package org.maltparser.core.syntaxgraph.reader; import*; import; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException; import; import; import; import; import org.maltparser.core.exception.MaltChainedException; import; import; import org.maltparser.core.symbol.SymbolTable; import org.maltparser.core.syntaxgraph.MappablePhraseStructureGraph; import org.maltparser.core.syntaxgraph.PhraseStructure; import org.maltparser.core.syntaxgraph.SyntaxGraphException; import org.maltparser.core.syntaxgraph.TokenStructure; import org.maltparser.core.syntaxgraph.edge.Edge; import org.maltparser.core.syntaxgraph.node.NonTerminalNode; import org.maltparser.core.syntaxgraph.node.PhraseStructureNode; /** * * * @author Johan Hall */ public class TigerXMLReader implements SyntaxGraphReader { // private TigerXMLHeader header; private XMLStreamReader reader; private int sentenceCount; private DataFormatInstance dataFormatInstance; private StringBuffer ntid; private final StringBuilder graphRootID; // private StringBuilder elementContent; // private StringBuilder valueName; // private StringBuilder currentFeatureName; // private Domain domain; // private boolean collectChar = false; private String optionString; private String fileName = null; private URL url = null; private String charsetName; private int nIterations; private int cIterations; private int START_ID_OF_NONTERMINALS = 500; private boolean closeStream = true; public TigerXMLReader() { this.ntid = new StringBuffer(); // elementContent = new StringBuilder(); // valueName = new StringBuilder(); // currentFeatureName = new StringBuilder(); graphRootID = new StringBuilder(); nIterations = 1; cIterations = 1; } private void reopen() throws MaltChainedException { close(); if (fileName != null) { open(fileName, charsetName); } else if (url != null) { open(url, charsetName); } else { throw new DataFormatException("The input stream cannot be reopen. "); } } public void open(String fileName, String charsetName) throws MaltChainedException { setFileName(fileName); setCharsetName(charsetName); try { open(new FileInputStream(fileName), charsetName); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new DataFormatException("The input file '" + fileName + "' cannot be found. ", e); } } public void open(URL url, String charsetName) throws MaltChainedException { setUrl(url); setCharsetName(charsetName); try { open(url.openStream(), charsetName); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DataFormatException("The URL '" + url.toString() + "' cannot be opened. ", e); } } public void open(InputStream is, String charsetName) throws MaltChainedException { try { if (is == { closeStream = false; } open(new InputStreamReader(is, charsetName)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new DataFormatException("The character encoding set '" + charsetName + "' isn't supported. ", e); } } private void open(InputStreamReader isr) throws MaltChainedException { try { XMLInputFactory factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance(); setReader(factory.createXMLStreamReader(new BufferedReader(isr))); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new DataFormatException("XML input file could be opened. ", e); } setSentenceCount(0); } public void readProlog() throws MaltChainedException { } public boolean readSentence(TokenStructure syntaxGraph) throws MaltChainedException { if (syntaxGraph == null || !(syntaxGraph instanceof PhraseStructure)) { return false; } syntaxGraph.clear(); final PhraseStructure phraseStructure = (PhraseStructure) syntaxGraph; PhraseStructureNode parent = null; PhraseStructureNode child; // if (header == null) { // header = new TigerXMLHeader(syntaxGraph.getSymbolTables()); // } try { while (true) { int event =; if (event == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) { if (reader.getLocalName().length() == 0) { continue; } if (reader.getLocalName().charAt(0) == 'e') { // e -> edge, edgelabel if (reader.getLocalName().length() == 4) { //edge int childid = -1; int indexSep = reader.getAttributeValue(null, "idref").indexOf('_'); try { if (indexSep != -1) { childid = Integer.parseInt(reader.getAttributeValue(null, "idref").substring(indexSep + 1)); } else { childid = Integer.parseInt(reader.getAttributeValue(null, "idref")); } if (childid == -1) { throw new SyntaxGraphException("The tiger reader couldn't recognize the idref attribute '" + reader.getAttributeValue(null, "idref") + "' of the edge element. "); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new SyntaxGraphException("The tiger reader couldn't recognize the idref attribute '" + reader.getAttributeValue(null, "idref") + "' of the edge element. "); } if (childid < START_ID_OF_NONTERMINALS) { child = phraseStructure.getTokenNode(childid); } else { child = phraseStructure.getNonTerminalNode(childid - START_ID_OF_NONTERMINALS + 1); } Edge e = phraseStructure.addPhraseStructureEdge(parent, child); SortedMap<String, SymbolTable> inputTables = dataFormatInstance.getPhraseStructureEdgeLabelSymbolTables(); for (String name : inputTables.keySet()) { e.addLabel(inputTables.get(name), reader.getAttributeValue(null, name.toLowerCase())); } } else