package jadex.bpmn.runtime.handler; import jadex.bpmn.model.MActivity; import jadex.bpmn.runtime.BpmnInterpreter; import jadex.bpmn.runtime.ProcessThread; /** * Notifier for initiating external notifications. */ public class Notifier { //-------- attributes -------- /** The handler. */ protected EventIntermediateNotificationHandler handler; /** The activity. */ protected MActivity activity; /** The instance. */ protected BpmnInterpreter instance; /** The process thread. */ protected ProcessThread thread; //-------- constructors -------- /** * Create a notifier. */ public Notifier(EventIntermediateNotificationHandler handler, MActivity activity, BpmnInterpreter instance, ProcessThread thread) { this.handler = handler; this.activity = activity; this.instance = instance; this.thread = thread; } //-------- methods -------- /** * Initiate the notification. * @param event The event. */ public void notify(final Object event) { instance.notify(activity, thread, event); } }