package jadex.standalone.transport.niotcpmtp; import jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier; import jadex.bridge.IComponentIdentifier; import jadex.bridge.IMessageService; import jadex.commons.SUtil; import jadex.commons.collection.ILRUEntryCleaner; import jadex.commons.collection.LRU; import jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection; import jadex.commons.collection.SCollection; import jadex.commons.concurrent.DefaultResultListener; import jadex.commons.service.IServiceProvider; import jadex.commons.service.SServiceProvider; import jadex.commons.service.clock.IClockService; import jadex.commons.service.clock.ITimedObject; import jadex.commons.service.clock.ITimer; import jadex.commons.service.library.ILibraryService; import jadex.commons.service.threadpool.IThreadPoolService; import jadex.standalone.transport.ITransport; import jadex.standalone.transport.MessageEnvelope; import jadex.standalone.transport.codecs.CodecFactory; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey; import java.nio.channels.Selector; import java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * The tcp transport for sending messages over * tcp/ip connections. Initiates one receiving * tcp/ip port under the specified settings and * opens outgoing connections for all remote * platforms on demand. * * For the receiving side a separate listener * thread is necessary as it must be continuously * listened for incoming transmission requests. */ public class NIOTCPTransport implements ITransport { //-------- constants -------- /** The schema name. */ public static final String SCHEMA = "nio-mtp://"; /** How long to keep connections alive (5 min). */ protected static final int MAX_KEEPALIVE = 300000; /** The prolog size. */ protected static final int PROLOG_SIZE = 5; /** Maximum number of outgoing connections */ protected static final int MAX_CONNECTIONS = 20; /** Default port. */ protected static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 8765; //-------- attributes -------- /** The platform. */ protected IServiceProvider container; /** The addresses. */ protected String[] addresses; /** The port. */ protected int port; /** The server socket for receiving messages. */ protected ServerSocketChannel ssc; /** The selector for fetching new incoming requests. */ protected Selector selector; /** The opened connections for addresses. (aid address -> connection). */ protected Map connections; /** The codec factory. */ protected CodecFactory codecfac; /** The logger. */ protected Logger logger; /** The library service. */ protected ILibraryService libservice; //-------- constructors -------- /** * Init the transport. * @param platform The platform. * @param settings The settings. */ public NIOTCPTransport(final IServiceProvider container, int port) { this.logger = Logger.getLogger("NIOTCPTransport" + this); this.codecfac = new CodecFactory(); this.container = container; this.port = port; // Set up sending side. this.connections = SCollection.createLRU(MAX_CONNECTIONS); ((LRU)this.connections).setCleaner(new ILRUEntryCleaner() { public void cleanupEldestEntry(Entry eldest) { Object con = eldest.getValue(); if(con instanceof NIOTCPOutputConnection) { ((NIOTCPOutputConnection)con).close(); } } }); } /** * Start the transport. */ public void start() { try { // Set up receiver side. // If port==0 -> any free port this.ssc =; this.ssc.configureBlocking(false); ServerSocket serversocket = ssc.socket(); serversocket.bind(new InetSocketAddress(port)); this.port = serversocket.getLocalPort(); this.selector =; ssc.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT); // Determine all transport addresses. InetAddress iaddr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); String lhostname = iaddr.getHostName().toLowerCase(); InetAddress[] laddrs = InetAddress.getAllByName(lhostname); Set addrs = new HashSet(); addrs.add(getAddress(iaddr.getHostAddress(), this.port)); // Get the ip addresses for(int i=0; i<laddrs.length; i++) { String hostname = laddrs[i].getHostName().toLowerCase(); String ip_addr = laddrs[i].getHostAddress(); addrs.add(getAddress(ip_addr, this.port)); if(!ip_addr.equals(hostname)) { // We have a fully qualified domain name. addrs.add(getAddress(hostname, this.port)); } } addresses = (String[])addrs.toArray(new String[addrs.size()]); // Start receiver