package audio.gme; // Nintendo NES sound chip emulator // /* Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Shay Green. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ class NesOsc { static final int squareUnit = (int) (0.125 / 15 * 65535); static final int triangleUnit = (int) (0.150 / 15 * 65535); static final int noiseUnit = (int) (0.095 / 15 * 65535); static final int dmcUnit = (int) (0.450 / 127 * 65535); final int [] regs = new int [4]; final boolean [] regWritten = new boolean [4]; int lengthCounter;// length counter (0 if unused by oscillator) int delay; // delay until next (potential) transition int lastAmp; // last amplitude oscillator was outputting void clockLength( int halt_mask ) { if ( lengthCounter != 0 && (regs [0] & halt_mask) == 0 ) lengthCounter--; } int period() { return (regs [3] & 7) * 0x100 + (regs [2] & 0xFF); } void reset() { delay = 0; lastAmp = 0; } int updateAmp( int amp ) { int delta = amp - lastAmp; lastAmp = amp; return delta; } } class NesEnvelope extends NesOsc { int envVolume; int envDelay; void clockEnvelope() { int period = regs [0] & 15; if ( regWritten [3] ) { regWritten [3] = false; envDelay = period; envVolume = 15; } else if ( --envDelay < 0 ) { envDelay = period; if ( (envVolume | (regs [0] & 0x20)) != 0 ) envVolume = (envVolume - 1) & 15; } } int volume() { if ( lengthCounter == 0 ) return 0; if ( (regs [0] & 0x10) != 0 ) return regs [0] & 0x0F; return envVolume; } void reset() { envVolume = 0; envDelay = 0; super.reset(); } } final class NesSquare extends NesEnvelope { static final int negateMask = 0x08; static final int shiftMask = 0x07; static final int phaseRange = 8; int phase; int sweepDelay; void reset() { sweepDelay = 0; super.reset(); } void clockSweep( int negative_adjust ) { int sweep = regs [1]; if ( --sweepDelay < 0 ) { regWritten [1] = true; int period = this.period(); int shift = sweep & shiftMask; if ( shift != 0 && (sweep & 0x80) != 0 && period >= 8 ) { int offset = period >> shift; if ( (sweep & negateMask) != 0 ) offset = negative_adjust - offset; if ( period + offset < 0x800 ) { period += offset; // rewrite period regs [2] = period & 0xFF; regs [3] = (regs [3] & ~7) | ((period >> 8) & 7); } } } if ( regWritten [1] ) { regWritten [1] = false; sweepDelay = (sweep >> 4) & 7; } } void run( BlipBuffer output, int time, int endTime ) { final int period = this.period(); final int timer_period = (period + 1) * 2; int offset = period >> (regs [1] & shiftMask); if ( (regs [1] & negateMask) != 0 ) offset = 0; final int volume = this.volume(); if ( volume == 0 || period < 8 || (period + offset) > 0x7FF ) { if ( lastAmp != 0 ) { output.addDelta( time, lastAmp * -squareUnit ); lastAmp = 0; } time += delay; int remain = endTime - time; if ( remain > 0 ) { int count = (remain + timer_period - 1) / timer_period; phase = (phase + count) & (phaseRange - 1); time += count * timer_period; } } else { // handle duty select int duty_select = (regs [0] >> 6) & 3; int duty = 1 << duty_select; // 1, 2, 4, 2 int amp = 0; if ( duty_select == 3 ) { duty = 2; // negated 25% amp = volume; } if ( phase < duty ) amp ^= volume; { int delta = updateAmp( amp ); if ( delta != 0 ) output.addDelta( time, delta * squareUnit ); } time += delay; if ( time < endTime ) { int phase = this.phase; // cache int delta = (amp * 2 - volume) * squareUnit; do { if ( (phase = (phase + 1) & (phaseRange - 1)) == 0 || phase == duty ) output.addDelta( time, delta = -delta ); } while ( (time += timer_period) < endTime ); this.phase = phase; lastAmp = (delta < 0 ? 0 : volume); } } delay = time - endTime; } } final class NesTriangle extends NesOsc { static final int phaseRange = 16; int phase; int linearCounter; void reset() { linearCounter = 0; phase = phaseRange; super.reset(); } void clockLinearCounter() { if ( regWritten [3] ) linearCounter = regs [0] & 0x7F; else if ( linearCounter != 0 ) linearCounter--; if ( (regs [0] & 0x80) == 0 ) regWritten [3] = false; } int calc_amp() { int amp = phaseRange - phase; if ( amp < 0 ) amp = phase - (phaseRange + 1); return amp; } void run( BlipBuffer output, int time, int endTime ) { final int timer_period = period() + 1; // to do: track phase when period < 3 // to do: Output 7.5 on dac when period < 2? More accurate, but results in more clicks. int delta = updateAmp( calc_amp() ); if ( delta != 0 ) output.addDelta( time, delta * triangleUnit ); time += delay; if ( lengthCounter == 0 || linearCounter == 0 || timer_period < 3 ) { time = endTime; } else if ( time < endTime ) { int volume = triangleUnit; if ( phase > phaseRange ) { phase -= phaseRange; volume = -volume; } do { if ( --phase != 0 ) { output.addDelta( time, volume ); } else { phase = phaseRange; volume = -volume; } } while ( (time += timer_period) < endTime ); if ( volume < 0 ) phase += phaseRange; lastAmp = calc_amp(); } delay = time - endTime; } } final class NesNoise extends NesEnvelope { int lfsr; static final int [] noisePeriods = { 0x004, 0x008, 0x010, 0x020, 0x040, 0x060, 0x080, 0x0A0, 0x0CA, 0x0FE, 0x17C, 0x1FC, 0x2FA, 0x3F8, 0x7F2, 0xFE4 }; void run( BlipBuffer output, int time, int endTime ) { final int volume = this.volume(); int amp = (lfsr & 1) != 0 ? volume : 0; { int delta = updateAmp( amp ); if ( delta != 0 ) output.addDelta( time, delta * noiseUnit ); } time += delay; if ( time < endTime ) { final int period = noisePeriods [regs [2] & 15]; final int tap = (regs [2] & 0x80) != 0 ? 8 : 13; if ( volume == 0 ) { // round to next multiple of period time += (endTime - time + period - 1) / period * period; // approximate noise cycling while muted, by shuffling up noise register int feedback = (lfsr << tap) ^ (lfsr << 14); lfsr = (feedback & 0x4000) | (lfsr >> 1); } else { int lfsr = this.lfsr; // cache int delta = (amp * 2 - volume) * noiseUnit; do { if ( ((lfsr + 1) & 2) != 0 ) output.addDelta( time, delta = -delta ); lfsr = ((lfsr << tap) ^ (lfsr << 14)) & 0x4000 | (lfsr >> 1); } while ( (time += period) < endTime ); this.lfsr = lfsr; lastAmp = (delta < 0 ? 0 : volume); } } delay = time - endTime; } void reset() { lfsr = 1 << 14; super.reset(); } } final class NesDmc extends NesOsc { static final int loop_flag = 0x40; int address; // address of next byte to read int period; //int length_counter; // bytes remaining to play (already defined in NesOsc) int buf; int bits_remain; int bits; boolean buf_full; boolean silence; int dac; int irqEnabled; int irqFlag; boolean palMode; // in DMC since it needs to clear it int oscEnables; NesCpu cpu; void reset() { address = 0; dac = 0; buf = 0; bits_remain = 1; bits = 0; buf_full = false; silence = true; irqFlag = 0; irqEnabled = 0; super.reset(); period = 0x1AC; } static final int [] dmc_period_table = { 