package domain; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.WritableRaster; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import core.DefaultPalette; import static core.Script.*; import persist.ExtendedDataInputStream; import persist.ExtendedDataOutputStream; public class CHR { public final static String CHR_SIGNATURE = "5392451"; public final static int CHR_VERSION5 = 5; public final static int CHR_VERSION4 = 4; public final static int CHR_VERSION2 = 2; //private byte[] pixels = new byte[16*16*3]; // frames * width * height * 3 bytes! public int fxsize, fysize; // frame x/y dimensions public int hx, hy; // x/y obstruction hotspot public int hw; // hotspot width/height public int hh; int totalframes; // total # of frames. public int idle[] = new int[5]; // idle frames private int animsize[] = new int[9]; private int anims[][] = new int[9][]; //String movescript[] = new String[8]; String filename; // the filename this was loaded from // [Rafael, the Esper] public BufferedImage [] frames; public CHR(String strFilename) { this(load(strFilename.replace('\\', '/'))); } public CHR(URL url) { try { if(url==null) return; this.filename = url.getFile().substring( url.getFile().lastIndexOf('/')+1); this.loadChr(url.openStream()); //FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(path + "\\" + filename); //this.loadChr(fis); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println("CHR::IOException (" + filename + "), url = " + url); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("CHR::Exception ( " + e + "). When loading " + url); System.exit(-1); } } public CHR() { } private void loadChr (InputStream is) { try { ExtendedDataInputStream f = new ExtendedDataInputStream(is); Integer first = f.readUnsignedByte(); int version = 0; if(first == CHR_VERSION4) { // Version CHR4 version = CHR_VERSION4; System.out.println("CHR: Reading version " + version); this.loadChrVersion4(f); } else if(first == CHR_VERSION2) { // Version CHR2 version = CHR_VERSION2; System.out.println("CHR: Reading version " + version); this.loadChrVersion2(f); } else if(first == 67 || first == CHR_VERSION5) { // letter 'c' f.readUnsignedByte(); // 'H' f.readUnsignedByte(); // 'R' f.readUnsignedByte(); // '\0' version = f.readUnsignedIntegerLittleEndian(); System.out.println("CHR: Reading version " + version); this.loadChrVersion5(f); } else { System.err.println("Version " + version + " not supported."); System.exit(-1); } f.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("IOException : " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } } // Based on: chr_file.cpp (vopenchr) private void loadChrVersion2(ExtendedDataInputStream f) throws IOException { this.fxsize = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); this.fysize = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); this.hx = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); this.hy = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); this.hw = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); this.hh = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); this.totalframes = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); String animbuf; // Pixels int bufsize = f.readSignedIntegerLittleEndian(); int [] data = new int[bufsize]; for(int i=0; i<bufsize; i++) { data[i] = f.readUnsignedByte(); } int pTemp[] = new int[fxsize*fysize*totalframes]; ReadRLE1(pTemp, fxsize * fysize * totalframes, data); frames = new BufferedImage[totalframes]; WritableRaster wr; DefaultPalette pal = new DefaultPalette(); for (int t=0; t<totalframes; t++) //the current frame { frames[t] = new BufferedImage(fxsize, fysize, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); wr = frames[t].getRaster(); int pixels[][]=new int[fxsize*fysize][4]; for (int x = 0; x < fxsize * fysize; x++) { int u = pTemp[t * fxsize * fysize + x]; pixels[x][0] = pal.getDefaultPaletteRedColor(u);; // red pixels[x][1] = pal.getDefaultPaletteGreenColor(u);; // green pixels[x][2] = pal.getDefaultPaletteBlueColor(u);; // blue pixels[x][3] = 255; if(u==0) // transparent pixels[x][3] = 0; wr.setPixel(x%fxsize, (int)Math.floor(x/fxsize), pixels[x]); //System.out.printf("x:%d y:%d pix:(%d,%d,%d)", x%fxsize, (int)Math.floor(x/fxsize), pixels[x][0], pixels[x][1], pixels[x][2]); } } this.idle[Entity.WEST] = f.readSignedIntegerLittleEndian(); this.idle[Entity.EAST] = f.readSignedIntegerLittleEndian(); this.idle[Entity.NORTH] = f.readSignedIntegerLittleEndian(); this.idle[Entity.SOUTH] = f.readSignedIntegerLittleEndian(); // Creates an array with size equal to the total "wait" time of the animation // Each index in the anims array points to a frame // So a F1W5F2W5 will insert in the array the values 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 int indexes[] = { 0, 3, 4, 1, 2}; for(int b=1; b<=4; b++) { int length = f.readSignedIntegerLittleEndian(); // animation length animbuf = f.readFixedString(length); this.animsize[indexes[b]] = this.GetAnimLength(animbuf); this.anims[indexes[b]] = new int[this.animsize[indexes[b]]]; this.ParseAnimation(indexes[b], animbuf); } } // Based on: chr_file.cpp (vopenchr) private void loadChrVersion4(ExtendedDataInputStream f) throws IOException { this.fxsize = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); this.fysize = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); this.hx = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); this.hy = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); this.hw = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); this.hh = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); this.idle[Entity.WEST] = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); this.idle[Entity.EAST] = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); this.idle[Entity.NORTH] = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); this.idle[Entity.SOUTH] = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); this.totalframes = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); String animbuf; // Creates an array with size equal to the total "wait" time of the animation // Each index in the anims array points to a frame // So a F1W5F2W5 will insert in the array the values 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 int indexes[] = { 0, 3, 4, 1, 2}; for(int b=1; b<=4; b++) { int