thread. SServiceProvider.getService(container, ILibraryService.class).addResultListener(new DefaultResultListener() { public void resultAvailable(Object source, Object result) { libservice = (ILibraryService)result; SServiceProvider.getService(container, IThreadPoolService.class).addResultListener(new DefaultResultListener() { public void resultAvailable(Object source, Object result) { IThreadPoolService tp = (IThreadPoolService)result; tp.execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { while(ssc.isOpen()) { // This is a blocking call that only returns when traffic occurs. Iterator it = null; try {; it = selector.selectedKeys().iterator(); } catch(IOException e) { // logger.warning("NIOTCP selector error."); //e.printStackTrace(); } while(it!=null && it.hasNext()) { // Get the selection key final SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey); // Remove it from the list to indicate that it is being processed it.remove(); if(key.isValid() && key.isAcceptable()) { try { // Returns only null if no connection request is available. SocketChannel sc = ssc.accept(); if(sc!=null) { sc.configureBlocking(false); // ClassLoader cl = ((ILibraryService)container.getService(ILibraryService.class)).getClassLoader(); sc.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ, new NIOTCPInputConnection(sc, codecfac, libservice.getClassLoader())); } } catch(IOException e) { // logger.warning("NIOTCP connection error on receiver side."); //e.printStackTrace(); key.cancel(); } } else if(key.isValid() && key.isReadable()) { final NIOTCPInputConnection con = (NIOTCPInputConnection)key.attachment(); SServiceProvider.getService(container, IMessageService.class).addResultListener(new DefaultResultListener() { public void resultAvailable(Object source, Object result) { try { IMessageService ms = (IMessageService)result; for(MessageEnvelope; msg!=null; { ms.deliverMessage(msg.getMessage(), msg.getTypeName(), msg.getReceivers()); } } catch(IOException e) { // logger.warning("NIOTCP receiving error while reading data."); // e.printStackTrace(); con.close(); key.cancel(); } } }); } else { key.cancel(); } } } //"TCPNIO receiver closed."); } }); } }); } }); //platform.getLogger().info("Local address: "+getServiceSchema()+lhostname+":"+listen_port); } catch(Exception e) { //e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("Transport initialization error: "+e.getMessage()); } } /** * Perform cleanup operations (if any). */ public void shutdown() { try{this.ssc.close();}catch(Exception e){} connections = null; // Help gc } //-------- methods -------- /** * Send a message. * @param message The message to send. */ // public ComponentIdentifier[] sendMessage(IMessageEnvelope message) public IComponentIdentifier[] sendMessage(Map message, String msgtype, IComponentIdentifier[] receivers) { // Fetch all receivers IComponentIdentifier[] recstodel = receivers; // IComponentIdentifier[] recstodel = message.getReceivers(); List undelivered = SUtil.arrayToList(recstodel); // Find receivers with same address and send only once for // them as message is delivered to all // address -> (aid1, aid2, ...) MultiCollection adrsets = new MultiCollection(SCollection.createHashMap(), HashSet.class); for(int i=0; i<recstodel.length; i++) { String[] addrs = recstodel[i].getAddresses(); for(int j=0; j<addrs.length; j++) { adrsets.put(addrs[j], recstodel[i]); } } // Iterate over all different addresses and try to send // to missing and appropriate receivers String[] addrs = (String[])adrsets.getKeys(String.class); // if(addrs.length>1) // System.out.println("here: "+SUtil.arrayToString(addrs)); for(int i=0; i<addrs.length && undelivered.size()>0; i++) { try { boolean fresh = false; // Is the cached connection is dead the call will // cause a IOException been thrown NIOTCPOutputConnection con = getConnection(addrs[i]); if(con==null) { fresh = true; con = createConnection(addrs[i]); } if(con!