package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Set; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import org.maltparser.core.exception.MaltChainedException; import org.maltparser.core.feature.FeatureVector; import org.maltparser.core.feature.function.FeatureFunction; import org.maltparser.core.feature.value.FeatureValue; import org.maltparser.core.feature.value.MultipleFeatureValue; import org.maltparser.core.feature.value.SingleFeatureValue; import org.maltparser.core.syntaxgraph.DependencyStructure; import; import org.maltparser.parser.DependencyParserConfig; import; import org.maltparser.parser.history.action.SingleDecision; public class Cheater implements LearningMethod { public enum Verbostity { SILENT, ERROR, ALL } protected InstanceModel owner; protected int learnerMode; protected String name; protected int numberOfInstances; protected boolean excludeNullValues; // private int[] cardinalities; private String cheaterFileName; private BufferedWriter cheaterWriter = null; private boolean saveCheatAction; private BufferedWriter instanceOutput = null; private ArrayList<Integer> cheatValues; private int cheaterPosition; private Verbostity verbosity; public Cheater(InstanceModel owner, Integer learnerMode) throws MaltChainedException { setOwner(owner); setLearningMethodName("cheater"); setLearnerMode(learnerMode.intValue()); setNumberOfInstances(0); verbosity = Verbostity.SILENT; initSpecialParameters(); if (learnerMode == BATCH) { if (!saveCheatAction) { instanceOutput = new BufferedWriter(getInstanceOutputStreamWriter(".ins")); } else { try { if (cheaterFileName != null && !cheaterFileName.equals("")) { cheaterWriter = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(cheaterFileName))); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new CheaterException("", e); } } } } public void addInstance(SingleDecision decision, FeatureVector featureVector) throws MaltChainedException { if (featureVector == null) { throw new CheaterException("The feature vector cannot be found"); } else if (decision == null) { throw new CheaterException("The decision cannot be found"); } if (saveCheatAction && cheaterWriter != null) { try { cheaterWriter.write(decision.getDecisionCode()+"\n"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CheaterException("The cheater learner cannot write to the cheater file. ", e); } } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try { sb.append(decision.getDecisionCode()+"\t"); int n = featureVector.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { FeatureValue featureValue = featureVector.get(i).getFeatureValue(); if (excludeNullValues == true && featureValue.isNullValue()) { sb.append("-1"); } else { if (featureValue instanceof SingleFeatureValue) { sb.append(((SingleFeatureValue)featureValue).getIndexCode()+""); } else if (featureValue instanceof MultipleFeatureValue) { Set<Integer> values = ((MultipleFeatureValue)featureValue).getCodes(); int j=0; for (Integer value : values) { sb.append(value.toString()); if (j != values.size()-1) { sb.append("|"); } j++; } } } // if (i < n-1) { sb.append('\t'); // } } sb.append('\n'); instanceOutput.write(sb.toString()); instanceOutput.flush(); increaseNumberOfInstances(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CheaterException("The cheater learner cannot write to the instance file. ", e); } } } public void train(FeatureVector featureVector) throws MaltChainedException { if (featureVector == null) { throw new CheaterException("The feature vector cannot be found. "); } else if (owner == null) { throw new CheaterException("The parent guide model cannot be found. "); } // if (!saveCheatAction) { // cardinalities = getCardinalities(featureVector); // maltSVMFormat2OriginalSVMFormat(getInstanceInputStreamReader(".ins"), getInstanceOutputStreamWriter(".ins.tmp"), cardinalities); // saveCardinalities(getInstanceOutputStreamWriter(".car"), cardinalities); // } } public boolean predict(FeatureVector featureVector, SingleDecision decision) throws MaltChainedException { // if (cardinalities == null) { // if (getConfigFileEntry(".car") != null) { // cardinalities = loadCardinalities(getInstanceInputStreamReaderFromConfigFile(".car")); // } else { // cardinalities = getCardinalities(featureVector); // } // } if (cheatValues == null) { if (cheaterFileName == null || cheaterFileName.equals("")) { throw