package jadex.bdi.runtime.impl; import jadex.bdi.model.OAVBDIMetaModel; import jadex.bdi.runtime.IPlanExecutor; import jadex.bdi.runtime.Plan; import jadex.bdi.runtime.interpreter.BDIInterpreter; import jadex.bdi.runtime.interpreter.OAVBDIRuntimeModel; import jadex.bdi.runtime.interpreter.PlanRules; import jadex.commons.SReflect; import jadex.commons.collection.SCollection; import jadex.commons.concurrent.IThreadPool; import jadex.rules.state.IOAVState; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; /** * A plan executor for plans that run on their own thread * and therefore may perform blocking wait operations. * Plan bodies have to inherit from @link{Plan}. */ // todo: move somewhere else (impl???). public class JavaStandardPlanExecutor implements IPlanExecutor, Serializable { //-------- constants -------- public static final String MAX_PLANSTEP_TIME = "max_planstep_time"; //-------- attributes -------- /** The bdi interpreter. */ //protected BDIInterpreter interpreter; /** The maximum execution time per plan step in millis. */ // protected Number maxexetime; /** The pool for the planinstances -> execution tasks. */ protected Map tasks; /** The threadpool. */ protected IThreadPool threadpool; //-------- constructor -------- /** * Create a new threadbased plan executor. */ public JavaStandardPlanExecutor(IThreadPool threadpool) { this.threadpool = threadpool; this.tasks = Collections.synchronizedMap(SCollection.createHashMap()); } //-------- IPlanExecutor interface -------- /** * Create the body of a plan. * @param rplan The rplan. * @return The created body. * May throw any kind of exception, when the body creation fails */ public Object createPlanBody(BDIInterpreter interpreter, Object rcapability, Object rplan) throws Exception { // Create plan body object. // Hack!!! Not an elegant way by using a static hashtable! // Needed for passing the rplan to the abstract plan instance. String refname= ""+Thread.currentThread()+"_"+Thread.currentThread().hashCode(); AbstractPlan.planinit.put(refname, new Object[]{interpreter, rplan, rcapability}); IOAVState state = interpreter.getState(); Object mplan = state.getAttributeValue(rplan, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.element_has_model); Object mbody = state.getAttributeValue(mplan, OAVBDIMetaModel.plan_has_body); // Class clazz = (Class)interpreter.getState().getAttributeValue(mbody, OAVBDIMetaModel.body_has_class); String clname = (String)state.getAttributeValue(mbody, OAVBDIMetaModel.body_has_impl); if(clname==null) throw new RuntimeException("Classname must not be null: "+state.getAttributeValue(state.getAttributeValue(rplan, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.element_has_model), OAVBDIMetaModel.modelelement_has_name)); Class clazz = SReflect.findClass(clname, OAVBDIMetaModel.getImports(interpreter.getState(), interpreter.getState().getAttributeValue (rcapability, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.element_has_model)), state.getTypeModel().getClassLoader()); Object body = null; if(clazz!=null) { try { body = clazz.newInstance(); if(!(body instanceof Plan)) throw new RuntimeException("User plan has wrong baseclass. Expected jadex.bdi.runtime.Plan for standard plan."); interpreter.getState().setAttributeValue(rplan, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.plan_has_body, body); } catch(Exception e) { // Use only RuntimeException from below e.printStackTrace(); } } AbstractPlan.planinit.remove(refname); if(body==null) throw new RuntimeException("Plan body could not be created: "+clazz); return body; } /** * Execute a step of a plan. * Executing a step should cause the latest event to be handled. * Will be called by the scheduler for every event to be handled. * May throw any kind of exception, when the plan execution fails * @return True, if the plan step was interrupted (interrupted flag). */ public boolean executeStep(BDIInterpreter interpreter, Object rcapability, Object rplan, String steptype) throws Exception { // Get or create new a thread for the plan instance info. boolean newthread = false; PlanExecutionTask task = (PlanExecutionTask)tasks.get(rplan); if(task==null) { task = new PlanExecutionTask(interpreter, rcapability, rplan); tasks.put(rplan, task); newthread = true; } Object monitor = task.getMonitor(); // Lock the pool monitor and start it. // Because it needs its monitor to run, it starts // not until the scheduler has called wait(). // System.out.println("plan step started: "+rplan+" "+interpreter.getState() // .getAttributeValue(interpreter.getState().getAttributeValue(rplan, // OAVBDIRuntimeModel.element_has_model), OAVBDIMetaModel.modelelement_has_name)); synchronized(monitor) { task.setStepType(steptype); task.setState(PlanExecutionTask.STATE_RUNNING); if(newthread) { // It must be avoided that the new thread // immediately starts. Therefore its first // instruction is synchronized(monitor){} // System.out.println("execute: "+rplan); threadpool.execute(task); } else { // System.out.println("notify: "+rplan); monitor.notify(); } try { // Wait causes to free the monitor // and awakens the plan thread which needs // the monitor to execute // System.out.println("wait: "+rplan); if(getMaxExecutionTime(interpreter)==0) monitor.wait(); else monitor.wait(getMaxExecutionTime(interpreter)); // System.out.println("resumed: "+rplan); } catch(InterruptedException e) { // Shouldn't happen (agent thread shouldn't be interrupted) System.err.println("Warning, agent thread was interrupted"); e.printStackTrace(System.err); } catch(Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if(PlanExecutionTask.STATE_RUNNING.equals(task.getState())) { // todo: // agent.getLogger().warning(" plan step is running longer than maximum " + // "execution time, plan will be terminated: "+agent+" "+task); // task.getPlan().getRootGoal().fail(null); // Todo: wait for plan termination // (otherwise there are two threads running at once). } // } // task.lock.unlock(); // if(task.getState().equals(PlanExecutionTask.STATE_TERMINATED)) // { // System.out.println("plan step finished: "+rplan+" "+interpreter.getState() // .getAttributeValue(interpreter.getState().getAttributeValue(rplan, // OAVBDIRuntimeModel.element_has_model), OAVBDIMetaModel.modelelement_has_name)); //plan.setCleanupFinished(true); if(task.getThrowable() instanceof Exception) throw (Exception)task.getThrowable(); else if(task.getThrowable()!=null) throw new RuntimeException(task.getThrowable()); } return task.getState().equals(PlanExecutionTask.STATE_INTERRUPTED); } /** * Execute a step of a plan. * Executing a step should cause the latest event to be handled. * * Will be called by the scheduler for every event to be handled. * May throw any kind of exception, when the plan execution fails * @return True, if plan was interrupted (micro plan step). */ public boolean executePlanStep(BDIInterpreter interpreter, Object rcapability, Object rplan) throws Exception { return executeStep(interpreter, rcapability, rplan, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.PLANLIFECYCLESTATE_BODY); } /** * Execute a step of the plans passed() code. * This method is called, after the plan has finished * successfully (i.e. without exception). * * Will be called by the scheduler for the first time and * every subsequent event to be handled. * May throw any kind of exception, when the execution fails * @return True, if execution was interrupted (micro plan step). */ public boolean executePassedStep(BDIInterpreter interpreter, Object rplan) throws Exception { assert tasks.containsKey(rplan); return executeStep(interpreter, null, rplan, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.PLANLIFECYCLESTATE_PASSED); } /** * Execute a step of the plans failed() code. * This method is called, when the plan has failed * (i.e. due to an exception occurring in the plan body). * * Will be called by the scheduler for the first time and * every subsequent event to be handled. * May throw any kind of exception, when the execution fails * @return True, if execution was interrupted (micro plan step). */ public boolean executeFailedStep(BDIInterpreter interpreter, Object rplan) throws Exception { assert tasks.containsKey(rplan); return