package jadex.rules.rulesystem.rete.nodes; import jadex.commons.SReflect; import jadex.rules.rulesystem.AbstractAgenda; import jadex.rules.rulesystem.rete.extractors.AttributeSet; import jadex.rules.rulesystem.rete.extractors.IValueExtractor; import jadex.rules.state.IOAVState; import jadex.rules.state.IProfiler; import jadex.rules.state.OAVAttributeType; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * A split node has the purpose of generating virtual facts * for multislot bindings that use a non-multi variable or * variable patterns. */ public class SplitNode extends AbstractNode implements IObjectConsumerNode, IObjectSourceNode { //-------- attributes -------- /** The constant for a multi variable. */ public static String MULTI = "multi"; /** The constant for a single variable. */ public static String SINGLE = "single"; /** The constant for a dummy multi variable. */ public static String MULTI_DUMMY = "multi_dummy"; //-------- attributes -------- /** The object source. */ protected IObjectSourceNode osource; /** The object consumers. */ protected IObjectConsumerNode[] oconsumers; /** The set of relevant attributes. */ protected AttributeSet relevants; /** The set of indirect attributes. */ protected AttributeSet indirects; /** The values extractor. */ // Needed as long as multifield extractor is based on attribute protected OAVAttributeType attr; /** The values extractor. */ protected IValueExtractor extractor; /** The splitpattern (multi, single or multi dummy). */ protected String[] splitpattern; /** The minimum number of required values. */ protected int min_values; //-------- constructors -------- /** * Create a new node. * @param state The state. */ public SplitNode(int nodeid, IValueExtractor extractor, OAVAttributeType attr, String[] splitpattern) { super(nodeid); assert extractor!=null; assert attr!=null; assert !OAVAttributeType.NONE.equals(attr.getMultiplicity()); assert splitpattern.length>0; this.extractor = extractor; this.attr = attr; this.min_values = 0; for(int i=0; i<splitpattern.length; i++) if(splitpattern[i].equals(SINGLE)) min_values++; // Are there no multi values? if(min_values==splitpattern.length) { // Make first and last dummy multi this.splitpattern = new String[splitpattern.length+2]; System.arraycopy(splitpattern, 0, this.splitpattern, 1, splitpattern.length); this.splitpattern[0] = MULTI_DUMMY; this.splitpattern[this.splitpattern.length-1] = MULTI_DUMMY; } else { this.splitpattern = splitpattern; } } //-------- object consumer interface -------- /** * Send a new object to this node. * @param object The object. */ public void addObject(Object object, IOAVState state, ReteMemory mem, AbstractAgenda agenda) { //System.out.println("Add object called: "+this+" "+object); state.getProfiler().start(IProfiler.TYPE_NODE, this); state.getProfiler().start(IProfiler.TYPE_NODEEVENT, IProfiler.NODEEVENT_OBJECTADDED); Map smem = (Map)mem.getNodeMemory(this); assert !smem.containsKey(object) : object; // if(!smem.containsKey(object)) { Collection vfs = generateVirtualFacts(object, state); smem.put(object, vfs); //System.out.println("ADD: Object splitted to: "+object+" "+vfs); for(Iterator it=vfs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { propagateAdditionToObjectConsumers(, state, mem, agenda); } } state.getProfiler().stop(IProfiler.TYPE_NODEEVENT, IProfiler.NODEEVENT_OBJECTADDED); state.getProfiler().stop(IProfiler.TYPE_NODE, this); } /** * Send a removed object to this node. * @param object The object. */ public void removeObject(Object object, IOAVState state, ReteMemory mem, AbstractAgenda agenda) { //System.out.println("Remove object called: "+this+" "+object); state.getProfiler().start(IProfiler.TYPE_NODE, this); state.getProfiler().start(IProfiler.TYPE_NODEEVENT, IProfiler.NODEEVENT_OBJECTREMOVED); assert mem.hasNodeMemory(this); // if(mem.hasNodeMemory(this)) { Map smem = (Map)mem.getNodeMemory(this); Collection vfs = (Collection)smem.remove(object); if(vfs!