package audio.gme; // Nintendo SPC-700 DSP emulator // /* Copyright (C) 2007 Shay Green. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ public final class SpcDsp { // Initializes DSP with new RAM and 128 bytes of register state (beginning at regs [regs_offset]). // Keeps reference to ram_64k. public void init( byte [] ram_64k, byte [] regs, int regs_offset ) { this.ram = ram_64k; for ( int i = register_count; --i >= 0; ) this.regs [i] = regs [i + regs_offset]; java.util.Arrays.fill( echo_hist, 0, echo_hist.length, 0 ); echo_hist_pos = 0; every_other_sample = 1; kon = 0; lfsr = 0x4000; echo_offset = 0; echo_length = 0; new_kon = this.regs [r_kon]; t_koff = 0; // counters start out with this synchronization counter0.i = 1; counter1.i = 0; counter2.i = -32; counter3.i = 11; // Internal state for ( int i = voice_count; --i >= 0; ) { Voice v = new Voice(); voices [i] = v; v.brr_offset = 1; } } // Sets output volume, where 1.0 is normal and 2.0 is twice as loud public void setVolume( double v ) { volume = (int) (v * 0x8000); } // Sets buffer to write samples into public void setOutput( byte [] out ) { this.out = out; out_pos = 0; } // Number of samples written into buffer (stereo, so always a multiple of 2) public int sampleCount() { return out_pos >> 1; } // Writes to DSP register public void write( int addr, int data ) { if ( addr == r_endx ) // always cleared, regardless of data written data = 0; regs [addr] = (byte) data; if ( addr == r_kon ) new_kon = (byte) data; } // DSP registers static final int r_mvoll = 0x0C; static final int r_mvolr = 0x1C; static final int r_evoll = 0x2C; static final int r_evolr = 0x3C; static final int r_kon = 0x4C; static final int r_koff = 0x5C; static final int r_flg = 0x6C; static final int r_endx = 0x7C; static final int r_efb = 0x0D; static final int r_pmon = 0x2D; static final int r_non = 0x3D; static final int r_eon = 0x4D; static final int r_dir = 0x5D; static final int r_esa = 0x6D; static final int r_edl = 0x7D; static final int r_fir = 0x0F; // Voice registers static final int v_voll = 0x00; static final int v_volr = 0x01; static final int v_pitchl = 0x02; static final int v_pitchh = 0x03; static final int v_srcn = 0x04; static final int v_adsr0 = 0x05; static final int v_adsr1 = 0x06; static final int v_gain = 0x07; static final int v_envx = 0x08; static final int v_outx = 0x09; public static final int register_count = 128; public final byte [] regs = new byte [register_count]; // Runs DSP for sampleCount/32000 of a second public void run( int sampleCount ) { // locals are faster, and first three are more efficient to access final byte [] regs = this.regs; Voice v; final byte [] ram = this.ram; final Rate [] rates = this.rates; final Voice [] voices = this.voices; final int flg = regs [r_flg]; final int dir = (regs [r_dir] & 0xFF) << 8; final int slow_gaussian = ((regs [r_pmon] & 0xFF) >> 1) | regs [r_non]; final Rate noise_rate = rates [flg & 0x1F]; // Global volumes final int volume = (flg & 0x40) == 0 ? this.volume : 0; final int mvoll = (regs [r_mvoll] * volume) >> 15; final int mvolr = (regs [r_mvolr] * volume) >> 15; final int evoll = (regs [r_evoll] * volume) >> 15; final int evolr = (regs [r_evolr] * volume) >> 15; final byte [] out = this.out; int out_pos = this.out_pos; final int out_end = out_pos + (sampleCount << 2); do { // KON/KOFF reading if ( (every_other_sample ^= 