package core; import static core.Script.*; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.event.FocusEvent; import java.awt.event.FocusListener; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.awt.event.WindowListener; public class Controls implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, FocusListener, KeyListener, WindowListener { // The VERGE 3 Project is originally by Ben Eirich and is made available via // the BSD License. // // Please see LICENSE in the project's root directory for the text of the // licensing agreement. The CREDITS file in the same directory enumerates the // folks involved in this public build. // // If you have altered this source file, please log your name, date, and what // changes you made below this line. /***************************** data *****************************/ public static boolean kill_up, kill_down, kill_left, kill_right; public static boolean kill_b1, kill_b2, kill_b3, kill_b4; public static String bindbutton[] = new String[4]; public static String bindarray[] = new String [128]; public static void UnUp() { kill_up = true; up = false; } public static void UnDown() { kill_down = true; down = false; } public static void UnLeft() { kill_left = true; left = false; } public static void UnRight() { kill_right = true; right = false; } public static void UnB1() { kill_b1 = true; b1 = false; } public static void UnB2() { kill_b2 = true; b2 = false; } public static void UnB3() { kill_b3 = true; b3 = false; } public static void UnB4() { kill_b4 = true; b4 = false; } /*[Rafael, the Esper] Use interface instead * boolean k_b1 = SCAN_ENTER, k_b2 = SCAN_ALT, k_b3 = SCAN_ESC, k_b4 = SCAN_SPACE; // Overkill (2006-06-25): Customizable directionals on the keyboard. byte k_up = SCAN_UP, k_down = SCAN_DOWN, k_left = SCAN_LEFT, k_right = SCAN_RIGHT;*/ byte j_b1=0, j_b2=1, j_b3=2, j_b4=3; /***************************** code *****************************/ //int _input_killswitch; public static void UpdateControls() { //[Rafael, the Esper] HandleMessages(); /*[Rafael, the Esper] if( _input_killswitch ) { b4 = b3 = b2 = b1 = right = left = down = up = false; return; }*/ /* [Rafael, the Esper] Use JGame implementation joy_Update(); mouse_Update(); UpdateKeyboard(); */ boolean oldb1 = b1, oldb2 = b2, oldb3 = b3, oldb4 = b4; // Overkill (2006-06-25): // The following four ifs have been altered to allow custom directional keys. if (getKey(KeyUp)) up = true; else up = false; if (getKey(KeyLeft)) left = true; else left = false; if (getKey(KeyDown)) down = true; else down = false; if (getKey(KeyRight)) right = true; else right = false; if (getKey(KeyEnter)) b1 = true; else b1 = false; if (getKey(KeyAlt)) b2 = true; else b2 = false; if (getKey(KeyEsc)) b3 = true; else b3 = false; if (getKey(KeyFire)) b4 = true; else b4 = false; if (!up && kill_up) kill_up = false; if (!down && kill_down) kill_down = false; if (!left && kill_left) kill_left = false; if (!right && kill_right) kill_right = false; if (!b1 && kill_b1) kill_b1 = false; if (!b2 && kill_b2) kill_b2 = false; if (!b3 && kill_b3) kill_b3 = false; if (!b4 && kill_b4) kill_b4 = false; if (up && kill_up) up = false; if (down && kill_down) down = false; if (left && kill_left) left = false; if (right && kill_right) right = false; if (b1 && kill_b1) b1 = false; if (b2 && kill_b2) b2 = false; if (b3 && kill_b3) b3 = false; if (b4 && kill_b4) b4 = false; //mbg 9/5/05 todo removed for psp // TODO LUA if (b1 && !oldb1) callfunction(bindbutton[0]); if (b2 && !oldb2) callfunction(bindbutton[1]); if (b3 && !oldb3) callfunction(bindbutton[2]); if (b4 && !oldb4) callfunction(bindbutton[3]); // Rafael, the Esper (2014: new) for(int i=0; i<bindarray.length; i++) { if(getKey(i) && bindarray[i] != null && !bindarray[i].isEmpty()) { callfunction(bindarray[i]); } } } // JGAME STUFF **** ///////////////////////////////////////////// void updateMouse(MouseEvent e,boolean pressed, boolean released, boolean inside) { mousepos = e.getPoint(); /* [Rafael, the Esper] mousepos.x = (int)(mousepos.x/el.x_scale_fac); mousepos.y = (int)(mousepos.y/el.y_scale_fac); */ mouseinside=inside; int button=0; if ((e.getModifiers()&InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK)!