package mstparser; import; import; import; public class DependencyPipe2O extends DependencyPipe { public DependencyPipe2O(ParserOptions options) throws IOException { super(options); } @Override protected void addExtendedFeatures(DependencyInstance instance, FeatureVector fv) { final int instanceLength = instance.length(); int[] heads = instance.heads; // find all trip features for (int i = 0; i < instanceLength; i++) { if (heads[i] == -1 && i != 0) { continue; } // right children int prev = i; for (int j = i + 1; j < instanceLength; j++) { if (heads[j] == i) { addTripFeatures(instance, i, prev, j, fv); addSiblingFeatures(instance, prev, j, prev == i, fv); prev = j; } } prev = i; for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (heads[j] == i) { addTripFeatures(instance, i, prev, j, fv); addSiblingFeatures(instance, prev, j, prev == i, fv); prev = j; } } } } public void fillFeatureVectors(DependencyInstance instance, FeatureVector[][][] fvs, double[][][] probs, FeatureVector[][][] fvs_trips, double[][][] probs_trips, FeatureVector[][][] fvs_sibs, double[][][] probs_sibs, FeatureVector[][][][] nt_fvs, double[][][][] nt_probs, Parameters params) { fillFeatureVectors(instance, fvs, probs, nt_fvs, nt_probs, params); final int instanceLength = instance.length(); for (int w1 = 0; w1 < instanceLength; w1++) { for (int w2 = w1; w2 < instanceLength; w2++) { for (int w3 = w2 + 1; w3 < instanceLength; w3++) { FeatureVector prodFV = new FeatureVector(); addTripFeatures(instance, w1, w2, w3, prodFV); double prodProb = params.getScore(prodFV); fvs_trips[w1][w2][w3] = prodFV; probs_trips[w1][w2][w3] = prodProb; } } for (int w2 = w1; w2 >= 0; w2--) { for (int w3 = w2 - 1; w3 >= 0; w3--) { FeatureVector prodFV = new FeatureVector(); addTripFeatures(instance, w1, w2, w3, prodFV); double prodProb = params.getScore(prodFV); fvs_trips[w1][w2][w3] = prodFV; probs_trips[w1][w2][w3] = prodProb; } } } for (int w1 = 0; w1 < instanceLength; w1++) { for (int w2 = 0; w2 < instanceLength; w2++) { for (int wh = 0; wh < 2; wh++) { if (w1 != w2) { FeatureVector prodFV = new FeatureVector(); addSiblingFeatures(instance, w1, w2, wh == 0, prodFV); double prodProb = params.getScore(prodFV); fvs_sibs[w1][w2][wh] = prodFV; probs_sibs[w1][w2][wh] = prodProb; } } } } } private void addSiblingFeatures(DependencyInstance instance, int ch1, int ch2, boolean isST, FeatureVector fv) { String[] forms = instance.forms; String[] pos = instance.postags; // ch1 is always the closes to par String dir = ch1 > ch2 ? "RA" : "LA"; String ch1_pos = isST ? "STPOS" : pos[ch1]; String ch2_pos = pos[ch2]; String ch1_word = isST ? "STWRD" : forms[ch1]; String ch2_word = forms[ch2]; add("CH_PAIR=" + ch1_pos + "_" + ch2_pos + "_" + dir, 1.0, fv); add("CH_WPAIR=" + ch1_word + "_" + ch2_word + "_" + dir, 1.0, fv); add("CH_WPAIRA=" + ch1_word + "_" + ch2_pos + "_" + dir, 1.0, fv); add("CH_WPAIRB=" + ch1_pos + "_" + ch2_word + "_" + dir, 1.0, fv); add("ACH_PAIR=" + ch1_pos + "_" + ch2_pos, 1.0, fv); add("ACH_WPAIR=" + ch1_word + "_" + ch2_word, 1.0, fv); add("ACH_WPAIRA=" + ch1_word + "_" + ch2_pos, 1.0, fv); add("ACH_WPAIRB=" + ch1_pos + "_" + ch2_word, 1.0, fv); int dist = Math.max(ch1, ch2) - Math.min(ch1, ch2); String distBool = "0"; if (dist > 1) { distBool = "1"; } if (dist > 2) { distBool = "2"; } if (dist > 3) { distBool = "3"; } if (dist > 4) { distBool = "4"; } if (dist > 5) { distBool = "5"; } if (dist > 10) { distBool = "10"; } add("SIB_PAIR_DIST=" + distBool + "_" + dir, 1.0, fv); add("ASIB_PAIR_DIST=" + distBool, 1.0, fv); add("CH_PAIR_DIST=" + ch1_pos + "_" + ch2_pos + "_" + distBool + "_" + dir, 1.0, fv); add("ACH_PAIR_DIST=" + ch1_pos + "_" + ch2_pos + "_" + distBool, 1.0, fv); } private void addTripFeatures(DependencyInstance instance, int par, int ch1, int ch2, FeatureVector fv) { String[] pos = instance.postags; // ch1 is always the closest to par String dir = par > ch2 ? "RA" : "LA"; String par_pos = pos[par]; String ch1_pos = ch1 == par ? "STPOS" : pos[ch1]; String ch2_pos = pos[ch2]; String pTrip = par_pos + "_" + ch1_pos + "_" + ch2_pos; add("POS_TRIP=" + pTrip + "_" + dir, 1.0, fv); add("APOS_TRIP=" + pTrip, 1.0, fv); } /** * Write out the second order features. * * */ @Override protected void writeExtendedFeatures(DependencyInstance instance, ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { final int instanceLength = instance.length(); for (int w1 = 0; w1 < instanceLength; w1++) { for (int w2 = w1; w2 < instanceLength; w2++) { for (int w3 = w2 + 1; w3 < instanceLength; w3++) { FeatureVector prodFV = new FeatureVector(); addTripFeatures(instance, w1, w2, w3, prodFV); out.writeObject(prodFV.keys()); } } for (int w2 = w1; w2 >= 0; w2--) { for (int w3 = w2 - 1; w3 >= 0; w3--) { FeatureVector prodFV = new FeatureVector(); addTripFeatures(instance, w1, w2, w3, prodFV); out.writeObject(prodFV.keys()); } } } out.writeInt(-3); for (int w1 = 0; w1 < instanceLength; w1++) { for (int w2 = 0; w2 < instanceLength; w2++) { for (int wh = 0; wh < 2; wh++) { if (w1 != w2) { FeatureVector prodFV = new FeatureVector(); addSiblingFeatures(instance, w1, w2, wh == 0, prodFV); out.writeObject(prodFV.keys()); } } } } out.writeInt(-3); } public DependencyInstance readInstance(ObjectInputStream in, int length, FeatureVector[][][] fvs, double[][][] probs, FeatureVector[][][] fvs_trips, double[][][] probs_trips, FeatureVector[][][] fvs_sibs, double[][][] probs_sibs, FeatureVector[][][][] nt_fvs, double[][][][] nt_probs, Parameters params) throws IOException { try { // Get production crap. for (int w1 = 0; w1 < length; w1++) { for (int w2 = w1 + 1; w2 < length; w2++) { for (int ph = 0; ph < 2; ph++) { FeatureVector prodFV = new FeatureVector((int[]) in.readObject()); double prodProb = params.getScore(prodFV); fvs[w1][w2][ph] = prodFV; probs[w1][w2][ph] = prodProb; } } } int last = in.readInt(); if (last != -3) { DependencyParser.out.println("Error reading file."); System.exit(0); } if (labeled) { if (!separateLab) { // afm 06-04-08 for (int w1 = 0; w1 < length; w1++) { for (int t = 0; t < types.length; t++) { String type = types[t]; for (int ph = 0; ph < 2; ph++) { for (int ch = 0; ch < 2; ch++) { FeatureVector prodFV = new FeatureVector((int[]) in.readObject()); double nt_prob = params.getScore(prodFV); nt_fvs[w1][t][ph][ch] = prodFV; nt_probs[w1][t][ph][ch] = nt_prob; } } } } last = in.readInt(); if (last != -3) { DependencyParser.out.println("Error reading file."); System.exit(0); } } } for (int w1 = 0; w1 < length; w1++) { for (int w2 = w1; w2 < length; w2++) { for (int w3 = w2 + 1; w3 < length; w3++) { FeatureVector prodFV = new FeatureVector((int[]) in.readObject()); double prodProb = params.getScore(prodFV); fvs_trips[w1][w2][w3] = prodFV; probs_trips[w1][w2][w3] = prodProb; } } for (int w2 = w1; w2 >= 0; w2--) { for (int w3 = w2 - 1; w3 >= 0; w3--) { FeatureVector prodFV = new FeatureVector((int[]) in.readObject()); double prodProb = params.getScore(prodFV); fvs_trips[w1][w2][w3] = prodFV; probs_trips[w1][w2][w3] = prodProb; } } } last = in.readInt(); if (last != -3) { DependencyParser.out.println("Error reading file."); System.exit(0); } for (int w1 = 0; w1 < length; w1++) { for (int w2 = 0; w2 < length; w2++) { for (int wh = 0; wh < 2; wh++) { if (w1 != w2) { FeatureVector prodFV = new FeatureVector((int[]) in.readObject()); double prodProb = params.getScore(prodFV); fvs_sibs[w1][w2][wh] = prodFV; probs_sibs[w1][w2][wh] = prodProb; } } } } last = in.readInt(); if (last != -3) { DependencyParser.out.println("Error reading file."); System.exit(0); } FeatureVector nfv = new FeatureVector((int[]) in.readObject()); last = in.readInt(); if (last != -4) { DependencyParser.out.println("Error reading file."); System.exit(0); } DependencyInstance marshalledDI; marshalledDI = (DependencyInstance) in.readObject(); marshalledDI.setFeatureVector(nfv); last = in.readInt(); if (last != -1) { DependencyParser.out.println("Error reading file."); System.exit(0); } return marshalledDI; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { DependencyParser.out.println("Error reading file."); System.exit(0); } // this won't happen, but it takes care of compilation complaints return null; } }