length = f.readSignedIntegerLittleEndian(); // animation length animbuf = f.readFixedString(length); this.animsize[indexes[b]] = this.GetAnimLength(animbuf); this.anims[indexes[b]] = new int[this.animsize[indexes[b]]]; this.ParseAnimation(indexes[b], animbuf); } // Pixels int bufsize = f.readSignedIntegerLittleEndian(); int [] data = new int[bufsize/2]; for(int i=0; i<bufsize/2; i++) { //data[i+1] = f.readUnsignedByte(); //data[i] = f.readUnsignedByte(); //data[i] = f.readUnsignedShort(); data[i] = f.readUnsignedShortLittleEndian(); } int pTemp[] = new int[fxsize*fysize*totalframes*2]; ReadRLE2(pTemp, fxsize * fysize * totalframes, data); frames = new BufferedImage[totalframes]; WritableRaster wr; for (int t=0; t<totalframes; t++) //the current frame { frames[t] = new BufferedImage(fxsize, fysize, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); wr = frames[t].getRaster(); int pixels[][]=new int[fxsize*fysize][4]; for (int x = 0; x < fxsize * fysize; x++) { int u = Short.reverseBytes((short) pTemp[t * fxsize * fysize + x]) & 0xffff; pixels[x][0] = ((u >> 11) & 31) << 3; // red pixels[x][1] = ((u >> 5) & 63) << 2; // green pixels[x][2] = (u & 31) << 3; // blue pixels[x][3] = 255; if(pixels[x][0] == 248 && pixels[x][1] == 0 && pixels[x][2]==248) { pixels[x][0]=255; pixels[x][1]=0; pixels[x][2]=255; pixels[x][3]=0; } wr.setPixel(x%fxsize, (int)Math.floor(x/fxsize), pixels[x]); System.out.printf("x:%d y:%d pix:(%d,%d,%d)", x%fxsize, (int)Math.floor(x/fxsize), pixels[x][0], pixels[x][1], pixels[x][2]); } } } // Based on void ReadRLE2(int dest[], int numwords, int src[]) { /*for(int i: src) { System.out.println(i + "\t" + (i & 0x00FF) + "\t" + (i>>>8 & 0xff) + "\t" + ((i & 0xFF))); } System.exit(0);*/ int pos = 0; int run = 0; int n = 0; while(pos < src.length-1) { if((src[pos] >>>8 & 0xff) == 255) { run = (src[pos] & 0x00FF); pos++; for(int j=0; j<run; j++) { //System.out.println("R: " + (src[pos] & 0x00FF)); dest[n++] = src[pos] & 0x00FF; } } else { //System.out.println("U: " + (src[pos] & 0x00FF)); dest[n++] = src[++pos] & 0x00FF; } } //System.exit(0); /* int mode = 1, nbytes=0; int abyte =0; int pos =0; for(int i = 0; i<numwords;i++) { if(mode == 1) { abyte = src[pos++]; if(abyte > 191) { nbytes=abyte-192; abyte =(byte)(src[pos++]); if (--nbytes > 0) { mode = 2; } } } else if(--nbytes == 0) { mode = 1; } dest[i] = (int)(abyte); if(dest[i] < 0) dest[i] += 256; System.out.println(dest[i]); }*/ } /*System.out.println(dest.length + " " + src.length + " " + 0x00FF); int n = 0, run, w; int posbuf=0; do { w=src[posbuf++]; System.out.println(w); if (w > 127) //(w & 0xFF00)==0xFF00) { run = w & 0x00FF; w=src[posbuf++]; System.out.println("\tEspecial, run " + w + " for: " + run); for(int j = 0; j < run; j++) dest[n + j]= (short) w; n += run; } else { System.out.println("\tNormal: " + w); dest[n]= (short) w; n++; } } while(n < numwords); } */ private void ReadRLE1(int dest[], int numbytes, int src[]) { int j, n = 0; int run; int w; int pos = 0; do { w=src[pos++]; if (w==0xFF) { run=src[pos++]; w=src[pos++]; for (j = 0; j < run; j++) dest[n + j]=w; n += run; } else { dest[n]=w; n++; } } while (n < numbytes); //for(int i: dest) { //System.out.println(i); //} } private String[] animbuf = new String[9]; private int[] length = new int[9]; private void loadChrVersion5(ExtendedDataInputStream f) throws IOException { f.readUnsignedIntegerLittleEndian(); // bitDepth f.readUnsignedIntegerLittleEndian(); // unused, poss. alpha blend // Transparent color f.readUnsignedByte(); // Red f.readUnsignedByte(); // Green f.readUnsignedByte(); // Blue f.readUnsignedByte(); // Alpha this.hx = f.readUnsignedIntegerLittleEndian(); this.hy = f.readUnsignedIntegerLittleEndian(); this.hw = f.readUnsignedIntegerLittleEndian(); this.hh = f.readUnsignedIntegerLittleEndian(); this.fxsize = f.readUnsignedIntegerLittleEndian(); this.fysize = f.readUnsignedIntegerLittleEndian(); this.totalframes = f.readSignedIntegerLittleEndian(); //System.out.println(this.hw+";"+this.hh+";"+this.hx+";"+this.hy); //System.out.println(this.fxsize+";"+this.fysize+";"+this.totalframes); this.idle[Entity.SOUTH] = f.readSignedIntegerLittleEndian(); this.idle[Entity.NORTH] = f.readSignedIntegerLittleEndian(); this.idle[Entity.WEST] = f.readSignedIntegerLittleEndian(); this.idle[Entity.EAST] = f.readSignedIntegerLittleEndian(); int indexes[] = { 0, 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; // Creates an array with size equal to the total "wait" time of the animation // Each index in the anims array points to a frame // So a F1W5F2W5 will insert in the array the values 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 for(int b=1; b<9; b++) { length[b] = f.readSignedIntegerLittleEndian(); // animation length animbuf[b] = f.readFixedString(length[b]+1); this.animsize[indexes[b]] = this.GetAnimLength(animbuf[b]); if(this.animsize[indexes[b]] == 0) this.animsize[indexes[b]]=1; // [Rafael, the Esper] this.anims[indexes[b]] = new int[this.animsize[indexes[b]]]; this.ParseAnimation(indexes[b], animbuf[b]); } // Pixels f.readSignedIntegerLittleEndian(); //int uncompressedSize = f.readSignedIntegerLittleEndian(); f.readSignedIntegerLittleEndian(); byte pixels[] = f.readCompressedUnsignedShortsIntoBytes(); // Get frames from the pixels array //System.out.println("Frames (" + fxsize + ", " + fysize + "): " + totalframes); frames = f.getBufferedImageArrayFromPixels(pixels, totalframes, fxsize, fysize); } private void saveChrVersion5(String filename) { System.out.println("CHR::save at " + filename); ExtendedDataOutputStream f = null; try { OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(filename); f = new ExtendedDataOutputStream(os); f.writeFixedString("CHR", 3); f.writeInt(Integer.reverseBytes(5)); // version f.writeInt(Integer.reverseBytes(24)); // bitDepth f.writeInt(Integer.reverseBytes(0)); // unused, poss. alpha blend // Transparent color f.writeUnsignedByte(255); // Red f.writeUnsignedByte(0); // Green f.writeUnsignedByte(255); // Blue f.writeUnsignedByte(0); // Alpha f.writeInt(Integer.reverseBytes(this.hx)); f.writeInt(Integer.reverseBytes(this.hy)); f.writeInt(Integer.reverseBytes(this.hw)); f.writeInt(Integer.reverseBytes(this.hh)); f.writeInt(Integer.reverseBytes(this.fxsize)); f.writeInt(Integer.reverseBytes(this.fysize)); f.writeSignedIntegerLittleEndian(this.totalframes); f.writeSignedIntegerLittleEndian(this.idle[Entity.SOUTH]); f.writeSignedIntegerLittleEndian(this.idle[Entity.NORTH]); f.writeSignedIntegerLittleEndian(this.idle[Entity.WEST]); f.writeSignedIntegerLittleEndian(this.idle[Entity.EAST]); for(int b=1; b<9; b++) { f.writeSignedIntegerLittleEndian(this.length[b]); // animation length f.writeFixedString(animbuf[b], length[b]+1); // +1? } f.writeSignedIntegerLittleEndian(0); f.writeSignedIntegerLittleEndian(0); // Pixels byte[] pixels = f.getPixelArrayFromFrames(frames, totalframes, fxsize, fysize); f.writeCompressedBytes(pixels); System.out.println("CHR::save concluded successfully."); } catch(IOException e) { System.err.println("CHR::save " + e.getMessage()); } finally { try { f.