428, 380, 340, 320, 286, 254, 226, 214, // NTSC 190, 160, 142, 128, 106, 84, 72, 54, 398, 354, 316, 298, 276, 236, 210, 198, // PAL 176, 148, 132, 118, 98, 78, 66, 50 }; void reload_sample() { address = 0x4000 + regs [2] * 0x40; lengthCounter = regs [3] * 0x10 + 1; } static final int [] dac_table = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13,14, 15,15,16,17,18,19,20,20,21,22,23,24,24,25,26,27, 27,28,29,30,31,31,32,33,33,34,35,36,36,37,38,38, 39,40,41,41,42,43,43,44,45,45,46,47,47,48,48,49, 50,50,51,52,52,53,53,54,55,55,56,56,57,58,58,59, 59,60,60,61,61,62,63,63,64,64,65,65,66,66,67,67, 68,68,69,70,70,71,71,72,72,73,73,74,74,75,75,75, 76,76,77,77,78,78,79,79,80,80,81,81,82,82,82,83, }; void write_register( int addr, int data ) { if ( addr == 0 ) { period = dmc_period_table [(data & 15) + (palMode ? 16 : 0)]; irqEnabled = 1; if ( (data & 0xC0) != 0x80 ) { irqEnabled = 0; irqFlag = 0; } } else if ( addr == 1 ) { // adjust lastAmp so that "pop" amplitude will be properly non-linear // with respect to change in dac data &= 0x7F; lastAmp = data - dac_table [data] + dac_table [dac]; dac = data; } } void start() { reload_sample(); fill_buffer(); } void fill_buffer() { if ( !buf_full && lengthCounter != 0 ) { // Read byte via CPU buf = cpu.cpuRead( 0x8000 + address ); address = (address + 1) & 0x7FFF; buf_full = true; if ( --lengthCounter == 0 ) // Reached end of sample { if ( (regs [0] & loop_flag) != 0 ) { reload_sample(); } else { oscEnables &= ~0x10; irqFlag = irqEnabled; } } } } void run( BlipBuffer output, int time, int endTime ) { int delta = updateAmp( dac ); if ( delta != 0 ) output.addDelta( time, delta * dmcUnit ); time += delay; if ( time < endTime ) { if ( silence && !buf_full ) { int count = (endTime - time + period - 1) / period; bits_remain = (bits_remain - 1 + 8 - (count % 8)) % 8 + 1; time += count * period; } else { do { if ( !silence ) { int step; int newDac = dac + (step = (bits << 2 & 4) - 2); // if ( newDac >= 0 && newDac <= 0x7F ) if ( (byte) newDac >= 0 ) { dac = newDac; output.addDelta( time, step * dmcUnit ); } bits >>= 1; } if ( --bits_remain == 0 ) { bits_remain = 8; silence = true; if ( buf_full ) { buf_full = false; silence = false; bits = buf; fill_buffer(); } } } while ( (time += period) < endTime ); lastAmp = dac; } } delay = time - endTime; } } public final class NesApu { public NesApu() { oscs [0] = square1; oscs [1] = square2; oscs [2] = triangle; oscs [3] = noise; oscs [4] = dmc; } public void setOutput( BlipBuffer b ) { output = b; } // Resets oscillators and internal state public void reset( NesCpu cpu, boolean palMode ) { dmc.cpu = cpu; dmc.palMode = palMode; framePeriod = palMode ? 8314 : 7458; frameTime = framePeriod; lastTime = 0; irqFlag = 0; dmc.oscEnables = 0; square1 .reset(); square2 .reset(); triangle.reset(); noise .reset(); dmc .reset(); write( 0, 0x4017, 0x00 ); write( 0, 0x4015, 0x00 ); for ( int addr = 0x4000; addr <= 0x4013; addr++ ) write( 0, addr, (addr & 3) != 0 ? 