package jadex.base.gui; import jadex.commons.SGUI; import jadex.commons.SUtil; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.swing.JTree; import javax.swing.Timer; import javax.swing.UIDefaults; import javax.swing.event.TreeModelEvent; import javax.swing.event.TreeModelListener; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer; import javax.swing.tree.TreeModel; import javax.swing.tree.TreePath; /** * Tree model for inspecting objects. */ public class ObjectTreeModel implements TreeModel { //-------- static part -------- /** * flag to indicate if java objects should be inspectable in the tree * TO DO: make configurable via GUI? */ protected final static boolean enableObjectInspection = true; /** The image icons. */ protected static UIDefaults icons = new UIDefaults(new Object[] { "javaobject", SGUI.makeIcon(ObjectTreeModel.class, "/jadex/base/gui/images/bean.png"), "javaattribute", SGUI.makeIcon(ObjectTreeModel.class, "/jadex/base/gui/images/attribute.png"), "javavalue", SGUI.makeIcon(ObjectTreeModel.class, "/jadex/base/gui/images/value.png") }); // /** The list of timers to update the object inspector tree nodes .*/ // protected static List timers; //-------- attributes -------- /** The root node. */ protected ObjectInspectorNode root; /** The listeners. */ protected Set listeners; /** The pending notification flag. */ protected boolean notify; /** list for all created Attribute inspector nodes */ protected List inspectors; /** UUID counter */ protected int uuidcounter; //-------- constructors -------- /** * Create new OAV tree model. * @param showempty Flag, if empty attributes should be shown. */ public ObjectTreeModel(Object root) { // use identity hash for different (java) objects being equal (e.g. empty list). this.root = new ObjectInspectorNode(null, root.getClass(), null, root); this.inspectors = new ArrayList(); this.uuidcounter = 0; Timer timer = new Timer(5000, new ObjectInspectorRefreshAction(this)); timer.start(); // ObjectTreeModel.addRefreshTimer(timer); } //-------- TreeModel interface -------- /** * Get the root node of the tree. */ public Object getRoot() { return root; } /** * Get the number of children of the given node. */ public int getChildCount(Object parent) { // System.out.println("getChildCount: "+parent); int count; // Node for an ObjectInspector object. if(parent instanceof ObjectInspectorNode) { count = ((ObjectInspectorNode)parent).getChildren().size(); } // Node for an ObjectAttributeInspector object. else if(parent instanceof ObjectInspectorAttributeNode) { count = ((ObjectInspectorAttributeNode)parent).getChildren().size(); } // Node is value. else { count = 0; } return count; } /** * Get the given child of a node. */ public Object getChild(Object parent, int index) { // System.out.println("getChild: "+parent+", "+index); Object ret; // Node for an ObjectInspector object. if(parent instanceof ObjectInspectorNode) { ret = ((ObjectInspectorNode)parent).getChildren().get(index); } // Node for an ObjectAttributeInspector object. else if(parent instanceof ObjectInspectorAttributeNode) { ret = ((ObjectInspectorAttributeNode)parent).getChildren().get(index); } // Value node has no children. else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Node has no children: "+parent); } return ret; } /** * Get the index of a given child. */ public int getIndexOfChild(Object parent, Object child) { int index = -1; // Hack!!! Inefficient implementation!? int count = getChildCount(parent); for(int i=0; index==-1 && i<count; i++) { if(getChild(parent, i).equals(child)) index = i; } return index; } /** * Check if a node is a leaf node. */ public boolean isLeaf(Object node) { // System.out.println("isLeaf: "+getChildCount(node)==0+" "+node); return getChildCount(node)==0; } /** * Add a listener to the model. */ public void addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener l) { if(listeners==null) listeners = new HashSet(); listeners.add(l); } /** * Remove a listener from the model. */ public void removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener l) { if(listeners!