package optimizer; import algorithmTester.AlgorithmTester; import*; import java.util.*; /** * * @author Miguel Ballesteros * */ public class Optimizer { public static boolean ShowMaltLog = false; public static boolean ExitInEnd = true; public static boolean pseudoRandomizeSelection = false; public static boolean chooseMajority = false; public static boolean chooseAverage = false; public static boolean chooseAllOfThem = false; public static boolean crossValidation = false; public static String maltPath = "malt.jar"; //malt path private String trainingCorpus; public static String testCorpus = ""; private String language = "lang"; private boolean projective; private boolean strictRoot; private boolean coveredRoots; private boolean coveredRootsWithoutChildren; public static int numbTokens; public static int numbSentences; private double percentage; private int numbDanglingCases = 0; public static double defaultBaseline = 0.0; public static boolean allow_rootNiv = true; public static boolean allow_reduceNiv = false; public final static String pattern = "%.2f"; private Writer writer = null; public static PrintStream out = System.out; public int getNumbDanglingCases() { return numbDanglingCases; } public void setNumbDanglingCases(int numbDanglingCases) { this.numbDanglingCases = numbDanglingCases; } public int getNumbTokens() { return numbTokens; } public void setNumbTokens(int numbTokens) { Optimizer.numbTokens = numbTokens; } public int getNumbSentences() { return numbSentences; } public void setNumbSentences(int numbSentences) { Optimizer.numbSentences = numbSentences; } public static String bestAlgorithm; private boolean rootGRL; private boolean danglingPunctuation; public static String pcrOption = "none"; private boolean pcr; public static int numRootLabels = 1; public static String optionGRL = "ROOT"; public static String optionMenosR = "normal"; public static String ppOption = "head"; public static boolean usePPOption = false; public static boolean allow_shift = false; public static boolean allow_root = true; public static Double bestResult = 0.0; public static String javaHeapValue = ""; private boolean smallCaseBothThings = false; private boolean noNonProjective = false; private boolean substantialNonProjective = false; public static int nMaxTokens = Integer.MAX_VALUE; public static String featureModel = "NivreEager.xml"; public static String featureModelBruteForce = "bruteForce1.xml"; public static String InputLookAhead = "Input"; public static boolean cposEqPos = false; public static boolean lemmaBlank = true; public static boolean featsBlank = true; public static double threshold = 0.05; public static double bestResultBruteForce = 0.0; public static String libraryValue = "-s_4_-c_0.1"; public static boolean includePunctuation = true; public static int order = 0; public static String evaluationMeasure = "LAS"; public static String featureAlgorithm = "Greedy"; public boolean isSmallCaseBothThings() { return smallCaseBothThings; } public void setSmallCaseBothThings(boolean smallCaseBothThings) { this.smallCaseBothThings = smallCaseBothThings; } public boolean isNoNonProjective() { return noNonProjective; } public void setNoNonProjective(boolean noNonProjective) { this.noNonProjective = noNonProjective; } public boolean isSubstantialNonProjective() { return substantialNonProjective; } public void setSubstantialNonProjective(boolean substantialNonProjective) { this.substantialNonProjective = substantialNonProjective; } public Optimizer() { } public void setCorpus(String c) { trainingCorpus = c; } public void runPhase1() { smallCaseBothThings = false; ShowIntroduction(); println("PHASE 1: DATA ANALYSIS"); println("In order to optimize MaltParser for your training set, MaltOptimizer will " + "\n" + "first analyze the data and set some basic parameters."); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); String validationName = ""; String SharedTaskName = ""; String s; Process p = null; try { println("DATA VALIDATION"); println("Validating the CoNLL data format ... "); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { try { Thread.sleep(300); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); } } File val = new File(validationName); if (!val.exists()) { BufferedWriter bwValidateFormat; try { bwValidateFormat = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(validationName)); bwValidateFormat.write(ValidationGenerator.generateValidateFormat()); bwValidateFormat.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } File task = new File(SharedTaskName); if (!task.exists()) { BufferedWriter bwSharedTaskCommon; try { bwSharedTaskCommon = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(SharedTaskName)); bwSharedTaskCommon.write(ValidationGenerator.generateSharedTaskCommon()); bwSharedTaskCommon.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } println(" (may take a few minutes)"); p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("java -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 -jar lib" + File.separator + "jython.jar " + trainingCorpus); BufferedReader stdInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( p.getInputStream())); /* * BufferedReader stdOutput = new BufferedReader(new * InputStreamReader( p.getOutputStream())); */ BufferedReader stdError = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( p.getErrorStream())); boolean right; int warnings; try (BufferedWriter bwLog = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("logValidationFile.txt"))) { right = false; warnings = 0; while ((s = stdError.readLine()) != null) { bwLog.write(s + "\n"); warnings++; if (s.equals("Exit status = 0")) { right = true; } } } warnings--; if (right) { if (warnings == 0) { println("Your training set is in valid CoNLL format."); } if (warnings > 0) { println("Your training set is in valid CoNLL format, but the validation script"); println("gave some warnings, so you may want to consult the logfile\n " + System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + "logValidationFile.txt ."); } } else { println("Your training set is not in valid CoNLL format. MaltOptimizer will"); println("terminate. Please consult the logfile " + System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + "logFile.txt"); println("to find out what needs to be fixed."); Exit(); return; } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (p != null) p.destroy(); File val = new File(validationName); if (val.exists()) { val.delete(); } File task = new File(SharedTaskName); if (task.exists()) { task.delete(); } File taskClass = new File("SharedTaskCommon$py.class"); if (taskClass.exists()) { taskClass.delete(); } } println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("DATA CHARACTERISTICS"); CoNLLHandler ch = new CoNLLHandler(trainingCorpus, writer); println(ch.extraDataCharacteristics()); int numToks = ch.getNumbTokens(); percentage = ch.projectiveOrNonProjective(); String cad = String.valueOf(percentage); if (cad.length() > 5) { cad = cad.substring(0, 5); } //println("There are "+ch.getNumberOfSentences()+" sentences in the corpus."); if (percentage > 15) { //non-negligible argument println("Your training set contains a substantial amount of non-projective trees (" + cad + " %)."); //println("The system is going to test only non-projective algorithms."); projective = false; } else { if (percentage == 0) { println("Your training set contains no non-projective trees."); //println("The system is going to test only projective algorithms."); projective = true; } else { println("Your training set contains a small amount of non-projective trees (" + cad + " %)."); //println("The system is going to test both kind of algorithms: projective and non-projective."); smallCaseBothThings = true; } } //Dangling Punctuation /* * coveredRoots=ch.coveredRoots(); if (coveredRoots) { * println("There are signs of covered roots."); } else { * println("There are no signs of covered roots."); } * * coveredRootsWithoutChildren=ch.coveredRootsWithoutChildren(); if * (coveredRootsWithoutChildren) { println("There are signs * of covered roots without children."); } else { * println("There are no signs of covered roots without * children."); } */ danglingPunctuation = ch.danglingPunctuation(); String danglingFreq = ch.getDanglingFreq(); Integer di = Integer.parseInt(danglingFreq); this.numbDanglingCases = di; if (danglingPunctuation) { println("Your training set contains unattached internal punctuation (" + danglingFreq + " instances)."); } else { println("Your training set does not contain unattached internal punctuation."); } //ROOT GRL? String realRoot = ""; rootGRL = ch.rootLabels(); HashMap<String, Double> rootLabels = ch.getRootlabels(); //ArrayList<String> getThreeFrequent(rootLabels); if (rootGRL) { Set<String> set = rootLabels.keySet(); Iterator<String> it = set.iterator(); println("Your training set has multiple DEPREL labels for tokens where HEAD=0:"); //println("Frequency of labels used for tokens with HEAD = 0 ."); while (it.hasNext()) { String r =; Double d = rootLabels.get(r) * 100; String val = d.toString(); if (val.length() < 3) { val = val.substring(0, 2); } else if (val.length() > 5) { val = val.substring(0, 5); } println(r + ": " + val + "% "); numRootLabels++; } if (numRootLabels > 1) { numRootLabels--; } /* * println(""); println("The system is going * to test which root label configuration is better."); * println("it may take a few minutes..."); */ optionMenosR = "normal"; } else { Set<String> set = rootLabels.keySet(); Iterator<String> it = set.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String r =; realRoot = r; } println("Your training set has a unique DEPREL label for tokens where HEAD=0:" + realRoot + "."); if (realRoot.equals("ROOT")) { //println("There is no need to test which ROOT label configuration is better."); pcr = false; //optionMenosR="strict"; } else { pcr = true; optionGRL = realRoot; //optionMenosR="strict"; //println("There is no need to test which ROOT label configuration is better."); } } println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("BASIC OPTIMIZATION SETUP "); print("Generating training and test files for optimization"); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { try { Thread.sleep(300); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); } print("."); } println("."); println(ch.getMessageDivision()); if (ch.getNumbTokens() > 100000) { println("Given that your data set is relatively large, we recommend using a single \ndevelopment set during subsequent optimization phases. If you prefer to use 5-fold cross-validation, you can specify this instead (-v cv)."); } else { println("Given that your data set is relatively small, we recommend using 5-fold \ncross-validation during subsequent optimization phases (-v cv)."); } //Language Detection /* * String frase=ch.getSamplePlainText(); /*LanguageDetector ld=new * LanguageDetector(frase); language=ld.getLanguage(); * println("The system has detected your corpus is written in:"+language+"."); */ language = "lang"; //String realRoot=ch.getHead0(); //Head 0 to root?:"+rootGRL+"(Root:"+realRoot+")"); print("Testing the default settings "); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { try { Thread.sleep(300); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); } print("."); } println(". (may take a few seconds)"); AlgorithmTester atdefault = new AlgorithmTester(language, ch, trainingCorpus, writer); Double bestDefaultResult = atdefault.executeDefault(); String sBestDefLabelResult = String.format(pattern, bestDefaultResult); println("LAS with default settings: " + sBestDefLabelResult + "%"); defaultBaseline = bestDefaultResult; bestResult = bestDefaultResult; //println("-------------------"); if (rootGRL) { print("Testing root labels "); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { try { Thread.sleep(300); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); } print("."); } println(". "); // ArrayList<String> threeLabels = getThreeFrequent(rootLabels); //println(threeLabels); AlgorithmTester atroot = new AlgorithmTester(language, ch, trainingCorpus, writer); String bestLabel = atroot.executeLabelTest(threeLabels); println("Default root label reset: -grl " + bestLabel); Double bestLabelResult = atroot.getBestLabelLASResult(); String sBestLabelResult = String.format(pattern, bestLabelResult); Double difference; println(String.format(pattern, bestResult)); println(sBestLabelResult); if (bestResult < bestLabelResult) { difference = bestLabelResult - bestResult; bestResult = bestLabelResult; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + sBestLabelResult + "%)"); optionGRL = bestLabel; optionMenosR = "normal"; } } if (danglingPunctuation) { print("Testing preprocessing of unattached punctuation "); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { try { Thread.sleep(300); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); } print("."); } println(". "); AlgorithmTester atpcr = new AlgorithmTester(language, ch, trainingCorpus, writer); String bestOption = atpcr.executePCRTest(); pcrOption = bestOption; println("Treatment of covered roots reset: -pcr " + bestOption); Double bestLabelResult = atpcr.getBestLabelLASResult(); String sBestLabelResult = String.format(pattern, bestLabelResult); Double difference; if (bestResult < bestLabelResult) { difference = bestLabelResult - bestResult; bestResult = bestLabelResult; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + sBestLabelResult + "%)"); } /* * Double bestLabelResult=atroot.getBestLabelLASResult(); String * sBestLabelResult=""+bestLabelResult; if * (sBestLabelResult.length()>5) * sBestLabelResult=sBestLabelResult.substring(0, 5); Double * difference=0.0; if (bestResult<bestLabelResult) * difference=bestLabelResult-bestResult; String * sDifferenceLabel=""+difference; if (sDifferenceLabel.length()>5) * sDifferenceLabel=sDifferenceLabel.substring(0, 5); * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" * improvement: +"+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+sBestLabelResult+"%)"); */ } OptionsGenerator ogen = new OptionsGenerator(); //(String lang, String algorithm, String training80, String rootHandling, String libOptions, String rootLabel) LibraryOptionsSetter los = LibraryOptionsSetter.getSingleton(); String optionsFile = ogen.generateIncOptionsPhase1(language, "nivreeager", AlgorithmTester.training80, optionMenosR, los.getLibraryOptions(), optionGRL, pcrOption); BufferedWriter bwOptionsNivreEager; try { bwOptionsNivreEager = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("incr_optionFile.xml")); bwOptionsNivreEager.write(optionsFile); bwOptionsNivreEager.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } numbTokens = ch.getNumbTokens(); numbSentences = ch.getNumbSentences(); numbDanglingCases = Integer.parseInt(danglingFreq); createLogFile(1); createOptionFile(1); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("MaltOptimizer has completed the analysis of your training set and saved the"); println("results for future use in /phase1_logFile.txt. Updated MaltParser options can be found"); println("in /phase1_optFile.txt. If you want to change any of these options, you should"); println("edit /phase1_optFile.txt before you start the next optimization phase."); println(""); println("To proceed with Phase 2 (Parsing Algorithm) run the following command:"); println("java -jar MaltOptimizer.jar -p 2 -m <malt_path> -c <trainingCorpus>"); Exit(); //******* //HAY QUE ENCAJAR AHORA LA PHASE 1: Data characteristics con la Phase 2: Algorithm Testing //Es decir: cosas que faltarían, option GRL!, option PCR!, etc //Testing the ALGORITHMS! /* * println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); * println("ALGORITHM TESTING"); println("it may * take a few minutes..."); * * AlgorithmTester at=new AlgorithmTester(language, * percentage,ch,trainingCorpus,optionMenosR); bestAlgorithm=""; if * (projective) { bestAlgorithm=at.executeProjectivity(); * println("The System has inferred that the best algorithm * for your corpus is: "+bestAlgorithm+"."); try { Process * p2=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("rm "+language+"Model.mco"); Process * p3=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("rm "+language+"ModelStack.mco"); * BufferedReader stdInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( * p2.getInputStream())); /*BufferedReader stdOutput = new * BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( p.getOutputStream())); * BufferedReader stdError = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( * p2.getErrorStream())); * * BufferedReader stdInput3 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( * p3.getInputStream())); /*BufferedReader stdOutput = new * BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( p.getOutputStream())); * BufferedReader stdError3 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( * p3.getErrorStream())); * * // Leemos la salida del comando //println("Ésta es la * salida standard del comando:\n"); while ((s = stdInput.readLine()) != * null) {} while ((s = stdInput3.readLine()) != null) {} } catch * (IOException e) { * e.printStackTrace(); } } else { * bestAlgorithm=at.executeNonProjectivity(); println("The * System has inferred that the best non-projective algorithm for your * corpus is: "+bestAlgorithm+"."); //NON-PROJECTIVE CODE //.... * * if (smallCaseBothThings) { bestAlgorithm=at.executeProjectivity(); * println("The System has inferred that the best projective * algorithm for your corpus is: "+bestAlgorithm+"."); try { Process * p2=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("rm "+language+"Model.mco"); Process * p3=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("rm "+language+"ModelStack.mco"); * BufferedReader stdInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( * p2.getInputStream())); /*BufferedReader stdOutput = new * BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( p.getOutputStream())); * BufferedReader stdError = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( * p2.getErrorStream())); * * BufferedReader stdInput3 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( * p3.getInputStream())); /*BufferedReader stdOutput = new * BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( p.getOutputStream())); * BufferedReader stdError3 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( * p3.getErrorStream())); * * // Leemos la salida del comando //println("Ésta es la * salida standard del comando:\n"); while ((s = stdInput.readLine()) != * null) {} while ((s = stdInput3.readLine()) != null) {} } catch * (IOException e) { * e.printStackTrace(); } } } //} * * //Cleaning files * * * println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); * println("FEATURE TESTING"); println("it may * take a few minutes..."); double bestResult=at.getBestResult(); String * bestFeature=""; boolean nivreeager=false; if * (bestAlgorithm.equals("nivreeager")){ nivreeager=true; } * * FeatureGenerator fg=new FeatureGenerator(language, writer, out); String * featureBaseline="StackSwap.xml"; if (nivreeager){ * featureBaseline="NivreEager.xml"; } // Decision tree if (nivreeager) * { fg.removeInputNivreEager(featureBaseline, "1"+featureBaseline); * //Run the experiment double * result1=at.executeNivreEagerDefault("1"+featureBaseline); if * (result1>bestResult) { bestResult=result1; * fg.removeStack("1"+featureBaseline, "2"+featureBaseline); double * result2=at.executeNivreEagerDefault("2"+featureBaseline); if * (result2>bestResult) { bestFeature="2"+featureBaseline; } else { * bestFeature="1"+featureBaseline; } } else{ * fg.addInputNivreEager(featureBaseline, "3"+featureBaseline); double * result3=at.executeNivreEagerDefault("3"+featureBaseline); if * (result3>bestResult) { bestResult=result3; * bestFeature="3"+featureBaseline; } else { * fg.removeStack(featureBaseline, "4"+featureBaseline); double * result4=at.executeNivreEagerDefault("4"+featureBaseline); if * (result4>bestResult) { bestResult=result4; * bestFeature="4"+featureBaseline; } else { * bestFeature=featureBaseline; } } } } else { //STACKLAZY * * * fg.removeLookAheadStackLazy(featureBaseline, "1"+featureBaseline); * println("Trying with the first modification of the feature * model."); double result1=at.executeStackLazy("1"+featureBaseline); * println(result1); if (result1>bestResult) { * bestResult=result1; fg.removeStack("1"+featureBaseline, * "2"+featureBaseline); println("Trying with the another * modification of the feature model."); double * result2=at.executeStackLazy("2"+featureBaseline); * println(result2); if (result2>bestResult) { * bestFeature="2"+featureBaseline; } else { * bestFeature="1"+featureBaseline; } } else{ * fg.addLookAheadStackLazy(featureBaseline, "3"+featureBaseline); * println("Trying with another modification of the feature * model."); double result3=at.executeStackLazy("3"+featureBaseline); * println(result3); if (result3>bestResult) { * bestResult=result3; bestFeature="3"+featureBaseline; } else { * fg.removeStack(featureBaseline, "4"+featureBaseline); * println("Trying with another modification of the feature * model."); double result4=at.executeStackLazy("4"+featureBaseline); * println(result4); if (result4>bestResult) { * bestResult=result4; bestFeature="4"+featureBaseline; } else { * bestFeature=featureBaseline; } } } } * * println("The system has inferred that the best results * possible is:"+bestResult); println("It is obtained with * this feature model:"+ bestFeature); fg.printFeature(bestFeature); * * // * * try { Process p2=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("rm * optionsNivreEager.xml"); Process p3=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("rm * optionsStackLazy.xml"); BufferedReader stdInput = new * BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( p2.getInputStream())); * /*BufferedReader stdOutput = new BufferedReader(new * InputStreamReader( p.getOutputStream())); BufferedReader stdError = * new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( p2.getErrorStream())); * * BufferedReader stdInput3 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( * p3.getInputStream())); /*BufferedReader stdOutput = new * BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( p.getOutputStream())); * BufferedReader stdError3 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( * p3.getErrorStream())); * * // Leemos la salida del comando //println("Ésta es la * salida standard del comando:\n"); while ((s = stdInput.readLine()) != * null) {} while ((s = stdInput3.readLine()) != null) {} } catch * (IOException e) { * e.printStackTrace(); } * * println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); * println("LIBRARY OPTIONS TESTING"); println("it * may take a few minutes..."); * * String * bestLibraryOptions="-s_0_-t_1_-d_2_-g_0.2_-c_1.0_-r_0.4_-e_0.1"; * * LibraryOptionsSetter lo=LibraryOptionsSetter.getSingleton(); * * println("First Experiment. C=0.5."); * * lo.incrementC(-0.5); double result; if (nivreeager) { * result=at.executeNivreEagerDefault(bestFeature); } else { //STACKLAZY * result=at.executeStackLazy(bestFeature); * * } * if (result>bestResult){ bestLibraryOptions=lo.getLibraryOptions(); * println("This new set of library options is better."); } * else { lo.incrementC(-0.4); println("First Experiment. * C=0.1"); double result2; if (nivreeager) { * result2=at.executeNivreEagerDefault(bestFeature); } else { * //STACKLAZY result2=at.executeStackLazy(bestFeature); * * } * if (result2>bestResult){ bestLibraryOptions=lo.getLibraryOptions(); * println("This new set of library options is better."); } } * * println("The best results the systems can provide * is:"+bestResult+"."); println("The best library options * are "+ bestLibraryOptions+"."); * * println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); * println("LIBRARY OPTIONS TESTING"); * * OptionsGenerator og=new * OptionsGenerator(bestAlgorithm,language,trainingCorpus,bestLibraryOptions+"."); * println("Therefore, this is the <OptionsFile>.xml that the * system suggests:"); println(og.generateOptionsFile()); */ } public double getPercentage() { return percentage; } public void setPercentage(double percentage) { this.percentage = percentage; } private void loadPhase1Results(String pathTrainingSet) { //phase1_optFile.txt //phase1_logFile.txt BufferedReader br; try { br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("phase1_logFile.txt")); try { int contador = 0; while (br.ready()) { String line; try { line = br.readLine(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, ":"); String tok = ""; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { tok = st.nextToken(); } contador++; if (contador == 1) { if (pathTrainingSet.equals(tok)) { this.setTrainingCorpus(tok); } else { try { throw new PathNotFoundException(writer); } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } if (contador == 2) { Integer nt = Integer.parseInt(tok); this.setNumbTokens(nt); } if (contador == 3) { Integer nt = Integer.parseInt(tok); this.setNumbSentences(nt); } if (contador == 4) { Double nt = Double.parseDouble(tok); this.setPercentage(nt); if (nt == 0.0) { this.setNoNonProjective(true); } else { if (nt > 15) { this.setSubstantialNonProjective(true); } else { this.setSmallCaseBothThings(true); } } } if (contador == 5) { Integer it = Integer.parseInt(tok); if (it > 0) { this.setDanglingPunctuation(true); } this.setNumbDanglingCases(it); } if (contador == 6) { Double nt = Double.parseDouble(tok); Optimizer.setBestResult(nt); } if (contador == 7) { Double nt = Double.parseDouble(tok); Optimizer.setDefaultBaseline(nt); } if (contador == 8) { Integer nt = Integer.parseInt(tok); Optimizer.numRootLabels = nt; } if (contador == 9) { javaHeapValue = tok; } if (contador == 10) { Integer nt = Integer.parseInt(tok); nMaxTokens = nt; } if (contador == 11) { if (tok.equals("true")) { cposEqPos = true; } else { cposEqPos = false; } } if (contador == 12) { if (tok.equals("true")) { lemmaBlank = true; } else { lemmaBlank = false; } } if (contador == 13) { if (tok.equals("true")) { featsBlank = true; } else { featsBlank = false; } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } BufferedReader brOpt; try { brOpt = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("phase1_optFile.txt")); try { int contador = 0; boolean grl; boolean pcr; while (brOpt.ready()) { String line; try { line = brOpt.readLine(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, ":"); grl = false; pcr = false; if (line.contains("grl")) { grl = true; } if (line.contains("pcr")) { pcr = true; } String tok = ""; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { tok = st.nextToken(); } contador++; if (grl) { Optimizer.setOptionGRL(tok); grl = false; } if (pcr) { Optimizer.setPcrOption(tok); pcr = false; } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } public static double getDefaultBaseline() { return defaultBaseline; } public static void setDefaultBaseline(double defaultBaseline) { Optimizer.defaultBaseline = defaultBaseline; } public static int getNumRootLabels() { return numRootLabels; } public static void setNumRootLabels(int numRootLabels) { Optimizer.numRootLabels = numRootLabels; } public static String getPpOption() { return ppOption; } public static void setPpOption(String ppOption) { Optimizer.ppOption = ppOption; } public static boolean isUsePPOption() { return usePPOption; } public static void setUsePPOption(boolean usePPOption) { Optimizer.usePPOption = usePPOption; } public static boolean isAllow_shift() { return allow_shift; } public static void setAllow_shift(boolean allow_shift) { Optimizer.allow_shift = allow_shift; } public static boolean isAllow_root() { return allow_root; } public static void setAllow_root(boolean allow_root) { Optimizer.allow_root = allow_root; } public void runPhase2() { ShowIntroduction(); println("PHASE 2: PARSING ALGORITHM SELECTION\n"); CoNLLHandler ch = new CoNLLHandler(this.trainingCorpus, writer); for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { new File ("fold_train_" + i + ".conll").delete(); } ch.generateDivision8020(); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "nivreeager"; if (this.noNonProjective) { //case: Strictly projective case (non projectivities==0) println("MaltOptimizer found in Phase 1 that your training set contains"); println("no non-projective trees and will therefore only try projective parsing algorithms.\n"); //println("Testing the no non projective algorithms ..."); runStrictlyProjective(); } else { if (this.substantialNonProjective) { //case non projectivities>15 println("MaltOptimizer found in Phase 1 that your training set contains"); println("a substantial amount of non-projective trees and will therefore \nonly try non-projective algorithms.\n"); //println("Testing the non-projective algorithms ..."); runLargeAmountNonProjective(); } else if (this.smallCaseBothThings) { //case non projectivities <15 println("MaltOptimizer found in Phase 1 that your training set contains"); println("a small amount of non-projective trees and will therefore \ntry both projective and non-projective algorithms.\n"); runStrictlyProjective(); runLargeAmountNonProjective(); } } println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); String bestAlgoPrintOut = bestAlgorithm; if (bestAlgorithm.equals("nivreeager")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "NivreEager"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("nivrestandard")) { //A PARTIR DE LA PROXIMA VERSION PONER EL FEATURE CORRESPONDIENTE!!! bestAlgoPrintOut = "NivreStandard"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("covnonproj")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "CovingtonNonProjective"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("covproj")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "CovingtonProjective"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stackproj")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "StackProjective"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stackeager")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "StackEager"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stacklazy")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "StackLazy"; } if (Optimizer.usePPOption) { println("MaltOptimizer found that the best parsing algorithm is: " + bestAlgorithm + "+ pp option"); } else { println("MaltOptimizer found that the best parsing algorithm is: " + bestAlgorithm); } //after this: Run algorithm specific parameters with the best one. //nivre*----> rootHandling (normal|strict|relaxed) //cov*-----> allowshift (true|false) and allowroot(true|false) //stack*---> don't have any //if -pp is better, test (baseline | head | path | head+path) AlgorithmTester at = new AlgorithmTester(this.language, ch, this.trainingCorpus, writer); Double difference; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { //allow_shift test2 if (bestAlgorithm.equals("covproj")) { println("Testing the Covington--Projective algorithm ..."); double covprojLAS; if (Optimizer.usePPOption) { covprojLAS = at.executeCovingtonProjectivePPAllowShiftAllowRoot("CovingtonProjective", "head", true, allow_root); } else { covprojLAS = at.executeCovingtonProjectiveAllowShiftAllowRoot("CovingtonProjective", true, allow_root); } if (covprojLAS > (Optimizer.bestResult + threshold)) { Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "covproj"; difference = covprojLAS - bestResult; Optimizer.bestResult = covprojLAS; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); Optimizer.allow_shift = true; println("New allow_shift option: true"); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "covproj"; String bestRes = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + bestRes + "%)"); } if (Optimizer.usePPOption) { covprojLAS = at.executeCovingtonProjectivePPAllowShiftAllowRoot("CovingtonProjective", "head", allow_shift, false); } else { covprojLAS = at.executeCovingtonProjectiveAllowShiftAllowRoot("CovingtonProjective", allow_shift, false); } if (covprojLAS > (Optimizer.bestResult + threshold)) { Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "covproj"; difference = covprojLAS - bestResult; Optimizer.bestResult = covprojLAS; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); Optimizer.allow_root = false; println("New allow_root option: false"); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "covproj"; String bestRes = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + bestRes + "%)"); } } else { if (bestAlgorithm.equals("covnonproj")) { println("Testing the Covington-Non-Projective algorithm ..."); double covnonprojLAS; if (Optimizer.usePPOption) { covnonprojLAS = at.executeCovingtonNonProjectivePPAllowShiftAllowRoot("CovingtonNonProjective", "head", true, allow_root); } else { covnonprojLAS = at.executeCovingtonNonProjectiveAllowShiftAllowRoot("CovingtonNonProjective", true, allow_root); } if (covnonprojLAS > (Optimizer.bestResult + threshold)) { Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "covnonproj"; difference = covnonprojLAS - bestResult; Optimizer.bestResult = covnonprojLAS; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); Optimizer.allow_shift = true; println("New allow_shift option: true"); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "covnonproj"; String bestRes = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + bestRes + "%)"); } if (Optimizer.usePPOption) { covnonprojLAS = at.executeCovingtonNonProjectivePPAllowShiftAllowRoot("CovingtonNonProjective", "head", allow_shift, false); } else { covnonprojLAS = at.executeCovingtonNonProjectiveAllowShiftAllowRoot("CovingtonNonProjective", allow_shift, false); } if (covnonprojLAS > (Optimizer.bestResult + threshold)) { Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "covnonproj"; difference = covnonprojLAS - bestResult; Optimizer.bestResult = covnonprojLAS; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); Optimizer.allow_root = false; println("New allow_root option: false"); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "covnonproj"; String bestRes = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + bestRes + "%)"); } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //println(bestAlgorithm); if (bestAlgorithm.contains("nivre")) {// && numRootLabels==1) { /* * println("Root handling testing ..."); * optionMenosR=at.executeRootHandlingTest(bestAlgorithm); if * (!optionMenosR.equals("normal")){ println("Default * root handling strategy reset: "+optionMenosR); } */ /////////////////////////NEW FOR VERSION 1.7 ////////// ///allow_root and allow_reduce //allow_root=true --- allow_reduce=false (DEFAULT-> No need to run) //allow_root=false --- allow_reduce=false //allow_root=true --- allow_reduce=true //allow_root=False --- allow_reduce=true println("Root Handling testing ..."); at.executeRootHandlingTestNivre17(bestAlgorithm); println("Root handling selected strategy:"); println("\t" + "allow_root: " + allow_rootNiv); println("\t" + "allow_reduce: " + allow_reduceNiv); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (usePPOption) { println("Testing pseudo-projective (PP) options ..."); ppOption = at.executePPTest(bestAlgorithm); if (!ppOption.equals("head")) { println("Default marking strategy reset: " + ppOption); } } Double diff = bestResult - defaultBaseline; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, diff); String bestRes = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental improvement over the baseline at the end of Phase 2: +" + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + bestRes + "%) "); OptionsGenerator ogen = new OptionsGenerator(); //(String lang, String algorithm, String training80, String rootHandling, String libOptions, String rootLabel) LibraryOptionsSetter los = LibraryOptionsSetter.getSingleton(); //(String lang, String algorithm, String training80, String rootHandling, String libOptions, String rootLabel, String pcr, String pp, boolean allowShift, boolean allowROOT) { String optionsFile = ogen.generateIncOptionsTestingsEndPhase2(language, "nivreeager", AlgorithmTester.training80, optionMenosR, los.getLibraryOptions(), optionGRL, pcrOption, ppOption, allow_shift, allow_root); BufferedWriter bwOptionsNivreEager; try { bwOptionsNivreEager = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("incr_optionFile.xml")); bwOptionsNivreEager.write(optionsFile); bwOptionsNivreEager.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } createLogFile(2); createOptionFile(2); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("MaltOptimizer has completed the parsing algorithm selection phase for your"); println("training set and saved the results for future use in phase2_logFile.txt. "); println("Updated MaltParser options can be found in phase2_optFile.txt. If you want"); println("to change any of these options, you should edit phase2_optFile.txt before."); println("you start the next optimization phase.\n"); println("To proceed with Phase 3 (Feature Selection) run the following command:"); println("java -jar MaltOptimizer.jar -p 3 -m <malt_path> -c <trainingCorpus>"); Exit(); } public void runPhase25Fold() { ShowIntroduction(); println("PHASE 2: PARSING ALGORITHM SELECTION - 5-FOLD CROSS-VALIDATION\n"); //println("Cross-validation\n"); CoNLLHandler ch = new CoNLLHandler(this.trainingCorpus, writer); ch.generateDivision8020(); ch.generate5FoldCrossCorporaPseudo(); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "nivreeager"; if (this.noNonProjective) { //case: Strictly projective case (non projectivities==0) println("MaltOptimizer found in Phase 1 that your training set contains"); println("no non-projective trees and will therefore only try projective parsing algorithms.