package; import jadex.bridge.IComponentIdentifier; import jadex.commons.SUtil; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; /** * A list of Agents. This class provides methods to notify other classes which * are implementing the IAgentListListener interface about adding, changing and * removing of agents. */ public class ComponentList implements Serializable { //-------- attributes -------- /** The agents in the agentlist */ private List elements; /** The listener for agent events */ private List listeners;; // -------- constructor -------- /** * Default constructor for the agent list. */ public ComponentList() { listeners = new ArrayList(); elements = new ArrayList(); } //-------- AgentList methods -------- /** * Adds an agent to the list. * @param agent The agent to add. */ public void addAgent(Component agent) { if(elements.contains(agent)) return; // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Agent already in agentlist."); // System.out.println("Agent added: "+agent); elements.add(agent); fireAgentsAdded(new Component[]{agent}); } /** * @param agent The agent to remove. */ public void removeAgent(Component agent) { elements.remove(agent); fireAgentsRemoved(new Component[]{agent}); } /** * Clears the agent list and notifies all listeners */ public void removeAllAgents() { Component[] agents = (Component[])elements.toArray(new Component[elements.size()]); elements.clear(); fireAgentsRemoved(agents); } /** * @return The list of agents. */ public List getList() { return elements; } /** * @return The array of agents. */ public Component[] getAgents() { return (Component[])elements.toArray(new Component[elements.size()]); } /** * Checks if an agent is contained in the agent list. * @param agent The agent to check. * @return <code>true</code> if a specific agent is in the agentlist. */ public boolean containsAgent(Component agent) { return elements.contains(agent); } /** * Returns the agent from the list with the same identifier * @param aid The agent identifier. * @return The agent or <code>null</code> if there is no agent with the * same identifier in the list. */ public Component getAgent(IComponentIdentifier aid) { for(Iterator iter = elements.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Component original = (Component); if(SUtil.equals(original.getDescription()!=null ? original.getDescription().getName() : null, aid)) { return original; } } return null; } /** * @return The agent list iterator. */ public Iterator iterator() { return elements.iterator(); } /** * @return The size of the agentlist. */ public int size() { return elements.size(); } // -------- methods for listeners -------- /** * Register for agent events. * @param listener A class implementing the IAgentListListener interface. */ protected void addListener(IComponentListListener listener) { if(!listeners.contains(listener)) { listeners.add(listener); // for(Iterator iter = elements.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) // { // Agent agent = (Agent); listener.componentsAdded((Component[])elements.toArray(new Component[elements.size()])); // } } } /** * Notifies the listeners about the removal of agents. * @param agents The removed agents. */ protected void fireAgentsRemoved(Component[] agents) { if(agents != null) { for(Iterator iter = listeners.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { IMessageListListener listener = (IMessageListListener); ((IComponentListListener)listener).componentsRemoved(agents); } } } /** * Notifies the listeners about the adding of agents. * @param agents The added agents. */ protected void fireAgentsAdded(Component[] agents) { if(agents != null) { for(Iterator iter = listeners.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { IMessageListListener listener = (IMessageListListener); ((IComponentListListener)listener).componentsAdded(agents); } } } /** * Notifies the listeners about agents with changed visibility. * @param agents The changed agents. */ protected void fireAgentsChanged(Component[] agents) { if(agents != null) { for(Iterator iter = listeners.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { IMessageListListener listener = (IMessageListListener); ((IComponentListListener)listener).componentsChanged(agents); } } } }