package audio.gme; /* Simple front-end for VGMPlayer To build gme.jar: javac -source 1.4 *.java jar cf gme.jar *.class */ import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import; import java.util.*; class PlayerList extends VGMPlayer { public Label titleLabel; public Label trackLabel; int playlistIndex; final ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); PlayerList( int rate ) { super( rate ); } private void updateTrack() { trackLabel.setText( (playlistIndex + 1) + "/" + list.size() ); } public void prev() throws Exception { if ( getCurrentTime() < 4 && isPlaying() && playlistIndex > 0 ) playlistIndex--; playIndex( playlistIndex ); } public void next() throws Exception { if ( playlistIndex < list.size() - 1 ) { playlistIndex++; playIndex( playlistIndex ); } } private static final class Entry { URL url; String path; int track; String title; int time; } private void playIndex( int i ) throws Exception { playlistIndex = i; updateTrack(); Entry e = (Entry) list.get( i ); titleLabel.setText( e.title ); loadFile( e.url, e.path ); startTrack( e.track - 1, e.time ); } public void add( URL url, String path, int track, String title, int time, boolean playNow ) throws Exception { if ( title.length() == 0 ) { title = path; if ( title.length() == 0 ) title = url.getFile(); title = title.substring( title.lastIndexOf( '/' ) + 1 ); } Entry e = new Entry(); e.url = url; e.path = path; e.track = track; e.title = title; e.time = time; list.add( e ); if ( playNow ) playIndex( list.size() - 1 ); else updateTrack(); } } final class PlayerWithUpdate extends PlayerList { Label time; public PlayerWithUpdate( int sampleRate ) { super( sampleRate ); } char [] str = new char [5]; int last = -1; protected void idle() { try { super.idle(); /* if ( !isPlaying() ) { next(); last = -1; } */ int secs = getCurrentTime(); if ( last != secs ) { last = secs; str [4] = (char) ('0' + secs % 10); str [3] = (char) ('0' + secs / 10 % 6); str [2] = (char) (':'); str [1] = (char) ('0' + secs / 60 % 10); str [0] = (char) ((secs >= 600 ? '0' + secs / 600 : ' ')); time.setText( new String( str ) ); } } catch ( Exception ex ) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }; public final class gme extends Applet implements ActionListener { // Plays file at given URL (HTTP only). If it's an archive (.zip) // then path specifies the file within the archive. Track ranges // from 1 to number of tracks in file. public void playFile( URL url, String path, int track, String title, int time ) { try { player.add( url, path, track, title, time, !playlistEnabled.getState() || !player.isPlaying() ); } catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void playFile( URL url, String path, int track, String title ) { playFile( url, path, track, title, 150 ); } public void playFile( URL url, String path, int track ) { playFile( url, path, track, "" ); } // Stops currently playing file, if any public void stopFile() { try { player.stop(); } catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // Applet PlayerWithUpdate player; boolean backgroundPlayback; Checkbox playlistEnabled; private Button newBut( String name ) { Button b = new Button( name ); b.setActionCommand( name ); b.addActionListener( this ); add( b ); return b; } void createGUI() { add( player.time = new Label( " " ) ); add( player.trackLabel = new Label( " " ) ); newBut( "Prev" ); newBut( "Next" ); newBut( "Stop" ); add( player.titleLabel = new Label( " " ) ); playlistEnabled = new Checkbox( "Playlist" ); add( playlistEnabled ); } // Returns integer parameter passed to applet, or defaultValue if missing int getIntParameter( String name, int defaultValue ) { String p = getParameter( name ); return (p != null ? Integer.parseInt( p ) : defaultValue); } // Returns string parameter passed to applet, or defaultValue if missing String getStringParameter( String name, String defaultValue ) { String p = getParameter( name ); return (p != null ? p : defaultValue); } // [Rafael, the Esper] public void playSimple(URL musicUrl, double volume) { try { // Setup player and sample rate player = new PlayerWithUpdate( 44100 ); player.setVolume(volume); // 1.0 max backgroundPlayback = true; createGUI(); playFile(musicUrl, "", 1); } catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // [Rafael, the Esper] public void setVolume(double volume) { if(player != null) { player.setVolume(volume); // 1.0 max } } // Called when applet is first loaded public void init() { try { // Setup player and sample rate int sampleRate = getIntParameter( "SAMPLERATE", 44100 ); player = new PlayerWithUpdate( sampleRate ); player.setVolume( 1.0 ); backgroundPlayback = getIntParameter( "BACKGROUND", 0 ) != 0; if ( getIntParameter( "NOGUI", 0 ) == 0 ) createGUI(); // Optionally start playing file immediately URL url = new URL(getParameter( "PLAYURL" )); if ( url != null ) playFile( url, getStringParameter( "PLAYPATH", "" ), getIntParameter( "PLAYTRACK", 1 ) ); } catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } static int rand( int range ) { return (int) (java.lang.Math.random() * range + 0.5); } // Called when button is clicked public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { try { String cmd = e.getActionCommand(); if ( cmd == "Stop" ) { if ( player.isPlaying() ) player.pause(); else; return; } if ( cmd == "Prev" ) { player.prev(); return; } if ( cmd == "Next" ) {; return; } } catch ( Exception ex ) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } // Called when applet's page isn't active public void stop() { if ( !backgroundPlayback ) stopFile(); } public void destroy() { try { stopFile(); } catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }