package org.maltparser.parser.algorithm.twoplanar; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedSet; import org.maltparser.core.exception.MaltChainedException; import org.maltparser.core.syntaxgraph.DependencyStructure; import org.maltparser.core.syntaxgraph.edge.Edge; import org.maltparser.core.syntaxgraph.node.DependencyNode; import org.maltparser.parser.DependencyParserConfig; import org.maltparser.parser.Oracle; import org.maltparser.parser.ParserConfiguration; import org.maltparser.parser.history.GuideUserHistory; import org.maltparser.parser.history.action.GuideUserAction; /** * @author Carlos Gomez Rodriguez * */ public class TwoPlanarArcEagerOracle extends Oracle { public TwoPlanarArcEagerOracle(DependencyParserConfig manager, GuideUserHistory history) throws MaltChainedException { super(manager, history); setGuideName("Two-Planar"); } /** * Give this map an edge in the gold standard data, and it will tell you whether, given the links already created by the oracle, it is possible * to create the corresponding edge in one of the planes, in any plane, or in none at all (the latter will happen in non-2-planar structures). */ private static final int ANY_PLANE = 0; private static final int FIRST_PLANE = 1; private static final int SECOND_PLANE = 2; private static final int NO_PLANE = 3; private Map<Edge,Integer> linksToPlanes = new IdentityHashMap<Edge,Integer>(); public GuideUserAction predict(DependencyStructure gold, ParserConfiguration config) throws MaltChainedException { TwoPlanarConfig planarConfig = (TwoPlanarConfig)config; DependencyStructure dg = planarConfig.getDependencyGraph(); DependencyNode activeStackPeek = planarConfig.getActiveStack().peek(); DependencyNode inactiveStackPeek = planarConfig.getInactiveStack().peek(); int activeStackPeekIndex = activeStackPeek.getIndex(); int inactiveStackPeekIndex = inactiveStackPeek.getIndex(); int inputPeekIndex = planarConfig.getInput().peek().getIndex(); //System.out.println("Initting crossings"); if ( crossingsGraph == null ) initCrossingsGraph(gold); //System.out.println("Crossings initted"); if (!activeStackPeek.isRoot() && gold.getTokenNode(activeStackPeekIndex).getHead().getIndex() == inputPeekIndex && !checkIfArcExists ( dg , inputPeekIndex , activeStackPeekIndex ) ) { if ( planarConfig.getStackActivityState() == TwoPlanarConfig.FIRST_STACK ) { propagatePlaneConstraint(gold.getTokenNode(activeStackPeekIndex).getHeadEdge(), FIRST_PLANE ); } else { propagatePlaneConstraint(gold.getTokenNode(activeStackPeekIndex).getHeadEdge(), SECOND_PLANE ); } //System.out.println("From " + inputPeekIndex + " to " + activeStackPeekIndex); return updateActionContainers(TwoPlanar.LEFTARC, gold.getTokenNode(activeStackPeekIndex).getHeadEdge().getLabelSet()); } else if (gold.getTokenNode(inputPeekIndex).getHead().getIndex() == activeStackPeekIndex && !checkIfArcExists ( dg , activeStackPeekIndex , inputPeekIndex ) ) { if ( planarConfig.getStackActivityState() == TwoPlanarConfig.FIRST_STACK ) { propagatePlaneConstraint(gold.getTokenNode(inputPeekIndex).getHeadEdge(), FIRST_PLANE ); } else { propagatePlaneConstraint(gold.getTokenNode(inputPeekIndex).getHeadEdge(), SECOND_PLANE ); } //System.out.println("From " + activeStackPeekIndex + " to " + inputPeekIndex); return updateActionContainers(TwoPlanar.RIGHTARC, gold.getTokenNode(inputPeekIndex).getHeadEdge().getLabelSet()); } else if (!inactiveStackPeek.isRoot() && gold.getTokenNode(inactiveStackPeekIndex).getHead().getIndex() == inputPeekIndex && !checkIfArcExists ( dg , inputPeekIndex , inactiveStackPeekIndex ) ) { //need to create link, but on the other plane!! //TODO is this if branch really necessary? i.e. will this happen? (later branches already switch) //System.out.println("Switch one"); return updateActionContainers(TwoPlanar.SWITCH, null); } else if (gold.getTokenNode(inputPeekIndex).getHead().getIndex() == inactiveStackPeekIndex && !checkIfArcExists ( dg , inactiveStackPeekIndex , inputPeekIndex ) ) { //need to create link, but on the other plane!! //TODO