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /// Method to make easier to export CHRs from images public void setAnimBufs(String[] animbufs) { int lengths[] = new int[animbufs.length]; for(int i=0; i<lengths.length; i++) { lengths[i] = animbufs[i].length(); } this.animbuf = animbufs; this.length = lengths; } public void render(int x, int y, int frame, VImage dest) { x -= hx; y -= hy; if (frame <0 || frame >= totalframes) System.err.printf("CHR::render(), frame requested is undefined (%d of %d)", frame, totalframes); dest.tblit(x, y, this.frames[frame]); } public int getAnimSize(int animIndex) { //[Rafael, the Esper] if (animIndex<0 || animIndex >= anims.length) { System.err.printf("CHR::getAnimSize() - invalid direction %d", animIndex); return 0; } return animsize[animIndex]; } public int getFrame(int d, int framect) { if (d<0 || d >= anims.length) { System.err.printf("CHR::GetFrame() - invalid direction %d", d); return 0; } framect %= animsize[d]; return anims[d][framect]; } int GetFrameConst(int d, int framect) { if (d<0 || d >= anims.length) { System.err.printf("CHR::GetFrame() - invalid direction %d", d); return 0; } return anims[d][framect % animsize[d]]; } void ParseAnimation(int d, String anim) { int frame=0, len, i, ofs=0; String parsestr = anim; int parsecount = 0; while (parsecount < parsestr.length()) { switch (parsestr.charAt(parsecount)) { case 'f': case 'F': parsecount++; frame = GetArg(parsestr.substring(parsecount)); parsecount+=Integer.toString(frame).length(); //System.out.println("Anim(F" + frame + "), resting " + parsestr.substring(parsecount)); break; case 'w': case 'W': parsecount++; len = GetArg(parsestr.substring(parsecount)); for (i=ofs; i<ofs+len; i++) this.anims[d][i] = frame; ofs += len; parsecount+=Integer.toString(len).length(); //System.out.println("Anim(W" + len + "), resting " + parsestr.substring(parsecount)); break; default: System.err.printf("CHR::ParseAnimation() - invalid animscript command! %c", parsestr.charAt(parsecount)); } } } int GetAnimLength(String anim) { int length = 0; String parsestr = anim; int parsecount = 0; while (parsecount < parsestr.length()) { switch (parsestr.charAt(parsecount)) { case 'f': case 'F': parsecount++; int frame = GetArg(parsestr.substring(parsecount)); parsecount+=Integer.toString(frame).length(); //System.out.println("Parse(F):" + frame + ", sobrou " + parsestr.substring(parsecount)); break; case 'w': case 'W': parsecount++; int wait = GetArg(parsestr.substring(parsecount)); length+=wait; parsecount+=Integer.toString(wait).length(); //System.out.println("Parse(W):" + wait + ", sobrou " + parsestr.substring(parsecount)); break; default: System.err.printf("CHR::GetAnimLength() - invalid animscript command! %c", parsestr.charAt(parsecount)); } } return length; } int GetArg(String str) { String retorno = ""; int parsecount = 0; while (str.charAt(parsecount) == ' ' && parsecount < str.length()) parsecount++; while (parsecount < str.length() && str.charAt(parsecount) >= '0' && str.charAt(parsecount) <= '9') retorno = retorno.concat(Character.toString(str.charAt(parsecount++))); if(retorno.trim().equals("")) // [Rafael, the Esper] return 0; return Integer.parseInt(retorno); } /**Rafael: * New method implemented to allow bypassing .chr files and use an image file instead */ public static CHR createCHRFromImage(int startx, int starty, int sizex, int sizey, int skipx, int skipy, int columns, int totalframes, boolean padding, VImage image) { log("createCHRFromImage (" + sizex + "x" + sizey + ": " + totalframes + " frames)"); VImage[] images = new VImage[totalframes]; int frames = 0, posx = 0, posy = 0, column = 0; if(padding) posy++; // First pixel is default transparent color Color transC = new Color(image.image.getRGB(0+(padding?1:0), 0+(padding?1:0))); while(frames < totalframes) { if(padding) posx++; images[frames] = new VImage(sizex, sizey); images[frames].grabRegion(startx+posx, starty+posy, startx+posx+sizex, starty+posy+sizey, 0, 0, image); //images[frames].tgrabregion(startx+posx, starty+posy, startx+posx+sizex, starty+posy+sizey, 0, 0, transC, image); column++; posx+=sizex+skipx; if(column >= columns) { column = 0; posx = 0; posy+=sizey+skipy; if(padding) posy++; } frames++; } return createCHRFromImage(sizex, sizey, images); } public static CHR createCHRFromImage(int sizex, int sizey, VImage[] images) { CHR c = new CHR(); c.fxsize = sizex; c.fysize = sizey; c.totalframes = images.length; c.animsize = new int[]{0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}; c.anims = new int[][]{new int[]{0}, new int[]{0}, new int[]{0}, new int[]{0}, new int[]{0}, new int[]{0}, new int[]{0}, new int[]{0}}; c.frames = new BufferedImage[c.totalframes]; for(int i=0; i<c.totalframes; i++) c.frames[i] = images[i].image; return c; } public static void main (String args[]) throws IOException { //processCharFromImage(); processCharFromSpecificImage(); //processWeaponAnimationFromImage(); //findImageLimits(); //processMonsterAnimationFromImages(); } private static void findImageLimits() throws IOException { String path = "c:\\jogos\\xeen\\xe\\"; String file = "018.MON."; int numImages = 12; //This code finds minx, miny, maxx and maxy int minx = Integer.MAX_VALUE, miny = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int maxx = Integer.MIN_VALUE, maxy = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for(int k=0; k<numImages; k++) { VImage image = new VImage(new URL("file:///" + path + file + (k) + ".png"), false); for(int j=0; j<image.height; j++) { for(int