package jadex.standalone.service; import jadex.base.fipa.DFComponentDescription; import jadex.base.fipa.DFServiceDescription; import jadex.base.fipa.IDF; import jadex.base.fipa.IDFComponentDescription; import jadex.base.fipa.IDFServiceDescription; import jadex.base.fipa.IProperty; import jadex.base.fipa.SFipa; import jadex.base.fipa.SearchConstraints; import jadex.bridge.IComponentIdentifier; import jadex.bridge.IComponentManagementService; import jadex.bridge.ISearchConstraints; import jadex.commons.Future; import jadex.commons.IFuture; import jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap; import jadex.commons.concurrent.CollectionResultListener; import jadex.commons.concurrent.IResultListener; import jadex.commons.service.BasicService; import jadex.commons.service.IServiceProvider; import jadex.commons.service.SServiceProvider; import jadex.commons.service.clock.IClockService; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Directory facilitator implementation for standalone platform. */ public class DirectoryFacilitatorService extends BasicService implements IDF { //-------- attributes -------- /** The platform. */ protected IServiceProvider provider; /** The cached component management service. */ protected IComponentManagementService cms; /** The cached clock service. */ protected IClockService clockservice; /** The registered components. */ protected IndexMap components; //-------- constructors -------- /** * Create a standalone df. */ public DirectoryFacilitatorService(IServiceProvider provider) { this(provider, null); } /** * Create a standalone df. */ public DirectoryFacilitatorService(IServiceProvider provider, Map properties) { super(provider.getId(), IDF.class, properties); this.provider = provider; this.components = new IndexMap(); } //-------- IDF interface methods -------- /** * Register a component description. * @throws RuntimeException when the component description is already registered. */ public IFuture register(IDFComponentDescription cdesc) { Future ret = new Future(); //System.out.println("Registered: "+adesc.getName()+" "+adesc.getLeaseTime()); IDFComponentDescription clone = SFipa.cloneDFComponentDescription(cdesc, cms, this); // Add description, when valid. if(clone.getLeaseTime()==null || clone.getLeaseTime().getTime()>clockservice.getTime()) { synchronized(components) { // Automatically throws exception, when key exists. if(components.containsKey(clone.getName())) throw new RuntimeException("Componentomponent already registered: "+cdesc.getName()); components.add(clone.getName(), clone); // System.out.println("registered: "+clone.getName()); } ret.setResult(clone); } else { ret.setException(new RuntimeException("Componentomponent not registered: "+clone.getName())); // System.out.println("not registered: "+clone.getName()); } return ret; } /** * Deregister a component description. * @throws RuntimeException when the component is not registered. */ public IFuture deregister(IDFComponentDescription cdesc) { Future ret = new Future(); synchronized(components) { if(!components.containsKey(cdesc.getName())) { //throw new RuntimeException("Component not registered: "+adesc.getName()); ret.setException(new RuntimeException("Component not registered: "+cdesc.getName())); } else { components.removeKey(cdesc.getName()); ret.setResult(null); //System.out.println("deregistered: "+adesc.getName()); } } return ret; } /** * Modify a component description. * @throws RuntimeException when the component is not registered. */ public IFuture modify(IDFComponentDescription cdesc) { Future ret = new Future(); // Use clone to avoid caller manipulating object after insertion. IDFComponentDescription clone = SFipa.cloneDFComponentDescription(cdesc, cms, this); // Change description, when valid. if(clone.getLeaseTime()==null || clone.getLeaseTime().getTime()>clockservice.getTime()) { // Automatically throws exception, when key does not exist. synchronized(components) { components.replace(clone.getName(), clone); } //System.out.println("modified: "+clone.getName()); ret.setResult(clone); } else { //throw new RuntimeException("Invalid lease time: "+clone.getLeaseTime()); ret.setException(new RuntimeException("Invalid lease time: "+clone.getLeaseTime())); } return ret; } /** * Search for components matching the given description. * @return An array of matching component descriptions. */ public IFuture search(final IDFComponentDescription adesc, final ISearchConstraints con) { return search(adesc, con, false); } // protected List open = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList()); /** * Search for components matching the given description. * @return An array of matching component descriptions. */ public IFuture search(final IDFComponentDescription adesc, final ISearchConstraints con, boolean remote) { final Future fut = new Future(); //System.out.println("Searching: "+adesc.getName()); final List ret = new ArrayList(); // If name is supplied, just lookup description. if(adesc.getName()!