=null) listeners.remove(l); } /** * Called by user changes (when the tree is editable). */ public void valueForPathChanged(TreePath path, Object newValue) { // ignored... } // --- helper methods to update the tree --- /** * Generate a unique id for ObjectNode's * @return synchronized call to System.currentTimeMillis(); */ protected synchronized int getNextNodeUUID() { //return rng.nextInt(); return uuidcounter += 1; //return new Long(System.currentTimeMillis()); } /** * Regenerate subtree if a node was replaced * @param treePath The Path to the node that was changed */ protected void fireTreeStructureChanged(Object[] treePath) { TreeModelEvent event = new TreeModelEvent(this, treePath); if (listeners != null) { TreeModelListener[] alisteners = (TreeModelListener[])listeners.toArray(new TreeModelListener[listeners.size()]); for(int i=0; i<alisteners.length; i++) { alisteners[i].treeStructureChanged(event); } // System.out.println("Structure: " + event); } } /** * Tests if two lists of Inspector nodes (e.g. children) * are semantically equals * @param l1 list to test * @param l2 list to test * @return true if the lists are the same or contains the semantically same objects in the same order */ protected boolean testInspectorNodesListEquals(List l1, List l2) { if (l1 == l2) return true; if (!(l1 instanceof List) || !(l2 instanceof List)) return false; ListIterator e1 = l1.listIterator(); ListIterator e2 = l2.listIterator(); while(e1.hasNext() && e2.hasNext()) { Object o1 =; Object o2 =; try { if (!(o1==null ? o2==null : ((AbstractInspectorNode)o1).equals(o2, false))) return false; } catch (ClassCastException e) { return false; } } return !(e1.hasNext() || e2.hasNext()); } /** * Get the index for a child in children list, beginning with index=0 * @see getIndexForChild(List children, Object child, int start) */ protected int getIndexForChild(List children, Object child) { return getIndexForChild(children, child, 0); } /** * Returns the FIRST occurrence of child in given children list. * Be sure to remove the child from the list or to save the index * to find additional occurrences of the child in later searches. * <p> * This method is using the "equals(Object o, boolean checkUID)" method * to find a child with the checkUID parameter set to false and can be used * to find a semantically equal child. * <p> * @param children List to search for the child. * @param child The child to search for. * @return the FIRST index for the child in the children list */ protected int getIndexForChild(List children, Object child, int start) { assert children != null; int index = -1; for(int i=start; index==-1 && i<children.size(); i++) // for(int i=children.size()-1; i>=0 && index == -1; i--) { if ((children.get(i) instanceof ObjectInspectorNode) && ((ObjectInspectorNode)children.get(i)).equals(child, false)) { index = i; } else if ((children.get(i) instanceof ObjectInspectorAttributeNode) && ((ObjectInspectorAttributeNode)children.get(i)).equals(child, false)) { index = i; } else if ((children.get(i) instanceof ObjectInspectorValueNode) && ((ObjectInspectorValueNode)children.get(i)).equals(child, false)) { index = i; } else if (children.get(i).equals(child)) { index = i; } } return index; } /** * Refresh all displayed attributes * @param oldRoot */ protected void refreshInspectorNodes() { // System.out.println("refresh called"); TreeModelEvent event = null; // Object[] listener = listenerList.getListenerList(); Object[] inspectorNodes = inspectors.toArray(new Object[inspectors.size()]); // the array contains all attribute nodes ordered in the path from root to leaf. // e.g. a parent node will have a lower index than his children // // we could loop from leafs to root, to avoid drawing problems when updating a node that was // already removed due to a parent object change // OR // null all (grand) children from a dropped node in the array to avoid later redrawing what will // cause a drawing error / problem // // TO DO: decide which implementation is more efficient for (int inspectorIndex = inspectorNodes.length-1; inspectorIndex >= 0; inspectorIndex--) // for (int inspectorIndex = 0; inspectorIndex < inspectorNodes.length; inspectorIndex++) { if (inspectorNodes[inspectorIndex] instanceof ObjectInspectorAttributeNode) { ObjectInspectorAttributeNode node = (ObjectInspectorAttributeNode) inspectorNodes[inspectorIndex]; if (node.children!