package jadex.bdi.model; import jadex.bdi.runtime.interpreter.AgentRules; import jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder; import jadex.bridge.Argument; import jadex.bridge.IArgument; import jadex.bridge.ModelInfo; import jadex.commons.ICacheableModel; import jadex.commons.IFuture; import jadex.commons.SReflect; import jadex.commons.SUtil; import jadex.commons.Tuple; import jadex.commons.collection.IndexMap; import jadex.commons.collection.MultiCollection; import jadex.commons.collection.SCollection; import jadex.javaparser.IParsedExpression; import jadex.rules.rulesystem.IRule; import jadex.rules.rulesystem.Rulebase; import jadex.rules.state.IOAVState; import jadex.xml.StackElement; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; /** * The capability model contains the OAV capability model in a state * and a type-specific compiled rulebase (matcher functionality). */ public class OAVCapabilityModel implements ICacheableModel//, IModelInfo { //-------- attributes -------- /** The state. */ protected IOAVState state; /** The agent handle. */ protected Object handle; /** The (actual) object types contained in the state. */ protected Set types; /** The filename. */ protected String filename; /** The rulebase of the capability (includes type-specific rules, if any). */ protected Rulebase rulebase; /** The last modified date. */ protected long lastmod; /** The last checked date (when the file date was last read). */ protected long lastcheck; /** The model info. */ protected ModelInfo modelinfo; // todo: use some internal report for collecting error stuff?! /** The multi-collection holding the report messages. */ protected MultiCollection entries; /** The documents for external elements (e.g. capabilities). */ protected Map externals; //-------- constructors -------- /** * Create a model. */ public OAVCapabilityModel(IOAVState state, Object handle, Set types, String filename, long lastmod, MultiCollection entries) { this.state = state; this.handle = handle; this.types = types; this.filename = filename; this.rulebase = new Rulebase(); this.lastmod = lastmod; this.entries = entries; } /** * Init the model info. */ public void initModelInfo() { boolean startable = !this.getClass().equals(OAVCapabilityModel.class); this.modelinfo = new ModelInfo(getName(), getPackage(), getDescription(), null, getConfigurations(), getArguments(), getResults(), startable, filename, getProperties(), getClassLoader(), getRequiredServices(), getProvidedServices(), null, null, null); // Build error report. getModelInfo().setReport(new AbstractErrorReportBuilder(getModelInfo().getName(), getModelInfo().getFilename(), new String[]{"XML", "Capability", "Belief", "Goal", "Plan", "Event"}, entries, getDocuments()) { public boolean isInCategory(Object obj, String category) { boolean ret = false; if("XML".equals(category)) { ret = obj instanceof String; } else if("Capability".equals(category)) { ret = state.getType(obj).isSubtype(OAVBDIMetaModel.capabilityref_type); } else if("Belief".equals(category)) { ret = state.getType(obj).isSubtype(OAVBDIMetaModel.belief_type) || state.getType(obj).isSubtype(OAVBDIMetaModel.beliefset_type) || state.getType(obj).isSubtype(OAVBDIMetaModel.beliefreference_type) || state.getType(obj).isSubtype(OAVBDIMetaModel.beliefsetreference_type); } else if("Goal".equals(category)) { ret = state.getType(obj).isSubtype(OAVBDIMetaModel.goal_type) || state.getType(obj).isSubtype(OAVBDIMetaModel.goalreference_type); } else if("Plan".equals(category)) { ret = state.getType(obj).isSubtype(OAVBDIMetaModel.plan_type); } else if("Event".equals(category)) { ret = state.getType(obj).isSubtype(OAVBDIMetaModel.event_type) || state.getType(obj).isSubtype(OAVBDIMetaModel.internaleventreference_type) || state.getType(obj).isSubtype(OAVBDIMetaModel.messageeventreference_type); } return ret; } public Object getPathElementObject(Object element) { return ((StackElement)element).getObject(); } public String getObjectName(Object obj) { String name = null; if(state.getType(obj).isSubtype(OAVBDIMetaModel.modelelement_type)) { name = (String)state.getAttributeValue(obj, OAVBDIMetaModel.modelelement_has_name); } if(name==null && state.getType(obj).isSubtype(OAVBDIMetaModel.elementreference_type)) { name = (String)state.getAttributeValue(obj, OAVBDIMetaModel.elementreference_has_concrete); } if(name==null && state.getType(obj).isSubtype(OAVBDIMetaModel.expression_type)) { IParsedExpression exp =(IParsedExpression)state.getAttributeValue(obj, OAVBDIMetaModel.expression_has_parsed); String text = (String)state.getAttributeValue(obj, OAVBDIMetaModel.expression_has_text); name = exp!