package is2.util; import; import; import; import is2.parser.Parser; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.commons.math.MathException; import org.apache.commons.math.stat.inference.TestUtils; public class Evaluator { public static void main(String[] args) { Options options = new Options(args); if (options.eval && options.significant1 == null) { Results r = evaluate(options.goldfile, options.outfile); } else if (options.significant1 != null && options.significant2 != null) { Parser.out.println("compare1 " + options.significant1); Parser.out.println("compare2 " + options.significant2); Parser.out.println("gold " + options.goldfile); Results r1 = evaluate(options.goldfile, options.significant1, false); Parser.out.println("file 1 done "); Results r2 = evaluate(options.goldfile, options.significant2, false); double[] s1 = new double[r1.correctHead.size()]; double[] s2 = new double[r1.correctHead.size()]; for (int k = 0; k < r1.correctHead.size(); k++) { s1[k] = r1.correctHead.get(k); s2[k] = r2.correctHead.get(k); } try { double p = TestUtils.pairedTTest(s1, s2); Parser.out.print("significant to " + p); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | MathException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // significant(options.significant1, options.significant2) ; } else if (options.significant1 != null) { Results r = evaluate(options.goldfile, options.outfile, true); // significant(options.significant1, options.significant2) ; } } /** * * @param act_file * @param pred_file * @param what top, pos, length, mor */ public static void evaluateTagger(String act_file, String pred_file, String what) { CONLLReader09 goldReader = new CONLLReader09(act_file); CONLLReader09 predictedReader = new CONLLReader09(); predictedReader.startReading(pred_file); HashMap<String, Integer> errors = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, StringBuffer> words = new HashMap<>(); int total = 0, numsent = 0, corrT = 0; SentenceData09 goldInstance = goldReader.getNext(); SentenceData09 predInstance = predictedReader.getNext(); HashMap<Integer, int[]> correctL = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, int[]> pos = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, int[]> mor = new HashMap<>(); float correctM = 0, allM = 0; while (goldInstance != null) { int instanceLength = goldInstance.length(); if (instanceLength != predInstance.length()) { Parser.out.println("Lengths do not match on sentence " + numsent); } String gold[] = goldInstance.gpos; String pred[] = predInstance.ppos; String goldM[] = goldInstance.ofeats; String predM[] = predInstance.pfeats; // NOTE: the first item is the root info added during nextInstance(), so we skip it. for (int i = 1; i < instanceLength; i++) { int[] cwr = correctL.get(i); if (cwr == null) { cwr = new int[2]; correctL.put(i, cwr); } cwr[1]++; int[] correctPos = pos.get(gold[i]); if (correctPos == null) { correctPos = new int[2]; pos.put(gold[i], correctPos); } correctPos[1]++; int[] correctMor = mor.get(goldM[i]); if (correctMor == null) { correctMor = new int[2]; mor.put(goldM[i], correctMor); } if ((goldM[i].equals("_") && predM[i] == null) || goldM[i].equals(predM[i])) { correctM++; correctMor[0]++; } allM++; correctMor[1]++; if (gold[i].equals(pred[i])) { corrT++; cwr[0]++; correctPos[0]++; } else { String key = "gold: '" + gold[i] + "' pred: '" + pred[i] + "'"; Integer cnt = errors.get(key); StringBuffer errWrd = words.get(key); if (cnt == null) { errors.put(key, 1); words.put(key, new StringBuffer().append(goldInstance.forms[i])); } else { errors.put(key, cnt + 1); errWrd.append(" ").append(goldInstance.forms[i]); } } } total += instanceLength - 1; // Subtract one to not score fake root token numsent++; goldInstance = goldReader.getNext(); predInstance = predictedReader.getNext(); } // Parser.out.println("error gold:"+goldPos[i]+" pred:"+predPos[i]+" "+goldInstance.forms[i]+" snt "+numsent+" i:"+i); ArrayList<Entry<String, Integer>> opsl = new ArrayList<>(); for (Entry<String, Integer> e : errors.entrySet()) { opsl.add(e); } Collections.sort(opsl, new Comparator<Entry<String, Integer>>() { @Override public int compare(Entry<String, Integer> o1, Entry<String, Integer> o2) { return o1.getValue() == o2.getValue() ? 