=null) // if childrens are not displayed, no update is needed { // Regenerate children and fire change event for changed values // keep and restore old children as there may be expanded subtrees List oldchildren = node.children; node.children = null; List newchildren = node.getChildren(); node.children = oldchildren; if (node.isArrayNode()) { // if we have a simple type we don't have to check subtrees, // simply remove old and add new children if (!isInspectable(node.type.getComponentType(), true)) { //if (!oldchildren.equals(newchildren)) if (!testInspectorNodesListEquals(oldchildren, newchildren)) { node.children = newchildren; fireTreeStructureChanged(node.getPath()); } } // some array fields can be inspected, so assume that there may be a // expanded subtree. else { // List to save already selected children from newchildren // Needed to avoid double select of the same value in an array List prevSelectedChildren = new ArrayList(); // Handle removed children Map removedChildren = new TreeMap(); for (int i = 0; i < oldchildren.size(); i++) { Object oldchild = oldchildren.get(i); // use only not previous selected children int index = getIndexForChild(newchildren, oldchild, 0); while (index != -1 && prevSelectedChildren.contains(newchildren.get(index))) { prevSelectedChildren.add(newchildren.get(index)); index = getIndexForChild(newchildren, oldchild, index+1); } //if (!newchildren.contains(oldchild)) // value was removed if (index == -1) { // add it to removedChildren removedChildren.put(new Integer(i), oldchild); // don't remove child from old children here! This will change // index of other child's as well } } // clear selected children after use prevSelectedChildren.clear(); // remove the removed from oldchildren an store // index and value in change event arrays Object[] removed = removedChildren.entrySet().toArray(); int[] indexes = new int[removed.length]; Object[] childs = new Object[removed.length]; for (int i = 0; i < removed.length; i++) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) removed[i]; indexes[i] = ((Integer) entry.getKey()).intValue(); childs[i] = entry.getValue(); // remove from children list oldchildren.remove(entry.getValue()); //oldchildren.remove(getIndexForChild(oldchildren, entry.getValue())); } // Handle inserted children // replace the rest of old children at their position in new children // save the not replaced children as added nodes in change event arrays Map insertedChildren = new TreeMap(); for (int i = 0; i < newchildren.size(); i++) { Object newchild = newchildren.get(i); // use only not previous selected children int index = getIndexForChild(oldchildren, newchild, 0); while (index != -1 && prevSelectedChildren.contains(newchildren.get(index))) { prevSelectedChildren.add(oldchildren.get(index)); index = getIndexForChild(oldchildren, newchild, index+1); } // replace new with old as there may be expanded sub trees //if (oldchildren.contains(newchild)) if (index != -1) { //Object oldchild = oldchildren.get(oldchildren.indexOf(newchild)); Object oldchild = oldchildren.get(index); // remove oldchild from oldchildren //(needed to support same object twice in arrays) oldchildren.remove(index); newchildren.remove(i); newchildren.add(i, oldchild); } // value was added else { // register children for change event insertedChildren.put(new Integer(i), newchild); } } // clear selected children after use prevSelectedChildren.clear(); // update the name prefix for children for (int i = 0; i < newchildren.size(); i++) { Object obj = newchildren.get(i); if (obj instanceof ObjectInspectorNode) { ((ObjectInspectorNode) obj).namePrefix = "["+i+"] "; } else if (obj instanceof ObjectInspectorValueNode) { ((ObjectInspectorValueNode) obj).namePrefix = "["+i+"] "; } } // create the array for nodes inserted change event Object[] inserted = insertedChildren.entrySet().toArray(); int[] insertedIndexes = new int[inserted.length]; Object[] insertedChilds = new Object[inserted.length]; for (int insertedIndex = 0; insertedIndex < inserted.length; insertedIndex++) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) inserted[insertedIndex]; insertedIndexes[insertedIndex] = ((Integer) entry.getKey()).intValue(); insertedChilds[insertedIndex] = entry.getValue(); } // add