=null ? exp.getExpressionText() : text!=null ? text.trim() : null; } if(name==null) { name = ""+obj; } return obj instanceof String ? (String)obj : state.getType(obj).getName().substring(1) + " " + name; } }.buildErrorReport()); } //-------- IAgentModel methods -------- /** * Get the name. * @return The name. */ public String getName() { String ret; if(handle!=null) { ret = (String)state.getAttributeValue(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.modelelement_has_name); } // For broken XMLs (no handle) try to generate name from filename. else { int idx = Math.max(filename.lastIndexOf(File.separator), filename.lastIndexOf("/")); if(idx!=-1) { ret = filename.substring(idx+1); } else { ret = filename; } } return ret; } /** * Get the package name. * @return The package name. */ public String getPackage() { return handle!=null ? (String)state.getAttributeValue(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_package) : null; } /** * Get the full model name ( * @return The full name. * / public String getFullName() { String pkg = getPackage(); return pkg!=null && pkg.length()>0? pkg+"."+getName(): getName(); }*/ /** * Get the model description. * @return The model description. */ public String getDescription() { String ret = handle!=null ? (String)state.getAttributeValue(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.modelelement_has_description) : null; return ret!=null? ret: "No description available."; } /** * Get the report. * @return The report. * / public IReport getReport() { return report; }*/ /** * Get the configurations. * @return The configuration. */ public String[] getConfigurations() { String[] ret = SUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; Collection configs = handle!=null ? state.getAttributeValues(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_configurations) : null; if(configs!=null) { List tmp = new ArrayList(); String defname = (String)state.getAttributeValue(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_defaultconfiguration); if(defname!=null) tmp.add(defname); for(Iterator it=configs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String name = (String)state.getAttributeValue(, OAVBDIMetaModel.modelelement_has_name); if(defname==null || !defname.equals(name)) tmp.add(name); } ret = (String[])tmp.toArray(new String[tmp.size()]); } return ret; } /** * Get the arguments. * @return The arguments. */ public IArgument[] getArguments() { List ret = new ArrayList(); Collection bels = handle!=null ? state.getAttributeValues(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_beliefs) : null; if(bels!=null) { for(Iterator it=bels.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object bel =; String exported = (String)state.getAttributeValue(bel, OAVBDIMetaModel.referenceableelement_has_exported); Boolean argu = (Boolean)state.getAttributeValue(bel, OAVBDIMetaModel.belief_has_argument); if(!OAVBDIMetaModel.EXPORTED_FALSE.equals(exported) || Boolean.TRUE.equals(argu)) ret.add(createArgument(state, handle, bel, false)); } } Collection belrefs = handle!=null ? state.getAttributeValues(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_beliefrefs) : null; if(belrefs!=null) { for(Iterator it=belrefs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object belref =; String exported = (String)state.getAttributeValue(belref, OAVBDIMetaModel.referenceableelement_has_exported); Boolean argu = (Boolean)state.getAttributeValue(belref, OAVBDIMetaModel.beliefreference_has_argument); if(!OAVBDIMetaModel.EXPORTED_FALSE.equals(exported) || Boolean.TRUE.equals(argu)) ret.add(createArgument(state, handle, belref, false)); } } Collection belsets = handle!=null ? state.getAttributeValues(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_beliefsets) : null; if(belsets!=null) { for(Iterator it=belsets.