0 : o1.getValue() > o2.getValue() ? -1 : 1; } }); int cnt = 0; if (what.contains("top")) { Parser.out.println("top most errors:"); for (Entry<String, Integer> e : opsl) { cnt++; if (e.getValue() > 10) { Parser.out.println(e.getKey() + " " + e.getValue() + " context: " + words.get(e.getKey())); } } } if (what.contains("length")) { for (int k = 0; k < 60; k++) { int[] cwr = correctL.get(k); if (cwr == null) { continue; } Parser.out.print(k + ":" + cwr[0] + ":" + cwr[1] + ":" + (((float) Math.round(10000 * (float) ((float) cwr[0]) / (float) cwr[1])) / 100) + " "); } Parser.out.println(); } if (what.contains("pos")) { for (Entry<String, int[]> e : pos.entrySet()) { Parser.out.print(e.getKey() + ":" + e.getValue()[0] + ":" + e.getValue()[1] + ":" + (((float) Math.round(10000 * ((float) e.getValue()[0]) / ((float) e.getValue()[1]))) / 100) + " "); } Parser.out.print(""); } Parser.out.println(); if (what.contains("mor")) { for (Entry<String, int[]> e : mor.entrySet()) { Parser.out.print(e.getKey() + ":" + e.getValue()[0] + ":" + e.getValue()[1] + ":" + (((float) Math.round(10000 * ((float) e.getValue()[0]) / ((float) e.getValue()[1]))) / 100) + " "); } Parser.out.print(""); } Parser.out.println("\nTokens: " + total + " Correct: " + corrT + " " + (float) corrT / total + " Correct M.:" + (int) correctM + " morphology " + (correctM / total)); } public static int errors(SentenceData09 s, boolean uas) { int errors = 0; for (int k = 1; k < s.length(); k++) { if (s.heads[k] != s.pheads[k] && (uas || !s.labels[k].equals(s.plabels[k]))) { errors++; } } return errors; } public static int errors(SentenceData09 s1, SentenceData09 s2, HashMap<String, Integer> r1, HashMap<String, Integer> r2) { int errors = 0; for (int k = 1; k < s1.length(); k++) { if (s1.heads[k] != s1.pheads[k] || (!s1.labels[k].equals(s1.plabels[k]))) { if (s2.heads[k] != s2.pheads[k] || (!s2.labels[k].equals(s2.plabels[k]))) { // equal do nothing } else { Integer cnt = r1.get(s1.labels[k]); if (cnt == null) { cnt = 0; } cnt++; r1.put(s1.labels[k], cnt); } } if (s2.heads[k] != s2.pheads[k] || (!s2.labels[k].equals(s2.plabels[k]))) { if (s1.heads[k] != s1.pheads[k] || (!s1.labels[k].equals(s1.plabels[k]))) { // equal do nothing } else { Integer cnt = r2.get(s2.labels[k]); if (cnt == null) { cnt = 0; } cnt++; r2.put(s2.labels[k], cnt); } } } return errors; } public static final String PUNCT = "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~"; public static class Results { public int total; public int corr; public float las; public float ula; public float lpas; public float upla; ArrayList<Double> correctHead; } public static Results evaluate(String act_file, String pred_file) { return evaluate(act_file, pred_file, true); } public static Results evaluate(String act_file, String pred_file, boolean printEval) { return evaluate(act_file, pred_file, printEval, false); } public static Results evaluate(String act_file, String pred_file, boolean printEval, boolean sig) { CONLLReader09 goldReader = new CONLLReader09(act_file, -1); CONLLReader09 predictedReader = new CONLLReader09(pred_file, -1); int total = 0, corr = 0, corrL = 0, Ptotal = 0, Pcorr = 0, PcorrL = 0, BPtotal = 0, BPcorr = 0, BPcorrL = 0, corrLableAndPos = 0, corrHeadAndPos = 0; int corrLableAndPosP = 0, corrHeadAndPosP = 0, corrLableAndPosC = 0; int numsent = 0, corrsent = 0, corrsentL = 0, Pcorrsent = 0, PcorrsentL = 0, sameProj = 0; int proj = 0, nonproj = 0, pproj = 0, pnonproj = 0, nonProjOk = 0, nonProjWrong = 0; int corrOne = 0; int correctChnWoPunc = 0, correctLChnWoPunc = 0, CPtotal = 0; SentenceData09 goldInstance = goldReader.getNext(); SentenceData09 predInstance = predictedReader.getNext(); HashMap<String, Integer> label = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, Integer> labelCount = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, Integer> labelCorrect = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, Integer> falsePositive = new HashMap<>(); // does the node have the correct head? ArrayList<Double> correctHead = new ArrayList<>(); while (goldInstance != null) { int instanceLength = goldInstance.length(); if (instanceLength != predInstance.length()) { Parser.out.println("Lengths do not match on sentence " + numsent); } int[] goldHeads = goldInstance.heads; String[] goldLabels = goldInstance.labels; int[] predHeads = predInstance.pheads; String[] predLabels = predInstance.plabels; boolean whole = true; boolean wholeL = true; boolean Pwhole = true; boolean PwholeL = true; int tlasS = 0, totalS = 0, corrLabels = 0, XLabels = 0; // NOTE: the first item is the root info added during nextInstance(), so we skip it. int punc = 0, bpunc = 0, totalChnWoPunc = 0; for (int i = 1; i < instanceLength; i++) { Parse p = new Parse(predHeads.length); for (int k = 0; k < p.heads.length; k++) { p.heads[k] = (short) predHeads[k]; } Parse g = new Parse(predHeads.length); for (int k = 0; k < g.heads.length; k++) { g.heads[k] = (short) goldHeads[k]; } { Integer count = labelCount.get(goldLabels[i]); if (count == null) { count = 0; } count++; labelCount.put(goldLabels[i], count); if (goldLabels[i].equals(predLabels[i])) { Integer correct = labelCorrect.get(goldLabels[i]); if (correct == null) { correct = 0; } correct++; labelCorrect.put(goldLabels[i], correct); } else { Integer fp = falsePositive.get(predLabels[i]); if (fp == null) { fp = 0; } fp++; falsePositive.put(predLabels[i], fp); } } if (goldLabels[i].startsWith("PMOD")) { XLabels++; } boolean tlas = false; if (predHeads[i] == goldHeads[i]) { corr++; if (goldInstance.gpos[i].equals(predInstance.ppos[i])) { corrHeadAndPos++; } if (goldLabels[i].equals(predLabels[i])) { corrL++; // if (predLabels[i].startsWith("PMOD")) corrLabels++; // else correctHead.add(0); if (goldInstance.gpos[i].equals(predInstance.ppos[i])) { tlasS++; tlas = true; corrLableAndPos++; } } else { // correctHead.add(0); // Parser.out.println(numsent+" error gold "+goldLabels[i]+" "+predLabels[i]+" head "+goldHeads[i]+" child "+i); wholeL = false; } } else { //correctHead.add(0); // Parser.out.println(numsent+"error gold "+goldLabels[i]+" "+predLabels[i]+" head "+goldHeads[i]+" child "+i); whole = false; wholeL = false; Integer count = label.get(goldLabels[i]); if (count == null) { count = 0; } count++; label.put(goldLabels[i], count); int d = Math.abs(goldInstance.heads[i] - i); } if (!("!\"#$%&''()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_{|}~``".contains(goldInstance.forms[i]))) { if (predHeads[i] == goldHeads[i]) { BPcorr++; if (goldLabels[i].equals(predLabels[i])) { BPcorrL++; } else { // Parser.out.println(numsent+" error gold "+goldLabels[i]+" "+predLabels[i]+" head "+goldHeads[i]+" child "+i); // PwholeL = false; } } else { // Parser.out.println(numsent+"error gold "+goldLabels[i]+" "+predLabels[i]+" head "+goldHeads[i]+" child "+i); //Pwhole = false; wholeL = false; } } else { bpunc++; } if (!(",.:''``".contains(goldInstance.forms[i]))) { if (predHeads[i] == goldHeads[i]) { if (goldInstance.gpos[i].equals(predInstance.ppos[i])) { corrHeadAndPosP++; } Pcorr++; if (goldLabels[i].equals(predLabels[i])) { PcorrL++; if (goldInstance.gpos[i].equals(predInstance.ppos[i])) { corrLableAndPosP++; } } else { // Parser.out.println(numsent+" error gold "+goldLabels[i]+" "+predLabels[i]+" head "+goldHeads[i]+" child "+i); PwholeL = false; } } else { // Parser.out.println(numsent+"error gold "+goldLabels[i]+" "+predLabels[i]+" head "+goldHeads[i]+" child "+i); Pwhole = false; PwholeL = false; } } else { punc++; } if (!