executeStep(interpreter, null, rplan, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.PLANLIFECYCLESTATE_FAILED); } /** * Execute a step of the plans aborted() code. * This method is called, when the plan is terminated * from the outside (e.g. when the corresponding goal is * dropped or the context condition of the plan becomes invalid) * * Will be called by the scheduler for the first time and * every subsequent event to be handled. * May throw any kind of exception, when the execution fails * @return True, if execution was interrupted (micro plan step). */ public boolean executeAbortedStep(BDIInterpreter interpreter, Object rplan) throws Exception { assert tasks.containsKey(rplan); return executeStep(interpreter, null, rplan, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.PLANLIFECYCLESTATE_ABORTED); } /** * Interrupt a plan step during execution. * The plan is requested to stop the execution to allow * consequences of performed plan actions (like belief changes) * taking place. If the method is not implemented the * plan step will be NOT be interrupted. */ public void interruptPlanStep(Object rplan) { PlanExecutionTask task = (PlanExecutionTask)tasks.get(rplan); assert task!=null; // assert task.getExecutionThread()==Thread.currentThread() : rplan+", "+Thread.currentThread(); task.giveBackControl(PlanExecutionTask.STATE_INTERRUPTED, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.PLANPROCESSINGTATE_READY); // System.out.println("interruptPlanStep: Setting plan to ready: " // +task.interpreter.getAgentAdapter().getComponentIdentifier().getLocalName() // +", "+rplan); } /** * Called on termination of a plan. * Free all associated ressources, stop threads, etc. */ public void cleanup(BDIInterpreter interpreter, Object rplan) { PlanExecutionTask task = (PlanExecutionTask)tasks.get(rplan); if(task!=null) { Object monitor = task.getMonitor(); // Because plan thread needs its monitor to run, it starts // not until the executor has called wait(). synchronized(monitor) { task.setState(PlanExecutionTask.STATE_RUNNING); task.setTerminate(true); monitor.notify(); try { // Wait causes to free the monitor // and awakens the plan thread which needs // the monitor to execute if(getMaxExecutionTime(interpreter)==0) monitor.wait(); else monitor.wait(getMaxExecutionTime(interpreter)); } catch(InterruptedException e) { // Shouldn't happen (agent thread shouldn't be interrupted) System.err.println("Warning, agent thread was interrupted"); e.printStackTrace(System.err); } if(PlanExecutionTask.STATE_RUNNING.equals(task.getState())) { // agent.getLogger().warning(" plan step is running longer than maximum " + // "execution time, plan will be terminated: "+agent+" "+task); // todo //task.getPlan().getRootGoal().fail(null); // Todo: wait for plan termination // (otherwise there are two threads running at once). } } } } /** * Get the monitor of a plan. * @return The monitor. */ public Object getMonitor(Object rplan) { PlanExecutionTask task = (PlanExecutionTask)tasks.get(rplan); return task==null? null: task.getMonitor(); } /** * Get the executing thread of a plan. * @param rplan The plan. * @return The executing thread (if any). * / public Thread getExecutionThread(Object rplan) { PlanExecutionTask task = (PlanExecutionTask)tasks.get(rplan); return task==null? null: task.getExecutionThread(); }*/ /** * Called from a plan. * Registers the plan to wait for a event. * Blocks plan when body method is finished. * Note: This method cannot be synchronized, because when * a thread comes in and waits it still owns the * BDIAgent lock. * @param rplan The planinstance. * @param wa The wait abstraction. * / public IREvent eventWaitFor(Object rplan, WaitAbstraction wa) { // todo! // if(agent.isAtomic()) // throw new RuntimeException("WaitFor not allowed in atomic block."); Object rbody = state.getAttributeValue(rplan, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.plan_has_body); if(rbody==null) throw new RuntimeException("Plan body nulls. waitFor() calls from plan constructors not allowed."); // Set wait filter settings in plan. rplan.waitFor(wa); IREvent ret = null; boolean failure = false; PlanExecutionTask task = (PlanExecutionTask)tasks.get(rplan); if(task.getExecutionThread()==Thread.currentThread()) { // Transfer execution to agent thread and wait until the plan is scheduled again. task.giveBackControl(PlanExecutionTask.STATE_WAITING); // When timout event occurred, throw as TimeoutException. ret = rplan.getLatestEvent(); if(ret instanceof StandardEvent && IStandardEvent.TYPE_TIMEOUT.equals(ret.getType()) && ((StandardEvent)ret).getException()!