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object belset =; String exported = (String)state.getAttributeValue(belset, OAVBDIMetaModel.referenceableelement_has_exported); Boolean argu = (Boolean)state.getAttributeValue(belset, OAVBDIMetaModel.beliefset_has_argument); if(!OAVBDIMetaModel.EXPORTED_FALSE.equals(exported) || Boolean.TRUE.equals(argu)) ret.add(createArgument(state, handle, belset, true)); } } Collection belsetrefs = handle!=null ? state.getAttributeValues(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_beliefsetrefs) : null; if(belsetrefs!=null) { for(Iterator it=belsetrefs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object belsetref =; String exported = (String)state.getAttributeValue(belsetref, OAVBDIMetaModel.referenceableelement_has_exported); Boolean argu = (Boolean)state.getAttributeValue(belsetref, OAVBDIMetaModel.beliefsetreference_has_argument); if(!OAVBDIMetaModel.EXPORTED_FALSE.equals(exported) || Boolean.TRUE.equals(argu)) ret.add(createArgument(state, handle, belsetref, true)); } } return (IArgument[])ret.toArray(new IArgument[ret.size()]); } /** * Get the results. * @return The results. */ public IArgument[] getResults() { List ret = new ArrayList(); Collection bels = handle!=null ? state.getAttributeValues(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_beliefs) : null; if(bels!=null) { for(Iterator it=bels.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object bel =; Boolean result = (Boolean)state.getAttributeValue(bel, OAVBDIMetaModel.belief_has_result); if(Boolean.TRUE.equals(result)) ret.add(createArgument(state, handle, bel, false)); } } Collection belrefs = handle!=null ? state.getAttributeValues(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_beliefrefs) : null; if(belrefs!=null) { for(Iterator it=belrefs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object belref =; Boolean result = (Boolean)state.getAttributeValue(belref, OAVBDIMetaModel.beliefreference_has_result); if(Boolean.TRUE.equals(result)) ret.add(createArgument(state, handle, belref, false)); } } Collection belsets = handle!=null ? state.getAttributeValues(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_beliefsets) : null; if(belsets!=null) { for(Iterator it=belsets.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object belset =; Boolean result = (Boolean)state.getAttributeValue(belset, OAVBDIMetaModel.beliefset_has_result); if(Boolean.TRUE.equals(result)) ret.add(createArgument(state, handle, belset, true)); } } Collection belsetrefs = handle!=null ? state.getAttributeValues(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_beliefsetrefs) : null; if(belsetrefs!=null) { for(Iterator it=belsetrefs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object belsetref =; Boolean result = (Boolean)state.getAttributeValue(belsetref, OAVBDIMetaModel.beliefsetreference_has_result); if(Boolean.TRUE.equals(result)) ret.add(createArgument(state, handle, belsetref, true)); } } return (IArgument[])ret.toArray(new IArgument[ret.size()]); } /** * Is the model startable. * @return True, if startable. */ public boolean isStartable() { return false; } /** * Get the model type. * @reeturn The model type (kernel specific). * / public String getType() { // todo: return "v2capability"; }*/ /** * Get the filename. * @return The filename. * / public String getFilename() { return this.filename; }*/ /** * Get the last modified date. * @return The last modified date. */ public long getLastModified() { return this.lastmod; } /** * Return the class loader corresponding to the model. * @return The class loader corresponding to the model. */ public ClassLoader getClassLoader() { return getState().getTypeModel().getClassLoader(); } //-------- methods -------- /** * Get the last check date. */ public long getLastChecked() { return this.lastcheck; } /** * Set the last modified date. * @return The last modified date. */ public void setLastChecked(long lastcheck) { this.lastcheck = lastcheck; } /** * Get the properties. * Arbitrary properties that can e.g. be used to * define kernel-specific settings to configure tools. * @return The properties. */ public Map getProperties() { Map ret = new HashMap(); if(handle!