package audio.jmikmod.MikMod; public class AUDTMP extends Object { public INSTRUMENT i; public SAMPLE s; public int fadevol; /* fading volume */ public ENVPR venv; public ENVPR penv; public boolean keyon; /* if true=key is pressed. */ public boolean kick; /* if true=sample has to be restarted */ public short sample; /* which sample number (0-31) */ public short handle; /* which sample-handle */ public int start; /* The start byte index in the sample */ public short panning; /* panning position */ public short pansspd; /* panslide speed */ public byte volume; /* amiga volume (0 t/m 64) to play the sample at */ public int period; /* period to play the sample at */ /* You should not have to use the values below in the player routine */ public byte transpose; public short note; /* */ public short ownper; public short ownvol; public short [] row; /* row currently playing on this channel */ public int row_pos; public byte retrig; /* retrig value (0 means don't retrig) */ public int c2spd; /* what finetune to use */ public byte tmpvolume; /* tmp volume */ public int tmpperiod; /* tmp period */ public int wantedperiod; /* period to slide to (with effect 3 or 5) */ public int slidespeed; /* */ public int portspeed; /* noteslide speed (toneportamento) */ public short s3mtremor; /* s3m tremor (effect I) counter */ public short s3mtronof; /* s3m tremor ontime/offtime */ public short s3mvolslide; /* last used volslide */ public short s3mrtgspeed; /* last used retrig speed */ public short s3mrtgslide; /* last used retrig slide */ public short glissando; /* glissando (0 means off) */ public short wavecontrol; /* */ public byte vibpos; /* current vibrato position */ public short vibspd; /* "" speed */ public short vibdepth; /* "" depth */ public byte trmpos; /* current tremolo position */ public short trmspd; /* "" speed */ public short trmdepth; /* "" depth */ public int soffset; /* last used sample-offset (effect 9) */ public AUDTMP() { venv = new ENVPR(); penv = new ENVPR(); } }