i=0; i<image.width; i++) { if(image.readPixel(i, j) != Color.MAGENTA.getRGB()) { if(i <= minx) minx = i; if(j <= miny) miny = j; if(i >= maxx) maxx = i; if(j >= maxy) maxy = j; } } } } System.out.println("R_" + file + "\t" + "(" + minx + "," + miny + ") (" + maxx + "," + maxy + ")"); for(int k=0; k<numImages; k++) { VImage image = new VImage(new URL("file:///" + path + file + (k) + ".png"), false); VImage saidaImage = new VImage(maxx-minx, maxy-miny); saidaImage.rectfill(0, 0, saidaImage.width, saidaImage.height, Color.MAGENTA); saidaImage.grabRegion(minx, miny, maxx, maxy, 0, 0, image); ImageIO.write(saidaImage.image, "png", new File(path + "R_" + file + (k) + ".png")); } } public static void processMonsterAnimationFromImages() throws IOException { String path = "c:\\jogos\\xeen\\xe\\"; String file = "048.MON."; int numImages = 12; VImage[] images = new VImage[numImages]; for(int k=0; k<numImages; k++) { images[k] = new VImage(new URL("file:///" + path + "R_" + file + (k) + ".png"), false); } CHR c = createCHRFromImage(images[0].width, images[0].height, images); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F11W12", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W4F1W4F2W4F3W4F4W4F5W4F6W4F7W4", // IDLE "F8W8F9W8F10W16F9W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\" + file + ".chr"); } public static void processWeaponAnimationFromImage() throws IOException { String path = "C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\Weapons\\"; String file = "Fang"; int numImages = 7; VImage[] images = new VImage[numImages]; String strAnim = ""; for(int k=0; k<numImages; k++) { images[k] = new VImage(new URL("file:///" + path + "Wp_" + file + (k+1) + ".png"), false); strAnim = strAnim + "F" + k + "W4"; } CHR c = createCHRFromImage(images[0].width, images[0].height, images); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "", // ANIM1 "", // IDLE strAnim, // ANIM2 "", // ANIM3 "", "", "","", ""}); //c.hy = 0; // for pistols c.hy = 20; // for all other weapons c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\" + file + ".chr"); } public static void processCharFromSpecificImage() throws MalformedURLException { VImage image; CHR c; /*// MYAU FLAPPING image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\Flapping.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 24, 16, 0, 0, 6, 6, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F0W4F1W4F2W4F1W4F0W4F1W4F2W4F1W4F0W4F1W4F2W4F1W4F0W4F1W4F2W4F1W4", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F3W4F4W4F5W4F4W4F3W4F4W4F5W4F4W4F3W4F4W4F5W4F4W4F3W4F4W4F5W4F4W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\myau_flapping.chr");*/ // ENTITIES /*image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\Entities.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 35, 90, 0, 0, 8, 88, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F0W1", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\entities.chr");*/ /*// LARGE ENTITIES image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\Entities_Large.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 56, 112, 0, 0, 8, 8, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F0W1", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\lentities.chr");*/ //SKY Castle /*image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\Sky_castle.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 60, 100, 0, 0, 13, 13, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F0W4F1W4F2W4F3W4F4W4F5W4F6W4F7W4F8W4F9W4F10W4F11W4F12W4", // ANIM1 "F12W1", // IDLE "", // ANIM2 "", // ANIM3 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 12, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\sky_castle.chr");*/ //CHEST image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\Chest.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 64, 72, 0, 0, 13, 13, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F0W10F1W8F2W8F3W16", // ANIM1 "F0W1", // IDLE "F3W16F4W4F5W4F6W4F7W8F8W4F3W8", // ANIM2 "F9W4F10W4F11W4F12W8F3W8", // ANIM3 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 3, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\chest.chr"); /*// SCORPION image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\GoldScorpion.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 48, 48, 0, 0, 4, 4, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F3W2F0W2F3W2F0W2F3W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W4F1W2F2W2F1W2F0W4F1W2F2W2F1W2", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\gscorpion.chr");*/ /*// PSIV SCORPION/YELLOW_SCORPION/BLUE_SCORPION image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\PS4_Blue_Scorpion.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 78, 102, 0, 0, 9, 9, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F8W2F0W2F8W2F0W2F8W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W6F1W6F2W12F1W6", // IDLE "F3W4F4W4F5W4F6W4F7W12F6W4F5W4F4W4F3W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\ps4_blue_scorpion.chr");*/ /*// SWORM/GIANTFLY image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\sworm.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 48, 48, 0, 0, 4, 4, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F3W2F0W2F3W2F0W2F3W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W2F1W2F0W2F2W2F0W2F1W2F0W2F2W2", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "F0W2F1W2F0W2F2W2F0W2F1W2F0W2F2W2F0W32", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\sworm.chr");*/ /*// BEACH image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\Beaches.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 320, 240, 0, 0, 3, 12, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W16F1W8F2W8F3W8F4W16F5W8F6W8F7W16F8W8F9W8F10W16F11W16F10W16F9W8F8W8F7W16F6W8F5W8F4W16F3W8F2W8F1W16", // IDLE "", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\beaches.chr");*/ /*// LAVA image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\Lava.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 320, 240, 0, 0, 3, 12, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W16F1W16F2W16F3W16F4W16F5W16", // IDLE "", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\lava.chr"); */ // GAS /*image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\Gas.