=null) addCapabilityProperties(ret, handle); return ret; } /** * Add the properties of a capability. * @param props The map to add the properties. * @param capa The start capability. */ public void addCapabilityProperties(Map props, Object capa) { // Properties from loaded model. Collection oprops = state.getAttributeKeys(capa, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_properties); if(oprops!=null) { for(Iterator it=oprops.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object key =; Object mexp = state.getAttributeValue(capa, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_properties, key); Class clazz = (Class)state.getAttributeValue(mexp, OAVBDIMetaModel.expression_has_class); // Ignore future properties, which are evaluated at component instance startup time. if(clazz==null || !SReflect.isSupertype(IFuture.class, clazz)) { IParsedExpression pex = (IParsedExpression)state.getAttributeValue(mexp, OAVBDIMetaModel.expression_has_parsed); if(pex!=null) { try { Object value = pex.getValue(null); props.put(key, value); } catch(Exception e) { Tuple se; se = new Tuple(new Object[]{ new StackElement(new QName(state.getType(capa).isSubtype(OAVBDIMetaModel.agent_type) ? "agent" : "capability"), capa, null), new StackElement(new QName("properties"), null, null), new StackElement(new QName("property"), mexp, null)}); addEntry(se, "Error in property: "+e); } } } } } // // Merge with subproperties // Collection subcaparefs = state.getAttributeValues(capa, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_capabilityrefs); // if(subcaparefs!=null) // { // for(Iterator it=subcaparefs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) // { // Object subcaparef =; // Object subcapa = state.getAttributeValue(subcaparef, OAVBDIMetaModel.capabilityref_has_capability); // addCapabilityProperties(props, subcapa); // } // } } /** * Get the state. * @return The state. */ public IOAVState getState() { return state; } /** * Get the agent state handle. * @return The state. */ public Object getHandle() { return handle; } /** * Get the object types contained in the state. * @return The types. */ public Set getTypes() { return types; } /** * Get the rulebase. * The rulebase of the capability includes * type-specific rules (if any). * @return The rule base. */ public Rulebase getRulebase() { return rulebase; } /** * Get the string representation. * @return The string representation. */ public String toString() { String name = (String)state.getAttributeValue(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.modelelement_has_name); return "OAVCapabilityModel("+name+")"; } /** * Copy content from another capability model. * / protected void copyContentFrom(OAVCapabilityModel model) { // // Todo: use state factory. // this.state = OAVStateFactory.createOAVState(model.getTypeModel()); // this.handle = model.getState().cloneObject(model.getHandle(), this.state); // this.types = model.getTypes(); // this.rulebase = model.getRulebase(); this.state = model.getState(); this.handle = model.getHandle(); this.types = model.getTypes(); this.typemodel = model.getTypeModel(); this.rulebase = model.getRulebase(); }*/ /** * Add a subcapability. */ public void addSubcapabilityModel(OAVCapabilityModel cmodel) { // Add state from subcapability. state.addSubstate(cmodel.getState()); // Add rules from subcapability. for(Iterator rules=cmodel.getRulebase().getRules().iterator(); rules.hasNext(); ) { rulebase.addRule((IRule); } // Add types from subcapability. types.addAll(cmodel.getTypes()); } /** * Get the modelinfo. * @return the modelinfo. */ public ModelInfo getModelInfo() { return modelinfo; } //-------- error stuff -------- /** * Add an entry to the report. * @param stack The path to the element to which the entry applies. * @param message The problem description. */ public void addEntry(Tuple stack, String message) { if(entries==null) // Use index map to keep insertion order for elements. this.entries = new MultiCollection(new IndexMap().getAsMap(), LinkedHashSet.class); if(!entries.getCollection(stack).contains(message)) entries.put(stack, message); } /** * Add an external document. * @param id The document id as used in anchor tags. * @param doc The html text. */ public void addDocument(String id, String doc) { if(externals==null) this.externals = SCollection.createHashMap(); externals.put(id, doc); } /** * Get the external documents. */ public Map getDocuments() { return externals;//==null ? Collections.EMPTY_MAP : externals; } /** * Get the required services. */ public Class[] getRequiredServices() { List ret = new ArrayList(); Collection own = handle!