=null) { throw ((StandardEvent)ret).getException(); } } else { failure = true; } //System.out.println(":::"+myid+" "+this); // if(failure) // agent.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "ThreadedWaitFor error, not plan thread: "+Thread.currentThread()); //assert ret!=null: rplan.getName(); return ret; }*/ /** * Called from a plan. * Registers the plan to wait for a event. * Blocks plan when body method is finished. * Note: This method cannot be synchronized, because when * a thread comes in and waits it still owns the * BDIAgent lock. * @param rplan The planinstance. * @param wa The wait abstraction. */ public void eventWaitFor(BDIInterpreter interpreter, Object rplan) { if(interpreter.isAtomic()) throw new RuntimeException("WaitFor not allowed in atomic block."); Object rbody = interpreter.getState().getAttributeValue(rplan, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.plan_has_body); if(rbody==null) throw new RuntimeException("Plan body nulls. waitFor() calls from plan constructors not allowed."); // Set wait filter settings in plan. // rplan.waitFor(wa); // IREvent ret = null; boolean failure = false; PlanExecutionTask task = (PlanExecutionTask)tasks.get(rplan); if(task.getExecutionThread()==Thread.currentThread()) { // Transfer execution to agent thread and wait until the plan is scheduled again. task.giveBackControl(PlanExecutionTask.STATE_WAITING, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.PLANPROCESSINGTATE_WAITING); // When timout event occurred, throw as TimeoutException. // ret = rplan.getLatestEvent(); // if(ret instanceof StandardEvent && IStandardEvent.TYPE_TIMEOUT.equals(ret.getType()) // && ((StandardEvent)ret).getException()!=null) // { // throw ((StandardEvent)ret).getException(); // } } else { failure = true; } //System.out.println(":::"+myid+" "+this); if(failure) throw new RuntimeException("ThreadedWaitFor error, not plan thread: "+Thread.currentThread()); // agent.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "ThreadedWaitFor error, not plan thread: "+Thread.currentThread()); // return ret; } /** * Get the maximum execution time. * 0 indicates no maximum execution time. * @return The max execution time. */ protected long getMaxExecutionTime(BDIInterpreter interpreter) { Number max = (Number)interpreter.getState().getAttributeValue(interpreter.getAgent(), OAVBDIRuntimeModel.capability_has_properties, MAX_PLANSTEP_TIME); return max!=null? max.longValue(): 0; // if(maxexetime==null) // { // maxexetime = (Number)interpreter.getState().getAttributeValue(interpreter.getAgent(), OAVBDIRuntimeModel.capability_has_properties, MAX_PLANSTEP_TIME); //// maxexetime = (Number)component.getPropertybase().getProperty(MAX_PLANSTEP_TIME); // if(maxexetime==null) // maxexetime = new Long(0); // } // return maxexetime.longValue(); } //-------- The thread for a plan instance --------- /** * The task for executing a plan instance. Will * be executed in its own thread. */ protected class PlanExecutionTask implements Runnable { //-------- constants -------- public static final String STATE_RUNNING = "running"; public static final String STATE_WAITING = "waiting"; public static final String STATE_INTERRUPTED = "interrupted"; public static final String STATE_TERMINATED = "terminated"; //-------- attributes -------- /** The interpreter. */ protected BDIInterpreter interpreter; /** The capability. */ protected Object rcapability; /** The plan. */ protected Object rplan; /** The thread to wakeup. */ protected final Object monitor; /** The plan thread's state. */ protected String exestate; /** The plan step type to execute (body/passed/failed/aborted). */ protected String steptype; /** The execution result (when a problem