the new children as node children node.children = newchildren; TreeModelListener[] alisteners = (TreeModelListener[])listeners.toArray(new TreeModelListener[listeners.size()]); // create and fire event for removed children if (removedChildren.size() > 0) { event = new TreeModelEvent(this, node.getPath(), indexes, childs); for(int i=0; i<alisteners.length; i++) { alisteners[i].treeNodesRemoved(event); } //System.out.println("Removed: " + event); } // create and fire event for inserted children if (insertedChildren.size() > 0) { event = new TreeModelEvent(this, node.getPath(), insertedIndexes, insertedChilds); for(int i=0; i<alisteners.length; i++) { alisteners[i].treeNodesInserted(event); } //System.out.println("Inserted: " + event); } } } // we have no array, so expect only one child for the attribute node else { // Number of children and index of a child can't change at runtime, expect of arrays assert oldchildren.size() == newchildren.size(): node; // An attribute field can only have one value assert newchildren.size() == 1 : node; //if ( !(oldchildren.get(0).equals(newchildren.get(0))) ) if ( getIndexForChild(oldchildren, newchildren.get(0)) == -1 ) { // replace old children with new children and drop old node.children = newchildren; // create and fire event if (oldchildren.get(0) instanceof ObjectInspectorNode || newchildren.get(0) instanceof ObjectInspectorNode) { // regenerate tree if inspector object node has changed fireTreeStructureChanged((Object[]) SUtil.joinArrays(node.getPath(), new Object[]{oldchildren.get(0)})); } else { // only redraw node if we have a inspector value event = new TreeModelEvent(this, node.getPath(), new int[]{0}, new Object[]{oldchildren.get(0)}); // System.out.println("Changed: " + event); TreeModelListener[] alisteners = (TreeModelListener[])listeners.toArray(new TreeModelListener[listeners.size()]); for(int i=0; i<alisteners.length; i++) { alisteners[i].treeNodesChanged(event); } } } } } } else { if (inspectorNodes[inspectorIndex] != null) System.err.println("Error in ObjectInspectorTreeModel, unknown inspector node type: " + inspectorNodes[inspectorIndex]); } } } //-------- static part -------- /** * Decide if java object should be inspectable. */ protected static boolean isInspectable(Object obj) { boolean ret = enableObjectInspection && obj!=null; if(ret) { ret = ret && !(obj instanceof String); ret = ret && !(obj instanceof Number); ret = ret && !(obj instanceof Character); ret = ret && !(obj instanceof Boolean); ret = ret && obj.getClass()!=Object.class; } return ret; } /** * Decide if java object should be inspectable. * This method test if clazz.isAssignableFrom([String|Number|Character|]) */ protected static boolean isInspectable(Class clazz, boolean inspectObjectClass) { boolean ret = enableObjectInspection && clazz!=null; if(ret) { ret = ret && (clazz.isAssignableFrom(String.class)); ret = ret && (clazz.isAssignableFrom(Number.class)); ret = ret && (clazz.isAssignableFrom(Character.class)); ret = ret && (clazz.isAssignableFrom(Boolean.class)); if (!inspectObjectClass) ret = ret && clazz != Object.class; } return ret; } /** * Sets the refresh delay for the ObjectInspector refresh * A value equal or lower to 0 disables the refresh and stop the timers * / public static void setRefreshDelay(int millis) { // System.out.println("Set OAVTreeModel refresh delay to " + millis); if (timers != null) { if (millis > 0) for (Iterator timers = timers.iterator(); timers.hasNext();) { Timer timer = (Timer); timer.setDelay(millis); if (!timer.isRunning()) timer.start(); } else for (Iterator timers = timers.iterator(); timers.hasNext();) { Timer timer = (Timer); if (timer.isRunning()) timer.stop(); } } }*/ /** * Add a timer to the static refresh timer list * @param t * / protected static void addRefreshTimer(Timer t) { if(timers == null) timers = new ArrayList(); timers.add(t); }*/ /** * Remove a timer from the static refresh timer list * @param t * / protected static void removeRefreshTimer(Timer t) { if(t != null) { t.stop(); if (timers == null) timers.remove(t); } }*/ /** A abstract node for this model */ abstract