\n"); //println("Testing the no non projective algorithms ..."); runStrictlyProjective5Fold(); } else { if (this.substantialNonProjective) { //case non projectivities>15 println("MaltOptimizer found in Phase 1 that your training set contains"); println("a substantial amount of non-projective trees and will therefore \nonly try non-projective algorithms.\n"); //println("Testing the non-projective algorithms ..."); runLargeAmountNonProjective5Fold(); } else if (this.smallCaseBothThings) { //case non projectivities <15 println("MaltOptimizer found in Phase 1 that your training set contains"); println("a small amount of non-projective trees and will therefore \ntry both projective and non-projective algorithms.\n"); runStrictlyProjective5Fold(); runLargeAmountNonProjective5Fold(); } } println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); String bestAlgoPrintOut = bestAlgorithm; if (bestAlgorithm.equals("nivreeager")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "NivreEager"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("nivrestandard")) { //A PARTIR DE LA PROXIMA VERSION PONER EL FEATURE CORRESPONDIENTE!!! bestAlgoPrintOut = "NivreStandard"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("covnonproj")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "CovingtonNonProjective"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("covproj")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "CovingtonProjective"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stackproj")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "StackProjective"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stackeager")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "StackEager"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stacklazy")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "StackLazy"; } if (Optimizer.usePPOption) { println("MaltOptimizer found that the best parsing algorithm is: " + bestAlgorithm + "+ pp option"); } else { println("MaltOptimizer found that the best parsing algorithm is: " + bestAlgorithm); } //after this: Run algorithm specific parameters with the best one. //nivre*----> rootHandling (normal|strict|relaxed) //cov*-----> allowshift (true|false) and allowroot(true|false) //stack*---> don't have any //if -pp is better, test (baseline | head | path | head+path) AlgorithmTester at = new AlgorithmTester(this.language, ch, this.trainingCorpus, writer); Double difference; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { //allow_shift test2 if (bestAlgorithm.equals("covproj")) { println("Testing the Covington--Projective algorithm ..."); Double covprojLAS; if (Optimizer.usePPOption) { covprojLAS = runCovingtonProjectivePPAllowShiftAllowRoot5Fold("CovingtonProjective.xml", "head", true, allow_root); } else { covprojLAS = runCovingtonProjectiveAllowShiftAllowRoot5Fold("CovingtonProjective.xml", true, allow_root); } if (covprojLAS > (Optimizer.bestResult + threshold)) { Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "covproj"; difference = covprojLAS - bestResult; Optimizer.bestResult = covprojLAS; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); Optimizer.allow_shift = true; println("New allow_shift option: true"); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "covproj"; String bestRes = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + bestRes + "%)"); } if (Optimizer.usePPOption) { covprojLAS = runCovingtonProjectivePPAllowShiftAllowRoot5Fold("CovingtonProjective.xml", "head", allow_shift, false); } else { covprojLAS = runCovingtonProjectiveAllowShiftAllowRoot5Fold("CovingtonProjective.xml", allow_shift, false); } if (covprojLAS > (Optimizer.bestResult + threshold)) { Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "covproj"; difference = covprojLAS - bestResult; Optimizer.bestResult = covprojLAS; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); Optimizer.allow_root = false; println("New allow_root option: false"); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "covproj"; String bestRes = String.format(Optimizer.pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + bestRes + "%)"); } } else { if (bestAlgorithm.equals("covnonproj")) { println("Testing the Covington-Non-Projective algorithm ..."); double covnonprojLAS; if (Optimizer.usePPOption) { covnonprojLAS = runCovingtonNonProjectivePPAllowShiftAllowRoot5Fold("CovingtonNonProjective.xml", "head", true, allow_root); } else { covnonprojLAS = runCovingtonNonProjectiveAllowShiftAllowRoot5Fold("CovingtonNonProjective.xml", true, allow_root); } if (covnonprojLAS > (Optimizer.bestResult + threshold)) { Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "covnonproj"; difference = covnonprojLAS - bestResult; Optimizer.bestResult = covnonprojLAS; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); Optimizer.allow_shift = true; println("New allow_shift option: true"); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "covnonproj"; String bestRes = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + bestRes + "%)"); } if (Optimizer.usePPOption) { covnonprojLAS = runCovingtonNonProjectivePPAllowShiftAllowRoot5Fold("CovingtonNonProjective.xml", "head", allow_shift, false); } else { covnonprojLAS = runCovingtonNonProjectiveAllowShiftAllowRoot5Fold("CovingtonNonProjective.xml", allow_shift, false); } if (covnonprojLAS > (Optimizer.bestResult + threshold)) { Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "covnonproj"; difference = covnonprojLAS - bestResult; Optimizer.bestResult = covnonprojLAS; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); Optimizer.allow_root = false; println("New allow_root option: false"); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "covnonproj"; String bestRes = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + bestRes + "%)"); } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * if (bestAlgorithm.contains("nivre") && numRootLabels==1) { * println("Root handling testing ..."); * optionMenosR=at.executeRootHandlingTest(bestAlgorithm); if * (!optionMenosR.equals("normal")){ println("Default root * handling strategy reset: "+optionMenosR); } * * } */ if (bestAlgorithm.contains("nivre")) {// && numRootLabels==1) { /* * println("Root handling testing ..."); * optionMenosR=at.executeRootHandlingTest(bestAlgorithm); if * (!optionMenosR.equals("normal")){ println("Default * root handling strategy reset: "+optionMenosR); } */ /////////////////////////NEW FOR VERSION 1.7 ////////// ///allow_root and allow_reduce //allow_root=true --- allow_reduce=false (DEFAULT-> No need to run) //allow_root=false --- allow_reduce=false //allow_root=true --- allow_reduce=true //allow_root=False --- allow_reduce=true println("Root Handling testing ..."); at.executeRootHandlingTestNivre17(bestAlgorithm); println("Root handling selected strategy:"); println("\t" + "allow_root: " + allow_rootNiv); println("\t" + "allow_reduce: " + allow_reduceNiv); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (usePPOption) { println("Testing pseudo-projective (PP) options ..."); ppOption = at.executePPTest(bestAlgorithm); if (!ppOption.equals("head")) { println("Default marking strategy reset: " + ppOption); } } double diff = bestResult - defaultBaseline; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, diff); String bestRes = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental improvement over the baseline at the end of Phase 2: +" + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + bestRes + "%) "); OptionsGenerator ogen = new OptionsGenerator(); //(String lang, String algorithm, String training80, String rootHandling, String libOptions, String rootLabel) LibraryOptionsSetter los = LibraryOptionsSetter.getSingleton(); //(String lang, String algorithm, String training80, String rootHandling, String libOptions, String rootLabel, String pcr, String pp, boolean allowShift, boolean allowROOT) { String optionsFile = ogen.generateIncOptionsTestingsEndPhase2(language, "nivreeager", AlgorithmTester.training80, optionMenosR, los.getLibraryOptions(), optionGRL, pcrOption, ppOption, allow_shift, allow_root); BufferedWriter bwOptionsNivreEager; try { bwOptionsNivreEager = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("incr_optionFile.xml")); bwOptionsNivreEager.write(optionsFile); bwOptionsNivreEager.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } createLogFile(2); createOptionFile(2); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("MaltOptimizer has completed the parsing algorithm selection phase for your"); println("training set and saved the results for future use in phase2_logFile.txt. "); println("Updated MaltParser options can be found in phase2_optFile.txt. If you want"); println("to change any of these options, you should edit phase2_optFile.txt before."); println("you start the next optimization phase.\n"); println("To proceed with Phase 3 (Feature Selection) run the following command:"); println("java -jar MaltOptimizer.jar -p 3 -m <malt_path> -c <trainingCorpus>"); Exit(); } /* * public ArrayList<String> getThreeFrequent(HashMap<String,Double>()) { * * return null; } */ private void runLargeAmountNonProjective() { Double bestNonProjective; String bestAlgNonProjective; println("Testing the non-projective algorithms ..."); println(""); println(" CovingtonNonProjective --vs-- StackLazy"); println(" / \\"); println(" / \\"); println(" / \\"); println(" / \\"); println(" / \\"); println(" / \\"); println(" / \\"); println(" NivreEager+PP StackEager --vs-- StackProjective+PP"); println(" | |"); println(" | |"); println(" CovingtonProjective+PP NivreStandard+PP"); println(""); println(""); CoNLLHandler ch = new CoNLLHandler(this.trainingCorpus, writer); AlgorithmTester at = new AlgorithmTester(this.language, ch, this.trainingCorpus, writer); Double difference; println("Testing the Covington-Non-Projective algorithm ..."); double covnonprojLAS = at.executeCovingtonNonProjective("CovingtonNonProjective"); bestNonProjective = covnonprojLAS; bestAlgNonProjective = "covnonproj"; if (covnonprojLAS > (bestResult)) { difference = covnonprojLAS - bestResult; bestResult = covnonprojLAS; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); println("New best algorithm: covnonproj"); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "covnonproj"; String s = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + s + "%)"); } println("Testing the StackLazy algorithm ..."); double stacklazyLAS = at.executeStackLazy("StackSwap"); if (stacklazyLAS > bestNonProjective) { bestNonProjective = stacklazyLAS; bestAlgNonProjective = "stacklazy"; } if (stacklazyLAS > (Optimizer.bestResult)) { difference = stacklazyLAS - bestResult; Optimizer.bestResult = stacklazyLAS; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); println("New best algorithm: stacklazy"); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "stacklazy"; String s = String.format(pattern, Optimizer.bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + s + "%)"); } switch (bestAlgNonProjective) { case "covnonproj": //if (bestAlgNonProjective.equals("nivreeager")) { println("Testing the NivreEager algorithm with pseudo-projective parsing (PP) ..."); double nivreEagerLAS = at.executeNivreEagerPPOption("NivreEager", Optimizer.ppOption); if (nivreEagerLAS > (bestResult)) { difference = nivreEagerLAS - bestResult; bestResult = nivreEagerLAS; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); println("New best algorithm: nivreeager"); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "nivreeager"; Optimizer.usePPOption = true; String s = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + s + "%)"); println("Testing the Covington-Projective algorithm with pseudo-projective parsing (PP) ..."); double covprojLAS = at.executecovprojPPOption("CovingtonProjective", Optimizer.ppOption); if (covprojLAS > (bestResult)) { bestAlgorithm = "covproj"; difference = covprojLAS - bestResult; bestResult = covprojLAS; String sDifferenceLabel2 = String.format(pattern, difference); println("New best algorithm: covproj + pp option"); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "covproj"; Optimizer.usePPOption = true; s = String.format(pattern, Optimizer.bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel2 + "% (" + s + "%)"); } } break; case "stacklazy": println("Testing the StackEager algorithm ..."); double stackeagerLAS = at.executestackEager("StackSwap"); if (stackeagerLAS > (bestResult)) { difference = stackeagerLAS - bestResult; bestResult = stackeagerLAS; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); println("New best algorithm: stackeager"); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "stackeager"; String s = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + s + "%)"); } println("Testing the StackProjective algorithm with pseudo-projective parsing (PP) ..."); double stackprojLAS = at.executestackprojPPOption("StackProjective", Optimizer.ppOption); if (stackprojLAS > (bestResult)) { bestAlgorithm = "stackproj"; difference = stackprojLAS - bestResult; bestResult = stackprojLAS; String sDifferenceLabel2 = String.format(pattern, difference); println("New best algorithm: stackproj + pp option"); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "stackproj"; Optimizer.usePPOption = true; String s = String.format(pattern, Optimizer.bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel2 + "% (" + s + "%)"); } if (Optimizer.bestAlgorithm.equals("stackproj") && (Optimizer.usePPOption == true)) { println("Testing the NivreStandard algorithm with pseudo-projective parsing (PP) ..."); double nivrestandardLAS = at.executenivrestandardPPOption("NivreStandard", Optimizer.ppOption); if (nivrestandardLAS > bestResult) { bestAlgorithm = "nivrestandard"; difference = nivrestandardLAS - bestResult; bestResult = nivrestandardLAS; String sDifferenceLabel2 = String.format(pattern, difference); println("New best algorithm: nivrestandard + pp option"); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "nivrestandard"; Optimizer.usePPOption = true; String s = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel2 + "% (" + s + "%)"); } } break; } String bestAlgoPrintOut = bestAlgNonProjective; if (bestAlgNonProjective.equals("nivreeager")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "NivreEager"; } if (bestAlgNonProjective.equals("nivrestandard")) { //A PARTIR DE LA PROXIMA VERSION PONER EL FEATURE CORRESPONDIENTE!!! bestAlgoPrintOut = "NivreStandard"; } if (bestAlgNonProjective.equals("covnonproj")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "CovingtonNonProjective"; } if (bestAlgNonProjective.equals("covproj")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "CovingtonProjective"; } if (bestAlgNonProjective.equals("stackproj")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "StackProjective"; } if (bestAlgNonProjective.equals("stackeager")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "StackEager"; } if (bestAlgNonProjective.equals("stacklazy")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "StackLazy"; } println("Best Non-Projective algorithm: " + bestAlgoPrintOut + "\n"); } private void runLargeAmountNonProjective5Fold() { println("Testing the non-projective algorithms ..."); println(""); println(" CovingtonNonProjective --vs-- StackLazy"); println(" / \\"); println(" / \\"); println(" / \\"); println(" / \\"); println(" / \\"); println(" / \\"); println(" / \\"); println(" NivreEager+PP StackEager --vs-- StackProjective+PP"); println(" | |"); println(" | |"); println(" CovingtonProjective+PP NivreStandard+PP"); println(""); println(""); CoNLLHandler ch = new CoNLLHandler(this.trainingCorpus, writer); AlgorithmTester at = new AlgorithmTester(this.language, ch, this.trainingCorpus, writer); Double difference; println("Testing the Covington-Non-Projective algorithm ..."); Double covnonprojLAS = this.runAlgorithm5Fold("CovingtonNonProjective.xml", "covnonproj"); Double bestNonProjective = covnonprojLAS; String bestAlgNonProjective = "covnonproj"; if (covnonprojLAS > bestResult) { difference = covnonprojLAS - bestResult; bestResult = covnonprojLAS; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); println("New best algorithm: covnonproj"); bestAlgorithm = "covnonproj"; String s = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + s + "%)"); } println("Testing the StackLazy algorithm ..."); Double stacklazyLAS = runAlgorithm5Fold("StackSwap.xml", "stacklazy"); if (stacklazyLAS > bestNonProjective) { bestNonProjective = stacklazyLAS; bestAlgNonProjective = "stacklazy"; } if (stacklazyLAS > bestResult) { difference = stacklazyLAS - bestResult; bestResult = stacklazyLAS; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); println("New best algorithm: stacklazy"); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "stacklazy"; String s = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + s + "%)"); } switch (bestAlgNonProjective) { case "covnonproj": //if (bestAlgNonProjective.equals("nivreeager")) { println("Testing the NivreEager algorithm with pseudo-projective parsing (PP) ..."); //Double nivreEagerLAS=at.executeNivreEagerPPOption5Fold("NivreEager.xml",this.ppOption); Double nivreEagerLAS = this.runAlgorithm5FoldPPOption("NivreEager.xml", "nivreeager"); if (nivreEagerLAS > bestResult) { difference = nivreEagerLAS - bestResult; bestResult = nivreEagerLAS; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); println("New best algorithm: nivreeager"); bestAlgorithm = "nivreeager"; usePPOption = true; String s = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + s + "%)"); println("Testing the Covington-Projective algorithm with pseudo-projective parsing (PP) ..."); Double covprojLAS = this.runAlgorithm5FoldPPOption("CovingtonProjective.xml", "covproj"); if (covprojLAS > bestResult) { bestAlgorithm = "covproj"; difference = covprojLAS - bestResult; bestResult = covprojLAS; String sDifferenceLabel2 = String.format(pattern, difference); println("New best algorithm: covproj + pp option"); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "covproj"; Optimizer.usePPOption = true; s = String.format(pattern, Optimizer.bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel2 + "% (" + s + "%)"); } } break; case "stacklazy": println("Testing the StackEager algorithm ..."); //Double stackeagerLAS=at.executestackEager5Fold("StackSwap.xml"); Double stackeagerLAS = runAlgorithm5Fold("StackSwap.xml", "stackeager"); if (stackeagerLAS > bestResult) { difference = stackeagerLAS - bestResult; bestResult = stackeagerLAS; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); println("New best algorithm: stackeager"); bestAlgorithm = "stackeager"; String s = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + s + "%)"); } println("Testing the StackProjective algorithm with pseudo-projective parsing (PP) ..."); Double stackprojLAS = runAlgorithm5FoldPPOption("StackProjective.xml", "stackproj"); if (stackprojLAS > bestResult) { bestAlgorithm = "stackproj"; difference = stackprojLAS - bestResult; bestResult = stackprojLAS; String sDifferenceLabel2 = String.format(pattern, difference); println("New best algorithm: stackproj + pp option"); bestAlgorithm = "stackproj"; usePPOption = true; String s = String.format(pattern, Optimizer.bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel2 + "% (" + s + "%)"); } if (Optimizer.bestAlgorithm.equals("stackproj") && (Optimizer.usePPOption == true)) { println("Testing the NivreStandard algorithm with pseudo-projective parsing (PP) ..."); Double nivrestandardLAS = runAlgorithm5FoldPPOption("NivreStandard.xml", "nivrestandard"); if (nivrestandardLAS > (Optimizer.bestResult)) { Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "nivrestandard"; difference = nivrestandardLAS - bestResult; Optimizer.bestResult = nivrestandardLAS; String sDifferenceLabel2 = String.format(pattern, difference); println("New best algorithm: nivrestandard + pp option"); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "nivrestandard"; Optimizer.usePPOption = true; String s = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel2 + "% (" + s + "%)"); } } break; } String bestAlgoPrintOut = bestAlgNonProjective; if (bestAlgNonProjective.equals("nivreeager")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "NivreEager"; } if (bestAlgNonProjective.equals("nivrestandard")) { //A PARTIR DE LA PROXIMA VERSION PONER EL FEATURE CORRESPONDIENTE!!! bestAlgoPrintOut = "NivreStandard"; } if (bestAlgNonProjective.equals("covnonproj")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "CovingtonNonProjective"; } if (bestAlgNonProjective.equals("covproj")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "CovingtonProjective"; } if (bestAlgNonProjective.equals("stackproj")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "StackProjective"; } if (bestAlgNonProjective.equals("stackeager")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "StackEager"; } if (bestAlgNonProjective.equals("stacklazy")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "StackLazy"; } println("Best Non-Projective algorithm: " + bestAlgoPrintOut + "\n"); } private void runStrictlyProjective() { //First: nivreeager against stackproj //if nivreeager better, test covproj //else test nivrestandard println("Testing projective algorithms ..."); println(""); println(" NivreEager --vs-- StackProjective"); println(" / \\"); println(" / \\"); println(" / \\"); println(" / \\"); println(" / \\"); println(" / \\"); println(" / \\"); println(" CovingtonProjective NivreStandard"); println(""); println(""); CoNLLHandler ch = new CoNLLHandler(this.trainingCorpus, writer); AlgorithmTester at = new AlgorithmTester(this.language, ch, this.trainingCorpus, writer); Double difference; //this.bestAlgorithm="nivreeager"; println("Testing the NivreEager algorithm ..."); Double nivreEagerLAS = at.executeNivreEager("NivreEager"); if (nivreEagerLAS > (Optimizer.bestResult)) { difference = nivreEagerLAS - bestResult; Optimizer.bestResult = nivreEagerLAS; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); println("New best algorithm: nivreeager"); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "nivreeager"; String s = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + s + "%)"); } println("Testing the StackProjective algorithm ..."); double stackprojLAS = at.executeStackProjective("StackProjective"); if (stackprojLAS > (Optimizer.bestResult)) { Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "stackproj"; difference = stackprojLAS - bestResult; Optimizer.bestResult = stackprojLAS; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); println("New best algorithm: stackproj"); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "stackproj"; String s = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + s + "%)"); } if (Optimizer.bestAlgorithm.equals("stackproj")) { println("Testing the NivreStandard algorithm ..."); double nivrestandardLAS = at.executeNivreStandard("NivreStandard"); if (nivrestandardLAS > (Optimizer.bestResult)) { Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "nivrestandard"; difference = nivrestandardLAS - bestResult; Optimizer.bestResult = nivrestandardLAS; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); println("New best algorithm: nivrestandard"); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "nivrestandard"; String s = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + s + "%)"); } } else { println("Testing the Covington--Projective algorithm ..."); Double covprojLAS = at.executeCovingtonProjective("CovingtonProjective"); if (covprojLAS > (Optimizer.bestResult)) { Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "covproj"; difference = covprojLAS - bestResult; Optimizer.bestResult = covprojLAS; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); println("New best algorithm: covproj"); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "covproj"; String s = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + s + "%)"); } } String bestAlgoPrintOut = bestAlgorithm; if (bestAlgorithm.equals("nivreeager")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "NivreEager"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("nivrestandard")) { //A PARTIR DE LA PROXIMA VERSION PONER EL FEATURE CORRESPONDIENTE!!! bestAlgoPrintOut = "NivreStandard"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("covnonproj")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "CovingtonNonProjective"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("covproj")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "CovingtonProjective"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stackproj")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "StackProjective"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stackeager")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "StackEager"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stacklazy")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "StackLazy"; } println("Best projective algorithm: " + bestAlgoPrintOut + "\n"); } private void runStrictlyProjective5Fold() { //First: nivreeager against stackproj //if nivreeager better, test covproj //else test nivrestandard println("Testing projective algorithms ..."); println(""); println(" NivreEager --vs-- StackProjective"); println(" / \\"); println(" / \\"); println(" / \\"); println(" / \\"); println(" / \\"); println(" / \\"); println(" / \\"); println(" CovingtonProjective NivreStandard"); println(""); println(""); CoNLLHandler ch = new CoNLLHandler(this.trainingCorpus, writer); AlgorithmTester at = new AlgorithmTester(this.language, ch, this.trainingCorpus, writer); Double difference; //this.bestAlgorithm="nivreeager"; println("Testing the NivreEager algorithm ..."); Double nivreEagerLAS = runAlgorithm5Fold("NivreEager.xml", "nivreeager"); if (nivreEagerLAS > (Optimizer.bestResult)) { difference = nivreEagerLAS - bestResult; Optimizer.bestResult = nivreEagerLAS; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); println("New best algorithm: nivreeager"); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "nivreeager"; String s = String.format(pattern, Optimizer.bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + s + "%)"); } println("Testing the StackProjective algorithm ..."); Double stackprojLAS = runAlgorithm5Fold("StackProjective.xml", "stackproj"); if (stackprojLAS > (Optimizer.bestResult)) { Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "stackproj"; difference = stackprojLAS - bestResult; Optimizer.bestResult = stackprojLAS; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); println("New best algorithm: stackproj"); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "stackproj"; String s = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + s + "%)"); } if (Optimizer.bestAlgorithm.equals("stackproj")) { println("Testing the NivreStandard algorithm ..."); Double nivrestandardLAS = runAlgorithm5Fold("NivreStandard.xml", "nivrestandard"); if (nivrestandardLAS > (Optimizer.bestResult)) { Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "nivrestandard"; difference = nivrestandardLAS - bestResult; Optimizer.bestResult = nivrestandardLAS; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); println("New best algorithm: nivrestandard"); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "nivrestandard"; String s = String.format(pattern, Optimizer.bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + s + "%)"); } } else { println("Testing the Covington--Projective algorithm ..."); Double covprojLAS = runAlgorithm5Fold("CovingtonProjective.xml", "covproj"); if (covprojLAS > (Optimizer.bestResult)) { Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "covproj"; difference = covprojLAS - bestResult; Optimizer.bestResult = covprojLAS; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); println("New best algorithm: covproj"); Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = "covproj"; String s = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + s + "%)"); } } String bestAlgoPrintOut = bestAlgorithm; if (bestAlgorithm.equals("nivreeager")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "NivreEager"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("nivrestandard")) { //A PARTIR DE LA PROXIMA VERSION PONER EL FEATURE CORRESPONDIENTE!!! bestAlgoPrintOut = "NivreStandard"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("covnonproj")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "CovingtonNonProjective"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("covproj")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "CovingtonProjective"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stackproj")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "StackProjective"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stackeager")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "StackEager"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stacklazy")) { bestAlgoPrintOut = "StackLazy"; } println("Best projective algorithm: " + bestAlgoPrintOut + "\n"); } private void loadPhase2Results(String pathTrainingSet) { //phase1_optFile.txt //phase1_logFile.txt BufferedReader br; try { br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("phase2_logFile.txt")); try { int contador = 0; while (br.ready()) { String line; try { line = br.readLine(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, ":"); String tok = ""; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { tok = st.nextToken(); } contador++; if (contador == 1) { if (pathTrainingSet.equals(tok)) { this.setTrainingCorpus(tok); } else { try { throw new PathNotFoundException(writer); } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } if (contador == 2) { Integer nt = Integer.parseInt(tok); this.setNumbTokens(nt); } if (contador == 3) { Integer nt = Integer.parseInt(tok); this.setNumbSentences(nt); } if (contador == 4) { Double nt = Double.parseDouble(tok); this.setPercentage(nt); if (nt == 0.0) { this.setNoNonProjective(true); } else { if (nt > 15) { this.setSubstantialNonProjective(true); } else { this.setSmallCaseBothThings(true); } } } if (contador == 5) { Integer it = Integer.parseInt(tok); if (it > 0) { this.setDanglingPunctuation(true); } this.setNumbDanglingCases(it); } if (contador == 6) { Double nt = Double.parseDouble(tok); Optimizer.setBestResult(nt); } if (contador == 7) { Double nt = Double.parseDouble(tok); Optimizer.setDefaultBaseline(nt); } if (contador == 8) { Integer nt = Integer.parseInt(tok); Optimizer.numRootLabels = nt; } if (contador == 9) { Optimizer.javaHeapValue = tok; } if (contador == 10) { //this.javaHeapValue=tok; } if (contador == 11) { if (tok.equals("true")) { cposEqPos = true; } else { cposEqPos = false; } } if (contador == 12) { if (tok.equals("true")) { lemmaBlank = true; } else { lemmaBlank = false; } } if (contador == 13) { if (tok.equals("true")) { featsBlank = true; } else { featsBlank = false; } //println(featsBlank); } /* * if (contador==14) { if (tok.equals("true")) * allow_rootNiv=true; else allow_rootNiv=false; * //println("allow_root:"+allow_rootNiv); } * * if (contador==15) { if (tok.equals("true")) * allow_reduceNiv=true; else allow_reduceNiv=false; * //println("allow_reduce:"+allow_reduceNiv); } */ } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } BufferedReader brOpt; try { brOpt = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("phase2_optFile.txt")); try { int contador = 0; boolean grl; boolean pcr; boolean algo; boolean pp; boolean cs; boolean cr; boolean menosr; boolean nr; boolean ne = false; while (brOpt.ready()) { String line; try { line = brOpt.readLine(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, ":"); grl = false; pcr = false; algo = false; pp = false; cr = false; cs = false; menosr = false; nr = false; if (line.contains("-grl")) { grl = true; } if (line.contains("-pcr")) { pcr = true; } if (line.contains("-a")) { algo = true; } if (line.contains("-pp")) { pp = true; } if (line.contains("-cs")) { cs = true; } if (line.contains("-cr")) { cr = true; } if (line.contains("-r")) { menosr = true; } if (line.contains("-nr")) { nr = true; } if (line.contains("-ne")) { ne = true; } String tok = ""; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { tok = st.nextToken(); } contador++; if (grl) { Optimizer.setOptionGRL(tok); grl = false; } if (pcr) { Optimizer.setPcrOption(tok); pcr = false; } if (algo) { this.setBestAlgorithm(tok); algo = false; } if (pp) { Optimizer.usePPOption = true; Optimizer.setPpOption(tok); //println(this.getPpOption()); pp = false; } if (cs) { allow_shift = true; cs = false; } if (cr) { allow_root = true; cr = false; } if (menosr) { optionMenosR = tok; menosr = false; } if (nr) { Optimizer.allow_rootNiv = Boolean.parseBoolean(tok); menosr = false; } if (ne) { //optionMenosR=tok; Optimizer.allow_reduceNiv = Boolean.parseBoolean(tok); menosr = false; } //println(allow_rootNiv); //println(allow_reduceNiv); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } private void runPhase3() { ShowIntroduction(); println("PHASE 3: FEATURE SELECTION\n"); CoNLLHandler ch = new CoNLLHandler(this.trainingCorpus, writer); for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { new File ("fold_train_" + i + ".conll").delete(); } ch.generateDivision8020(); ShowPhase3Introduction(); // Create default model if not exist String defaultModel = featureModel; File feat = new File(defaultModel); if (!feat.exists()) { BufferedWriter bwGuides; try { bwGuides = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(defaultModel)); bwGuides.write(GuidesGenerator.generateGuides(defaultModel)); bwGuides.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } println("1. Tuning the window of POSTAG n-grams ... \n"); postagTuning(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("2. Tuning the window of FORM features ... \n"); formTuning(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("3. Tuning dependency tree features ... \n"); deprelTuning(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("4. Adding string features ... \n"); predeccessorSuccessor("POSTAG"); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); if (!cposEqPos || !lemmaBlank || !featsBlank) { println("5. Adding CPOSTAG, FEATS, and LEMMA features ... "); if (!cposEqPos) { //println("CPostag and Postag are distinct in your corpus."); //println("Adding CPOSTAG Features ... "); addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemma("CPOSTAG"); } if (!lemmaBlank) { //println("\nBest feature model: "+featureModel); //println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); //println("Lemma column is used in your training set."); //println("Adding LEMMA Features ... "); addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemma("LEMMA"); } if (!featsBlank) { //println("\nBest feature model: "+featureModel); //println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); //println("Feats column is used in your training set."); //println("Adding FEATS Features ... "); addSplitFeaturesFeats("FEATS"); } println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } println("6. Adding conjunctions of POSTAG and FORM features... \n"); addConjunctionFeatures("POSTAG", "FORM"); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("MaltOptimizer has concluded feature selection and is going to tune the SVM cost parameter.\n"); this.runPhase4SimplifiedVersion(); LibraryOptionsSetter los = LibraryOptionsSetter.getSingleton(); OptionsGenerator og = new OptionsGenerator(language, this.trainingCorpus); String optionsCat = og.generateIncOptionsTestingsPhases(language, Optimizer.bestAlgorithm, this.trainingCorpus, Optimizer.optionMenosR, Optimizer.libraryValue, Optimizer.optionGRL, Optimizer.pcrOption); String optionsNivreEager = "finalOptionsFile.xml"; BufferedWriter bwOptionsNivreEager; try { bwOptionsNivreEager = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(optionsNivreEager)); bwOptionsNivreEager.write(optionsCat); bwOptionsNivreEager.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } createLogFile(3); createOptionFile(3); // delete unused file if (!defaultModel.equals(featureModel)) { feat = new File(defaultModel); if (feat.exists()) { feat.delete(); } } Double diff = bestResult - defaultBaseline; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, diff); String s = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental improvement over the baseline at the end of Phase 3: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + s + ")"); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("MaltOptimizer has completed the feature model testing phase using your training set,"); println("it saved the results for future use in phase3_logFile.txt. Updated MaltParser "); println("options can be found in phase3_optFile.txt."); //println("To proceed with Phase 4 (Library Parameters) run the following command:"); //println("java -jar MaltOptimizer.jar -p 4 -m <malt_path> -c <trainingCorpus>"); if (ExitInEnd != true) println("END"); } private void runPhase35Fold() { ShowIntroduction(); println("PHASE 3: FEATURE SELECTION - 5-FOLD CROSS-VALIDATION\n"); CoNLLHandler ch = new CoNLLHandler(this.trainingCorpus, writer); new File (ch.training80).delete(); new File (ch.testing20).delete(); ch.generate5FoldCrossCorporaPseudo(); ShowPhase3Introduction(); ch.generate5FoldCrossCorpora(); // Create default model if not exist String defaultModel = featureModel; File feat = new File(defaultModel); if (!feat.exists()) { BufferedWriter bwGuides; try { bwGuides = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(defaultModel)); bwGuides.write(GuidesGenerator.generateGuides(defaultModel)); bwGuides.