package audio.gme; // Video game music player that runs emulator and plays through speaker // /* Load a music file into player, then start a track. Volume can be adjusted, track can be paused and resumed, a new track can be started, or a new file can be loaded at any time. The file is specified as an HTTP address and optional filename to use if it's a ZIP archive. To avoid loading file more than necessary over HTTP, the most recently loaded file is kept in memory and a load request for the same URL is eliminated. This allows a web page to switch between several tracks in a ZIP archive or of a multi-track music file, without having to keep track of whether the file was already loaded. */ import javax.sound.sampled.*; import*; import; /* Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Shay Green. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ class EmuPlayer implements Runnable { // Number of tracks public int getTrackCount() { return emu.trackCount(); } // Starts new track playing, where 0 is the first track. // After time seconds, the track starts fading. public void startTrack( int track, int time ) throws Exception { pause(); if ( line != null ) line.flush(); emu.startTrack( track ); emu.setFade( time, 6 ); play(); } // Currently playing track public int getCurrentTrack() { return emu.currentTrack(); } // Number of seconds played since last startTrack() call public int getCurrentTime() { return (emu == null ? 0 : emu.currentTime()); } // Sets playback volume, where 1.0 is normal, 2.0 is twice as loud. // Can be changed while track is playing. public void setVolume( double v ) { volume_ = v; if ( line != null ) { FloatControl mg = (FloatControl) line.getControl( FloatControl.Type.MASTER_GAIN ); if ( mg != null ) mg.setValue( (float) (Math.log( v ) / Math.log( 10.0 ) * 20.0) ); } } // Current playback volume public double getVolume() { return volume_; } // Pauses if track was playing. public void pause() throws Exception { if ( thread != null ) { playing_ = false; thread.join(); thread = null; } } // True if track is currently playing public boolean isPlaying() { return playing_; } // Resumes playback where it was paused public void play() throws Exception { if ( line == null ) { line = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine( lineInfo ); audioFormat ); setVolume( volume_ ); } thread = new Thread( this ); playing_ = true; thread.start(); } // Stops playback and closes audio public void stop() throws Exception { //pause(); Commented by Rafael: was causing the code to freeze if ( line != null ) { line.close(); line = null; } } // Called periodically when a track is playing protected void idle() { } // private // Sets music emulator to get samples from void setEmu( MusicEmu emu, int sampleRate ) throws Exception { stop(); this.emu = emu; if ( emu != null && line == null && this.sampleRate != sampleRate ) { audioFormat = new AudioFormat( AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED, sampleRate, 16, 2, 4, sampleRate, true ); lineInfo = new DataLine.Info( SourceDataLine.class, audioFormat ); this.sampleRate = sampleRate; } } private int sampleRate = 0; AudioFormat audioFormat; DataLine.Info lineInfo; MusicEmu emu; Thread thread; volatile boolean playing_; SourceDataLine line; double volume_ = 1.0; public void run() { line.start(); // play track until stop signal byte [] buf = new byte [8192]; while ( playing_ && !emu.trackEnded() ) { int count = buf, buf.length / 2 ); if(line!= null) // Rafael line.write( buf, 0, count * 2 ); else break; idle(); } playing_ = false; if(line!=null) line.stop(); } } class VGMPlayer extends EmuPlayer { int sampleRate; public VGMPlayer( int sampleRate ) { this.sampleRate = sampleRate; } // Stops playback and loads file from given URL (HTTP only). // If it's an archive (.zip) then path specifies the file within // the archive. public void loadFile( URL url, String path ) throws Exception { stop(); if (loadedUrl==null || !loadedUrl.equals( url ) || !loadedPath.equals( path ) ) { byte [] data = readFile( url, path ); String name = url.getFile().toUpperCase(); if ( name.endsWith( ".ZIP" ) ) name = path.toUpperCase(); if ( name.endsWith( ".GZ" ) ) name = name.substring( 0, name.length() - 3 ); MusicEmu emu = createEmu( name ); if ( emu == null ) return; // TODO: throw exception? int actualSampleRate = emu.setSampleRate( sampleRate ); emu.loadFile( data ); // now that new emulator is ready, replace old one setEmu( emu, actualSampleRate ); loadedUrl = url; loadedPath = path; } } // Stops and closes current file and unloads things from memory void closeFile() throws Exception { stop(); setEmu( null, 0 ); archiveUrl = null; archiveData = null; loadedUrl = null; loadedPath = ""; } // private URL loadedUrl = null; // URL and path of file loaded into emulator String loadedPath = ""; URL archiveUrl = null; // URL of (ZIP) file cached in archiveData byte [] archiveData; // Creates appropriate emulator for given filename MusicEmu createEmu( String name ) { if ( name.endsWith( ".VGM" ) || name.endsWith( ".VGZ" ) ) return new VgmEmu(); if ( name.endsWith( ".GBS" ) ) return new GbsEmu(); if ( name.endsWith( ".NSF" ) ) return new NsfEmu(); if ( name.endsWith( ".SPC" ) ) return new SpcEmu(); return null; } // Loads given URL and file within archive, and caches archive for future access byte [] readFile( URL url, String path ) throws Exception { InputStream in = null; String name = url.getFile().toUpperCase(); if ( !name.endsWith( ".ZIP" ) ) { archiveData = null; // dump previously cached ZIP file archiveUrl = null; in = DataReader.openHttp( url ); //System.out.println( "Load " + url ); } else { if ( !archiveUrl.equals( url ) ) { archiveData = DataReader.loadData( DataReader.openHttp( url ) ); archiveUrl = url; //System.out.println( "Load " + url ); } in = DataReader.openZip( new ByteArrayInputStream( archiveData ), path ); name = path.toUpperCase(); //System.out.println( "Unzip " + url ); } if ( name.endsWith( ".GZ" ) || name.endsWith( ".VGZ" ) ) in = DataReader.openGZIP( in ); return DataReader.loadData( in ); } }