package jadex.xml.writer; import jadex.commons.SReflect; import jadex.xml.AccessInfo; import jadex.xml.AttributeInfo; import jadex.xml.IContext; import jadex.xml.IObjectStringConverter; import jadex.xml.ObjectInfo; import jadex.xml.SubobjectInfo; import jadex.xml.TypeInfo; import jadex.xml.TypeInfoTypeManager; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; /** * Abstract base class for an object writer handler. Is object type agnostic and * uses several abstract methods that have to be overridden by concrete handlers. */ public abstract class AbstractObjectWriterHandler implements IObjectWriterHandler { //-------- attributes -------- /** Control flag for generating container tags. */ protected boolean gentypetags; /** Flag indicating if writing tags should be preferred wrt. attributes. */ protected boolean prefertags; /** The flattening flag for tags, i.e. generate always new containing tags or use one. */ protected boolean flattening; /** The type info manager. */ protected TypeInfoTypeManager titmanager; //-------- constructors -------- /** * Create a new writer handler. */ public AbstractObjectWriterHandler(boolean gentypetags, boolean prefertags, boolean flattening, Set typeinfos) { this.gentypetags = gentypetags; this.prefertags = prefertags; this.flattening = flattening; this.titmanager = new TypeInfoTypeManager(typeinfos); } //-------- methods -------- /** * Get the most specific mapping info. * @param type The type. * @param fullpath The full path. * @return The most specific mapping info. */ public TypeInfo getTypeInfo(Object object, QName[] fullpath, IContext context) { TypeInfo ret = null; Object type = getObjectType(object, context); Set tis = titmanager.getTypeInfosByType(type); if(tis!=null) { // Take not into account path if only one candidate if(tis.size()==1) { ret = (TypeInfo)tis.iterator().next(); } // Else disambiguate using path else if(tis.size()>1) { ret = titmanager.findTypeInfo(tis, fullpath); } } return ret; // return titmanager.getTypeInfo(type, fullpath); } /** * Get the titmanager. * @return The titmanager. */ public TypeInfoTypeManager getTypeInfoManager() { return this.titmanager; } /** * Get the object type * @param object The object. * @return The object type. */ public abstract Object getObjectType(Object object, IContext context); /** * Get write info for an object. */ public WriteObjectInfo getObjectWriteInfo(Object object, TypeInfo typeinfo, IContext context) throws Exception { // todo: conversion value to string WriteObjectInfo wi = new WriteObjectInfo(); HashSet doneprops = new HashSet(); if(typeinfo!=null) { // Comment Object info = typeinfo.getCommentInfo(); if(info!=null) { Object property = getProperty(info);//==null? AttributeInfo.COMMENT: getProperty(info); if(property!=null) { doneprops.add(getPropertyName(property)); if(!(info instanceof AttributeInfo && ((AttributeInfo)info).isIgnoreWrite())) { Object value = getValue(object, property, context, info); if(value!=null) { value = convertValue(info, value, context); wi.setComment(value.toString()); } } } } // Content info = typeinfo.getContentInfo(); if(info!=null) { Object property = getProperty(info);//==null? AttributeInfo.CONTENT: getProperty(info); if(property!=null) { doneprops.add(getPropertyName(property)); if(!(info instanceof AttributeInfo && ((AttributeInfo)info).isIgnoreWrite())) { Object value = getValue(object, property, context, info); if(value!=null) { value = convertValue(info, value, context); wi.setContent(value.toString()); } } } } // Attributes Collection attrinfos = typeinfo.getAttributeInfos(); if(attrinfos!=null) { for(Iterator it=attrinfos.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { info =; Object property = getProperty(info); if(property!=null) { doneprops.add(getPropertyName(property)); if(!(info instanceof AttributeInfo && ((AttributeInfo)info).isIgnoreWrite())) { Object value = getValue(object, property, context, info); if(value!=null) { // When attribute is a IDREF then // a) find type info for current value // b) find id attribute // c) find id attribute value AttributeInfo attrinfo = (AttributeInfo)info; if(AttributeInfo.IDREF.equals(attrinfo.getId())) { Set tis = titmanager.getTypeInfosByType(value.getClass()); if(tis==null || tis.size()!=1) throw new RuntimeException("Could not determine type info for idref object: "+value); TypeInfo ti = (TypeInfo)tis.iterator().next(); AttributeInfo idinfo = null; if(ti.getAttributeInfos()!=null) { for(Iterator it2 = ti.getAttributeInfos().iterator(); idinfo==null && it2.hasNext(); ) { AttributeInfo tmp = (AttributeInfo); if(AttributeInfo.ID.equals(tmp.getId())) idinfo = tmp; } } if(idinfo==null && (ti.getCommentInfo() instanceof AttributeInfo) && AttributeInfo.ID.equals(((AttributeInfo)ti.getCommentInfo()).getId())) { idinfo = ((AttributeInfo)ti.getCommentInfo()); } if(idinfo==null && (ti.getContentInfo() instanceof AttributeInfo) && AttributeInfo.ID.equals(((AttributeInfo)ti.getContentInfo()).getId())) { idinfo = ((AttributeInfo)ti.getContentInfo()); } if(idinfo==null) throw new RuntimeException("Could not determine id attribute of type info: "+ti); Object prop = getProperty(idinfo); value = getValue(value, prop, context, idinfo); // System.out.println("Found id value: "+value); } Object defval = getDefaultValue(info); if(!value.equals(defval)) { value = convertValue(info, value, context); // Do we want sometimes to write default values? Object xmlattrname = null; if(info instanceof AttributeInfo) xmlattrname = ((AttributeInfo)info).getXMLAttributeName(); if(xmlattrname==null) xmlattrname = getPropertyName(property); wi.addAttribute(xmlattrname, value.toString()); } } } } } } // Subobjects Collection subobsinfos = typeinfo.getSubobjectInfos(); if(subobsinfos!