occurred). */ protected Throwable throwable; /** The thread executing this task. */ protected Thread thread; /** Flag indicating that the plan should terminate immediately (set from agent thread). */ protected boolean terminate; //-------- constructors -------- /** * Create a new plan exeution thread. * @param rplan The plan instance info. */ public PlanExecutionTask(BDIInterpreter interpreter, Object rcapability, Object rplan) { // if(rcapability==null) // { // System.out.println("plan already finished: " // +interpreter.getAgentAdapter().getComponentIdentifier().getLocalName() // +", "+rplan); // } assert rcapability!=null; this.interpreter = interpreter; this.rcapability = rcapability; this.rplan = rplan; this.monitor = new Object(); } //-------- methods -------- /** * The thread method. */ public void run() { // System.out.println("start: "+rplan); // When the thread is new it has to wait till the // scheduler is finished (called wait). // The plan is not allowed to hold the monitor for // the whole plan execution because this would not // allow the scheduler (agent) thread to wakeup // whenever the planstep execution time of the plan // thread exceeds. // Save the execution thread for this task. this.thread = Thread.currentThread(); interpreter.setPlanThread(thread); ClassLoader oldcl = thread.getContextClassLoader(); assert interpreter.getState().getTypeModel().getClassLoader()!=null; thread.setContextClassLoader(interpreter.getState().getTypeModel().getClassLoader()); // Execute the plan (interrupted by pause() calls). // While the plan is executing its plan steps // it does not hold the monitor! Therefore another // task can grab the monitor and call notify on // it. This wakes up the agent thread. Plan pi = null; boolean aborted = false; // Body is aborted, continue to aborted() method. boolean interrupted = false; // Plan is interrupted, exit plan thread. try { Object tmp = interpreter.getState().getAttributeValue(rplan, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.plan_has_body); if(tmp==null) tmp = createPlanBody(interpreter, rcapability, rplan); pi = (Plan)tmp; pi.body(); } catch(BodyAborted e) { // The body method has been interrupted by the plan step action for abort. aborted = true; } catch(PlanTerminated e) { // Plan is interrupted (e.g. due to excessive step length) // -> ignore and cleanup. interrupted = true; } catch(Throwable t) { // Throwable in plan thread will be rethrown in agent thread. this.throwable = t; // t.printStackTrace(); } // Skip plan cleanup code, when plan is interrupted. if(!interrupted) { // Wait until scheduler calls plan cleanup. // Abort can only happen when plan is not running. Is aborted externally e.g. // when rootgoal is dropped. Therefore is abort case no further giveBackControl // is necessary. if(!aborted) { PlanRules.endPlanPart(interpreter.getState(), rcapability, rplan, false); // Hack!!! Should not change state? interpreter.getState().setAttributeValue(rplan, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.plan_has_lifecyclestate, this.throwable==null? OAVBDIRuntimeModel.PLANLIFECYCLESTATE_PASSED : OAVBDIRuntimeModel.PLANLIFECYCLESTATE_FAILED); // if(throwable!=null) // throwable.printStackTrace(); giveBackControl(STATE_WAITING, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.PLANPROCESSINGTATE_READY); // System.out.println("PlanExecutionTask.STATE_WAITING: Setting plan to ready: " // +interpreter.getAgentAdapter().getComponentIdentifier().getLocalName() // +", "+rplan); } // Execute cleanup code. throwable = null; try { if(steptype.equals(OAVBDIRuntimeModel.PLANLIFECYCLESTATE_PASSED)) { pi.passed(); } else if(steptype.equals(OAVBDIRuntimeModel.PLANLIFECYCLESTATE_FAILED)) { // Check if body has been created (can be null when body creation fails). if(pi!