0x00 : 0x10 ); dmc.lastAmp = dmc.dac = 0; // prevents click } // Writes data to address at specified time public static final int startAddr = 0x4000; public static final int endAddr = 0x4017; public void write( int time, int addr, int data ) { assert 0 <= data && data < 0x100; assert startAddr <= addr && addr <= endAddr; runUntil( time ); if ( addr < 0x4014 ) { // Write to channel int index = (addr - startAddr) >> 2; NesOsc osc = oscs [index]; int reg = addr & 3; osc.regs [reg] = data; osc.regWritten [reg] = true; if ( index == 4 ) { // handle DMC specially dmc.write_register( reg, data ); } else if ( reg == 3 ) { // load length counter if ( (dmc.oscEnables >> index & 1) != 0 ) osc.lengthCounter = length_table [data >> 3 & 0x1F]; // reset square phase if ( index < 2 ) ((NesSquare) osc).phase = NesSquare.phaseRange - 1; } } else if ( addr == 0x4015 ) { // Channel enables for ( int i = oscCount; i-- > 0; ) if ( (data >> i & 1) == 0 ) oscs [i].lengthCounter = 0; dmc.irqFlag = 0; int justEnabled = data & ~dmc.oscEnables; dmc.oscEnables = data; if ( (justEnabled & 0x10) != 0 ) dmc.start(); } else if ( addr == 0x4017 ) { // Frame mode frameMode = data; if ( (data & 0x40) != 0 ) irqFlag = 0; // mode 1 frameTime = time; framePhase = 0; if ( (data & 0x80) == 0 ) { // mode 0 framePhase = 1; frameTime += framePeriod; } } } // Reads from status register at specified time public int read( int time ) { runUntil( time ); int result = (dmc.irqFlag << 7) | (irqFlag << 6); irqFlag = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < oscCount; i++ ) if ( oscs [i].lengthCounter != 0 ) result |= 1 << i; return result; } // Runs all oscillators up to specified time, ends current time frame, then // starts a new frame at time 0 public void endFrame( int endTime ) { if ( endTime > lastTime ) runUntil( endTime ); assert frameTime >= endTime; frameTime -= endTime; assert lastTime >= endTime; lastTime -= endTime; } static final int [] length_table = { 0x0A, 0xFE, 0x14, 0x02, 0x28, 0x04, 0x50, 0x06, 0xA0, 0x08, 0x3C, 0x0A, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x1A, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x10, 0x18, 0x12, 0x30, 0x14, 0x60, 0x16, 0xC0, 0x18, 0x48, 0x1A, 0x10, 0x1C, 0x20, 0x1E }; static final int oscCount = 5; final NesOsc [] oscs = new NesOsc [oscCount]; final NesSquare square1 = new NesSquare(); final NesSquare square2 = new NesSquare(); final NesTriangle triangle = new NesTriangle(); final NesNoise noise = new NesNoise(); final NesDmc dmc = new NesDmc(); BlipBuffer output; int framePeriod; int frameTime; int framePhase; int lastTime; int frameMode; int irqFlag; void runUntil( int endTime ) { assert endTime >= lastTime; // endTime must not be before previous time if ( endTime == lastTime ) return; while ( true ) { // run oscillators int time = endTime; if ( time > frameTime ) time = frameTime; square1 .run( output, lastTime, time ); square2 .run( output, lastTime, time ); output, lastTime, time ); noise .run( output, lastTime, time ); dmc .run( output, lastTime, time ); lastTime = time; if ( time == endTime ) break; // run frame sequencer frameTime += framePeriod; switch ( framePhase++ ) { case 0: if ( (frameMode & 0xC0) == 0 ) irqFlag = 1; case 2: // 120 Hz square1 .clockLength( 0x20 ); square2 .clockLength( 0x20 ); triangle.clockLength( 0x80 ); // different bit for halt flag on triangle noise .clockLength( 0x20 ); square1.clockSweep( -1 ); square2.clockSweep( 0 ); break; case 3: // 60 Hz framePhase = 0; if ( (frameMode & 0x80) != 0 ) frameTime += framePeriod; // frame 3 is almost twice as long in mode 1 break; } // 240 Hz square1 .clockEnvelope(); square2 .clockEnvelope(); triangle.clockLinearCounter(); noise .clockEnvelope(); } } }