package jadex.bdi.model.impl.flyweights; import jadex.bdi.model.IMBeliefbase; import jadex.bdi.model.IMCapability; import jadex.bdi.model.IMCapabilityReference; import jadex.bdi.model.IMConfiguration; import jadex.bdi.model.IMEventbase; import jadex.bdi.model.IMExpression; import jadex.bdi.model.IMExpressionbase; import jadex.bdi.model.IMGoalbase; import jadex.bdi.model.IMPlanbase; import jadex.bdi.model.IMPropertybase; import jadex.bdi.model.OAVBDIMetaModel; import jadex.bdi.model.editable.IMEBeliefbase; import jadex.bdi.model.editable.IMECapability; import jadex.bdi.model.editable.IMEConfiguration; import jadex.bdi.model.editable.IMEEventbase; import jadex.bdi.model.editable.IMEExpression; import jadex.bdi.model.editable.IMEExpressionbase; import jadex.bdi.model.editable.IMEGoalbase; import jadex.bdi.model.editable.IMEPlanbase; import jadex.bdi.model.editable.IMEPropertybase; import jadex.rules.state.IOAVState; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; /** * Flyweight for capability element model. */ public class MCapabilityFlyweight extends MElementFlyweight implements IMCapability, IMECapability { //-------- constructors -------- /** * Create a new element flyweight. */ public MCapabilityFlyweight(IOAVState state, Object scope) { super(state, scope, scope); } //-------- methods -------- /** * Get the package. * @return The package. */ public String getPackage() { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { string = (String)getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_package); } }; return invoc.string; } else { return (String)getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_package); } } /** * Get the imports. * @return The imports. */ public String[] getImports() { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { sarray = (String[])getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_imports); } }; return invoc.sarray; } else { return (String[])getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_imports); } } /** * Test if is abstract. * @return True, if is abstract. */ public boolean isAbstract() { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { bool = ((Boolean)getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_abstract)).booleanValue(); } }; return invoc.bool; } else { return ((Boolean)getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_abstract)).booleanValue(); } } /** * Get the capability references. * @return The capability references. */ public IMCapabilityReference[] getCapabilityReferences() { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { Collection elems = (Collection)getState().getAttributeValue(getScope(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_capabilityrefs); IMCapabilityReference[] ret = new IMCapabilityReference[elems==null? 0: elems.size()]; if(elems!=null) { int i=0; for(Iterator it=elems.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { ret[i++] = new MCapabilityReferenceFlyweight(getState(), getScope(),; } } object = ret; } }; return (IMCapabilityReference[])invoc.object; } else { Collection elems = (Collection)getState().getAttributeValue(getScope(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_capabilityrefs); IMCapabilityReference[] ret = new IMCapabilityReference[elems==null? 0: elems.size()]; if(elems!=null) { int i=0; for(Iterator it=elems.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { ret[i++] = new MCapabilityReferenceFlyweight(getState(), getScope(),; } } return ret; } } /** * Get the beliefbase. * @return The belief base. */ public IMBeliefbase getBeliefbase() { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { object = new MBeliefbaseFlyweight(getState(), getScope()); } }; return (IMBeliefbase)invoc.object; } else { return new MBeliefbaseFlyweight(getState(), getScope()); } } /** * Get the beliefbase. * @return The goalbase. */ public IMGoalbase getGoalbase() { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { object = new MGoalbaseFlyweight(getState(), getScope()); } }; return (IMGoalbase)invoc.object; } else { return new MGoalbaseFlyweight(getState(), getScope()); } } /** * Get the planbase. * @return The planbase. */ public IMPlanbase getPlanbase() { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { object = new MPlanbaseFlyweight(getState(), getScope()); } }; return (IMPlanbase)invoc.object; } else { return new MPlanbaseFlyweight(getState(), getScope()); } } /** * Get the eventbase. * @return The eventbase. */ public IMEventbase getEventbase() { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { object = new MEventbaseFlyweight(getState(), getScope()); } }; return (IMEventbase)invoc.object; } else { return new MEventbaseFlyweight(getState(), getScope()); } } /** * Get the expressionbase. * @return The expressionbase. */ public IMExpressionbase getExpressionbase() { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { object = new MExpressionbaseFlyweight(getState(), getScope()); } }; return (IMExpressionbase)invoc.object; } else { return new MExpressionbaseFlyweight(getState(), getScope()); } } /** * Get the propertybase. * @return The propertybase. */ public IMPropertybase getPropertybase() { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { object = new MPropertybaseFlyweight(getState(), getScope()); } }; return (IMPropertybase)invoc.object; } else { return new MPropertybaseFlyweight(getState(), getScope()); } } /** * Get the services. * @return The services. */ public IMExpression[] getServices() { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { Collection elems = (Collection)getState().getAttributeValue(getScope(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_providedservices); IMExpression[] ret = new IMExpression[elems==null? 0: elems.size()]; if(elems!=null) { int i=0; for(Iterator it=elems.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { ret[i++] = new MExpressionFlyweight(getState(), getScope(),; } } object = ret; } }; return (IMExpression[])invoc.object; } else { Collection elems = (Collection)getState().getAttributeValue(getScope(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_providedservices); IMExpression[] ret = new IMExpression[elems==null? 0: elems.size()]; if(elems!=null) { int i=0; for(Iterator it=elems.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { ret[i++] = new MExpressionFlyweight(getState(), getScope(),; } } return ret; } } /** * Get the configurations. * @return The configurations. */ public IMConfiguration[] getConfigurations() { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { Collection elems = (Collection)getState().getAttributeValue(getScope(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_capabilityrefs); IMConfiguration[] ret = new IMConfiguration[elems==null? 0: elems.size()]; if(elems!=null) { int i=0; for(Iterator it=elems.