is this if branch really necessary? i.e. will this happen? (later branches already switch) //System.out.println("Switch two"); return updateActionContainers(TwoPlanar.SWITCH, null); } else if ( getFirstPendingLinkOnActivePlane(planarConfig,gold) != null ) { //System.out.println("Reduce one"); return updateActionContainers(TwoPlanar.REDUCE, null); } else if ( getFirstPendingLinkOnInactivePlane(planarConfig,gold) != null ) { //System.out.println("Switch for reducing"); return updateActionContainers(TwoPlanar.SWITCH, null); } //TODO: double reduce somehow? (check if reduced node is not covered by links of the other plane, or something like that). else { //System.out.println("Shift"); return updateActionContainers(TwoPlanar.SHIFT, null); } } private boolean checkIfArcExists ( DependencyStructure dg , int index1 , int index2 ) throws MaltChainedException { return dg.getTokenNode(index2).hasHead() && dg.getTokenNode(index2).getHead().getIndex() == index1; } public void finalizeSentence(DependencyStructure dependencyGraph) throws MaltChainedException { crossingsGraph = null; linksToPlanes.clear(); } public void terminate() throws MaltChainedException {} private static boolean cross ( Edge e1 , Edge e2 ) { int xSource = e1.getSource().getIndex(); int xTarget = e1.getTarget().getIndex(); int ySource = e2.getSource().getIndex(); int yTarget = e2.getTarget().getIndex(); int xMin = Math.min(xSource,xTarget); int xMax = Math.max(xSource,xTarget); int yMin = Math.min(ySource,yTarget); int yMax = Math.max(ySource,yTarget); //System.out.println(xMin+":"+xMax+":"+yMin+":"+yMax); return ( xMin < yMin && yMin < xMax && xMax < yMax ) || ( yMin < xMin && xMin < yMax && yMax < xMax ); } private Map<Edge,List<Edge>> crossingsGraph = null; private void initCrossingsGraph ( DependencyStructure dg ) { crossingsGraph = new IdentityHashMap<Edge,List<Edge>>(); SortedSet<Edge> edges = dg.getEdges(); //System.out.println(edges.size()); //System.out.println(dg.nEdges()); for (Iterator<Edge> iterator1 = edges.iterator(); iterator1.hasNext();) { Edge edge1 =; for (Iterator<Edge> iterator2 = edges.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) { Edge edge2 =; if ( edge1.getSource().getIndex() < edge2.getSource().getIndex() && cross(edge1,edge2) ) { //System.out.println("Crossing!"); List<Edge> crossingEdge1 = crossingsGraph.get(edge1); if ( crossingEdge1 == null ) { crossingEdge1 = new LinkedList<Edge>(); crossingsGraph.put(edge1, crossingEdge1); } crossingEdge1.add(edge2); List<Edge> crossingEdge2 = crossingsGraph.get(edge2); if ( crossingEdge2 == null ) { crossingEdge2 = new LinkedList<Edge>(); crossingsGraph.put(edge2 , crossingEdge2); } crossingEdge2.add(edge1); } } } } private List<Edge> getCrossingEdges ( Edge e ) { return crossingsGraph.get(e); } private void setPlaneConstraint ( Edge e , int requiredPlane ) { linksToPlanes.put(e, requiredPlane); } private int getPlaneConstraint ( Edge e ) { Integer constr = linksToPlanes.get(e); if ( constr == null ) { setPlaneConstraint(e,ANY_PLANE); return ANY_PLANE; } else return constr; } private void propagatePlaneConstraint ( Edge e , int requiredPlane ) { setPlaneConstraint(e,requiredPlane); if ( requiredPlane == FIRST_PLANE || requiredPlane == SECOND_PLANE ) { List<Edge> crossingEdges = getCrossingEdges(e); if ( crossingEdges != null ) { for (Iterator<Edge> iterator = crossingEdges.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Edge crossingEdge =; assert ( requiredPlane == FIRST_PLANE || requiredPlane == SECOND_PLANE ); int crossingEdgeConstraint = getPlaneConstraint(crossingEdge); if ( crossingEdgeConstraint == ANY_PLANE ) { if ( requiredPlane == FIRST_PLANE ) propagatePlaneConstraint(crossingEdge,SECOND_PLANE); else if ( requiredPlane == SECOND_PLANE ) propagatePlaneConstraint(crossingEdge,FIRST_PLANE); } else if ( crossingEdgeConstraint == NO_PLANE ) ; else if ( crossingEdgeConstraint == FIRST_PLANE ) { if ( requiredPlane == FIRST_PLANE ) propagatePlaneConstraint(crossingEdge,NO_PLANE); } else if ( crossingEdgeConstraint == SECOND_PLANE ) { if ( requiredPlane == SECOND_PLANE ) propagatePlaneConstraint(crossingEdge,NO_PLANE); } } } } } /** * Decides in which plane link e should be created. */ private int getLinkDecision ( Edge e , TwoPlanarConfig config ) { int constraint = getPlaneConstraint ( e ); if ( constraint == ANY_PLANE ) { //choose active plane if ( config.getStackActivityState() == TwoPlanarConfig.FIRST_STACK ) return FIRST_PLANE; else return SECOND_PLANE; } else return constraint; } /** * Gets the shortest pending link between (to or from) the input node and a node to the left of the top of the active stack, * such that the link can be established on the active plane. * @param config * @return */ private Edge getFirstPendingLinkOnActivePlane ( TwoPlanarConfig config , DependencyStructure gold ) throws MaltChainedException { return getFirstPendingLinkOnPlane ( config , gold , config.getStackActivityState() == TwoPlanarConfig.FIRST_STACK ? FIRST_PLANE : SECOND_PLANE , config.getActiveStack().peek().getIndex() ); } /** * Gets the shortest pending link between (to or from) the input node and a node to the left of the top of the inactive stack, * such that the link can be established on the inactive plane. * @param config * @return */ private Edge getFirstPendingLinkOnInactivePlane ( TwoPlanarConfig config , DependencyStructure gold ) throws MaltChainedException { return getFirstPendingLinkOnPlane ( config , gold , config.getStackActivityState() == TwoPlanarConfig.FIRST_STACK ? SECOND_PLANE : FIRST_PLANE , config.getInactiveStack().peek().getIndex() ); } private Edge getFirstPendingLinkOnAnyPlane ( TwoPlanarConfig config , DependencyStructure gold ) throws MaltChainedException { Edge e1 = getFirstPendingLinkOnActivePlane ( config , gold ); Edge e2 = getFirstPendingLinkOnInactivePlane ( config , gold ); int left1 = Math.min(e1.getSource().getIndex(), e1.getTarget().getIndex()); int left2 = Math.min(e2.getSource().getIndex(), e2.getTarget().getIndex()); if ( left1 > left2 ) return e1; else return e2; } /** * Gets the shortest pending link between (to or from) the input node and a node to the left of rightmostLimit, such that the link * can be established on the given plane. * @param config * @param plane * @param rightmostLimit * @return */ private Edge getFirstPendingLinkOnPlane ( TwoPlanarConfig config , DependencyStructure gold , int plane , int rightmostLimit ) throws MaltChainedException { TwoPlanarConfig planarConfig = (TwoPlanarConfig)config; //DependencyStructure dg = planarConfig.getDependencyGraph(); -> no need, if rightmostLimit is well chosen, due to algorithm invariants int inputPeekIndex = planarConfig.getInput().peek().getIndex(); Edge current = null; int maxIndex; if ( planarConfig.getRootHandling() == TwoPlanarConfig.NORMAL ) maxIndex = -1; //count links from dummy root else maxIndex = 0; //do not count links from dummy root if ( gold.getTokenNode(inputPeekIndex).hasLeftDependent() && gold.getTokenNode(inputPeekIndex).getLeftmostDependent().getIndex() < rightmostLimit) { SortedSet<DependencyNode> dependents = gold.getTokenNode(inputPeekIndex).getLeftDependents(); for (Iterator<DependencyNode> iterator = dependents.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { DependencyNode dependent = (DependencyNode); if ( dependent.getIndex() > maxIndex && dependent.getIndex() < rightmostLimit && getLinkDecision(dependent.getHeadEdge(),config) == plane ) { maxIndex = dependent.getIndex(); current = dependent.getHeadEdge(); } } } //at this point, current is the first left-pointing link, but we have to check right-pointing link as well //System.out.println("in" + inputPeekIndex + " rl" + rightmostLimit); if ( gold.getTokenNode(inputPeekIndex).getHead().getIndex() < rightmostLimit ) { //System.out.println(":"); if ( gold.getTokenNode(inputPeekIndex).getHead().getIndex() > maxIndex && getLinkDecision(gold.getTokenNode(inputPeekIndex).getHeadEdge(),config) == plane ) { //System.out.println("::"); current = gold.getTokenNode(inputPeekIndex).getHeadEdge(); } } return current; } }