1) != 0 ) { kon = (new_kon &= ~kon); t_koff = regs [r_koff]; } // run counters { int n = counter1.i; if ( (n & 7) == 0 ) n -= 6 - 1; counter1.i = n - 1; } { int n = counter2.i; if ( (n & 7) == 0 ) n -= 6 - 2; counter2.i = n - 1; } { int n = counter3.i; if ( (n & 7) == 0 ) n -= 6 - 3; counter3.i = n - 1; } // Noise if ( (noise_rate.c.i & noise_rate.m) == 0 ) lfsr = (lfsr >> 1) ^ (-(lfsr & 2) & 0xC000); // Voices int pmon_input = 0; int main_out_l = 0; int main_out_r = 0; int echo_out_l = 0; int echo_out_r = 0; int voice = -1; do { v = voices [++voice]; final int vbit = 1 << voice; final int v_regs = voice << 4; // Pitch int pitch = (regs [v_regs + v_pitchh] & 0x3F) << 8 | (regs [v_regs + v_pitchl] & 0xFF); if ( (regs [r_pmon] & vbit) != 0 ) pitch += ((pmon_input >> 5) * pitch) >> 10; int brr_header = ram [v.brr_addr]; // KON phases if ( v.kon_delay > 0 ) { final int kon_delay = --v.kon_delay; // Disable BRR decoding until last three samples v.interp_pos = (kon_delay & 3) != 0 ? 0x4000 : 0; // Get ready to start BRR decoding on next sample if ( kon_delay == 4 ) { int addr = dir + ((regs [v_regs + v_srcn] & 0xFF) << 2); v.brr_addr = (ram [addr + 1] & 0xFF) << 8 | (ram [addr] & 0xFF); v.brr_offset = 1; v.buf_pos = 0; brr_header = 0; // header is ignored on this sample } // Envelope is never run during KON v.env = 0; v.hidden_env = 0; // Pitch is never added during KON pitch = 0; } int env; regs [v_regs + v_envx] = (byte) ((env = v.env) >> 4); // Gaussian interpolation { int output = 0; if ( env != 0 ) { int whole = v.buf_pos + (v.interp_pos >> 12); int fract = v.interp_pos >> 3 & 0x1FE; if ( (slow_gaussian & vbit) == 0 ) // 99% { // Faster approximation when exact sample value isn't necessary for pitch mod output = (((gauss [fract ] * v.buf [whole ] + gauss [fract+1 ] * v.buf [whole+1] + gauss [511-fract] * v.buf [whole+2] + gauss [510-fract] * v.buf [whole+3]) >> 11) * env) >> 11; } else { output = (short) (lfsr << 1); if ( (regs [r_non] & vbit) == 0 ) { output = (gauss [fract ] * v.buf [whole ]) >> 11; output += (gauss [fract+1 ] * v.buf [whole+1]) >> 11; output += (gauss [511-fract] * v.buf [whole+2]) >> 11; output = (short) output; output += (gauss [510-fract] * v.buf [whole+3]) >> 11; if ( (short) output != output ) output = (output >> 24) ^ 0x7FFF; // 16-bit clamp output &= ~1; } pmon_input = output = (output * env) >> 11 & ~1; } regs [v_regs + v_outx] = (byte) (output >> 8); // Output int l, r; main_out_l += (l = output * regs [v_regs + v_voll]); main_out_r += (r = output * regs [v_regs + v_volr]); if ( (regs [r_eon] & vbit) != 0 ) { echo_out_l += l; echo_out_r += r; } } } // Soft reset or end of sample if ( flg < 0 || (brr_header & 3) == 1 ) { v.env_mode = env_release; env = 0; } if ( every_other_sample != 0 ) { // KOFF if ( (t_koff & vbit) != 0 ) v.env_mode = env_release; // KON if ( (kon & vbit) != 0 ) { v.kon_delay = 5; v.env_mode = env_attack; regs [r_endx] &= ~vbit; } } // Envelope if ( v.kon_delay == 0 ) { if ( v.env_mode == env_release ) // 97% { if ( (v.env = (env -= 0x8)) <= 0 ) { v.env = 0; continue; // no BRR decoding for you! } } else do // 3% { int rate; int env_data = regs [v_regs + v_adsr1] & 0xFF; int adsr0; if ( (adsr0 = regs [v_regs + v_adsr0]) < 0 ) // 97% ADSR { if ( v.env_mode > env_decay ) // 89% { // optimized handling v.hidden_env = (env -= (env >> 8) + 1); Rate r = rates [env_data & 0x1F]; if ( (r.c.i & r.m) == 0 ) v.env = env; break; } else if ( v.env_mode == env_decay ) { env -= (env >> 8) + 1; rate = (adsr0 >> 3 & 0x0E) + 0x10; } else // env_attack { rate = ((adsr0 & 0x0F) << 1) + 1; env += rate < 31 ? 