class AbstractInspectorNode { /** The parent node */ protected Object parent; /** The children of this node (cached)*/ protected List children; /** The path from the root node to this node. */ protected Object[] path; /** A unique id for this node */ protected int nodeUUID; // --- constructor --- protected AbstractInspectorNode() { nodeUUID = getNextNodeUUID(); } // --- abstract methods --- public abstract List getChildren(); public abstract Object[] getPath(); protected abstract boolean equals(Object obj, boolean checkUUID); // --- methods --- public int hashCode() { return nodeUUID; } } /** * TreeModel node for java object inspection */ public class ObjectInspectorNode extends AbstractInspectorNode { /** The Class type for this node */ protected Class type; /** The object represented by this node */ protected Object nodeObject; /** The list of fields of the represented object*/ protected List fields; /** The name for this node e.g. the objects name */ protected String name; /** A prefix to display with name, e.g. for arrays "[index]" */ protected String namePrefix; // ---- constructors ---- /** * Create a ObjectInspectorNode * * @param type Class type for this object (e.g. myObject.class) * @param name for this node * @param object to inspect */ public ObjectInspectorNode(Object parent, Class type, String name, Object object) { this(parent, type, null, name, object); } /** * Create a ObjectInspectorNode * * @param type Class type for this object (e.g. myObject.class) * @param name for this node * @param object to inspect */ public ObjectInspectorNode(Object parent, Class type, String namePrefix, String name, Object object) { this.parent = parent; this.type = type; = name; this.namePrefix = namePrefix; this.nodeObject = object; getFields(); } // --- methods ---- /** * Generate and return a List of all fields for the * object represented by this node. * @return List of accessible node object fields */ public List getFields() { // create list of fields only once, //number or type of attributes can't change at runtime if (fields==null) { this.fields = new ArrayList(); // find all fields for a class expect strings and null values if (!type.isPrimitive() && !type.isArray() && !type.equals(String.class) && nodeObject != null) { // iterate over fields from the class and superclasses for (Class clazz = nodeObject.getClass(); clazz != null; clazz = clazz.getSuperclass()) { Field[] f = clazz.getDeclaredFields(); AccessibleObject.setAccessible(f, true); for (int i = 0; i < f.length; i++) { // get only nonstatic fields if ((f[i].getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0) fields.add(f[i]); // TO-DO: Filter other fields as well? } } } } return fields; } /** * Get the children of this node. */ public List getChildren() { if(children==null) { children = new ArrayList(); Iterator it = fields.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { Field f = (Field); try { children.add(new ObjectInspectorAttributeNode(this, f, null)); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // Field not accessible - ignore for children ? children.add("-ERROR- Exception occurred: " +e); } } } return children; } /** * Get the path of this node (inclusive) starting from the root node. */ public Object[] getPath() { if(path==null) { if (parent != null) { if(parent instanceof ObjectInspectorAttributeNode) { path = (Object[])SUtil.joinArrays(((ObjectInspectorAttributeNode)parent).getPath(), new Object[]{this}); } else { path = new Object[]{parent, this}; } } else { path = new Object[]{this}; } } return path; } /** * Access the object represented by this node * @return the nodeObject Attribute */ protected Object getNodeObject() { // if (isInpsectionRootNode()) return nodeObject; // else // { // try // { // Object obj = null; // if (((ObjectInspectorAttributeNode)parent).isArrayNode()) // { // // parent is an array attribute, use the attribute value for this node // obj = ((ObjectInspectorAttributeNode)parent).getArrayValue(); // } // else // { // // parent is an normal attribute, use the attribute value for this node // obj = ((ObjectInspectorAttributeNode)parent).getFieldValue(); // } // // if (obj == nodeObject || (obj != null && obj.equals(nodeObject))) // { // // ignore, its the same object // } // else // { // // replace nodeObject // nodeObject = obj; // fields = null; // } // // return nodeObject; // // } catch (Exception e) // { // return "-ERROR- Exception occurred: " + e; // //e.printStackTrace(); // } // } } protected boolean isInpsectionRootNode() { return (!