package mstparser; import gnu.trove.TIntArrayList; import*; import; import; public class DependencyPipe { public Alphabet dataAlphabet; public Alphabet typeAlphabet; private DependencyReader depReader; private DependencyWriter depWriter; public String[] types; public int[] typesInt; public boolean labeled = false; private boolean isCONLL = true; public boolean separateLab = false; // afm 06-03-08 private ParserOptions options; public DependencyPipe(ParserOptions options) throws IOException { this.options = options; if (!options.format.equals("CONLL") && !options.format.equals("CONLL2008")) { // afm 04-04-2008 --- Added second part (CONLL2008) isCONLL = false; } separateLab = options.separateLab; dataAlphabet = new Alphabet(); typeAlphabet = new Alphabet(); depReader = DependencyReader.createDependencyReader(options.format, options.discourseMode, options.stackedLevel1, options.useStemmingIfLemmasAbsent); } public void initInputFile(String file) throws IOException { labeled = depReader.startReading(file); } public void initOutputFile(String file) throws IOException { depWriter = DependencyWriter.createDependencyWriter(options.format, labeled); depWriter.startWriting(file); } public void outputInstance(DependencyInstance instance) throws IOException { depWriter.write(instance); } public void close() throws IOException { if (null != depWriter) { depWriter.finishWriting(); } } public String getType(int typeIndex) { return types[typeIndex]; } protected final DependencyInstance nextInstance() throws IOException { DependencyInstance instance = depReader.getNext(); if (instance == null || instance.forms == null) { return null; } instance.setFeatureVector(createFeatureVector(instance)); String[] labs = instance.deprels; int[] heads = instance.heads; StringBuilder spans = new StringBuilder(heads.length * 5); for (int i = 1; i < heads.length; i++) { spans.append(heads[i]).append("|").append(i).append(":").append(typeAlphabet.lookupIndex(labs[i])).append(" "); } instance.actParseTree = spans.substring(0, spans.length() - 1); return instance; } // afm 04-15-2008 public void printModelStats(Parameters params) { double norm1total = 0.0; int num_stacked = 0; double norm1stacked = 0.0; int num_wordfeat = 0; double norm1wordfeat = 0.0; DependencyParser.out.println("No. Features: " + dataAlphabet.numEntries); Object[] keys = dataAlphabet.toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { int num = dataAlphabet.lookupIndex(keys[i]); String feat = (String) keys[i]; double val = params != null ? params.parameters[num] : 0.0; //DependencyParser.out.println(feat+" = "+val); if (val < 0) { val -= val; } norm1total += val; if (feat.startsWith("STK_")) // Stacked feature! { num_stacked++; norm1stacked += val; } else if (feat.startsWith("FF") || feat.startsWith("LF")) { num_wordfeat++; norm1wordfeat += val; } } DependencyParser.out.println("No. Stacked Features: " + num_stacked); DependencyParser.out.println("No. Word+Feat Features: " + num_wordfeat); DependencyParser.out.println("L1 norm of weight vector: " + norm1total); DependencyParser.out.println("L1 norm of weight stacked subvector: " + norm1stacked); DependencyParser.out.println("L1 norm of weight word+feat subvector: " + norm1wordfeat); } public int[] createInstances(String file, File featFileName) throws IOException { createAlphabet(file); DependencyParser.out.println("Num Features: " + dataAlphabet.size()); if (options.separateLab == true) { printModelStats(null); } labeled = depReader.startReading(file); TIntArrayList lengths = new TIntArrayList(); ObjectOutputStream out = options.createForest ? new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(featFileName)) : null; DependencyInstance instance = depReader.getNext(); int num1 = 0; DependencyParser.out.println("Creating Feature Vector Instances: "); while (instance != null) { DependencyParser.out.print(num1 + " "); instance.setFeatureVector(createFeatureVector(instance)); String[] labs = instance.deprels; int[] heads = instance.heads; StringBuilder spans = new StringBuilder(heads.length * 5); for (int i = 1; i < heads.length; i++) { spans.append(heads[i]).append("|").append(i).append(":").append(typeAlphabet.lookupIndex(labs[i])).append(" "); } instance.actParseTree = spans.substring(0, spans.length() - 1); lengths.add(instance.length()); if (options.createForest) { writeInstance(instance, out); } instance = depReader.getNext(); num1++; } DependencyParser.out.println(); closeAlphabets(); if (options.createForest) { out.close(); } return lengths.toNativeArray(); } private void createAlphabet(String file) throws IOException { DependencyParser.out.print("Creating Alphabet ... "); labeled = depReader.startReading(file); DependencyInstance instance = depReader.getNext(); while (instance != null) { String[] labs = instance.deprels; for (int i = 0; i < labs.length; i++) { typeAlphabet.lookupIndex(labs[i]); } createFeatureVector(instance); instance = depReader.getNext(); } closeAlphabets(); DependencyParser.out.println("Done."); } public void closeAlphabets() { dataAlphabet.stopGrowth(); typeAlphabet.stopGrowth(); types = new String[typeAlphabet.size()]; Object[] keys = typeAlphabet.toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { int indx = typeAlphabet.lookupIndex(keys[i]); types[indx] = (String) keys[i]; } KBestParseForest.rootType = typeAlphabet.lookupIndex("<root-type>"); } // add with default 1.0 public final void add(String feat, FeatureVector fv) { int num = dataAlphabet.lookupIndex(feat); if (num >= 0) { fv.add(num, 1.0); } } public final void add(String feat, double val, FeatureVector fv) { int num = dataAlphabet.lookupIndex(feat); if (num >= 0) { fv.add(num, val); } } public FeatureVector createFeatureVector(DependencyInstance instance) { final int instanceLength = instance.length(); String[] labs = instance.deprels; int[] heads = instance.heads; FeatureVector fv = new FeatureVector(); for (int i = 0; i < instanceLength; i++) { if (heads[i] == -1) { continue; } int small = i < heads[i] ? i : heads[i]; int large = i > heads[i] ? i : heads[i]; boolean attR = i < heads[i] ? false : true; addCoreFeatures(instance, small, large, attR, fv); if (labeled) { if (!separateLab) { // afm 06-03-08 addLabeledFeatures(instance, i, labs[i], attR, true, fv); addLabeledFeatures(instance, heads[i], labs[i], attR, false, fv); } } } addExtendedFeatures(instance, fv); return fv; } protected void addExtendedFeatures(DependencyInstance instance, FeatureVector fv) { } public void addCoreFeatures(DependencyInstance instance, int small, int large, boolean attR, FeatureVector fv) { String[] forms = instance.forms; String[] pos = instance.postags; String[] posA = instance.cpostags; String att = attR ? "RA" : "LA"; int dist = Math.abs(large - small); String distBool; if (dist > 10) { distBool = "10"; } else if (dist > 5) { distBool = "5"; } else { distBool = Integer.toString(dist - 1); } String attDist = "&" + att + "&" + distBool; addLinearFeatures("POS", pos, small, large, attDist, fv); addLinearFeatures("CPOS", posA, small, large, attDist, fv); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int headIndex = small; int childIndex = large; if (!attR) { headIndex = large; childIndex = small; } addTwoObsFeatures("HC", forms[headIndex], pos[headIndex], forms[childIndex], pos[childIndex], attDist, fv); // afm 06-03-2008 --- McDonald's ACL08 code adds also features for 3-size prefixes and suffixes of forms if (isCONLL) { addTwoObsFeatures("HCA", forms[headIndex], posA[headIndex], forms[childIndex], posA[childIndex], attDist, fv); addTwoObsFeatures("HCC", instance.lemmas[headIndex], pos[headIndex], instance.lemmas[childIndex], pos[childIndex], attDist, fv); addTwoObsFeatures("HCD", instance.lemmas[headIndex], posA[headIndex], instance.lemmas[childIndex], posA[childIndex], attDist, fv); if (options.discourseMode) { // Note: The features invoked here are designed for // discourse parsing (as opposed to sentential // parsing). It is conceivable that they could help for // sentential parsing, but current testing indicates that // they hurt sentential parsing performance. addDiscourseFeatures(instance, small, large, headIndex, childIndex, attDist, fv); } else { // Add in features from the feature lists. It assumes // the feature lists can have different lengths for // each item. For example, nouns might have a // different number of morphological features than // verbs. /*/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Agreement Feature boolean headAttsMatched [] = new boolean[instance.feats[headIndex].length]; boolean depAttsMatched [] = new boolean[instance.feats[childIndex].length]; String hPOS = posA[headIndex]; // grab head CPOS String dPOS = posA[childIndex]; // grab dep CPOS for (int i=0; i<instance.feats[headIndex].length; i++) { // for each head attr for (int j=0; j<instance.feats[childIndex].length; j++) { // for each dep attr String headItem = instance.feats[headIndex][i]; // "item": attr=val String depItem = instance.feats[childIndex][j]; if (headItem.contains("=") && depItem.contains("=")) { // if not "_" String headAtt = instance.feats[headIndex][i].split("=")[0]; String depAtt = instance.feats[childIndex][j].split("=")[0]; String headVal = instance.feats[headIndex][i].split("=")[1]; String depVal = instance.feats[childIndex][j].split("=")[1]; if (depAtt.equals(headAtt)) { // if same attr headAttsMatched[i] = true ; // found a match for this attr depAttsMatched[j] = true ; if (depVal.equals(headVal)) // if same value, add "agrees" add(headAtt+"_agrees , head ="+hPOS+",dep ="+dPOS, fv); else // if different, add "disagrees" add(headAtt+"_disagrees , head ="+hPOS+",dep ="+dPOS, fv); } } } } for (int i=0; i<headAttsMatched.length; i++) // for each head attr if (!headAttsMatched[i]) { // if unmatched String headItem = instance.feats[headIndex][i]; // add asymmetric add("head_"+headItem+",head ="+hPOS+",dep ="+dPOS, fv); } for ( int i=0; i<depAttsMatched.length; i++) // for each dep attr if (!depAttsMatched[i]) { // if unmatched String depItem = instance.feats[childIndex][i]; // add asymmetric add("dep_"+depItem+",head ="+hPOS+",dep ="+dPOS, fv); } /**/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for (int i = 0; i < instance.feats[headIndex].length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < instance.feats[childIndex].length; j++) { // afm 06-12-08 --- This lead to an explosion of (irrelevant) features // To do something more similar to McDonald ACL'08, replace the two calls below by: if (options.composeFeaturesWithPOS) { addTwoObsFeatures("POSFEAT" + i + "*" + j, instance.postags[headIndex], instance.feats[headIndex][i], instance.postags[childIndex], instance.feats[childIndex][j], attDist, fv); } else { addTwoObsFeatures("FF" + i + "*" + j, instance.forms[headIndex], instance.feats[headIndex][i], instance.forms[childIndex], instance.feats[childIndex][j], attDist, fv); addTwoObsFeatures("LF" + i + "*" + j, instance.lemmas[headIndex], instance.feats[headIndex][i], instance.lemmas[childIndex], instance.feats[childIndex][j], attDist, fv); } } } } if (instance.stacked) // afm 03-10-08 { addCoreStackedFeatures(instance, headIndex, childIndex, attDist, fv); } } else { // We are using the old MST format. Pick up stem features // the way they used to be done. This is kept for // replicability of results for old versions. int hL = forms[headIndex].length(); int cL = forms[childIndex].length(); if (hL > 5 || cL > 5) { addOldMSTStemFeatures(instance.lemmas[headIndex], pos[headIndex], instance.lemmas[childIndex], pos[childIndex], attDist, hL, cL, fv); } } } private