package experiments; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.StringTokenizer; /** * @author miguel * */ public class Hypothesis1 { private String corpus; private boolean outputEnale = true; private ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> rightParentsCollection; public String getRightParents(int index) { return rightParentsCollection.get(index).toString(); } public int getRightParentsCount(int index) { return rightParentsCollection.get(index).size(); } private ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> rightArcsCollection; public String getRightArcs(int index) { return rightArcsCollection.get(index).toString(); } public int getRightArcsCount(int index) { return rightArcsCollection.get(index).size(); } private ArrayList<Double> proportionsCollection; public double getProportion(int index) { return proportionsCollection.get(index); } public double totalProportions; public double getTotalProportion() { return this.totalProportions; } public Hypothesis1() { } public void setCorpus(String corpus) { this.corpus = corpus; } /** * Given a sentence in conll format count the right arcs for the sentence * Given a sentence in conll format count the right parents for the sentence */ public void generateStatistics() { try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(corpus)); try { int contStructures2 = 0; double totalProportion = 0.0; double numbSentences = 0.0; rightParentsCollection = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>(); rightArcsCollection = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>(); proportionsCollection = new ArrayList<Double>(); ArrayList<String> rightParents = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> rightArcs = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean remain = false; while (br.ready()) { String line = br.readLine(); if (!line.equals("")) { remain = true; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, "\t"); String id = ""; String parent; int cont = 1; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String tok = st.nextToken(); if (cont == 1) { id = tok; } if (cont == 7) { parent = tok; Integer parentInt = Integer.parseInt(parent); Integer idInt = Integer.parseInt(id); if (idInt > parentInt) { if (!rightParents.contains(parentInt.toString())) { if (parentInt != 0) { rightParents.add(parentInt.toString()); } } if (!rightArcs.contains(idInt.toString())) { rightArcs.add(idInt.toString()); } } } cont++; } } else { remain = false; double proportion = 0.0; if (rightParents.size() > 0) { proportion = (double) rightParents.size() / (double) rightArcs.size(); } proportionsCollection.add(proportion); if (this.outputEnale == true) { System.out.println("#rightParents (" + rightParents.size() + ")/#rightArcs (" + rightArcs.size() + ")=" + proportion); System.out.println(rightArcs); System.out.println(rightParents); } if (proportion == 1.0) { contStructures2++; } totalProportion += proportion; numbSentences += 1.0; rightParentsCollection.add(rightParents); rightParents = new ArrayList<String>(); rightArcsCollection.add(rightArcs); rightArcs = new ArrayList<String>(); } } if (remain == true) { double proportion = 0.0; if (rightParents.size() > 0) { proportion = (double) rightParents.size() / (double) rightArcs.size(); } proportionsCollection.add(proportion); if (this.outputEnale == true) { System.out.println("#rightParents (" + rightParents.size() + ")/#rightArcs (" + rightArcs.size() + ")=" + proportion); System.out.println(rightArcs); System.out.println(rightParents); } if (proportion == 1.0) { contStructures2++; } totalProportion += proportion; numbSentences += 1.0; rightParentsCollection.add(rightParents); rightArcsCollection.add(rightArcs); } this.totalProportions = totalProportion / numbSentences; if (this.outputEnale == true) { System.out.println("Exact Structures 2:" + contStructures2); System.out.println("totalProp/numbSenteces=" + this.totalProportions); } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } public static Hypothesis1 Run(String corpusPath, boolean outputEnale) { Hypothesis1 h1 = new Hypothesis1(); h1.outputEnale = outputEnale; h1.setCorpus(corpusPath); h1.generateStatistics(); return h1; } }