=null) { //System.out.println("REM: Object splitted to: "+object+" "+vfs); for(Iterator it=vfs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { propagateRemovalToObjectConsumers(, state, mem, agenda); } } } state.getProfiler().stop(IProfiler.TYPE_NODEEVENT, IProfiler.NODEEVENT_OBJECTREMOVED); state.getProfiler().stop(IProfiler.TYPE_NODE, this); } /** * Propagate an object change to this node. * @param object The new object. */ public void modifyObject(Object object, OAVAttributeType type, Object oldvalue, Object newvalue, IOAVState state, ReteMemory mem, AbstractAgenda agenda) { state.getProfiler().start(IProfiler.TYPE_NODE, this); state.getProfiler().start(IProfiler.TYPE_NODEEVENT, IProfiler.NODEEVENT_OBJECTMODIFIED); if(getRelevantAttributes().contains(type)) { // Check if modification changes node memory. boolean affected = isAffected(type); Collection before = mem.hasNodeMemory(this) ? (Collection)((Map)mem.getNodeMemory(this)).get(object) : null; if(affected) { Collection after = generateVirtualFacts(object, state); //System.out.println("MOD: Object splitted to: "+object+" "+before+" "+after); // if(before==null) // System.out.println("a"); //if(before!=null) { for(Iterator it=before.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object o =; // Remove a fact that was contained and is not anymore if(!contains(state, after, o)) { it.remove(); propagateRemovalToObjectConsumers(o, state, mem, agenda); } } } //if(after!=null) { for(Iterator it=after.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object o =; // if(o instanceof List) // System.out.println("shit"); // Add a fact that was not contained is now if(!before.contains(o)) { before.add(o); propagateAdditionToObjectConsumers(o, state, mem, agenda); } } } } else if(before!=null) { for(Iterator it=before.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { propagateModificationToObjectConsumers(, type, oldvalue, newvalue, state, mem, agenda); } } } state.getProfiler().stop(IProfiler.TYPE_NODEEVENT, IProfiler.NODEEVENT_OBJECTMODIFIED); state.getProfiler().stop(IProfiler.TYPE_NODE, this); } /** * Propagate an indirect object change to this node. * @param object The changed object. */ public void modifyIndirectObject(Object object, OAVAttributeType type, Object oldvalue, Object newvalue, IOAVState state, ReteMemory mem, AbstractAgenda agenda) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported method."); } /** * Set the object source of this node. * @param node The object source node. */ public void setObjectSource(IObjectSourceNode node) { this.osource = node; } /** * Get the object source of this node. * @return The object source node. */ public IObjectSourceNode getObjectSource() { return osource; } //-------- object source interface -------- /** * Add an object consumer node. * @param node A new consumer node. */ public void addObjectConsumer(IObjectConsumerNode node) { if(oconsumers==null) { oconsumers = new IObjectConsumerNode[]{node}; } else { IObjectConsumerNode[] tmp = new IObjectConsumerNode[oconsumers.length+1]; System.arraycopy(oconsumers, 0, tmp, 0, oconsumers.length); tmp[oconsumers.length] = node; oconsumers = tmp; } relevants = null; // Will be recalculated on next access; } /** * Remove an object consumer. * @param node The consumer node. */ public void removeObjectConsumer(IObjectConsumerNode node) { if(oconsumers!=null) { for(int i=0; i<oconsumers.length; i++) { if(oconsumers[i].equals(node)) { if(oconsumers.length==1) { oconsumers = null; } else { IObjectConsumerNode[] tmp = new IObjectConsumerNode[oconsumers.length-1]; if(i>0) System.arraycopy(oconsumers, 0, tmp, 0, i); if(i<oconsumers.length-1) System.arraycopy(oconsumers, i+1, tmp, i, oconsumers.length-1-i); oconsumers = tmp; } break; } } } } /** * Get the memory for this node. * @return The memory. */ public Collection getNodeMemory(ReteMemory mem) { Collection ret = null; if(mem.hasNodeMemory(this)) { // todo: can storage be optimized?! -> flattened multi-collection ret = new ArrayList(); for(Iterator