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { ret[i++] = new MConfigurationFlyweight(getState(), getScope(),; } } object = ret; } }; return (MConfigurationFlyweight[])invoc.object; } else { Collection elems = (Collection)getState().getAttributeValue(getScope(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_capabilityrefs); MConfigurationFlyweight[] ret = new MConfigurationFlyweight[elems==null? 0: elems.size()]; if(elems!=null) { int i=0; for(Iterator it=elems.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { ret[i++] = new MConfigurationFlyweight(getState(), getScope(),; } } return ret; } } /** * Get the default configuration. * @return The default configuration. */ public String getDefaultConfiguration() { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { string = (String)getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_defaultconfiguration); } }; return invoc.string; } else { return (String)getState().getAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_defaultconfiguration); } } //-------- IMECapability interface --------- /** * Set the package. * @param The package. */ public void setPackage(final String name) { if(isExternalThread()) { new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_package, name); } }; } else { getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_package, name); } } /** * Set the imports. * @param The imports. */ public void setImports(final String[] imports) { if(isExternalThread()) { new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { Collection old = getState().getAttributeValues(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_imports); if(old!=null) { for(Iterator it=old.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { getState().removeAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_imports,; } } if(imports!=null) { for(int i=0; i<imports.length; i++) { getState().addAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_imports, imports[i]); } } } }; } else { Collection old = getState().getAttributeValues(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_imports); if(old!=null) { for(Iterator it=old.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { getState().removeAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_imports,; } } if(imports!=null) { for(int i=0; i<imports.length; i++) { getState().addAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_imports, imports[i]); } } } } /** * Set if is abstract. * @param True, if is abstract. */ public void setAbstract(final boolean abs) { if(isExternalThread()) { new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_abstract, abs ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE); } }; } else { getState().setAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_abstract, abs ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE); } } /** * Get the capability references. * @return The capability references. */ public void createCapabilityReference(final String name, final String file) { if(isExternalThread()) { new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { Object caparef = getState().createObject(OAVBDIMetaModel.capabilityref_type); getState().setAttributeValue(caparef, OAVBDIMetaModel.modelelement_has_name, name); getState().setAttributeValue(caparef, OAVBDIMetaModel.capabilityref_has_file, file); getState().addAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_capabilityrefs, caparef); } }; } else { Object caparef = getState().createObject(OAVBDIMetaModel.capabilityref_type); getState().setAttributeValue(caparef, OAVBDIMetaModel.modelelement_has_name, name); getState().setAttributeValue(caparef, OAVBDIMetaModel.capabilityref_has_file, file); getState().addAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_capabilityrefs, caparef); } } /** * Create or get the beliefbase. * @return The belief base. */ public IMEBeliefbase createBeliefbase() { return new MBeliefbaseFlyweight(getState(), getHandle()); } /** * Create or get the beliefbase. * @return The goalbase. */ public IMEGoalbase createGoalbase() { return new MGoalbaseFlyweight(getState(), getHandle()); } /** * Create or get the planbase. * @return The planbase. */ public IMEPlanbase createPlanbase() { return new MPlanbaseFlyweight(getState(), getHandle()); } /** * Create or get the eventbase. * @return The eventbase. */ public IMEEventbase createEventbase() { return new MEventbaseFlyweight(getState(), getHandle()); } /** * Get the expressionbase. * @return The expressionbase. */ public IMEExpressionbase createExpressionbase() { return new MExpressionbaseFlyweight(getState(), getHandle()); } /** * Get the propertybase. * @return The propertybase. */ public IMEPropertybase createPropertybase() { return new MPropertybaseFlyweight(getState(), getHandle()); } /** * Add a service. * @param name The service name. * @param clazz The service type (for lookups). * @param expression The creation expression for the service object. * @param language The expression language (or null for default java-like language). * @return The service expression object. */ public IMEExpression createService(final String name, final Class cls, final String expression, final String language) { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { MExpressionFlyweight mexp = MExpressionbaseFlyweight.createExpression(expression, language, getState(), getHandle()); getState().setAttributeValue(mexp.getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.modelelement_has_name, name); getState().setAttributeValue(mexp, OAVBDIMetaModel.expression_has_class, cls); getState().addAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_providedservices, mexp.getHandle()); object = mexp; } }; return (IMEExpression)invoc.object; } else { MExpressionFlyweight mexp = MExpressionbaseFlyweight.createExpression(expression, language, getState(), getHandle()); getState().setAttributeValue(mexp.getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.modelelement_has_name, name); getState().setAttributeValue(mexp, OAVBDIMetaModel.expression_has_class, cls); getState().addAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_providedservices, mexp.getHandle()); return mexp; } } /** * Create a configuration. * @return The configuration. */ public IMEConfiguration createConfiguration(final String name) { if(isExternalThread()) { AgentInvocation invoc = new AgentInvocation() { public void run() { Object conf = getState().createObject(OAVBDIMetaModel.configuration_type); getState().setAttributeValue(conf, OAVBDIMetaModel.modelelement_has_name, name); getState().addAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_configurations, conf); object = new MConfigurationFlyweight(getState(), getHandle(), conf); } }; return (IMEConfiguration)invoc.object; } else { Object conf = getState().createObject(OAVBDIMetaModel.configuration_type); getState().setAttributeValue(conf, OAVBDIMetaModel.modelelement_has_name, name); getState().addAttributeValue(getHandle(), OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_configurations, conf); return new MConfigurationFlyweight(getState(), getHandle(), conf); } } }