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 320, 240, 0, 0, 5, 15, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W8F1W8F2W8F3W8F4W8F5W8F6W8F7W8F0W8F8W8F9W8F10W8F11W8F12W8F13W8F14W8", // IDLE "", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\gas.chr");*/ /*// SEA image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\Sea.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 320, 240, 0, 0, 3, 9, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W8F1W8F2W8F3W8F4W8F5W8F6W8F7W8F8W8", // IDLE "", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\Sea.chr");*/ /*// TARANTUL/ANT_LION/GIANT_SPIDER image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\Giant_spider.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 64, 72, 0, 0, 10, 10, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F9W2F0W2F9W2F0W2F9W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W8F1W8F2W8F3W8F4W8F5W8F6W8F7W8F8W16", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\giantspider.chr");*/ /*// ROBOTCOP/ANDROCOP/NANOCOP image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\nano_guard.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 42, 80, 0, 0, 9, 9, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F8W2F0W2F8W2F0W2F8W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE //"F0W4F1W4F2W4F3W4F4W4F5W4F6W4F7W8F2W4F1W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "F0W3F1W3F2W3F3W3F4W3F5W3F6W3F7W6F2W3F1W3", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) NANOCOP "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\nanocop.chr"); */ /*//ODIN image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\Odin.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 40, 88, 0, 0, 7, 7, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F0W16F1W16F2W16F3W16F4W16F5W16F6W16", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // STONED ODIN "F6W1", // NORMAL ODIN "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 6, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\odin_stone.chr");*/ /*// BARBARIAN/MOTA_SHOOTER image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\mota_shooter.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 40, 64, 0, 0, 7, 7, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F6W2F0W2F6W2F0W2F6W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W3F1W3F2W6F3W4F4W6F5W3F2W3", // ANIM2 (ATTACK) SHOOTER //"F0W4F1W4F2W8F3W4F4W8F5W4F2W4F0W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK) BARBRIAN "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\mota_shooter.chr");*/ /*image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\Sword.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 40, 82, 0, 0, 4, 4, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F0W1", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W4F1W4F2W4F3W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\sword.chr");*/ /*// MANEATER/DEADTREE/POISONPLANT image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\Poison_plant.png"), false); //image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\Dead_Tree.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 48, 48, 0, 0, 7, 7, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F6W2F0W2F6W2F0W2F6W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W4F1W4F2W4F3W4F4W4F5W4F4W4F3W4F2W4F1W4F0W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\poisonplant.chr");*/ /*//YOZ SKELETON GUARD image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\Yoz_Skeleton.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 94, 108, 0, 0, 7, 7, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F6W2F0W2F6W2F0W2F6W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W8F1W8F2W8F3W8F4W16F5W4F0W6", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\skeleton_guard.chr"); //YOZ REVENANT image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\Yoz_Revenant.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 52, 94, 0, 0, 6, 6, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F5W2F0W2F5W2F0W2F5W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W8F1W8F2W8F3W8F4W16F0W8", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\revenant.chr"); */ /*//CYCLOP image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\Yoz_Cyclop.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 64, 120, 0, 0, 5, 5, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F4W2F0W2F4W2F0W2F4W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W6F1W6F2W6F3W12F0W6", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\cyclop.chr");*/ /*// TITAN/GOLEM/GIANT image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\Titan.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 60, 112, 0, 0, 5, 5, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F4W2F0W2F4W2F0W2F4W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W6F1W6F2W6F3W12F0W6", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\titan.chr");*/ /*// CRAWLER/SANDWORM/LEECH image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\crawler.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 38, 82, 0, 0, 6, 6, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F5W2F0W2F5W2F0W2F5W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W6F1W6F2W6F3W6F4W12F3W6F2W6F1W6F0W6", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = 0; c.hh = 35; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\crawler.chr"); */ /*// SKELETON/SKULL-EN/STALKER image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\skullen.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 48, 96, 0, 0, 7, 7, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F6W2F0W2F6W2F0W2F6W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W8F1W8F2W8F3W8F4W16F5W8F0W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\skullen.chr");*/ /*// FISHMAN/MARSHMAN image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\fishman.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 56, 64, 0, 0, 5, 5, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F4W2F0W2F4W2F0W2F4W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W8F1W8F2W8F3W16F2W8F1W8F0W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\fishman.chr"); */ /*// WINGEYE/OWLBEAR/GOLDLENS image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\goldlens.