=null) { synchronized(components) { if(components.containsKey(adesc.getName())) { DFComponentDescription ad = (DFComponentDescription)components.get(adesc.getName()); // Remove description when invalid. if(ad.getLeaseTime()!=null && ad.getLeaseTime().getTime()<clockservice.getTime()) components.removeKey(ad.getName()); else ret.add(ad); } } } // Otherwise search for matching descriptions. else { synchronized(components) { DFComponentDescription[] descs = (DFComponentDescription[])components.toArray(new DFComponentDescription[components.size()]); for(int i=0; (con==null || con.getMaxResults()==-1 || ret.size()<con.getMaxResults()) && i<descs.length; i++) { // Remove description when invalid. if(descs[i].getLeaseTime()!=null && descs[i].getLeaseTime().getTime()<clockservice.getTime()) { components.removeKey(descs[i].getName()); } // Otherwise match against template. else { if(match(descs[i] ,adesc)) { ret.add(descs[i]); } } } } } // System.out.println("Started search: "+ret); // open.add(fut); if(remote) { SServiceProvider.getServices(provider, IDF.class, true).addResultListener(new IResultListener() { public void resultAvailable(Object source, Object result) { Collection coll = (Collection)result; // System.out.println("dfs: "+coll); // Ignore search failures of remote dfs CollectionResultListener lis = new CollectionResultListener(coll.size(), true, new IResultListener() { public void resultAvailable(Object source, Object result) { // Add all services of all remote dfs for(Iterator it=((Collection)result).iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { IDFComponentDescription[] res = (IDFComponentDescription[]); if(res!=null) { for(int i=0; i<res.length; i++) { ret.add(res[i]); } } } // open.remove(fut); // System.out.println("Federated search: "+ret);//+" "+open); fut.setResult(ret.toArray(new DFComponentDescription[ret.size()])); } public void exceptionOccurred(Object source, Exception exception) { // open.remove(fut); fut.setException(exception); // fut.setResult(ret.toArray(new DFComponentDescription[ret.size()])); } }); for(Iterator it=coll.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { IDF remotedf = (IDF); if(remotedf!=DirectoryFacilitatorService.this) {, con, false).addResultListener(lis); } else { lis.resultAvailable(null, null); } } } public void exceptionOccurred(Object source, Exception exception) { // open.remove(fut); fut.setResult(ret.toArray(new DFComponentDescription[ret.size()])); } }); } else { // open.remove(fut); // System.out.println("Local search: "+ret+" "+open); fut.setResult(ret.toArray(new DFComponentDescription[ret.size()])); } //System.out.println("Searched: "+ret); //return (ComponentDescription[])ret.toArray(new ComponentDescription[ret.size()]); return fut; } /** * Create a df service description. * @param name The name. * @param type The type. * @param ownership The ownership. * @return The service description. */ public IDFServiceDescription createDFServiceDescription(String name, String type, String ownership) { return new DFServiceDescription(name, type, ownership); } /** * Create a df service description. * @param name The name. * @param type The type. * @param ownership The ownership. * @param languages The languages. * @param ontologies The ontologies. * @param protocols The protocols. * @param properties The properties. * @return The service description. */ public IDFServiceDescription createDFServiceDescription(String name, String type, String ownership, String[] languages, String[] ontologies, String[] protocols, IProperty[] properties) { DFServiceDescription ret = new DFServiceDescription(name, type, ownership); for(int i=0; languages!=null && i<languages.length; i++) ret.addLanguage(languages[i]); for(int i=0; ontologies!=null && i<ontologies.length; i++) ret.addOntology(ontologies[i]); for(int i=0; protocols!=null && i<protocols.length; i++) ret.addProtocol(protocols[i]); for(int i=0; properties!=null && i<properties.length; i++) ret.addProperty(properties[i]); return ret; } /** * Create a df component description. * @param component The component. * @param service The service. * @return The df component description. */ public IDFComponentDescription createDFComponentDescription(IComponentIdentifier component, IDFServiceDescription service) { DFComponentDescription ret = new DFComponentDescription(); ret.setName(component); if(service!=null) ret.addService(service); return ret; } /** * Create a new df component description. * @param component The component id. * @param services The services. * @param languages The languages. * @param ontologies The ontologies. * @param protocols The protocols. * @return The component description. */ public IDFComponentDescription createDFComponentDescription(IComponentIdentifier component, IDFServiceDescription[] services, String[] languages, String[] ontologies, String[] protocols, Date leasetime) { DFComponentDescription ret = new DFComponentDescription(); ret.setName(component); ret.setLeaseTime(leasetime); for(int i=0; services!