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } println("1. Tuning the window of POSTAG n-grams ... \n"); //postagTuning(); postagTuning5Fold(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("2. Tuning the window of FORM features ... \n"); formTuning5Fold(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("3. Tuning dependency tree features ... \n"); deprelTuning5Fold(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("4. Adding string features ... \n"); predeccessorSuccessor5Fold("POSTAG"); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); if (!cposEqPos || !lemmaBlank || !featsBlank) { println("5. Adding CPOSTAG, FEATS, and LEMMA features ... "); if (!cposEqPos) { //println("CPostag and Postag are distinct in your corpus."); //println("Adding CPOSTAG Features ... "); addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemma5Fold("CPOSTAG"); } if (!lemmaBlank) { //println("\nBest feature model: "+featureModel); //println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); //println("Lemma column is used in your training set."); //println("Adding LEMMA Features ... "); addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemma5Fold("LEMMA"); } if (!featsBlank) { //println("\nBest feature model: "+featureModel); //println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); //println("Feats column is used in your training set."); //println("Adding FEATS Features ... "); addSplitFeaturesFeats5Fold("FEATS"); } println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } println("6. Adding conjunctions of POSTAG and FORM features... \n"); addConjunctionFeatures5Fold("POSTAG", "FORM"); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("MaltOptimizer has concluded feature selection and is going to tune the SVM cost parameter.\n"); this.runPhase4SimplifiedVersion(); LibraryOptionsSetter los = LibraryOptionsSetter.getSingleton(); OptionsGenerator og = new OptionsGenerator(language, this.trainingCorpus); String optionsCat = og.generateIncOptionsTestingsPhases(language, Optimizer.bestAlgorithm, this.trainingCorpus, Optimizer.optionMenosR, Optimizer.libraryValue, Optimizer.optionGRL, Optimizer.pcrOption); String optionsNivreEager = "finalOptionsFile.xml"; BufferedWriter bwOptionsNivreEager; try { bwOptionsNivreEager = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(optionsNivreEager)); bwOptionsNivreEager.write(optionsCat); bwOptionsNivreEager.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } createLogFile(3); createOptionFile(3); Double diff = bestResult - defaultBaseline; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, diff); String s = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental improvement over the baseline at the end of Phase 3: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + s + ")"); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("MaltOptimizer has completed the feature model testing phase using your training set,"); println("it saved the results for future use in phase3_logFile.txt. Updated MaltParser "); println("options can be found in phase3_optFile.txt."); println(""); //println("To proceed with Phase 4 (Library Parameters) run the following command:"); //println("java -jar MaltOptimizer.jar -p 4 -m <malt_path> -c <trainingCorpus>"); } private void runPhase3AlternativeOrder1() { ShowIntroduction(); println("PHASE 3: FEATURE MODEL TUNING. ALTERNATIVE ORDER 1"); ShowPhase3Introduction(); println("6. Adding conjunctions of POSTAG and FORM features. ... "); addConjunctionFeatures("POSTAG", "FORM"); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("5. Add CPOSTAG, FEATS, and LEMMA features if available. ... "); if (!cposEqPos) { println("CPostag and Postag are distinct in your corpus."); println("Adding Cpostag Features ..."); addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemma("CPOSTAG"); } if (!lemmaBlank) { println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("Lemma column is used in your training set."); println("Adding Lemma Features ..."); addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemma("LEMMA"); } if (!featsBlank) { println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("Feats column is used in your training set."); println("Adding Feats Features ..."); addSplitFeaturesFeats("FEATS"); } println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("4. Adding predecessor and successor features using POSTAG and FORM features ... "); predeccessorSuccessor("POSTAG"); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("3. Tuning dependency tree features (DEPREL) ... "); deprelTuning(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("2. Tuning the window of FORM ... "); formTuning(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("1. Tuning the window of POSTAG ... "); postagTuning(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); this.runPhase4SimplifiedVersion(); LibraryOptionsSetter los = LibraryOptionsSetter.getSingleton(); OptionsGenerator og = new OptionsGenerator(language, this.trainingCorpus); String optionsCat = og.generateIncOptionsTestingsPhases(language, Optimizer.bestAlgorithm, this.trainingCorpus, Optimizer.optionMenosR, Optimizer.libraryValue, Optimizer.optionGRL, Optimizer.pcrOption); String optionsNivreEager = "finalOptionsFile.xml"; BufferedWriter bwOptionsNivreEager; try { bwOptionsNivreEager = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(optionsNivreEager)); bwOptionsNivreEager.write(optionsCat); bwOptionsNivreEager.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } createLogFile(3); createOptionFile(3); Double diff = bestResult - defaultBaseline; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, diff); println("At the end of Phase 3 MaltOptimizer achieves an increment of: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% \ncompared with the default settings baseline."); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("MaltOptimizer has completed the feature model testing phase using your training set,"); println("it saved the results for future use in phase3_logFile.txt. Updated MaltParser "); println("options can be found in phase3_optFile.txt. If you want to change any of these options"); println("you should edit phase3_optFile.txt before you start the next optimization phase."); println(""); println("To proceed with Phase 4 (Library Parameters) run the following command:"); println("java -jar MaltOptimizer.jar -p 4 -m <malt_path> -c <trainingCorpus>"); } private void runPhase3AlternativeOrder2() { ShowIntroduction(); println("PHASE 3: FEATURE MODEL TUNING. ALTERNATIVE ORDER 2"); ShowPhase3Introduction(); println("4. Adding predecessor and successor features using POSTAG and FORM features ... "); predeccessorSuccessor("POSTAG"); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("5. Add CPOSTAG, FEATS, and LEMMA features if available. ... "); if (!cposEqPos) { println("CPostag and Postag are distinct in your corpus."); println("Adding Cpostag Features ..."); addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemma("CPOSTAG"); } if (!lemmaBlank) { println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("Lemma column is used in your training set."); println("Adding Lemma Features ..."); addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemma("LEMMA"); } if (!featsBlank) { println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("Feats column is used in your training set."); println("Adding Feats Features ..."); addSplitFeaturesFeats("FEATS"); } println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("6. Adding conjunctions of POSTAG and FORM features. ... "); addConjunctionFeatures("POSTAG", "FORM"); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("1. Tuning the window of POSTAG ... "); postagTuning(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("2. Tuning the window of FORM ... "); formTuning(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("3. Tuning dependency tree features (DEPREL) ... "); deprelTuning(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); this.runPhase4SimplifiedVersion(); LibraryOptionsSetter los = LibraryOptionsSetter.getSingleton(); //(String lang, String algorithm, String training80, String rootHandling, String libOptions, String rootLabel, String pcr) { OptionsGenerator og = new OptionsGenerator(language, this.trainingCorpus); String optionsCat = og.generateIncOptionsTestingsPhases(language, Optimizer.bestAlgorithm, this.trainingCorpus, Optimizer.optionMenosR, Optimizer.libraryValue, Optimizer.optionGRL, Optimizer.pcrOption); String optionsNivreEager = "finalOptionsFile.xml"; BufferedWriter bwOptionsNivreEager; try { bwOptionsNivreEager = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(optionsNivreEager)); bwOptionsNivreEager.write(optionsCat); bwOptionsNivreEager.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } createLogFile(3); createOptionFile(3); Double diff = bestResult - defaultBaseline; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, diff); println("At the end of Phase 3 MaltOptimizer achieves an increment of: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% \ncompared with the default settings baseline."); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("MaltOptimizer has completed the feature model testing phase using your training set,"); println("it saved the results for future use in phase3_logFile.txt. Updated MaltParser "); println("options can be found in phase3_optFile.txt. If you want to change any of these options"); println("you should edit phase3_optFile.txt before you start the next optimization phase."); println(""); println("To proceed with Phase 4 (Library Parameters) run the following command:"); println("java -jar MaltOptimizer.jar -p 4 -m <malt_path> -c <trainingCorpus>"); } private void runPhase3AlternativeOrder3() { ShowIntroduction(); println("PHASE 3: FEATURE MODEL TUNING. ALTERNATIVE ORDER 3"); ShowPhase3Introduction(); println("1. Tuning the window of POSTAG ... "); postagTuning(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("3. Tuning dependency tree features (DEPREL) ... "); deprelTuning(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("2. Tuning the window of FORM ... "); formTuning(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("5. Add CPOSTAG, FEATS, and LEMMA features if available. ... "); if (!cposEqPos) { println("CPostag and Postag are distinct in your corpus."); println("Adding Cpostag Features ..."); addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemma("CPOSTAG"); } if (!lemmaBlank) { println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("Lemma column is used in your training set."); println("Adding Lemma Features ..."); addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemma("LEMMA"); } if (!featsBlank) { println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("Feats column is used in your training set."); println("Adding Feats Features ..."); addSplitFeaturesFeats("FEATS"); } println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("4. Adding predecessor and successor features using POSTAG and FORM features ... "); predeccessorSuccessor("POSTAG"); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("6. Adding conjunctions of POSTAG and FORM features. ... "); addConjunctionFeatures("POSTAG", "FORM"); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); this.runPhase4SimplifiedVersion(); LibraryOptionsSetter los = LibraryOptionsSetter.getSingleton(); OptionsGenerator og = new OptionsGenerator(language, this.trainingCorpus); String optionsCat = og.generateIncOptionsTestingsPhases(language, Optimizer.bestAlgorithm, this.trainingCorpus, Optimizer.optionMenosR, Optimizer.libraryValue, Optimizer.optionGRL, Optimizer.pcrOption); String optionsNivreEager = "finalOptionsFile.xml"; BufferedWriter bwOptionsNivreEager; try { bwOptionsNivreEager = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(optionsNivreEager)); bwOptionsNivreEager.write(optionsCat); bwOptionsNivreEager.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } createLogFile(3); createOptionFile(3); Double diff = bestResult - defaultBaseline; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, diff); println("At the end of Phase 3 MaltOptimizer achieves an increment of: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% \ncompared with the default settings baseline."); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("MaltOptimizer has completed the feature model testing phase using your training set,"); println("it saved the results for future use in phase3_logFile.txt. Updated MaltParser "); println("options can be found in phase3_optFile.txt. If you want to change any of these options"); println("you should edit phase3_optFile.txt before you start the next optimization phase."); println(""); println("To proceed with Phase 4 (Library Parameters) run the following command:"); println("java -jar MaltOptimizer.jar -p 4 -m <malt_path> -c <trainingCorpus>"); } private void runPhase3AlternativeOrder4() { ShowIntroduction(); println("PHASE 3: FEATURE MODEL TUNING. ALTERNATIVE ORDER 4"); ShowPhase3Introduction(); println("6. Adding conjunctions of POSTAG and FORM features. ... "); addConjunctionFeatures("POSTAG", "FORM"); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("1. Tuning the window of POSTAG ... "); postagTuning(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("5. Add CPOSTAG, FEATS, and LEMMA features if available. ... "); if (!cposEqPos) { println("CPostag and Postag are distinct in your corpus."); println("Adding Cpostag Features ..."); addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemma("CPOSTAG"); } if (!lemmaBlank) { println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("Lemma column is used in your training set."); println("Adding Lemma Features ..."); addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemma("LEMMA"); } if (!featsBlank) { println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("Feats column is used in your training set."); println("Adding Feats Features ..."); addSplitFeaturesFeats("FEATS"); } println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("4. Adding predecessor and successor features using POSTAG and FORM features ... "); predeccessorSuccessor("POSTAG"); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("3. Tuning dependency tree features (DEPREL) ... "); deprelTuning(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("2. Tuning the window of FORM ... "); formTuning(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); this.runPhase4SimplifiedVersion(); LibraryOptionsSetter los = LibraryOptionsSetter.getSingleton(); OptionsGenerator og = new OptionsGenerator(language, this.trainingCorpus); String optionsCat = og.generateIncOptionsTestingsPhases(language, Optimizer.bestAlgorithm, this.trainingCorpus, Optimizer.optionMenosR, Optimizer.libraryValue, Optimizer.optionGRL, Optimizer.pcrOption); String optionsNivreEager = "finalOptionsFile.xml"; BufferedWriter bwOptionsNivreEager; try { bwOptionsNivreEager = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(optionsNivreEager)); bwOptionsNivreEager.write(optionsCat); bwOptionsNivreEager.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } createLogFile(3); createOptionFile(3); Double diff = bestResult - defaultBaseline; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, diff); println("At the end of Phase 3 MaltOptimizer achieves an increment of: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% \ncompared with the default settings baseline."); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("MaltOptimizer has completed the feature model testing phase using your training set,"); println("it saved the results for future use in phase3_logFile.txt. Updated MaltParser "); println("options can be found in phase3_optFile.txt. If you want to change any of these options"); println("you should edit phase3_optFile.txt before you start the next optimization phase."); println(""); println("To proceed with Phase 4 (Library Parameters) run the following command:"); println("java -jar MaltOptimizer.jar -p 4 -m <malt_path> -c <trainingCorpus>"); } private void runPhase3AlternativeOrder5() { ShowIntroduction(); println("PHASE 3: FEATURE MODEL TUNING. ALTERNATIVE ORDER 5"); ShowPhase3Introduction(); println("5. Add CPOSTAG, FEATS, and LEMMA features if available. ... "); if (!cposEqPos) { println("CPostag and Postag are distinct in your corpus."); println("Adding Cpostag Features ..."); addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemma("CPOSTAG"); } if (!lemmaBlank) { println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("Lemma column is used in your training set."); println("Adding Lemma Features ..."); addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemma("LEMMA"); } if (!featsBlank) { println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("Feats column is used in your training set."); println("Adding Feats Features ..."); addSplitFeaturesFeats("FEATS"); } println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("6. Adding conjunctions of POSTAG and FORM features. ... "); addConjunctionFeatures("POSTAG", "FORM"); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("4. Adding predecessor and successor features using POSTAG and FORM features ... "); predeccessorSuccessor("POSTAG"); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("3. Tuning dependency tree features (DEPREL) ... "); deprelTuning(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("1. Tuning the window of POSTAG ... "); postagTuning(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("2. Tuning the window of FORM ... "); formTuning(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); this.runPhase4SimplifiedVersion(); LibraryOptionsSetter los = LibraryOptionsSetter.getSingleton(); //(String lang, String algorithm, String training80, String rootHandling, String libOptions, String rootLabel, String pcr) { OptionsGenerator og = new OptionsGenerator(language, this.trainingCorpus); String optionsCat = og.generateIncOptionsTestingsPhases(language, Optimizer.bestAlgorithm, this.trainingCorpus, Optimizer.optionMenosR, Optimizer.libraryValue, Optimizer.optionGRL, Optimizer.pcrOption); String optionsNivreEager = "finalOptionsFile.xml"; BufferedWriter bwOptionsNivreEager; try { bwOptionsNivreEager = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(optionsNivreEager)); bwOptionsNivreEager.write(optionsCat); bwOptionsNivreEager.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } createLogFile(3); createOptionFile(3); Double diff = bestResult - defaultBaseline; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, diff); println("At the end of Phase 3 MaltOptimizer achieves an increment of: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% \ncompared with the default settings baseline."); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("MaltOptimizer has completed the feature model testing phase using your training set,"); println("it saved the results for future use in phase3_logFile.txt. Updated MaltParser "); println("options can be found in phase3_optFile.txt. If you want to change any of these options"); println("you should edit phase3_optFile.txt before you start the next optimization phase."); println(""); println("To proceed with Phase 4 (Library Parameters) run the following command:"); println("java -jar MaltOptimizer.jar -p 4 -m <malt_path> -c <trainingCorpus>"); } private void runPhase3AlternativeOrder6() { ShowIntroduction(); println("PHASE 3: FEATURE MODEL TUNING. ALTERNATIVE ORDER 6"); ShowPhase3Introduction(); println("2. Tuning the window of FORM ... "); formTuning(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("6. Adding conjunctions of POSTAG and FORM features. ... "); addConjunctionFeatures("POSTAG", "FORM"); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("5. Add CPOSTAG, FEATS, and LEMMA features if available. ... "); if (!cposEqPos) { println("CPostag and Postag are distinct in your corpus."); println("Adding Cpostag Features ..."); addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemma("CPOSTAG"); } if (!lemmaBlank) { println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("Lemma column is used in your training set."); println("Adding Lemma Features ..."); addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemma("LEMMA"); } if (!featsBlank) { println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("Feats column is used in your training set."); println("Adding Feats Features ..."); addSplitFeaturesFeats("FEATS"); } println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("4. Adding predecessor and successor features using POSTAG and FORM features ... "); predeccessorSuccessor("POSTAG"); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("3. Tuning dependency tree features (DEPREL) ... "); deprelTuning(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("1. Tuning the window of POSTAG ... "); postagTuning(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); this.runPhase4SimplifiedVersion(); LibraryOptionsSetter los = LibraryOptionsSetter.getSingleton(); OptionsGenerator og = new OptionsGenerator(language, this.trainingCorpus); String optionsCat = og.generateIncOptionsTestingsPhases(language, Optimizer.bestAlgorithm, this.trainingCorpus, Optimizer.optionMenosR, Optimizer.libraryValue, Optimizer.optionGRL, Optimizer.pcrOption); String optionsNivreEager = "finalOptionsFile.xml"; BufferedWriter bwOptionsNivreEager; try { bwOptionsNivreEager = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(optionsNivreEager)); bwOptionsNivreEager.write(optionsCat); bwOptionsNivreEager.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } createLogFile(3); createOptionFile(3); Double diff = bestResult - defaultBaseline; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, diff); println("At the end of Phase 3 MaltOptimizer achieves an increment of: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% \ncompared with the default settings baseline."); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("MaltOptimizer has completed the feature model testing phase using your training set,"); println("it saved the results for future use in phase3_logFile.txt. Updated MaltParser "); println("options can be found in phase3_optFile.txt. If you want to change any of these options"); println("you should edit phase3_optFile.txt before you start the next optimization phase."); println(""); println("To proceed with Phase 4 (Library Parameters) run the following command:"); println("java -jar MaltOptimizer.jar -p 4 -m <malt_path> -c <trainingCorpus>"); } private void runPhase3BruteForce() { ShowIntroduction(); println("PHASE 3: FEATURE SELECTION\n"); ShowPhase3Introduction(); FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); fg.emptyFeatureModel(featureModel, featureModelBruteForce); //featureModelBruteForce=featureModel; println("1. Tuning the window of POSTAG n-grams ... \n"); postagTuningBruteForce(); println("\nBest feature model Bf: " + featureModelBruteForce); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); featureModel = featureModelBruteForce; println("2 (3). Tuning dependency tree features ... \n"); deprelTuningBruteForce(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModelBruteForce); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); featureModel = featureModelBruteForce; println("3 (2). Tuning the window of FORM features ... \n"); formTuningBruteForce(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModelBruteForce); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); featureModel = featureModelBruteForce; println("R1 (2). Reviewing some features ... \n"); backTrackingAfter3(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModelBruteForce); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); featureModel = featureModelBruteForce; println("R1 (1). Reviewing the window of POSTAG n-grams ... \n"); this.postagTuning(); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("R2 (2). Reviewing the window of FORM features ... \n"); this.formTuning(); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("R3 (3). Reviewing dependency tree features ... \n"); this.deprelTuning(); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); featureModelBruteForce = featureModel; println("4. Adding string features ... \n"); predeccessorSuccessorBruteForce("POSTAG"); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModelBruteForce); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); if (!cposEqPos || !lemmaBlank || !featsBlank) { println("5. Adding CPOSTAG, FEATS, and LEMMA features ... "); if (!cposEqPos) { //println("CPostag and Postag are distinct in your corpus."); //println("Adding CPOSTAG Features ... "); addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemma("CPOSTAG"); } if (!lemmaBlank) { //println("\nBest feature model: "+featureModel); //println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); //println("Lemma column is used in your training set."); //println("Adding LEMMA Features ... "); addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemma("LEMMA"); } if (!featsBlank) { //println("\nBest feature model: "+featureModel); //println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); //println("Feats column is used in your training set."); //println("Adding FEATS Features ... "); addSplitFeaturesFeats("FEATS"); } println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } println("6. Adding conjunctions of POSTAG and FORM features... \n"); addConjunctionFeatures("POSTAG", "FORM"); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("MaltOptimizer has concluded feature selection and is going to tune the SVM cost parameter.\n"); this.runPhase4SimplifiedVersion(); LibraryOptionsSetter los = LibraryOptionsSetter.getSingleton(); OptionsGenerator og = new OptionsGenerator(language, this.trainingCorpus); String optionsCat = og.generateIncOptionsTestingsPhases(language, Optimizer.bestAlgorithm, this.trainingCorpus, Optimizer.optionMenosR, Optimizer.libraryValue, Optimizer.optionGRL, Optimizer.pcrOption); String optionsNivreEager = "finalOptionsFile.xml"; BufferedWriter bwOptionsNivreEager; try { bwOptionsNivreEager = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(optionsNivreEager)); bwOptionsNivreEager.write(optionsCat); bwOptionsNivreEager.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } createLogFile(3); createOptionFile(3); Double diff = bestResult - defaultBaseline; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, diff); String s = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental improvement over the baseline at the end of Phase 3: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + s + ")"); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("MaltOptimizer has completed the feature model testing phase using your training set,"); println("it saved the results for future use in phase3_logFile.txt. Updated MaltParser "); println("options can be found in phase3_optFile.txt."); println(""); //println("To proceed with Phase 4 (Library Parameters) run the following command:"); //println("java -jar MaltOptimizer.jar -p 4 -m <malt_path> -c <trainingCorpus>"); } private void runPhase3RelaxedGreedy() { ShowIntroduction(); println("PHASE 3: FEATURE SELECTION DEEP GREEDY\n"); ShowPhase3Introduction(); FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); fg.emptyFeatureModel(featureModel, featureModelBruteForce); println("1. Tuning the window of POSTAG n-grams ... \n"); postagTuningRelaxedGreedy(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("2. Tuning the window of FORM features ... \n"); formTuningRelaxedGreedy(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("3. Tuning dependency tree features ... \n"); deprelTuningRelaxedGreedy(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("4. Adding string features ... \n"); predeccessorSuccessorRelaxedGreedy("POSTAG"); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); if (!cposEqPos || !lemmaBlank || !featsBlank) { println("5. Adding CPOSTAG, FEATS, and LEMMA features ... "); if (!cposEqPos) { //println("CPostag and Postag are distinct in your corpus."); //println("Adding CPOSTAG Features ... "); addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemmaRelaxedGreedy("CPOSTAG"); predeccessorSuccessorRelaxedGreedy("CPOSTAG"); } if (!lemmaBlank) { //println("\nBest feature model: "+featureModel); //println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); //println("Lemma column is used in your training set."); //println("Adding LEMMA Features ... "); addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemmaRelaxedGreedy("LEMMA"); predeccessorSuccessorRelaxedGreedy("LEMMA"); } if (!featsBlank) { //println("\nBest feature model: "+featureModel); //println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); //println("Feats column is used in your training set."); //println("Adding FEATS Features ... "); addSplitFeaturesFeatsRelaxedGreedy("FEATS"); } println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } println("6. Adding conjunctions of POSTAG and FORM features... \n"); addConjunctionFeatures("POSTAG", "FORM"); addConjunctionFeatures("POSTAG", "LEMMA"); addConjunctionFeatures("CPOSTAG", "LEMMA"); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("MaltOptimizer has concluded feature selection and is going to tune the SVM cost parameter.\n"); this.runPhase4SimplifiedVersion(); LibraryOptionsSetter los = LibraryOptionsSetter.getSingleton(); //(String lang, String algorithm, String training80, String rootHandling, String libOptions, String rootLabel, String pcr) { OptionsGenerator og = new OptionsGenerator(language, this.trainingCorpus); String optionsCat = og.generateIncOptionsTestingsPhases(language, Optimizer.bestAlgorithm, this.trainingCorpus, Optimizer.optionMenosR, Optimizer.libraryValue, Optimizer.optionGRL, Optimizer.pcrOption); String optionsNivreEager = "finalOptionsFile.xml"; BufferedWriter bwOptionsNivreEager; try { bwOptionsNivreEager = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(optionsNivreEager)); bwOptionsNivreEager.write(optionsCat); bwOptionsNivreEager.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } createLogFile(3); createOptionFile(3); Double diff = bestResult - defaultBaseline; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, diff); String s = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental improvement over the baseline at the end of Phase 3: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + s + ")"); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("MaltOptimizer has completed the feature model testing phase using your training set,"); println("it saved the results for future use in phase3_logFile.txt. Updated MaltParser "); println("options can be found in phase3_optFile.txt."); println(""); //println("To proceed with Phase 4 (Library Parameters) run the following command:"); //println("java -jar MaltOptimizer.jar -p 4 -m <malt_path> -c <trainingCorpus>"); } private void runPhase3OnlyBackward(String featureModelSoFar) { ShowIntroduction(); println("PHASE 3: FEATURE SELECTION ONLY BACKWARD SELECTION\n"); ShowPhase3Introduction(); if (!featureModelSoFar.equals("featureModel")) { if (!featureModelSoFar.equals("")) { featureModel = featureModelSoFar; } } FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); println("1. Tuning the window of POSTAG n-grams ... \n"); postagTuningOnlyBackward(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("2. Tuning the window of FORM features ... \n"); formTuningOnlyBackward(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("3. Tuning dependency tree features ... \n"); deprelTuningOnlyBackward(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); /* * println("4. Adding string features ... \n"); * predeccessorSuccessorOnlyBackward("POSTAG"); * * println("\nBest feature model: "+featureModel); * println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); * * /*if (!cposEqPos || !lemmaBlank || !featsBlank) { * println("5. Adding CPOSTAG, FEATS, and LEMMA features ... * "); if (!cposEqPos) { //println("CPostag and Postag are * distinct in your corpus."); //println("Adding CPOSTAG * Features ... "); * addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemmaOnlyBackward("CPOSTAG"); * //predeccessorSuccessorRelaxedGreedy("CPOSTAG"); } * * if (!lemmaBlank) { //println("\nBest feature model: * "+featureModel); * //println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); * //println("Lemma column is used in your training set."); * //println("Adding LEMMA Features ... "); * addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemmaOnlyBackward("LEMMA"); * predeccessorSuccessorOnlyBackward("LEMMA"); } if (!featsBlank) { * //println("\nBest feature model: "+featureModel); * //println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); * //println("Feats column is used in your training set."); * //println("Adding FEATS Features ... "); * addSplitFeaturesFeatsOnlyBackward("FEATS"); * * } * * println("\nBest feature model: "+featureModel); * println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); * } * * * /*println("6. Adding conjunctions of POSTAG and FORM * features... \n"); addConjunctionFeatures("POSTAG","FORM"); * addConjunctionFeatures("POSTAG","LEMMA"); * addConjunctionFeatures("CPOSTAG","LEMMA"); * * println("\nBest feature model: "+featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); */ println("MaltOptimizer has concluded feature selection and is going to tune the SVM cost parameter.\n"); this.runPhase4SimplifiedVersion(); LibraryOptionsSetter los = LibraryOptionsSetter.getSingleton(); //(String lang, String algorithm, String training80, String rootHandling, String libOptions, String rootLabel, String pcr) { OptionsGenerator og = new OptionsGenerator(language, this.trainingCorpus); String optionsCat = og.generateIncOptionsTestingsPhases(language, Optimizer.bestAlgorithm, this.trainingCorpus, Optimizer.optionMenosR, Optimizer.libraryValue, Optimizer.optionGRL, Optimizer.pcrOption); String optionsNivreEager = "finalOptionsFile.xml"; BufferedWriter bwOptionsNivreEager; try { bwOptionsNivreEager = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(optionsNivreEager)); bwOptionsNivreEager.write(optionsCat); bwOptionsNivreEager.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } createLogFile(3); createOptionFile(3); Double diff = bestResult - defaultBaseline; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, diff); String s = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental improvement over the baseline at the end of Phase 3: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + s + ")"); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("MaltOptimizer has completed the feature model testing phase using your training set,"); println("it saved the results for future use in phase3_logFile.txt. Updated MaltParser "); println("options can be found in phase3_optFile.txt."); println(""); //println("To proceed with Phase 4 (Library Parameters) run the following command:"); //println("java -jar MaltOptimizer.jar -p 4 -m <malt_path> -c <trainingCorpus>"); } private void runPhase3OnlyForward(String featureModelSoFar) { ShowIntroduction(); println("PHASE 3: FEATURE SELECTION ONLY BACKWARD SELECTION\n"); ShowPhase3Introduction(); if (!featureModelSoFar.equals("featureModel")) { if (!featureModelSoFar.equals("")) { featureModel = featureModelSoFar; } } FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); println("1. Tuning the window of POSTAG n-grams ... \n"); postagTuningOnlyForward(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("2. Tuning the window of FORM features ... \n"); formTuningOnlyForward(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("3. Tuning dependency tree features ... \n"); deprelTuningOnlyForward(); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("4. Adding string features ... \n"); predeccessorSuccessorRelaxedGreedy("POSTAG"); println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); if (!cposEqPos || !lemmaBlank || !featsBlank) { println("5. Adding CPOSTAG, FEATS, and LEMMA features ... "); if (!cposEqPos) { //println("CPostag and Postag are distinct in your corpus."); //println("Adding CPOSTAG Features ... "); addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemmaRelaxedGreedy("CPOSTAG"); predeccessorSuccessorRelaxedGreedy("CPOSTAG"); } if (!lemmaBlank) { //println("\nBest feature model: "+featureModel); //println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); //println("Lemma column is used in your training set."); //println("Adding LEMMA Features ... "); addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemmaRelaxedGreedy("LEMMA"); predeccessorSuccessorRelaxedGreedy("LEMMA"); } if (!featsBlank) { //println("\nBest feature model: "+featureModel); //println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); //println("Feats column is used in your training set."); //println("Adding FEATS Features ... "); addSplitFeaturesFeatsRelaxedGreedy("FEATS"); } println("\nBest feature model: " + featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } /* * println("6. Adding conjunctions of POSTAG and FORM * features... \n"); addConjunctionFeatures("POSTAG","FORM"); * addConjunctionFeatures("POSTAG","LEMMA"); * addConjunctionFeatures("CPOSTAG","LEMMA"); * * println("\nBest feature model: "+featureModel); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); */ println("MaltOptimizer has concluded feature selection and is going to tune the SVM cost parameter.