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 56, 64, 0, 0, 5, 5, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F4W2F0W2F4W2F0W2F4W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W6F1W6F2W6F3W6F1W6F0W6F1W6F2W6F3W6F1W6F0W6", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\goldlens.chr");*/ /*// WEREBAT/VAMPIRE image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\werebat_green.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 64, 112, 0, 0, 8, 8, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F7W2F0W2F7W2F0W2F7W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W8F1W8F2W8F3W4F4W4F5W4F6W4F4W4F5W4F6W4F3W4F2W8F0W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\werebat_green.chr");*/ /*// EVILDEAD/WIGHT/LICH image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\lich.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 48, 92, 0, 0, 6, 6, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F5W2F0W2F5W2F0W2F5W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W8F1W8F2W8F3W8F4W8F1W8F2W8F3W8F4W8F0W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\lich.chr");*/ /*// SLIMES image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\redslime.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 48, 56, 0, 0, 8, 8, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F7W2F0W2F7W2F0W2F7W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W8F1W8F2W8F3W8F4W16F5W8F6W8F4W8F6W8F5W8F3W8F2W8F0W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\redslime.chr");*/ /*// SERPENT/NESSIE/WYVERN image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\serpent.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 64, 104, 0, 0, 9, 9, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F8W2F0W2F8W2F0W2F8W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W4F1W4F2W4F3W4F4W4F5W4F6W4F5W4F6W4F7W4F2W4F1W2F0W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\serpent.chr");*/ /*// ZOMBIE/GHOUL/BATTALION image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\batalion.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 34, 88, 0, 0, 8, 8, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F7W2F0W2F7W2F0W2F7W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W4F1W8F0W8F1W8F2W8F3W8F4W8F5W8F6W12F5W8F4W8F3W8F2W8F0W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\batalion.chr");*/ /*//LANDROVER image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\Landrover.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 32, 32, 0, 0, 12, 12, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F0W5F1W5F2W8F1W5F0W5", "F3W5F4W5F5W8F4W5F3W5", "F6W5F7W5F8W8F7W5F6W5", "F9W5F10W5F11W8F10W5F9W5", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 3, 0, 6, 9}; // Up down left right c.hx = 4; c.hy = 4; c.hw = 24; c.hh = 24; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\Landrover.chr");*/ /*// AMUNDSEN/FROSTMAN/GAIA image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\gaia.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 64, 112, 0, 0, 9, 9, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F8W2F0W2F8W2F0W2F8W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W8F1W8F2W16F1W8F0W8F3W16F4W8F5W8F6W8F7W16F0W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\gaia.chr");*/ /*// BIGCLUB/EXECUTER image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\gold_club.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 40, 104, 0, 0, 8, 8, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F7W2F0W2F7W2F0W2F7W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W8F1W8F2W8F3W8F4W8F5W8F6W16F5W8F0W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "F0W8F1W8F2W8F3W8F4W8F5W8F6W16F5W8F0W4", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\gold_club.chr");*/ /*// DRAGONS image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\white_dragon.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 102, 136, 0, 0, 8, 8, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F7W2F0W2F7W2F0W2F7W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W4F1W4F2W4F3W4F4W4F5W4F6W8", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\white_dragon.chr");*/ /*// CENTAUR/HORSEMAN image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\horseman.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 50, 104, 0, 0, 7, 7, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F6W2F0W2F6W2F0W2F6W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W8F1W8F2W16F3W8F0W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "F0W8F4W8F5W32F4W8F0W4", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\horseman.chr");*/ /*// DEZORIAN/EVILHEAD/DEZO_PRIEST image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\dezorian_alt.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 24, 88, 0, 0, 6, 6, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F5W2F0W2F5W2F0W2F5W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W8F1W8F2W8F3W8F4W16F3W8F2W8F0W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\dezo_alt.chr");*/ /*// DR_MAD/SHADOW image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\shadow.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 48, 80, 0, 0, 9, 9, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F8W2F0W2F8W2F0W2F8W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W4F1W4F2W8F3W8F4W6F5W4F6W4F7W12F1W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\shadow.chr");*/ /*// EFARMER/NFARMER image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\nfarmer.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 40, 64, 0, 0, 5, 5, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F4W2F0W2F4W2F0W2F4W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W4F1W6F2W8F3W8F0W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\nfarmer.chr");*/ // ELEPHANT/MAMMOTH/OLIPHANT /*image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\mammoth.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 80, 96, 0, 0, 7, 7, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F6W2F0W2F6W2F0W2F6W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W8F1W8F2W8F3W8F4W8F5W16", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "F0W4F1W4F2W4F3W36F2W8F1W8", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\mammoth.chr"); */ /*// OCTOPUS/TENTACLE image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\octopus.