package jadex.commons.collection; import; import; import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue; import java.util.AbstractSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; /** * A weak set for entries that will be automatically removed when * no references to them are existing any more. */ public class WeakSet extends AbstractSet implements Serializable { //-------- attributes --------- /** The set which will be used for element storage. */ protected transient Set set; /** The reference queue used to get object removal notifications. */ protected transient ReferenceQueue queue = new ReferenceQueue(); //-------- constructors --------- /** * Construct a WeakSet based on a HashSet. */ public WeakSet() { this.set = SCollection.createHashSet(); } //-------- methods --------- /** * Return the size of the set. * @return The size of the set. */ public int size() { expungeStaleEntries(); return set.size(); } /** * Return an iteration over the elements in the set. * @return An iteration over the elements in the set. */ public Iterator iterator() { // todo: is this implementation sound??? expungeStaleEntries(); return new Iterator() { Iterator iter = set.iterator(); Object next = null; public boolean hasNext() { while(next==null && iter.hasNext()) = ((WeakObject); return next!=null; } public Object next() { if(!hasNext()) throw new NoSuchElementException(); // hasNext() has the side-effect of setting the next element! Object ret =; = null; return ret; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Remove method not supported for iterator of weak set."); } }; } /** * Convert the set to an array. */ // Overriden, because AbstractCollection implementation relies on constant size. public Object[] toArray() { Object[] result = new Object[size()]; int i = 0; Iterator it = iterator(); for(; it.hasNext(); i++) result[i] =; // Reallocate array, when some elements have been garbage collected (shouldn't happen often). if(i<result.length) { Object[] result2 = new Object[i]; System.arraycopy(result, 0, result2, 0, i); result = result2; } return result; } /** * Convert the set to an array. */ // Overriden, because AbstractCollection implementation relies on constant size. public Object[] toArray(Object result[]) { int size = size(); if(result.length<size) result = (Object[])java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(result.getClass().getComponentType(), size); int i = 0; Iterator it = iterator(); for(; it.hasNext(); i++) result[i] =; // Reallocate array, when some elements have been garbage collected (shouldn't happen often). if(i<result.length) { Object[] result2 = (Object[])java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(result.getClass().getComponentType(), i); System.arraycopy(result, 0, result2, 0, i); result = result2; } return result; } /** * Add an element to the set. * @param obj Element to add to the set. * @return True if the element was added. */ public boolean add(final Object obj) { if(obj==null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must not be null."); expungeStaleEntries(); return set.add(new WeakObject(obj, queue)); } /** * Returns true if this set contains no elements. * @return true if this set contains no elements. */ public boolean isEmpty() { expungeStaleEntries(); return set.isEmpty(); } /** * Returns true if this set contains the specified element. * @param obj Element whose presence in this set is to be tested. * @return true if this set contains the specified element. */ public boolean contains(final Object obj) { if(obj==null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must not be null."); expungeStaleEntries(); return set.contains(new WeakObject(obj)); } /** * Removes the given element from this set if it is present. * @param obj Object to be removed from this set, if present. * @return true if the set contained the specified element. */ public boolean remove(final Object obj) { if(obj==null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must not be null."); expungeStaleEntries(); return set.remove(new WeakObject(obj)); } /** * Removes all of the elements from this set. */ public void clear() { serialized_set = null; set.clear(); } /** * Returns a shallow copy of this WeakSet instance: the elements themselves are not cloned. * @return A shallow copy of this set. */ public Object clone() { expungeStaleEntries(); try { return super.clone(); } catch(CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new InternalError(); } } /** * Remove garbage collected entries. */ protected final void expungeStaleEntries() { serialized_set = null; WeakObject weak; while((weak = (WeakObject)queue.poll())!=null) { set.remove(weak); } } //-------- serialization handling -------- protected Set serialized_set; /** * Perform special handling on serialization. */ protected Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException { // Extract weak references as they are not serializable. expungeStaleEntries(); this.serialized_set = SCollection.createHashSet(); for(Iterator it=set.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object next = ((WeakObject); if(next!=null) serialized_set.add(next); } return this; } /** * Perform special handling on serialization. */ protected Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException { // Restore weak references as they are not serialized. this.set = SCollection.createHashSet(); this.queue = new ReferenceQueue(); for(Iterator it=serialized_set.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { set.add(new WeakObject(, queue)); } this.serialized_set = null; return this; } }