it=((Map)mem.getNodeMemory(this)).values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) ret.addAll((Collection); } return ret; } /** * Get all object consumer nodes. * @return All object consumer nodes. */ public IObjectConsumerNode[] getObjectConsumers() { return oconsumers; } //-------- methods -------- /** * Create the node memory. * @param state The state. * @return The node memory. */ public Object createNodeMemory(IOAVState state) { return new LinkedHashMap(); } //-------- helper methods -------- /** * Propagate a new object to all object consumers. * @param object The new object. */ protected void propagateAdditionToObjectConsumers(Object object, IOAVState state, ReteMemory mem, AbstractAgenda agenda) { IObjectConsumerNode[] ocon = oconsumers; for(int i=0; ocon!=null && i<ocon.length; i++) ocon[i].addObject(object, state, mem, agenda); } /** * Propagate a removed object to all object consumers. * @param object The new object. */ protected void propagateRemovalToObjectConsumers(Object object, IOAVState state, ReteMemory mem, AbstractAgenda agenda) { IObjectConsumerNode[] ocon = oconsumers; for(int i=0; ocon!=null && i<ocon.length; i++) ocon[i].removeObject(object, state, mem, agenda); } /** * Propagate a modified object to all object consumers. * @param object The new object. */ protected void propagateModificationToObjectConsumers(Object object, OAVAttributeType type, Object oldvalue, Object newvalue, IOAVState state, ReteMemory mem, AbstractAgenda agenda) { IObjectConsumerNode[] ocon = oconsumers; for(int i=0; ocon!=null && i<ocon.length; i++) ocon[i].modifyObject(object, type, oldvalue, newvalue, state, mem, agenda); } /** * Test if the node is affected from a modification. * @param type The attribute type. * @return True, if possibly affected. */ public boolean isAffected(OAVAttributeType attr) { return extractor.isAffected(-1, attr); } /** * Get the set of relevant attribute types. * @return The relevant attribute types. */ public AttributeSet getRelevantAttributes() { if(relevants==null) { synchronized(this) { if(relevants==null) { relevants = new AttributeSet(); relevants.addAll(extractor.getRelevantAttributes()); for(int i=0; oconsumers!=null && i<oconsumers.length; i++) { relevants.addAll(oconsumers[i].getRelevantAttributes()); } } } } return relevants; } /** * Get the set of indirect attribute types. * I.e. attributes of objects, which are not part of an object conditions * (e.g. for chained extractors) * @return The relevant attribute types. */ public AttributeSet getIndirectAttributes() { if(indirects==null) { synchronized(this) { if(indirects==null) { indirects = new AttributeSet(); indirects.addAll(extractor.getIndirectAttributes()); } } } return indirects; } /** * Get the attribute. * @return The attribute. */ public OAVAttributeType getAttribute() { return attr; } /** * Generate virtual facts. * @param object The object. * @param state The state. */ protected Collection generateVirtualFacts(Object object, IOAVState state) { List ret = new ArrayList(); Object vals = extractor.getValue(null, object, null, state); Object[] values = (Object[])SReflect.getArray(vals); // Hack! assumes Object[] if(values!=null && values.length>=min_values) generateBindings(values.length, 0, new int[splitpattern.length], object, values, ret); return ret; } /** * Generate all possible bindings for a list of values. * @param weight The number of values to distribute on variables. * @param cur The current variable number. * @param binding Results are stored in this binding array (contains * for each variable how many values it should store). * @param values The values to distribute. * @param ret The result list containing all found bindings (in form of virtual facts). */ protected void generateBindings(int weight, int cur, int[] binding, Object object, Object[] values, List ret) { if(cur==binding.length-1) { binding[cur] = weight; //System.out.println("Found binding: "+Srules.arrayToString(binding)); ret.add(generateVirtualFact(object, binding, values)); } else { if(splitpattern[cur]!