=null) { pi.failed(); } } else if(steptype.equals(OAVBDIRuntimeModel.PLANLIFECYCLESTATE_ABORTED)) { pi.aborted(); } } catch(PlanTerminated e) { // Plan is interrupted (e.g. due to excessive step length) // -> ignore and cleanup. } catch(Throwable t) { // Throwable in plan thread will be rethrown in agent thread. this.throwable = t; } } PlanRules.endPlanPart(interpreter.getState(), rcapability, rplan, true); // Set plan processing state. interpreter.getState().setAttributeValue(rplan, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.plan_has_processingstate, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.PLANPROCESSINGTATE_FINISHED); // Cleanup the plan execution thread. tasks.remove(rplan); exestate = PlanExecutionTask.STATE_TERMINATED; // Finally, transfer execution back to agent thread. synchronized(monitor) { // System.out.println("finish1: "+rplan); interpreter.setPlanThread(null); thread.setContextClassLoader(oldcl); monitor.notify(); // System.out.println("finish2: "+rplan); } } /** * Get the pool monitor. * @return The monitor. */ public Object getMonitor() { return monitor; } /** * Interrupt the plan execution. * Stop and notify the scheduler. * Continues when monitor is notified from the scheduler again. */ public void giveBackControl(String exestate, String procstate) { //System.out.println("waiting for lock: "+n); synchronized(monitor) { // Remember current step type (might get overwritten from agent thread). String planstate = steptype; // Set processing state to "waiting" interpreter.getState().setAttributeValue(rplan, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.plan_has_processingstate, procstate); // Transfer execution from plan thread to agent thread using notify/wait pair. this.exestate = exestate; monitor.notify(); try { interpreter.setPlanThread(null); // System.out.println("givebackcontrol: "+rplan); monitor.wait(); } catch(InterruptedException e) { // Shouldn't happen (plan thread shouldn't be interrupted) System.err.println("Warning, plan thread was interrupted: "+rplan); e.printStackTrace(System.err); } // Execution continues when the executors executeStep() transfers // execution from agent thread to plan thread (using another notify/wait pair). interpreter.setPlanThread(thread); // When plan must be terminated unconditionally stop execution. if(terminate) { // System.out.println("terminate plan: "+rplan); throw new PlanTerminated(); } // When planstate has changed from body to aborted, leave body method // by throwing an error, which is catched by plan execution task. else if(planstate.equals(OAVBDIRuntimeModel.PLANLIFECYCLESTATE_BODY) && interpreter.getState().getAttributeValue(rplan, OAVBDIRuntimeModel .plan_has_lifecyclestate).equals(OAVBDIRuntimeModel.PLANLIFECYCLESTATE_ABORTED)) { // System.out.println("abort plan: "+rplan); throw new BodyAborted(); } // else // { // System.out.println("continue plan: "+rplan+", "+planstate+", " // +interpreter.getState().getAttributeValue(rplan, OAVBDIRuntimeModel.plan_has_lifecyclestate)); // } } } /** * Get the plan. * @return The plan. */ public Object getPlan() { return this.rplan; } /** * Get the plan thread state. * @return The plan thread state. */ public String getState() { return this.exestate; } /** * Set the plan thread state. * @param state The plan thread state. */ public void setState(String exestate) { this.exestate = exestate; } /** * Set the plan step type. * @param type The plan step type (body/passed/failed/aborted). */ public void setStepType(String type) { this.steptype = type; } /** * Get the execution result. * @return The execution result. */ public Throwable getThrowable() { return throwable; } /** * Get the execution thread. * @return thread The thread. */ public Thread getExecutionThread() { return this.thread; } /** * Set the terminate flag. */ public void setTerminate(boolean terminate) { this.terminate = terminate; } /** * Create a string representation of this element. */ public String toString() { return "PlanExecutionTask("+rplan+")"; } } /** * An error thrown to abort the execution of the plan body. */ public static class BodyAborted extends ThreadDeath { // public BodyAborted() // { // System.err.print(this+": "); // Thread.dumpStack(); // } // // public String toString() // { // return super.toString()+"@"+hashCode(); // } } /** * An error allowing the agent to terminate the execution of a plan. */ public static class PlanTerminated extends ThreadDeath { } // todo remove me // public static int n; }