package org.maltparser.core.syntaxgraph; import java.util.*; import org.maltparser.core.exception.MaltChainedException; import org.maltparser.core.helper.SystemLogger; import org.maltparser.core.pool.ObjectPoolList; import org.maltparser.core.symbol.SymbolTable; import org.maltparser.core.symbol.SymbolTableHandler; import org.maltparser.core.syntaxgraph.ds2ps.LosslessMapping; import org.maltparser.core.syntaxgraph.edge.Edge; import org.maltparser.core.syntaxgraph.edge.GraphEdge; import org.maltparser.core.syntaxgraph.node.*; /** * * * @author Johan Hall */ public class MappablePhraseStructureGraph extends Sentence implements DependencyStructure, PhraseStructure { private final ObjectPoolList<Edge> edgePool; private final SortedSet<Edge> graphEdges; private Root root; private boolean singleHeadedConstraint; private final SortedMap<Integer, NonTerminal> nonTerminalNodes; private final ObjectPoolList<NonTerminal> nonTerminalPool; private LosslessMapping mapping; private RootLabels rootLabels; public MappablePhraseStructureGraph(SymbolTableHandler symbolTables) throws MaltChainedException { super(symbolTables); setSingleHeadedConstraint(true); root = new Root(); root.setBelongsToGraph(this); graphEdges = new TreeSet<Edge>(); edgePool = new ObjectPoolList<Edge>() { protected Edge create() { return new GraphEdge(); } public void resetObject(Edge o) throws MaltChainedException { o.clear(); } }; nonTerminalNodes = new TreeMap<Integer, NonTerminal>(); nonTerminalPool = new ObjectPoolList<NonTerminal>() { protected NonTerminal create() throws MaltChainedException { return new NonTerminal(); } public void resetObject(NonTerminal o) throws MaltChainedException { o.clear(); } }; clear(); } public DependencyNode addDependencyNode() throws MaltChainedException { return addTokenNode(); } public DependencyNode addDependencyNode(int index) throws MaltChainedException { if (index == 0) { return root; } return addTokenNode(index); } public DependencyNode getDependencyNode(int index) throws MaltChainedException { if (index == 0) { return root; } return getTokenNode(index); } public int nDependencyNode() { return nTokenNode() + 1; } public int getHighestDependencyNodeIndex() { if (hasTokens()) { return getHighestTokenIndex(); } return 0; } public Edge addDependencyEdge(int headIndex, int dependentIndex) throws MaltChainedException { DependencyNode head = null; DependencyNode dependent = null; if (headIndex == 0) { head = root; } else if (headIndex > 0) { head = getOrAddTerminalNode(headIndex); } if (dependentIndex > 0) { dependent = getOrAddTerminalNode(dependentIndex); } return addDependencyEdge(head, dependent); } public Edge addDependencyEdge(DependencyNode head, DependencyNode dependent) throws MaltChainedException { if (head == null || dependent == null || head.getBelongsToGraph() != this || dependent.getBelongsToGraph() != this) { throw new SyntaxGraphException("Head or dependent node is missing."); } else if (!dependent.isRoot()) { if (singleHeadedConstraint && dependent.hasHead()) { throw new SyntaxGraphException("The dependent already have a head. "); } DependencyNode hc = ((DependencyNode) head).findComponent(); DependencyNode dc = ((DependencyNode) dependent).findComponent(); if (hc != dc) { link(hc, dc); numberOfComponents--; } Edge e = edgePool.checkOut(); e.setBelongsToGraph(this); e.setEdge((Node) head, (Node) dependent, Edge.DEPENDENCY_EDGE); graphEdges.add(e); return e; } else { throw new SyntaxGraphException("Head node is not a root node or a terminal node."); } } public Edge moveDependencyEdge(int newHeadIndex, int dependentIndex) throws MaltChainedException { DependencyNode newHead = null; DependencyNode dependent = null; if (newHeadIndex == 0) { newHead = root; } else if (newHeadIndex > 0) { newHead = terminalNodes.get(newHeadIndex); } if (dependentIndex > 0) { dependent = terminalNodes.get(dependentIndex); } return moveDependencyEdge(newHead, dependent); } public Edge moveDependencyEdge(DependencyNode newHead, DependencyNode dependent) throws MaltChainedException { if (dependent == null || !dependent.hasHead() || newHead.getBelongsToGraph() != this || dependent.getBelongsToGraph() != this) { return null; } Edge headEdge = dependent.getHeadEdge(); LabelSet labels = null; if (headEdge.isLabeled()) { labels = checkOutNewLabelSet(); for (SymbolTable table : headEdge.getLabelTypes()) { labels.put(table, headEdge.getLabelCode(table)); } } headEdge.clear(); headEdge.setBelongsToGraph(this); headEdge.setEdge((Node) newHead, (Node) dependent, Edge.DEPENDENCY_EDGE); if (labels != null) { headEdge.addLabel(labels); labels.clear(); checkInLabelSet(labels); } return headEdge; } public void removeDependencyEdge(int headIndex, int dependentIndex) throws MaltChainedException { Node head = null; Node dependent = null; if (headIndex == 0) { head = root; } else if (headIndex > 0) { head = terminalNodes.get(headIndex); } if (dependentIndex > 0) { dependent = terminalNodes.get(dependentIndex); } removeDependencyEdge(head, dependent); } protected void removeDependencyEdge(Node head, Node dependent) throws MaltChainedException { if (head == null || dependent == null || head.getBelongsToGraph() != this || dependent.getBelongsToGraph() != this) { throw new SyntaxGraphException("Head or dependent node is missing."); } else if (!dependent.isRoot()) { Iterator<Edge> ie = dependent.getIncomingEdgeIterator(); while (ie.hasNext()) { Edge e =; if (e.getSource() == head) { ie.remove(); graphEdges.remove(e); edgePool.checkIn(e); } } } else { throw new SyntaxGraphException("Head node is not a root node or a terminal node."); } } public Edge addSecondaryEdge(ComparableNode source, ComparableNode target) throws MaltChainedException { if (source == null || target == null || source.getBelongsToGraph() != this || target.getBelongsToGraph() != this) { throw new SyntaxGraphException("Head or dependent node is missing."); } else if (!target.isRoot()) { Edge e = edgePool.checkOut(); e.setBelongsToGraph(this); e.setEdge((Node) source, (Node) target, Edge.SECONDARY_EDGE); graphEdges.add(e); return e; } return null; } public void removeSecondaryEdge(ComparableNode source, ComparableNode target) throws MaltChainedException { if (source == null || target == null || source.getBelongsToGraph() != this || target.getBelongsToGraph() != this) { throw new SyntaxGraphException("Head or dependent node is missing."); } else if (!target.isRoot()) { Iterator<Edge> ie = ((Node) target).getIncomingEdgeIterator(); while (ie.hasNext()) { Edge e =; if (e.getSource() == source) { ie.remove(); graphEdges.remove(e); edgePool.checkIn(e); } } } } public boolean hasLabeledDependency(int index) throws MaltChainedException { return (getDependencyNode(index).hasHead() && getDependencyNode(index).getHeadEdge().isLabeled()); } public boolean isConnected() { return (numberOfComponents == 1); } public boolean isProjective() throws MaltChainedException { for (int i : terminalNodes.keySet()) { if (!terminalNodes.get(i).isProjective()) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean isTree() { return isConnected() && isSingleHeaded(); } public boolean isSingleHeaded() { for (int i : terminalNodes.keySet()) { if (!terminalNodes.get(i).hasAtMostOneHead()) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean isSingleHeadedConstraint() { return singleHeadedConstraint; } public void setSingleHeadedConstraint(boolean singleHeadedConstraint) { this.singleHeadedConstraint = singleHeadedConstraint; } public int nNonProjectiveEdges() throws MaltChainedException { int c = 0; for (int i : terminalNodes.keySet()) { if (!terminalNodes.get(i).isProjective()) { c++; } } return c; } public int nEdges() { return graphEdges.size(); } public SortedSet<Edge> getEdges() { return