package edu.stanford.nlp.parser.ensemble.utils; import org.maltparser.core.helper.SystemLogger; import; import; import; import java.util.*; public class Token implements Dependency { int id; String form; String lemma; String pos; String cpos; String feats; int head; String label; double score; // List of models that proposed this dependency List<Integer> models; // Max number of votes received for a dependency with this modifier (useful for the isolated dependency analysis) int maxVotes; public Token(int id, String f, String pos, int h, String lbl) { construct(id, f, pos, h, lbl, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); } public Token(int id, String f, String pos, int h, String lbl, double score) { construct(id, f, pos, h, lbl, score); } public Token(int id, String f, String l, String cpos, String pos, String feats, int h, String lbl) { construct(id, f, cpos, h, lbl, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); this.lemma = l; this.pos = pos; this.feats = feats; } public Token(int id, String f, String l, String cpos, String pos, String feats, int h, String lbl, double score) { construct(id, f, pos, h, lbl, score); this.lemma = l; this.pos = pos; this.feats = feats; } private void construct(int id, String f, String pos, int h, String l, double score) { = id; this.form = f; this.lemma = f; this.pos = pos; this.cpos = pos; this.feats = "_"; this.head = h; this.label = l; this.score = score; this.models = null; maxVotes = 0; } @Override public int head() { return head; } @Override public int mod() { return id; } @Override public String label() { return label; } @Override public double score() { return score; } public void setScore(double s) { score = s; } void addModel(int m) { if (models == null) { models = new ArrayList<Integer>(); } models.add(m); } List<Integer> getModels() { return models; } /** * Prints the token in CoNLL-X format */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder os = new StringBuilder(); os.append(id).append("\t").append(form).append("\t").append(lemma).append("\t").append(cpos).append("\t").append(pos).append("\t").append(feats).append("\t").append(head).append("\t").append(label.toUpperCase()).append("\t_\t_"); return os.toString(); } @Override public boolean sameDependency(Dependency other) { if (head == other.head() && label.equalsIgnoreCase(other.label())) { return true; } return false; } public static List<Token> readNextSentCoNLLX(BufferedReader is) throws IOException { List<Token> sent = new ArrayList<Token>(); String line; while ((line = is.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); if (line.length() == 0) { break; } String[] toks = line.split("[\t]+"); int id = Integer.parseInt(toks[0]); String form = toks[1]; String lemma = toks[2]; String cpos = toks[3]; String pos = toks[4]; String feats = toks[5]; int head = Integer.parseInt(toks[6]); String label = normLabel(toks[7]); sent.add(new Token(id, form, lemma, cpos, pos, feats, head, label)); } if (sent.isEmpty()) { return null; } return sent; } public static String normLabel(String l) { if (l.equalsIgnoreCase("null")) { return "root"; } return l.toLowerCase(); } public static List<Token> readNextSentCoNLL08(BufferedReader is) throws IOException { List<Token> sent = new ArrayList<Token>(); String line; while ((line = is.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); if (line.length() == 0) { break; } String[] toks = line.split("[\t]+"); int id = Integer.parseInt(toks[0]); String form = toks[5]; String pos = toks[7]; int head = Integer.parseInt(toks[8]); String label = normLabel(toks[9]); sent.add(new Token(id, form, pos, head, label)); } if (sent.isEmpty()) { return null; } return sent; } public static void writeSentCoNLLX(List<Token> sentence, BufferedWriter os) throws IOException { for (Token tok : sentence) { os.write(tok.toString() + "\n"); } os.newLine(); // blank line separate sentences } public static List<Token> mergeSentences(List<Token>[] sents) { List<Token> uniques = new ArrayList<Token>(); for (int mod = 0; mod < sents[0].size(); mod++) { boolean[] used = new boolean[sents.length]; List<Token> chosen = new ArrayList<Token>(); int maxVotes = 0; for (int model = 0; model < sents.length; model++) { if (used[model] == true) { continue; } Token crt = sents[model].get(mod); crt.addModel(model); int votes = 1; for (int i = model + 1; i < sents.length; i++) { Token other = sents[i].get(mod); if (crt.sameDependency(other)) { crt.addModel(i); used[i] = true; votes++; } } if (maxVotes < votes) { maxVotes = votes; } chosen.add(crt); } for (Token u : chosen) { u.maxVotes = maxVotes; uniques.add(u); } } return uniques; } public static final Set<String> NO_ROOT_POS = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[]{".", ",", "``", "''", ":", "-LRB-", "-RRB-"})); public static void fixMultipleRoots(List<Token> deps) { List<Token> roots = new ArrayList<Token>(); Token realRoot = null; for (int i = 0; i < deps.size(); i++) { if (deps.get(i).head == 0) { roots.add(deps.get(i)); if (realRoot == null && !NO_ROOT_POS.contains(deps.get(i).pos)) { realRoot = deps.get(i); } } } if (roots.size() > 1) { if (realRoot == null) { SystemLogger.logger().debug("Found no real root! Roots: " + roots); realRoot = roots.get(0); } for (Token w : roots) { if (w != realRoot) { w.head =; } } } } }