=null ? state.getAttributeValues(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_requiredservices) : null; if(own!=null) { for(Iterator it=own.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { ret.add(state.getAttributeValue(, OAVBDIMetaModel.expression_has_class)); } } Collection subcapas = handle!=null ? state.getAttributeValues(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_capabilityrefs) : null; if(subcapas!=null) { for(Iterator it=subcapas.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object subcaparef =; Object subcapa = state.getAttributeValue(subcaparef, OAVBDIMetaModel.capabilityref_has_capability); Collection sub = state.getAttributeValues(subcapa, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_requiredservices); if(sub!=null) { for(Iterator it2=sub.iterator(); it2.hasNext(); ) { ret.add(state.getAttributeValue(, OAVBDIMetaModel.expression_has_class)); } } } } return (Class[])ret.toArray(new Class[ret.size()]); } /** * Get the provided services. */ public Class[] getProvidedServices() { List ret = new ArrayList(); Collection own = handle!=null ? state.getAttributeValues(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_providedservices) : null; if(own!=null) { for(Iterator it=own.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { ret.add(state.getAttributeValue(, OAVBDIMetaModel.expression_has_class)); } } Collection subcapas = handle!=null ? state.getAttributeValues(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_capabilityrefs) : null; if(subcapas!=null) { for(Iterator it=subcapas.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object subcaparef =; Object subcapa = state.getAttributeValue(subcaparef, OAVBDIMetaModel.capabilityref_has_capability); Collection sub = state.getAttributeValues(subcapa, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_providedservices); if(sub!=null) { for(Iterator it2=sub.iterator(); it2.hasNext(); ) { ret.add(state.getAttributeValue(, OAVBDIMetaModel.expression_has_class)); } } } } return (Class[])ret.toArray(new Class[ret.size()]); } //-------- helpers -------- /** * Create an argument. */ public static IArgument createArgument(IOAVState state, Object capa, Object handle, boolean beliefset) { String name = (String)state.getAttributeValue(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.modelelement_has_name); String description = (String)state.getAttributeValue(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.modelelement_has_description); // String typename = SReflect.getInnerClassName(beliefset? findBeliefSetType(state, capa, handle) // : findBeliefType(state, capa, handle)); Argument arg = new Argument(name, description, null); return arg; } /** * Init an argument. */ public static void initArgument(Argument arg, IOAVState state, Object capa) { String name = arg.getName(); boolean beliefset = false; Object handle = state.getAttributeValue(capa, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_beliefs, name); if(handle==null) { handle = state.getAttributeValue(capa, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_beliefrefs, name); if(handle==null) { beliefset = true; handle = state.getAttributeValue(capa, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_beliefsets, name); if(handle==null) { handle = state.getAttributeValue(capa, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_beliefsetrefs, name); } } } String typename = SReflect.getInnerClassName(beliefset? findBeliefSetType(state, capa, handle) : findBeliefType(state, capa, handle)); arg.setTypename(typename); Collection configs = (Collection)state.getAttributeValues(capa, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_configurations); if(configs!