package is2.parser; import; import; public class Evaluator { public static final String PUNCT = "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~"; public static class Results { public int total; public int corr; public float las; public float ula; } public static Results evaluate(String act_file, String pred_file) throws Exception { CONLLReader09 goldReader = new CONLLReader09(act_file, -1); CONLLReader09 predictedReader = new CONLLReader09(pred_file, -1); int total = 0, corr = 0, corrL = 0; int numsent = 0, corrsent = 0, corrsentL = 0; SentenceData09 goldInstance = goldReader.getNext(); SentenceData09 predInstance = predictedReader.getNext(); while (goldInstance != null) { int instanceLength = goldInstance.length(); if (instanceLength != predInstance.length()) { Parser.out.println("Lengths do not match on sentence " + numsent); } int[] goldHeads = goldInstance.heads; String[] goldLabels = goldInstance.labels; int[] predHeads = predInstance.heads; String[] predLabels = predInstance.labels; boolean whole = true; boolean wholeL = true; // NOTE: the first item is the root info added during nextInstance(), so we skip it. int punc = 0; for (int i = 1; i < instanceLength; i++) { if (predHeads[i] == goldHeads[i]) { corr++; if (goldLabels[i].equals(predLabels[i])) { corrL++; } else { // Parser.out.println(numsent+" error gold "+goldLabels[i]+" "+predLabels[i]+" head "+goldHeads[i]+" child "+i); wholeL = false; } } else { // Parser.out.println(numsent+"error gold "+goldLabels[i]+" "+predLabels[i]+" head "+goldHeads[i]+" child "+i); whole = false; wholeL = false; } } total += ((instanceLength - 1) - punc); // Subtract one to not score fake root token if (whole) { corrsent++; } if (wholeL) { corrsentL++; } numsent++; goldInstance = goldReader.getNext(); predInstance = predictedReader.getNext(); } Results r = new Results(); = total; r.corr = corr; r.las = (float) Math.round(((double) corrL / total) * 100000) / 1000; r.ula = (float) Math.round(((double) corr / total) * 100000) / 1000; Parser.out.print("Total: " + total + " \tCorrect: " + corr + " "); Parser.out.println("LAS: " + (double) Math.round(((double) corrL / total) * 100000) / 1000 + " \tTotal: " + (double) Math.round(((double) corrsentL / numsent) * 100000) / 1000 + " \tULA: " + (double) Math.round(((double) corr / total) * 100000) / 1000 + " \tTotal: " + (double) Math.round(((double) corrsent / numsent) * 100000) / 1000); return r; } public static float round(double v) { return Math.round(v * 10000F) / 10000F; } }