(parent instanceof ObjectInspectorAttributeNode)); } /** * This method can be used to do a sematically equals check. * E.g. check only the fields, not the unique identifier. * @param obj Object to test for equals * @param checkUUID flag to check the unique Identifier for the node. <br><code>true</code>=do a compete equals check<br><code>false</code>=do a sematically equals check */ protected boolean equals(Object obj, boolean checkUUID) { boolean ret = obj instanceof ObjectInspectorNode && ((ObjectInspectorNode)obj).parent==parent && ((ObjectInspectorNode)obj).type==type && ((ObjectInspectorNode)obj).name==name && (fields != null && fields.equals(((ObjectInspectorNode)obj).fields)) && (nodeObject != null && nodeObject.equals(((ObjectInspectorNode) obj).nodeObject)); if (checkUUID && ret) ret = ret && ((ObjectInspectorNode)obj).nodeUUID==nodeUUID; return ret; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) */ public boolean equals(Object obj) { return equals(obj, true); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode() */ public int hashCode() { // int ret = 31 + (parent != null ? parent.hashCode() : 0); // ret = ret*31 + (type!=null ? type.hashCode() : 0); // ret = ret*31 + (name!=null ? name.hashCode() : 0); // ret = ret*31 + (fields != null ? fields.hashCode() : 0); // ret = ret*31 + (nodeObject != null ? nodeObject.hashCode() : 0); // //ret = ret*31 + nodeUUID; // //ret = ret*31 + (nodeUUID != null ? nodeUUID.hashCode() : 0); // return ret; return nodeUUID; } /** * Get a string representation of this node */ public String toString() { getNodeObject(); return (namePrefix != null ? namePrefix : "") + (name!=null ? name : "") // + (type.isPrimitive() ? " = " : "") + (nodeObject!=null ? nodeObject.toString() : "null") ; } } // class ObjectInspectorNode /** * Node for an Java object attribute */ class ObjectInspectorAttributeNode extends AbstractInspectorNode { /** The field represented by this node */ protected Field field; /** The Class type for this attribute node */ protected Class type; /** The name for this node e.g. the objects name */ protected String name; /** * The attribute value represented by this node <p> * This value will be updated every time getChildren() creates a list of children */ protected Object attributeValue; // ---- constructor ----- /** * Create a ObjectInspectorAttributeNode with a dynamic * reference to the inspectable Field * @param objectInspectorNode parent Node * @param f the field to get from object parameter * @param namePrefix the object to get the field from */ public ObjectInspectorAttributeNode(ObjectInspectorNode parent, Field f, String name) throws IllegalAccessException { this.parent = parent; this.field = f; this.type = f.getType(); = (name!=null?name:f.getName()); inspectors.add(this); } // ---- methods ---- /** * Get the children of this node. */ public List getChildren() { if(children==null) { this.children = new ArrayList(); //this.attributeValue = field.get(attributeObject); // get value for this node // the parent Array-Field if this is an array, else the value itself //Object value = null; //if (type.isArray()) if(isArrayNode()) { try { // attributeValue = getArrayValue(); attributeValue = getFieldValue(); if(attributeValue == null) { // children.add("null"); // IGNORE ! // don't add children for null valued arrays //children.add(new ObjectInspectorValueNode(this, null, attributeValue)); } else { for (int i = 0; i < Array.getLength(attributeValue); i++) { Object obj = Array.get(attributeValue, i); if(ObjectTreeModel.isInspectable(obj)) { children.add(new ObjectInspectorNode(this, obj.getClass(), "["+i+"] ", null, obj)); } else { // children.add("["+i+"] "+obj); children.add(new ObjectInspectorValueNode(this, "["+i+"] ", obj)); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); children.add("-ERROR- Exception occurred: " +e); } } else { this.attributeValue = getFieldValue(); // create a new object inspector node for inspectable attribute if(ObjectTreeModel.isInspectable(attributeValue)) { children.add(new ObjectInspectorNode(this, type, name, attributeValue)); } // else add a simple value node else { //children.add((attributeValue!