graphEdges; } public SortedSet<Integer> getDependencyIndices() { SortedSet<Integer> indices = new TreeSet<Integer>(terminalNodes.keySet()); indices.add(0); return indices; } protected DependencyNode link(DependencyNode x, DependencyNode y) { if (x.getRank() > y.getRank()) { y.setComponent(x); } else { x.setComponent(y); if (x.getRank() == y.getRank()) { y.setRank(y.getRank() + 1); } return y; } return x; } public void linkAllTerminalsToRoot() throws MaltChainedException { clear(); for (int i : terminalNodes.keySet()) { DependencyNode node = terminalNodes.get(i); addDependencyEdge(root, node); } } public void linkAllTreesToRoot() throws MaltChainedException { for (int i : terminalNodes.keySet()) { if (!terminalNodes.get(i).hasHead()) { Edge e = addDependencyEdge(root, terminalNodes.get(i)); mapping.updatePhraseStructureGraph(this, e, false); } } } public LabelSet getDefaultRootEdgeLabels() throws MaltChainedException { if (rootLabels == null) { return null; } return rootLabels.getDefaultRootLabels(); } public String getDefaultRootEdgeLabelSymbol(SymbolTable table) throws MaltChainedException { if (rootLabels == null) { return null; } return rootLabels.getDefaultRootLabelSymbol(table); } public int getDefaultRootEdgeLabelCode(SymbolTable table) throws MaltChainedException { if (rootLabels == null) { return -1; } return rootLabels.getDefaultRootLabelCode(table); } public void setDefaultRootEdgeLabel(SymbolTable table, String defaultRootSymbol) throws MaltChainedException { if (rootLabels == null) { rootLabels = new RootLabels(); } rootLabels.setDefaultRootLabel(table, defaultRootSymbol); } public void setDefaultRootEdgeLabels(String rootLabelOption, SortedMap<String, SymbolTable> edgeSymbolTables) throws MaltChainedException { if (rootLabels == null) { rootLabels = new RootLabels(); } rootLabels.setRootLabels(rootLabelOption, edgeSymbolTables); } @Override public void clear() throws MaltChainedException { edgePool.checkInAll(); graphEdges.clear(); root.clear(); root.setBelongsToGraph(this); nonTerminalPool.checkInAll(); nonTerminalNodes.clear(); if (mapping != null) { mapping.clear(); } super.clear(); numberOfComponents++; } public DependencyNode getDependencyRoot() { return root; } public PhraseStructureNode addTerminalNode() throws MaltChainedException { return addTokenNode(); } public PhraseStructureNode addTerminalNode(int index) throws MaltChainedException { return addTokenNode(index); } public PhraseStructureNode getTerminalNode(int index) { return getTokenNode(index); } public int nTerminalNode() { return nTokenNode(); } public PhraseStructureNode addNonTerminalNode(int index) throws MaltChainedException { NonTerminal node = nonTerminalPool.checkOut(); node.setIndex(index); node.setBelongsToGraph(this); nonTerminalNodes.put(index, node); return node; } public PhraseStructureNode addNonTerminalNode() throws MaltChainedException { int index = getHighestNonTerminalIndex(); if (index > 0) { return addNonTerminalNode(index + 1); } return addNonTerminalNode(1); } public PhraseStructureNode getNonTerminalNode(int index) throws MaltChainedException { return nonTerminalNodes.get(index); } public int getHighestNonTerminalIndex() { try { return nonTerminalNodes.lastKey(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { return 0; } } public Set<Integer> getNonTerminalIndices() { return new TreeSet<Integer>(nonTerminalNodes.keySet()); } public boolean hasNonTerminals() { return !nonTerminalNodes.isEmpty(); } public int nNonTerminals() { return nonTerminalNodes.size(); } public PhraseStructureNode getPhraseStructureRoot() { return root; } public Edge addPhraseStructureEdge(PhraseStructureNode parent, PhraseStructureNode child) throws MaltChainedException { if (parent == null || child == null) { throw new MaltChainedException("Parent or child node is missing in sentence " + getSentenceID()); } else if (parent.getBelongsToGraph() != this || child.getBelongsToGraph() != this) { throw new MaltChainedException("Parent or child node is not a member of the graph in sentence " + getSentenceID()); } else if (parent == child) { throw new MaltChainedException("It is not allowed to add a phrase structure edge connecting the same node in sentence " + getSentenceID()); } else if (parent instanceof NonTerminalNode && !child.isRoot()) { Edge e = edgePool.checkOut(); e.setBelongsToGraph(this); e.setEdge((Node) parent, (Node) child, Edge.PHRASE_STRUCTURE_EDGE); graphEdges.add(e); return e; } else { throw new MaltChainedException("Parent or child node is not of correct node type."); } } @Override public void update(Observable o, Object arg) { if (o instanceof Edge && mapping != null) { try { mapping.update(this, (Edge) o, arg); } catch (MaltChainedException ex) { if (SystemLogger.logger().isDebugEnabled()) { SystemLogger.logger().debug("", ex); } else { SystemLogger.logger().error(ex.getMessageChain()); } System.exit(1); } } } public LosslessMapping getMapping() { return mapping; } public void setMapping(LosslessMapping mapping) { this.mapping = mapping; } @Override public void addLabel(Element element, String labelFunction, String label) throws MaltChainedException { super.addLabel(element, labelFunction, label); } public void removePhraseStructureEdge(PhraseStructureNode parent, PhraseStructureNode child) throws MaltChainedException { if (parent == null || child == null) { throw new MaltChainedException("Parent or child node is missing."); } else if (parent instanceof NonTerminalNode && !child.isRoot()) { for (Edge e : graphEdges) { if (e.getSource() == parent && e.getTarget() == child) { e.clear(); graphEdges.remove(e); if (e instanceof GraphEdge) { edgePool.checkIn(e); } } } } else { throw new SyntaxGraphException("Head node is not a root node or a terminal node."); } } public boolean isContinuous() { for (int index : nonTerminalNodes.keySet()) { NonTerminalNode node = nonTerminalNodes.get(index); if (!node.isContinuous()) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean isContinuousExcludeTerminalsAttachToRoot() { for (int index : nonTerminalNodes.keySet()) { NonTerminalNode node = nonTerminalNodes.get(index); if (!node.isContinuousExcludeTerminalsAttachToRoot()) { return false; } } return true; } // public void makeContinuous() throws MaltChainedException { // if (root != null) { // root.reArrangeChildrenAccordingToLeftAndRightProperDesendant(); // } // } public String toStringTerminalNode(TokenNode node) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); final DependencyNode depnode = node; sb.append(node.toString().trim()); if (depnode.hasHead()) { sb.append('\t'); try { sb.append(depnode.getHead().getIndex()); sb.append('\t'); sb.append(depnode.getHeadEdge().toString()); } catch (MaltChainedException e) { System.err.println(e); } } sb.append('\n'); return sb.toString(); } public String toStringNonTerminalNode(NonTerminalNode node) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(node.toString().trim()); sb.append('\n'); Iterator<Edge> ie = ((Node) node).getOutgoingEdgeIterator(); while (ie.hasNext()) { Edge e =; if (e.getTarget() instanceof TokenNode) { sb.append(" T"); sb.append(e.getTarget().getIndex()); } if (e.getTarget() instanceof NonTerminalNode) { sb.append(" N"); sb.append(e.getTarget().getIndex()); } sb.append('\t'); sb.append(e.toString()); sb.append('\n'); } return sb.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int index : terminalNodes.keySet()) { sb.append(toStringTerminalNode(terminalNodes.get(index))); } sb.append('\n'); sb.append(toStringNonTerminalNode((NonTerminalNode) getPhraseStructureRoot())); for (int index : nonTerminalNodes.keySet()) { sb.append(toStringNonTerminalNode(nonTerminalNodes.get(index))); } return sb.toString(); } }