void addCoreStackedFeatures(DependencyInstance instance, int headIndex, int childIndex, String attDist, FeatureVector fv) { final int instanceLength = instance.length(); String[] labs_pred = instance.deprels_pred; int[] heads_pred = instance.heads_pred; String[] pos = instance.postags; // or cpostags? String[] lemmas = instance.lemmas; String[] forms = instance.forms; int index; int j; String pos_index, lab_index, lemma_index, form_index; if (headIndex == -1) { return; } boolean attR = childIndex < headIndex ? false : true; boolean isPredEdge = (heads_pred[childIndex] == headIndex); boolean use_lemmas = true; boolean use_forms = true; if (options.stackedFeats.usePredEdge) { add("STK_EDGE" + "=" + isPredEdge, fv); // Is predicted edge? add("STK_EDGE_POS" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex], fv); // afm 06-07-08 if (isPredEdge) { if (options.stackedFeats.useLabels) { add("STK_EDGE_LBL" + "=" + labs_pred[childIndex], fv); // afm 03-14-08 --- Label of predicted edge add("STK_EDGE_LBL_POS" + "=" + labs_pred[childIndex] + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex], fv); // afm 06-07-08 } } } // afm 04-03-2008 --- Predicted head for this child, if this edge was not predicted if (options.stackedFeats.usePredHead) { if (!isPredEdge) { pos_index = null; lemma_index = null; // To be used later form_index = null; // To be used later if (heads_pred[childIndex] >= 0) { pos_index = pos[heads_pred[childIndex]]; lemma_index = lemmas[heads_pred[childIndex]]; form_index = forms[heads_pred[childIndex]]; } lab_index = labs_pred[childIndex]; // Head pos, predicted head lemma and pos add("STK_HEAD" + "_HL" + "=" + pos[childIndex] + " " + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + lemma_index + " " + pos_index + "*" + attDist, fv); add("STK_HEAD" + "_HL" + "=" + pos[childIndex] + " " + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + lemma_index + " " + pos_index, fv); if (options.stackedFeats.useLabels) { add("STK_HEAD_LBL" + "_HL" + "=" + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + lemma_index + " " + pos_index + " " + lab_index + "*" + attDist, fv); add("STK_HEAD_LBL" + "_HL" + "=" + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + lemma_index + " " + pos_index + " " + lab_index, fv); } if (use_forms) { // Head pos, predicted head form and pos add("STK_HEAD" + "_HF" + "=" + pos[childIndex] + " " + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + form_index + " " + pos_index + "*" + attDist, fv); add("STK_HEAD" + "_HF" + "=" + pos[childIndex] + " " + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + form_index + " " + pos_index, fv); if (options.stackedFeats.useLabels) { add("STK_HEAD_LBL" + "_HF" + "=" + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + form_index + " " + pos_index + " " + lab_index + "*" + attDist, fv); add("STK_HEAD_LBL" + "_HF" + "=" + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + form_index + " " + pos_index + " " + lab_index, fv); } } // Head pos, predicted head pos add("STK_HEAD" + "=" + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + "*" + attDist, fv); add("STK_HEAD" + "=" + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index, fv); if (options.stackedFeats.useLabels) { add("STK_HEAD_LBL" + "=" + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + " " + lab_index + "*" + attDist, fv); add("STK_HEAD_LBL" + "=" + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + " " + lab_index, fv); } } } // afm 03-27-2008 --- All predicted children (not using labels so far --- it could help) if (options.stackedFeats.useAllChildren) { String featname; String allchildren = ""; String allchildren_labs = ""; for (j = 0; j < instanceLength; j++) { if (headIndex == heads_pred[j]) { if (j == childIndex) { allchildren += "[[C]]" + " "; // This means that the child was predicted at this position allchildren_labs += "[[C]]]" + " "; } else { allchildren += pos[j] + " "; allchildren_labs += labs_pred[j] + " "; } } else if (j == headIndex) { allchildren += "[H]" + " "; allchildren_labs += "[H]" + " "; } else if (j == childIndex) { allchildren += "[C]" + " "; allchildren_labs += "[C]" + " "; } } // afm 06-13-2008 --- with the head lemma featname = "STK_ALLCHILD_HL_" + isPredEdge + " " + lemmas[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + allchildren; add(featname, fv); if (options.stackedFeats.useLabels) { featname = "STK_ALLCHILD_LBL_HL_" + isPredEdge + " " + lemmas[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + allchildren_labs; add(featname, fv); } if (use_forms) { // afm 06-13-2008 --- with the head form featname = "STK_ALLCHILD_HF_" + isPredEdge + " " + forms[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + allchildren; add(featname, fv); if (options.stackedFeats.useLabels) { featname = "STK_ALLCHILD_LBL_HF_" + isPredEdge + " " + forms[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + allchildren_labs; add(featname, fv); } } // afm 06-14-2008 --- smoothed version, without the head lemma featname = "STK_ALLCHILD_" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + allchildren; add(featname, fv); if (options.stackedFeats.useLabels) { featname = "STK_ALLCHILD_LBL_" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + allchildren_labs; add(featname, fv); } } int grandp = heads_pred[headIndex]; // Predicted grandparent int valency = 0; for (int i = 0; i < instanceLength; i++) { if (heads_pred[i] == headIndex) { valency++; } } if (options.stackedFeats.useValency) { // afm 06-13-2008 --- +isPredEdge add("STK_VAL_HL" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + lemmas[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + "*" + attDist + "$" + valency, fv); // afm 06-14-08 -- Predicted valency add("STK_VAL" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + "*" + attDist + "$" + valency, fv); // afm 06-14-08 -- Predicted valency add("STK_VAL_HL" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + lemmas[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + "$" + valency, fv); // afm 03-15-08 -- Predicted valency add("STK_VAL" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + "$" + valency, fv); // afm 03-15-08 -- Predicted valency if (use_forms) { add("STK_VAL_HF" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + forms[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + "*" + attDist + "$" + valency, fv); // afm 06-14-08 -- Predicted valency add("STK_VAL_HF" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + forms[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + "$" + valency, fv); // afm 03-15-08 -- Predicted valency } } boolean isSiblMid = false; // Sibling in the middle between (candidate) head and modifier. String prefix; // Get previous and next (predicted) siblings // Note: for next sibling, isSiblMid is always false. for (int t = 0; t <= 2; t++) // t = 0 means previous sibling (in the direction head -> modifier); t = 1 means next { if (t == 0) { prefix = "STK_PRVSBL"; } else if (t == 1) { prefix = "STK_NXTSBL"; } else { prefix = "STK_GRANDP"; } if (t == 0 && options.stackedFeats.usePrevSibl == false) { continue; } if (t == 1 && options.stackedFeats.useNextSibl == false) { continue; } if (t == 2 && options.stackedFeats.useGrandparents == false) { continue; } if ((t == 0 && attR) || // prev: head, sibl, modif, or sibl, head, modif t == 1 && !attR) // next: sibl, modif, head { for (j = childIndex - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (headIndex == heads_pred[j]) { break; } } if (j >= 0) { index = j; if (index > headIndex) { isSiblMid = true; } else { isSiblMid = false; } } else { index = -1; } } else if (t != 2) // prev: modif, sibl, head, or modif, head, sibl // next: head, modif, sibl { for (j = childIndex + 1; j < instanceLength; j++) { if (headIndex == heads_pred[j]) { break; } } if (j < instanceLength) { index = j; if (index < headIndex) { isSiblMid = true; } else { isSiblMid = false; } } else { index = -1; } } else { index = grandp; } if (index < 0) { pos_index = "null"; lab_index = "null"; } else { pos_index = pos[index]; lab_index = (t == 2) ? labs_pred[headIndex] : labs_pred[index]; // afm 06-13-2008 } // Write features: if (options.stackedFeats.useValency) { // afm 06-13-2008 --- +isPredEdge add(prefix + "_HL" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + lemmas[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + "*" + attDist + "$" + valency, fv); // afm 06-14-08 -- Predicted valency add(prefix + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + "*" + attDist + "$" + valency, fv); // afm 06-14-08 -- Predicted valency add(prefix + "_HL" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + lemmas[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + "$" + valency, fv); // afm 03-15-08 -- Predicted valency add(prefix + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + "$" + valency, fv); // afm 03-15-08 -- Predicted valency if (use_forms) { add(prefix + "_HF" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + forms[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + "*" + attDist + "$" + valency, fv); // afm 06-14-08 -- Predicted valency add(prefix + "_HF" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + forms[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + "$" + valency, fv); // afm 03-15-08 -- Predicted valency } } // Includes the head lemma and POS: if (use_lemmas) { if (t == 0) { // afm 06-13-2008 --- +isPredEdge add(prefix + "_HL" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + lemmas[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + "*" + attDist + "#" + isSiblMid, fv); add(prefix + "_HL" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + lemmas[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + "#" + isSiblMid, fv); if (options.stackedFeats.useLabels) { add(prefix + "_HL_LBL" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + lemmas[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + lab_index + "*" + attDist + "#" + isSiblMid, fv); // afm 03-14-08 --- Sibling label add(prefix + "_HL_LBL" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + lemmas[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + lab_index + "#" + isSiblMid, fv); // afm 03-14-08 --- Sibling label } } // afm 06-13-2008 --- +isPredEdge add(prefix + "_HL" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + lemmas[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + "*" + attDist, fv); add(prefix + "_HL" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + lemmas[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index, fv); if (options.stackedFeats.useLabels) { add(prefix + "_HL_LBL" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + lemmas[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + lab_index + "*" + attDist, fv); // afm 03-14-08 --- Sibling label add(prefix + "_HL_LBL" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + lemmas[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + lab_index, fv); // afm 03-14-08 --- Sibling label } } // afm 06-14-2008 --- Includes the head form and POS: if (use_forms) { if (t == 0) { // afm 06-13-2008 --- +isPredEdge add(prefix + "_HF" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + forms[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + "*" + attDist + "#" + isSiblMid, fv); add(prefix + "_HF" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + forms[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + "#" + isSiblMid, fv); if (options.stackedFeats.useLabels) { add(prefix + "_HF_LBL" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + forms[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + lab_index + "*" + attDist + "#" + isSiblMid, fv); // afm 03-14-08 --- Sibling label add(prefix + "_HF_LBL" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + forms[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + lab_index + "#" + isSiblMid, fv); // afm 03-14-08 --- Sibling label } } // afm 06-13-2008 --- +isPredEdge add(prefix + "_HF" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + forms[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + "*" + attDist, fv); add(prefix + "_HF" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + forms[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index, fv); if (options.stackedFeats.useLabels) { add(prefix + "_HF_LBL" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + forms[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + lab_index + "*" + attDist, fv); // afm 03-14-08 --- Sibling label add(prefix + "_HF_LBL" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + forms[headIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + lab_index, fv); // afm 03-14-08 --- Sibling label } } // Includes the head POS: if (t == 0) // For t == 1, the isSiblMid feature is always false, so it's useless { // afm 06-13-2008 --- +isPredEdge add(prefix + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + "*" + attDist + "#" + isSiblMid, fv); add(prefix + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos_index + "*" + attDist + "#" + isSiblMid, fv); add(prefix + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + "#" + isSiblMid, fv); add(prefix + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos_index + "#" + isSiblMid, fv); if (options.stackedFeats.useLabels) { add(prefix + "_LBL" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + lab_index + "*" + attDist + "#" + isSiblMid, fv); // afm 03-14-08 --- Sibling label add(prefix + "_LBL" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos_index + lab_index + "*" + attDist + "#" + isSiblMid, fv); // afm 03-14-08 --- Sibling label add(prefix + "_LBL" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + lab_index + "#" + isSiblMid, fv); // afm 03-14-08 --- Sibling label add(prefix + "_LBL" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos_index + lab_index + "#" + isSiblMid, fv); // afm 03-14-08 --- Sibling label } } // afm 06-13-2008 --- +isPredEdge add(prefix + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + "*" + attDist, fv); add(prefix + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos_index + "*" + attDist, fv); add(prefix + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index, fv); add(prefix + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos_index, fv); if (options.stackedFeats.useLabels) { add(prefix + "_LBL" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + lab_index + "*" + attDist, fv); // afm 03-14-08 --- Sibling label add(prefix + "_LBL" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos_index + lab_index + "*" + attDist, fv); // afm 03-14-08 --- Sibling label add(prefix + "_LBL" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos[headIndex] + " " + pos_index + lab_index, fv); // afm 03-14-08 --- Sibling label add(prefix + "_LBL" + "=" + isPredEdge + " " + pos[childIndex] + " " + pos_index + lab_index, fv); // afm 03-14-08 --- Sibling label } } } private void addLinearFeatures(String type, String[] obsVals, int first, int second, String attachDistance, FeatureVector fv) { String pLeft = first > 0 ? obsVals[first - 1] : "STR"; String pRight = second < obsVals.length - 1 ? obsVals[second + 1] : "END"; String pLeftRight = first < second - 1 ? obsVals[first + 1] : "MID"; String pRightLeft = second > first + 1 ? obsVals[second - 1] : "MID"; // feature posR posMid posL StringBuilder featPos = new StringBuilder(type + "PC=" + obsVals[first] + " " + obsVals[second]); for (int i = first + 1; i < second; i++) { String allPos = featPos.toString() + ' ' + obsVals[i]; add(allPos, fv); add(allPos + attachDistance, fv); } addCorePosFeatures(type + "PT", pLeft, obsVals[first], pLeftRight, pRightLeft, obsVals[second], pRight, attachDistance, fv); } private void addCorePosFeatures(String prefix, String leftOf1, String one, String rightOf1, String leftOf2, String two, String rightOf2, String attachDistance, FeatureVector fv) { // feature posL-1 posL posR posR+1 add(prefix + "=" + leftOf1 + " " + one + " " + two + "*" + attachDistance, fv); StringBuilder feat = new StringBuilder(prefix + "1=" + leftOf1 + " " + one + " " + two); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat.append(' ').append(rightOf2); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat.append('*').append(attachDistance); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat = new StringBuilder(prefix + "2=" + leftOf1 + " " + two + " " + rightOf2); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat.append('*').append(attachDistance); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat = new StringBuilder(prefix + "3=" + leftOf1 + " " + one + " " + rightOf2); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat.append('*').append(attachDistance); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat = new StringBuilder(prefix + "4=" + one + " " + two + " " + rightOf2); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat.append('*').append(attachDistance); add(feat.toString(), fv); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// prefix = "A" + prefix; // feature posL posL+1 posR-1 posR add(prefix + "1=" + one + " " + rightOf1 + " " + leftOf2 + "*" + attachDistance, fv); feat = new StringBuilder(prefix + "1=" + one + " " + rightOf1 + " " + leftOf2); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat.append(' ').append(two); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat.append('*').append(attachDistance); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat = new StringBuilder(prefix + "2=" + one + " " + rightOf1 + " " + two); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat.append('*').append(attachDistance); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat = new StringBuilder(prefix + "3=" + one + " " + leftOf2 + " " + two); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat.append('*').append(attachDistance); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat = new StringBuilder(prefix + "4=" + rightOf1 + " " + leftOf2 + " " + two); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat.append('*').append(attachDistance); add(feat.toString(), fv); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// prefix = "B" + prefix; //// feature posL-1 posL posR-1 posR feat = new StringBuilder(prefix + "1=" + leftOf1 + " " + one + " " + leftOf2 + " " + two); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat.append('*').append(attachDistance); add(feat.toString(), fv); //// feature posL posL+1 posR posR+1 feat = new StringBuilder(prefix + "2=" + one + " " + rightOf1 + " " + two + " " + rightOf2); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat.append('*').append(attachDistance); add(feat.toString(), fv); } /** * Add features for two items, each with two observations, e.g. head, head * pos, child, and child pos. * * The use of StringBuilders is not yet as efficient as it could be, but * this is a start. (And it abstracts the logic so we can add other features * more easily based on other items and observations.) * */ private void addTwoObsFeatures(String prefix, String item1F1, String item1F2, String item2F1, String item2F2, String attachDistance, FeatureVector fv) { StringBuilder feat = new StringBuilder(prefix + "2FF1=" + item1F1); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat.append('*').append(attachDistance); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat = new StringBuilder(prefix + "2FF1=" + item1F1 + " " + item1F2); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat.append('*').append(attachDistance); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat = new StringBuilder(prefix + "2FF1=" + item1F1 + " " + item1F2 + " " + item2F2); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat.append('*').append(attachDistance); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat = new StringBuilder(prefix + "2FF1=" + item1F1 + " " + item1F2 + " " + item2F2 + " " + item2F1); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat.append('*').append(attachDistance); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat = new StringBuilder(prefix + "2FF2=" + item1F1 + " " + item2F1); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat.append('*').append(attachDistance); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat = new StringBuilder(prefix + "2FF3=" + item1F1 + " " + item2F2); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat.append('*').append(attachDistance); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat = new StringBuilder(prefix + "2FF4=" + item1F2 + " " + item2F1); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat.append('*').append(attachDistance); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat = new StringBuilder(prefix + "2FF4=" + item1F2 + " " + item2F1 + " " + item2F2); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat.append('*').append(attachDistance); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat = new StringBuilder(prefix + "2FF5=" + item1F2 + " " + item2F2); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat.append('*').append(attachDistance); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat = new StringBuilder(prefix + "2FF6=" + item2F1 + " " + item2F2); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat.append('*').append(attachDistance); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat = new StringBuilder(prefix + "2FF7=" + item1F2); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat.append('*').append(attachDistance); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat = new StringBuilder(prefix + "2FF8=" + item2F1); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat.append('*').append(attachDistance); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat = new StringBuilder(prefix + "2FF9=" + item2F2); add(feat.toString(), fv); feat.append('*').append(attachDistance); add(feat.toString(), fv); } public void addLabeledFeatures(DependencyInstance instance, int word, String type, boolean attR, boolean childFeatures, FeatureVector fv) { if (!labeled) { return; } String[] forms = instance.forms; String[] pos = instance.postags; String att; if (attR) { att = "RA"; } else { att = "LA"; } att += "&" + childFeatures; String w = forms[word]; String wP = pos[word]; String wPm1 = word > 0 ? pos[word - 1] : "STR"; String wPp1 = word < pos.length - 1 ? pos[word + 1] : "END"; add("NTS1=" + type + "&" + att, fv); add("ANTS1=" + type, fv); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { String suff = i < 1 ? "&" + att : ""; suff = "&" + type + suff; add("NTH=" + w + " " + wP + suff, fv); add("NTI=" + wP + suff, fv); add("NTIA=" + wPm1 + " " + wP + suff, fv); add("NTIB=" + wP + " " + wPp1 + suff, fv); add("NTIC=" + wPm1 + " " + wP + " " + wPp1 + suff, fv); add("NTJ=" + w + suff, fv); //this } /*/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Agreement feature if (childFeatures && ( instance.heads[word] != -1)) { String[] headFeats = instance.feats[instance.heads[word]]; String[] childFeats = instance.feats[word]; String hPOS = instance.cpostags[instance.heads[word]] ; // grab head CPOS String dPOS = instance.cpostags[word]; // grab dep CPOS boolean headAttsMatched [] = new