package jadex.rules.rulesystem.rete.nodes; import jadex.rules.rulesystem.AbstractAgenda; import jadex.rules.rulesystem.IRule; import jadex.rules.rulesystem.rete.builder.ReteBuilder; import jadex.rules.rulesystem.rete.extractors.AttributeSet; import jadex.rules.state.IOAVState; import jadex.rules.state.IProfiler; import jadex.rules.state.OAVAttributeType; import jadex.rules.state.OAVJavaType; import jadex.rules.state.OAVObjectType; import jadex.rules.state.OAVTypeModel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * ReteNode implementation of the IConditionSystem. */ public class ReteNode extends AbstractNode implements IObjectSourceNode { //-------- attributes -------- /** The type nodes. */ protected Map typenodes; /** Matching nodes for each (sub)type (cached for speed). */ protected Map typenodesets; /** Indirectly affected nodes for an attribute type (cached for speed). */ protected Map indirectnodesets; /** The initial fact node (if any). */ protected InitialFactNode initialfact; /** The terminal nodes (IRule -> Node). */ protected Map terminalnodes; /** The rete builder. */ protected ReteBuilder builder; /** The set of relevant attributes. */ protected AttributeSet relevants; /** Do a consistency check after each state change (requires asserts). */ protected boolean check; /** The node counter in this network. */ protected int nodecounter; //-------- constructors -------- /** * Create a new rete system. * @param state The state. */ public ReteNode() { super(0); this.nodecounter = 1; this.typenodes = new LinkedHashMap(); this.terminalnodes = new LinkedHashMap(); // The typenode mapping for each object type is dynamically created on first access. hack??? this.typenodesets = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LinkedHashMap()); } //-------- methods -------- /** * Tell the condition system about a * new object in the state. * @param object The new object. */ public void addObject(Object id, OAVObjectType type, IOAVState state, ReteMemory mem, AbstractAgenda agenda) { // System.out.println("Value added: "+id+" "+type); state.getProfiler().start(IProfiler.TYPE_NODE, this); state.getProfiler().start(IProfiler.TYPE_NODEEVENT, IProfiler.NODEEVENT_OBJECTADDED); Set tns = getTypeNodes(type); if(tns!=null) { for(Iterator it=tns.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) ((AlphaNode), state, mem, agenda); assert !check || checkConsistency(mem); } // else // System.out.println("No typenode(s) available for: "+type); state.getProfiler().stop(IProfiler.TYPE_NODEEVENT, IProfiler.NODEEVENT_OBJECTADDED); state.getProfiler().stop(IProfiler.TYPE_NODE, this); } /** * Tell the condition system about a * removed object in the state. * @param object The removed object. */ public void removeObject(Object id, OAVObjectType type, IOAVState state, ReteMemory mem, AbstractAgenda agenda) { // if(type instanceof OAVJavaType && ((OAVJavaType)type).getClazz().getName().indexOf("Wastebin")!=-1) // { // System.out.println("removedRETE: "+id); // } state.getProfiler().start(IProfiler.TYPE_NODE, this); state.getProfiler().start(IProfiler.TYPE_NODEEVENT, IProfiler.NODEEVENT_OBJECTREMOVED); Set tns = getTypeNodes(type); if(tns!=null) { for(Iterator it=tns.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) ((AlphaNode), state, mem, agenda); assert !check || checkConsistency(mem); } // else // System.out.println("No typenode(s) available for: "+type); //assert !mem.contains(id); // System.out.println("Value removed: "+id+" "+type); state.getProfiler().stop(IProfiler.TYPE_NODEEVENT, IProfiler.NODEEVENT_OBJECTREMOVED); state.getProfiler().stop(IProfiler.TYPE_NODE, this); } /** * Tell the condition system about a * modified object in the state. * @param object The new object. */ public void modifyObject(Object id, OAVObjectType type, OAVAttributeType attr, Object oldvalue, Object newvalue, IOAVState state, ReteMemory mem, AbstractAgenda agenda) { // System.out.println("Value set: "+id+" "+type+" "+value); state.getProfiler().start(IProfiler.TYPE_NODE, this); state.getProfiler().start(IProfiler.TYPE_NODEEVENT, IProfiler.NODEEVENT_OBJECTMODIFIED); // if(attr.getName().indexOf("daytime")!=-1) // System.out.println("test"); if(getRelevantAttributes().contains(attr)) { Set tns = getTypeNodes(type); if(tns!=null && !tns.isEmpty()) { for(Iterator it=tns.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { TypeNode tn = (TypeNode); tn.modifyObject(id, attr, oldvalue, newvalue, state, mem, agenda); // old code for modified object //tn.removeObject(id, state, mem, agenda); //tn.addObject(id, state, mem, agenda); } assert !check || checkConsistency(mem); } //else // System.out.println("No typenode(s) available for: "+value); } Set ins = getIndirectNodes(attr, state.getTypeModel()); if(ins!=null) { for(Iterator it=ins.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { ((INode), attr, oldvalue, newvalue, state, mem, agenda); } } state.getProfiler().stop(IProfiler.TYPE_NODEEVENT, IProfiler.NODEEVENT_OBJECTMODIFIED); state.getProfiler().stop(IProfiler.TYPE_NODE, this); } /** * Propagate an indirect object change to this node. * @param object The changed object. */ public void modifyIndirectObject(Object object, OAVAttributeType type, Object oldvalue, Object newvalue, IOAVState state, ReteMemory mem, AbstractAgenda agenda) { // Should never be called. throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported method."); } /** * Add a rule to the network. * @param rule The rule to add. */ public void addRule(IRule rule) { if(builder==null) builder = new ReteBuilder(); builder.addRule(this, rule); } /** * Remove a rule from the network. * @param rule The rule to remove. */ public void removeRule(IRule rule) { if(builder==null) builder = new ReteBuilder(); builder.removeRule(this, rule); } /** * Set the terminal node for a rule. * @param rule The rule. * @param node The node. */ public void putTerminalNode(TerminalNode node) { terminalnodes.put(node.getRule(), node); } /** * Set the terminal node for a rule. * @param rule The rule. * @param node The node. */ public TerminalNode getTerminalNode(IRule rule) { return (TerminalNode)terminalnodes.get(rule); } /** * Get the number of nodes in the network. * @return The number of nodes. */ public int getNodeCount() { List ret = new ArrayList(); ret.add(this); for(int i=0; i<ret.size(); i++) { INode node = (INode)ret.get(i); if(node instanceof IObjectSourceNode) { IObjectConsumerNode[] consumers = ((IObjectSourceNode)node).getObjectConsumers(); for(int j=0; j<consumers.length; j++) { if(!ret.contains(consumers[j])) ret.add(consumers[j]); } } if(node instanceof ITupleSourceNode) { ITupleConsumerNode[] consumers = ((ITupleSourceNode)node).getTupleConsumers(); for(int j=0; j<consumers.length; j++) { if(!ret.contains(consumers[j])) ret.add(consumers[j]); } } } return ret.size(); } //-------- object source node -------- /** * Add an object consumer node. * @param node A new consumer node. */ public void addObjectConsumer(IObjectConsumerNode node) { if(node instanceof TypeNode) { if(typenodes.put(((TypeNode)node).getObjectType(), node)!=null) throw new RuntimeException("Type node already present in network: "+node); } else if(node instanceof InitialFactNode) { if(initialfact!=null) throw new RuntimeException("Initial fact node already present in network: "+node); initialfact = (InitialFactNode)node; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Rete node only allows type or initial fact node children: "+node); } relevants = null; // Will be recalculated on next access; } /** * Remove an object consumer. * @param node The consumer node. */ public void removeObjectConsumer(IObjectConsumerNode node) { typenodes.remove(((TypeNode)node).getObjectType()); } /** * Get the memory for this node. * @return The memory. */ public Collection getNodeMemory(ReteMemory mem) { return mem.hasNodeMemory(this) ? (Collection)mem.getNodeMemory(this) : null; } /** * Get all object consumer nodes. * @return All object consumer nodes. */ public IObjectConsumerNode[] getObjectConsumers() { Collection vals = typenodes.values(); IObjectConsumerNode[] ret = (IObjectConsumerNode[])vals.toArray(new IObjectConsumerNode[vals.size()+(initialfact!