package is2.util; import; import; import; import; import; import is2.parser.Parser; /** * @author Dr. Bernd Bohnet, 01.03.2010 * * */ public class Convert0409 { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { convert(args[0], args[1]); } public static void convert(String source, String target) throws Exception { CONLLReader04 reader = new CONLLReader04(source); CONLLWriter09 writer = new CONLLWriter09(target); int str = 0; while (true) { SentenceData09 i = reader.getNext(); str++; if (i == null) { break; } String[] formsNoRoot = new String[i.length() - 1]; String[] posNoRoot = new String[formsNoRoot.length]; String[] lemmas = new String[formsNoRoot.length]; String[] org_lemmas = new String[formsNoRoot.length]; String[] of = new String[formsNoRoot.length]; String[] pf = new String[formsNoRoot.length]; String[] pposs = new String[formsNoRoot.length]; String[] labels = new String[formsNoRoot.length]; String[] fillp = new String[formsNoRoot.length]; int[] heads = new int[formsNoRoot.length]; for (int j = 0; j < formsNoRoot.length; j++) { formsNoRoot[j] = i.forms[j + 1]; if (formsNoRoot[j].length() == 0 || formsNoRoot[j].equals("")) { Parser.out.println("error forms " + str); // System.exit(0); formsNoRoot[j] = " "; } posNoRoot[j] = i.gpos[j + 1]; if (posNoRoot[j].length() == 0 || posNoRoot[j].equals(" ")) { Parser.out.println("error pos " + str); // System.exit(0); } pposs[j] = i.ppos[j + 1]; if (pposs[j].length() == 0 || pposs[j].equals(" ")) { Parser.out.println("error pos " + str); //System.exit(0); } labels[j] = i.labels[j + 1]; if (labels[j].length() == 0 || labels[j].equals(" ")) { Parser.out.println("error lab " + str); // System.exit(0); } heads[j] = i.heads[j + 1]; if (heads[j] > posNoRoot.length) { Parser.out.println("head out of range " + heads[j] + " " + heads.length + " " + str); heads[j] = posNoRoot.length; } lemmas[j] = i.plemmas[j + 1]; if (lemmas[j].length() == 0 || lemmas[j].equals(" ")) { Parser.out.println("error lab " + str); // System.exit(0); } org_lemmas[j] = i.lemmas[j + 1]; if (org_lemmas[j].length() == 0 || org_lemmas[j].equals(" ")) { Parser.out.println("error lab " + str); // System.exit(0); } of[j] = i.ofeats[j + 1]; pf[j] = i.pfeats[j + 1]; if (str == 6099) { // Parser.out.println(formsNoRoot[j]+"\t"+posNoRoot[j]+"\t"+pposs[j]+"\t"+labels[j]+"\t"+heads[j]); } // (instance.fillp!=null) fillp[j] = instance.fillp[j+1]; } SentenceData09 i09 = new SentenceData09(formsNoRoot, lemmas, org_lemmas, pposs, pposs, labels, heads, fillp, of, pf); //public SentenceData09(String[] forms, String[] lemmas, String[] olemmas,String[] gpos, String[] ppos, String[] labs, int[] heads, String[] fillpred) { //SentenceData09 // SentenceData09 i2 = new SentenceData09(i.forms, i.lemmas,i.org_lemmas,); writer.write(i09); } writer.finishWriting(); } public static void convert0906(String source, String target) throws Exception { CONLLReader09 reader = new CONLLReader09(source); CONLLWriter06 writer = new CONLLWriter06(target); while (true) { SentenceData09 i = reader.getNext(); if (i == null) { break; } String[] formsNoRoot = new String[i.length() - 1]; String[] posNoRoot = new String[formsNoRoot.length]; String[] lemmas = new String[formsNoRoot.length]; String[] org_lemmas = new String[formsNoRoot.length]; String[] of = new String[formsNoRoot.length]; String[] pf = new String[formsNoRoot.length]; String[] pposs = new String[formsNoRoot.length]; String[] labels = new String[formsNoRoot.length]; String[] fillp = new String[formsNoRoot.length]; int[] heads = new int[formsNoRoot.length]; for (int j = 0; j < formsNoRoot.length; j++) { formsNoRoot[j] = i.forms[j + 1]; posNoRoot[j] = i.gpos[j + 1]; pposs[j] = i.ppos[j + 1]; labels[j] = i.labels[j + 1]; heads[j] = i.heads[j + 1]; lemmas[j] = i.plemmas[j + 1]; org_lemmas[j] = i.lemmas[j + 1]; of[j] = i.ofeats[j + 1]; pf[j] = i.pfeats[j + 1]; // (instance.fillp!=null) fillp[j] = instance.fillp[j+1]; } SentenceData09 i09 = new SentenceData09(formsNoRoot, lemmas, org_lemmas, posNoRoot, pposs, labels, heads, fillp, of, pf); //public SentenceData09(String[] forms, String[] lemmas, String[] olemmas,String[] gpos, String[] ppos, String[] labs, int[] heads, String[] fillpred) { //SentenceData09 // SentenceData09 i2 = new SentenceData09(i.forms, i.lemmas,i.org_lemmas,); writer.write(i09); } writer.finishWriting(); } }