=null) { Map defvals = new HashMap(); for(Iterator it=configs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object config =; String configname = (String)state.getAttributeValue(config, OAVBDIMetaModel.modelelement_has_name); Object val = beliefset? findBeliefSetDefaultValue(state, capa, handle, configname, name) : findBeliefDefaultValue(state, capa, handle, configname, name); defvals.put(configname, val); } arg.setDefaultValues(defvals); } else { Object val =beliefset? findBeliefSetDefaultValue(state, capa, handle, null, name) : findBeliefDefaultValue(state, capa, handle, null, name); arg.setDefaultValue(val); } } /** * Find the belief/ref type. */ protected static Class findBeliefType(IOAVState state, Object scope, Object handle) { Class ret = null; if(OAVBDIMetaModel.belief_type.equals(state.getType(handle))) { ret = (Class)state.getAttributeValue(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.typedelement_has_class); } else { String name = (String)state.getAttributeValue(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.elementreference_has_concrete); Object belref; int idx = name.indexOf("."); if(idx==-1) { belref = state.getAttributeValue(scope, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_beliefrefs, name); name = (String)state.getAttributeValue(belref, OAVBDIMetaModel.elementreference_has_concrete); } String capaname = name.substring(0, idx); String belname = name.substring(idx+1); Object subcaparef = state.getAttributeValue(scope, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_capabilityrefs, capaname); Object subcapa = state.getAttributeValue(subcaparef, OAVBDIMetaModel.capabilityref_has_capability); belref = state.getAttributeValue(subcapa, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_beliefs, belname); if(belref==null) belref = state.getAttributeValue(subcapa, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_beliefrefs, belname); ret = findBeliefType(state, subcapa, belref); } return ret; } /** * Find the belief/ref value. * Returns the expression text of the default value. */ // Todo: other kernels provide object values!? protected static String findBeliefDefaultValue(IOAVState state, Object mcapa, Object handle, String configname, String elemname) { String ret = null; boolean found = false; // Search initial value in configurations. Object config; if(configname==null) { configname = (String)state.getAttributeValue(mcapa, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_defaultconfiguration); config = state.getAttributeValue(mcapa, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_configurations, configname); } else { config = state.getAttributeValue(mcapa, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_configurations, configname); } if(config!=null) { Object[] belres; if(OAVBDIMetaModel.beliefreference_type.equals(state.getType(handle))) { String ref = (String)state.getAttributeValue(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.elementreference_has_concrete); belres = AgentRules.resolveMCapability(ref, OAVBDIMetaModel.belief_type, mcapa, state); } else { belres = new Object[]{elemname, mcapa}; } Collection inibels = state.getAttributeValues(config, OAVBDIMetaModel.configuration_has_initialbeliefs); if(inibels!=null) { for(Iterator it=inibels.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object inibel =; String ref = (String)state.getAttributeValue(inibel, OAVBDIMetaModel.configbelief_has_ref); Object[] inibelres = AgentRules.resolveMCapability(ref, OAVBDIMetaModel.belief_type, mcapa, state); if(Arrays.equals(inibelres, belres)) { Object exp = state.getAttributeValue(inibel, OAVBDIMetaModel.belief_has_fact); if(exp!=null) { // todo: evaluate expression? IParsedExpression parsedexp = (IParsedExpression)state.getAttributeValue(exp, OAVBDIMetaModel.expression_has_parsed); if(parsedexp!=null) { ret = parsedexp.getExpressionText(); } else { ret = (String)state.getAttributeValue(exp, OAVBDIMetaModel.expression_has_text); if(ret!=null) ret = ret.trim(); } found = true; } } } } } // If not found // a) its a belief -> get default value // b) its a ref -> recursively call this method with ref, subcapa and config if(!found) { if(OAVBDIMetaModel.belief_type.equals(state.getType(handle))) { Object exp = state.getAttributeValue(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.belief_has_fact); if(exp!=null) { // todo: evaluate expression? IParsedExpression parsedexp = (IParsedExpression)state.getAttributeValue(exp, OAVBDIMetaModel.expression_has_parsed); if(parsedexp!=null) { ret = parsedexp.getExpressionText(); } else { ret = (String)state.getAttributeValue(exp, OAVBDIMetaModel.expression_has_text); if(ret!