boolean[headFeats.length]; boolean depAttsMatched [] = new boolean[childFeats.length]; for (int i=0 ; i<childFeats.length; i++) { // for each head attr for (int j=0 ; j<headFeats.length ; j++) { // for each dep attr if (headFeats[j].contains("=") && childFeats[i].contains("=")) { String headAtt = headFeats[j].split("=")[0]; String depAtt = childFeats[i].split("=")[0]; String headVal = headFeats[j].split("=")[1]; String depVal = childFeats[i].split("=")[1]; if ( depAtt.equals(headAtt) ) { // if same attribute headAttsMatched[j] = true; // found a match for this attr depAttsMatched[i] = true; if (depVal.equals(headVal)) // if same value, add "agrees" add(depAtt+"_agrees & label ="+type+",head ="+hPOS+",dep ="+dPOS, fv); else add(depAtt+"_disagrees & label ="+type+",head ="+hPOS+",dep ="+dPOS, fv); } } } } for (int i=0; i<headAttsMatched.length; i++) // for each head attr if (!headAttsMatched[i]) { // if unmatched String headItem = headFeats[i]; // add asymmetric add("head_"+headItem+",head ="+hPOS+",dep ="+dPOS+",label ="+type, fv); } for (int i=0; i<depAttsMatched.length; i++) // for each dep att if (!depAttsMatched[i]) { // if unmatched String depItem = childFeats[i]; // add asymmetric add("dep_"+depItem+",head ="+hPOS+",dep ="+dPOS+",label ="+type, fv); } } /**/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (instance.stacked) { // afm 03-11-08 addLabeledStackedFeatures(instance, word, type, attR, childFeatures, fv); } } // afm 03-11-08 private void addLabeledStackedFeatures(DependencyInstance instance, int index, String label, boolean attR, boolean isChild, FeatureVector fv) { // Add labeled stacked features here --- afm 03-11-08 } private void addDiscourseFeatures(DependencyInstance instance, int small, int large, int headIndex, int childIndex, String attDist, FeatureVector fv) { addLinearFeatures("FORM", instance.forms, small, large, attDist, fv); addLinearFeatures("LEMMA", instance.lemmas, small, large, attDist, fv); addTwoObsFeatures("HCB1", instance.forms[headIndex], instance.lemmas[headIndex], instance.forms[childIndex], instance.lemmas[childIndex], attDist, fv); addTwoObsFeatures("HCB2", instance.forms[headIndex], instance.lemmas[headIndex], instance.forms[childIndex], instance.postags[childIndex], attDist, fv); addTwoObsFeatures("HCB3", instance.forms[headIndex], instance.lemmas[headIndex], instance.forms[childIndex], instance.cpostags[childIndex], attDist, fv); addTwoObsFeatures("HC2", instance.forms[headIndex], instance.postags[headIndex], instance.forms[childIndex], instance.cpostags[childIndex], attDist, fv); addTwoObsFeatures("HCC2", instance.lemmas[headIndex], instance.postags[headIndex], instance.lemmas[childIndex], instance.cpostags[childIndex], attDist, fv); //// Use this if your extra feature lists all have the same length. for (int i = 0; i < instance.feats.length; i++) { addLinearFeatures("F" + i, instance.feats[i], small, large, attDist, fv); addTwoObsFeatures("FF" + i, instance.forms[headIndex], instance.feats[i][headIndex], instance.forms[childIndex], instance.feats[i][childIndex], attDist, fv); addTwoObsFeatures("LF" + i, instance.lemmas[headIndex], instance.feats[i][headIndex], instance.lemmas[childIndex], instance.feats[i][childIndex], attDist, fv); addTwoObsFeatures("PF" + i, instance.postags[headIndex], instance.feats[i][headIndex], instance.postags[childIndex], instance.feats[i][childIndex], attDist, fv); addTwoObsFeatures("CPF" + i, instance.cpostags[headIndex], instance.feats[i][headIndex], instance.cpostags[childIndex], instance.feats[i][childIndex], attDist, fv); for (int j = i + 1; j < instance.feats.length; j++) { addTwoObsFeatures("CPF" + i + "_" + j, instance.feats[i][headIndex], instance.feats[j][headIndex], instance.feats[i][childIndex], instance.feats[j][childIndex], attDist, fv); } for (int j = 0; j < instance.feats.length; j++) { addTwoObsFeatures("XFF" + i + "_" + j, instance.forms[headIndex], instance.feats[i][headIndex], instance.forms[childIndex], instance.feats[j][childIndex], attDist, fv); addTwoObsFeatures("XLF" + i + "_" + j, instance.lemmas[headIndex], instance.feats[i][headIndex], instance.lemmas[childIndex], instance.feats[j][childIndex], attDist, fv); addTwoObsFeatures("XPF" + i + "_" + j, instance.postags[headIndex], instance.feats[i][headIndex], instance.postags[childIndex], instance.feats[j][childIndex], attDist, fv); addTwoObsFeatures("XCF" + i + "_" + j, instance.cpostags[headIndex], instance.feats[i][headIndex], instance.cpostags[childIndex], instance.feats[j][childIndex], attDist, fv); } } // Test out relational features if (options.useRelationalFeatures) { //for (int rf_index=0; rf_index<2; rf_index++) { for (int rf_index = 0; rf_index < instance.relFeats.length; rf_index++) { String headToChild = "H2C" + rf_index + instance.relFeats[rf_index].getFeature(headIndex, childIndex); addTwoObsFeatures("RFA1", instance.forms[headIndex], instance.lemmas[headIndex], instance.postags[childIndex], headToChild, attDist, fv); addTwoObsFeatures("RFA2", instance.postags[headIndex], instance.cpostags[headIndex], instance.forms[childIndex], headToChild, attDist, fv); addTwoObsFeatures("RFA3", instance.lemmas[headIndex], instance.postags[headIndex], instance.forms[childIndex], headToChild, attDist, fv); addTwoObsFeatures("RFB1", headToChild, instance.postags[headIndex], instance.forms[childIndex], instance.lemmas[childIndex], attDist, fv); addTwoObsFeatures("RFB2", headToChild, instance.forms[headIndex], instance.postags[childIndex], instance.cpostags[childIndex], attDist, fv); addTwoObsFeatures("RFB3", headToChild, instance.forms[headIndex], instance.lemmas[childIndex], instance.postags[childIndex], attDist, fv); } } } public void fillFeatureVectors(DependencyInstance