package mstparser; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; public class DependencyInstance implements Serializable { public FeatureVector fv; public String actParseTree; // The various data types. Here's an example from Portuguese: // // 3 eles ele pron pron-pers M|3P|NOM 4 SUBJ _ _ // ID FORM LEMMA COURSE-POS FINE-POS FEATURES HEAD DEPREL PHEAD PDEPREL // // We ignore PHEAD and PDEPREL for now. // FORM: the forms - usually words, like "thought" public String[] forms; // LEMMA: the lemmas, or stems, e.g. "think" public String[] lemmas; // COURSE-POS: the course part-of-speech tags, e.g."V" public String[] cpostags; // FINE-POS: the fine-grained part-of-speech tags, e.g."VBD" public String[] postags; // FEATURES: some features associated with the elements separated by "|", e.g. "PAST|3P" public String[][] feats; // HEAD: the IDs of the heads for each element public int[] heads; // DEPREL: the dependency relations, e.g. "SUBJ" public String[] deprels; // afm 03-07-08 --- heads predicted by the base classifier in a stacked learning framework public int[] heads_pred; // afm 03-07-08 --- dependency relations predicted by the base classifier in a stacked learning framework public String[] deprels_pred; // afm 03-07-08 --- true if there are stacked learning features public boolean stacked=false; // RELATIONAL FEATURE: relational features that hold between items public RelationalFeature[] relFeats; // Confidence scores per edge public double[] confidenceScores; public List<String> numbers; public DependencyInstance() { } public DependencyInstance(DependencyInstance source) { this.fv = source.fv; this.actParseTree = source.actParseTree; } public DependencyInstance(String[] forms, FeatureVector fv) { this.forms = forms; this.fv = fv; } public DependencyInstance(String[] forms, String[] postags, FeatureVector fv) { this(forms, fv); this.cpostags = this.cpostags = postags; } public DependencyInstance(String[] forms, String[] postags, String[] labs, FeatureVector fv) { this(forms, postags, fv); this.deprels = labs; } public DependencyInstance(String[] forms, String[] postags, String[] labs, int[] heads) { this.stacked = false; // afm 03-07-2008 this.forms = forms; this.cpostags = this.postags = postags; this.deprels = labs; this.heads = heads; } public DependencyInstance(String[] forms, String[] postags, String[] labs, int[] heads, double[] confidenceScores) { this(forms, postags, labs, heads); this.confidenceScores = confidenceScores; } public DependencyInstance(String[] forms, String[] lemmas, String[] cpostags, String[] postags, String[][] feats, String[] labs, int[] heads, List<String> numbers) { this(forms, postags, labs, heads); this.lemmas = lemmas; this.cpostags = cpostags; this.feats = feats; this.numbers = numbers; } public DependencyInstance(String[] forms, String[] lemmas, String[] cpostags, String[] postags, String[][] feats, String[] labs, int[] heads, RelationalFeature[] relFeats, String[] deprels_pred, int[] heads_pred, boolean stacked, List<String> numbers) { this(forms, lemmas, cpostags, postags, feats, labs, heads, numbers); this.relFeats = relFeats; this.stacked = stacked; this.deprels_pred = deprels_pred; this.heads_pred = heads_pred; } public DependencyInstance(String[] forms, String[] lemmas, String[] cpostags, String[] postags, String[][] feats, String[] labs, int[] heads, RelationalFeature[] relFeats, double[] confidenceScores, List<String> numbers) { this(forms, lemmas, cpostags, postags, feats, labs, heads, numbers); this.relFeats = relFeats; this.confidenceScores = confidenceScores; } public void setFeatureVector(FeatureVector fv) { this.fv = fv; } public int length() { return forms.length; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(Arrays.toString(forms)).append("\n"); return sb.toString(); } // used in "MSTParserStacked" public void setPreviousLevelsInfo(String[] depRelPred, int[] headPred) { this.deprels_pred = depRelPred; this.heads_pred = headPred; } private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { out.writeObject(forms); out.writeObject(lemmas); out.writeObject(cpostags); out.writeObject(postags); out.writeObject(heads); out.writeObject(deprels); out.writeObject(actParseTree); out.writeObject(feats); out.writeObject(relFeats); out.writeObject(deprels_pred); out.writeObject(heads_pred); out.writeObject(stacked); } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { forms = (String[]) in.readObject(); lemmas = (String[]) in.readObject(); cpostags = (String[]) in.readObject(); postags = (String[]) in.readObject(); heads = (int[]) in.readObject(); deprels = (String[]) in.readObject(); actParseTree = (String) in.readObject(); feats = (String[][]) in.readObject(); relFeats = (RelationalFeature[]) in.readObject(); // stacked deprels_pred = (String[])in.readObject(); heads_pred = (int[])in.readObject(); stacked = (Boolean)in.readObject(); } }