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 64, 80, 0, 0, 5, 5, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F4W2F0W2F4W2F0W2F4W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W6F1W6F2W6F3W12F2W6F1W6F0W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\octopus.chr"); */ /*// SACCUBUS image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\saccubus.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 28, 45, 0, 0, 6, 6, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F5W2F0W2F5W2F0W2F5W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W4F1W4F2W8F3W8F4W8F3W8F4W8", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\saccubus.chr");*/ /*// MEDUSA image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\medusa.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 64, 108, 0, 0, 8, 8, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F7W2F0W2F7W2F0W2F7W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W4F1W4F2W4F3W4F4W4F5W4F0W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\medusa.chr");*/ /*// GOLDEN DRAGON image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\golden_dragon.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 208, 104, 0, 0, 10, 10, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F9W2F0W2F9W2F0W2F9W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W4F1W4F2W4F3W4F4W4F5W4F6W4F7W4F8W4F7W4F8W4F6W4F5W4F3W4F2W4F1W4F0W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\golden_dragon.chr");*/ /*// PLAYER FIRE / FIRE_GI image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\fire_gi.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 60, 112, 0, 0, 9, 9, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F0W1", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W8F1W4F2W4F3W4F4W4F5W4F6W4F7W4F8W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\pl_gifire.chr");*/ /*// PLAYER WIND image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\wind.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 64, 112, 0, 0, 9, 9, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F0W1", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W8F1W4F2W4F3W4F4W4F5W4F6W4F7W4F8W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\pl_wind.chr");*/ /*// PLAYER THUNDER image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\thunder.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 64, 112, 0, 0, 10, 10, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F0W1", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W8F1W4F2W4F3W4F4W4F5W4F6W4F7W4F8W4F9W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\pl_thunder.chr");*/ /*// ENEMY FIRE image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\enemy_fire.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 40, 84, 0, 0, 9, 9, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F0W1", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W16F1W4F2W4F3W4F4W4F5W4F6W4F7W4F8W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\enemy_fire.chr");*/ /*// ENEMY THUNDER image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\enemy_thunder.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 40, 84, 0, 0, 9, 9, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F0W1", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W16F1W4F2W4F3W4F4W4F5W4F6W4F7W4F8W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\enemy_thunder.chr"); */ /*// SORCERER/MAGICIAN/WIZARD image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\magician.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 52, 88, 0, 0, 5, 5, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F4W2F0W2F4W2F0W2F4W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W4F1W12F2W12F1W12F0W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "F0W4F3W50F0W4", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\magician.chr");*/ /*// REAPER/MARAUDER/DEATH_KNIGHT image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\death_knight.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 64, 104, 0, 0, 6, 6, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F5W2F0W2F5W2F0W2F5W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W12F1W12F2W6F3W6F4W6", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "F0W52", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\death_knight.chr");*/ /*// SPHINX/MANTICORE/SNOWLION image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\snow_lion.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 56, 88, 0, 0, 7, 7, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F6W2F0W2F6W2F0W2F6W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W6F1W6F2W12F3W6F4W6F5W12F4W6F3W6F0W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "F1W4F2W4F3W4F4W4F5W32F4W6F3W6F0W4", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\snow_lion.chr");*/ /*// TARZIMAL image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\tarzimal.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 48, 60, 0, 0, 5, 5, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F4W2F0W2F4W2F0W2F4W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W8F1W8F2W8F3W8F2W8F3W16F2W8F1W8F0W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "F1W4F2W4F3W4F2W4F3W36F2W8F1W8F0W4", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\tarzimal.chr");*/ /*// SHELFISH/AMMONITE image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\ammonite.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 40, 120, 0, 0, 9, 9, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F8W2F0W2F8W2F0W2F8W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W4F1W6F2W6F3W6F4W6F5W6F6W6F7W12F1W6", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\ammonite.chr");*/ /*// DARKFALZ image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\darkfalz.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 220, 173, 0, 0, 14, 14, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F13W2F0W2F13W2F0W2F13W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W4F1W6F2W6F3W4F4W4F5W4F6W4F4W4F5W4F6W4F4W4F5W4F6W4F7W4F8W4F9W4F10W4F11W4F12W6F1W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\darkfalz.chr");*/ // LASSIC /*image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\lassic.