package domain; import static core.Script.*; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /// The VERGE 3 Project is originally by Ben Eirich and is made available via /// the BSD License. /// /// Please see LICENSE in the project's root directory for the text of the /// licensing agreement. The CREDITS file in the same directory enumerates the /// folks involved in this public build. /// /// If you have altered this source file, please log your name, date, and what /// changes you made below this line. /**************************************************************** xerxes engine g_font.cpp ****************************************************************/ public class VFont { VImage rawdata[]; public int width, height; int subsets, selected; int totalframes; int fwidth[] = new int[100]; boolean incolor; public VFont(URL url, int xsize, int ysize) { width = xsize; height = ysize; readFont(url, xsize, ysize); } public VFont(URL url) { int w, h; // this constructor autodetected cell dimensions, B VImage workingimage = new VImage(url); // Analyze image and guess cell dimensions. int bgcolor = workingimage.readPixel(0, 0); // This is the image bg color; for (w=1; w<workingimage.width; w++) { int z = workingimage.readPixel(w, 1); if (z == bgcolor) break; } for (h=1; h<workingimage.height; h++) { int z = workingimage.readPixel(1, h); if (z == bgcolor) break; } width = w-1; height = h-1; readFont(url, width, height); } private void readFont(URL url, int xsize, int ysize) { VImage workingimage = new VImage(url); subsets = workingimage.width / ((ysize*5)+4); selected = 0; incolor = false; rawdata = new VImage[100*subsets]; int imageindex = 0; for (int yl = 0; yl<5 * subsets; yl++) for (int xl = 0; xl<20; xl++) { rawdata[imageindex] = new VImage(xsize, ysize); rawdata[imageindex++].grabRegion(1+(xl*(xsize+1)), 1+(yl*(ysize+1)), width+1+(xl*(xsize+1)), height+1+(yl*(ysize+1)), 0, 0, workingimage); } for (int i=0; i<100; i++) fwidth[i] = xsize; // + 1 (commented by [Rafael, the Esper]) } boolean ColumnEmpty(int cell, int column, int tcolor) { // = ((int) + ((cell)*width*height*vid_bytesperpixel)); for (int y=0; y<rawdata[cell].height; y++) if (rawdata[cell].readPixel(column, y) != tcolor) return false; return true; } public void EnableVariableWidth() { fwidth[0] = width * 60 / 100; int tcolor = rawdata[0].readPixel(0, 0); for (int i=1; i<100; i++) { fwidth[i] = -1; for (int x=width-1; x>=0; x--) { if (!ColumnEmpty(i, x, tcolor)) { fwidth[i] = x + 1; break; } } if (fwidth[i]==-1) fwidth[i] = width * 60 / 100; //System.out.println(((char)(i+32)) + " " + fwidth[i]); } } void SetCharacterWidth(int character, int width) { fwidth[character] = width; } public void PrintChar(char c, int x, int y, VImage dest) { if (c<32 || c>=128) return; dest.tblit(x, y, rawdata[c-32].image); //dest.g.drawImage(rawdata[c-32].image, x, y, null); //TBlit(x, y, container, dest); } // print a chunk of a string; doesn't care about newlines // called from PrintString, PrintCenter, and PrintRight, which DO care about newlines public void PrintLine(String s, int x, int y, VImage dest) { for (int pos=0; pos < s.length(); pos++) { if (s.charAt(pos) == '\f') { /* // what's wrong with just using \f0? if (incolor) { selected = 0; incolor = false; continue; } */ selected = s.charAt(pos) - '0'; if (selected >= subsets || selected < 0) selected = 0; else incolor = true; continue; } PrintChar(s.charAt(pos), x, y, dest); if (s.charAt(pos) < 32) continue; x += fwidth[s.charAt(pos) - 32]+1; } } public void PrintString(String msg, int x, int y, VImage dest) { int start = 0, end = 0; for (end = 0; end < msg.length(); end++) { if (msg.charAt(end) == '\n' || msg.charAt(end) == '\r') { PrintLine(msg.substring(0, end),x,y,dest); // Check for \r\n so they aren't parsed as two separate line breaks. if (msg.charAt(end) == '\r' && msg.length() > end+1 && msg.charAt(end+1) == '\n') end++; start = end + 1; y += height; } } PrintLine(msg.substring(start, end),x,y,dest); } public void PrintRight(String msg, int x, int y, VImage dest) { int xsize = 0; int start = 0, end = 0; if(msg==null) return; for (end = 0; end < msg.length(); end++) { if (msg.charAt(end) == '\n' || msg.charAt(end) == '\r') { xsize = Pixels(msg.substring(0, end)); PrintLine(msg.substring(0, end),x - (xsize),y,dest); // Check for \r\n so they aren't parsed as two separate line breaks. if (msg.charAt(end) == '\r' && msg.length() > end+1 && msg.charAt(end+1) == '\n') end++; start = end + 1; y += height; } } xsize = Pixels(msg.substring(start, end)); PrintLine(msg.substring(start, end),x - xsize,y,dest); selected=0; incolor = false; } public void PrintCenter(String msg, int x, int y, VImage dest) { int xsize = 0; int start = 0, end = 0; for (end = 0; end < msg.length(); end++) { if (msg.charAt(end) == '\n' || msg.charAt(end) == '\r') { xsize = Pixels(msg.substring(0, end)); PrintLine(msg.substring(0, end),x - (xsize/2),y,dest); // Check for \r\n so they aren't parsed as two separate line breaks. if (msg.charAt(end) == '\r' && msg.length() > end+1 && msg.charAt(end+1) == '\n') end++; start = end + 1; y += height; } } xsize = Pixels(msg.substring(start, end)); PrintLine(msg.substring(start, end),x - (xsize/2),y,dest); selected=0; incolor = false; } public int Pixels(String str) { int xsize = 0; boolean ic = incolor; for (int i=0; i<str.length(); i++) { if (str.charAt(i) == '\f') { /* // what's wrong with just using \f0? if (incolor) { incolor = false; continue; } */ if (i+1 > str.length()) break; incolor = true; continue; } else { if (str.charAt(i) < 32) continue; xsize += fwidth[str.charAt(i) - 32]+1; } } incolor = ic; // reset the incolor flag return xsize; } //VI.i. Font Functions public void enablevariablewidth() { this.EnableVariableWidth(); } public int fontheight() { //if (this==null) return 7; return this.height; } public void printcenter(int x, int y, VImage d, String text) { this.PrintCenter(text, x, y, d); } public void printright(int x, int y, VImage d, String text) { this.PrintRight(text, x, y, d); } public void printstring(int x, int y, VImage dest, String text) { this.PrintString(text, x, y, dest); } public int textwidth(String text) { return this.Pixels(text); } // Overkill: 2005-12-28 // Helper function for WrapText. int textwidth(String text, int pos, int len) { return this.Pixels(text.substring(pos, pos+len)); } // Rafael: changed the implementation // Split list of words into rows public List<String> wraptext(String wt_s, int wt_linelen) { List<String> words = splitTextIntoWords(wt_s); List<String> rows = new ArrayList<String>(); int i = 0; String str; while (i < words.size()) { str = words.get(i); while (i < words.size()-1 && this.textwidth(str) + this.textwidth(words.get(i+1)) <= wt_linelen) { str = str.concat(" " + words.get(i+1)); i += 1; } rows.add(str); //System.out.println(str); str = "";i+=1; } return rows; } }