=null) { for(Iterator it=subobsinfos.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { SubobjectInfo soinfo = (SubobjectInfo); AccessInfo ai = soinfo.getAccessInfo(); ObjectInfo obinfo = soinfo.getObjectInfo(); Object property = getProperty(soinfo); if(property!=null) { String propname = getPropertyName(property); doneprops.add(propname); if(!(ai!=null && ai.isIgnoreWrite())) { Object value = getValue(object, property, context, soinfo); if(value!=null) { QName[] xmlpath = soinfo.getXMLPathElements(); if(xmlpath==null) xmlpath = new QName[]{QName.valueOf(propname)}; // Fetch elements directly if it is a multi subobject // if(soinfo.getMulti()!=null && soinfo.getMulti().booleanValue()) if(soinfo.isMulti()) { Iterator it2 = SReflect.getIterator(value); boolean flat = soinfo.getFlattening()!=null? soinfo.getFlattening().booleanValue(): flattening; while(it2.hasNext()) { Object val =; if(isTypeCompatible(val, obinfo, context)) { QName[] path = createPath(xmlpath, val, context); wi.addSubobject(path, val, flat); } } } else { if(isTypeCompatible(value, obinfo, context)) { QName[] path = createPath(xmlpath, value, context); boolean flat = soinfo.getFlattening()!=null? soinfo.getFlattening().booleanValue(): flattening; wi.addSubobject(path, value, flat); } } } } } } } } // Get properties from type inspection. boolean includefields = false; if(typeinfo!=null) { includefields = typeinfo.isIncludeFields(); } else { // Hack!!! todo: must not be Java object (OAV) ?! try { Field field = object.getClass().getField(Writer.XML_INCLUDE_FIELDS); if(SReflect.getWrappedType(field.getType()).equals(Boolean.class)) { includefields = ((Boolean)field.get(object)).booleanValue(); } } catch(Exception e) { } } Collection props = getProperties(object, context, includefields); if(props!=null) { for(Iterator it=props.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object property =; String propname = getPropertyName(property); if(!doneprops.contains(propname)) { doneprops.add(propname); Object value = getValue(object, property, context, null); if(value!=null) { // Make to an attribute when // a) it is a basic type // b) it can be decoded to the right object type Boolean pt = typeinfo!=null && typeinfo.getMappingInfo()!=null? typeinfo.getMappingInfo().getPreferTags(): null; boolean prefertags = pt!=null? pt.booleanValue(): this.prefertags; if(!prefertags && isBasicType(property, value) && isDecodableToSameType(property, value, context)) { if(!value.equals(getDefaultValue(property))) wi.addAttribute(propname, value.toString()); } else { // todo: remove // Hack special case array, todo: support generically via typeinfo??? QName[] xmlpath = new QName[]{QName.valueOf(propname)}; QName[] path = createPath(xmlpath, value, context); // todo: use some default for flattening wi.addSubobject(path, value, flattening); } } } } } // Special case that no info about object was found. // Hack?! // if(typeinfo==null && wi.getAttributes()==null && wi.getSubobjects()==null // && wi.getContent()==null && doneprops.size()==0) // { // // todo: use prewriter // System.out.println("Special case for content: "+object+" "+object.getClass()); //// wi.setContent(object.toString()); // } // System.out.println("wi: "+object+" "+wi.getContent()+" "+wi.getSubobjects()); return wi; } /** * Create a qname path. */ protected QName[] createPath(QName[] xmlpath, Object value, IContext context) { QName[] ret = xmlpath; if(gentypetags) { ret = new QName[xmlpath.length+1]; System.arraycopy(xmlpath, 0, ret, 0, xmlpath.length); // QName tag = getTagName(value, context); // ret[ret.length-1] = tag; } return ret; } /** * Convert a value before writing. */ protected Object convertValue(Object info, Object value, IContext context) { Object ret = value; if(info instanceof AttributeInfo) { IObjectStringConverter conv = ((AttributeInfo)info).getConverter(); if(conv!=null) { ret = conv.convertObject(value, context); } } return ret; } /** * Get the default value. */ protected Object getDefaultValue(Object property) { Object ret = null; if(property instanceof AttributeInfo) { ret = ((AttributeInfo)property).getAccessInfo().getDefaultValue(); } return ret; } /** * Get a value from an object. */ protected abstract Object getValue(Object object, Object attr, IContext context, Object info) throws Exception; /** * Get the property. */ protected abstract Object getProperty(Object info); /** * Get the name of a property. */ protected abstract String getPropertyName(Object property); /** * Get the properties of an object. */ protected abstract Collection getProperties(Object object, IContext context, boolean includefields); /** * Test is a value is a basic type (and can be mapped to an attribute). */ protected abstract boolean isBasicType(Object property, Object value); /** * Test if a value is compatible with the defined typeinfo. */ protected abstract boolean isTypeCompatible(Object object, ObjectInfo info, IContext context); /** * Test if a value is decodable to the same type. */ protected abstract boolean isDecodableToSameType(Object property, Object value, IContext context); }