if (reader.getLocalName().equals("edgelabel")) { // edgelabel // domain = Domain.EL; } } else if (reader.getLocalName().charAt(0) == 'n') { // n -> nt, nonterminals, name if (reader.getLocalName().length() == 2) { // nt final String id = reader.getAttributeValue(null, "id"); if (graphRootID.length() == id.length() && graphRootID.toString().equals(id)) { parent = phraseStructure.getPhraseStructureRoot(); } else { int index = id.indexOf('_'); if (index != -1) { parent = phraseStructure.addNonTerminalNode(Integer.parseInt(id.substring(index + 1)) - START_ID_OF_NONTERMINALS + 1); } } SortedMap<String, SymbolTable> inputTables = dataFormatInstance.getPhraseStructureNodeLabelSymbolTables(); for (String name : inputTables.keySet()) { parent.addLabel(inputTables.get(name), reader.getAttributeValue(null, name.toLowerCase())); } } else if (reader.getLocalName().equals("name")) { // name // elementContent.setLength(0); // collectChar = true; } } else if (reader.getLocalName().charAt(0) == 't') { // t -> t, terminals if (reader.getLocalName().length() == 1) { // t SortedMap<String, SymbolTable> inputTables = dataFormatInstance.getInputSymbolTables(); child = syntaxGraph.addTokenNode(); for (String name : inputTables.keySet()) { child.addLabel(inputTables.get(name), reader.getAttributeValue(null, name.toLowerCase())); } } } else if (reader.getLocalName().charAt(0) == 's') { // s -> subcorpus, secedge, s, secedgelabel if (reader.getLocalName().length() == 1) { // s String id = reader.getAttributeValue(null, "id"); boolean indexable = false; int index = -1; if (id != null && id.length() > 0) { for (int i = 0, n = id.length(); i < n; i++) { if (Character.isDigit(id.charAt(i))) { if (index == -1) { index = i; } indexable = true; } } } if (indexable) { phraseStructure.setSentenceID(Integer.parseInt(id.substring(index))); } else { phraseStructure.setSentenceID(sentenceCount + 1); } } } else if (reader.getLocalName().charAt(0) == 'v') { // v -> variable, value // if (reader.getLocalName().equals("value")) { // valueName.setLength(0); // valueName.append(reader.getAttributeValue(null, "name")); // elementContent.setLength(0); // collectChar = true; // } } else { // a -> annotation, author // b -> body // c -> corpus // d -> date, description, // f -> feature, format // g -> graph // h -> head, history // m -> matches, match if (reader.getLocalName().equals("graph")) { graphRootID.setLength(0); graphRootID.append(reader.getAttributeValue(null, "root")); } else if (reader.getLocalName().equals("corpus")) { // header.setCorpusID(reader.getAttributeValue(null, "id")); // header.setCorpusID(reader.getAttributeValue(null, "version")); } else if (reader.getLocalName().equals("feature")) { // if (header != null) { // currentFeatureName.setLength(0); // currentFeatureName.append(reader.getAttributeValue(null, "name")); // header.addFeature(reader.getAttributeValue(null, "name"), reader.getAttributeValue(null, "domain")); // } // domain = Domain.valueOf(reader.getAttributeValue(null, "domain")); } else if (reader.getLocalName().equals("secedgelabel")) { // domain = Domain.SEL; } else if (reader.getLocalName().equals("author")) { // elementContent.setLength(0); // collectChar = true; } else if (reader.getLocalName().equals("date")) { // elementContent.setLength(0); // collectChar = true; } else if (reader.getLocalName().equals("description")) { // elementContent.setLength(0); // collectChar = true; } else if (reader.getLocalName().equals("format")) { // elementContent.setLength(0); // collectChar = true; } else if (reader.getLocalName().equals("history")) { // elementContent.setLength(0); // collectChar = true; } } } else if (event == XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT) { if (reader.getLocalName().length() == 0) { continue; } if (reader.getLocalName().charAt(0) == 'e') { // e -> edge, edgelabel } else if (reader.getLocalName().charAt(0) == 'n') { // n -> nt, nonterminals, name if (reader.getLocalName().equals("nt")) { ntid.setLength(0); } else if (reader.getLocalName().equals("nonterminals")) { if (phraseStructure.nTokenNode() == 1 && phraseStructure.nNonTerminals() == 0 && ((NonTerminalNode) phraseStructure.getPhraseStructureRoot()).nChildren() == 0) { Edge e = phraseStructure.addPhraseStructureEdge(phraseStructure.getPhraseStructureRoot(), phraseStructure.getTokenNode(1)); SortedMap<String, SymbolTable> inputTables = dataFormatInstance.getPhraseStructureEdgeLabelSymbolTables(); for (String name : inputTables.keySet()) { e.addLabel(inputTables.get(name), "--"); } } } // else if (reader.getLocalName().equals("name")) { // if (header != null) { // header.setMetaName(elementContent.toString()); // } // collectChar = false; // } } else if (reader.getLocalName().charAt(0) == 't') { // t -> t, terminals } else if (reader.getLocalName().charAt(0) == 's') { // s -> subcorpus, secedge, s, secedgelabel if (reader.getLocalName().equals("s")) { if (syntaxGraph.hasTokens()) { sentenceCount++; } if (syntaxGraph instanceof MappablePhraseStructureGraph) { ((MappablePhraseStructureGraph) syntaxGraph).getMapping().updateDependenyGraph(((MappablePhraseStructureGraph) syntaxGraph), ((PhraseStructure) syntaxGraph).getPhraseStructureRoot()); } return