package; import java.math.BigDecimal; public class Vector1Long implements IVector1 { /** Zero vector */ public static final IVector1 ZERO = new Vector1Long(0); private long x_; /** Creates a new Vector1Long. * * @param value vector value */ public Vector1Long(long value) { x_ = value; } /** * Creates a new vector. */ // bean constructor public Vector1Long() { } /** Adds another vector to this vector, adding individual components. * * @param vector the vector to add to this vector * @return a reference to the called vector (NOT a copy) */ public IVector1 add(IVector1 vector) { x_ += vector.getAsLong(); return this; } /** Subtracts another vector to this vector, subtracting individual components. * * @param vector the vector to subtract from this vector * @return a reference to the called vector (NOT a copy) */ public IVector1 subtract(IVector1 vector) { x_ -= vector.getAsLong(); return this; } /** Performs a multiplication on the vector. * * @param vector vector * @return a reference to the called vector (NOT a copy) */ public IVector1 multiply(IVector1 vector) { x_ *= vector.getAsLong(); return this; } /** Sets the vector component to zero. * * @return a reference to the called vector (NOT a copy) */ public IVector1 zero() { x_ = 0; return this; } /** Negates the vector by negating its components. * * @return a reference to the called vector (NOT a copy) */ public IVector1 negate() { x_ = -x_; return this; } /** * Calculate the square root. * @return The square root. */ public IVector1 sqrt() { x_ = (long)Math.sqrt(x_); return this; } /** * Calculate the modulo. * @return The modulo value. */ public IVector1 mod(IVector1 mod) { x_ = x_ % mod.getAsLong(); return this; } /** Returns the distance to another vector * * @param vector other vector * @return distance */ public IVector1 getDistance(IVector1 vector) { long distance = Math.abs(x_) - Math.abs(vector.getAsLong()); return new Vector1Long(distance); } /** Returns the vector as integer. * * @return vector as integer */ public int getAsInteger() { return (int) x_; } /** Returns the vector as long. * * @return vector as long */ public long getAsLong() { return x_; } public void setAsLong(long x) { this.x_ = x; } /** Returns the vector as float. * * @return vector as float */ public float getAsFloat() { return (float) x_; } /** Returns the vector as double. * * @return vector as double */ public double getAsDouble() { return (double) x_; } /** Returns the vector as BigDecimal. * * @return vector as BigDecimal */ public BigDecimal getAsBigDecimal() { return new BigDecimal(x_); } /** Makes a copy of the vector without using the complex clone interface. * * @return copy of the vector */ public IVector1 copy() { return new Vector1Long(x_); } /** Generates a deep clone of the vector. * * @return clone of this vector */ public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { return copy(); } /** Compares the vector to an object * * @param obj the object * @return always returns false unless the object is an IVector2, * in which case it is equivalent to equals(IVector vector) */ public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof IVector1) { return equals((IVector1) obj); } return false; } /** * Compute the hash code. * @return The hash code. */ public int hashCode() { return (int)x_; } /** Compares the vector to another vector. * The vectors are equal if the components are equal. * * @param vector the other vector * @return true if the vectors are equal */ public boolean equals(IVector1 vector) { return (x_ == vector.getAsLong()); } /** Tests if the vector is greater than another vector. * * @param vector the other vector * @return true if the vector is greater than the given vector. */ public boolean greater(IVector1 vector) { return (x_ > vector.getAsLong()); } /** Tests if the vector is less than another vector. * * @param vector the other vector * @return true if the vector is less than the given vector. */ public boolean less(IVector1 vector) { return (x_ < vector.getAsLong()); } /** * Create a vector2 from this and another vector. * @param sec The second vector. */ public IVector2 createVector2(IVector1 sec) { return new Vector2Double(this.getAsLong(), sec.getAsLong()); } public String toString() { return Long.toString(x_); } }