=null ? attributeValue : "null")); children.add(new ObjectInspectorValueNode(this, null, attributeValue)); } } } return children; } protected boolean isArrayNode() { attributeValue = getFieldValue(); return type.isArray() || (attributeValue != null && attributeValue.getClass().isArray()); } /** * returns the object that is represented by this attribute node as is. * e.g. the field of the parent node object. * If this object is an array, the array itself is returned. If you need access to the value * of the index that is represented with this node, use getArrayValue() instead. */ protected Object getFieldValue() { try { return field.get(((ObjectInspectorNode)parent).getNodeObject()); } catch (Exception e) { //e.printStackTrace(); return "-ERROR- Exception occurred: " + e; } } /** * Returns the value for the represented field from the parent object inspector node * If this field is an array, the value from the array index represented * by this node is returned. When access to the array is needed, e.g. to * create the the node children, use getFieldValue() instead. * @return */ protected Object getArrayValue() { try { if (isArrayNode()) { return Array.get(field.get(((ObjectInspectorNode)parent).getNodeObject()), ((ObjectInspectorNode)parent).getChildren().indexOf(this)/*-1*/); } else return "-ERROR- getArrayValue called on a non array type"; } catch (Exception e) { //e.printStackTrace(); return "-ERROR- Exception occurred: " + e; } } /** * Get the path of this node (inclusive) starting from the root node. */ public Object[] getPath() { if(path==null) { if(parent!=null) { path = (Object[])SUtil.joinArrays(((ObjectInspectorNode)parent).getPath(), new Object[]{this}); } else { path = new Object[]{this}; } } return path; } /** * This method can be used to do a sematically equals check. * E.g. check only the fields, not the unique identifier. * @param obj Object to test for equals * @param checkUUID flag to check the unique Identifier for the node. <br><code>true</code>=do a compete equals check<br><code>false</code>=do a sematically equals check */ protected boolean equals(Object obj, boolean checkUUID) { boolean ret = obj instanceof ObjectInspectorAttributeNode && ((ObjectInspectorAttributeNode) obj).parent == parent && ((ObjectInspectorAttributeNode) obj).field == field && ((ObjectInspectorAttributeNode) obj).name == name ; if (ret) { Object objValue = ((ObjectInspectorAttributeNode) obj).attributeValue; // test if attribute values are equal if type is primitiv if (type.isPrimitive()) ret = (attributeValue==null ? objValue==null : attributeValue.equals(objValue)); // else test reference else ret = (attributeValue==objValue); } if (checkUUID && ret) ret = ret && ((ObjectInspectorAttributeNode)obj).nodeUUID==nodeUUID; return ret; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) */ public boolean equals(Object obj) { return equals(obj, true); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode() */ public int hashCode() { // int ret = 31 + (parent != null ? parent.hashCode() : 0); // ret = ret*31 + (field!=null ? field.hashCode() : 0); // ret = ret*31 + (name!=null ? name.hashCode() : 0); // ret = ret*31 + (attributeValue != null ? attributeValue.hashCode() : 0); // //ret = ret*31 + nodeUUID; // // return ret; return nodeUUID; } /** * Get a string representation of this node */ public String toString() { String len = ""; try { //if (type.isArray()) if (isArrayNode()) { Object arrayValue = getFieldValue(); len = (arrayValue !=null ? ""+ Array.getLength(arrayValue) : "null"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); len = "-ERROR-"; } return (name != null ? name : "?? INVALID NODE NAME ??") //+ (type.isArray() ? "["+len+"]" : "") + (isArrayNode() ? "["+len+"]" : "") //+ (attributeValue!