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 182, 168, 0, 0, 14, 14, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F13W2F0W2F13W2F0W2F13W2F0W2", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W6F1W4F2W4F3W4F4W4F5W4F6W4F7W4F8W4F9W4F10W4F11W4F12W4", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\lassic.chr");*/ /*// SPACESHIP1/SPACESHIP2 image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\spaceship2.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 32, 32, 0, 0, 1, 1, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F0W1", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W1", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "F0W1", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\spaceship2.chr");*/ /*// SPACESHIP1/SPACESHIP2 image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\planet_palma.png"), false); c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 148, 64, 0, 0, 2, 2, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F0W1", // ANIM1 (DAMAGED) "F0W1", // IDLE "F0W1", // ANIM2 (ATTACK1) "F0W1", // ATTACK2 "", "", "","", ""}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 0, 1, 1, 1}; c.hx = c.hy = c.hw = c.hh = 0; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\palma.chr"); */ } public static void extractCharFromIrregularImage() throws MalformedURLException { //CHR c = createCHRFromImage(0, 28, 16, 32, 14, 14, 12, 12, true, image); int totalframes = 12; int sizex = 16, sizey = 32; VImage image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\PS\\new2\\ParmanianNPCs.png"), false); int[] startx = new int[]{ 0, 30, 63, // down 340, 381, 422, // left 218, 259, 303, // up 97, 135, 174, // right }; int[] starty = new int[]{60, 106, 153, 196, 248, 299, 350, 402, 456, 504, 547, 594, 649, 693, 739, 792, 849, 910, 969, 1033, 1093, 1146, 1205, 1251, 1303, 1348, 1397, 1448, 1497, 1543 }; for(int entityn=0; entityn <= 29; entityn++) { VImage[] images = new VImage[totalframes]; for(int frames=0; frames<totalframes; frames++) { images[frames] = new VImage(sizex, sizey); images[frames].grabRegion(startx[frames], starty[entityn]-sizey, startx[frames]+sizex, starty[entityn], 0, 0, image); } CHR c = createCHRFromImage(sizex, sizey, images); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F1W30F0W10F2W30F0W10", "F7W30F6W10F8W30F6W10", "F4W30F3W10F5W30F3W10", "F10W30F9W10F11W30F9W10", "F4W30F3W10F5W30F3W10", "F10W30F9W10F11W30F9W10","F4W30F3W10F5W30F3W10", "F10W30F9W10F11W30F9W10"}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 6, 0, 3, 9}; c.hx = 0; c.hy = 16; c.hw = 16; c.hh = 16; //if(entityn>28) c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\ent" + entityn + ".chr"); } } public static void processCharFromImage() throws MalformedURLException { /* //for(int count=190; count<211; count++) { VImage image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\Dezorians.png"), false); //CHR c = createCHRFromImage(360, 216, 40, 72, 9, 9, false, image); for(int i=0;i<=10;i++) { CHR c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0+(i*33), 16, 32, 0, 0, 12, 12, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F1W30F0W10F2W30F0W10", "F7W30F6W10F8W30F6W10", "F4W30F3W10F5W30F3W10", "F10W30F9W10F11W30F9W10", "F4W30F3W10F5W30F3W10", "F10W30F9W10F11W30F9W10","F4W30F3W10F5W30F3W10", "F10W30F9W10F11W30F9W10"}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 6, 0, 3, 9}; c.hx = 0; c.hy = 16; c.hw = 16; c.hh = 16; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\Dezo" + i + ".chr"); } */ // MOTAVIANS VImage image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\Motavians.png"), false); for(int i=0;i<=8;i++) { CHR c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0+(i*33), 16, 32, 0, 0, 12, 12, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F1W30F0W10F2W30F0W10", "F7W30F6W10F8W30F6W10", "F4W30F3W10F5W30F3W10", "F10W30F9W10F11W30F9W10", "F4W30F3W10F5W30F3W10", "F10W30F9W10F11W30F9W10","F4W30F3W10F5W30F3W10", "F10W30F9W10F11W30F9W10"}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 6, 0, 3, 9}; c.hx = 0; c.hy = 16; c.hw = 16; c.hh = 16; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\Mota" + i + ".chr"); } /* MYAU VImage image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Myau.png"), false); CHR c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 16, 32, 4, 16+1, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F0W16F1W16F2W16F3W16", "F8W16F9W16F10W16F11W16", "F4W16F5W32F6W16", "F12W16F13W32F14W16", "F4W16F5W32F6W16", "F12W16F13W32F14W16","F4W16F5W32F6W16", "F12W16F13W32F14W16"}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 11, 3, 7, 15}; c.hx = 0; c.hy = 16; c.hw = 16; c.hh = 16; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\myau.chr"); */ /*// TARZIMAL VImage image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Verge\\PS\\ps1_extra_stuff\\Chr_tarzimal.png"), false); CHR c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 16, 32, 0, 0, 3, 12, true, image); c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F1W30F0W10F2W30F0W10", "F7W30F6W10F8W30F6W10", "F4W30F3W10F5W30F3W10", "F10W30F9W10F11W30F9W10", "F4W30F3W10F5W30F3W10", "F10W30F9W10F11W30F9W10","F4W30F3W10F5W30F3W10", "F10W30F9W10F11W30F9W10"}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 6, 0, 3, 9}; c.hx = 0; c.hy = 16; c.hw = 16; c.hh = 16; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\tarzimal.chr"); */ //} } public static void processMultipleCharsFromImageGenerations() throws MalformedURLException { //for(int count=190; count<211; count++) { VImage image = new VImage(new URL("file:///C:\\Rbp\\Rpg\\PS\\Generation\\mapdat\\psg1_sprite_mapdat_006" + ".png")); //CHR c = createCHRFromImage(360, 216, 40, 72, 9, 9, false, image); CHR c = createCHRFromImage(0, 0, 40, 72, 0, 0, 3, 9, false, image); BufferedImage[] newBuffer = new BufferedImage[12]; for(int i=0;i<9;i++) { newBuffer[i] = c.frames[i]; } newBuffer[9] = VImage.flipImage(40, 72, c.frames[3]); newBuffer[10] = VImage.flipImage(40, 72, c.frames[4]); newBuffer[11] = VImage.flipImage(40, 72, c.frames[5]); c.frames = newBuffer; c.totalframes = 12; c.setAnimBufs(new String[]{"", "F0W30F1W10F2W30F1W10", "F6W30F7W10F8W30F7W10", "F3W30F4W10F5W30F4W10", "F9W30F10W10F11W30F10W10", "F3W30F4W10F5W30F4W10", "F9W30F10W10F11W30F10W10", "F3W30F4W10F5W30F4W10", "F9W30F10W10F11W30F10W10"}); c.idle = new int[]{0, 7, 1, 4, 10}; c.hx = 8; c.hy = 48; c.hw = 24; c.hh = 24; c.saveChrVersion5("C:\\JavaRef3\\EclipseWorkspace\\PS\\src\\ps\\chars\\entity.chr"); //} } }