(goldInstance.gpos[i].toLowerCase().startsWith("pu"))) { if (predHeads[i] == goldHeads[i]) { correctChnWoPunc++; if (goldLabels[i].equals(predLabels[i])) { correctLChnWoPunc++; if (goldInstance.gpos[i].equals(predInstance.ppos[i])) { corrLableAndPosC++; } } else { // Parser.out.println(numsent+" error gold "+goldLabels[i]+" "+predLabels[i]+" head "+goldHeads[i]+" child "+i); // PwholeL = false; } } else { // Parser.out.println(numsent+"error gold "+goldLabels[i]+" "+predLabels[i]+" head "+goldHeads[i]+" child "+i); // Pwhole = false; PwholeL = false; } } else { totalChnWoPunc++; } if (sig) { if (tlas) { Parser.out.println("1\t"); } else { Parser.out.println("0\t"); } } } total += ((instanceLength - 1)); // Subtract one to not score fake root token Ptotal += ((instanceLength - 1) - punc); BPtotal += ((instanceLength - 1) - bpunc); CPtotal += ((instanceLength - 1) - totalChnWoPunc); if (whole) { corrsent++; } if (wholeL) { corrsentL++; } if (Pwhole) { Pcorrsent++; } if (PwholeL) { PcorrsentL++; } numsent++; goldInstance = goldReader.getNext(); predInstance = predictedReader.getNext(); correctHead.add((double) ((double) corrLabels / (instanceLength - 1))); // Parser.out.println(""+((double)corrLabels/(instanceLength - 1))); } Results r = new Results(); r.correctHead = correctHead; int mult = 100000, diff = 1000; = total; r.corr = corr; r.las = (float) Math.round(((double) corrL / total) * mult) / diff; r.ula = (float) Math.round(((double) corr / total) * mult) / diff; r.lpas = (float) Math.round(((double) corrLableAndPos / total) * mult) / diff; r.upla = (float) Math.round(((double) corrHeadAndPos / total) * mult) / diff; float tlasp = (float) Math.round(((double) corrLableAndPosP / Ptotal) * mult) / diff; float tlasc = (float) Math.round(((double) corrLableAndPosC / Ptotal) * mult) / diff; // Parser.out.print("Total: " + total+" \tCorrect: " + corr+" "); Parser.out.print(" LAS/Total/UAS/Total: " + r.las + "/" + (double) Math.round(((double) corrsentL / numsent) * mult) / diff + "/" + r.ula + "/" + (double) Math.round(((double) corrsent / numsent) * mult) / diff + " LPAS/UPAS " + r.lpas + "/" + r.upla); Parser.out.println("; without . " + (double) Math.round(((double) PcorrL / Ptotal) * mult) / diff + "/" + (double) Math.round(((double) PcorrsentL / numsent) * mult) / diff + "/" + (double) Math.round(((double) Pcorr / Ptotal) * mult) / diff + "/" + (double) Math.round(((double) Pcorrsent / numsent) * mult) / diff + " TLAS " + tlasp + " V2 LAS/UAS " + (double) Math.round(((double) BPcorrL / BPtotal) * mult) / diff + "/" + (double) Math.round(((double) BPcorr / BPtotal) * mult) / diff + " CHN LAS/UAS " + (double) Math.round(((double) correctLChnWoPunc / CPtotal) * mult) / diff + "/" + (double) Math.round(((double) correctChnWoPunc / CPtotal) * mult) / diff + " TLAS " + tlasc); float precisionNonProj = ((float) nonProjOk) / ((float) nonProjOk + nonProjWrong); float recallNonProj = ((float) nonProjOk) / ((float) (nonproj)); Parser.out.println("proj " + proj + " nonp " + nonproj + "; predicted proj " + pproj + " non " + pnonproj + "; nonp correct " + nonProjOk + " nonp wrong " + nonProjWrong + " precision=(nonProjOk)/(non-projOk+nonProjWrong): " + precisionNonProj + " recall=nonProjOk/nonproj=" + recallNonProj + " F=" + (2 * precisionNonProj * recallNonProj) / (precisionNonProj + recallNonProj)); if (!printEval) { return r; } HashMap<String, Integer> totalX = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, Integer> totalY = new HashMap<>(); String A = " "; // & Parser.out.println("label\ttp\tcount\trecall\t\ttp\tfp+tp\tprecision\t F-Score "); for (Entry<String, Integer> e : labelCount.entrySet()) { int tp = labelCorrect.get(e.getKey()) == null ? 0 : labelCorrect.get(e.getKey()).intValue(); Integer count = labelCount.get(e.getKey()); int fp = falsePositive.get(e.getKey()) == null ? 0 : falsePositive.get(e.getKey()).intValue(); Parser.out.println(e.getKey() + "\t" + tp + "\t" + count + "\t" + roundPercent((float) tp / count) + "\t\t" + tp + "\t" + (fp + tp) + "\t" + roundPercent((float) tp / (fp + tp)) + "\t\t" + roundPercent((((float) tp / count)) + (float) tp / (fp + tp)) / 2F); //+totalD } return r; } public static float round(double v) { return Math.round(v * 10000F) / 10000F; } public static float roundPercent(double v) { return Math.round(v * 10000F) / 100F; } }