\n"); this.runPhase4SimplifiedVersion(); LibraryOptionsSetter los = LibraryOptionsSetter.getSingleton(); //(String lang, String algorithm, String training80, String rootHandling, String libOptions, String rootLabel, String pcr) { OptionsGenerator og = new OptionsGenerator(language, this.trainingCorpus); String optionsCat = og.generateIncOptionsTestingsPhases(language, Optimizer.bestAlgorithm, this.trainingCorpus, Optimizer.optionMenosR, Optimizer.libraryValue, Optimizer.optionGRL, Optimizer.pcrOption); String optionsNivreEager = "finalOptionsFile.xml"; BufferedWriter bwOptionsNivreEager; try { bwOptionsNivreEager = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(optionsNivreEager)); bwOptionsNivreEager.write(optionsCat); bwOptionsNivreEager.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } createLogFile(3); createOptionFile(3); Double diff = bestResult - defaultBaseline; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, diff); String s = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental improvement over the baseline at the end of Phase 3: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + s + ")"); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("MaltOptimizer has completed the feature model testing phase using your training set,"); println("it saved the results for future use in phase3_logFile.txt. Updated MaltParser "); println("options can be found in phase3_optFile.txt."); println(""); //println("To proceed with Phase 4 (Library Parameters) run the following command:"); //println("java -jar MaltOptimizer.jar -p 4 -m <malt_path> -c <trainingCorpus>"); } private void postagTuning() { FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); String newFeature; double result; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// newFeature = "backwardStackPostag.xml"; // rm InputColumn(POSTAG, Left[1]) [covingtion] fg.removeStackWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); boolean res = setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing if (res == false) { //Expanding String anterior = featureModel; boolean keepGoing = true; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if (keepGoing) { newFeature = "forwardStackPostag" + i + ".xml"; // add InputColumn(POSTAG, Left[i]) [covingtion] fg.addStackWindow(anterior, newFeature, "POSTAG", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); keepGoing = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 2 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// newFeature = "backwardInputPostag.xml"; // rm InputColumn(POSTAG,Right[3]) [covingtion] fg.removeInputWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG", InputLookAhead); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); res = setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing if (res == false) { //Expanding String anterior = featureModel; boolean keepGoing = true; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if (keepGoing) { newFeature = "forwardInputPostag" + i + ".xml"; // add InputColumn(POSTAG, Right[i]) [covingtion] fg.addInputWindow(anterior, newFeature, "POSTAG", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); keepGoing = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } } String anterior; boolean keepGoing; switch (bestAlgorithm) { case "stackeager": case "stacklazy": newFeature = "backwardINPUT.xml"; fg.removeInputWindowSpecial(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); boolean input0Esta = true; res = setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing if (res == true) { input0Esta = false; } else { //Expanding anterior = featureModel; keepGoing = true; for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) { if (keepGoing) { newFeature = "forwardINPUT" + i + ".xml"; fg.addInputWindowSpecialCase(anterior, newFeature, "POSTAG", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); keepGoing = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } } if (input0Esta) { //add trigram stack[0], input[0], lookahead[0] newFeature = "specialTrigramINPUT.xml"; fg.addMergeFeaturesMerge3SpecialCase(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG", 0, "InputColumn"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } break; case "covnonproj": newFeature = "backwardLeftContext1.xml"; fg.removeLeftContextWindowSpecial(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); res = setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing if (res == false) { //Expanding anterior = featureModel; keepGoing = true; for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) { if (keepGoing) { newFeature = "forwardRightContext" + i + ".xml"; fg.addLeftContextWindowSpecialCase(anterior, newFeature, "POSTAG", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); keepGoing = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } } newFeature = "backwardLeftContext2.xml"; fg.removeRightContextWindowSpecial(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); res = setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing if (res == false) { //Expanding anterior = featureModel; keepGoing = true; for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) { if (keepGoing) { newFeature = "forwardRightContext" + i + ".xml"; fg.addRightContextWindowSpecialCase(anterior, newFeature, "POSTAG", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); keepGoing = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } } break; } } private void postagTuning5Fold() { FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); String newFeature; double result; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// newFeature = "backwardStackPostag.xml"; fg.removeStackWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG"); result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); boolean res = setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing if (res == false) { //Expanding String anterior = featureModel; boolean keepGoing = true; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if (keepGoing) { newFeature = "forwardStackPostag" + i + ".xml"; fg.addStackWindow(anterior, newFeature, "POSTAG", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); keepGoing = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 2 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// newFeature = "backwardInputPostag.xml"; fg.removeInputWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG", InputLookAhead); result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); res = setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing if (res == false) { //Expanding String anterior = featureModel; boolean keepGoing = true; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if (keepGoing) { newFeature = "forwardInputPostag" + i + ".xml"; fg.addInputWindow(anterior, newFeature, "POSTAG", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); keepGoing = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } } String anterior; boolean keepGoing; if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stackeager") || bestAlgorithm.equals("stacklazy")) { //REMOVE INPUT[0] (no lookahead) (shrinking) //si no mejora al quitarlo add Input[1], Input[2]. //si se mantuvo INPUT[0] add trigram Stack[0], Input[0], LookAhead[0] newFeature = "backwardINPUT.xml"; fg.removeInputWindowSpecial(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG"); result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); boolean input0Esta = true; res = setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing if (res == true) { input0Esta = false; } else { //Expanding anterior = featureModel; keepGoing = true; for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) { if (keepGoing) { newFeature = "forwardINPUT" + i + ".xml"; fg.addInputWindowSpecialCase(anterior, newFeature, "POSTAG", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); keepGoing = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } } if (input0Esta) { //add trigram stack[0], input[0], lookahead[0] newFeature = "specialTrigramINPUT.xml"; fg.addMergeFeaturesMerge3SpecialCase(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG", 0, "InputColumn"); result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("covnonproj")) { newFeature = "backwardLeftContext3.xml"; fg.removeLeftContextWindowSpecial(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG"); result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); res = setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing if (res == false) { //Expanding anterior = featureModel; keepGoing = true; for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) { if (keepGoing) { newFeature = "forwardRightContext" + i + ".xml"; fg.addLeftContextWindowSpecialCase(anterior, newFeature, "POSTAG", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); keepGoing = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } } newFeature = "backwardLeftContext4.xml"; fg.removeRightContextWindowSpecial(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG"); result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); res = setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing if (res == false) { //Expanding anterior = featureModel; keepGoing = true; for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) { if (keepGoing) { newFeature = "forwardRightContext" + i + ".xml"; fg.addRightContextWindowSpecialCase(anterior, newFeature, "POSTAG", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); keepGoing = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } } } } private void postagTuningRelaxedGreedy() { FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); /* * String newFeature2="prueba.xml"; fg.addStackWindow(featureModel,newFeature2,"POSTAG",InputLookAhead); */ String oldFeatureModel = featureModel; String newFeature = "backwardStack.xml"; fg.removeStackWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG"); double result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); boolean res = setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing if (res == true) { String newFeature2 = "backwardStackTwice.xml"; fg.removeStackWindow(newFeature, newFeature2, "POSTAG"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature2); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature2); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing } else { String newFeature2 = "backwardStackTwice.xml"; fg.removeStackWindow(newFeature, newFeature2, "POSTAG"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature2); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature2); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing } //Expanding String anterior = oldFeatureModel; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { newFeature = "forwardStack" + i + ".xml"; fg.addStackWindow(anterior, newFeature, "POSTAG", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); } /* * String newFeature2="prueba.xml"; fg.addStackWindow(featureModel,newFeature2,"POSTAG",InputLookAhead); */ oldFeatureModel = featureModel; newFeature = "backwardInput.xml"; fg.removeInputWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); res = setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing if (res == true) { String newFeature2 = "backwardInputTwice.xml"; fg.removeInputWindow(newFeature, newFeature2, "POSTAG"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature2); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature2); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing } else { String newFeature2 = "backwardInputTwice.xml"; fg.removeInputWindow(newFeature, newFeature2, "POSTAG"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature2); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature2); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing } //Expanding anterior = oldFeatureModel; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { newFeature = "forwardInput" + i + ".xml"; fg.addInputWindow(anterior, newFeature, "POSTAG", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stackeager") || bestAlgorithm.equals("stacklazy")) { //REMOVE INPUT[0] (no lookahead) (shrinking) //si no mejora al quitarlo add Input[1], Input[2]. //si se mantuvo INPUT[0] add trigram Stack[0], Input[0], LookAhead[0] oldFeatureModel = featureModel; newFeature = "backwardINPUT.xml"; fg.removeInputWindowSpecial(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); boolean input0Esta = true; res = setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing if (res == true) { input0Esta = false; } anterior = oldFeatureModel; for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) { newFeature = "forwardINPUT" + i + ".xml"; fg.addInputWindowSpecialCase(anterior, newFeature, "POSTAG", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } if (input0Esta) { //add trigram stack[0], input[0], lookahead[0] newFeature = "specialTrigramINPUT.xml"; fg.addMergeFeaturesMerge3SpecialCase(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG", 0, "InputColumn"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("covnonproj")) { oldFeatureModel = featureModel; newFeature = "backwardLeftContext5.xml"; fg.removeLeftContextWindowSpecial(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing anterior = oldFeatureModel; for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) { newFeature = "forwardRightContext" + i + ".xml"; fg.addLeftContextWindowSpecialCase(anterior, newFeature, "POSTAG", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } oldFeatureModel = featureModel; newFeature = "backwardLeftContext6.xml"; fg.removeRightContextWindowSpecial(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing anterior = oldFeatureModel; for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) { newFeature = "forwardRightContext" + i + ".xml"; fg.addRightContextWindowSpecialCase(anterior, newFeature, "POSTAG", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } } private void postagTuningOnlyBackward() { FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); /* * String newFeature2="prueba.xml"; fg.addStackWindow(featureModel,newFeature2,"POSTAG",InputLookAhead); */ String oldFeatureModel = featureModel; String newFeature = "backwardStack.xml"; fg.removeStackWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG"); double result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); boolean res = setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing if (res == true) { String newFeature2 = "backwardStackTwice.xml"; fg.removeStackWindow(newFeature, newFeature2, "POSTAG"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature2); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature2); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing } else { String newFeature2 = "backwardStackTwice.xml"; fg.removeStackWindow(newFeature, newFeature2, "POSTAG"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature2); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature2); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing } oldFeatureModel = featureModel; newFeature = "backwardInput.xml"; fg.removeInputWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); res = setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing if (res == true) { String newFeature2 = "backwardInputTwice.xml"; fg.removeInputWindow(newFeature, newFeature2, "POSTAG"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature2); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature2); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing } else { String newFeature2 = "backwardInputTwice.xml"; fg.removeInputWindow(newFeature, newFeature2, "POSTAG"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature2); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature2); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stackeager") || bestAlgorithm.equals("stacklazy")) { //REMOVE INPUT[0] (no lookahead) (shrinking) //si no mejora al quitarlo add Input[1], Input[2]. //si se mantuvo INPUT[0] add trigram Stack[0], Input[0], LookAhead[0] oldFeatureModel = featureModel; newFeature = "backwardINPUT.xml"; fg.removeInputWindowSpecial(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("covnonproj")) { oldFeatureModel = featureModel; newFeature = "backwardLeftContext7.xml"; fg.removeLeftContextWindowSpecial(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing oldFeatureModel = featureModel; newFeature = "backwardLeftContext8.xml"; fg.removeRightContextWindowSpecial(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing } } private void postagTuningOnlyForward() { FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); /* * String newFeature2="prueba.xml"; fg.addStackWindow(featureModel,newFeature2,"POSTAG",InputLookAhead); */ String oldFeatureModel = featureModel; String newFeature; double result; //Expanding String anterior = oldFeatureModel; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { newFeature = "forwardStack" + i + ".xml"; fg.addStackWindow(anterior, newFeature, "POSTAG", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); } //Expanding anterior = oldFeatureModel; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { newFeature = "forwardInput" + i + ".xml"; fg.addInputWindow(anterior, newFeature, "POSTAG", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stackeager") || bestAlgorithm.equals("stacklazy")) { //REMOVE INPUT[0] (no lookahead) (shrinking) //si no mejora al quitarlo add Input[1], Input[2]. //si se mantuvo INPUT[0] add trigram Stack[0], Input[0], LookAhead[0] boolean input0Esta = false; anterior = oldFeatureModel; for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) { newFeature = "forwardINPUT" + i + ".xml"; fg.addInputWindowSpecialCase(anterior, newFeature, "POSTAG", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); boolean res = setBestResult(result, newFeature); if (res == true && i == 1) { input0Esta = true; } } if (input0Esta) { //add trigram stack[0], input[0], lookahead[0] newFeature = "specialTrigramINPUT.xml"; fg.addMergeFeaturesMerge3SpecialCase(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG", 0, "InputColumn"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("covnonproj")) { oldFeatureModel = featureModel; anterior = oldFeatureModel; for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) { newFeature = "forwardRightContext" + i + ".xml"; fg.addLeftContextWindowSpecialCase(anterior, newFeature, "POSTAG", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } oldFeatureModel = featureModel; anterior = oldFeatureModel; for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) { newFeature = "forwardRightContext" + i + ".xml"; fg.addRightContextWindowSpecialCase(anterior, newFeature, "POSTAG", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } } private void postagTuningBruteForce() { FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); /* * double result=runBestAlgorithm(featureModelBruteForce); * println(result); println("Best: "+bestResult); * // * */ double result; String antFeature = featureModelBruteForce; double difference; /* * if (result>=(this.bestResultBruteForce)) { //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD * because we are removing this.featureModelBruteForce=antFeature; * //dummy (just a matter of completity) * difference=result-bestResultBruteForce; bestResultBruteForce=result; * String sDifferenceLabel=""+difference; if * (sDifferenceLabel.length()>5) * sDifferenceLabel=sDifferenceLabel.substring(0, 5); * /*println("New best feature model: * "+featureModelBruteForce); String s=""+this.bestResult; if * (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" improvement: + * "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); */ //} //ADD FEATURES TO THE POOL. //If we have 3... // {f1,f2,f3} => { {f1},{f2},{f3},{f1,f2},{f1,f3},{f2,f3},{f1,f2,f3} } // ArrayList<String> pool = new ArrayList<>(); String structure = "Stack"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { structure = "Left"; } String structureI = "Input"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { structureI = "Right"; } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { structureI = "Lookahead"; } //for(int i=0;i<6;i++){ int i = 0; pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[" + i + "])</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[" + i + "])</feature>"); if (i < 5) { int j = i + 1; pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[" + j + "])</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[" + j + "])</feature>"); if (i < 4) { int k = j + 1; pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[" + j + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[" + k + "])</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[" + j + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[" + k + "])</feature>"); if (i < 3) { int l = k + 1; pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[" + j + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[" + k + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[" + l + "])</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[" + j + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[" + k + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[" + l + "])</feature>"); if (i < 2) { int m = l + 1; pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[" + j + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[" + k + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[" + l + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[" + m + "])</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[" + j + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[" + k + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[" + l + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[" + m + "])</feature>"); if (i < 1) { int n = m + 1; pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[" + j + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[" + k + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[" + l + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[" + m + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[" + n + "])</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[" + j + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[" + k + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[" + l + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[" + m + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[" + n + "])</feature>"); } } } } } //} Iterator<String> it = pool.iterator(); int a = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { String newFeature = "postag" + structure + structureI + a + ".xml"; fg.addFeatureLine("bruteForce1.xml", newFeature,; a++; antFeature = newFeature; println("Testing " + newFeature + " ..."); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); println(" " + result); println(" Default: " + bestResult); if (result >= (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { Optimizer.featureModelBruteForce = antFeature; //dummy (just a matter of completity) difference = result - bestResultBruteForce; bestResultBruteForce = result; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); /* * println("New best feature model: * "+featureModelBruteForce); String s=""+this.bestResult; if * (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" * improvement: + "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); */ } } //ADD INPUT FEATURES //TEST WITH THE NEW FEATURES //ADD FEATURES TO THE POOL. //If we have 3... // {f1,f2,f3} => { {f1},{f2},{f3},{f1,f2},{f1,f3},{f2,f3},{f1,f2,f3} } // /* * pool = new ArrayList<String>(); structure="Input"; if * (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) structure="Right"; if * (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) structure="Lookahead"; //for(int * i=0;i<6;i++){ i=0; pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, * "+structure+"["+i+"])</feature>"); if (i<5) { int j=i+1; * pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, * "+structure+"["+i+"])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, * "+structure+"["+j+"])</feature>"); if (i<4) { int k=j+1; * pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, * "+structure+"["+i+"])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, * "+structure+"["+j+"])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, * "+structure+"["+k+"])</feature>"); if (i<3) { int l=k+1; * pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, * "+structure+"["+i+"])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, * "+structure+"["+j+"])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, * "+structure+"["+k+"])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, * "+structure+"["+l+"])</feature>"); if (i<2) { int m=l+1; * pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, * "+structure+"["+i+"])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, * "+structure+"["+j+"])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, * "+structure+"["+k+"])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, * "+structure+"["+l+"])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, * "+structure+"["+m+"])</feature>"); if (i<1) { int n=m+1; * pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, * "+structure+"["+i+"])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, * "+structure+"["+j+"])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, * "+structure+"["+k+"])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, * "+structure+"["+l+"])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, * "+structure+"["+m+"])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, * "+structure+"["+n+"])</feature>"); } } } } } //} * * * it=pool.iterator(); newFeature="postag"+structure; a=0; String * currentFeature=featureModelBruteForce; while(it.hasNext()){ * newFeature="postag"+structure+a+".xml"; * fg.addFeatureLine(currentFeature,newFeature,; a++; * antFeature=newFeature; println("Testing "+newFeature +" * ..."); result=runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); difference=0.0; * println(" "+result); println(" Default: * "+bestResult); if (result>=(this.bestResultBruteForce+threshold)) { * //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing * this.featureModelBruteForce=antFeature; //dummy (just a matter of * completity) difference=result-bestResultBruteForce; * bestResultBruteForce=result; String sDifferenceLabel=""+difference; * if (sDifferenceLabel.length()>5) * sDifferenceLabel=sDifferenceLabel.substring(0, 5); * /*println("New best feature model: * "+featureModelBruteForce); String s=""+this.bestResult; if * (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" improvement: + * "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); */ /* * } * } */ String currentFeature = featureModelBruteForce; int maxS = fg.findMaxStack("POSTAG", currentFeature); int maxI = fg.findMaxInput("POSTAG", currentFeature, structureI); pool = new ArrayList<>(); if ((maxS >= 0) && (maxI == -1)) { pool = new ArrayList<>(); structure = "Input"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { structure = "Right"; } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { structure = "Lookahead"; } //for(int i=0;i<6;i++){ i = 0; pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[" + i + "])</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[1])</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[1])</feature>"); } else { if ((maxS == -1) && (maxI >= 0)) { structure = "Stack"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { structure = "Left"; } i = 0; pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[" + i + "])</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[1])</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[1])</feature>"); } } it = pool.iterator(); a = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { String newFeature = "postagBackTracking" + a + ".xml"; fg.addFeatureLine(currentFeature, newFeature,; a++; antFeature = newFeature; println("Testing " + newFeature + " ..."); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); println(" " + result); println(" Default: " + bestResult); if (result >= (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing Optimizer.featureModelBruteForce = antFeature; //dummy (just a matter of completity) difference = result - bestResultBruteForce; bestResultBruteForce = result; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); /* * println("New best feature model: * "+featureModelBruteForce); String s=""+this.bestResult; if * (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" * improvement: + "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); */ } } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stackeager") || bestAlgorithm.equals("stacklazy")) { String concat = ""; pool = new ArrayList<>(); pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, Input[0])</feature>"); concat += "\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, Input[0])</feature>"; pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, Input[1])</feature>"); concat += "\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, Input[1])</feature>"; pool.add(concat); pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, Input[2])</feature>"); concat += "\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, Input[2])</feature>"; pool.add(concat); pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, Input[3])</feature>"); concat += "\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, Input[3])</feature>"; pool.add(concat); it = pool.iterator(); a = 0; boolean input0Esta = false; while (it.hasNext()) { String newFeature = "postagLazyInput" + a + ".xml"; fg.addFeatureLine(currentFeature, newFeature,; a++; antFeature = newFeature; println("Testing " + newFeature + " ..."); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); println(" " + result); println(" Default: " + bestResult); if (result >= (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing Optimizer.featureModelBruteForce = antFeature; //dummy (just a matter of completity) difference = result - bestResultBruteForce; bestResultBruteForce = result; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); if (a == 0) { input0Esta = true; } /* * println("New best feature model: * "+featureModelBruteForce); String s=""+this.bestResult; * if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" * improvement: + "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); */ } } if (input0Esta) { //add trigram stack[0], input[0], lookahead[0] String newFeature = "specialTrigramINPUT.xml"; // fg.addMergeFeaturesMerge3SpecialCase(featureModelBruteForce, newFeature, "POSTAG", 0, "InputColumn"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); if (result >= (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing Optimizer.featureModelBruteForce = antFeature; //dummy (just a matter of completity) difference = result - bestResultBruteForce; bestResultBruteForce = result; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); /* * println("New best feature model: * "+featureModelBruteForce); String s=""+this.bestResult; * if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" * improvement: + "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); */ } } } maxS = fg.findMaxStack("POSTAG", featureModelBruteForce); maxI = fg.findMaxInput("POSTAG", featureModelBruteForce, structureI); //ADD MERGE FEATURES //TEST WITH THE NEW FEATURES /* * String newFeature2="prueba.xml"; fg.addStackWindow(featureModel,newFeature2,"POSTAG",InputLookAhead); */ //ArrayList<String> poolOfActions=new ArrayList<String>(); String structureS = "Stack"; structureI = InputLookAhead; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { structureS = "Left"; } //<feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Input[0]))</feature> if ((maxS >= 0) && (maxI >= 0)) { if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { //pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, "+structureS+"[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, "+structureS+"[0]))</feature>"); /* * <feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[2]), * InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, * Stack[0]))</feature> <feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, * Stack[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, * Lookahead[0]))</feature> <feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, * Stack[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[0]), * InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[1]))</feature> * <feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[0]), * InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[2]))</feature> */ pool = new ArrayList<>(); String concat = ""; int h = -1; for (int j = 1; j <= maxS; j++) { if (h == -1) { concat += "\t\t<feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureS + "[" + j + "]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureS + "[0]))</feature>"; } else { concat += "\n\t\t<feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureS + "[" + j + "]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[" + h + "]))</feature>"; } pool.add(concat); h++; } it = pool.iterator(); a = 0; currentFeature = featureModelBruteForce; while (it.hasNext()) { String newFeature = "postagMerge" + a + ".xml"; fg.addFeatureLine(currentFeature, newFeature,; a++; antFeature = newFeature; println("Testing " + newFeature + " ..."); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); println(" " + result); println(" Default: " + bestResult); if (result >= (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing Optimizer.featureModelBruteForce = antFeature; //dummy (just a matter of completity) difference = result - bestResultBruteForce; bestResultBruteForce = result; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); /* * println("New best feature model: * "+featureModelBruteForce); String * s=""+this.bestResult; if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" * improvement: + "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); */ } } pool = new ArrayList<>(); concat = ""; /* * <feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[2]), * InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, * Stack[0]))</feature> <feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, * Stack[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, * Lookahead[0]))</feature> <feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, * Stack[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[0]), * InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[1]))</feature> * <feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[0]), * InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, * Lookahead[2]))</feature> */ pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[2]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[0]))</feature>"); concat += "\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[2]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[0]))</feature>"; pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[0]))</feature>"); concat += "\n\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[0]))</feature>"; pool.add(concat); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[1]))</feature>"); concat += "\n\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[1]))</feature>"; pool.add(concat); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[2]))</feature>"); concat += "\n\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[2]))</feature>"; pool.add(concat); if (maxI >= 3) { pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[2]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[3]))</feature>"); concat += "\n\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[2]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[3]))</feature>"; pool.add(concat); } if (maxS >= 3) { pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[3]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[2]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[1]))</feature>"); concat += "\n\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[3]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[2]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[1]))</feature>"; pool.add(concat); } it = pool.iterator(); a = 0; currentFeature = featureModelBruteForce; while (it.hasNext()) { String newFeature = "postagMerge3" + a + ".xml"; fg.addFeatureLine(currentFeature, newFeature,; a++; antFeature = newFeature; println("Testing " + newFeature + " ..."); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); println(" " + result); println(" Default: " + bestResult); if (result >= (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing Optimizer.featureModelBruteForce = antFeature; //dummy (just a matter of completity) difference = result - bestResultBruteForce; bestResultBruteForce = result; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); /* * println("New best feature model: * "+featureModelBruteForce); String * s=""+this.bestResult; if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" * improvement: + "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); */ } } } else { pool = new ArrayList<>(); String concat = ""; for (int j = 0; j <= maxS; j++) { if (j <= maxI) { if (j == 0) { concat += "\t\t<feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureS + "[" + j + "]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[" + j + "]))</feature>"; } else { concat += "\n\t\t<feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureS + "[" + j + "]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[" + j + "]))</feature>"; } pool.add(concat); } } it = pool.iterator(); a = 0; currentFeature = featureModelBruteForce; while (it.hasNext()) { String newFeature = "postagMerge" + a + ".xml"; fg.addFeatureLine(currentFeature, newFeature,; a++; antFeature = newFeature; println("Testing " + newFeature + " ..."); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); println(" " + result); println(" Default: " + bestResult); if (result >= (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing Optimizer.featureModelBruteForce = antFeature; //dummy (just a matter of completity) difference = result - bestResultBruteForce; bestResultBruteForce = result; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); /* * println("New best feature model: * "+featureModelBruteForce); String * s=""+this.bestResult; if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" * improvement: + "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); */ } } /* * <feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[1]), * InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, * Input[0]))</feature> <feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, * Stack[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Input[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, * Input[1]))</feature> <feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, * Input[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Input[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, * Input[2]))</feature> <feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, * Input[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Input[2]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Input[3]))</feature> */ concat = ""; pool = new ArrayList<>(); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureS + "[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureS + "[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[0]))</feature>"); concat += "\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureS + "[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureS + "[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[0]))</feature>"; pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureS + "[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[1]))</feature>"); concat += "\n\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureS + "[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[1]))</feature>"; pool.add(concat); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[2]))</feature>"); concat += "\n\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[2]))</feature>"; pool.add(concat); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[2]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[3]))</feature>"); concat += "\n\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[2]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[3]))</feature>"; if (maxI > 3) { pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[2]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[3]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[4]))</feature>"); concat += "\n\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[2]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[3]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureI + "[4]))</feature>"; } if (maxS > 1) { pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureS + "[2]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureS + "[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureS + "[0]))</feature>"); concat += "\n\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureS + "[2]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureS + "[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structureS + "[0]))</feature>"; } it = pool.iterator(); a = 0; currentFeature = featureModelBruteForce; while (it.hasNext()) { String newFeature = "postagMerge3" + a + ".xml"; fg.addFeatureLine(currentFeature, newFeature,; a++; antFeature = newFeature; println("Testing " + newFeature + " ..."); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); println(" " + result); println(" Default: " + bestResult); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing if (result >= (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { //dummy (just a matter of completity) Optimizer.featureModelBruteForce = antFeature; difference = result - bestResultBruteForce; bestResultBruteForce = result; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); /* * println("New best feature model: * "+featureModelBruteForce); String * s=""+this.bestResult; if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" * improvement: + "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); */ } } /* * <feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[1]), * InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, * Input[0]))</feature> <feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, * Stack[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Input[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, * Input[1]))</feature> <feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, * Input[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Input[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, * Input[2]))</feature> <feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, * Input[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Input[2]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Input[3]))</feature> */ } } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("covnonproj")) { // String concat = ""; pool = new ArrayList<>(); pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, LeftContext[0])</feature>"); concat += "\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, LeftContext[0])</feature>"; pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, RightContext[0])</feature>"); concat += "\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, RightContext[0])</feature>"; pool.add(concat); pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, LeftContext[1])</feature>"); concat += "\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, LeftContext[1])</feature>"; pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, RightContext[1])</feature>"); concat += "\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, RightContext[1])</feature>"; pool.add(concat); pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, LeftContext[2])</feature>"); concat += "\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, LeftContext[2])</feature>"; pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, RightContext[2])</feature>"); concat += "\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(POSTAG, RightContext[2])</feature>"; pool.add(concat); it = pool.iterator(); a = 0; currentFeature = featureModelBruteForce; while (it.hasNext()) { String newFeature = "postagRightLeftContext" + a + ".xml"; fg.addFeatureLine(currentFeature, newFeature,; a++; antFeature = newFeature; println("Testing " + newFeature + " ..."); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); println(" " + result); println(" Default: " + bestResult); if (result >= (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { Optimizer.featureModelBruteForce = antFeature; //dummy (just a matter of completity) difference = result - bestResultBruteForce; bestResultBruteForce = result; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); /* * println("New best feature model: * "+featureModelBruteForce); String s=""+this.bestResult; * if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" * improvement: + "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); */ } } } /* * * if (bestAlgorithm.equals("covnonproj")) { * * newFeature="backwardLeftContext.xml"; // * fg.removeLeftContextWindowSpecial(featureModel,newFeature,"POSTAG"); * result=runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); //println(result); * boolean leftContext0Esta=true; // difference=0.0; if * (result>=(this.bestResult)) { //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we * are removing leftContext0Esta=false; featureModel=newFeature; * difference=result-bestResult; bestResult=result; String * sDifferenceLabel=""+difference; if (sDifferenceLabel.length()>5) * sDifferenceLabel=sDifferenceLabel.substring(0, 5); * println("New best feature model: "+featureModel); String * s=""+this.bestResult; if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" improvement: + * "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); * * } * * else { //Expanding // String newFeature2Abs="forwardRightContext"; * String anterior=featureModel; boolean keepGoing=true; for(int * i=1;i<3;i++) { if (keepGoing) { String * newFeature2=newFeature2Abs+i+".xml"; * fg.addLeftContextWindowSpecialCase(anterior,newFeature2,"POSTAG",InputLookAhead,"InputColumn"); * anterior=newFeature2; //OJO!!! En este caso es Input porque para el * primer test es con NIVREEAGER. Habrá que usar LOOKAHEAD EN OTROS * double result2=runBestAlgorithm(newFeature2); * //println(result2); * //println("best:"+bestResult); // double difference2=0.0; * if (result2>(this.bestResult+threshold)) { //Shrinking * featureModel=newFeature2; difference2=result2-bestResult; * bestResult=result2; String sDifferenceLabel=""+difference2; if * (sDifferenceLabel.length()>5) * sDifferenceLabel=sDifferenceLabel.substring(0, 5); * println("New best feature model: "+featureModel); String * s=""+this.bestResult; if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" improvement: + * "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); * * } * else { keepGoing=false; } } } } * * * newFeature="backwardLeftContext.xml"; // * fg.removeRightContextWindowSpecial(featureModel,newFeature,"POSTAG"); * result=runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); //println(result); * boolean rightContext0Esta=true; // difference=0.0; if * (result>=(this.bestResult)) { //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we * are removing leftContext0Esta=false; featureModel=newFeature; * difference=result-bestResult; bestResult=result; String * sDifferenceLabel=""+difference; if (sDifferenceLabel.length()>5) * sDifferenceLabel=sDifferenceLabel.substring(0, 5); * println("New best feature model: "+featureModel); String * s=""+this.bestResult; if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" improvement: + * "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); * * } * * else { //Expanding // String newFeature2Abs="forwardRightContext"; * String anterior=featureModel; boolean keepGoing=true; for(int * i=1;i<3;i++) { if (keepGoing) { String * newFeature2=newFeature2Abs+i+".xml"; * fg.addRightContextWindowSpecialCase(anterior,newFeature2,"POSTAG",InputLookAhead,"InputColumn"); * anterior=newFeature2; //OJO!!! En este caso es Input porque para el * primer test es con NIVREEAGER. Habrá que usar LOOKAHEAD EN OTROS * double result2=runBestAlgorithm(newFeature2); * //println(result2); * //println("best:"+bestResult); // double difference2=0.0; * if (result2>(this.bestResult+threshold)) { //Shrinking * featureModel=newFeature2; difference2=result2-bestResult; * bestResult=result2; String sDifferenceLabel=""+difference2; if * (sDifferenceLabel.length()>5) * sDifferenceLabel=sDifferenceLabel.substring(0, 5); * println("New best feature model: "+featureModel); String * s=""+this.bestResult; if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" improvement: + * "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); * * } * else { keepGoing=false; } } } } } */ } private void formTuning() { FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// String newFeature = "backwardStackForm.xml"; // fg.removeStackWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "FORM"); double result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); boolean res = setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing if (res == false) { //Expanding String anterior = featureModel; boolean keepGoing = true; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if (keepGoing) { newFeature = "forwardStackForm" + i + ".xml"; fg.addStackWindow(anterior, newFeature, "FORM", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); keepGoing = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 2 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// newFeature = "backwardInputForm.xml"; fg.removeInputWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "FORM", InputLookAhead); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); res = setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing if (res == false) { //Expanding String anterior = featureModel; boolean keepGoing = true; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if (keepGoing) { newFeature = "forwardInputForm" + i + ".xml"; fg.addInputWindow(anterior, newFeature, "FORM", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); keepGoing = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 3 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!bestAlgorithm.equals("nivrestandard")) { String newFeature5 = "backwardHeadIterative.xml"; boolean generar = fg.removeIterativeWindow(featureModel, newFeature5, "FORM", "InputLookAhead", "Input"); double result5 = 0.0; if (generar) { result5 = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature5); } res = setBestResultNoThreshold(result5, newFeature5); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing if (res == false) { //Expanding String anterior = featureModel; boolean keepGoing = true; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if (keepGoing) { newFeature = "headIterativeForm" + i + ".xml"; fg.addHeadIterativeWindow(anterior, newFeature, "FORM", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); keepGoing = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } } } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stackeager") || bestAlgorithm.equals("stacklazy")) { String anterior = featureModel; newFeature = "forwardINPUTsc0.xml"; boolean generar = fg.addInputWindowSpecialCase(anterior, newFeature, "FORM", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); if (generar) { result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } } private void formTuning5Fold() { FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// String newFeature = "backwardStackForm.xml"; fg.removeStackWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "FORM"); double result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); boolean res = setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing if (res == false) { //Expanding String anterior = featureModel; boolean keepGoing = true; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if (keepGoing) { newFeature = "forwardStackForm" + i + ".xml"; fg.addStackWindow(anterior, newFeature, "FORM", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); keepGoing = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 2 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// newFeature = "backwardInputForm.xml"; fg.removeInputWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "FORM", InputLookAhead); result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); res = setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing if (res == false) { //Expanding String anterior = featureModel; boolean keepGoing = true; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if (keepGoing) { newFeature = "forwardInputForm" + i + ".xml"; fg.addInputWindow(anterior, newFeature, "FORM", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); keepGoing = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 3 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!bestAlgorithm.equals("nivrestandard")) { String newFeature5 = "backwardHeadIterative.xml"; boolean generar = fg.removeIterativeWindow(featureModel, newFeature5, "FORM", "InputLookAhead", "Input"); double result5 = 0.0; if (generar) { result5 = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature5); } res = setBestResultNoThreshold(result5, newFeature5); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing if (res == false) { //Expanding String anterior = featureModel; boolean keepGoing = true; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if (keepGoing) { newFeature = "headIterativeForm" + i + ".xml"; fg.addHeadIterativeWindow(anterior, newFeature, "FORM", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); keepGoing = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } } } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stackeager") || bestAlgorithm.equals("stacklazy")) { String anterior = featureModel; newFeature = "forwardINPUTsc0.xml"; boolean generar = fg.addInputWindowSpecialCase(anterior, newFeature, "FORM", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); if (generar) { result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } } private void formTuningRelaxedGreedy() { FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// String oldFeatureModel = featureModel; String newFeature = "backwardStackForm.xml"; fg.removeStackWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "FORM"); double result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); boolean res = setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing if (res == false) { newFeature = "backwardStackFormTwice.xml"; fg.removeStackWindow(newFeature, newFeature, "FORM"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing } String anterior = oldFeatureModel; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { newFeature = "forwardStackForm" + i + ".xml"; fg.addStackWindow(anterior, newFeature, "FORM", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 2 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// oldFeatureModel = featureModel; newFeature = "backwardInputForm.xml"; fg.removeInputWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "FORM", InputLookAhead); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); res = setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing if (res == true) { String newFeature2 = "backwardInputFormTwice.xml"; fg.removeInputWindow(newFeature, newFeature2, "FORM", InputLookAhead); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature2); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature2); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing } else { String newFeature2 = "backwardInputFormTwice.xml"; fg.removeInputWindow(newFeature, newFeature2, "FORM", InputLookAhead); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature2); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature2); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing } //Expanding anterior = oldFeatureModel; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { newFeature = "forwardInputForm" + i + ".xml"; fg.addInputWindow(anterior, newFeature, "FORM", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 3 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!bestAlgorithm.equals("nivrestandard")) { oldFeatureModel = featureModel; newFeature = "backwardHeadIterative.xml"; fg.removeIterativeWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "FORM", "InputLookAhead", "Input"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing //else { //Expanding anterior = oldFeatureModel; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { newFeature = "headIterativeForm" + i + ".xml"; fg.addHeadIterativeWindow(anterior, newFeature, "FORM", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stackeager") || bestAlgorithm.equals("stacklazy")) { anterior = featureModel; newFeature = "forwardINPUT0.xml"; fg.addInputWindowSpecialCase(anterior, newFeature, "FORM", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } private void formTuningOnlyBackward() { FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// String newFeature = "backwardStackForm.xml"; fg.removeStackWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "FORM"); double result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); boolean res = setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing if (res == true) { String newFeature2 = "backwardStackFormTwice.xml"; fg.removeStackWindow(newFeature, newFeature2, "FORM"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature2); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature2); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing } else { String newFeature2 = "backwardStackFormTwice.xml"; fg.removeStackWindow(newFeature, newFeature2, "FORM"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature2); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature2); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 2 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// newFeature = "backwardInputForm.xml"; fg.removeInputWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "FORM", InputLookAhead); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); res = setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing if (res == true) { String newFeature2 = "backwardInputFormTwice.xml"; fg.removeInputWindow(newFeature, newFeature2, "FORM", InputLookAhead); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature2); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature2); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing } else { String newFeature2 = "backwardInputFormTwice.xml"; fg.removeInputWindow(newFeature, newFeature2, "FORM", InputLookAhead); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature2); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature2); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 3 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!bestAlgorithm.equals("nivrestandard")) { newFeature = "backwardHeadIterative.xml"; fg.removeIterativeWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "FORM", "InputLookAhead", "Input"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing } } private void formTuningOnlyForward() { FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); String newFeature; double result; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// String oldFeatureModel = featureModel; String anterior = oldFeatureModel; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { newFeature = "forwardStackForm" + i + ".xml"; fg.addStackWindow(anterior, newFeature, "FORM", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 2 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// oldFeatureModel = featureModel; anterior = oldFeatureModel; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { newFeature = "forwardInputForm" + i + ".xml"; fg.addInputWindow(anterior, newFeature, "FORM", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 3 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!bestAlgorithm.equals("nivrestandard")) { oldFeatureModel = featureModel; anterior = oldFeatureModel; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { newFeature = "headIterativeForm" + i + ".xml"; fg.addHeadIterativeWindow(anterior, newFeature, "FORM", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stackeager") || bestAlgorithm.equals("stacklazy")) { anterior = featureModel; newFeature = "forwardINPUT0.xml"; fg.addInputWindowSpecialCase(anterior, newFeature, "FORM", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } private void formTuningBruteForce() { FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); ArrayList<String> pool = new ArrayList<>(); String structure = "Stack"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { structure = "Left"; } String structureI = "Input"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { structureI = "Right"; } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { structureI = "Lookahead"; } //for(int i=0;i<6;i++){ int i = 0; pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structure + "[" + i + "])</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structureI + "[" + i + "])</feature>"); if (i < 5) { int j = i + 1; pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structure + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structure + "[" + j + "])</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structureI + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structureI + "[" + j + "])</feature>"); if (i < 4) { int k = j + 1; pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structure + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structure + "[" + j + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structure + "[" + k + "])</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structureI + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structureI + "[" + j + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structureI + "[" + k + "])</feature>"); if (i < 3) { int l = k + 1; pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structure + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structure + "[" + j + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structure + "[" + k + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structure + "[" + l + "])</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structureI + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structureI + "[" + j + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structureI + "[" + k + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structureI + "[" + l + "])</feature>"); if (i < 2) { int m = l + 1; pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structure + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structure + "[" + j + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structure + "[" + k + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structure + "[" + l + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structure + "[" + m + "])</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structureI + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structureI + "[" + j + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structureI + "[" + k + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structureI + "[" + l + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structureI + "[" + m + "])</feature>"); if (i < 1) { int n = m + 1; pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structure + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structure + "[" + j + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structure + "[" + k + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structure + "[" + l + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structure + "[" + m + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structure + "[" + n + "])</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structureI + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structureI + "[" + j + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structureI + "[" + k + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structureI + "[" + l + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structureI + "[" + m + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structureI + "[" + n + "])</feature>"); } } } } } //} Iterator<String> it = pool.iterator(); String currentFeature = featureModelBruteForce; int a = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { String newFeature = "form" + structure + structureI + a + ".xml"; fg.addFeatureLine(currentFeature, newFeature,; a++; String antFeature = newFeature; println("Testing " + newFeature + " ..."); double result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); println(" " + result); println(" Default: " + bestResult); if (result >= (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { Optimizer.featureModelBruteForce = antFeature; //dummy (just a matter of completity) bestResultBruteForce = result; } } currentFeature = featureModelBruteForce; int maxS = fg.findMaxStack("FORM", currentFeature); int maxI = fg.findMaxInput("FORM", currentFeature, structureI); pool = new ArrayList<>(); if ((maxS >= 0) && (maxI == -1)) { pool = new ArrayList<>(); structure = "Input"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { structure = "Right"; } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { structure = "Lookahead"; } //for(int i=0;i<6;i++){ i = 0; pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structureI + "[" + i + "])</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structureI + "[1])</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structureI + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structureI + "[1])</feature>"); } else { if ((maxS == -1) && (maxI >= 0)) { structure = "Stack"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { structure = "Left"; } i = 0; pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structure + "[" + i + "])</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structure + "[1])</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structure + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>InputColumn(FORM, " + structure + "[1])</feature>"); } } it = pool.iterator(); a = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { String newFeature = "formBackTracking" + a + ".xml"; fg.addFeatureLine(currentFeature, newFeature,; a++; String antFeature = newFeature; println("Testing " + newFeature + " ..."); double result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); println(" " + result); println(" Default: " + bestResult); if (result >= (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing Optimizer.featureModelBruteForce = antFeature; //dummy (just a matter of completity) bestResultBruteForce = result; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 3 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // String newFeature4Abs = "headIterativeForm"; String anterior = featureModelBruteForce; for (int j = 1; j < 5; j++) { String newFeature4 = newFeature4Abs + j + ".xml"; fg.addHeadIterativeWindow(anterior, newFeature4, "FORM", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature4; println("Testing " + newFeature4 + " ..."); double result2 = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature4); println(" " + result2); println(" Default: " + bestResult); double difference2 = 0.0; if (result2 > (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { //Shrinking featureModelBruteForce = newFeature4; Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce = result2; } } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stackeager") || bestAlgorithm.equals("stacklazy")) { String newFeature2Abs = "forwardINPUT"; anterior = featureModel; String newFeature2 = newFeature2Abs + "0.xml"; fg.addInputWindowSpecialCase(anterior, newFeature2, "FORM", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn"); anterior = newFeature2; println("Testing " + newFeature2 + " ..."); double result2 = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature2); println(" " + result2); println(" Default: " + bestResult); double difference2 = 0.0; if (result2 > (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { //Shrinking featureModelBruteForce = newFeature2; Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce = result2; } } } private void deprelTuning() { FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); String newFeature; double result; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 1_ Subtracting single DEPREL one by one. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { newFeature = "deprelSubtractingFeature" + i + ".xml"; boolean lanzar = fg.removeDeprelWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "DEPREL", "", i); if (lanzar) { result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing } } /////////////////////////////////////////// //NIVRESTANDARD EXCEPTION //ADD RDEP(Stack[0]) if it works add(Postag, RDEP(Stack[0])) ////////////////////////////////////////// if (bestAlgorithm.equals("nivrestandard")) { newFeature = "rdepAddFeature.xml"; fg.addRdepWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "DEPREL"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); boolean res = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking if (res == true) { fg.addRdepWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 2_ Subtracting merges one by one. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { newFeature = "deprelMergeSubtractingFeature" + i + ".xml"; boolean generar = fg.removeMergeDeprelWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "DEPREL", "", i); if (generar) { result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 3_ REPLICATING DEPREL--POSTAG ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { newFeature = "replicateDeprelPostagSubtractingFeature" + i + ".xml"; boolean generar = fg.replicatePostagDeprel(featureModel, newFeature, "DEPREL", "", i); if (generar) { result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } } private void deprelTuning5Fold() { FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); String newFeature; double result; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 1_ Subtracting single DEPREL one by one. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { newFeature = "deprelSubtractingFeature" + i + ".xml"; boolean lanzar = fg.removeDeprelWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "DEPREL", "", i); if (lanzar) { result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing } } /////////////////////////////////////////// //NIVRESTANDARD EXCEPTION //ADD RDEP(Stack[0]) if it works add(Postag, RDEP(Stack[0])) ////////////////////////////////////////// if (bestAlgorithm.equals("nivrestandard")) { newFeature = "rdepAddFeature.xml"; fg.addRdepWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "DEPREL"); result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); boolean res = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking if (res == true) { fg.addRdepWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG"); result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 2_ Subtracting merges one by one. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { newFeature = "deprelMergeSubtractingFeature" + i + ".xml"; boolean generar = fg.removeMergeDeprelWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "DEPREL", "", i); if (generar) { result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 3_ REPLICATING DEPREL--POSTAG ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { newFeature = "replicateDeprelPostagSubtractingFeature" + i + ".xml"; boolean generar = fg.replicatePostagDeprel(featureModel, newFeature, "DEPREL", "", i); if (generar) { result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } } private void deprelTuningRelaxedGreedy() { FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); String newFeature; double result; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 1_ Subtracting single DEPREL one by one. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// String antFeature = featureModel; for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { newFeature = "deprelSubtractingFeature" + i + ".xml"; fg.removeDeprelWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "DEPREL", "", i); antFeature = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing } /////////////////////////////////////////// //NIVRESTANDARD EXCEPTION //ADD RDEP(Stack[0]) if it works add(Postag, RDEP(Stack[0])) ////////////////////////////////////////// if (bestAlgorithm.equals("nivrestandard")) { newFeature = "rdepAddFeature.xml"; fg.addRdepWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "DEPREL"); antFeature = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); boolean res = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking if (res == true) { fg.addRdepWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG"); antFeature = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 2_ Subtracting merges one by one. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// antFeature = featureModel; for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { newFeature = "deprelMergeSubtractingFeature" + i + ".xml"; fg.removeMergeDeprelWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "DEPREL", "", i); antFeature = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 3_ REPLICATING DEPREL--POSTAG ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// antFeature = featureModel; for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { newFeature = "replicateDeprelPostagSubtractingFeature"; newFeature += i + ".xml"; fg.replicatePostagDeprel(featureModel, newFeature, "DEPREL", "", i); antFeature = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //ADDING SINGLE FEATURES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * String newFeature="backwardDeprelForm.xml"; // * fg.removeStackWindow(featureModel,newFeature,"DEPREL"); double * result=runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); //println(result); // * double difference=0.0; if (result>=(this.bestResult)) { //Shrinking * //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing featureModel=newFeature; * difference=result-bestResult; bestResult=result; String * sDifferenceLabel=""+difference; if (sDifferenceLabel.length()>5) * sDifferenceLabel=sDifferenceLabel.substring(0, 5); * println("New best feature model: "+featureModel); String * s=""+this.bestResult; if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" improvement: + * "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); String * newFeature2="backwardStackFormTwice.xml"; // * fg.removeStackWindow(newFeature,newFeature2,"DEPREL"); * result=runBestAlgorithm(newFeature2); //println(result); * // difference=0.0; if (result>=(this.bestResult)) { //Shrinking //NO * THRESHOLD because we are removing featureModel=newFeature2; * difference=result-bestResult; bestResult=result; * sDifferenceLabel=""+difference; if (sDifferenceLabel.length()>5) * sDifferenceLabel=sDifferenceLabel.substring(0, 5); * println("New best feature model: "+featureModel); String * s=""+this.bestResult; if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" improvement: + * "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); * * } * * } * else { String newFeature2="backwardDeprelFormTwice.xml"; // * fg.removeStackWindow(newFeature,newFeature2,"DEPREL"); * result=runBestAlgorithm(newFeature2); //println(result); * // difference=0.0; if (result>=(this.bestResult)) { //Shrinking //NO * THRESHOLD because we are removing featureModel=newFeature2; * difference=result-bestResult; bestResult=result; String * sDifferenceLabel=""+difference; if (sDifferenceLabel.length()>5) * sDifferenceLabel=sDifferenceLabel.substring(0, 5); * println("New best feature model: "+featureModel); String * s=""+this.bestResult; if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" improvement: + * "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); * * } * * else {//Expanding // String newFeature2Abs="forwardDeprelStack"; * String anterior=featureModel; boolean keepGoing=true; for(int * i=1;i<4;i++) { newFeature2=newFeature2Abs+i+".xml"; * fg.addStackWindow(anterior,newFeature2,"DEPREL",InputLookAhead,"OutputColumn"); * anterior=newFeature2; //OJO!!! En este caso es Input porque para el * primer test es con NIVREEAGER. Habrá que usar LOOKAHEAD EN OTROS * double result2=runBestAlgorithm(newFeature2); * //println(result2); * //println("best:"+bestResult); // double difference2=0.0; * if (result2>(this.bestResult+threshold)) { //Shrinking * featureModel=newFeature2; difference2=result2-bestResult; * bestResult=result2; String sDifferenceLabel=""+difference2; if * (sDifferenceLabel.length()>5) * sDifferenceLabel=sDifferenceLabel.substring(0, 5); * println("New best feature model: "+featureModel); String * s=""+this.bestResult; if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" improvement: + * "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); * * } * } * } * } * * ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// * //STEP 2 * ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// * * String newFeature3="backwardInputDeprel.xml"; // * fg.removeInputWindow(featureModel,newFeature3,"FORM",InputLookAhead); * double result3=runBestAlgorithm(newFeature3); * //println(result); // double difference3=0.0; if * (result3>=(this.bestResult)) { //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we * are removing featureModel=newFeature3; * difference3=result3-bestResult; bestResult=result3; String * sDifferenceLabel=""+difference3; if (sDifferenceLabel.length()>5) * sDifferenceLabel=sDifferenceLabel.substring(0, 5); * println("New best feature model: "+featureModel); String * s=""+this.bestResult; if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" improvement: + * "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); String * newFeature4="backwardInputDeprelTwice.xml"; // * fg.removeInputWindow(newFeature3, newFeature4, * "DEPREL",InputLookAhead); result3=runBestAlgorithm(newFeature4); * //println(result); // difference3=0.0; if * (result3>=(this.bestResult)) { //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we * are removing featureModel=newFeature4; * difference3=result3-bestResult; bestResult=result3; * sDifferenceLabel=""+difference3; if (sDifferenceLabel.length()>5) * sDifferenceLabel=sDifferenceLabel.substring(0, 5); * println("New best feature model: "+featureModel); String * s=""+this.bestResult; if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" improvement: + * "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); * * } * * } * else { String newFeature4="backwardInputDeprelTwice.xml"; // * fg.removeInputWindow(newFeature3, newFeature4, * "DEPREL",InputLookAhead); result3=runBestAlgorithm(newFeature4); * //println(result); // difference3=0.0; if * (result3>=(this.bestResult)) { //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we * are removing featureModel=newFeature4; * difference3=result3-bestResult; bestResult=result3; String * sDifferenceLabel=""+difference3; if (sDifferenceLabel.length()>5) * sDifferenceLabel=sDifferenceLabel.substring(0, 5); * println("New best feature model: "+featureModel); String * s=""+this.bestResult; if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" improvement: + * "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); * * } * else { * * * //Expanding // String newFeature4Abs="forwardInputDeprel"; String * anterior=featureModel; boolean keepGoing=true; for(int i=1;i<4;i++) { * newFeature4=newFeature4Abs+i+".xml"; * fg.addInputWindow(anterior,newFeature4,"DEPREL",InputLookAhead,"OutputColumn"); * anterior=newFeature4; //OJO!!! En este caso es Input porque para el * primer test es con NIVREEAGER. Habrá que usar LOOKAHEAD EN OTROS * double result2=runBestAlgorithm(newFeature4); * //println(result2); * //println("best:"+bestResult); // double difference2=0.0; * if (result2>(this.bestResult+threshold)) { //Shrinking * featureModel=newFeature4; difference2=result2-bestResult; * bestResult=result2; String sDifferenceLabel=""+difference2; if * (sDifferenceLabel.length()>5) * sDifferenceLabel=sDifferenceLabel.substring(0, 5); * println("New best feature model: "+featureModel); String * s=""+this.bestResult; if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" improvement: + * "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); * * } * } * } * } */ } private void deprelTuningOnlyBackward() { FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); String newFeature; double result; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 1_ Subtracting single DEPREL one by one. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { newFeature = "deprelSubtractingFeature" + i + ".xml"; fg.removeDeprelWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "DEPREL", "", i); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 2_ Subtracting merges one by one. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { newFeature = "deprelMergeSubtractingFeature" + i + ".xml"; fg.removeMergeDeprelWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "DEPREL", "", i); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResultNoThreshold(result, newFeature); //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing } } private void deprelTuningOnlyForward() { FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); String antFeature = featureModel; /////////////////////////////////////////// //NIVRESTANDARD EXCEPTION //ADD RDEP(Stack[0]) if it works add(Postag, RDEP(Stack[0])) ////////////////////////////////////////// if (bestAlgorithm.equals("nivrestandard")) { String newFeature = "rdepAddFeature.xml"; fg.addRdepWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "DEPREL"); antFeature = newFeature; double result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); boolean res = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking if (res == true) { fg.addRdepWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG"); antFeature = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 3_ REPLICATING DEPREL--POSTAG ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// antFeature = featureModel; for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { String newFeature = "replicateDeprelPostagSubtractingFeature"; newFeature += i + ".xml"; fg.replicatePostagDeprel(featureModel, newFeature, "DEPREL", "", i); antFeature = newFeature; double result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //ADDING SINGLE FEATURES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * String newFeature="backwardDeprelForm.xml"; // * fg.removeStackWindow(featureModel,newFeature,"DEPREL"); double * result=runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); //println(result); // * double difference=0.0; if (result>=(this.bestResult)) { //Shrinking * //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing featureModel=newFeature; * difference=result-bestResult; bestResult=result; String * sDifferenceLabel=""+difference; if (sDifferenceLabel.length()>5) * sDifferenceLabel=sDifferenceLabel.substring(0, 5); * println("New best feature model: "+featureModel); String * s=""+this.bestResult; if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" improvement: + * "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); String * newFeature2="backwardStackFormTwice.xml"; // * fg.removeStackWindow(newFeature,newFeature2,"DEPREL"); * result=runBestAlgorithm(newFeature2); //println(result); * // difference=0.0; if (result>=(this.bestResult)) { //Shrinking //NO * THRESHOLD because we are removing featureModel=newFeature2; * difference=result-bestResult; bestResult=result; * sDifferenceLabel=""+difference; if (sDifferenceLabel.length()>5) * sDifferenceLabel=sDifferenceLabel.substring(0, 5); * println("New best feature model: "+featureModel); String * s=""+this.bestResult; if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" improvement: + * "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); * * } * * } * else { String newFeature2="backwardDeprelFormTwice.xml"; // * fg.removeStackWindow(newFeature,newFeature2,"DEPREL"); * result=runBestAlgorithm(newFeature2); //println(result); * // difference=0.0; if (result>=(this.bestResult)) { //Shrinking //NO * THRESHOLD because we are removing featureModel=newFeature2; * difference=result-bestResult; bestResult=result; String * sDifferenceLabel=""+difference; if (sDifferenceLabel.length()>5) * sDifferenceLabel=sDifferenceLabel.substring(0, 5); * println("New best feature model: "+featureModel); String * s=""+this.bestResult; if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" improvement: + * "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); * * } * * else {//Expanding // String newFeature2Abs="forwardDeprelStack"; * String anterior=featureModel; boolean keepGoing=true; for(int * i=1;i<4;i++) { newFeature2=newFeature2Abs+i+".xml"; * fg.addStackWindow(anterior,newFeature2,"DEPREL",InputLookAhead,"OutputColumn"); * anterior=newFeature2; //OJO!!! En este caso es Input porque para el * primer test es con NIVREEAGER. Habrá que usar LOOKAHEAD EN OTROS * double result2=runBestAlgorithm(newFeature2); * //println(result2); * //println("best:"+bestResult); // double difference2=0.0; * if (result2>(this.bestResult+threshold)) { //Shrinking * featureModel=newFeature2; difference2=result2-bestResult; * bestResult=result2; String sDifferenceLabel=""+difference2; if * (sDifferenceLabel.length()>5) * sDifferenceLabel=sDifferenceLabel.substring(0, 5); * println("New best feature model: "+featureModel); String * s=""+this.bestResult; if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" improvement: + * "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); * * } * } * } * } * * ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// * //STEP 2 * ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// * * String newFeature3="backwardInputDeprel.xml"; // * fg.removeInputWindow(featureModel,newFeature3,"FORM",InputLookAhead); * double result3=runBestAlgorithm(newFeature3); * //println(result); // double difference3=0.0; if * (result3>=(this.bestResult)) { //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we * are removing featureModel=newFeature3; * difference3=result3-bestResult; bestResult=result3; String * sDifferenceLabel=""+difference3; if (sDifferenceLabel.length()>5) * sDifferenceLabel=sDifferenceLabel.substring(0, 5); * println("New best feature model: "+featureModel); String * s=""+this.bestResult; if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" improvement: + * "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); String * newFeature4="backwardInputDeprelTwice.xml"; // * fg.removeInputWindow(newFeature3, newFeature4, * "DEPREL",InputLookAhead); result3=runBestAlgorithm(newFeature4); * //println(result); // difference3=0.0; if * (result3>=(this.bestResult)) { //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we * are removing featureModel=newFeature4; * difference3=result3-bestResult; bestResult=result3; * sDifferenceLabel=""+difference3; if (sDifferenceLabel.length()>5) * sDifferenceLabel=sDifferenceLabel.substring(0, 5); * println("New best feature model: "+featureModel); String * s=""+this.bestResult; if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" improvement: + * "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); * * } * * } * else { String newFeature4="backwardInputDeprelTwice.xml"; // * fg.removeInputWindow(newFeature3, newFeature4, * "DEPREL",InputLookAhead); result3=runBestAlgorithm(newFeature4); * //println(result); // difference3=0.0; if * (result3>=(this.bestResult)) { //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we * are removing featureModel=newFeature4; * difference3=result3-bestResult; bestResult=result3; String * sDifferenceLabel=""+difference3; if (sDifferenceLabel.length()>5) * sDifferenceLabel=sDifferenceLabel.substring(0, 5); * println("New best feature model: "+featureModel); String * s=""+this.bestResult; if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" improvement: + * "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); * * } * else { * * * //Expanding // String newFeature4Abs="forwardInputDeprel"; String * anterior=featureModel; boolean keepGoing=true; for(int i=1;i<4;i++) { * newFeature4=newFeature4Abs+i+".xml"; * fg.addInputWindow(anterior,newFeature4,"DEPREL",InputLookAhead,"OutputColumn"); * anterior=newFeature4; //OJO!!! En este caso es Input porque para el * primer test es con NIVREEAGER. Habrá que usar LOOKAHEAD EN OTROS * double result2=runBestAlgorithm(newFeature4); * //println(result2); * //println("best:"+bestResult); // double difference2=0.0; * if (result2>(this.bestResult+threshold)) { //Shrinking * featureModel=newFeature4; difference2=result2-bestResult; * bestResult=result2; String sDifferenceLabel=""+difference2; if * (sDifferenceLabel.length()>5) * sDifferenceLabel=sDifferenceLabel.substring(0, 5); * println("New best feature model: "+featureModel); String * s=""+this.bestResult; if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" improvement: + * "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); * * } * } * } * } */ } private void deprelTuningBruteForce() { FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); double result; double difference; //ADD FEATURES TO THE POOL. //If we have 3... // {f1,f2,f3} => { {f1},{f2},{f3},{f1,f2},{f1,f3},{f2,f3},{f1,f2,f3} } // ArrayList<String> pool = new ArrayList<>(); String structure = "Stack"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { structure = "Left"; } String structureI = "Input"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { structureI = "Right"; } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { structureI = "Lookahead"; } //for(int i=0;i<6;i++){ int i = 0; pool.add("\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, " + structure + "[" + i + "])</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, " + structureI + "[" + i + "])</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, " + structure + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, " + structureI + "[" + i + "])</feature>"); if (i < 5) { int j = i + 1; pool.add("\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, " + structure + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, " + structure + "[" + j + "])</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, " + structureI + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, " + structureI + "[" + j + "])</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, " + structure + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, " + structure + "[" + j + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, " + structureI + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, " + structureI + "[" + j + "])</feature>"); if (i < 4) { int k = j + 1; pool.add("\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, " + structure + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, " + structure + "[" + j + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, " + structure + "[" + k + "])</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, " + structureI + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, " + structureI + "[" + j + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, " + structureI + "[" + k + "])</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, " + structure + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, " + structure + "[" + j + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, " + structure + "[" + k + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, " + structureI + "[" + i + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, " + structureI + "[" + j + "])</feature>\n\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, " + structureI + "[" + k + "])</feature>"); } } //} Iterator<String> it = pool.iterator(); int a = 0; String currentFeature = featureModelBruteForce; while (it.hasNext()) { String newFeature = "deprel" + structure + structureI + a + ".xml"; fg.addFeatureLine(currentFeature, newFeature,; a++; String antFeature = newFeature; println("Testing " + newFeature + " ..."); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); println(" " + result); println(" Default: " + bestResult); if (result >= (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { Optimizer.featureModelBruteForce = antFeature; //dummy (just a matter of completity) difference = result - bestResultBruteForce; bestResultBruteForce = result; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); /* * println("New best feature model: * "+featureModelBruteForce); String s=""+this.bestResult; if * (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" * improvement: + "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); */ } } pool = new ArrayList<>(); pool.add("\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(" + structure + "[0]))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, rdep(" + structure + "[0]))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, rdep(" + structureI + "[0]))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(" + structureI + "[0]))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(" + structure + "[1]))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, rdep(" + structure + "[1]))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, rdep(" + structureI + "[1]))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(" + structureI + "[1]))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(" + structure + "[2]))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, rdep(" + structure + "[2]))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, rdep(" + structureI + "[2]))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(" + structureI + "[2]))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(" + structure + "[3]))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, rdep(" + structure + "[3]))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, rdep(" + structureI + "[3]))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(" + structureI + "[3]))</feature>"); it = pool.iterator(); a = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { String newFeature = "deprelLdepRdep" + structure + structureI + a + ".xml"; fg.addFeatureLine(featureModelBruteForce, newFeature,; a++; String antFeature = newFeature; println("Testing " + newFeature + " ..."); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); println(" " + result); println(" Default: " + bestResult); if (result >= (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { Optimizer.featureModelBruteForce = antFeature; //dummy (just a matter of completity) difference = result - bestResultBruteForce; bestResultBruteForce = result; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); /* * println("New best feature model: * "+featureModelBruteForce); String s=""+this.bestResult; if * (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" * improvement: + "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); */ } } /* * <feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[0]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, * ldep(Stack[0])), OutputColumn(DEPREL, rdep(Stack[0])))</feature> * <feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[1]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, * ldep(Stack[1])), OutputColumn(DEPREL, rdep(Stack[1])))</feature> */ /* * <feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[0]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, * ldep(Stack[0])), OutputColumn(DEPREL, rdep(Stack[0])))</feature> * <feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[0]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, * Stack[0]))</feature> <feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, Input[0]), * OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(Input[0])))</feature> */ /* * <feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Left[0]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, * ldep(Left[0])), OutputColumn(DEPREL, rdep(Left[0])))</feature> * <feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, Left[0]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, * Left[0]))</feature> <feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, Right[0]), * OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(Right[0])))</feature> * <feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, Right[0]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, Right[0]))</feature> */ pool = new ArrayList<>(); if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[0]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(" + structure + "[0])), OutputColumn(DEPREL, rdep(" + structure + "[0])))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[1]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(" + structure + "[1])), OutputColumn(DEPREL, rdep(" + structure + "[1])))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[1]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(Stack[1])))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[1]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(Stack[0])))</feature>"); } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("nivre")) { pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[0]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(Stack[0])), OutputColumn(DEPREL, rdep(Stack[0])))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[0]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, Stack[0]))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, Input[0]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(Input[0])))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, Input[0]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, rdep(Input[0])))</feature>"); } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Left[0]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(Left[0])), OutputColumn(DEPREL, rdep(Left[0])))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, Left[0]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, Left[0]))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, Right[0]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(Right[0])))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, Right[0]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, Right[0]))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Left[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Left[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Right[0]))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Left[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Right[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Right[1]))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Right[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Right[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Right[2]))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Right[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Right[2]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Right[3]))</feature>"); } it = pool.iterator(); a = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { String newFeature = "deprelMerge" + structure + structureI + a + ".xml"; fg.addFeatureLine(featureModelBruteForce, newFeature,; a++; String antFeature = newFeature; println("Testing " + newFeature + " ..."); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); println(" " + result); println(" Default: " + bestResult); if (result >= (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { Optimizer.featureModelBruteForce = antFeature; //dummy (just a matter of completity) difference = result - bestResultBruteForce; bestResultBruteForce = result; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); /* * println("New best feature model: * "+featureModelBruteForce); String s=""+this.bestResult; if * (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" * improvement: + "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); */ } } /* * ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// * //STEP 1_ Subtracting single DEPREL one by one. * ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// * * String antFeature=featureModel; for (int i=1;i<=4;i++){ String * newFeature="deprelSubtractingFeature"; newFeature+=i+".xml"; * fg.removeDeprelWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "DEPREL", "",i); * antFeature=newFeature; //fg.removeInputWindow(newFeature, newFeature, * window, newFeature)(featureModel,newFeature,"FORM"); double * result=runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); //println(result); // * double difference=0.0; if (result>=(this.bestResult)) { //Shrinking * //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing featureModel=newFeature; * difference=result-bestResult; bestResult=result; String * sDifferenceLabel=""+difference; if (sDifferenceLabel.length()>5) * sDifferenceLabel=sDifferenceLabel.substring(0, 5); * println("New best feature model: "+featureModel); String * s=""+this.bestResult; if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" improvement: + * "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); * * } * } */ /////////////////////////////////////////// //NIVRESTANDARD EXCEPTION //ADD RDEP(Stack[0]) if it works add(Postag, RDEP(Stack[0])) ////////////////////////////////////////// if (bestAlgorithm.equals("nivrestandard")) { String newFeature = "rdepAddFeature.xml"; fg.addRdepWindow(featureModelBruteForce, newFeature, "DEPREL"); String antFeature = newFeature; //fg.removeInputWindow(newFeature, newFeature, window, newFeature)(featureModel,newFeature,"FORM"); println("Testing " + newFeature + " ..."); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); println(" " + result); println(" Default: " + bestResult); if (result >= (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { Optimizer.featureModelBruteForce = antFeature; //dummy (just a matter of completity) difference = result - bestResultBruteForce; bestResultBruteForce = result; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); /* * println("New best feature model: * "+featureModelBruteForce); String s=""+this.bestResult; if * (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" * improvement: + "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); */ String newFeature2 = "rdepAddFeature2.xml"; fg.addRdepWindow(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG"); //fg.removeInputWindow(newFeature, newFeature, window, newFeature)(featureModel,newFeature,"FORM"); println("Testing " + newFeature2 + " ..."); double result2 = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); println(" " + result2); println(" Default: " + bestResult); //println(result); double difference2 = 0.0; if (result2 > (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { //Shrinking featureModelBruteForce = newFeature2; bestResultBruteForce = result2; } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //STEP 3_ REPLICATING DEPREL--POSTAG ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for (int j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { String newFeature = "replicateDeprelPostagSubtractingFeature" + j + ".xml"; fg.replicatePostagDeprel(featureModelBruteForce, newFeature, "DEPREL", "", i); String antFeature = newFeature; //fg.removeInputWindow(newFeature, newFeature, window, newFeature)(featureModel,newFeature,"FORM"); println("Testing " + newFeature + " ..."); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); println(" " + result); println(" Default: " + bestResult); if (result > (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { //Shrinking featureModelBruteForce = newFeature; bestResultBruteForce = result; } } } private void backTrackingAfter3() { FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); double result; double difference; //ADD FEATURES TO THE POOL. //If we have 3... // {f1,f2,f3} => { {f1},{f2},{f3},{f1,f2},{f1,f3},{f2,f3},{f1,f2,f3} } // String structure = "Stack"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { structure = "Left"; } String structureI = "Input"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { structureI = "Right"; } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { structureI = "Lookahead"; } ArrayList<String> pool = new ArrayList<>(); if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[0]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(" + structure + "[0])), OutputColumn(DEPREL, rdep(" + structure + "[0])))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, " + structure + "[1]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(" + structure + "[1])), OutputColumn(DEPREL, rdep(" + structure + "[1])))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[1]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(Stack[1])))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[1]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(Stack[0])))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[2]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(Stack[0])))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[0]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(Stack[0])))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, Lookahead[0]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, rdep(Stack[0])))</feature>"); } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("nivre")) { pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[0]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(Stack[0])), OutputColumn(DEPREL, rdep(Stack[0])))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, Stack[0]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, Stack[0]))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, Input[0]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(Input[0])))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, Input[0]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, rdep(Input[0])))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, Input[1]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, rdep(Input[0])))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, Input[2]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, rdep(Input[0])))</feature>"); } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Left[0]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(Left[0])), OutputColumn(DEPREL, rdep(Left[0])))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, Left[0]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, Left[0]))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, Right[0]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, ldep(Right[0])))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge(InputColumn(POSTAG, Right[0]), OutputColumn(DEPREL, Right[0]))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Left[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Left[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Right[0]))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Left[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Right[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Right[1]))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Right[0]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Right[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Right[2]))</feature>"); pool.add("\t\t<feature>Merge3(InputColumn(POSTAG, Right[1]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Right[2]), InputColumn(POSTAG, Right[3]))</feature>"); } Iterator<String> it = pool.iterator(); int a = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { String newFeature = "deprelMergeBT" + structure + structureI + a + ".xml"; fg.addFeatureLineBefore(featureModelBruteForce, newFeature,, "Merge", "DEPREL"); a++; String antFeature = newFeature; println("Testing " + newFeature + " ..."); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); println(" " + result); println(" Default: " + bestResult); if (result >= (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { Optimizer.featureModelBruteForce = antFeature; //dummy (just a matter of completity) difference = result - bestResultBruteForce; bestResultBruteForce = result; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); /* * println("New best feature model: * "+featureModelBruteForce); String s=""+this.bestResult; if * (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" * improvement: + "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); */ } } } private void predeccessorSuccessor(String window) { FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); boolean anyOfThemImprove; String newFeature; double result; boolean res; // 1. predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml newFeature = "predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml"; String value = "Stack[0]"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { value = "Left[0]"; } fg.addPredSucc(featureModel, newFeature, window, value, "pred"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); anyOfThemImprove = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking // 2. predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml newFeature = "predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml"; fg.addPredSucc(featureModel, newFeature, window, value, "succ"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); res = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking if (res == true) { anyOfThemImprove = true; } // 3. predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml newFeature = "predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml"; String val = "Input[0]"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { val = "Stack[1]"; //Input[0] corresponds to Stack[0] but Stack[0] is already tested above! } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { val = "Right[0]"; } fg.addPredSucc(featureModel, newFeature, window, val, "pred"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); res = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking if (res == true) { anyOfThemImprove = true; } // 4. predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml newFeature = "predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml"; String val2 = "Input[0]"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { val2 = "Stack[1]"; //Input[0] corresponds to Stack[0] but Stack[0] is already tested above! } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { val2 = "Right[0]"; } fg.addPredSucc(featureModel, newFeature, window, val2, "succ"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); res = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking if (res == true) { anyOfThemImprove = true; } if (anyOfThemImprove && window.equals("POSTAG")) { predeccessorSuccessor("FORM"); } } private void predeccessorSuccessor5Fold(String window) { FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); boolean anyOfThemImprove; double result; boolean res; // 1. predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml String newFeature = "predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml"; String value = "Stack[0]"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { value = "Left[0]"; } fg.addPredSucc(featureModel, newFeature, window, value, "pred"); result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); anyOfThemImprove = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking // 2. predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml newFeature = "predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml"; fg.addPredSucc(featureModel, newFeature, window, value, "succ"); result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); res = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking if (res == true) { anyOfThemImprove = true; } // 3. predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml newFeature = "predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml"; String val = "Input[0]"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { val = "Stack[1]"; //Input[0] corresponds to Stack[0] but Stack[0] is already tested above! } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { val = "Right[0]"; } fg.addPredSucc(featureModel, newFeature, window, val, "pred"); result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); res = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking if (res == true) { anyOfThemImprove = true; } // 4. predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml newFeature = "predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml"; String