=0) button=1; if ((e.getModifiers()&InputEvent.BUTTON2_MASK)!=0) button=2; if ((e.getModifiers()&InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK)!=0) button=3; if (button==0) return; if (pressed) { mousebutton[button]=true; keymap[255+button]=true; /* [Rafael, the Esper] if (wakeup_key==-1 || wakeup_key==255+button) { if (!eng.isRunning()) { eng.start(); // mouse button is cleared when it is used as wakeup key mousebutton[button]=false; keymap[255+button]=false; } }*/ } if (released) { mousebutton[button]=false; keymap[255+button]=false; } } public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { // part of the "official" method of handling keyboard focus // some people think it's a bug. // if (!has_focus) VergeEngine.getGUI().getCanvas().requestFocus(); updateMouse(e,false,false,true); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { updateMouse(e,false,false,true); } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { updateMouse(e,false,false,false); } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { updateMouse(e,true,false,true); } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { updateMouse(e,false,true,true); } public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { updateMouse(e,false,false,true); } public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { updateMouse(e,false,false,true); //VergeEngine.getGUI().menuBar.setVisible(VergeEngine.getGUI().menuBar.isVisible() || (e.getY() < 50 && VergeEngine.getGUI().isUndecorated())); } public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { has_focus=true; } public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { has_focus=false; } /* Standard Wimp event handlers */ public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { char keychar = e.getKeyChar(); int keycode = e.getKeyCode(); if (keycode>=0 && keycode < 256) { keymap[keycode]=true; lastkey=keycode; lastkeychar=keychar; /* [Rafael, the Esper] if (wakeup_key==-1 || wakeup_key==keycode) { if (!eng.isRunning()) { eng.start(); // key is cleared when it is used as wakeup key keymap[keycode]=false; } }*/ } /* shift escape = exit */ if (e.isShiftDown () && e.getKeyCode () == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE) { // [Rafael, the Esper]&& !eng.isApplet()) { System.exit(0); } //System.out.println(e+" keychar"+e.getKeyChar()); } /* handle keys, shift-escape patch by Jeff Friesen */ public void keyReleased (KeyEvent e) { char keychar = e.getKeyChar (); int keycode = e.getKeyCode (); if (keycode >= 0 && keycode < 256) { keymap [keycode] = false; } } public void keyTyped (KeyEvent e) { } /* WindowListener handlers */ public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) {} public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) { System.out.println("Window closed"); } public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { System.out.println("Window closed; exiting."); VergeEngine.getGUI().closeWindow(); } public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) {} public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) {} public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) {} public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) {} /** Cursor keys for both regular and mobile keyboard. */ public static final int KeyUp=38,KeyDown=40,KeyLeft=37,KeyRight=39; /** On a mobile, the cursor control Fire is the same as shift. */ public static final int KeyShift=16; /** Fire stands for a mobile key, indicating the fire button of the cursor * controls. It is equivalent to KeyShift. */ public static final int KeyFire=16; public static final int KeyCtrl=17; public static final int KeyAlt=18; public static final int KeyEsc=27; /** On a mobile, pressing "*" also triggers KeyEnter. */ public static final int KeyEnter=10; /** The