=null?1:0)]); if(initialfact!=null) ret[ret.length-1] = initialfact; return ret; } //-------- methods -------- /** * Get the node for a type. * @param type The type. * @return The type node (if any). */ public TypeNode getTypeNode(OAVObjectType type) { return (TypeNode)typenodes.get(type); } /** * Get the initial fact node (if any). */ public InitialFactNode getInitialFactNode() { return initialfact; } /** * Create the node memory. * @param state The state. * @return The node memory. */ public Object createNodeMemory(IOAVState state) { return null; } /** * Get the set of relevant attribute types. */ public AttributeSet getRelevantAttributes() { if(relevants==null) { synchronized(this) { if(relevants==null) { relevants = new AttributeSet(); for(Iterator it=typenodes.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { relevants.addAll(((INode); } } } } return relevants; } /** * Get the set of indirect attribute types. * I.e. attributes of objects, which are not part of an object conditions * (e.g. for chained extractors) * @return The relevant attribute types. */ public AttributeSet getIndirectAttributes() { return AttributeSet.EMPTY_ATTRIBUTESET; } /** * Get the builder. * @return The rete builder. */ public ReteBuilder getBuilder() { return builder; } //-------- helper methods -------- /** * Get the set of matching type nodes for a (sub)type. * @param type The object type. * @return The set of type nodes for that object type. */ protected Set getTypeNodes(OAVObjectType type) { Set ret = (Set)typenodesets.get(type); if(ret==null) { synchronized(this) { ret = (Set)typenodesets.get(type); if(ret==null) { ret = new HashSet(); for(Iterator it=typenodes.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { TypeNode tnode = (TypeNode); if(type.isSubtype(tnode.getObjectType())) ret.add(tnode); } typenodesets.put(type, ret); } } } return ret; } /** * Get the set of indirectly affected nodes for an attribute type. * @param attrtype The attribute type. * @param tmodel The OAV type model. * @return The set of indirectly affected nodes for that attribute type. */ protected Set getIndirectNodes(OAVAttributeType attrtype, OAVTypeModel tmodel) { if(indirectnodesets==null) { synchronized(this) { if(indirectnodesets==null) { indirectnodesets = new HashMap(); List nodelist = new ArrayList(); List nodeset = new ArrayList(); nodelist.addAll(typenodes.values()); nodeset.addAll(nodelist); for(int i=0; i<nodelist.size(); i++) { INode node = (INode)nodelist.get(i); AttributeSet attrset = node.getIndirectAttributes(); if(attrset.getAttributeSet()!=null) { for(Iterator it=attrset.getAttributeSet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object attr =; Set indinodes = (Set)indirectnodesets.get(attr); if(indinodes==null) { indinodes = new HashSet(); indirectnodesets.put(attr, indinodes); } indinodes.add(node); } } if(attrset.getAllTypesSet()!=null) { for(Iterator it=attrset.getAllTypesSet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object objtype =; Set indinodes = (Set)indirectnodesets.get(objtype); if(indinodes==null) { indinodes = new HashSet(); indirectnodesets.put(objtype, indinodes); } indinodes.add(node); } } if(node instanceof IObjectSourceNode) { INode[] subs = ((IObjectSourceNode)node).getObjectConsumers(); for(int n=0; subs!=null && n<subs.length; n++) { if(!nodeset.contains(subs[n])) { nodelist.add(subs[n]); nodeset.add(subs[n]); } } } if(node instanceof ITupleSourceNode) { INode[] subs = ((ITupleSourceNode)node).getTupleConsumers(); for(int n=0; subs!=null && n<subs.length; n++) { if(!nodeset.contains(subs[n])) { nodelist.add(subs[n]); nodeset.add(subs[n]); } } } } } } } Set tmp1 = (Set)indirectnodesets.get(attrtype); Set tmp2 = (Set)indirectnodesets.get(attrtype.getObjectType()); Set ret = tmp1; if(tmp2!