val2 = "Input[0]"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { val2 = "Stack[1]"; //Input[0] corresponds to Stack[0] but Stack[0] is already tested above! } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { val2 = "Right[0]"; } fg.addPredSucc(featureModel, newFeature, window, val2, "succ"); //fg.removeInputWindow(newFeature, newFeature, window, newFeature)(featureModel,newFeature,"FORM"); result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); res = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking if (res == true) { anyOfThemImprove = true; } if (anyOfThemImprove && window.equals("POSTAG")) { predeccessorSuccessor("FORM"); } } private void predeccessorSuccessorRelaxedGreedy(String window) { FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); boolean anyOfThemImprove; double result; boolean res; // 1. predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml String newFeature = "predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml"; String value = "Stack[0]"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { value = "Left[0]"; } fg.addPredSucc(featureModel, newFeature, window, value, "pred"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); res = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking if (res == true) { anyOfThemImprove = true; } // 2. predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml newFeature = "predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml"; fg.addPredSucc(featureModel, newFeature, window, value, "succ"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); res = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking if (res == true) { anyOfThemImprove = true; } // 3. predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml newFeature = "predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml"; String val = "Input[0]"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { val = "Stack[1]"; //Input[0] corresponds to Stack[0] but Stack[0] is already tested above! } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { val = "Right[0]"; } fg.addPredSucc(featureModel, newFeature, window, val, "pred"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); res = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking if (res == true) { anyOfThemImprove = true; } // 4. predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml newFeature = "predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml"; String val2 = "Input[0]"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { val2 = "Stack[1]"; //Input[0] corresponds to Stack[0] but Stack[0] is already tested above! } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { val2 = "Right[0]"; } fg.addPredSucc(featureModel, newFeature, window, val2, "succ"); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); res = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking if (res == true) { anyOfThemImprove = true; } if (window.equals("POSTAG")) { predeccessorSuccessor("FORM"); } } private void predeccessorSuccessorBruteForce(String window) { FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); boolean anyOfThemImprove = false; String antFeature = featureModelBruteForce; String newFeature = "predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml"; String value = "Stack[0]"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { value = "Left[0]"; } fg.addPredSucc(featureModelBruteForce, newFeature, window, value, "pred"); antFeature = newFeature; double result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); double difference = 0.0; if (result > (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { //Shrinking anyOfThemImprove = true; featureModelBruteForce = newFeature; difference = result - bestResult; bestResultBruteForce = result; } antFeature = featureModelBruteForce; newFeature = "predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml"; fg.addPredSucc(featureModelBruteForce, newFeature, window, value, "succ"); antFeature = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); difference = 0.0; if (result > (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { //Shrinking anyOfThemImprove = true; featureModelBruteForce = newFeature; difference = result - bestResult; bestResultBruteForce = result; } antFeature = featureModelBruteForce; newFeature = "predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml"; value = "Stack[1]"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { value = "Left[1]"; } fg.addPredSucc(featureModelBruteForce, newFeature, window, value, "pred"); antFeature = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); if (result > (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { //Shrinking anyOfThemImprove = true; featureModelBruteForce = newFeature; difference = result - bestResult; bestResultBruteForce = result; } antFeature = featureModelBruteForce; newFeature = "predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml"; fg.addPredSucc(featureModelBruteForce, newFeature, window, value, "succ"); antFeature = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); difference = 0.0; if (result > (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { //Shrinking anyOfThemImprove = true; featureModelBruteForce = newFeature; difference = result - bestResult; bestResultBruteForce = result; } antFeature = featureModelBruteForce; newFeature = "predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml"; String val = "Input[0]"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { val = "Stack[2]"; //Input[0] corresponds to Stack[0] but Stack[0] is already tested above! } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { val = "Right[0]"; } fg.addPredSucc(featureModelBruteForce, newFeature, window, val, "pred"); antFeature = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); difference = 0.0; if (result > (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { //Shrinking anyOfThemImprove = true; featureModelBruteForce = newFeature; difference = result - bestResult; bestResultBruteForce = result; } antFeature = featureModelBruteForce; newFeature = "predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml"; String val2 = "Input[0]"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { val2 = "Stack[2]"; //Input[0] corresponds to Stack[0] but Stack[0] is already tested above! } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { val2 = "Right[0]"; } fg.addPredSucc(featureModelBruteForce, newFeature, window, val2, "succ"); antFeature = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); difference = 0.0; if (result > (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { //Shrinking anyOfThemImprove = true; featureModelBruteForce = newFeature; difference = result - bestResult; bestResultBruteForce = result; } antFeature = featureModelBruteForce; newFeature = "predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml"; val = "Input[1]"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { val = "Lookahead[0]"; //Input[0] corresponds to Stack[0] but Stack[0] is already tested above! } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { val = "Right[1]"; } fg.addPredSucc(featureModelBruteForce, newFeature, window, val, "pred"); antFeature = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); difference = 0.0; if (result > (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { //Shrinking anyOfThemImprove = true; featureModelBruteForce = newFeature; difference = result - bestResult; bestResultBruteForce = result; } antFeature = featureModelBruteForce; newFeature = "predSuccFeaturepredStack.xml"; val2 = "Input[1]"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { val2 = "Lookahead[0]"; //Input[0] corresponds to Stack[0] but Stack[0] is already tested above! } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { val2 = "Right[1]"; } fg.addPredSucc(featureModelBruteForce, newFeature, window, val2, "succ"); antFeature = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); difference = 0.0; if (result > (Optimizer.bestResultBruteForce + threshold)) { //Shrinking anyOfThemImprove = true; featureModelBruteForce = newFeature; difference = result - bestResult; bestResultBruteForce = result; } if (window.equals("POSTAG")) { predeccessorSuccessorBruteForce("FORM"); } } private void addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemma(String window) { if (!window.equals("FEATS")) { println("\nAdding " + window + " features ..."); } FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); boolean anyOfThem = false; ArrayList<Integer> stackValues = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Integer> inputLookValues = new ArrayList<>(); String value; boolean keepGoing = true; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (keepGoing) { String newFeature4 = "add" + InputLookAhead + window + i + ".xml"; value = InputLookAhead + "[" + i + "]"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { if (i == 0) { value = "Stack[0]"; } else { int j = i - 1; value = InputLookAhead + "[" + j + "]"; } } fg.addFeature(featureModel, newFeature4, window, value); double result2 = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature4); keepGoing = setBestResult(result2, newFeature4); //Shrinking if (keepGoing == true) { anyOfThem = true; inputLookValues.add(i); } } } keepGoing = true; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (keepGoing) { String newFeature4 = "addStack" + window + i + ".xml"; value = "Stack[" + i + "]"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { int j = i + 1; value = "Stack[" + j + "]"; } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { value = "Left[" + i + "]"; } fg.addFeature(featureModel, newFeature4, window, value); double result2 = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature4); keepGoing = setBestResult(result2, newFeature4); //Shrinking if (keepGoing == true) { anyOfThem = true; stackValues.add(i); } } } if (window.equals("FEATS") && anyOfThem) { //Merge Unsplit with POSTAG Iterator<Integer> it = inputLookValues.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Integer i =; String newFeature4 = "addMergePostagFeats" + InputLookAhead + i + ".xml"; fg.addMergeFeatures(featureModel, newFeature4, "POSTAG", "FEATS", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn", i); double result2 = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature4); setBestResult(result2, newFeature4); //Shrinking } Iterator<Integer> it2 = stackValues.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { Integer i =; String newFeature4 = "addMergePostagFeatsStack" + i + ".xml"; fg.addMergeFeatures(featureModel, newFeature4, "POSTAG", "FEATS", "Stack", "InputColumn", i); double result2 = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature4); setBestResult(result2, newFeature4); //Shrinking } } } private void addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemma5Fold(String window) { if (!window.equals("FEATS")) { println("\nAdding " + window + " features ..."); } FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); boolean anyOfThem = false; ArrayList<Integer> stackValues = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Integer> inputLookValues = new ArrayList<>(); String newFeature; double result; String value; boolean keepGoing = true; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (keepGoing) { newFeature = "add" + InputLookAhead + window + i + ".xml"; value = InputLookAhead + "[" + i + "]"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { if (i == 0) { value = "Stack[0]"; } else { int j = i - 1; value = InputLookAhead + "[" + j + "]"; } } fg.addFeature(featureModel, newFeature, window, value); result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); keepGoing = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking if (keepGoing == true) { anyOfThem = true; inputLookValues.add(i); } } } keepGoing = true; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (keepGoing) { newFeature = "addStack" + window + i + ".xml"; value = "Stack[" + i + "]"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { int j = i + 1; value = "Stack[" + j + "]"; } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { value = "Left[" + i + "]"; } fg.addFeature(featureModel, newFeature, window, value); result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); keepGoing = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking if (keepGoing == true) { anyOfThem = true; stackValues.add(i); } } } if (window.equals("FEATS") && anyOfThem) { //Merge Unsplit with POSTAG Iterator<Integer> it = inputLookValues.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Integer i =; newFeature = "addMergePostagFeats" + InputLookAhead + i + ".xml"; fg.addMergeFeatures(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG", "FEATS", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn", i); result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } Iterator<Integer> it2 = stackValues.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { Integer i =; newFeature = "addMergePostagFeatsStack" + i + ".xml"; fg.addMergeFeatures(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG", "FEATS", "Stack", "InputColumn", i); result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } } private void addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemmaRelaxedGreedy(String window) { if (!window.equals("FEATS")) { println("\nAdding " + window + " features ... "); } FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); String newFeature; double result; boolean anyOfThem = false; ArrayList<Integer> stackValues = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Integer> inputLookValues = new ArrayList<>(); String value; String anterior = featureModel; boolean keepGoing; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { newFeature = "add" + InputLookAhead + window + i + ".xml"; value = InputLookAhead + "[" + i + "]"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { if (i == 0) { value = "Stack[0]"; } else { int j = i - 1; value = InputLookAhead + "[" + j + "]"; } } //anterior=featureModel; //(String featureModel, String newFeature, String window, String inputStack, String predSucc) fg.addFeature(anterior, newFeature, window, value); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); keepGoing =setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking if (keepGoing == true) { anyOfThem = true; inputLookValues.add(i); } } anterior = featureModel; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { newFeature = "addStack" + window + i + ".xml"; value = "Stack[" + i + "]"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { int j = i + 1; value = "Stack[" + j + "]"; } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { value = "Left[" + i + "]"; } //(String featureModel, String newFeature, String window, String inputStack, String predSucc) //anterior=featureModel; fg.addFeature(anterior, newFeature, window, value); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); keepGoing = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking if (keepGoing == true) { anyOfThem = true; stackValues.add(i); } } if (window.equals("FEATS")) { //Merge Unsplit with POSTAG Iterator<Integer> it = inputLookValues.iterator(); anterior = featureModel; while (it.hasNext()) { Integer i =; newFeature = "addMergePostagFeats" + InputLookAhead + i + ".xml"; fg.addMergeFeatures(anterior, newFeature, "POSTAG", "FEATS", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn", i); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } anterior = featureModel; Iterator<Integer> it2 = stackValues.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { Integer i =; newFeature = "addMergePostagFeatsStack" + i + ".xml"; fg.addMergeFeatures(anterior, newFeature, "POSTAG", "FEATS", "Stack", "InputColumn", i); anterior = newFeature; result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } } private void addConjunctionFeatures(String window1, String window2) { FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); String newFeature; double result; ArrayList<Integer> inputLookValues = fg.getListOfValuesFeatures(featureModel, window2, InputLookAhead); ArrayList<Integer> stackValues = fg.getListOfValuesFeatures(featureModel, window2, "Stack"); /* * println(inputLookValues); println(stackValues); */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //MERGE WITH OWN POSTAG ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Iterator<Integer> it = inputLookValues.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Integer i =; newFeature = "addMerg" + window1 + window2 + String.valueOf(InputLookAhead) + i + ".xml"; fg.addMergeFeatures(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG", "FORM", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn", i); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } Iterator<Integer> it2 = stackValues.iterator(); /* * while(it2.hasNext()){ Integer; String * newFeature4="addMerg"+window1+window2+"Stack"+i+".xml"; //(String * featureModel, String newFeature, String window, String inputStack, * String predSucc) fg.addMergeFeatures(featureModel, newFeature4, * "POSTAG", "FORM", "Stack", "InputColumn", i); * //OJO!!! En este caso es Input porque para el primer test es con * NIVREEAGER. Habrá que usar LOOKAHEAD EN OTROS double * result2=runBestAlgorithm(newFeature4); //println(result2); * //println("best:"+bestResult); // double difference2=0.0; * if (result2>(this.bestResult+threshold)) { //Shrinking * featureModel=newFeature4; difference2=result2-bestResult; * bestResult=result2; String sDifferenceLabel=""+difference2; if * (sDifferenceLabel.length()>5) * sDifferenceLabel=sDifferenceLabel.substring(0, 5); * println("New best feature model: "+featureModel); String * s=""+this.bestResult; if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" improvement: + * "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); * * } * } */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //MERGE WITH POSTAG STACK[0] ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// it = inputLookValues.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Integer i =; newFeature = "addMerg" + window1 + "S0" + window2 + String.valueOf(InputLookAhead) + i + ".xml"; fg.addMergeFeaturesS0(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG", "FORM", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn", i); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } //featureModel="addMergePostagS0FeatsInput0.xml"; it2 = stackValues.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { Integer i =; newFeature = "addMerg" + window1 + "S0" + window2 + "Stack" + i + ".xml"; fg.addMergeFeaturesS0(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG", "FORM", "Stack", "InputColumn", i); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //MERGE WITH POSTAG INPUT[0] ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// it = inputLookValues.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Integer i =; newFeature = "addMerg" + window1 + "I0" + window2 + String.valueOf(InputLookAhead) + i + ".xml"; fg.addMergeFeaturesI0(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG", "FORM", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn", i); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } it2 = stackValues.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { Integer i =; newFeature = "addMerg" + window1 + "I0" + window2 + "Stack" + i + ".xml"; fg.addMergeFeaturesI0(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG", "FORM", "Stack", "InputColumn", i); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //MERGE WITH MERGE(P(S[0],P(I[0])) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// it = inputLookValues.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Integer i =; newFeature = "addMerg" + window1 + "S0I0" + window2 + String.valueOf(InputLookAhead) + i + ".xml"; fg.addMergeFeaturesMerge3(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG", "FORM", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn", i); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } it2 = stackValues.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { Integer i =; newFeature = "addMerg" + window1 + "S0I0" + window2 + "Stack" + i + ".xml"; fg.addMergeFeaturesMerge3(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG", "FORM", "Stack", "InputColumn", i); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } private void addConjunctionFeatures5Fold(String window1, String window2) { FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); String newFeature; double result; ArrayList<Integer> inputLookValues = fg.getListOfValuesFeatures(featureModel, window2, InputLookAhead); ArrayList<Integer> stackValues = fg.getListOfValuesFeatures(featureModel, window2, "Stack"); /* * println(inputLookValues); println(stackValues); */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //MERGE WITH OWN POSTAG ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Iterator<Integer> it = inputLookValues.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Integer i =; newFeature = "addMerg" + window1 + window2 + String.valueOf(InputLookAhead) + i + ".xml"; fg.addMergeFeatures(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG", "FORM", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn", i); result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } Iterator<Integer> it2 = stackValues.iterator(); /* * while(it2.hasNext()){ Integer; String * newFeature4="addMerg"+window1+window2+"Stack"+i+".xml"; //(String * featureModel, String newFeature, String window, String inputStack, * String predSucc) fg.addMergeFeatures(featureModel, newFeature4, * "POSTAG", "FORM", "Stack", "InputColumn", i); * //OJO!!! En este caso es Input porque para el primer test es con * NIVREEAGER. Habrá que usar LOOKAHEAD EN OTROS double * result2=runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature4); * //println(result2); * //println("best:"+bestResult); // double difference2=0.0; * if (result2>(this.bestResult+threshold)) { //Shrinking * featureModel=newFeature4; difference2=result2-bestResult; * bestResult=result2; String sDifferenceLabel=""+difference2; if * (sDifferenceLabel.length()>5) * sDifferenceLabel=sDifferenceLabel.substring(0, 5); * println("New best feature model: "+featureModel); String * s=""+this.bestResult; if (s.length()==4) s+="0"; * * println("Incremental "+evaluationMeasure+" improvement: + * "+sDifferenceLabel+"% ("+s+"%)"); * * } * } */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //MERGE WITH POSTAG STACK[0] ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// it = inputLookValues.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Integer i =; newFeature = "addMerg" + window1 + "S0" + window2 + String.valueOf(InputLookAhead) + i + ".xml"; fg.addMergeFeaturesS0(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG", "FORM", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn", i); result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } //featureModel="addMergePostagS0FeatsInput0.xml"; it2 = stackValues.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { Integer i =; newFeature = "addMerg" + window1 + "S0" + window2 + "Stack" + i + ".xml"; fg.addMergeFeaturesS0(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG", "FORM", "Stack", "InputColumn", i); result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //MERGE WITH POSTAG INPUT[0] ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// it = inputLookValues.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Integer i =; newFeature = "addMerg" + window1 + "I0" + window2 + String.valueOf(InputLookAhead) + i + ".xml"; fg.addMergeFeaturesI0(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG", "FORM", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn", i); result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } it2 = stackValues.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { Integer i =; newFeature = "addMerg" + window1 + "I0" + window2 + "Stack" + i + ".xml"; fg.addMergeFeaturesI0(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG", "FORM", "Stack", "InputColumn", i); result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //MERGE WITH MERGE(P(S[0],P(I[0])) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// it = inputLookValues.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Integer i =; newFeature = "addMerg" + window1 + "S0I0" + window2 + String.valueOf(InputLookAhead) + i + ".xml"; fg.addMergeFeaturesMerge3(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG", "FORM", InputLookAhead, "InputColumn", i); result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } it2 = stackValues.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { Integer i =; newFeature = "addMerg" + window1 + "S0I0" + window2 + "Stack" + i + ".xml"; fg.addMergeFeaturesMerge3(featureModel, newFeature, "POSTAG", "FORM", "Stack", "InputColumn", i); result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking } } private void addSplitFeaturesFeatsRelaxedGreedy(String window) { println("\nAdding " + window + " features ... "); FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); boolean anyOfThem = false; String value; String anterior = featureModel; boolean keepGoing; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { String newFeature4 = "addSplit" + InputLookAhead + window + i + ".xml"; value = InputLookAhead + "[" + i + "]"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { if (i == 0) { value = "Stack[0]"; } else { int j = i - 1; value = InputLookAhead + "[" + j + "]"; } } //(String featureModel, String newFeature, String window, String inputStack, String predSucc) fg.addSplitFeature(anterior, newFeature4, window, value); anterior = newFeature4; double result2 = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature4); keepGoing = setBestResult(result2, newFeature4); //Shrinking if (keepGoing == true) { anyOfThem = true; } } anterior = featureModel; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { String newFeature4 = "addSplitStack" + window + i + ".xml"; value = "Stack[" + i + "]"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { int j = i + 1; value = "Stack[" + j + "]"; } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { value = "Left[" + i + "]"; } //(String featureModel, String newFeature, String window, String inputStack, String predSucc) fg.addSplitFeature(anterior, newFeature4, window, value); anterior = newFeature4; double result2 = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature4); keepGoing = setBestResult(result2, newFeature4); //Shrinking if (keepGoing == true) { anyOfThem = true; } } //if (anyOfThem) { addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemmaRelaxedGreedy("FEATS"); //MERGE //} } private void addSplitFeaturesFeats(String window) { println("\nAdding " + window + " features ... "); FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); boolean anyOfThem = false; String newFeature; double result; String value; boolean keepGoing = true; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (keepGoing) { newFeature = "addSplit" + InputLookAhead + window + i + ".xml"; value = InputLookAhead + "[" + i + "]"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { if (i == 0) { value = "Stack[0]"; } else { int j = i - 1; value = InputLookAhead + "[" + j + "]"; } } //(String featureModel, String newFeature, String window, String inputStack, String predSucc) fg.addSplitFeature(featureModel, newFeature, window, value); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); keepGoing = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking if (keepGoing == true) { anyOfThem = true; } } } keepGoing = true; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (keepGoing) { newFeature = "addSplitStack" + window + i + ".xml"; value = "Stack[" + i + "]"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { int j = i + 1; value = "Stack[" + j + "]"; } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { value = "Left[" + i + "]"; } //(String featureModel, String newFeature, String window, String inputStack, String predSucc) fg.addSplitFeature(featureModel, newFeature, window, value); result = runBestAlgorithm(newFeature); keepGoing = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking if (keepGoing == true) { anyOfThem = true; } } } if (anyOfThem) { this.addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemma("FEATS"); //MERGE } } private void addSplitFeaturesFeats5Fold(String window) { println("\nAdding " + window + " features ... "); FeatureGenerator fg = new FeatureGenerator(writer); boolean anyOfThem = false; String newFeature; double result; String value; boolean keepGoing = true; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (keepGoing) { newFeature = "addSplit" + InputLookAhead + window + i + ".xml"; value = InputLookAhead + "[" + i + "]"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { if (i == 0) { value = "Stack[0]"; } else { int j = i - 1; value = InputLookAhead + "[" + j + "]"; } } //(String featureModel, String newFeature, String window, String inputStack, String predSucc) fg.addSplitFeature(featureModel, newFeature, window, value); result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); keepGoing = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking if (keepGoing == true) { anyOfThem = true; } } } keepGoing = true; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (keepGoing) { newFeature = "addSplitStack" + window + i + ".xml"; value = "Stack[" + i + "]"; if (bestAlgorithm.contains("stack")) { int j = i + 1; value = "Stack[" + j + "]"; } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { value = "Left[" + i + "]"; } //(String featureModel, String newFeature, String window, String inputStack, String predSucc) fg.addSplitFeature(featureModel, newFeature, window, value); result = runBestAlgorithm5Fold(newFeature); keepGoing = setBestResult(result, newFeature); //Shrinking if (keepGoing == true) { anyOfThem = true; } } } if (anyOfThem) { this.addNewFeaturesCpostagFeatsLemma("FEATS"); //MERGE } } private double runBestAlgorithm(String feature) { //String language, double np, CoNLLHandler ch, String trainingCorpus, String rootHandling int ind = feature.lastIndexOf(".xml"); if (ind != -1) { feature = feature.substring(0, ind); } CoNLLHandler ch = new CoNLLHandler(trainingCorpus, writer); AlgorithmTester at = new AlgorithmTester("lang", this.percentage, ch, trainingCorpus, optionMenosR); double result = 0.0; try { if (bestAlgorithm.equals("nivreeager")) { result = at.executeNivreEager(feature); } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("nivrestandard")) { //A PARTIR DE LA PROXIMA VERSION PONER EL FEATURE CORRESPONDIENTE!!! //result=at.executeNivreEager(feature); result = at.executeNivreStandard(feature); } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("covnonproj")) { //result=at.executeNivreEager(feature); result = at.executeCovingtonNonProjective(feature); } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("covproj")) { //result=at.executeNivreEager(feature); result = at.executeCovingtonProjective(feature); } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stackproj")) { //result=at.executeNivreEager(feature); result = at.executeStackProjective(feature); } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stackeager")) { //result=at.feature); result = at.executestackEager(feature); } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stacklazy")) { //result=at.executeNivreEager(feature); result = at.executeStackLazy(feature); } } catch (Exception e) { println("Feature not valid."); } return result; } private double runBestAlgorithm5Fold(String feature) { //String language, double np, CoNLLHandler ch, String trainingCorpus, String rootHandling int contExitos = 0; File f = new File(feature); if (f.exists()) { int ind = feature.lastIndexOf(".xml"); if (ind != -1) { feature = feature.substring(0, ind); } CoNLLHandler ch = new CoNLLHandler(trainingCorpus, writer); AlgorithmTester at = new AlgorithmTester("lang", this.percentage, ch, trainingCorpus, optionMenosR); double result = 0.0; double max = bestResult; double sum = 0.0; for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { try { if (bestAlgorithm.equals("nivreeager")) { result = at.executeNivreEagerTestTrain(feature, "fold_train_" + i + ".conll", "fold_test_" + i + ".conll"); } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("nivrestandard")) { //A PARTIR DE LA PROXIMA VERSION PONER EL FEATURE CORRESPONDIENTE!!! //result=at.executeNivreEager(feature); result = at.executeNivreStandardTestTrain(feature, "fold_train_" + i + ".conll", "fold_test_" + i + ".conll"); } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("covnonproj")) { //result=at.executeNivreEager(feature); result = at.executeCovingtonNonProjectiveTestTrain(feature, "fold_train_" + i + ".conll", "fold_test_" + i + ".conll"); } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("covproj")) { //result=at.executeNivreEager(feature); result = at.executeCovingtonProjectiveTestTrain(feature, "fold_train_" + i + ".conll", "fold_test_" + i + ".conll"); } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stackproj")) { //result=at.executeNivreEager(feature); result = at.executeStackProjectiveTestTrain(feature, "fold_train_" + i + ".conll", "fold_test_" + i + ".conll"); } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stackeager")) { //result=at.feature); result = at.executestackEagerTestTrain(feature, "fold_train_" + i + ".conll", "fold_test_" + i + ".conll"); } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stacklazy")) { //result=at.executeNivreEager(feature); result = at.executeStackLazyTestTrain(feature, "fold_train_" + i + ".conll", "fold_test_" + i + ".conll"); } } catch (Exception e) { println("Feature not valid."); } String s = String.format(pattern, result); println(" Fold " + i + ": " + s + "%"); sum += result; if (result >= bestResult) { contExitos++; if (max < result) { max = result; } } } sum = sum / 5; String cad = String.valueOf(sum); if (cad.length() > 4) { int a = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(cad.charAt(4))); int b = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(cad.charAt(3))); if ((cad.length() > 5) && (a == 9)) { cad = cad.substring(0, 5); } else if ((cad.length() > 5)) { if (cad.charAt(5) > 5) { char c = cad.charAt(4); Integer in = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(c)); in++; cad = cad.substring(0, 4); cad = cad + String.valueOf(in); } else { cad = cad.substring(0, 5); } } } if (cad.length() == 4) { cad += "0"; } //if (cad.length()>=5) cad=cad.substring(0,5); sum = Double.parseDouble(cad); println(" Average: " + cad + "%"); if (Optimizer.chooseAverage) { if (sum >= Optimizer.bestResult) { return sum; } } else if (Optimizer.chooseMajority) { if (contExitos >= 3) { return sum; } } else if (Optimizer.chooseAllOfThem) { if (contExitos >= 5) { return sum; } } return 0.0; } return 0.0; } private double runAlgorithm5Fold(String feature, String algorithm) { //String language, double np, CoNLLHandler ch, String trainingCorpus, String rootHandling int contExitos = 0; int ind = feature.lastIndexOf(".xml"); if (ind != -1) { feature = feature.substring(0, ind); } CoNLLHandler ch = new CoNLLHandler(trainingCorpus, writer); AlgorithmTester at = new AlgorithmTester("lang", this.percentage, ch, trainingCorpus, optionMenosR); double result = 0.0; double max = bestResult; double sum = 0.0; for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { try { if (algorithm.equals("nivreeager")) { result = at.executeNivreEagerTestTrain(feature, "fold_train_" + i + ".conll", "fold_test_" + i + ".conll"); } if (algorithm.equals("nivrestandard")) { //A PARTIR DE LA PROXIMA VERSION PONER EL FEATURE CORRESPONDIENTE!!! result = at.executeNivreStandardTestTrain(feature, "fold_train_" + i + ".conll", "fold_test_" + i + ".conll"); } if (algorithm.equals("covnonproj")) { result = at.executeCovingtonNonProjectiveTestTrain(feature, "fold_train_" + i + ".conll", "fold_test_" + i + ".conll"); } if (algorithm.equals("covproj")) { result = at.executeCovingtonProjectiveTestTrain(feature, "fold_train_" + i + ".conll", "fold_test_" + i + ".conll"); } if (algorithm.equals("stackproj")) { result = at.executeStackProjectiveTestTrain(feature, "fold_train_" + i + ".conll", "fold_test_" + i + ".conll"); } if (algorithm.equals("stackeager")) { result = at.executestackEagerTestTrain(feature, "fold_train_" + i + ".conll", "fold_test_" + i + ".conll"); } if (algorithm.equals("stacklazy")) { result = at.executeStackLazyTestTrain(feature, "fold_train_" + i + ".conll", "fold_test_" + i + ".conll"); } } catch (Exception e) { println("Feature not valid."); } String s = String.format(pattern, result); println(" Fold " + i + ": " + s + "%"); sum += result; if (result >= bestResult) { contExitos++; if (max < result) { max = result; } } } sum = sum / 5; String cad = String.valueOf(sum); if (cad.length() > 4) { int a = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(cad.charAt(4))); int b = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(cad.charAt(3))); if ((cad.length() > 5) && (a == 9)) { cad = cad.substring(0, 5); } else if ((cad.length() > 5)) { if (cad.charAt(5) > 5) { char c = cad.charAt(4); Integer in = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(c)); in++; cad = cad.substring(0, 4); cad = cad + String.valueOf(in); } else { cad = cad.substring(0, 5); } } } if (cad.length() == 4) { cad += "0"; } //if (cad.length()>=5) cad=cad.substring(0,5); sum = Double.parseDouble(cad); println(" Average: " + cad + "%"); if (Optimizer.chooseAverage) { if (sum >= Optimizer.bestResult) { return