=null) ret = ret.trim(); } } } else { String name = (String)state.getAttributeValue(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.elementreference_has_concrete); Object belref; int idx = name.indexOf("."); if(idx==-1) { belref = state.getAttributeValue(mcapa, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_beliefrefs, name); name = (String)state.getAttributeValue(belref, OAVBDIMetaModel.elementreference_has_concrete); } String capaname = name.substring(0, idx); String belname = name.substring(idx+1); Object subcaparef = state.getAttributeValue(mcapa, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_capabilityrefs, capaname); Object subcapa = state.getAttributeValue(subcaparef, OAVBDIMetaModel.capabilityref_has_capability); belref = state.getAttributeValue(subcapa, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_beliefs, belname); if(belref==null) belref = state.getAttributeValue(subcapa, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_beliefrefs, belname); String subconfigname = null; if(config!=null) { Collection inicapas = state.getAttributeValues(config, OAVBDIMetaModel.configuration_has_initialcapabilities); if(inicapas!=null) { for(Iterator it=inicapas.iterator(); subconfigname==null && it.hasNext(); ) { Object inicapa =; if(state.getAttributeValue(inicapa, OAVBDIMetaModel.initialcapability_has_ref).equals(subcaparef)) { subconfigname = (String)state.getAttributeValue(inicapa, OAVBDIMetaModel.initialcapability_has_configuration); } } } } ret = findBeliefDefaultValue(state, subcapa, belref, subconfigname, belname); } } return ret; } /** * Find the belief/ref type. */ protected static Class findBeliefSetType(IOAVState state, Object scope, Object handle) { Class ret = null; if(OAVBDIMetaModel.beliefset_type.equals(state.getType(handle))) { ret = (Class)state.getAttributeValue(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.typedelement_has_class); } else { String name = (String)state.getAttributeValue(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.elementreference_has_concrete); Object belref; int idx = name.indexOf("."); if(idx==-1) { belref = state.getAttributeValue(scope, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_beliefrefs, name); name = (String)state.getAttributeValue(belref, OAVBDIMetaModel.elementreference_has_concrete); } String capaname = name.substring(0, idx); String belname = name.substring(idx+1); Object subcaparef = state.getAttributeValue(scope, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_capabilityrefs, capaname); Object subcapa = state.getAttributeValue(subcaparef, OAVBDIMetaModel.capabilityref_has_capability); belref = state.getAttributeValue(subcapa, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_beliefs, belname); if(belref==null) belref = state.getAttributeValue(subcapa, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_beliefrefs, belname); ret = findBeliefSetType(state, subcapa, belref); } return ret; } /** * Find the beliefset/ref value. */ protected static String findBeliefSetDefaultValue(IOAVState state, Object mcapa, Object handle, String configname, String elemname) { String ret = null; boolean found = false; // Search initial value in configurations. Object config; if(configname==null) { config = state.getAttributeValue(mcapa, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_defaultconfiguration); } else { config = state.getAttributeValue(mcapa, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_configurations, configname); } if(config!=null) { Object[] belsetres; if(OAVBDIMetaModel.beliefsetreference_type.equals(state.getType(handle))) { String ref = (String)state.getAttributeValue(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.elementreference_has_concrete); belsetres = AgentRules.resolveMCapability(ref, OAVBDIMetaModel.beliefset_type, mcapa, state); } else { belsetres = new Object[]{elemname, mcapa}; } Collection inibelsets = state.getAttributeValues(config, OAVBDIMetaModel.configuration_has_initialbeliefsets); if(inibelsets!=null) { for(Iterator it=inibelsets.