=null && i<services.length; i++) ret.addService(services[i]); for(int i=0; languages!=null && i<languages.length; i++) ret.addLanguage(languages[i]); for(int i=0; ontologies!=null && i<ontologies.length; i++) ret.addOntology(ontologies[i]); for(int i=0; protocols!=null && i<protocols.length; i++) ret.addProtocol(protocols[i]); return ret; } /** * Create a search constraints object. * @param maxresults The maximum number of results. * @param maxdepth The maximal search depth. * @return The search constraints. */ public ISearchConstraints createSearchConstraints(int maxresults, int maxdepth) { SearchConstraints ret = new SearchConstraints(); ret.setMaxResults(maxresults); ret.setMaxDepth(maxdepth); return ret; } /** * Create a component identifier. * @param name The name. * @param local True for local name (). * @return The new component identifier. * / public IComponentIdentifier createComponentIdentifier(String name, boolean local) { if(local) name = name + "@" + platform.getName(); return new ComponentIdentifier(name); }*/ /** * Create a component identifier. * @param name The name. * @param local True for local name. * @param addresses The addresses. * / public IComponentIdentifier createComponentIdentifier(String name, boolean local, String[] addresses) { if(local) name = name + "@" + platform.getName(); return new ComponentIdentifier(name, addresses, null); }*/ //-------- IPlatformService interface methods -------- /** * Start the service. */ public synchronized IFuture startService() { final Future ret = new Future(); super.startService().addResultListener(new IResultListener() { public void resultAvailable(Object source, Object result) { final boolean[] services = new boolean[2]; SServiceProvider.getServiceUpwards(provider, IComponentManagementService.class).addResultListener(new IResultListener() { public void resultAvailable(Object source, Object result) { cms = (IComponentManagementService)result; boolean setresult; synchronized(services) { services[0] = true; setresult = services[0] && services[1]; } if(setresult) ret.setResult(DirectoryFacilitatorService.this); } public void exceptionOccurred(Object source, Exception exception) { ret.setException(exception); } }); SServiceProvider.getService(provider, IClockService.class).addResultListener(new IResultListener() { public void resultAvailable(Object source, Object result) { clockservice = (IClockService)result; boolean setresult; synchronized(services) { services[1] = true; setresult = services[0] && services[1]; } if(setresult) ret.setResult(DirectoryFacilitatorService.this); } public void exceptionOccurred(Object source, Exception exception) { ret.setException(exception); } }); } public void exceptionOccurred(Object source, Exception exception) { ret.setException(exception); } }); return ret; } //-------- helper methods -------- /** * Test if a component description matches a given template. */ protected boolean match(IDFComponentDescription desc, IDFComponentDescription template) { boolean ret = true; // Match protocols, languages, and ontologies. ret = includes(desc.getLanguages(), template.getLanguages()); ret = ret && includes(desc.getOntologies(), template.getOntologies()); ret = ret && includes(desc.getProtocols(), template.getProtocols()); // Match service descriptions. if(ret) { IDFServiceDescription[] tservices = template.getServices(); for(int t=0; ret && t<tservices.length; t++) { ret = false; IDFServiceDescription[] dservices = desc.getServices(); for(int d=0; !ret && d<dservices.length; d++) { ret = match(dservices[d], tservices[t]); } } } return ret; } /** * Test if a service description matches a given template. */ protected boolean match(IDFServiceDescription desc, IDFServiceDescription template) { // Match name, type, and ownership; boolean ret = template.getName()==null || template.getName().equals(desc.getName()); ret = ret && (template.getType()==null || template.getType().equals(desc.getType())); ret = ret && (template.getOwnership()==null || template.getOwnership().equals(desc.getOwnership())); // Match protocols, languages, ontologies, and properties. ret = ret && includes(desc.getLanguages(), template.getLanguages()); ret = ret && includes(desc.getOntologies(), template.getOntologies()); ret = ret && includes(desc.getProtocols(), template.getProtocols()); ret = ret && includes(desc.getProperties(), template.getProperties()); return ret; } /** * Test if one array of objects is included in the other * (without considering the order). * Test is performed using equals(). */ protected boolean includes(Object[] a, Object[] b) { Set entries = new HashSet(); for(int i=0; i<b.length; i++) entries.add(b[i]); for(int i=0; i<a.length; i++) entries.remove(a[i]); return entries.isEmpty(); } }