true; } } else if (reader.getLocalName().charAt(0) == 'v') { // v -> variable, value // if (reader.getLocalName().equals("value")) { // if (header != null) { // if (domain == Domain.T || domain == Domain.NT || domain == Domain.FREC) { // header.addFeatureValue(currentFeatureName.toString(), valueName.toString(), elementContent.toString()); // } else if (domain == Domain.EL) { // header.addEdgeLabelValue(valueName.toString(), elementContent.toString()); // } else if (domain == Domain.SEL) { // header.addSecEdgeLabelValue(valueName.toString(), elementContent.toString()); // } // } // collectChar = false; // } } else { // a -> annotation, author // b -> body // c -> corpus // d -> date, description, // f -> feature, format // g -> graph // h -> head, history // m -> matches, match if (reader.getLocalName().equals("body")) { //sentence = dataStructures.getSentence(); //phraseTree = dataStructures.getInPhraseTree(); //sentence.clear(); //phraseTree.clear(); //dataStructures.setLastProcessObject(true); } else if (reader.getLocalName().equals("author")) { // if (header != null) { // header.setMetaAuthor(elementContent.toString()); // } // collectChar = false; } else if (reader.getLocalName().equals("date")) { // if (header != null) { // header.setMetaInDate(elementContent.toString()); // } // collectChar = false; } else if (reader.getLocalName().equals("description")) { // if (header != null) { // header.setMetaDescription(elementContent.toString()); // } // collectChar = false; } else if (reader.getLocalName().equals("format")) { // if (header != null) { // header.setMetaFormat(elementContent.toString()); // } // collectChar = false; } else if (reader.getLocalName().equals("history")) { // if (header != null) { // header.setMetaHistory(elementContent.toString()); // } // collectChar = false; } /* * else if (reader.getLocalName().equals("annotation")) * { if (header != null) { * System.out.println(header.toTigerXML()); } * collectChar = false; } */ } } else if (event == XMLStreamConstants.END_DOCUMENT) { if (syntaxGraph.hasTokens()) { sentenceCount++; } if (cIterations < nIterations) { cIterations++; reopen(); return true; } return false; } else if (event == XMLStreamConstants.CHARACTERS) { // if (collectChar) { // char[] ch = reader.getTextCharacters(); // final int size = reader.getTextStart()+reader.getTextLength(); // for (int i = reader.getTextStart(); i < size; i++) { // elementContent.append(ch[i]); // } // } } } } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new DataFormatException("", e); } } public int getSentenceCount() { return sentenceCount; } public void setSentenceCount(int sentenceCount) { this.sentenceCount = sentenceCount; } public XMLStreamReader getReader() { return reader; } public void setReader(XMLStreamReader reader) { this.reader = reader; } public void readEpilog() throws MaltChainedException { } public void close() throws MaltChainedException { try { if (reader != null) { if (closeStream) { reader.close(); } reader = null; } } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new DataFormatException("The XML input file could be closed. ", e); } } public DataFormatInstance getDataFormatInstance() { return dataFormatInstance; } public void setDataFormatInstance(DataFormatInstance inputDataFormatInstance) { this.dataFormatInstance = inputDataFormatInstance; } public String getOptions() { return optionString; } public void setOptions(String optionString) throws MaltChainedException { this.optionString = optionString; String[] argv; try { argv = optionString.split("[_\\p{Blank}]"); } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { throw new DataFormatException("Could not split the TigerXML reader option '" + optionString + "'. ", e); } for (int i = 0; i < argv.length - 1; i++) { if (argv[i].charAt(0) != '-') { throw new DataFormatException("The argument flag should start with the following character '-', not with " + argv[i].charAt(0)); } if (++i >= argv.length) { throw new DataFormatException("The last argument does not have any value. "); } switch (argv[i - 1].charAt(1)) { case 's': try { START_ID_OF_NONTERMINALS = Integer.parseInt(argv[i]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new MaltChainedException("The TigerXML Reader option -s must be an integer value. "); } break; default: throw new DataFormatException("Unknown TigerXMLReader parameter: '" + argv[i - 1] + "' with value '" + argv[i] + "'. "); } } } public String getFileName() { return fileName; } public void setFileName(String fileName) { this.fileName = fileName; } public URL getUrl() { return url; } public void setUrl(URL url) { this.url = url; } public String getCharsetName() { return charsetName; } public void setCharsetName(String charsetName) { this.charsetName = charsetName; } public int getNIterations() { return nIterations; } public void setNIterations(int iterations) { nIterations = iterations; } public int getIterationCounter() { return cIterations; } // public TigerXMLHeader getHeader() { // return header; // } // // public void setHeader(TigerXMLHeader header) { // this.header = header; // } }