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object inibelset =; String ref = (String)state.getAttributeValue(inibelset, OAVBDIMetaModel.configbeliefset_has_ref); Object[] inibelsetres = AgentRules.resolveMCapability(ref, OAVBDIMetaModel.beliefset_type, mcapa, state); if(Arrays.equals(inibelsetres, belsetres)) { Collection vals = state.getAttributeValues(inibelset, OAVBDIMetaModel.beliefset_has_facts); if(vals==null) { Object exp = state.getAttributeValue(inibelset, OAVBDIMetaModel.beliefset_has_factsexpression); if(exp!=null) { // todo: evaluate expression? IParsedExpression parsedexp = (IParsedExpression)state.getAttributeValue(exp, OAVBDIMetaModel.expression_has_parsed); if(parsedexp!=null) { ret = parsedexp.getExpressionText(); } else { ret = (String)state.getAttributeValue(exp, OAVBDIMetaModel.expression_has_text); if(ret!=null) ret = ret.trim(); } found = true; } } else { List rets = new ArrayList(); for(Iterator vit=vals.iterator(); vit.hasNext(); ) { Object exp = state.getAttributeValue(inibelset, OAVBDIMetaModel.beliefset_has_factsexpression); if(exp!=null) { // todo: evaluate expression? IParsedExpression parsedexp = (IParsedExpression)state.getAttributeValue(exp, OAVBDIMetaModel.expression_has_parsed); if(parsedexp!=null) { rets.add(parsedexp.getExpressionText()); } else { String text = (String)state.getAttributeValue(exp, OAVBDIMetaModel.expression_has_text); if(text!=null) text = text.trim(); rets.add(text); } } } found = true; ret = rets.toString(); } } } } } // If not found // a) its a belief -> get default value // b) its a ref -> recursively call this method with ref, subcapa and config if(!found) { if(OAVBDIMetaModel.beliefset_type.equals(state.getType(handle))) { Collection vals = state.getAttributeValues(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.beliefset_has_facts); if(vals==null) { Object exp = state.getAttributeValue(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.beliefset_has_factsexpression); if(exp!=null) { // todo: evaluate expression? IParsedExpression parsedexp = (IParsedExpression)state.getAttributeValue(exp, OAVBDIMetaModel.expression_has_parsed); if(parsedexp!=null) { ret = parsedexp.getExpressionText(); } else { ret = (String)state.getAttributeValue(exp, OAVBDIMetaModel.expression_has_text); if(ret!=null) ret = ret.trim(); } found = true; } } else { List rets = new ArrayList(); for(Iterator vit=vals.iterator(); vit.hasNext(); ) { Object exp = state.getAttributeValue(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.beliefset_has_factsexpression); if(exp!=null) { // todo: evaluate expression? IParsedExpression parsedexp = (IParsedExpression)state.getAttributeValue(exp, OAVBDIMetaModel.expression_has_parsed); if(parsedexp!=null) { rets.add(parsedexp.getExpressionText()); } else { String text = (String)state.getAttributeValue(exp, OAVBDIMetaModel.expression_has_text); if(text!=null) text = text.trim(); rets.add(text); } } } found = true; ret = rets.toString(); } } else { String name = (String)state.getAttributeValue(handle, OAVBDIMetaModel.elementreference_has_concrete); Object belref; int idx = name.indexOf("."); if(idx==-1) { belref = state.getAttributeValue(mcapa, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_beliefsetrefs, name); name = (String)state.getAttributeValue(belref, OAVBDIMetaModel.elementreference_has_concrete); } String capaname = name.substring(0, idx); String belname = name.substring(idx+1); Object subcaparef = state.getAttributeValue(mcapa, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_capabilityrefs, capaname); Object subcapa = state.getAttributeValue(subcaparef, OAVBDIMetaModel.capabilityref_has_capability); belref = state.getAttributeValue(subcapa, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_beliefsets, belname); if(belref==null) belref = state.getAttributeValue(subcapa, OAVBDIMetaModel.capability_has_beliefsetrefs, belname); String subconfigname = null; if(config!=null) { Collection inicapas = state.getAttributeValues(config, OAVBDIMetaModel.configuration_has_initialcapabilities); if(inicapas!=null) { for(Iterator it=inicapas.iterator(); subconfigname==null && it.hasNext(); ) { Object inicapa =; if(state.getAttributeValue(inicapa, OAVBDIMetaModel.initialcapability_has_ref).equals(subcaparef)) { subconfigname = (String)state.getAttributeValue(inicapa, OAVBDIMetaModel.initialcapability_has_configuration); } } } } ret = findBeliefSetDefaultValue(state, subcapa, belref, subconfigname, belname); } } return ret; } }