instance, FeatureVector[][][] fvs, double[][][] probs, FeatureVector[][][][] nt_fvs, double[][][][] nt_probs, Parameters params) { final int instanceLength = instance.length(); // Get production crap. for (int w1 = 0; w1 < instanceLength; w1++) { for (int w2 = w1 + 1; w2 < instanceLength; w2++) { for (int ph = 0; ph < 2; ph++) { boolean attR = ph == 0 ? true : false; int childInt = attR ? w2 : w1; int parInt = attR ? w1 : w2; FeatureVector prodFV = new FeatureVector(); addCoreFeatures(instance, w1, w2, attR, prodFV); double prodProb = params.getScore(prodFV); fvs[w1][w2][ph] = prodFV; probs[w1][w2][ph] = prodProb; } } } if (labeled) { if (!separateLab) { // afm 06-03-08 for (int w1 = 0; w1 < instanceLength; w1++) { for (int t = 0; t < types.length; t++) { String type = types[t]; for (int ph = 0; ph < 2; ph++) { boolean attR = ph == 0 ? true : false; for (int ch = 0; ch < 2; ch++) { boolean child = ch == 0 ? true : false; FeatureVector prodFV = new FeatureVector(); addLabeledFeatures(instance, w1, type, attR, child, prodFV); double nt_prob = params.getScore(prodFV); nt_fvs[w1][t][ph][ch] = prodFV; nt_probs[w1][t][ph][ch] = nt_prob; } } } } } } } /** * Write an instance to an output stream for later reading. * * */ protected void writeInstance(DependencyInstance instance, ObjectOutputStream out) { int instanceLength = instance.length(); try { for (int w1 = 0; w1 < instanceLength; w1++) { for (int w2 = w1 + 1; w2 < instanceLength; w2++) { for (int ph = 0; ph < 2; ph++) { boolean attR = ph == 0 ? true : false; FeatureVector prodFV = new FeatureVector(); addCoreFeatures(instance, w1, w2, attR, prodFV); out.writeObject(prodFV.keys()); } } } out.writeInt(-3); if (labeled) { if (!separateLab) { // afm 06-03-08 for (int w1 = 0; w1 < instanceLength; w1++) { for (int t = 0; t < types.length; t++) { String type = types[t]; for (int ph = 0; ph < 2; ph++) { boolean attR = ph == 0 ? true : false; for (int ch = 0; ch < 2; ch++) { boolean child = ch == 0 ? true : false; FeatureVector prodFV = new FeatureVector(); addLabeledFeatures(instance, w1, type, attR, child, prodFV); out.writeObject(prodFV.keys()); } } } } out.writeInt(-3); } } writeExtendedFeatures(instance, out); out.writeObject(instance.fv.keys()); out.writeInt(-4); out.writeObject(instance); out.writeInt(-1); out.reset(); } catch (IOException e) { } } /** * Override this method if you have extra features that need to be written * to disk. For the basic DependencyPipe, nothing happens. * */ protected void writeExtendedFeatures(DependencyInstance instance, ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { } /** * Read an instance from an input stream. * * */ public DependencyInstance readInstance(ObjectInputStream in, int length, FeatureVector[][][] fvs, double[][][] probs, FeatureVector[][][][] nt_fvs, double[][][][] nt_probs, Parameters params) throws IOException { try { // Get production crap. for (int w1 = 0; w1 < length; w1++) { for (int w2 = w1 + 1; w2 < length; w2++) { for (int ph = 0; ph < 2; ph++) { FeatureVector prodFV = new FeatureVector((int[]) in.readObject()); double prodProb = params.getScore(prodFV); fvs[w1][w2][ph] = prodFV; probs[w1][w2][ph] = prodProb; } } } int last = in.readInt(); if (last != -3) { DependencyParser.out.println("Error reading file."); System.exit(0); } if (labeled) { if (!separateLab) { // afm 06-04-08 for (int w1 = 0; w1 < length; w1++) { for (int t = 0; t < types.length; t++) { String type = types[t]; for (int ph = 0; ph < 2; ph++) { for (int ch = 0; ch < 2; ch++) { FeatureVector prodFV = new FeatureVector((int[]) in.readObject()); double nt_prob = params.getScore(prodFV); nt_fvs[w1][t][ph][ch] = prodFV; nt_probs[w1][t][ph][ch] = nt_prob; } } } } last = in.readInt(); if (last != -3) { DependencyParser.out.println("Error reading file."); System.exit(0); } } } FeatureVector nfv = new FeatureVector((int[]) in.readObject()); last = in.readInt(); if (last != -4) { DependencyParser.out.println("Error reading file."); System.exit(0); } DependencyInstance marshalledDI; marshalledDI = (DependencyInstance) in.readObject(); marshalledDI.setFeatureVector(nfv); last = in.readInt(); if (last != -1) { DependencyParser.out.println("Error reading file."); System.exit(0); } return marshalledDI; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { DependencyParser.out.println("Error reading file."); System.exit(0); } // this won't happen, but it takes care of compilation complaints return null; } /** * Get features for stems the old way. The only way this differs from * calling addTwoObsFeatures() is that it checks the lengths of the full * lexical items are greater than 5 before adding features. * */ private void addOldMSTStemFeatures(String hLemma, String headP, String cLemma, String childP, String attDist, int hL, int cL, FeatureVector fv) { String all = hLemma + " " + headP + " " + cLemma + " " + childP; String hPos = headP + " " + cLemma + " " + childP; String cPos = hLemma + " " + headP + " " + childP; String hP = headP + " " + cLemma; String cP = hLemma + " " + childP; String oPos = headP + " " + childP; String oLex = hLemma + " " + cLemma; add("SA=" + all + attDist, fv); //this add("SF=" + oLex + attDist, fv); //this add("SAA=" + all, fv); //this add("SFF=" + oLex, fv); //this if (cL > 5) { add("SB=" + hPos + attDist, fv); add("SD=" + hP + attDist, fv); add("SK=" + cLemma + " " + childP + attDist, fv); add("SM=" + cLemma + attDist, fv); //this add("SBB=" + hPos, fv); add("SDD=" + hP, fv); add("SKK=" + cLemma + " " + childP, fv); add("SMM=" + cLemma, fv); //this } if (hL > 5) { add("SC=" + cPos + attDist, fv); add("SE=" + cP + attDist, fv); add("SH=" + hLemma + " " + headP + attDist, fv); add("SJ=" + hLemma + attDist, fv); //this add("SCC=" + cPos, fv); add("SEE=" + cP, fv); add("SHH=" + hLemma + " " + headP, fv); add("SJJ=" + hLemma, fv); //this } } }