new CheaterException("The cheater file name is assigned. "); } try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(cheaterFileName))); String line = ""; cheatValues = new ArrayList<Integer>(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { cheatValues.add(Integer.parseInt(line)); } cheaterPosition = 0; reader.close(); cheaterWriter = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(cheaterFileName + ".ins"))); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CheaterException("Couldn't find or read from the cheater file '"+cheaterFileName+"'", e); } } // int offset = 1; // int i = 0; int decisionValue = 0; StringBuilder csb = new StringBuilder(); if (cheaterPosition < cheatValues.size()) { decisionValue = cheatValues.get(cheaterPosition++); csb.append(decisionValue + " "); } else { throw new CheaterException("Not enough cheat values to complete all sentences. "); } // for (FeatureFunction feature : featureVector) { // final FeatureValue featureValue = feature.getFeatureValue(); // if (!(excludeNullValues == true && featureValue.isNullValue())) { // if (featureValue instanceof SingleFeatureValue) { // if (((SingleFeatureValue)featureValue).getCode() < cardinalities[i]) { // csb.append((((SingleFeatureValue)featureValue).getCode() + offset) + ":" + "1 "); // } // } else if (featureValue instanceof MultipleFeatureValue) { // for (Integer value : ((MultipleFeatureValue)featureValue).getCodes()) { // if (value < cardinalities[i]) { // csb.append((value + offset) + ":" + "1 "); // } // } // } // } // offset += cardinalities[i]; // i++; // } csb.setLength(csb.length()-1); csb.append('\n'); try { cheaterWriter.write(csb.toString()); cheaterWriter.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CheaterException("", e); } try { decision.getKBestList().add(decisionValue); } catch (Exception e) { decision.getKBestList().add(-1); } return true; } public void finalizeSentence(DependencyStructure dependencyGraph) throws MaltChainedException { } public void moveAllInstances(LearningMethod method, FeatureFunction divideFeature, ArrayList<Integer> divideFeatureIndexVector) throws MaltChainedException { } public void noMoreInstances() throws MaltChainedException { closeInstanceWriter(); closeCheaterWriter(); } public void terminate() throws MaltChainedException { closeInstanceWriter(); closeCheaterWriter(); owner = null; } protected void closeCheaterWriter() throws MaltChainedException { try { if (cheaterWriter != null) { cheaterWriter.flush(); cheaterWriter.close(); cheaterWriter = null; } } catch (IOException e) { throw new CheaterException("The cheater learner cannot close the cheater file. ", e); } } protected void closeInstanceWriter() throws MaltChainedException { try { if (instanceOutput != null) { instanceOutput.flush(); instanceOutput.close(); instanceOutput = null; } } catch (IOException e) { throw new CheaterException("The cheater learner cannot close the instance file. ", e); } } // private int[] getCardinalities(FeatureVector featureVector) { // int[] cardinalities = new int[featureVector.size()]; // int i = 0; // for (FeatureFunction feature : featureVector) { // cardinalities[i++] = feature.getFeatureValue().getCardinality(); // } // return cardinalities; // } // // private void saveCardinalities(OutputStreamWriter osw, int[] cardinalities) throws MaltChainedException { // final BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(osw); // try { // for (int i = 0, n = cardinalities.length; i < n; i++) { // out.write(Integer.toString(cardinalities[i])); // if (i < n - 1) { // out.write(','); // } // } // out.write('\n'); // out.close(); // } catch (IOException e) { // throw new CheaterException("", e); // } // } // // private int[] loadCardinalities(InputStreamReader isr) throws MaltChainedException { // int[] cardinalities = null; // try { // final BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(isr); // String line; // if ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { // String[] items = line.split(","); // cardinalities = new int[items.length]; // for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { // cardinalities[i] = Integer.parseInt(items[i]); // } // } // in.close(); // } catch (IOException e) { // throw new CheaterException("", e); // } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // throw new CheaterException("", e); // } // return