=null? " = "+attributeValue: " (null)") ; } } // class ObjectInspectorAttributeNode /** * This class represents a simple value for ObjectInspectorAtttributeNode values. * It is needed to display a prefix [index] for arrays * * @author claas * */ class ObjectInspectorValueNode extends AbstractInspectorNode { // ---- attributes ---- /** A simple value node can have a displayed name prefix e.g. for Arrays */ protected String namePrefix; /** The simple Object represented by this node */ protected Object value; // --- constructor ---- /** create a simple value node */ public ObjectInspectorValueNode(Object parent, String namePrefix, Object value) { super.parent = parent; this.namePrefix = namePrefix; this.value = value; } // --- methods --- public List getChildren() { return null; } public Object[] getPath() { return (Object[]) SUtil.joinArrays(((AbstractInspectorNode)super.parent).getPath(), new Object[]{this}); } /** * This method can be used to do a sematically equals check. * E.g. check only the fields, not the unique identifier. * @param obj Object to test for equals * @param checkUUID flag to check the unique Identifier for the node. <br><code>true</code>=do a compete equals check<br><code>false</code>=do a sematically equals check */ protected boolean equals(Object obj, boolean checkUUID) { boolean ret = (obj instanceof ObjectInspectorValueNode) && ((ObjectInspectorValueNode)obj).parent == parent && (value == null ? ((ObjectInspectorValueNode)obj).value == null : value.equals(((ObjectInspectorValueNode)obj).value)); if (checkUUID && ret) ret = ret && ((ObjectInspectorValueNode)obj).nodeUUID==nodeUUID; return ret; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) */ public boolean equals(Object obj) { return equals(obj, true); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode() */ public int hashCode() { // int ret = 31 + (parent != null ? parent.hashCode() : 0); // ret = ret*31 + (value!=null ? value.hashCode() : 0); // //ret = ret*31 + nodeUUID; // //ret = ret*31 + (nodeUUID != null ? nodeUUID.hashCode() : 0); // return ret; return nodeUUID; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ public String toString() { String ret = (namePrefix != null ? namePrefix : "") + (value != null ? value : "null"); // ret = "[ValueNode: " + ret + "]"; return ret; } } // class ObjectInspectorValueNode /** * OAV tree cell renderer displays right icons. */ public static class ObjectTreeCellRenderer extends DefaultTreeCellRenderer { /** * Get the tree cell renderer component. */ public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree, Object value, boolean sel, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus) { super.getTreeCellRendererComponent(tree, value, sel, expanded, leaf, row, hasFocus); // System.out.println(value+" "+value.getClass()); if(value instanceof ObjectInspectorNode) setIcon(icons.getIcon("javaobject")); else if (value instanceof ObjectInspectorAttributeNode) setIcon(icons.getIcon("javaattribute")); else if (value instanceof ObjectInspectorValueNode) setIcon(icons.getIcon("javavalue")); else setIcon(icons.getIcon("value")); return this; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer#getPreferredSize() */ public Dimension getPreferredSize() { // change prefered size to disable the swing // "..." bug in tree display Dimension d = new Dimension(super.getPreferredSize()); d.setSize(d.getWidth()+10, d.getHeight()); return d; } } } /** * Action class to update the tree model e.g. with a timer */ class ObjectInspectorRefreshAction implements ActionListener { /** * A WeakReference to the tree model to allow the JVM to remove the * model from heap when introspector plugin is closed */ WeakReference model; /** * Create a ActionListener with a weak reference to the OAVTreeModel to update */ public ObjectInspectorRefreshAction(ObjectTreeModel treeModel) { this.model = new WeakReference(treeModel); } /** * Perform TreeModel refresh if TreeModel reference exist else remove * Timer from Timer list */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { ObjectTreeModel m = (ObjectTreeModel)model.get(); if(m!= null) { m.refreshInspectorNodes(); //System.gc(); } else { Object obj = e.getSource(); if(obj instanceof Timer) { Timer t = (Timer)obj; if(t.isRunning()) t.stop(); // ObjectTreeModel.removeRefreshTimer((Timer) obj); } // System.err.println("removed timer! - " + obj); } } }