0x20 : 0x400; } } else // GAIN { int mode; env_data = regs [v_regs + v_gain] & 0xFF; mode = env_data >> 5; if ( mode < 4 ) // direct { env = env_data << 4; rate = 31; } else { rate = env_data & 0x1F; if ( mode == 4 ) // 4: linear decrease { env -= 0x20; } else if ( mode < 6 ) // 5: exponential decrease { env -= (env >> 8) + 1; } else // 6,7: linear increase { env += 0x20; if ( mode > 6 && (v.hidden_env < 0 || v.hidden_env >= 0x600) ) env += 0x8 - 0x20; // 7: two-slope linear increase } } } // Sustain level if ( (env >> 8) == (env_data >> 5) && v.env_mode == env_decay ) v.env_mode = env_sustain; v.hidden_env = env; if ( env < 0 || env > 0x7FF ) { env = (env < 0 ? 0 : 0x7FF); if ( v.env_mode == env_attack ) v.env_mode = env_decay; } Rate r = rates [rate]; if ( (r.c.i & r.m) == 0 ) v.env = env; // nothing else is controlled by the counter } while ( false ); } // Apply pitch int old_pos; int interp_pos = ((old_pos = v.interp_pos) & 0x3FFF) + pitch; if ( interp_pos > 0x7FFF ) interp_pos = 0x7FFF; v.interp_pos = interp_pos; // BRR decode if necessary if ( old_pos > 0x4000 - 1 ) { // Arrange the four input nybbles in 0xABCD order for easy decoding int brr_addr = v.brr_addr; int brr_offset = v.brr_offset; int nybbles = ram [brr_addr + brr_offset] << 8 | (ram [brr_addr + brr_offset + 1] & 0xFF); // Advance read position final int brr_block_size = 9; if ( (brr_offset += 2) >= brr_block_size ) { // Next BRR block brr_addr = (brr_addr + brr_block_size) & 0xFFFF; //assert brr_offset == brr_block_size; if ( (brr_header & 1) != 0 ) { int addr = dir + ((regs [v_regs + v_srcn] & 0xFF) << 2); brr_addr = (ram [addr + 3] & 0xFF) << 8 | (ram [addr + 2] & 0xFF); if ( v.kon_delay == 0 ) regs [r_endx] |= vbit; } v.brr_addr = brr_addr; brr_offset = 1; } v.brr_offset = brr_offset; // Decode final int scale = brr_header >> 4 & 0x0F; final int right_shift = brr_shifts [scale]; final int left_shift = brr_shifts [scale + 16]; final int filter = brr_header & 0x0C; // Decode and write to next four samples in circular buffer int pos = v.buf_pos; int p1 = v.buf [pos + (brr_buf_size - 1)]; int p2 = v.buf [pos + (brr_buf_size - 2)] >> 1; final int end = pos + 4; do { // Extract upper nybble and scale appropriately int s = ((short) nybbles >> right_shift) << left_shift; nybbles <<= 4; // Apply IIR filter (8 is the most commonly used) if ( filter >= 8 ) { if ( filter == 8 ) // s += p1 * 0.953125 - p2 * 0.46875 s += p1 - p2 + (p2 >> 4) + ((p1 * -3) >> 6); else // s += p1 * 0.8984375 - p2 * 0.40625 s += p1 - p2 + ((p1 * -13) >> 7) + ((p2 * 3) >> 4); } else if ( filter != 0 ) // s += p1 * 0.46875 { s += (p1 >> 1) + ((-p1) >> 5); } p2 = p1 >> 1; // Adjust and write sample if ( (short) s != s ) s = (s >> 24) ^ 0x7FFF; // 16-bit clamp v.buf [pos + brr_buf_size] = v.buf [pos] = p1 = (short) (s << 1); // second copy simplifies wrap-around } while ( ++pos < end ); if ( pos >= brr_buf_size ) pos = 0; v.buf_pos = pos; } } while ( voice < 7 ); // Echo position int echo_offset; int echo_ptr = ((regs [r_esa] << 8) + (echo_offset = this.echo_offset)) & 0xFFFF; if ( echo_offset == 0 ) echo_length = (regs [r_edl] & 0x0F) << 11; if ( (echo_offset += 4) >= echo_length ) echo_offset = 0; this.echo_offset = echo_offset; // FIR int echo_hist_pos; this.echo_hist_pos = echo_hist_pos = (this.echo_hist_pos + 2) & (echo_hist_half - 1); int echo_in_l = ram [echo_ptr + 1] << 8 | (ram [echo_ptr ] & 0xFF); echo_hist [echo_hist_pos ] = echo_hist [echo_hist_pos + echo_hist_half] = echo_in_l; int echo_in_r = ram [echo_ptr + 3] << 8 | (ram [echo_ptr + 2] & 0xFF); echo_hist [echo_hist_pos + 1] = echo_hist [echo_hist_pos + echo_hist_half + 1] = echo_in_r; echo_in_l = regs [r_fir + 0x70] * echo_in_l + regs [r_fir ] * echo_hist [echo_hist_pos + 2] + regs [r_fir + 0x10] * echo_hist [echo_hist_pos + 4] + regs [r_fir + 0x20] * echo_hist [echo_hist_pos + 6] + regs [r_fir + 0x30] * echo_hist [echo_hist_pos + 8] + regs [r_fir + 0x40] * echo_hist [echo_hist_pos + 10] + regs [r_fir + 0x50] * echo_hist [echo_hist_pos + 12] + regs [r_fir + 0x60] * echo_hist [echo_hist_pos + 14]; echo_in_r = regs [r_fir + 0x70] * echo_in_r + regs [r_fir ] * echo_hist [echo_hist_pos + 3] + regs [r_fir + 0x10] * echo_hist [echo_hist_pos + 5] + regs [r_fir + 0x20] * echo_hist [echo_hist_pos + 7] + regs [r_fir + 0x30] * echo_hist [echo_hist_pos + 9] + regs [r_fir + 0x40] * echo_hist [echo_hist_pos + 11] + regs [r_fir + 0x50] * echo_hist [echo_hist_pos + 13] + regs [r_fir + 0x60] * echo_hist [echo_hist_pos + 15]; // Echo out if ( (flg & 0x20) == 0 ) { final int efb = regs [r_efb]; int l = (echo_out_l >> 7) + ((echo_in_l * efb) >> 14); if ( (short) l != l ) l = (l >> 24) ^ 0x7FFF; // 16-bit clamp ram [echo_ptr ] = (byte) l; ram [echo_ptr + 1] = (byte) (l >> 8); int r = (echo_out_r >> 7) + ((echo_in_r * efb) >> 14); if ( (short) r != r ) r = (r >> 24) ^ 0x7FFF; // 16-bit clamp ram [echo_ptr + 2] = (byte) r; ram [echo_ptr + 3] = (byte) (r >> 8); } // Sound out int l = (main_out_l * mvoll + echo_in_l * evoll) >> 14; if ( (short) l != l ) l = (l >> 24) ^ 0x7FFF; // 16-bit clamp out [out_pos ] = (byte) (l >> 8); out [out_pos + 1] = (byte) l; int r = (main_out_r * mvolr + echo_in_r * evolr) >> 14; if ( (short) r != r ) r = (r >> 24) ^ 0x7FFF; // 16-bit clamp out [out_pos + 2] = (byte) (r >> 8); out [out_pos + 3] = (byte) r; } while ( (out_pos += 4) < out_end ); this.out_pos = out_pos; } public SpcDsp() { int mask = 4095; for ( int i = 0; i < 32 - 2; i += 3 ) { rates [i ] = new Rate( counter2, mask ); rates [i+1] = new Rate( counter1, mask ); rates [i+2] = new Rate( counter3, mask ); mask >>= 1; } rates [ 0] = new Rate( counter0, 7 ); rates [30] = new Rate( counter2, 1 ); rates [31] = new Rate( counter2, 0 ); setVolume( 2.0 ); // TODO: let line increase volume, not DSP } static final int env_release = 0; static final int env_attack = 1; static final int env_decay = 2; static final int env_sustain = 3; static final int voice_count = 8; static final int brr_buf_size = 12; static final int echo_hist_half = 16; private static final class Voice { final int [] buf = new int [12*2];// decoded samples (twice the size to simplify wrap handling) int buf_pos; // place in buffer where next samples will be decoded int interp_pos; // relative fractional position in sample (0x1000 = 1.0) int brr_addr; // address of current BRR block int brr_offset; // current decoding offset in BRR block int kon_delay; // KON delay/current setup phase int env_mode; int env; // current envelope level int hidden_env; // used by GAIN mode 7, very obscure quirk } private static final class Counter { int i; } private static final class Rate { Counter c; int m; Rate( Counter c, int m ) { this.c = c; this.m = m; } } final Counter counter0 = new Counter(); final Counter counter1 = new Counter(); final Counter counter2 = new Counter(); final Counter counter3 = new Counter(); final Rate [] rates = new Rate [32]; final Voice [] voices = new Voice [voice_count]; final int [] echo_hist = new int [echo_hist_half * 2]; int echo_hist_pos; int every_other_sample; // toggles every sample int kon; // KON value when last checked int lfsr; int echo_offset; // offset from ESA in echo buffer int echo_length; // number of bytes that echo_offset will stop at int new_kon; int t_koff; int volume; byte [] ram; // 64K shared RAM between DSP and SMP byte [] out; // sample output int out_pos; // 0: >>1 1: <<0 2: <<1 ... 12: <<11 13-15: >>4 <<11 static final int [] brr_shifts = { 13,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12, 12, 12, 16, 16, 16, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11 }; static final int [] gauss = { 370,1305, 366,1305, 362,1304, 358,1304, 354,1304, 351,1304, 347,1304, 343,1303, 339,1303, 336,1303, 332,1302, 328,1302, 325,1301, 321,1300, 318,1300, 314,1299, 311,1298, 307,1297, 304,1297, 300,1296, 297,1295, 293,1294, 290,1293, 286,1292, 283,1291, 280,1290, 276,1288, 273,1287, 270,1286, 267,1284, 263,1283, 260,1282, 257,1280, 254,1279, 251,1277, 248,1275, 245,1274, 242,1272, 239,1270, 236,1269, 233,1267, 230,1265, 227,1263, 224,1261, 221,1259, 218,1257, 215,1255, 212,1253, 210,1251, 207,1248, 204,1246, 201,1244, 199,1241, 196,1239, 193,1237, 191,1234, 188,1232, 186,1229, 183,1227, 180,1224, 178,1221, 175,1219, 173,1216, 171,1213, 168,1210, 166,1207, 163,1205, 161,1202, 159,1199, 156,1196, 154,1193, 152,1190, 150,1186, 147,1183, 145,1180, 143,1177, 141,1174, 139,1170, 137,1167, 134,1164, 132,1160, 130,1157, 128,1153, 126,1150, 124,1146, 122,1143, 120,1139, 118,1136, 117,1132, 115,1128, 113,1125, 111,1121, 109,1117, 107,1113, 106,1109, 104,1106, 102,1102, 100,1098, 99,1094, 97,1090, 95,1086, 94,1082, 92,1078, 90,1074, 89,1070, 87,1066, 86,1061, 84,1057, 83,1053, 81,1049, 80,1045, 78,1040, 77,1036, 76,1032, 74,1027, 73,1023, 71,1019, 70,1014, 69,1010, 67,1005, 66,1001, 65, 997, 64, 992, 62, 988, 61, 983, 60, 978, 59, 974, 58, 969, 56, 965, 55, 960, 54, 955, 53, 951, 52, 946, 51, 941, 50, 937, 49, 932, 48, 927, 47, 923, 46, 918, 45, 913, 44, 908, 43, 904, 42, 899, 41, 894, 40, 889, 39, 884, 38, 880, 37, 875, 36, 870, 36, 865, 35, 860, 34, 855, 33, 851, 32, 846, 32, 841, 31, 836, 30, 831, 29, 826, 29, 821, 28, 816, 27, 811, 27, 806, 26, 802, 25, 797, 24, 792, 24, 787, 23, 782, 23, 777, 22, 772, 21, 767, 21, 762, 20, 757, 20, 752, 19, 747, 19, 742, 18, 737, 17, 732, 17, 728, 16, 723, 16, 718, 15, 713, 15, 708, 15, 703, 14, 698, 14, 693, 13, 688, 13, 683, 12, 678, 12, 674, 11, 669, 11, 664, 11, 659, 10, 654, 10, 649, 10, 644, 9, 640, 9, 635, 9, 630, 8, 625, 8, 620, 8, 615, 7, 611, 7, 606, 7, 601, 6, 596, 6, 592, 6, 587, 6, 582, 5, 577, 5, 573, 5, 568, 5, 563, 4, 559, 4, 554, 4, 550, 4, 545, 4, 540, 3, 536, 3, 531, 3, 527, 3, 522, 3, 517, 2, 513, 2, 508, 2, 504, 2, 499, 2, 495, 2, 491, 2, 486, 1, 482, 1, 477, 1, 473, 1, 469, 1, 464, 1, 460, 1, 456, 1, 451, 1, 447, 1, 443, 1, 439, 0, 434, 0, 430, 0, 426, 0, 422, 0, 418, 0, 414, 0, 410, 0, 405, 0, 401, 0, 397, 0, 393, 0, 389, 0, 385, 0, 381, 0, 378, 0, 374, }; }