></button>"); } buf.append("</td><td align=\"left\" width=\"50%\">"); if (edit && !ro) { buf.append("<input type=\"text\" size=\"80\" spellcheck=\"false\" name=\"nofilter_desc").append(index).append("\" value=\""); buf.append(escapedDesc); buf.append("\" >"); } else { buf.append(escapedDesc); } buf.append("</td></tr>\n"); } /** * Like in DataHelper but doesn't convert null to "" * There's a lot worse things a plugin could do but... */ public static String stripHTML(Properties props, String key) { String orig = props.getProperty(key); if (orig == null) return null; String t1 = orig.replace('<', ' '); String rv = t1.replace('>', ' '); return rv; } }