mobile Star key, equal to '*'. */ public static final int KeyStar='*'; /** The mobile Pound key, equal to '#'. */ public static final int KeyPound='#'; public static final int KeyBackspace=8; /* is it different sometimes? */ public static final int KeyTab=9; /** Keymap equivalent of mouse button. */ public static final int KeyMouse1=256, KeyMouse2=257, KeyMouse3=258; public static final int KeyF1=112; public static final int KeyF2=113; public static final int KeyF3=114; public static final int KeyF4=115; public static final int KeyF5=116; public static final int KeyF6=117; public static final int KeyF7=118; public static final int KeyF8=119; public static final int KeyF9=120; public static final int KeyF10=121; public static final int KeyF11=122; public static final int KeyF12=123; /* mouse */ boolean has_focus=false; Point mousepos = new Point(0,0); boolean [] mousebutton = new boolean[] {false,false,false,false}; boolean mouseinside=false; /* keyboard */ /** The codes 256-258 are the mouse buttons */ static boolean [] keymap = new boolean [256+3]; static int lastkey=0; static char lastkeychar=0; int wakeup_key=0; public void clearKeymap() { for (int i=0; i<256+3; i++) keymap[i]=false; } public void wakeUpOnKey(int key) { wakeup_key=key; } /* input */ // get methods unnecessary, variables accessed directly from JGEngine public int getMousePosX() { return mousepos.x; } public int getMousePosY() { return mousepos.y; } public int getMouseX() { return mousepos.x; } public int getMouseY() { return mousepos.y; } public boolean getMouseButton(int nr) { return mousebutton[nr]; } public void clearMouseButton(int nr) { mousebutton[nr]=false; } public void setMouseButton(int nr) { mousebutton[nr]=true; } public boolean getMouseInside() { return mouseinside; } public static boolean getKey(int key) { return keymap[key]; } public static void clearKey(int key) { keymap[key]=false; } public static void setKey(int key) { keymap[key]=true; } public static int getLastKey() { return lastkey; } public static char getLastKeyChar() { return lastkeychar; } public static void clearLastKey() { lastkey=0; lastkeychar=0; } public static String getKeyDescStatic(int key) { if (key==32) return "space"; if (key==0) return "(none)"; if (key==KeyEnter) return "enter"; if (key==KeyEsc) return "escape"; if (key==KeyUp) return "cursor up"; if (key==KeyDown) return "cursor down"; if (key==KeyLeft) return "cursor left"; if (key==KeyRight) return "cursor right"; if (key==KeyShift) return "shift"; if (key==KeyAlt) return "alt"; if (key==KeyCtrl) return "control"; if (key==KeyMouse1) return "left mouse button"; if (key==KeyMouse2) return "middle mouse button"; if (key==KeyMouse3) return "right mouse button"; if (key==27) return "escape"; if (key >= 33 && key <= 95) return new String(new char[] {(char)key}); return "keycode "+key; } public static int getKeyCodeStatic(String keydesc) { // tab, enter, backspace, insert, delete, home, end, pageup, pagedown // escape keydesc = keydesc.toLowerCase().trim(); if (keydesc.equals("space")) { return 32; } else if (keydesc.equals("escape")) { return KeyEsc; } else if (keydesc.equals("(none)")) { return 0; } else if (keydesc.equals("enter")) { return KeyEnter; } else if (keydesc.equals("cursor up")) { return KeyUp; } else if (keydesc.equals("cursor down")) { return KeyDown; } else if (keydesc.equals("cursor left")) { return KeyLeft; } else if (keydesc.equals("cursor right")) { return KeyRight; } else if (keydesc.equals("shift")) { return KeyShift; } else if (keydesc.equals("alt")) { return KeyAlt; } else if (keydesc.equals("control")) { return KeyCtrl; } else if (keydesc.equals("left mouse button")) { return KeyMouse1; } else if (keydesc.equals("middle mouse button")) { return KeyMouse2; } else if (keydesc.equals("right mouse button")) { return KeyMouse3; } else if (keydesc.startsWith("keycode")) { return Integer.parseInt(keydesc.substring(7)); } else if (keydesc.length() == 1) { return keydesc.charAt(0); } return 0; } }