=SINGLE) { for(int i=0; i<=weight-min_values; i++) { binding[cur] = i; generateBindings(weight-i, cur+1, binding, object, values, ret); } } else { binding[cur] = 1; generateBindings(weight-1, cur+1, binding, object, values, ret); } } } /** * Generate a virtual fact for a found binding. * @param binding The number of values for each variable. * @param values The multislot values. * @return A virtual fact with one binding. */ protected VirtualFact generateVirtualFact(Object object, int[] binding, Object[] values) { int off = 0; int bcnt = 0; List splitvals = new ArrayList(); for(int i=0; i<splitpattern.length; i++) { if(!splitpattern[i].equals(MULTI_DUMMY)) { if(binding[bcnt]>1) { List vals = new ArrayList(); for(int j=off; j<off+binding[bcnt]; j++) vals.add(values[j]); splitvals.add(vals); } else if(binding[bcnt]==1) { if(splitpattern[i].equals(SINGLE)) { splitvals.add(values[off]); } else { List vals = new ArrayList(); vals.add(values[off]); splitvals.add(vals); } } else if(binding[bcnt]==0) { splitvals.add(Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } } off += binding[bcnt++]; } return new VirtualFact(object, getAttribute(), splitvals); } /** * Get the split pattern. */ public String[] getSplitPattern() { return splitpattern; } /** * Get the string representation. * @return The string representation. */ public String toString() { return toString(", attribute="+attr+" split in: "+splitpattern.length); // return toString(", extractor="+extractor+" split in: "+splitpattern.length); } //-------- cloneable -------- /** * Do clone makes a deep clone without regarding cycles. * Method is overridden by subclasses to actually incorporate their attributes. * @param theclone The clone. */ protected void doClone(Object theclone) { SplitNode ret = (SplitNode)theclone; // Deep clone tuple consumers ret.oconsumers = new IObjectConsumerNode[oconsumers.length]; for(int i=0; i<oconsumers.length; i++) ret.oconsumers[i] = (IObjectConsumerNode)oconsumers[i].clone(); // Don't change the source, will be done by the source ret.osource = (IObjectSourceNode)osource.clone(); // Shallow copy the relevant attributes if(relevants!=null) ret.relevants = (AttributeSet)((AttributeSet)relevants).clone(); // Keep extractor // Keep the attribute // Keep the split pattern // Keep the min_values } /** * Main for testing. * @param args The arguments. * / public static void main(String[] args) { /*List vals = new ArrayList(); for(int i=0; i<10; i++) vals.add(new Integer(i)); List ret = new ArrayList(); generateBindings(5, 0, new int[3], null, vals.toArray(), ret, new boolean[]{true,false,true}, 1);* / IOAVState state = OAVStateFactory.createOAVState(); ReteMemory mem = new ReteMemory(); Object b1 = state.createObject(OAVBlockMetamodel.block_type); Object b2 = state.createObject(OAVBlockMetamodel.block_type); Object b3 = state.createObject(OAVBlockMetamodel.block_type); Object b4 = state.createObject(OAVBlockMetamodel.block_type); Object b5 = state.createObject(OAVBlockMetamodel.block_type); state.addAttributeValue(b1, OAVBlockMetamodel.block_has_on, b2); state.addAttributeValue(b1, OAVBlockMetamodel.block_has_on, b3); state.addAttributeValue(b1, OAVBlockMetamodel.block_has_on, b4); state.addAttributeValue(b1, OAVBlockMetamodel.block_has_on, b5); // $?x ?y $?z SplitNode sn = new SplitNode(OAVBlockMetamodel.block_has_on, new int[]{SINGLE}); sn.addObject(b1, state, mem, null); }*/ /** * Check if an object is contained in a collection. * Avoid the need for an "IdentityArrayList". */ protected boolean contains(IOAVState state, Collection coll, Object o) { boolean ret = false; for(Iterator it=coll.iterator(); !ret && it.hasNext(); ) { Object val =; if(val instanceof ArrayList && o instanceof ArrayList) { ArrayList l1 = (ArrayList) val; ArrayList l2 = (ArrayList) o; if(l1.size()==l2.size()) { ret = true; for(int i=0; ret && i<l1.size(); i++) ret = state.equals(l1.get(i), l2.get(i)); } } else { ret = state.equals(val, o); } } return ret; } }