=null) { if(ret!=null) ret.addAll(tmp2); else ret = tmp2; } if(attrtype.getObjectType() instanceof OAVJavaType) { List classes = new ArrayList(); Set sclasses = new HashSet(); classes.add(((OAVJavaType)attrtype.getObjectType()).getClazz()); for(int i=0; i<classes.size(); i++) { Class clazz = (Class)classes.get(i); if(clazz.getSuperclass()!=null && !sclasses.contains(clazz.getSuperclass())) { classes.add(clazz.getSuperclass()); sclasses.add(clazz.getSuperclass()); } Class[] ifs = clazz.getInterfaces(); for(int j=0; j<ifs.length; j++) { if(!sclasses.contains(ifs[j])) { classes.add(ifs[j]); sclasses.add(ifs[j]); } } } for(Iterator it=sclasses.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Class clazz = (Class); tmp2 = (Set)indirectnodesets.get(tmodel.getJavaType(clazz)); if(tmp2!=null) { if(ret!=null) ret.addAll(tmp2); else ret = tmp2; } } } return ret; } //-------- cloneable -------- /** * Do clone makes a deep clone without regarding cycles. * @param clone The clone. */ protected void doClone(Object theclone) { ReteNode clone = (ReteNode)theclone; // Deep clone type nodes clone.typenodes = new LinkedHashMap(); for(Iterator it=typenodes.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { OAVObjectType type = (OAVObjectType); clone.typenodes.put(type, getTypeNode(type).clone()); } // Update typenodesets clone.typenodesets = new LinkedHashMap(); for(Iterator it=typenodesets.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { OAVObjectType type = (OAVObjectType); Set oldtns = getTypeNodes(type); if(oldtns!=null) { Set newtns = new HashSet(); for(Iterator it2=oldtns.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { INode oldtn = (INode); newtns.add(oldtn.clone()); } clone.typenodesets.put(type, newtns); } } // Deep clone initial fact node if(initialfact!=null) clone.initialfact = (InitialFactNode)initialfact.clone(); // Refresh terminal nodes // Searches the whole net and if a terminal node is found // it is added to the terminalnodes map. clone.terminalnodes = new HashMap(); List nodes = new ArrayList(); nodes.addAll(clone.typenodes.values()); for(int i=0; i<nodes.size(); i++) { Object node = nodes.get(i); if(node instanceof IObjectSourceNode) { IObjectSourceNode osn = (IObjectSourceNode)node; IObjectConsumerNode[] cons = osn.getObjectConsumers(); for(int j=0; j<cons.length; j++) { if(!nodes.contains(cons[j])) nodes.add(cons[j]); } } if(node instanceof ITupleSourceNode) { ITupleSourceNode tsn = (ITupleSourceNode)node; ITupleConsumerNode[] cons = tsn.getTupleConsumers(); for(int j=0; j<cons.length; j++) { if(!nodes.contains(cons[j])) nodes.add(cons[j]); } } if(node instanceof TerminalNode) clone.putTerminalNode((TerminalNode)((TerminalNode)node).clone()); } // Keep same stateless rete builder // Shallow copy the relevant attributes if(relevants!=null) clone.relevants = (AttributeSet)((AttributeSet)relevants).clone(); } //-------- checking -------- protected int changecnt; protected List checked = new ArrayList(); /** * Check consistency of Rete network/memory. * For debugging. Only performs some simple * checks and does not assure complete consistency. */ protected boolean checkConsistency(ReteMemory mem) { boolean consistent = true; // Iterate through all node. List nodes = new ArrayList(); nodes.add(this); while(consistent && !nodes.isEmpty()) { INode node = (INode)nodes.remove(nodes.size()-1); if(node instanceof ITupleSourceNode) { INode[] subnodes = ((ITupleSourceNode)node).getTupleConsumers(); for(int i=0; i<subnodes.length; i++) nodes.add(subnodes[i]); } if(node instanceof IObjectSourceNode) { INode[] subnodes = ((IObjectSourceNode)node).getObjectConsumers(); for(int i=0; i<subnodes.length; i++) nodes.add(subnodes[i]); } node.checkNodeConsistency(mem); } changecnt++; checked.clear(); return consistent; } /** * Get the next nodecounter. * @return The id for the next node. */ public int getNextNodeId() { return nodecounter++; } }