sum; } } else if (Optimizer.chooseMajority) { if (contExitos >= 3) { return sum; } } else if (Optimizer.chooseAllOfThem) { if (contExitos >= 5) { return sum; } } return 0.0; } private double runCovingtonNonProjectivePPAllowShiftAllowRoot5Fold(String feature, String head, boolean allow_shift, boolean allow_root) { int contExitos = 0; int ind = feature.lastIndexOf(".xml"); if (ind != -1) { feature = feature.substring(0, ind); } CoNLLHandler ch = new CoNLLHandler(trainingCorpus, writer); AlgorithmTester at = new AlgorithmTester("lang", this.percentage, ch, trainingCorpus, optionMenosR); double result = 0.0; double max = bestResult; double sum = 0.0; for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { try { result = at.executeCovingtonNonProjectivePPAllowShiftAllowRootTestTrain(feature, "fold_train_" + i + ".conll", "fold_test_" + i + ".conll", head, allow_shift, allow_root); } catch (Exception e) { println("Feature not valid."); } String s = String.format(pattern, result); println(" Fold " + i + ": " + s + "%"); sum += result; if (result >= bestResult) { contExitos++; if (max < result) { max = result; } } } sum = sum / 5; String cad = String.valueOf(sum); if (cad.length() > 4) { int a = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(cad.charAt(4))); int b = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(cad.charAt(3))); if ((cad.length() > 5) && (a == 9)) { cad = cad.substring(0, 5); } else if ((cad.length() > 5)) { if (cad.charAt(5) > 5) { char c = cad.charAt(4); Integer in = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(c)); in++; cad = cad.substring(0, 4); cad = cad + String.valueOf(in); } else { cad = cad.substring(0, 5); } } } if (cad.length() == 4) { cad += "0"; } //if (cad.length()>=5) cad=cad.substring(0,5); sum = Double.parseDouble(cad); println(" Average: " + cad + "%"); if (Optimizer.chooseAverage) { if (sum >= Optimizer.bestResult) { return sum; } } else if (Optimizer.chooseMajority) { if (contExitos >= 3) { return sum; } } else if (Optimizer.chooseAllOfThem) { if (contExitos >= 5) { return sum; } } return 0.0; } private double runCovingtonProjectivePPAllowShiftAllowRoot5Fold(String feature, String head, boolean allow_shift, boolean allow_root) { int contExitos = 0; int ind = feature.lastIndexOf(".xml"); if (ind != -1) { feature = feature.substring(0, ind); } CoNLLHandler ch = new CoNLLHandler(trainingCorpus, writer); AlgorithmTester at = new AlgorithmTester("lang", this.percentage, ch, trainingCorpus, optionMenosR); double result = 0.0; double max = bestResult; double sum = 0.0; for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { try { result = at.executeCovingtonProjectivePPAllowShiftAllowRootTestTrain(feature, "fold_train_" + i + ".conll", "fold_test_" + i + ".conll", head, allow_shift, allow_root); } catch (Exception e) { println("Feature not valid."); } String s = String.format(pattern, result); println(" Fold " + i + ": " + s + "%"); sum += result; if (result >= bestResult) { contExitos++; if (max < result) { max = result; } } } sum = sum / 5; String cad = String.valueOf(sum); if (cad.length() > 4) { int a = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(cad.charAt(4))); int b = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(cad.charAt(3))); if ((cad.length() > 5) && (a == 9)) { cad = cad.substring(0, 5); } else if ((cad.length() > 5)) { if (cad.charAt(5) > 5) { char c = cad.charAt(4); Integer in = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(c)); in++; cad = cad.substring(0, 4); cad = cad + String.valueOf(in); } else { cad = cad.substring(0, 5); } } } if (cad.length() == 4) { cad += "0"; } //if (cad.length()>=5) cad=cad.substring(0,5); sum = Double.parseDouble(cad); println(" Average: " + cad + "%"); if (Optimizer.chooseAverage) { if (sum >= Optimizer.bestResult) { return sum; } } else if (Optimizer.chooseMajority) { if (contExitos >= 3) { return sum; } } else if (Optimizer.chooseAllOfThem) { if (contExitos >= 5) { return sum; } } return 0.0; } private double runCovingtonNonProjectiveAllowShiftAllowRoot5Fold(String feature, boolean allow_shift, boolean allow_root) { int contExitos = 0; int ind = feature.lastIndexOf(".xml"); if (ind != -1) { feature = feature.substring(0, ind); } CoNLLHandler ch = new CoNLLHandler(trainingCorpus, writer); AlgorithmTester at = new AlgorithmTester("lang", this.percentage, ch, trainingCorpus, optionMenosR); double result = 0.0; double max = bestResult; double sum = 0.0; for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { try { //result=at.executeCovingtonNonProjectivePPAllowShiftAllowRootTestTrain(featureModel,head,allow_shift,allow_root,"fold_train_"+i+".conll","fold_test_"+i+".conll"); result = at.executeCovingtonNonProjectiveAllowShiftAllowRootTestTrain(feature, "fold_train_" + i + ".conll", "fold_test_" + i + ".conll", allow_shift, allow_root); } catch (Exception e) { println("Feature not valid."); } String s = String.format(pattern, result); println(" Fold " + i + ": " + s + "%"); sum += result; if (result >= bestResult) { contExitos++; if (max < result) { max = result; } } } sum = sum / 5; String cad = String.valueOf(sum); if (cad.length() > 4) { int a = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(cad.charAt(4))); int b = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(cad.charAt(3))); if ((cad.length() > 5) && (a == 9)) { cad = cad.substring(0, 5); } else if ((cad.length() > 5)) { if (cad.charAt(5) > 5) { char c = cad.charAt(4); Integer in = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(c)); in++; cad = cad.substring(0, 4); cad = cad + String.valueOf(in); } else { cad = cad.substring(0, 5); } } } if (cad.length() == 4) { cad += "0"; } //if (cad.length()>=5) cad=cad.substring(0,5); sum = Double.parseDouble(cad); println(" Average: " + cad + "%"); if (Optimizer.chooseAverage) { if (sum >= Optimizer.bestResult) { //println(" (Av:"+sum+")"); return sum; } } else if (Optimizer.chooseMajority) { if (contExitos >= 3) { return sum; } } else if (Optimizer.chooseAllOfThem) { if (contExitos >= 5) { return sum; } } return 0.0; } private double runCovingtonProjectiveAllowShiftAllowRoot5Fold(String feature, boolean allow_shift, boolean allow_root) { int contExitos = 0; int ind = feature.lastIndexOf(".xml"); if (ind != -1) { feature = feature.substring(0, ind); } CoNLLHandler ch = new CoNLLHandler(trainingCorpus, writer); AlgorithmTester at = new AlgorithmTester("lang", this.percentage, ch, trainingCorpus, optionMenosR); double result = 0.0; double max = bestResult; double sum = 0.0; for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { try { //result=at.executeCovingtonNonProjectivePPAllowShiftAllowRootTestTrain(featureModel,head,allow_shift,allow_root,"fold_train_"+i+".conll","fold_test_"+i+".conll"); result = at.executeCovingtonProjectiveAllowShiftAllowRootTestTrain(feature, "fold_train_" + i + ".conll", "fold_test_" + i + ".conll", allow_shift, allow_root); } catch (Exception e) { println("Feature not valid."); } String s = String.format(pattern, result); println(" Fold " + i + ": " + s + "%"); sum += result; if (result >= bestResult) { contExitos++; if (max < result) { max = result; } } } sum = sum / 5; String cad = String.valueOf(sum); if (cad.length() > 4) { int a = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(cad.charAt(4))); int b = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(cad.charAt(3))); if ((cad.length() > 5) && (a == 9)) { cad = cad.substring(0, 5); } else if ((cad.length() > 5)) { if (cad.charAt(5) > 5) { char c = cad.charAt(4); Integer in = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(c)); in++; cad = cad.substring(0, 4); cad = cad + String.valueOf(in); } else { cad = cad.substring(0, 5); } } } if (cad.length() == 4) { cad += "0"; } //if (cad.length()>=5) cad=cad.substring(0,5); sum = Double.parseDouble(cad); println(" Average: " + cad + "%"); if (Optimizer.chooseAverage) { if (sum >= Optimizer.bestResult) { return sum; } } else if (Optimizer.chooseMajority) { if (contExitos >= 3) { return sum; } } else if (Optimizer.chooseAllOfThem) { if (contExitos >= 5) { return sum; } } return 0.0; } /* * private double runAlgorithm5Fold(String feature, String algorithm) { // * //String language, double np, * CoNLLHandler ch, String trainingCorpus, String rootHandling * * int contExitos=0; * * File f=new File(feature); if (f.exists()) { CoNLLHandler ch=new * CoNLLHandler(trainingCorpus); AlgorithmTester at=new * AlgorithmTester("lang",this.percentage,ch,trainingCorpus,optionMenosR); * double result=0.0; double max=bestResult; double sum=0.0; for (int * i=1;i<6;i++) { try { if (algorithm.equals("nivreeager")) { * //result=at.executeNivreEagerTestTrain(feature,"fold_train_"+i+".conll","fold_test_"+i+".conll"); * result=at.executeNivreEagerTestTrain(feature,"fold_train_"+i+".conll","fold_test_"+i+".conll"); * } * * if (algorithm.equals("nivrestandard")) { //A PARTIR DE LA PROXIMA VERSION * PONER EL FEATURE CORRESPONDIENTE!!! * //result=at.executeNivreEager(feature); * result=at.executeNivreStandardTestTrain(feature,"fold_train_"+i+".conll","fold_test_"+i+".conll"); * } * * if (algorithm.equals("covnonproj")) { * //result=at.executeNivreEager(feature); * result=at.executeCovingtonNonProjectiveTestTrain(feature,"fold_train_"+i+".conll","fold_test_"+i+".conll"); * } * * if (algorithm.equals("covproj")) { * //result=at.executeNivreEager(feature); * result=at.executeCovingtonProjectiveTestTrain(feature,"fold_train_"+i+".conll","fold_test_"+i+".conll"); * } * * if (algorithm.equals("stackproj")) { * //result=at.executeNivreEager(feature); * result=at.executeStackProjectiveTestTrain(feature,"fold_train_"+i+".conll","fold_test_"+i+".conll"); * } * * if (algorithm.equals("stackeager")) { //result=at.feature); * result=at.executestackEagerTestTrain(feature,"fold_train_"+i+".conll","fold_test_"+i+".conll"); * } * * if (algorithm.equals("stacklazy")) { * //result=at.executeNivreEager(feature); * result=at.executeStackLazyTestTrain(feature,"fold_train_"+i+".conll","fold_test_"+i+".conll"); * } }catch(Exception e) { println("Feature not valid."); } * println(" Fold "+i+":"+result); sum+=result; if * (result>=bestResult) { contExitos++; if (max<result) max=result; } } * sum=sum/5; if (Optimizer.chooseAverage) { * * if (sum>=Optimizer.bestResult) { println(" (Av:"+sum+")"); * return sum; } } else if (Optimizer.chooseMajority) { if (contExitos>=3) { * return sum; } } else if (Optimizer.chooseAllOfThem) { if (contExitos>=5) * { return sum; } } return 0.0; } return 0.0; } */ private double runAlgorithm5FoldPPOption(String feature, String algorithm) { //String language, double np, CoNLLHandler ch, String trainingCorpus, String rootHandling int contExitos = 0; File f = new File(feature); if (f.exists()) { int ind = feature.lastIndexOf(".xml"); if (ind != -1) { feature = feature.substring(0, ind); } CoNLLHandler ch = new CoNLLHandler(trainingCorpus, writer); AlgorithmTester at = new AlgorithmTester("lang", this.percentage, ch, trainingCorpus, optionMenosR); double result = 0.0; double max = bestResult; double sum = 0.0; for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { try { if (algorithm.equals("nivreeager")) { result = at.executeNivreEagerTestTrainPPOption(feature, "fold_train_" + i + ".conll", "fold_test_" + i + ".conll", Optimizer.ppOption); } if (algorithm.equals("nivrestandard")) { //A PARTIR DE LA PROXIMA VERSION PONER EL FEATURE CORRESPONDIENTE!!! //result=at.executeNivreEager(feature); result = at.executeNivreStandardTestTrainPPOption(feature, "fold_train_" + i + ".conll", "fold_test_" + i + ".conll", Optimizer.ppOption); } /* * if (bestAlgorithm.equals("covnonproj")) { * //result=at.executeNivreEager(feature); * result=at.executeCovingtonNonProjectiveTestTrainPPOption(feature,"fold_train_"+i+".conll","fold_test_"+i+".conll"); } */ if (algorithm.equals("covproj")) { result = at.executeCovingtonProjectiveTestTrainPPOption(feature, "fold_train_" + i + ".conll", "fold_test_" + i + ".conll", Optimizer.ppOption); } if (algorithm.equals("stackproj")) { result = at.executeStackProjectiveTestTrainPPOption(feature, "fold_train_" + i + ".conll", "fold_test_" + i + ".conll", Optimizer.ppOption); } if (algorithm.equals("stackeager")) { result = at.executestackEagerTestTrainPPOption(feature, "fold_train_" + i + ".conll", "fold_test_" + i + ".conll", Optimizer.ppOption); } if (algorithm.equals("stacklazy")) { result = at.executeStackLazyTestTrainPPOption(feature, "fold_train_" + i + ".conll", "fold_test_" + i + ".conll", Optimizer.ppOption); } } catch (Exception e) { println("Feature not valid."); } String s = String.format(pattern, result); println(" Fold " + i + ": " + s + "%"); sum += result; if (result >= bestResult) { contExitos++; if (max < result) { max = result; } } } sum = sum / 5; String cad = String.valueOf(sum); if (cad.length() > 4) { int a = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(cad.charAt(4))); int b = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(cad.charAt(3))); if ((cad.length() > 5) && (a == 9)) { cad = cad.substring(0, 5); } else if ((cad.length() > 5)) { if (cad.charAt(5) > 5) { char c = cad.charAt(4); Integer in = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(c)); in++; cad = cad.substring(0, 4); cad = cad + String.valueOf(in); } else { cad = cad.substring(0, 5); } } } if (cad.length() == 4) { cad += "0"; } //if (cad.length()>=5) cad=cad.substring(0,5); sum = Double.parseDouble(cad); println(" Average: " + cad + "%"); if (Optimizer.chooseAverage) { if (sum >= Optimizer.bestResult) { return sum; } } else if (Optimizer.chooseMajority) { if (contExitos >= 3) { return sum; } } else if (Optimizer.chooseAllOfThem) { if (contExitos >= 5) { return sum; } } return 0.0; } return 0.0; } private void loadPhase3Results(String pathTrainingSet) { BufferedReader br; try { br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("phase3_logFile.txt")); try { int contador = 0; while (br.ready()) { String line; try { line = br.readLine(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, ":"); String tok = ""; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { tok = st.nextToken(); } contador++; if (contador == 1) { if (pathTrainingSet.equals(tok)) { this.setTrainingCorpus(tok); } else { try { throw new PathNotFoundException(writer); } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } if (contador == 2) { Integer nt = Integer.parseInt(tok); this.setNumbTokens(nt); } if (contador == 3) { Integer nt = Integer.parseInt(tok); this.setNumbSentences(nt); } if (contador == 4) { Double nt = Double.parseDouble(tok); this.setPercentage(nt); if (nt == 0.0) { this.setNoNonProjective(true); } else { if (nt > 15) { this.setSubstantialNonProjective(true); } else { this.setSmallCaseBothThings(true); } } } if (contador == 5) { Integer it = Integer.parseInt(tok); if (it > 0) { this.setDanglingPunctuation(true); } this.setNumbDanglingCases(it); } if (contador == 6) { Double nt = Double.parseDouble(tok); Optimizer.setBestResult(nt); } if (contador == 7) { Double nt = Double.parseDouble(tok); Optimizer.setDefaultBaseline(nt); } if (contador == 8) { Integer nt = Integer.parseInt(tok); Optimizer.numRootLabels = nt; } if (contador == 9) { Optimizer.javaHeapValue = tok; } if (contador == 10) { if (tok.equals("true")) { cposEqPos = true; } else { cposEqPos = false; } } if (contador == 11) { if (tok.equals("true")) { lemmaBlank = true; } else { lemmaBlank = false; } } if (contador == 12) { if (tok.equals("true")) { featsBlank = true; } else { featsBlank = false; } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } BufferedReader brOpt; try { brOpt = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("phase3_optFile.txt")); try { int contador = 0; boolean grl = false; boolean pcr = false; boolean algo = false; boolean pp = false; boolean cs = false; boolean cr = false; boolean menosr = false; boolean feature = false; while (brOpt.ready()) { String line; try { line = brOpt.readLine(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, ":"); grl = false; pcr = false; algo = false; pp = false; cr = false; cs = false; menosr = false; feature = false; if (line.contains("-grl")) { grl = true; } if (line.contains("-pcr")) { pcr = true; } if (line.contains("-a")) { algo = true; } if (line.contains("-pp")) { pp = true; } if (line.contains("-cs")) { cs = true; } if (line.contains("-cr")) { cr = true; } if (line.contains("-r")) { menosr = true; } if (line.contains("-F")) { feature = true; } String tok = ""; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { tok = st.nextToken(); } contador++; if (grl) { Optimizer.setOptionGRL(tok); grl = false; } if (pcr) { Optimizer.setPcrOption(tok); pcr = false; } if (algo) { this.setBestAlgorithm(tok); algo = false; } if (pp) { Optimizer.setPpOption(tok); pp = false; } if (cs) { allow_shift = true; cs = false; } if (cr) { allow_root = true; cr = false; } if (menosr) { optionMenosR = tok; menosr = false; } if (feature) { featureModel = tok; feature = false; } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } private void runPhase4() { ShowIntroduction(); println("PHASE 4: LIBRARY CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS TESTING"); println("MaltOptimizer is going to test the best training library configuration:\n"); int cParameter = 1; LibraryOptionsSetter lo = LibraryOptionsSetter.getSingleton(); lo.setLibraryOptions("-s_4_-c_0.01"); while (cParameter < 10) { cParameter++; println("Testing the: " + lo.getLibraryOptions()); //Double d=cParameter; double result = runBestAlgorithm(featureModel); println(String.valueOf(result)); println("best:" + bestResult); // double difference; if (result > (Optimizer.bestResult)) { Optimizer.libraryValue = lo.getLibraryOptions(); difference = result - bestResult; bestResult = result; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); println("New best Library Configuration Parameter: " + libraryValue); String s = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + s + "%)"); } if (lo.getLibraryOptions().equals("-s_4_-c_0.01")) { lo.setLibraryOptions("-s_4_-c_0.1"); } else { lo.incrementC(0.1); } } createLogFile(4); createOptionFile(4); println("\nThe best Library configuration is: " + libraryValue); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println("MaltOptimizer has completed the library parameter configuration phase using your training set,"); println("it saved the results for future use in /phase4_logFile.txt. Updated MaltParser "); println("options can be found in /phase4_optFile.txt. "); println(""); } private void runPhase4SimplifiedVersion() { /* * ShowIntroduction(); */ //println("PHASE 4: LIBRARY CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS TESTING"); //println(this.featureModel); //println("MaltOptimizer is going to test the best training library configuration:\n"); /** * */ int cParameter = 1; LibraryOptionsSetter lo = LibraryOptionsSetter.getSingleton(); lo.setLibraryOptions("-s_4_-c_0.01"); while (cParameter < 6) { cParameter++; String anterior = lo.getLibraryOptions(); println("Testing: C=" + lo.getC()); //Double d=cParameter; //println(cParameter); double result = runBestAlgorithm(featureModel); String res = String.format(pattern, result); String bestRes = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println(res + " (Best:" + bestRes + ")"); // double difference; if (result > (Optimizer.bestResult)) { Optimizer.libraryValue = lo.getLibraryOptions(); difference = result - bestResult; bestResult = result; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); println("New best Library Configuration Parameter: " + libraryValue); String s = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + s + "%)"); } if (lo.getLibraryOptions().equals("-s_4_-c_0.01")) { lo.setLibraryOptions("-s_4_-c_0.2"); } else { lo.incrementC(0.2); } } lo.setLibraryOptions(Optimizer.libraryValue); println("\nBest C value: " + lo.getC()); /* * println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); * println("MaltOptimizer has completed the library parameter * configuration phase using your training set,"); * println("it saved the results for future use in * /phase4_logFile.txt. Updated MaltParser "); * println("options can be found in /phase4_optFile.txt. "); println(""); */ } public ArrayList<String> getThreeFrequent(HashMap<String, Double> roots) { Set<String> set = roots.keySet(); String max = ""; Double maxD = 0.0; String sec = ""; Double secD = 0.0; String third = ""; Double thirdD = 0.0; Iterator<String> it = set.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String r =; Double d = roots.get(r) * 100; if (d > maxD) { if (maxD > secD) { third = sec; thirdD = secD; sec = max; secD = maxD; } max = r; maxD = d; } else { if (d > secD) { if (secD > thirdD) { third = sec; thirdD = secD; } sec = r; secD = d; } else { if (d > thirdD) { third = r; thirdD = d; } } } } ArrayList<String> output = new ArrayList<>(); output.add(max); output.add(sec); if (third != null && !third.equals("")) { output.add(third); } return output; } private void showDefault() { ShowIntroduction(); StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); text.append("Usage:\n"); text.append("1. Run Optimization:\n"); text.append("java -jar MaltOptimizer.jar -p <phase number> -m <path to MaltParser> -c <path to training corpus> [-v <validation method> -o <path to log file>]\n"); text.append("2. for more help and options:\n"); text.append("java -jar malt.jar -h"); println(text.toString()); } private void showHelp() { showDefault(); StringBuilder help = new StringBuilder(); help.append("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); help.append("PHASE 1: DATA CHARACTERISTICS\n"); help.append("In the data analysis, MaltOptimizer gather information about the following properties of the training set:\n"); help.append("Number of words/sentences\n"); help.append("Percentage of non-projective arcs/trees\n"); help.append("Existence of ''covered roots'' (arcs spanning tokens with HEAD = 0)\n"); help.append("Frequency of labels used for tokens with HEAD = 0\n"); help.append("Existence of non-empty feature values in the LEMMA and FEATS columns\n"); help.append("Identity (or not) of feature values in the CPOSTAG and POSTAG columns\n\n"); help.append("Usage:\n"); help.append("java -jar MaltOptimizer.jar -p 1 -m <-MaltParser jar path-> -c <path to training corpus> [-v <validation method> -o <path to log file>]\n"); help.append("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); help.append("PHASE 2: PARSING ALGORITHM SELECTION\n"); help.append("MaltOptimizer selects the best algorithm implemented in MaltParser for the input training set.\n\n"); help.append("Usage:\n"); help.append("java -jar MaltOptimizer.jar -p 2 -m <-MaltParser jar path-> -c <path to training corpus> [-v <validation method> -o <path to log file>]\n"); help.append("------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); help.append("PHASE 3: FEATURE SELECTION\n"); help.append("MaltOptimizer tests the following feature selection experiments:\n"); help.append("1. Tune the window of POSTAG n-grams over the parser state\n"); help.append("2. Tune the window of FORM features over the parser state\n"); help.append("3. Tune DEPREL and POSTAG features over the partially built dependency tree\n"); help.append("4. Add POSTAG and FORM features over the input string\n"); help.append("5. Add CPOSTAG, FEATS, and LEMMA features if available\n"); help.append("6. Add conjunctions of POSTAG and FORM features\n\n"); help.append("Usage:\n"); help.append("java -jar MaltOptimizer.jar -p 3 -m <-MaltParser jar path-> -c <path to training corpus> [-v <validation method> -o <path to log file>]\n"); help.append("------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); help.append("EXTRA OPTIONS \n"); help.append("evaluation_measure -e las Labeled Attachment Score (DEFAULT)\n"); help.append("\t\t\t\tuas Unlabeled Attachment Score\n"); help.append("\t\t\t\tlcm Labeled Complete Match\n"); help.append("\t\t\t\tucm Unlabeled Complete Match\n\n"); help.append("Usage:\n"); help.append("java -jar MaltOptimizer.jar -p <-phase number-> -m <-MaltParser jar path-> -c <path to training corpus> [-v <validation method> -o <path to log file>] -e uas\n"); help.append("punctuation_symbols -s true Include punctuaton symbols (DEFAULT)\n"); help.append("\t\t\t\tfalse Exclude punctuation symbols\n"); help.append("Usage:\n"); help.append("java -jar MaltOptimizer.jar -p <-phase number-> -m <-MaltParser jar path-> -c <path to training corpus> [-v <validation method> -o <path to log file>] -s false\n"); println(help.toString()); } private void setMalt(String malt) { maltPath = malt; } public static String getMaltPath() { return maltPath; } public static void setMaltPath(String maltPath) { Optimizer.maltPath = maltPath; } public String getTrainingCorpus() { return trainingCorpus; } public void setTrainingCorpus(String trainingCorpus) { this.trainingCorpus = trainingCorpus; } public String getLanguage() { return language; } public void setLanguage(String language) { this.language = language; } public boolean isProjective() { return projective; } public void setProjective(boolean projective) { this.projective = projective; } public boolean isStrictRoot() { return strictRoot; } public void setStrictRoot(boolean strictRoot) { this.strictRoot = strictRoot; } public boolean isCoveredRoots() { return coveredRoots; } public void setCoveredRoots(boolean coveredRoots) { this.coveredRoots = coveredRoots; } public boolean isCoveredRootsWithoutChildren() { return coveredRootsWithoutChildren; } public void setCoveredRootsWithoutChildren(boolean coveredRootsWithoutChildren) { this.coveredRootsWithoutChildren = coveredRootsWithoutChildren; } public String getBestAlgorithm() { return bestAlgorithm; } public void setBestAlgorithm(String bestAlgorithm) { Optimizer.bestAlgorithm = bestAlgorithm; } public boolean isRootGRL() { return rootGRL; } public void setRootGRL(boolean rootGRL) { this.rootGRL = rootGRL; } public boolean isDanglingPunctuation() { return danglingPunctuation; } public void setDanglingPunctuation(boolean danglingPunctuation) { this.danglingPunctuation = danglingPunctuation; } public static String getPcrOption() { return pcrOption; } public static void setPcrOption(String pcrOption) { Optimizer.pcrOption = pcrOption; } public boolean isPcr() { return pcr; } public void setPcr(boolean pcr) { this.pcr = pcr; } public static String getOptionGRL() { return optionGRL; } public static void setOptionGRL(String optionGRL) { Optimizer.optionGRL = optionGRL; } public static String getOptionMenosR() { return optionMenosR; } public static void setOptionMenosR(String optionMenosR) { Optimizer.optionMenosR = optionMenosR; } public static Double getBestResult() { return bestResult; } public static void setBestResult(Double bestResult) { Optimizer.bestResult = bestResult; } public static void main(String[] args) { Optimizer d = new Optimizer(); int phase; String maltPathArg; String pathTrainingSet; if (args.length == 0) { d.showDefault(); } else { if (args[0].equals("-h")) { d.showHelp(); } else { //java -jar MaltOptimizer.jar -p <int> -m <path to MaltParser> -c <path to training corpus> [-v <validation method>] if (args[0].equals("-p") && (args.length > 5)) { try { phase = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); } catch(Exception ex) { d.showDefault(); return; } if (args[2].equals("-m")) { maltPathArg = args[3]; if (args[4].equals("-c")) { pathTrainingSet = args[5]; // Read Optional Parameters for (int i = 6; i < args.length; i+=2) { switch (args[i]) { case "-debug": Optimizer.ShowMaltLog = args[i+1].equals("1"); break; case "-s": if (args[i+1].toLowerCase().equals("true")) { Optimizer.includePunctuation = true; } else { Optimizer.includePunctuation = false; } break; case "-e": String val = args[i+1].toLowerCase(); switch (val) { case "las": Optimizer.evaluationMeasure = "LAS"; break; case "uas": Optimizer.evaluationMeasure = "UAS"; break; case "lcm": Optimizer.evaluationMeasure = "LCM"; break; case "ucm": Optimizer.evaluationMeasure = "UCM"; break; default: d.showDefault(); break; } break; case "-t": Optimizer.testCorpus = args[i+1]; break; case "-v": if (args[i+1].toLowerCase().equals("cv")) { Optimizer.chooseAverage = true; Optimizer.crossValidation = true; } break; case "-a": //FEATURE ALGORITHM String s = args[i+1]; if (s.equals("Greedy")) { Optimizer.featureAlgorithm = s; } else { if (s.equals("RelaxedGreedy")) { Optimizer.featureAlgorithm = s; } else { if (s.equals("BruteForce")) { Optimizer.featureAlgorithm = s; } else if (s.equals("OnlyBackward")) { Optimizer.featureAlgorithm = s; } else if (s.equals("OnlyForward")) { Optimizer.featureAlgorithm = s; } else if (s.contains("5Fold")) { Optimizer.featureAlgorithm = s; } else { Optimizer.featureAlgorithm = "Greedy"; } } } break; case "-o": // Log file try { d.writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(args[i+1], true), "UTF-8")); } catch(FileNotFoundException | UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { d.writer = null; } break; } } d.setMalt(maltPathArg); d.setCorpus(pathTrainingSet); switch(phase) { case 1: d.runPhase1(); break; case 2: d.loadPhase1Results(pathTrainingSet); if (Optimizer.crossValidation) { d.runPhase25Fold(); } else { d.runPhase2(); } break; case 3: d.loadPhase2Results(pathTrainingSet); switch (Optimizer.featureAlgorithm) { case "Greedy": if (Optimizer.crossValidation == true) { Optimizer.pseudoRandomizeSelection = true; d.runPhase35Fold(); } else { d.runPhase3(); //defatult is Greedy } break; case "BruteForce": d.runPhase3BruteForce(); break; case "RelaxedGreedy": d.runPhase3RelaxedGreedy(); break; case "OnlyBackward": d.runPhase3OnlyBackward(""); break; case "OnlyForward": d.runPhase3OnlyForward(""); break; case "5FoldMajorityPS": Optimizer.pseudoRandomizeSelection = true; Optimizer.chooseMajority = true; d.runPhase35Fold(); break; case "5FoldAveragePS": Optimizer.pseudoRandomizeSelection = true; Optimizer.chooseAverage = true; d.runPhase35Fold(); break; case "5FoldAllPS": Optimizer.pseudoRandomizeSelection = true; Optimizer.chooseAllOfThem = true; d.runPhase35Fold(); break; case "5FoldMajorityNoPS": Optimizer.pseudoRandomizeSelection = false; Optimizer.chooseMajority = true; d.runPhase35Fold(); break; case "5FoldAverageNoPS": Optimizer.pseudoRandomizeSelection = false; Optimizer.chooseAverage = true; d.runPhase35Fold(); break; case "5FoldAllNoPS": Optimizer.pseudoRandomizeSelection = false; Optimizer.chooseAllOfThem = true; d.runPhase35Fold(); break; default: d.runPhase3(); break; } break; } /* * else if (phase.equals("4")) { * * d.setMalt(maltPath); * d.loadPhase3Results(pathTrainingSet); * d.setCorpus(pathTrainingSet); d.runPhase4(); * ////////////////////// } */ // Delete Files for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { new File ("fold_train_" + i + ".conll").delete(); } } else { d.showDefault(); } } else { //println(args[2]); d.showDefault(); } } else { d.showDefault(); } } } } private void ShowIntroduction() { StringBuilder intro = new StringBuilder(); intro.append("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); intro.append(" MaltOptimizer 1.0\n"); intro.append("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); intro.append(" Miguel Ballesteros* and Joakim Nivre**\n"); intro.append(" *Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) \n"); intro.append(" **Uppsala University (Sweden) \n"); intro.append("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); println(intro.toString()); } private void ShowPhase3Introduction() { println("MaltOptimizer is going to perform the following feature selection experiments:"); println("1. Tune the window of POSTAG (n-gram) over the parser state."); println("2. Tune the window of (lexical) FORM features over the parser state."); println("3. Tune DEPREL and POSTAG features over the partially built dependency tree."); println("4. Add POSTAG and FORM features over the input string."); println("5. Add CPOSTAG, FEATS, and LEMMA features if available."); println("6. Add conjunctions of POSTAG and FORM features."); println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); if (bestAlgorithm.equals("nivreeager")) { featureModel = "NivreEager.xml"; InputLookAhead = "Input"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("nivrestandard")) { //A PARTIR DE LA PROXIMA VERSION PONER EL FEATURE CORRESPONDIENTE!!! featureModel = "NivreStandard.xml"; InputLookAhead = "Input"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("covnonproj")) { featureModel = "CovingtonNonProjective.xml"; InputLookAhead = "Right"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("covproj")) { featureModel = "CovingtonProjective.xml"; InputLookAhead = "Right"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stackproj")) { featureModel = "StackProjective.xml"; InputLookAhead = "Lookahead"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stackeager")) { featureModel = "StackSwap.xml"; InputLookAhead = "Lookahead"; } if (bestAlgorithm.equals("stacklazy")) { featureModel = "StackSwap.xml"; InputLookAhead = "Lookahead"; } } private boolean setBestResult(double result, String newFeature) { boolean keepGoing = true; if (result > (Optimizer.bestResult + threshold)) { //Shrinking if (featureModel.equals(newFeature)) new File(featureModel).delete(); featureModel = newFeature; double difference = result - bestResult; bestResult = result; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); println("New best feature model: " + featureModel); String s = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + s + "%)"); } else { keepGoing = false; if (!featureModel.equals(newFeature)) new File(newFeature).delete(); } return keepGoing; } private boolean setBestResultNoThreshold(double result, String newFeature) { boolean keepGoing = true; if (result >= (Optimizer.bestResult)) { //Shrinking //NO THRESHOLD because we are removing if (featureModel.equals(newFeature)) new File(featureModel).delete(); featureModel = newFeature; double difference = result - bestResult; bestResult = result; String sDifferenceLabel = String.format(pattern, difference); println("New best feature model: " + featureModel); String s = String.format(pattern, bestResult); println("Incremental " + evaluationMeasure + " improvement: + " + sDifferenceLabel + "% (" + s + "%)"); } else { //Expanding keepGoing = false; if (featureModel.equals(newFeature)) new File(newFeature).delete(); } return keepGoing; } private void createLogFile(int phase) { BufferedWriter bwPhaseHiddenLogFile; try { bwPhaseHiddenLogFile = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("phase" + phase + "_logFile.txt")); bwPhaseHiddenLogFile.write("Training set path:" + trainingCorpus + "\n"); bwPhaseHiddenLogFile.write("Size (tokens):" + getNumbTokens() + "\n"); bwPhaseHiddenLogFile.write("Size (sentences):" + getNumbSentences() + "\n"); bwPhaseHiddenLogFile.write("Non projective:" + String.format(pattern, percentage) + "\n"); bwPhaseHiddenLogFile.write("Dangling Punctuation:" + numbDanglingCases + "\n"); bwPhaseHiddenLogFile.write("LAS:" + String.format(pattern, bestResult) + "\n"); bwPhaseHiddenLogFile.write("Default:" + String.format(pattern, defaultBaseline) + "\n"); bwPhaseHiddenLogFile.write("NumRootLabels:" + numRootLabels + "\n"); bwPhaseHiddenLogFile.write("JavaHeap:" + javaHeapValue + "\n"); bwPhaseHiddenLogFile.write("MaxTokens:" + nMaxTokens + "\n"); bwPhaseHiddenLogFile.write("CposEqPos:" + cposEqPos + "\n"); bwPhaseHiddenLogFile.write("LemmaBlank:" + lemmaBlank + "\n"); bwPhaseHiddenLogFile.write("FeatsBlank:" + featsBlank + "\n"); if (phase != 1 && bestAlgorithm.contains("nivre")) { bwPhaseHiddenLogFile.write("allow_root (-nr):" + Optimizer.allow_rootNiv + "\n"); bwPhaseHiddenLogFile.write("allow_reduce (-ne):" + Optimizer.allow_reduceNiv + "\n"); } bwPhaseHiddenLogFile.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } private void createOptionFile(int phase) { BufferedWriter bwPhaseLogFile; int line = 1; try { bwPhaseLogFile = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("phase" + phase + "_optFile.txt")); if ( (phase == 1 && rootGRL == true) || (phase != 1)) { bwPhaseLogFile.write((line++) + ". root_label (-grl):" + optionGRL + "\n"); } bwPhaseLogFile.write((line++) + ". covered_root (-pcr):" + pcrOption + "\n"); if (phase > 1) { bwPhaseLogFile.write((line++) + ". parsing_algorithm (-a):" + bestAlgorithm + "\n"); if (usePPOption) { bwPhaseLogFile.write((line++) + ". marking_strategy (-pp):" + ppOption + "\n"); } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("cov")) { bwPhaseLogFile.write((line++) + ". allow_shift (-cs):" + allow_shift + "\n"); bwPhaseLogFile.write((line++) + ". allow_root (-cr):" + allow_root + "\n"); } if (bestAlgorithm.contains("nivre")) { bwPhaseLogFile.write((line++) + ". allow_root (-nr):" + Optimizer.allow_rootNiv + "\n"); bwPhaseLogFile.write((line++) + ". allow_reduce (-ne):" + Optimizer.allow_reduceNiv + "\n"); } if (phase == 3) { bwPhaseLogFile.write((line++) + ". feature_model (-F):" + Optimizer.featureModel + "\n"); } if (phase == 4) { bwPhaseLogFile.write((line++) + ". library (-lo):" + Optimizer.libraryValue + "\n"); } } bwPhaseLogFile.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } public void print(String text) { out.print(text); if (writer != null) { try { writer.write(text); } catch (Exception ex) {} } } public void println(String text) { out.println(text); if (writer != null) { try { writer.write(text + "\n"); } catch (Exception ex) {} } } private void Exit() { println("END"); if (writer != null) { try { writer.close(); } catch(Exception ex) {} } if (ExitInEnd == true) System.exit(0); } }