cardinalities; // } protected void initSpecialParameters() throws MaltChainedException { if (getConfiguration().getOptionValue("singlemalt", "null_value") != null && getConfiguration().getOptionValue("singlemalt", "null_value").toString().equalsIgnoreCase("none")) { excludeNullValues = true; } else { excludeNullValues = false; } saveCheatAction = ((Boolean)getConfiguration().getOptionValue("cheater", "save_cheat_action")).booleanValue(); if (!getConfiguration().getOptionValue("cheater", "cheater_file").toString().equals("")) { cheaterFileName = getConfiguration().getOptionValue("cheater", "cheater_file").toString(); } if (getConfiguration().getOptionValue("liblinear", "verbosity") != null) { verbosity = Verbostity.valueOf(getConfiguration().getOptionValue("cheater", "verbosity").toString().toUpperCase()); } } public static void maltSVMFormat2OriginalSVMFormat(InputStreamReader isr, OutputStreamWriter osw, int[] cardinalities) throws MaltChainedException { try { final BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(isr); final BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(osw); int c; int j = 0; int offset = 1; int code = 0; while(true) { c =; if (c == -1) { break; } if (c == '\t' || c == '|') { if (j == 0) { out.write(Integer.toString(code)); j++; } else { if (code != -1) { out.write(' '); out.write(Integer.toString(code+offset)); out.write(":1"); } if (c == '\t') { offset += cardinalities[j-1]; j++; } } code = 0; } else if (c == '\n') { j = 0; offset = 1; out.write('\n'); code = 0; } else if (c == '-') { code = -1; } else if (code != -1) { if (c > 47 && c < 58) { code = code * 10 + (c-48); } else { throw new CheaterException("The instance file contain a non-integer value, when converting the Malt SVM format into Liblinear format."); } } } in.close(); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CheaterException("Cannot read from the instance file, when converting the Malt SVM format into Liblinear format. ", e); } } public BufferedWriter getInstanceWriter() { return instanceOutput; } public InstanceModel getOwner() { return owner; } protected void setOwner(InstanceModel owner) { this.owner = owner; } public int getLearnerMode() { return learnerMode; } public void setLearnerMode(int learnerMode) throws MaltChainedException { this.learnerMode = learnerMode; } public String getLearningMethodName() { return name; } public DependencyParserConfig getConfiguration() throws MaltChainedException { return owner.getGuide().getConfiguration(); } public int getNumberOfInstances() throws MaltChainedException { return numberOfInstances; } public void increaseNumberOfInstances() { numberOfInstances++; owner.increaseFrequency(); } public void decreaseNumberOfInstances() { numberOfInstances--; owner.decreaseFrequency(); } protected void setNumberOfInstances(int numberOfInstances) { this.numberOfInstances = 0; } protected void setLearningMethodName(String name) { = name; } protected OutputStreamWriter getInstanceOutputStreamWriter(String suffix) throws MaltChainedException { return getConfiguration().getConfigurationDir().getAppendOutputStreamWriter(owner.getModelName()+getLearningMethodName()+suffix); } protected InputStreamReader getInstanceInputStreamReader(String suffix) throws MaltChainedException { return getConfiguration().getConfigurationDir().getInputStreamReader(owner.getModelName()+getLearningMethodName()+suffix); } protected InputStreamReader getInstanceInputStreamReaderFromConfigFile(String suffix) throws MaltChainedException { return getConfiguration().getConfigurationDir().getInputStreamReaderFromConfigFile(owner.getModelName()+getLearningMethodName()+suffix); } protected File getFile(String suffix) throws MaltChainedException { return getConfiguration().getConfigurationDir().getFile(owner.getModelName()+getLearningMethodName()+suffix); } protected JarEntry getConfigFileEntry(String suffix) throws MaltChainedException { return getConfiguration().getConfigurationDir().getConfigFileEntry(owner.getModelName()+getLearningMethodName()+suffix); } protected void finalize() throws Throwable { try { closeInstanceWriter(); closeCheaterWriter(); } finally { super.finalize(); } } public String toString() { final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("\nCheater INTERFACE\n"); // sb.append(" Cheater string: "+paramString+"\n"); return sb.toString(); } }