=null) { Set aidset = (Set)adrsets.get(addrs[i]); aidset.retainAll(undelivered); // ComponentIdentifier[] aids = (ComponentIdentifier[])aidset.toArray(new ComponentIdentifier[aidset.size()]); // message.setReceivers(aids); // The send process must be performed once or twice // as there is no possibility to check if the cached connection // is still connected to the other end. This can only be // checked by the write operation. while(true) { try { con.send(new MessageEnvelope(message, aidset, msgtype)); undelivered.removeAll(aidset); break; } catch(IOException e) { removeConnection(addrs[i]); if(!fresh) { fresh = true; con = createConnection(addrs[i]); if(con==null) break; } else { // logger.warning("Send connection closed: "+addrs[i]); break; } } } } } catch(IOException e) { // logger.warning("Address unreachable: "+addrs[i]); } } return (ComponentIdentifier[])undelivered.toArray(new ComponentIdentifier[undelivered.size()]); } /** * Returns the prefix of this transport * @return Transport prefix. */ public String getServiceSchema() { return SCHEMA; } /** * Get the adresses of this transport. * @return An array of strings representing the addresses * of this message transport mechanism. */ public String[] getAddresses() { return addresses; } //-------- helper methods -------- /** * Get the address of this transport. * @param hostname The hostname. * @param port The port. * @return <scheme>:<hostname>:<port> */ protected String getAddress(String hostname, int port) { return getServiceSchema()+hostname+":"+port; } /** * Get the cached connection. * @param address The address. * @return The cached connection. */ protected NIOTCPOutputConnection getConnection(String address) throws IOException { address = address.toLowerCase(); Object ret = connections.get(address); if(ret instanceof NIOTCPDeadConnection) { NIOTCPDeadConnection dead = (NIOTCPDeadConnection)ret; // Reset connection if connection should be retried. if(dead.shouldRetry()) { connections.remove(address); ret = null; } else { throw new IOException("Dead connection."); } } return (NIOTCPOutputConnection)ret; } /** * Remove a cached connection. * @param address The address. */ protected void removeConnection(String address) { if(connections!=null) { address = address.toLowerCase(); Object con = connections.remove(address); if(con instanceof NIOTCPOutputConnection) ((NIOTCPOutputConnection)con).close(); } } /** * Create a outgoing connection. * @param address The connection address. * @return the connection to this address */ protected NIOTCPOutputConnection createConnection(String address) { address = address.toLowerCase(); NIOTCPOutputConnection ret = null; if(address.startsWith(getServiceSchema())) { // Parse the address try { int schemalen = getServiceSchema().length(); int div = address.indexOf(':', schemalen); String hostname; int iport; if(div>0) { hostname = address.substring(schemalen, div); iport = Integer.parseInt(address.substring(div+1)); } else { hostname = address.substring(schemalen); iport = DEFAULT_PORT; } // ClassLoader cl = ((ILibraryService)container.getService(ILibraryService.class)).getClassLoader() ret = new NIOTCPOutputConnection(InetAddress.getByName(hostname), iport, codecfac, new Cleaner(address), libservice.getClassLoader()); connections.put(address, ret); } catch(Exception e) { connections.put(address, new NIOTCPDeadConnection()); // logger.warning("Could not establish connection to: "+address); //e.printStackTrace(); } } return ret; } /** * Class for cleaning output connections after * max keep alive time has been reached. */ protected class Cleaner implements ITimedObject { //-------- attributes -------- /** The address of the connection. */ protected String address; /** The timer. */ protected ITimer timer; //-------- constructors -------- /** * Cleaner for a specified output connection. * @param address The address. */ public Cleaner(String address) { this.address = address; } //-------- methods -------- /** * Called when timepoint was reached. */ public void timeEventOccurred(long currenttime) { //System.out.println("Timeout reached for: "+address); removeConnection(address); } /** * Refresh the timeout. */ public void refresh() { //platform.getTimerService().addEntry(this, System.currentTimeMillis()+MAX_KEEPALIVE); /*if(timer!=null) timer.cancel(); timer = platform.getClock().createTimer(System.currentTimeMillis()+MAX_KEEPALIVE, this);*/ SServiceProvider.getService(container, IClockService.class).addResultListener(new DefaultResultListener() { public void resultAvailable(Object source, Object result) { IClockService clock = (IClockService)result; long time = clock.getTime()+MAX_KEEPALIVE; if(timer==null) timer = clock.createTimer(time, Cleaner.this); else timer.setNotificationTime(time); } }); } /** * Remove this cleaner. */ public void remove() { //platform.getTimerService().removeEntry(this); if(timer!=null) timer.cancel(); } } }